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What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter? Difference between regular and registered mail

Despite the advent of e-mail and all kinds of programs that allow free communication, postal services continue to be used. Official correspondence, correspondence between consumers and utility services, sending documents to court - all this is carried out strictly by mail. In addition to simple letters, which can only be sent by dropping them in the mailbox, the post office may offer to send a valuable or registered letter. What is the difference between these two postal items?

What is a registered letter?

If the sender wants to know whether his letter has reached the recipient or not, he sends a registered letter, for sending which he a receipt is presented. Attached to it is a notice that the sender fills out and on which the recipient must sign, as well as indicate the date when the letter arrived at his address. The notice indicates the address to which it should be returned. If it is returned to the sender with the addressee's signature, he can be sure that the letter has arrived.

This type of mail is often used during official correspondence, when you urgently need to send documents and you need to be absolutely sure that they will reach the final addressee, since the post office guarantees the delivery of such a letter. Enterprises also send registered letters when responding to requests and complaints from citizens in order to attach a receipt of the letter and a notification to the received response as proof of receipt of the correspondence by the addressee. If the registered letter is not received, it, together with the notification, is returned to the sender with the appropriate note.

What is a valuable letter?

A valuable letter is sent in cases where the documents or contents of the letter have certain value and if it is lost, the sender may suffer material damage. An inventory must be included in the letter, which indicates a list of documents and their cost, which the sender has the right to demand in the event of loss of correspondence. A valuable letter may also be accompanied by a notification of its receipt by the addressee.

What do registered letters and valuable letters have in common?

These types of postal items exist in order to secure shipment correspondence. Valuable and registered letters are usually accompanied by a receipt. For sending postal correspondence, the sender additionally pays for postal services, in confirmation of which he receives a receipt, which indicates a unique code by which the location of the postal correspondence can be tracked. You cannot send money either by valuable or registered mail; for this there are money transfers by mail.

What is the difference between registered and valuable letters?

Postal items have many differences, which the sender must carefully study before choosing exactly how he will send correspondence.


Sending a registered letter costs less than a valuable one, and the reason lies in the fact that the latter is accompanied by an inventory of the attachment, which indicates the cost of the correspondence being sent. In case of loss of a letter or its theft, the post office is financially liable to the sender and compensates for the material damage caused. Important documents are usually sent by valuable letter, such as a work record book or claim materials, which have a certain value for the sender, so their loss can cause him material damage.

Item type

By registered mail you can send a letter, an “M” bag, a secogram, a postcard or a parcel; a valuable letter has a narrower range of correspondence that can be sent - a container, a parcel, a letter or a parcel.

Availability of inventory and notice

Sending a valuable letter implies the mandatory completion of an attachment inventory, which indicates the entire list of documents being sent with an exact indication of their name, number of pages and cost. There is a special approved form to fill out. The correctness of filling out the inventory must be checked by postal employees; they check whether all the specified documents are available, since the postal service is responsible for the safety of the sent letter.

If everything is filled out correctly, then the postman puts a stamp on the attachment inventory and puts one copy of the inventory in the envelope and gives the other to the sender. The notification does not have to be attached to a valuable letter; the sender fills it out only if he wants to find out when the correspondence was received by the addressee. An inventory is not attached to a registered letter, but a receipt may be attached.

Delivery type

The postman delivers a registered letter to the addressee at the address specified by the sender. The notification must include the date of receipt and signature of the recipient. Once completed, the notification is sent to the sender as evidence that the letter was received by the addressee. If the recipient was not found at the specified address, the post office returns a registered letter marked “after the expiration of the storage period” or “the addressee has left.”

You can receive a valuable letter at the post office using your passport or by power of attorney. The recipient receives a notification to the address specified in the letter that a valuable letter has arrived at the post office and needs to be picked up. Unfortunately, this is a disadvantage of sending a valuable letter, since unscrupulous recipients may ignore the fact that the letter was sent to their address and never receive it, since it is returned to the sender after the end of its storage period at the post office.


It is necessary to buy an envelope suitable for this type of shipment. The post office will tell you which one to choose. You will need to purchase the appropriate stamps for it.

Then the letter will be weighed and a barcode and stamps will be affixed. When all the necessary procedures have been completed, you will be given a detailed receipt, which will indicate all payments. These include the sender's address, the recipient's address, the weight of the letter, the type of item (for example, 1st, air), date of acceptance of the letter, barcode number, total payment amount, who accepted the letter from you, employee signature. Be sure to check that the receipt is complete.

The receipt must be paid. After this, you will receive a 14-digit code with which you can track the movement of the letter. You can view its location on the official website of the Russian Post.


If you send a simple letter, the post office does not bear any responsibility for the speed of delivery and the receipt itself. The maximum weight of a registered letter must not exceed 100 g.

Helpful advice

Always indicate the recipient's zip code correctly. Missing or incorrect spelling often results in lost or delayed receipt of letters.


  • sending a notification letter

As a rule, registered letters are used to send important documents - various certificates, receipts, notices. Their delivery to the recipient is often extremely important for the sender. The registered item will definitely reach its addressee if it is sent correctly. This is not at all difficult to do, but you need to follow a certain sequence of actions.


So, you have a situation in which you need to send a registered . First of all, come to the Russian Post office. This can be either a department or residence, or any other. You must have a passport with you to verify your identity to postal workers.

Tell the postal staff the reason for your appearance. After this, you will be given an envelope that matches the attachments you are going to send. Present these investments to the operator, he will place them in an envelope before your eyes and seal it securely.

Fill out the registration form, in which you need to indicate how the letters will be sent - with or without notification. On the sealed envelope, write the recipient in legible letters, do not forget to indicate the postcode - without it, delivery will take much longer.

Your letter will be given a unique identification number, which can be used to track its movement throughout the country - this number will be noted at each post office through which the letter passes.

After completing all of the above steps, you can finally send a registered letter to the addressee, while being quite confident that he will receive it soon.


  • sending registered letters

Most Internet users regularly exchange letters via email. It is very comfortable. Letter comes in electronic form. Delivered almost instantly. You can send a letter from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Sometimes it is very important to know whether the addressee received the letter, or whether it needs to be duplicated several times. Many mail services provide the service to send a letter with notification. This is when the recipient confirms receipt of the letter. And you receive an email notification that the recipient has received the letter. You will learn how to do this in this article.


Next, just above the “to” field there is an item “Show all fields”. Click on it with the left mouse button. You will see additional fields to fill out. On the same line with the “file” button you will see two more items: “important” and “with notification" Check the box “from notification" And send a letter.

The addressee, upon receiving the letter, will confirm receipt of the letter. And you will immediately see this confirmation in your email. After this, you will know for sure that your letter has been received and read. By the same principle of writing with notification can be sent via other email services.


  • how to send notifications by mail

Custom letter differs from a simple one in that it is assigned an identification number by which its movement can be tracked to the addressee. This number is recorded at each post office where the envelope arrives. If a letter is lost, you can always find out at what stage the loss occurred.


To send a registered letter, you must contact any branch of the Russian Post. There you can register this shipment in a special window.

In order for custom letter accepted, present your passport to the post office employee. His data is entered into the database, and if the envelope does not reach the addressee, it will be returned to the sender. In addition to a general passport, the following are accepted as identification: - military ID;
- international passport;
- certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a Deputy of the State Duma;
- resident card;
- passport or identity card with a Russian Federation visa stamp.

Depending on how important the documents need to be sent, choose the type of envelope. They are ordinary, thin paper, and heavy duty envelopes. Envelopes come in a variety of sizes to suit any item.

Decide whether you need an inventory of the letter's attachments. This is important when sending multiple documents. When filling out the inventory, contact the postal worker - he will tell you whether this is correct, or he will fill out the inventory himself, for an additional fee.

Be careful when writing the address. Don't forget the recipient's zip code and last name - these are the most common mistakes when sending. If your letter is being sent abroad, keep in mind that other countries may have different address formats. Carefully copy down streets and cities in a foreign language - an employee is unlikely to be able to check their correctness. Remember - letters with incorrectly written addresses are returned to the sender.

Consider whether you will need notice of delivery of the letter. This is important if you need to know the exact date and time of receipt.

Once again, check that the attachments are complete, that the address is correct, and hand the envelope and the letter itself to the postal worker. He will seal the envelope, weigh the letter and tell you the amount you must pay for postage and additional services, if any.


Please note that the rules prohibit accepting particularly valuable documents, money, or credit cards for sending. All these valuables are sent by express delivery - for example, DHL.


  • Official website of the Russian Post company

If you want to be absolutely sure that the recipient of your letter will receive it personally, and at the same time you need to know exactly when this will happen, send letter With notification about delivery (form 119 of Russian Post). Send with notification you can send all types of written correspondence – both simple and . For simple letters, you can also create an inventory of the attachment or simply declare its value.

A letter that may contain important documents or must be guaranteed to be delivered to the addressee is best issued as a registered letter. Registered letter Russian Post must register and assign it a number by which tracking is possible. Sending is carried out only through post office employees and has a number of distinctive features.

Registered mail is always delivered faster than usual, but besides this it has other fundamental differences:

  1. The sender always has the opportunity track registered mail if you have access to the Internet, unlike . However, the cost of simple letters is not the most expensive, so they can be used if your letter does not have much value.
  2. Delivery time usually ranges from one day to two weeks.
  3. The sender can send such a letter with a return receipt, thanks to which you can find out when the addressee received the letter and whether he received it at all.
  4. According to the rules of the post office, a registered letter is stored at the post office for five days from the date of delivery. Such a letter is not dropped into the addressee’s mailbox at the place of residence: the person, having received the corresponding notice, picks up the envelope himself.

This option is recommended when sending abroad: postal employees treat such letters more carefully than ordinary ones, because if necessary, the sender can track the location of the sent mail. There were precedents when, after all possible delivery periods had expired, senders sued Russian Post, and such cases were won in the vast majority of cases, so postal employees are interested in ensuring that such excesses do not occur.

This type of sending letters can also be used to send reports to the tax office, but the best solution would be to do this with the help of a list of attachments, which lists the attached documents. As a result, if there is an inventory, the tax office will no longer be able to say that you did not provide some document.

Limitation on letter volume and weight

In terms of size, all letters sent by Russian Post must correspond to a certain size and weight, the maximum values ​​of which are 229x324 mm and 100 g, respectively. There is also a lower threshold for size: the dimensions of the envelope cannot be less than 110x220 mm (in Russia) or 114x162 mm (for sending abroad).

The cost of sending depends on the weight of the letter. Despite the fact that this is not a lot of money, you need to remember: if the addressee does not receive the letter within a month, it is sent back to the sender, who will have to pay for the postage again at the same rates.

How to send a registered letter

Sending a registered letter occurs in the following order:

  • the sender chooses an envelope, which can be a regular paper envelope or a more expensive durable package;
  • the addresses of the sender and recipient are indicated on the sealed envelope;
  • fill out the registration form, in which you need to duplicate the data indicated on the envelope, and also indicate whether to deliver the letter with notification;
  • The postal employee places stamps on the envelope and puts a registered letter stamp on it, after which a unique number necessary for tracking is indicated on it.

How to track a registered letter

The identification number (track code) is used for tracking, and since it is impossible to find out where a letter sent by mail is located in any other way, a check issued by the post office with this number must be kept until the addressee receives the letter.

This number, which consists of 14 digits, is used to enter in the corresponding section on the Russian Post website, where you can find out where the letter is located using the track code. You should not check such information immediately after you have completed the shipment: the letter may remain in the post office for a day (sometimes more) until it is sent with the entire shipment.

For example, if a letter goes from St. Petersburg to Stavropol, most likely it will go through Moscow. In this case, on the first day, at best, you will be able to receive information on the website that the letter has left its “native” post office.

In some situations, this status may not change for several days. This does not mean that the letter is in one place all the time. It may already be in one of the sorting centers in Moscow, but until its employees enter this information into the database, the letter will remain “on the way to Moscow.” You can read more about this in this article.

How to fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter

If the documents in a registered letter are very important, it is better to play it safe and issue a delivery receipt. This is a special form in which data about the recipient and addressee is entered. Upon receipt of the letter, the addressee signs this attached notification, after which it makes the return journey.

The recipient is only required to sign in the appropriate field of the document, and the sender is required to take a responsible approach. The fact is that the notification has two sides: the recipient’s data is indicated on the front, and the sender’s data is indicated on the back. On the standard form, the instructions about this are made so poorly that senders often get confused and indicate information about themselves on the front side. This is not scary - after all, the letter will reach the addressee in any case. But you cannot be sure when this happened, and if it is impossible to contact the recipient in other ways, this can be critical.


When tracking a letter, you can use not only the track code. Russian Post offers an alternative option such as SMS notifications. In this case, the track number is also assigned to the letter, but is entered into the special mailing database, where it will be linked to the sender’s phone number. Information about intermediate stages of the letter's journey is not received, however, the sender will receive a message that the letter has been received, and the addressee, if his phone number is indicated by the sender, will receive an SMS indicating that the letter can already be picked up at the post office.

Registered letters, where the abbreviation DTI and the name of the city are indicated instead of the sender, are now regularly received by residents of all regions of the Russian Federation. When a notification arrives that a letter has been delivered from such a sender, citizens often ignore the need to receive it, simply not understanding what it is. You shouldn't do this!

How DTI stands for, what is hidden under this designation and why the letter needs to be received: answers to these questions will follow.

More about DTI

The decoding of DTI is simple - it is an additional technological index. This index can be used by government agencies, as well as some commercial organizations. The abbreviation is indicated when automatically sending notifications, notices, letters. This is a symbol.

For example, if in the received mail notification in the “From” line “Moscow ASC-DTI” is indicated, this means that the letter was sent through an automated sorting center in Moscow. Or, for example, if a resident of St. Petersburg receives an envelope marked GCMPP, therefore, the letter was sent through the main center for long-distance mail transportation.

If, for example, you try to find data on the Internet using the query “Ufa DTI transcript,” you will not be able to obtain comprehensive information. For each specific letter, you can identify the sender through the Russian Posts website (how to do this is described below), but you can find out about the contents of the correspondence only after opening the envelope.

What to expect from such correspondence?

When the item arrives at the post office at the recipient's address, the latter is notified that he must appear to receive it. The exact mail address is usually indicated there, as well as its operating hours. You must present your passport to receive it.

After receiving a notice marked DTI (registered letter), the question arises: what kind of government agency sent the letter? Simple decoding does not provide an answer. For example, a notification was received marked “Krasnoyarsk DTI”. What kind of letter is this? This is a registered shipment, but all we know is that it is from Krasnoyarsk.

Most often, DTI is used by federal services and law enforcement agencies:

  • FTS - federal tax service;
  • State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - State Inspectorate for Road Safety;
  • FSSP - Federal Bailiff Service;
  • PFR – pension fund.

In addition, banks, non-state pension funds and other companies can send letters using DTI.

How to check the sender of a letter with DTI?

You can check the sender's details in advance on the website www.pochta.ru. If, for example, a notice is received with the index “Podolsk DTI registered letter,” who the sender is will become clear after such a check. On the official website of the Russian Post, on the right and at the top of the main page there is a “Track” window with a search bar. You need to enter your identification number there; it is located in the notification header under the barcode. As a result, the system will issue the sender - the Tax Authority, the Arbitration Court, etc., as well as the entire “track” of the letter from the moment of sending. You can find out the contents of a registered letter only after receiving it.

What might be in a letter with DTI?

As a rule, the reason for communicating with government agencies is the commission of a certain offense. Therefore, the contents of the letter are unlikely to be favorable. Available:

  • a fine from the traffic police, when the resolution is drawn up using video recordings of committed violations - speeding, crossing a double continuous line, etc.
  • notification from the Federal Tax Service about the need to pay taxes, fines and penalties for late payment;
  • orders from bailiffs on the initiation of enforcement proceedings, on the seizure of a bank account, on the need to appear or on the execution of a demand, etc.
  • other notifications of fines for committing administrative offenses.

The letter may also contain proposals for cooperation with banks, credit cards from them, advertising or any other information.

Important! You should not ignore messages with the DTI index, even if you are sure that it was sent by mistake.

For example, a Muscovite receives a registered letter from Kemerovo (DTI), which is completely incomprehensible to him, especially if he has never been to Kemerovo. There it is quite possible to find a fine for a traffic violation (speeding), which was committed not by him, but by his namesake! Even in the case of a clear error, the decision to prosecute must be appealed in accordance with the established procedure. 10 days are allotted for this from the date of receipt: during this period you must send a reasoned objection. The address of the authority must be indicated in the letter itself.

What happens if you don’t receive a DTI letter?

Some citizens mistakenly believe that if they do not receive a registered message marked DTI containing a fine, then they do not need to pay it. You will still have to pay, only later you will have to pay not only the amount of the fine, but also the accrued penalties for late payment. The same applies to messages from the tax office about debts on transport, land or other taxes. And if you ignore the legal requirement of the bailiff, then you may subsequently be subject to arrest - forced transfer to give an explanation or a fine for failure to comply with the requirement.

Therefore, correspondence sent through additional technology indices is worth receiving. If you have information on hand, it is easier to dispute it, no matter what city we are talking about: from Mytishchi to Yekaterinburg, from Ufa to Sharapovo, from Nizhny Novgorod to Krasnoyarsk, from Volgograd to Kemerovo, from Podolsk to St. Petersburg and Moscow.

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From time to time, residents of cities and villages find in their mailboxes notifications for receiving registered messages, where the return addressee is the abbreviation DTI, Moscow ASC-DTI, Moscow GCMPP. What is it? There is no need to be scared or panic, it’s easier to figure everything out. DTI is an additional technological index that the government service uses to send notices and official letters, but in reality it does not exist and does not have an address. Moscow ASC-DTI is an automated correspondence sorting center. Moscow GCMP is the main center for long-distance mail transportation.

What is DTI registered letter? An additional technology index is assigned to federal organizations, which they use to send letters or packages to their customers. Such indexes do not have a legal address, telephone number and employees who would issue postal items; they are virtual. This system was designed to relieve the bulk of correspondence going through regular post offices. In Moscow alone, 809 virtual additional technology indices were created.

Registered letter DTI - what is it?

If you receive a notification to a letter with a postscript DTI, this means that some government service of the Russian Federation is transmitting information in this way. When receiving a registered letter at the post office, no one will be able to recognize the sender by the envelope. Only after opening it can you discover who wants to communicate with the addressee.

To receive such a letter, the addressee must go to the local post office, taking with him an identity document. Before making a visit there, you can act in this way: conduct a preliminary check of information about DTI on the Russianpost.ru website by entering the additional index indicated on the envelope.

A letter with the abbreviation DTI - how to decipher and determine the sender

A message with a DTI marker should not be ignored. If it is from the tax office, then you will have to make a mandatory contribution, and penalties will be charged for late payments. In the case where the postal item concerns a fine for violating traffic rules, timely receipt of notification will allow you to take advantage of a 50% discount if the offense committed falls under the relevant rule.

  • about the state of pension savings;
  • about the need to pay tax;
  • on the accrual of a fine for violating traffic rules (the State Traffic Inspectorate attaches to the notice the data recorded by the video recorder);
  • activation code for access to the government services website;
  • on the obligation to comply with a court decision or other order;
  • offers from insurance companies;
  • a message from the bank about changes in the terms of the loan agreement, a warning about loan debt, an offer to issue a credit card, etc.

What is Mytishchi-DTI in a registered letter, what does Moscow ASC 140814, 140819, 140823 mean?

Vehicle owners may find in an envelope with the DTI index a fine issued for violating road rules. In this case, the envelope will contain all the information related to the offense, including photographs from the video recorder that recorded the offense, the date and place of its commission.

In some cases, having received a notification to receive a letter, the sender of which is Mytishchi DTI with a sender index, for example, 145104, many wonder from whom such a letter came, what is in the envelope and whether it is worth receiving it. Incomprehensible designations raise a lot of questions, and the unknown is a cause of anxiety. Therefore, a large number of people are interested in registered mail from Mytishchi DTI, what is it?

Notice - Mytishchi DTI, registered letter

Government agencies use mailing via ASC, because... They are required by law to send their correspondence by registered mail. The fact is that to receive it you will need to provide a passport, that is, a stranger will not receive them. In addition, the postal employee will record this in his database.

Attention! An important nuance is that it is impossible to respond to such a letter until you receive it, because... the additional code indicated on the postal receipt is not tied to a specific address. The letter will be returned with the wording “the recipient is not specified correctly.” You only need to respond to a specific sender.

A registered letter arrived with the DTI index - what does this mean and who is the sender?

The decoding of DTI is simple - it is an additional technological index. This index can be used by government agencies, as well as some commercial organizations. The abbreviation is indicated when automatically sending notifications, notices, letters. This is a symbol.

For example, a Muscovite receives a registered letter from Kemerovo (DTI), which is completely incomprehensible to him, especially if he has never been to Kemerovo. There it is quite possible to find a fine for a traffic violation (speeding), which was committed not by him, but by his namesake! Even in the case of a clear error, the decision to prosecute must be appealed in accordance with the established procedure. 10 days are allotted for this from the date of receipt: during this period you must send a reasoned objection. The address of the authority must be indicated in the letter itself.

Registered letter DTI

A rather important point in all this is to recognize the periodic errors of federal services. It is quite likely that a Moscow resident receives a letter marked “Krasnoyarsk DTI” with a property tax calculation, which the recipient has never had in this city. Or when a minor citizen suddenly receives a fine from the traffic police.

Many citizens are fully confident that this abbreviation stands for “Road Transport Inspectorate” and expect a fine from the traffic police in advance. And some begin to be indignant in advance. They say that not only do they not have a car, but they didn’t even have time to pass their driving license, but here it is! They worry and disturb the population and in vain!