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A person who is famous for his good deeds. Class hour on the topic “man is famous for his good deeds”

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It doesn't come cheap Happiness comes from difficult roads... What good have you done? How have you helped people? (L. Tatyanicheva)?

A man is famous for his deeds

Lesson plan: 1. What is good. Who is called good? 2. Good means good. Feelings and deeds. 3. The main rule of a kind person. 4. Parable of the Prodigal Son. Homework: Paragraph No. 11 – read and retell. Questions and assignments on page 91. Assignment No. 3 (section “In the classroom and at home”) - prepare a message.

1. “They do not seek good from good.” 2. “Whoever does good will be rewarded by God.” 3. “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.” 4. “You will spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief.” 5. “Wishing for a lot means not seeing good.” 6. “If you go for bad, you won’t find good.” 7. “In whom there is no good, there is little truth.” 8. “To offend the poor is not to wish well for yourself.” 9. “A good name is more valuable than wealth.” ? What are these proverbs about? (Explain their meaning.)

What is good? Good is something positive, good, useful, opposite to evil; everything good, positive, everything that brings happiness, prosperity, benefit. (Dictionary) ? Name the words - associations for the word “good”.

“good afternoon” “good journey” “everyone knows the kindness of this man” “be kind” “good health to you” “good piece of pie” “good weather” “good fellow”? What manifestations of good are we talking about in these expressions? -greeting -parting words -character trait -appeal -wish -size of something -state of nature -characteristics of a person

Read a fragment of Oscar Wilde's fairy tale “The Happy Prince” (pp. 86-87, textbook) and answer the questions: Why did the Prince cry, because he was called happy? Why did the Prince decide to help people? What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince? Why did the Swallow feel warm, despite the fact that winter was approaching? What good feelings can you name?

Fill out the table Good feelings Good deeds love, sympathy, compassion, gratitude, cordiality, goodwill, sympathy

What kind of person do we call good? ? Read the text of the textbook on pp. 87-88 about academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov and answer the questions: Can A. D. Sakharov be called a kind person? Why was he called the Conscience of the People?

Read “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” from the Gospel of Luke (page 91, textbook).

Look at the painting by Rembrandt van Rijn (page 90) and answer the questions: What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does the father experience? What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does his son experience?

What rules should a good person follow? Morality is the socially accepted ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas. Golden Rule of Morality: Treat others the way you want people to treat you.

Where does kindness begin? Write down in your notebooks “Three rules of caring for loved ones”

Internet resources http://fotoshops.org/uploads/taginator/Dec-2012/kalendar-fon-dlya-prezentacij.jpg - checkered notebook sheet Girl and boy at the top of the slide - taken from a vector clipart, how to get it, you can find out here “Small children in the vector” http://ec.l.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/canstock16404819.jpg - girl for the hyperlink http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/yayayoy/yayayoy1207/yayayoy120700014 /14596006-%D0%A1%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D0 %B8%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1% 8C%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%B2-%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0% BE%D0%B9-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8.jpg – boy for hyperlink

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

“Man is famous for his good deeds” social studies lesson 6th grade

Development of a social studies lesson in the 6th grade based on the textbook by L.N. Bogolyubov “Man is Glorious for Good Deeds” with presentation and applications...

Man is famous for his good deeds

Plan - summary of a lesson on social studies in the 6th grade. 1. Purpose of the lesson: Educational - to create conditions for the formation of ideas that good and evil belong to the most general concepts of moral consciousness...

Man is famous for his good deeds. Social science. 6th grade

Basic textbook: Bogoloyubova L.N. Social science. Grade 6 (Enlightenment, 2008) Purpose of the lesson (brief description): to bring students to an understanding of what it means to be kind...

A) Mark the qualities that you possess.

    Compassion and empathy

2) In the cartoon “Little Imp No. 13” there was a motto: “Love yourself, sneeze on everyone, and success awaits you in life.” Write and justify your opinion about this motto.

    I think that's just a terrible motto! Of course, everyone should love themselves, but we must never forget about those who are next to us, because who will need you with success achieved in this way?

3) The “golden rule” of morality arose in ancient times in different countries: China, Palestine. Write why, in your opinion, people in different parts of the world came to the same idea?

    People have come to the same idea in different places because human nature is the same everywhere! Everywhere people face the same situations.

4) Good deeds, just like the rays of the sun, make people happy and warm their souls. Draw “rays” along which write what good you can do for others. Try to have more “rays”.

5) Write the name of films, books in which good triumphs over evil.

    “The Chronicles of Narnia”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter” - films and books.

    "Black Corsair" - a series of books and cartoons.

6) Do you think goodness should “come with fists”? Is it justifiable to resort to violence to accomplish good deeds? Justify your answer.

    No, good should never come with fists. When good takes violence into its arsenal, it ceases to be good. After all, is there compassion in violence? You can use your fists ONLY when you are defending your life or the lives of other people. But you can’t just “be with your fists.”

7) Look at the reproduction of Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son” (p. 90 of the textbook). Answer the questions.

How does this picture make you feel?

    Compassion, pity

A) Who is the hero of this picture?

Father and Prodigal Son

b) What emotions do the characters in this picture experience?

    Son - remorse.

    The father shows compassion, he forgives his son, he is happy with him, because his son has returned.

8) Read a poem by the wonderful poet Anna Lvovna Borto. Her poems, of course, are well known to you from the first days of her life (“They dropped the bear on the floor...”)

Explain whether it is necessary to demand gratitude for a good deed. Argue (justify, prove) your point of view.

    No, you should never be reminded of the good you have done, otherwise it is no longer good. If we remind people of goodness, it means we did it with selfish intent, which already devalues ​​what we have done.

9) Read the statement of the Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius: “He who does not follow the movements of his own soul will inevitably be unhappy.” How do you understand this statement?

    Every person should monitor their feelings and emotions and not give in to the negative ones. Otherwise, he will be a slave to his feelings and emotions and will not be happy.




Methodological development

social studies lesson

in 6th grade on the topic:

social studies teacher at MKOU Gorbatovskaya Secondary School

work experience: 27 years

educational and methodological set L.N. Bogolyubova


for a social studies lesson on the topic"Man is famous for his good deeds"

The basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is a system-activity approach, which involves a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society. Lesson development is aimed at implementing these requirements. The lesson was developed for the educational textbook, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, L.F. Ivanova, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The lesson is accompanied by a presentation. The lesson material allows students to appreciate the importance of goodness in human life and to realize the importance of the golden rule of morality. The lesson is aimed at developing the ability to analyze educational and additional literature, draw conclusions, cultivate a desire to show care for your loved ones, and the ability to communicate. During the lesson, various forms and methods of work are used to enhance the cognitive activity of students.

Gaming technology and ICT used in the classroom make it possible to develop competencies such asthe ability to independently organize one’s educational activities, set goals, plan, determine the optimal ratio of goals and means, the ability to evaluate its results, determine the causes of difficulties encountered and ways to eliminate them.

Teacher position:to the class not with an answer (ready-made knowledge, abilities, skills), but with a question (teaches students to pose and address questions). Therefore, a condition for conducting this lesson is the teacher’s knowledge of dialogue technology.

During the lesson, comprehension of the educational material is achieved by all students. The topic and purpose of the lesson are indicated, educational, developmental and educational tasks are indicated. The lesson was carried out at a high pace. By combining various forms of work: collective, individual, work in pairs, students develop the ability to work in a group and present the results of their activities, highlight the main thing and establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions and generalizations.



TYPE OF LESSON : Lesson in discovering new knowledge


    Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others. Social science. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks ed. L.N. Bogolyubova. Grades 5-9: M., “Enlightenment”, 2011.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social science. 5th grade. Textbook for educational institutions: M., “Enlightenment”, 2013.

    L.N. Bogolyubov and others. Social science. Working programm. 5th grade: M., “Enlightenment”, 2011.

    Bogolyubov L.N. and others. Social science. Lesson-based developments. 5th grade: M., “Enlightenment”, 2012.

    L. F. Ivanova, Ya. V. Khoteenkova. Social studies workbook. 5th grade: M., “Enlightenment”, 2012.

LESSON TOPIC : « Man is famous for his good deeds."

Lesson epigraph: Life is given for good deeds.


Creating conditions for the formation of students’ ideas that good and evil relate to the most general concepts of moral consciousness.

At an age-appropriate level, lead students to understand what it means to be a kind person and that kindness begins with caring for loved ones.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: lead to an understanding of the meaning of goodness in the life of every person, the importance of the golden rule of morality in human life; continue to develop the ability to analyze additional literature, draw conclusions, work according to the text of the textbook, cultivate the desire to show care for their loved ones, and the ability to communicate.



    Know the basic concepts on the topic, the essence of the golden rule of morality.

    Be able to express judgments about what it means to be a kind person, evaluate people’s actions from a moral point of view, express and argue your point of view.

Personal: students gain experience working in groups and skills of self-analysis of their activities.

Metasubject: the ability to organize educational cooperation with a teacher and peers, work individually and in a group, and promote the development of cognitive interests.

UUD: Personal UUD:

Show interest not only in personal success, but also in solving problematic tasks as a whole group; express a positive attitude, development of their life position in relation to the world, people, themselves, their future.
to the process of cognition; adequately understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities

Communicative UUD :

Correctly express your thoughts in speech, respect the cooperation of your partner and yourself in communication, the ability to hear and listen to your partner, control your partner’s actions, provide the necessary assistance in cooperation, the ability to accurately express your thoughts

Regulatory UUD: ability to work in a group,

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of necessary information, its structuring, orientation in the variety of ways to solve cognitive problems; choose the most effective ways to solve them, the ability to find the main thing in the source, analyze and draw conclusions




    interactive board

    Presentation for the lesson

    symbolic heart with arrows

    toy scales




  • games, pair work, ICT resources.


Teaching methods: visual, partially exploratory, practical.

Forms of training:individual, frontal, group.

FORMS OF STUDENT WORK: Conversation, work with illustrated material, individual work, participation in educational dialogue, work in pairs, work in groups.

TEACHER'S TECHNIQUES : explanation, story, heuristic conversation, organization of independent work with the textbook.


It doesn’t come cheap Happiness comes from difficult roads... What good have you done? How have you helped people? (L. Tatyanicheva)

BASIC CONCEPTS : goodness, kindness, morality, the golden rule of morality.


1. What is good? Who is called good?

2. Good means good.

3. The main rule of a kind person

LESSON PROBLEM QUESTION: Why do people value goodness?



Target: ensure readiness for the lesson.

Expected Result : Readiness students for the lesson.

Pedagogical techniques : Greetings. Creating a positive emotional mood. The teacher checks the children's readiness for the lesson

UUD: Personal, aimed at moral and ethical orientation.Communicative.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Greeting: Good afternoon, guys! I hope that you came to me in a good mood and that we will succeed in everything we have planned!

Close your eyes for a minute, smile, open your eyes, look: our class has become lighter. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face.

Greeting the teacher and each other

(development of internal readiness to fulfill the regulatory requirements of educational activitiesrespectful and friendly attitude towards another person)


Target: Inclusion in educational activities.

Expected Result: Setting educational tasks based on the correlation of the known and the unknown on the topic. Quickly integrate students into the business rhythm.

frontal work

UUD: Cognitive , general educational – formulate answers to the teacher’s questions, search for the necessary information from practical experience.Communication - listen to the opinions of other students.

Well, in order to find out what we will talk about today in class, we need to restore the proverbs from which the words were lost:

Life is given for...deeds.

The world is not without...people.

The true... is always simple.

a word to a man is like rain in a drought.

What are we going to talk about today? (About goodness ) Video demonstration: Leo Tolstoy’s fable “The Squirrel and the Wolf”:

A dialogue is organized with students on the following questions:

What is this fairy tale about? What kind people have you met? Who is called good? What is good? (Everything good, useful, that helps you live )

Choose synonyms and cognates for these concepts.

- (good nature, kindness, goodness, humanity)

What phrases do these words belong to?

(kind person, good deeds, good deeds, kind face, kind soul, good thoughts, kind heart)

Which of the above do you consider the most important?

How can we know that this person is kind, that he has a good heart? (by deeds, actions)

We will try to answer the question of what deeds and feelings are called good in our lesson, the theme of which is “Man is famous for his good deeds.”

The topic of our lesson: “ Man is famous for his good deeds."Working with the parable of the emperor who loved birds

The Parable of the Emperor Who Loved Birds

Once upon a time there lived an emperor who loved birds.

He learned that the boys were shooting pigeons with slingshots and announced:

Whoever brings a live bird to the palace will receive a handful of rice.

Hearing about this, the boys stopped shooting pigeons. They set many snares in the forest, and soon the palace rooms were filled with pigeons.

It happened that a sage visited the emperor. He saw pigeons in the palace and asked:

Why are there so many birds?

The Emperor replied:

I have a good heart and I save pigeons from boys. They don't hit anymore pigeons and bring them to me alive

Who feeds the chicks? - asked the sage.

What chicks? - asked the emperor.

The birds that now live in the rooms of the palace are left with helpless chicks in the forest. Who feeds them?

“I didn’t think about it,” the emperor admitted.

Then the sage said:

You have a kind heart, you love birds, but no one has brought them as much harm as you have. All the nests in your forests are now filled with dead chicks. You saved 500 pigeons, but killed five times as many.

“Oh, how difficult it is to be kind!” exclaimed the distressed emperor.

To this the sage remarked:

And good must be done wisely. A mind without goodness is bad. But goodness without mind is no better.

Questions: What do you think is the meaning of this parable? Is the Emperor kind? And what about his actions?

Leads students to determine the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Problematic question:

Is it easy to be kind and what is needed for this? ? What do we need to know and what can we do to answer this question?

What questions will we be looking for answers to today? What do we need to know and what can we do to answer this question?

Lesson Plan

1.What is good. Who is called good?

2.Why do people value goodness?

3. The golden rule of morality.

4.What is necessary to be kind?

Put words into proverbs.

Watching a cartoon

They answer questions, express their own opinions and assumptions.


They comprehend what they have heard, conduct a dialogue with the teacher and classmates, determine the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson, and formulate the problem of the lesson.

Determine the method and means of constructing new knowledge.

Draw up a work plan.


Target: Awareness of the problem, arousing sustainable interest in the topic of the lesson, developing communication skills

Expected Result : the ability to analyze, independently obtain knowledge, develop the ability to draw general conclusions, students’ readiness for active educational and cognitive activities based on basic knowledge

Forms of organizing interaction in the lesson: group work, individual work, frontal work

UUD: Cognitive UUD (highlighting the problem).

Communicative UUD (need for communication, ability to find a common solution,express their own opinions; listen to each other, construct understandable speech statements)

Guys, where can I get the concept of these words?


Working on the concept of “good”

What associations does this concept evoke for you? Write down words - associations to the word “good” or draw how you imagine it.

What is good for you?

!!! Write down your definition of GOOD in your notebook.

Working on the concept of EVIL

What is evil? !!! Write down words associated with the word “evil” or draw how you imagine it.

Write down the definition of EVIL.

Well done, good.

Why do people value goodness?

Organizes a reading of Oscar Wilde's fairy tale “The Happy Prince” by roles and a discussion on questions about the fairy tale, p. 86-87 textbook.

And now, using a specific example, we will try to find out what a good deed is, how goodness manifests itself in life. We will get acquainted with the English fairy tale “The Happy Prince” written by Oscar Wilde and read it role-by-role (author, Prince and Swallow ).

After reading, students answer the questions:

1st group: Was the prince truly happy? Why did he cry? Why did the Prince decide to help people? Group 2: What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince? Conclusion about goodness.

“The prince cried because the truth was finally revealed to him. Previously, during his lifetime, he enjoyed the usual palace entertainments and was quite happy, but the happiness turned out to be illusory. He knew nothing about the true life of his kingdom, the sorrow and poverty of the people. The picture that opened up to him from above, when he had already become a statue, shocked him, pierced his heart: compassion was born in him, and with it a sincere desire to help people. Maybe now he has become truly happy.

The Swallow also experienced a feeling of compassion. She was filled with pity when she saw that the Prince was crying, and, understanding the reason for his suffering, began to sincerely help him, although, of course, she risked her life, because she could freeze. Having done a good deed, she felt warm.”

1. What good feelings can you name? ( love, sympathy, compassion, gratitude, sympathy, etc.).

2. What is good? ( good is when you do something useful, you help others, good is a concrete deed, and besides, it’s nice to do good, it warms the soul)

So, what is the main idea - the swallow’s confession and the Prince’s answer - “It’s because you did a good deed.”

Conclusion: This is good (students continue the phrase) when you do something useful, you help others.

Means, good is help, pity, etc.

As we see in the example of a fairy tale, kindness is accompanied by such feelings as love, care, empathy, compassion, gratitude, (selflessness), help, pity, (forgiveness).

Answer the question and write down the concept in a notebook. GOOD - everything that helps a person and society to live, develop, prosper, is something good, useful, the opposite of evil, a good deed

The rear ones are performed independently.

EVIL- everything that prevents a person and society from developing, prospering, something bad, harmful, the opposite of good

Read the text by role and answer questions.

Students work in groups and formulate an answer to the problem.


Target: Forming a responsible attitude towards your health

Expected Result: increasing activity in lessons; improving learning outcomes; development of creativity in students.

Pedagogical techniques : game exercises

UUD : Communicative UUD

Personal UUD

The song of the cat Leopold “If you are kind...” sounds with footage from the cartoon “Cat's BirthdayLeopold" I invite everyone to stand in a circle and hold hands. Do you feel how the warmth passes from one palm to another? Let's raise our hands up and imagine that we are building a pyramid of Good. Look how tall the pyramid turned out. I believe that you have many glorious deeds ahead of you, and our pyramid of goodness will grow.

Students perform pause exercises


There are many different rules in the world. There are rules of the Russian language, there are traffic rules, there are rules for playing football, etc. What do you know about morality?Morality- these are the rules of good behavior. There are also many moral rules, and all of them are very important for us. But among them there is the most important thing, which is called the golden rule of morality. Listen to the parable.Parable.

It was boring for the Flower to stand in the middle of the flowerbed on one leg near the house. But one fine day a completely unfamiliar Butterfly sat on the Flower. She must have flown from a distant country, because Flower had never seen such beautiful wings before. The Butterfly also admired the beauty of the Flower, and while she was resting, the Flower began to complain to the Butterfly how sad and lonely he often was. The butterfly was kind and compassionate and therefore decided not to fly further, but to settle closer so that it could fly to the Flower every day and tell interesting stories about the places where it had been. Now the Butterfly flew to the Flower every morning with news, and he, opening his petals, joyfully greeted his friend. But one day, when the Butterfly was not around, a boy approached the Flower and wanted to pick it. The flower shook with fear and asked not to pick it, but instead offered the boy to catch his beautiful friend. The boy agreed and went home to get a net. When he returned, he hid and waited. Soon a Butterfly appeared in the sky. She was in a hurry somewhere and flew past, but the Flower, opening its petals wide, exclaimed: Butterfly, fly to me quickly, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, I need to tell you something. The butterfly happily flew up to the Flower and suddenly found itself in a net. She wanted to break free, but she couldn't. She beat her wings, looked for cracks, but it was useless. Suddenly she managed to escape from captivity. She flew up and saw from above that the boy’s net had broken the Flower and was lying among the grass. The boy left, and the Butterfly sat for a long time next to her broken friend and, crying bitterly, said: “Oh, it’s my fault, it’s because of me that you were broken, forgive me, Flower.” (URL:http://www.rusedu.ru/detail_20267.html)

Now let's discuss the parable. – How would you characterize Flower’s action? (So, the flower acted cruelly, knowingly dooming its friend to death...) - What qualities did you see in the Butterfly? (Kindness and endless love for her friend, who wished her death in the name of saving his life) - What is the moral in this fairy tale? (Don’t wish for anyone what you don’t wish for yourself; treat others the way you want people to treat you). – These phrases are called the golden rules of morality. Let's write it down. - What do the golden rules teach us?The Golden Rule requires us to treat another person kindly. This is the most precious, the most valuable of all relationships that develop between people.- Why are the main rules of morality called golden?The golden rule always applies. Because at all times a person feels pleasant, warm, and comfortable when he meets a kind attitude towards himself. Both are happy - the one who was treated kindly, and the one who acted kindly, that is, morally. This is probably why the main rule of morality is called the golden rule.

One wise man said that there are 3 types of good: useful, pleasant, true. Explain what you personally consider useful, pleasant, and true good.(useful - planted a tree; pleasant - made a gift; true - helped a person in trouble) Is it easy to be a kind person? Why? What does that require?(you need to overcome yourself....)

The Golden Rule requires us to treat another person well; requires good treatment of all people. After all, we need to find out what a good person should be, what we should become. There is a sign saying "Good man".- Let’s imagine what he is like, in your opinion, what he should be like?

- Externally? (kind face, open look).Internally? (loves people, all living things: plants, animals, flowers, bugs, spiders).

What are the traits of a kind person? (conscientiousness, good will, compassion, good deeds, ready to help in difficult times, polite, attentive, does good deeds not for the sake of reward).

Working with the rubric “Once upon a time there lived a man” , page 87in a textbook about Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (the portrait is hung on the board or displayed on the screen).Questions for the message: - Can academician A.D. Sakharov be called a kind person? - Why do you think so?

Working with the “Picture Gallery” section page 91.

Discussion of Rembrandt's painting of the Vans of the Rhine(1606-1669) "Return of the Prodigal Son" The plot is taken from the New Testament. The Gospel of Luke (chapter 15, verse 11) contains the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” (the teacher briefly tells the parable).Teacher: - The man kneeling in front of the old man is the prodigal son, the word “prodigal” here means “lost, lost on the path.” Look at the reproduction of the painting on page 90 and try to answer the questions: - What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does the father experience? (The father feels sorry for his son, his heart is full of compassion, he is ready to forget his act and forgive).- What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does his son experience? Of course, the son experiences the joy of meeting him. But at the same time he is tormented by remorse and shame. He repents, he regrets what he did, asks to forgive him, is ready to improve, make amends, etc.

We can conclude: all these are good feelings, and they open the way to good deeds. The biblical parable says that, having met his son, the father exclaimed: “...My son was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found...” - “He was lost and is found” - this is understandable. But what does “he was dead and came to life” mean? - The father did not mean the physical death of his son. We are talking about the spiritual, moral death of a son who was mired in a riotous life and squandered the fortune acquired by his father. In the end, he realized that he had behaved vilely, repented, and asked for forgiveness. And his soul came to life.

Answer the question

Listen, comprehend, answer the teacher’s questions.

Answer questions

Give an oral description of a kind person.

Read the text in the textbook and answer the questions.

Students work together with the teacher. They look at the picture, analyze it, answer questions.

Draw a conclusion together with the teacher.


Target: consolidate in students the knowledge and skills that are necessary for independent work on new material. Developing the ability to operate with previously acquired knowledge.

Expected Result: ability to overcome difficulties, work independently, applying new knowledge

Pedagogical techniques : creative work

Forms of organizing interaction in the lesson: a game


Personal Cognitive: independently search for the necessary information.

Now we will play a game:a game"Kind angry".

Here's the sun. Guys, look, it’s somehow sad, and the rays aren’t shining. Apparently some evil wizard deliberately decided to confuse us! He bewitched the sun. We need to do something good to break the spell.Music sounds, a Fairy enters with a magic wand and a chest.
Fairy: Guys, hello. I am the Good Fairy. I heard what you were talking about here. Listen to my words and remember:

It’s not at all easy to be kind,
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
If kindness is like the sun shining,
Adults and children rejoice.

I will help you so that the sun can shine. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Are all fairy tale heroes good? In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. Now we are going to play a game. Various fairy-tale characters hid in my magic chest(Pinocchio, Gray wolf, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, crocodile Gena, gray wolf, Leopold the Cat, Mice, Shapoklyak)

I will give you cards, you look carefully and remember the fairy tale and its hero. If the hero is kind, then the card must be placed in a yellow hoop, like the sun; if the hero is evil, then we put the card in a red hoop - the color of danger.

Each of you has a little sun. This is the sun - kindness (this is your action in the drawing, it was homework). You, your loved ones and friends really need kindness. After all, love and help warm like the sun.

- What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? M Maybe scales will help us with this? On one pan of the scales we will put “evil” (leaflets with the inscriptions: Envy, Greed, Rudeness, Betrayal, War, Lies, Laziness)

What needs to be done to defeat evil? It is necessary that the scales with “good” tip the scales. And this depends on each of us. Let's put on the second cup a drop of the good deeds that each of you has done in your life.

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. Good deeds and deeds. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It’s good when a person leaves a good mark behind him.

Every good deed of yours is a particle of goodness invested in the vast world of kindness. It makes you feel warmer, brighter and more joyful.

Creative task « Humanize a person" Teacher explains the meaning of the task, creates a creative atmosphere.
The class of students is divided into two groups and given a set: an outline of a person made of thick paper, glue, scissors, colored paper, markers.

Each group must not only name and dress the little man, but also endow him with certain human qualities, and then prepare a presentation of their little man.

Well done! Let's be kind always and everywhere!

Identify good and evil fairy tale heroes.

Children come up to the scales, talk about their good deed and put their “drop” (bead) on the bowl. Soon the cup of “good” outweighs the cup of “evil.”

Students are divided into groups, V perform
assignments, prepare a presentation, present their “humanized” little man.


Target : lesson summary

Expected Result: students’ understanding of the importance in people’s lives of such qualities as kindness and humanity.

Pedagogical techniques: compiling a syncwine (an interactive form of training)

It is more pleasant for us to be in the company of kind people, but for this we must be kind ourselves.Can we now answer the most important question of the lesson? If I want to become kinder, I need to learn – to what? - help where needed, understand others, help friends in trouble, don’t quarrel, smile at those with whom you communicate, sympathize, etc. After all, kindness works wonders - it makes a person beautiful, strong.

Now let’s summarize the lesson by creating a syncwine.

On first write one word on a line -noun . This is the theme of syncwine.(Who were we talking about today?)

On second let's write two linesadjectives (participles) , revealing the theme of syncwine. (What kind of person?)

On third let's write three on the lineverb , describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.(Good man, .... What is he doing?)

On fourth the whole line is placedphrase , a sentence consisting of several words, a proverb or a phrase composed by the student himself in context with the topic.Zolotoe Ave. Sea. ( " ". )

Fifth line is summary word , the student’s personal attitude to the topic.(Kindness)

Sample answer:

1 person

2. Kind, sympathetic

3. Helps, protects, sympathizes

4. " Don't wish for anyone what you don't wish for yourself.»

Summarize the lesson.

Make up syncwine.


Target: Understanding the knowledge gained, formulating difficulties that arose in the lesson and ways to solve them, self-analysis of the successes and failures of students in the lesson

Expected Result:The ability to self-assess learning activities, the ability to express themselves creatively.

Pedagogical techniques: game uniform

- Our lesson is coming to an end.I have a symbolic “Heart” in my hands. It contains arrows of grievances from bad deeds and words. Let's take them out and see that the wounds heal, but the scars remain for life.I would like to heal such hearts with kind words and deeds. Let's give the kindest words to each other. Let your kindness settle in other hearts. (The song “Road of Goodness” plays

They send a “heart” and say kind words and wishes.


Target: Goal: repetition of the material covered, development of creative abilities in students

UUD: Regulatory assessment (self-assessment),communicative

Personal aimed at moral and ethical orientation

§10 read,

tasks to choose from:

- Find writers’ stories about people’s good deeds and prepare a short retelling.

- make a rule “How to be kind” - start working on a project “My good deeds"

Specifies homework

Write down homework

LESSON RESULTS : I believe the lesson achieved its objectives. The main thing was that it was interesting for everyone: both the children and me. We were one, and the lesson passed in one breath. Everyone was involved in the learning process and tried to help their friend.

During such lessons using ICT, audio recordings, and watching cartoons, the depth of understanding of educational material, cognitive activity and creative independence of students increases, the nature of the relationship not only between children, but also between the teacher and the class changes.

Description of the methodology for using ICT during the lesson.

A social studies lesson on the topic “Man is famous for his good deeds” was developed using information and communication technologies, which were used to enhance the information content of the impressions students received during the lesson and to systematize existing knowledge.

In this lesson, information technology is used at all stages.

The visual basis of the entire lesson is a presentation created inPowerPoint. Presentation slides replace traditional whiteboard writing and displays of diagrams and pictures. The presentation prepared for this lesson reflects the course of the lesson and the basic concepts of the topic.

This lesson contributes to the implementation of a new standard focused on the development of the child’s personality, since the lesson forms PUD (personal, communicative, regulatory, cognitive), which contribute to the child’s self-development through the conscious and active appropriation of social experience. The spiritual and moral development and education of students is the primary educational task of the modern educational system, and represents an important component of the social order for education. The concepts contained in the Federal State Educational Standards will help to implement these tasks. Modern education cannot be imagined without the use of information technology. Students develop skills in working with information during their studies. The ICT used in my lessons allows me to make the lesson modern, that is, visual, colorful, informative and time-efficient. In addition, this technology brings the lesson closer to the worldview of the child, who listens and watches more. It allows the use of differentiated and student-oriented approaches to learning in the classroom, and allows students to intensify their cognitive activity and the learning process. Information technologies psychologically facilitate the process of assimilation of material by students, arouse keen interest in the subject of knowledge, and increase the level of use of visualization in the lesson. ICT increases the productivity of teachers and students in the classroom.

In this lesson, ICT was used for the following purposes. Firstly, to enhance the semantic load of information circulating during business communication between the teacher and students. The most important and complex questions of the lesson were included in the presentation so that students could perceive them not only aurally, but also visually.

Secondly, to teach skills to work with information, and develop the ability to think critically and draw conclusions.

In addition to increasing motivation, visibility and creating an emotional mood, the use of computers in the classroom can increase the efficiency of the teacher and students.This makes the material offered to children in the lesson colorful, interesting and exciting.

The use of ICT in social studies lessons contributes to the development of students' information competence, increasing cognitive activity and learning motivation.

The topic of the lesson is presented on slides that briefly outline the key points of the issue being discussed, which allows students to concentrate on them during the lesson. The teacher's explanation is accompanied by a video sequence, which is presented with drawings, photographs, and the necessary diagrams.

The advantage of presenting information as a presentation over information as a speech is that, if necessary, during the learning process, you can return to that part of the information that the student did not understand. Or, on the contrary, by commenting on the material on the slides, the teacher can dwell on certain points in more detail. All this increases interest in learning and contributes to better assimilation of new educational material.
The presentation allows you to illustrate the story, make the lesson more organized, visual, interesting, and mobile.

The presentation not only orients students to the main stages of the lesson and makes the lesson more visual and informative, but also helps in completing tasks during the lesson.


social studies in 6th grade “Man is famous for his good deeds”

1. 6th grade students have basic knowledge of the social studies course, are interested in events in public life, and have the skills to work independently. The children are accustomed to creative work in the classroom and love interactive forms of teaching. There is a positive emotional mood in the lessons.

2. Characteristics of the lesson from the perspective of its place in the course.

Lesson "Man is famous for his good deeds “is an integral part of the course “moral foundations of life”, therefore, in this lesson the tasks of both this lesson and the entire course as a whole had to be solved, including such as: at an accessible age level, bring students to an understanding of what it means to be kind. Educational: -to form in students an idea of ​​good deeds, good deeds, and the “golden rule of morality.” Developmental: -to develop schoolchildren’s communication abilities, logical thinking, the ability to work with various sources of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and defend their point of view. Educational: - to cultivate a sense of kindness, the ability to sympathize with others, to show with specific examples the kindness of relationships between people

3. When setting the goals of the lesson, the following factors were taken into account: the age of the students (11-12 years): the psychological characteristics of adolescents, namely, the most important new formation - the emergence of a sense of adulthood, the “I”; (students defend their position in class using the opinions of their colleagues); a fairly high level of schoolchildren’s training (including a partially search level of independent activity).

Based on the leading characteristics of the age of adolescents in the course of studying new material, the formation of cognitive skills of schoolchildren (the ability to answer questions, express their thoughts, the ability to transfer existing knowledge to a qualitatively new, unfamiliar situation) was carried out using problem-based learning methods, namely; problem presentation and partial search method (heuristic conversation), an element of the method of critical thinking was used at the stage of reflection.

4. Visual aids used in the lesson. 1. Textbook “Social Studies” 6th grade Bogolyubov. The textbook was used in the lesson when studying new material 2. Presentation “Man is famous for his good deeds.” 3. Handouts.

5. Based on the place of the lesson in the general system of social studies lessons, as well as the goals and functions of the lesson, I chose the type of lesson - learning new knowledge. Based on the requirements for a modern social studies lesson, the structure of the lesson was planned as follows:

    Organizing time

    The stage of preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material

    Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

    Stage of control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action

    The stage of informing students about homework and instructing them on how to complete it. 6. Reflection and evaluation stage. Summing up the lesson

Based on the above-mentioned specifics of the content of the lesson material, when studying new material, verbal, visual and practical teaching methods were used with elements of critical thinking technology. Throughout the lesson, students worked with the concept of “good.” Applying it in various aspects, I tried to direct the course of thinking and reasoning, using the technology of complete assimilation, since when one concept dominates in the content of the educational material, this was the most appropriate. At the stage of consolidating the lesson, an element of critical thinking technology was used - syncwine. I consider the lesson successful and when planning future lessons I will use the knowledge and skills the students achieved in this lesson. I think that I managed to solve the set objectives of the lesson at the required level and obtain learning results that corresponded to them, avoid overloading and overworking students; maintain and develop productive motivation for learning, mood, and well-being.

Educational hour on the topic: “Man is glorified by good deeds!”

Goal: to form in students an understanding of the importance of a good attitude towards people around them, to develop ideas about good and evil, to cultivate the desire to do good deeds, and to develop self-esteem.

To develop respect for universal moral values;
- teach you to think about your place in life and your actions;
- to develop skills of self-organization in individual work and participation in collective activities;
- develop the ability to empathize with other people, better understand their feelings and motives of behavior.

Equipment: Halves of proverbs, sun with rays, scales.

Board design:

“Hurry to do good deeds!”

“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more good he notices”


"Kindness. This is the quality that I desire to acquire more than all others."

L. Tolstoy

“Kindness is the eternal highest goal of our life”

L. Tolstoy

“Kindness, readiness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, courage, fearlessness of the soul”

V. Sukhomlinsky

Educator: Hello, guys! Today our conversation will be about kindness and good deeds. They say that if a person has kindness, it means he has succeeded as a person. Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

Statements about goodness are read from the board...

If a person has sensitivity, kindness, politeness, understanding and mercy, he has become a human being.

The theme of our educational hour: “Man is glorified by good deeds.” And today I invite you to talk about kindness, goodness and good deeds. Human kindness, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

1st student: If a person loves only himself, he has neither friends nor comrades, and when difficult moments come, he is left alone.

Student 2: Love for neighbors and society is determined, first of all, by the attitude towards parents, friends, animals, and one’s native land. Of course, we are not quite adults yet and do not always have the opportunity to help everyone, but we must strive for this.

The teacher reads the verse:

Doesn't come cheap

Happiness on difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How have you helped people?

This measure will measure

All earthly labors...

Maybe he grew a tree

Are you on your own land?

Maybe you're building a rocket?

Hydro station? House?

Warming the planet

By your peaceful labor?

Or under the snow powder

Are you saving someone's life?

Doing good things for people -

Make yourself look better.

Educator: Tell me how you understood the meaning of this poem?

Children's answers...

Educator: If a person loves only himself, he has neither comrades nor friends, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone. He experiences a feeling of despair and suffers. Now concepts such as kindness, mercy, goodwill, and attention to each other are being revived. Humanity is determined by the attitude towards children, towards the older generation, towards our least defenseless brothers, towards our native nature, and the desire to help people in misfortune.

What is kindness? How do you understand this word? Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

What is kindness needed for? Look, on the board there is not just a sun - it is the Sun of kindness, which warms us all with its rays. Each ray represents what kindness is made of:

mercy (willingness to help someone or forgive someone) benevolence (benevolent attitude towards people)

responsiveness (readiness to respond to someone else's needs)

tolerance (the ability, without hostility, to be patient with other people’s opinions, views, behavior)

care (activity aimed at the well-being of someone)

empathy (sympathy for another)

mutual assistance (helping each other)

Educator: How do you understand the meaning of these words? (Definitions are written on the back of the rays)

Educator: There are many proverbs and sayings about goodness. Let's play the game “Collect a proverb”: parts of proverbs are glued in disarray on the board; you need to find the endings.

Life is given for good deeds

A good word heals, but an evil word cripples

Good will not die, but evil will disappear

Remember the good and forget the evil

Speak boldly about a good deed

Well done! You know the proverbs well!

Educator: Now listen to the parable.

The rumor about the wisdom of one of the philosophers spread far beyond the borders of his hometown, and people from distant places began to come to him for advice. Then one envied his fame. He caught a butterfly, placed it between his closed palms and went to the philosopher.
“I’ll ask him what kind of butterfly I have in my hands,” he decided, “live or dead?” If he says that he is dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. If he says - alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter... And everyone really understood.
- Which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? - asked the envious man, having reached the philosopher.
“Everything is in your hands,” the philosopher answered him. .

How did you understand the meaning of the parable?
- What kind of person does goodness make?
-Who is called good?
- Can you say: “He is a kind person because he treats people well”? And if he tortures animals, is he kind? Is it possible to be kind to people and evil to animals? No. A kind person is someone who treats everything and everyone equally well.

Educator: A polite person is always attentive to the people who surround him. He tries not to cause trouble or offend others. Does not behave rudely with parents, strangers, or friends. What kind of person is inside always depends only on him, his heart.

Do you always treat your friends, comrades, and loved ones well?

What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe scales can help us with this?

Scales of “good” and “evil”.

On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (dark chips meaning “envy”, “betrayal”, “greed”, “rudeness”, “lie”).

To defeat “evil”, we must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, what people around you are doing, and put them on the scale with “good.” (Children talk about their good deed and put a bright chip on the scale)

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark. Friendship, love, respect, politeness, kindness, understanding help a person to do good deeds.

Educator: Our teaching hour is coming to an end. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, kind, hardworking. After all, man is renowned for his good deeds.