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What determines the job responsibilities of military personnel. Lesson summary: general, official and special duties of military personnel

of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, general military regulations and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Protecting the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of the state, repelling an armed attack, as well as performing tasks in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation constitute the essence of military duty, which obliges a serviceman:

to be faithful to the Military Oath (obligation), selflessly serve the people of the Russian Federation, courageously and skillfully defend the Russian Federation;

strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations, unquestioningly carry out the orders of commanders (superiors);

improve military skills, maintain weapons and military equipment in constant readiness for use, and take care of military property;

be disciplined, vigilant, keep state secrets;

cherish the military honor and military glory of the Armed Forces, one’s military unit, the honor of one’s military rank and military comradeship, and with dignity bear the high title of defender of the people of the Russian Federation;

comply with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

17. A serviceman must be honest, brave, show reasonable initiative when performing military duty, protect commanders (superiors) in battle, and protect the Battle Banner of the military unit.

18. A serviceman is obliged to show patriotism, contribute to the strengthening of peace and friendship between peoples, and the prevention of national and religious conflicts.

19. A serviceman is obliged to respect the honor and dignity of other servicemen, rescue them from danger, help them in word and deed, restrain them from unworthy actions, avoid rudeness and bullying towards themselves and other servicemen, assist commanders (superiors) and elders in maintaining order and disciplines. He must comply with the rules of military politeness, behavior, performing a military salute, wearing military uniforms and insignia.

He is obliged to report to his immediate superior about all cases that may affect the performance of his duties by a serviceman, as well as any comments made to him.

For violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel, associated with humiliation of honor and dignity, bullying or associated with violence, as well as for insult by one serviceman of another, the perpetrators are subject to disciplinary liability, and if corpus delicti is established in their actions, to criminal liability.

20. A military serviceman is obliged to know and comply with the safety requirements of military service in daily activities. He must take care of maintaining his health, engage in daily hardening, physical training and sports, refrain from bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), avoid the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances or other intoxicating substances.

(see text in the previous edition)

21. On official issues, a military serviceman must contact his immediate superior, and, if necessary, with the permission of his immediate superior, to a senior superior.

For personal questions, a serviceman must also contact his immediate superior, and in case of special need, a senior superior.

When making requests (making a proposal, submitting an application or complaint), a serviceman is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

22. A serviceman is obliged to know and comply with the norms of international humanitarian law, the rules for treating the wounded, sick, shipwrecked, medical personnel, clergy, civilians in the area of ​​combat operations, as well as prisoners of war.

23. During combat operations, a serviceman, even being separated from his military unit (unit) and completely surrounded, must offer decisive resistance to the enemy, avoiding capture. In battle, he is obliged to fulfill his military duty with honor. If a serviceman, being in a helpless state, including as a result of a serious wound or shell shock, is captured by the enemy, he must seek and use every opportunity to free himself and his comrades from captivity and return to his military unit.

During interrogation, a serviceman captured by the enemy has the right to provide only his last name, first name, patronymic, military rank, date of birth and personal number. He is obliged to maintain honor and dignity, not to divulge state secrets, to show steadfastness and courage, to help other servicemen in captivity, to keep them from aiding the enemy, to reject the enemy’s attempts to use the serviceman to cause damage to the Russian Federation and its Armed Forces.

Military personnel captured or taken hostage, as well as those interned in neutral countries, retain the status of military personnel. Commanders (superiors) are obliged to take measures to release these military personnel in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law.

21.Each military personnel has job responsibilities that determine the scope and limits of the practical performance of the functions and tasks assigned to him according to his position. Job duties are performed only in the interests of the service.

These responsibilities are determined by general military regulations, relevant manuals, regulations, instructions or written orders of direct superiors.

22. When on combat duty, combat service, in daily and garrison duty, military personnel involved in eliminating the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies perform special duties. These duties and the procedure for their implementation are established by law.

To perform special duties, military personnel may be granted additional rights, which are determined by legislative acts and general military regulations.

Security of military service

23.Safety of military service is the state of security of a serviceman, ensured by a set of measures that exclude harmful and dangerous effects on military personnel during military service.

24. Commanders (chiefs) exercise control and are responsible for ensuring the safety of military service.

25.The main areas of ensuring the safety of military service include:

development and adoption of regulatory legal acts, rules, norms in the field of ensuring the security of military service;

establishing a unified procedure for recording accidents and occupational diseases;

control over compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and orders in the field of security of military service.

26.The basic principles in the field of security of military service are:

the priority of the life and health of a serviceman in relation to the results of service activities;

establishing uniform requirements in the field of security of military service through the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts;

transparency, completeness and reliability of the information provided about the state of security of military service.

27. Requirements for the safety of military service are mandatory for all military personnel during their military service.

28. A serviceman is obliged:

comply with the requirements of norms, rules and instructions, orders for the safety of military service, as well as the requirements of commanders (superiors) for compliance with safety measures during the performance of official duties;

immediately report to your immediate superior a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people;

undergo mandatory periodic medical examinations and examinations in cases provided for by regulations;

use special clothing, individual and collective protective equipment as intended.

29.The commander has the right:

issue, within the limits of their powers, orders, instructions, rules on issues of ensuring the safety of military service;

require military personnel to comply with safety measures when operating weapons, military and other equipment;

encourage military personnel for rationalization proposals to create safe conditions of service;

take measures against military personnel who violate the safety requirements of military service.

30. The commander is obliged:

ensure safe conditions for military service;

organize and conduct awareness-raising work about possible harmful factors during the implementation of assigned tasks;

conduct education and training of military personnel on compliance with security measures during military service in accordance with the requirements of rules and regulations;

take measures to provide for subordinate military personnel and exercise control over the intended use and repair of special clothing, footwear and personal (collective) protective equipment from the effects of harmful (hazardous) production factors within the established time limits for wearing them;

organize and conduct briefings, classes, including demonstrations, and testing of knowledge on military service safety issues for military personnel and specialists responsible for ensuring safety requirements when performing assigned tasks;

ensure mandatory periodic medical examinations and medical examinations of military personnel;

create the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for military personnel, provide preventive treatment means, detergents and disinfectants, medical kits, milk, therapeutic and preventive nutrition - in accordance with established standards;

submit to the higher military command authority the necessary information about the state of security of military service;

carry out registration, accounting and analysis of accidents and occupational diseases, take measures to prevent them;

appoint and conduct official investigations of accidents;

take measures to preserve, before the investigation of the accident begins, the place and the situation in the form in which it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to the creation of an emergency situation, and if it is impossible to preserve it, measures to recording the current situation (draw up diagrams, using photos and videos);

immediately report to a higher military authority about a group accident while performing official duties (two people or more), a serious accident or a fatal accident and cases of acute poisoning.

Responsibility of military personnel

31. Military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the specifics of their legal status.

32. Military personnel bear disciplinary responsibility in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter.

33. Military personnel are responsible for committing crimes and other offenses in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

34. A military serviceman on whom a disciplinary sanction has been imposed in connection with the commission of an offense is not exempt from other types of liability established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the event of an offense involving the infliction of material damage, the serviceman shall compensate for the damage regardless of whether he is brought to other types of liability or the use of public sanctions.

When bringing to justice, it is unacceptable to infringe on the honor and dignity of a serviceman.

Relationships between military personnel

Unity of command. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates.

Seniors and juniors

35. Unity of command is the basic principle of the construction of the Armed Forces, their leadership and relationships between military personnel. It consists of vesting the commander (chief) with certain rights in relation to his subordinates and imposing on him personal responsibility to the state for all aspects of the life and activities of a military unit, unit and each serviceman.

Unity of command is expressed in the right of the commander (chief), based on a comprehensive assessment of the situation, to make decisions individually, give appropriate orders in strict accordance with the requirements of the law, general military regulations and ensure their implementation.

Discussion of an order is unacceptable, and disobedience or other failure to comply with an order is a military crime.

36. Subordination in the Armed Forces is determined by official position or military rank.

The boss has the right to give orders to his subordinate and is obliged to monitor their execution. The boss should be an example of tact and restraint for his subordinate. The boss is responsible for actions that humiliate the human dignity of a subordinate.

A subordinate is obliged to unquestioningly follow the orders of his superior.

37. According to their official position, the chiefs are the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan), heads of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations from among civilian personnel, military personnel who supervise subordinates in accordance with their official duties in their official positions.

The commander is the boss of his subordinates.

38. The superiors to whom military personnel are subordinate in service, even temporarily, are direct superiors.

The direct superior closest to the subordinate is called the immediate superior.

39. According to their military rank, the commanders are the following military personnel who are not bound by the order of subordination by service:

army generals - for all military personnel;

colonel generals, admirals - for all senior and junior officers, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors);

lieutenant generals, vice admirals, major generals, rear admirals, colonels, captains of the 1st rank - for all junior officers, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors);

officers - for sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors);

sergeants (foremen) - for soldiers and sailors of the same military unit.

40. Military personnel who, by their official position and military rank (paragraphs 38, 39) are not their superiors or subordinates in relation to other military personnel, may be senior or junior.

Seniority is determined by military ranks of military personnel. Senior military ranks, if juniors violate military discipline, public order, rules of conduct, wearing military uniforms and performing military salutes, must demand that they eliminate these violations. Juniors in rank are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill these demands of their elders.

41. When performing duties jointly by military personnel who are not subordinate to each other, when their service relationships are not determined by the commander (chief), the senior of them by position, and in case of equal positions, the senior by military rank is the commander.


Target: Introduce students to the responsibilities of military personnel.

During the classes

I . Checking homework.

Frontal survey.

1. How is the right of conscripted military personnel to rest implemented?

2. What is taken into account when assigning military ranks to military personnel?

3. What is unacceptable in the actions of military personnel?

4. What is the procedure for concluding the first contract for military service?

5. Have any of your opinions and judgments regarding military service changed after our lessons?

P. Studying a new topic.

General, official and special duties of military personnel are set out in the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, in ChapterIII.

Commented reading of the main provisions of the law.

Article 26. “General duties”:

To be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously and skillfully defend your Fatherland;

Strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations, unquestioningly carry out the orders of commanders;

Treasure the honor and military glory of the defenders of your people, the honor of military rank and military camaraderie;

Be disciplined, vigilant, keep state and military secrets.

Article 27. “Official responsibilities”:

1. The official duties of military personnel and the procedure for their performance are determined by federal laws and general military regulations.

2. Commanders are the sole commanders and are responsible in peacetime and war for constant combat and mobilization readiness, successful completion of combat missions, combat training, education, military discipline, law and order of subordinate personnel, safety of weapons, military equipment and military property, material, technical, financial, household, provision and medical care.

3. Military personnel on combat duty, in daily and garrison outfits, perform special duties. Special duties and the procedure for their fulfillment are established by federal laws and general military regulations.

To perform special duties, military personnel are granted additional rights, which are determined by federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation. Additional rights may include: use of weapons, use of force, presentation of special requirements, other rights.

III . Lesson summary.

Teacher. What are the responsibilities of military personnel related to these requirements of the Charter:

A serviceman is obliged to improve his military skills;

A serviceman is obliged to courageously and skillfully defend the Fatherland;

Is a serviceman required to keep weapons and military equipment in constant readiness for use?

Here it is desirable to give examples of exemplary performance of military duty by school graduates and fellow countrymen.

Homework: know the general duties of military personnel.

The serviceman is obliged:

To be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing your blood and life itself, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty, steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service;

Strictly comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, fulfill the requirements of military regulations;

Constantly acquire military professional knowledge, improve your training and military skills;

Be honest, disciplined, brave, and show reasonable initiative when performing military duty;

Unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;

To value military camaraderie, not sparing one’s life, to rescue comrades from danger, to help them in word and deed, to respect the honor and dignity of everyone, to avoid rudeness and bullying towards oneself and other military personnel, to restrain them from unworthy acts;

Observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and performance of military greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;

Be vigilant and strictly maintain military and state secrets.

7. Official and special duties of military personnel

Each serviceman has job responsibilities that determine the scope and limits of the practical implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to him according to his position. Job responsibilities are used only in the interests of the service.

These responsibilities are determined by military regulations, as well as relevant manuals, manuals, regulations, instructions or written orders of direct superiors in relation to the requirements of this Charter.

Military personnel on combat duty (combat service), in daily and garrison duty, as well as those involved in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and in other emergency circumstances, perform special duties. These duties and the procedure for their implementation are established by legislative acts, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other legal acts developed on their basis, and are, as a rule, temporary in nature.

To perform special duties, military personnel may be granted additional rights, which are determined by legislative acts and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

8. Responsibility of military personnel (list types of responsibility)

All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of their legal status.

Disciplinary responsibility military personnel are liable for offenses related to violation of military discipline, moral standards and military honor, on the basis and in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Administrative responsibility military personnel are liable on a general basis in accordance with the legislation on administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative penalties in the form of a fine, correctional labor, administrative arrest and other administrative penalties established by the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be applied to them.

Civil liability military personnel are liable for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for by civil law, for damage caused to the state, legal entities, citizens, and in other cases provided for by law.

Material liability military personnel bear responsibility for material damage caused to the state during the performance of military service duties, in accordance with the Regulations on the material liability of military personnel.

Criminal liability military personnel are held accountable for crimes committed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For crimes against the established procedure for military service, they are held accountable under the law “On Criminal Liability for Military Crimes.”

For offenses committed, military personnel are, as a rule, brought to one type of responsibility.

Military personnel subjected to disciplinary action in connection with the commission of an offense are not exempt from criminal liability for this offense.

In the event of an offense involving the infliction of material damage, military personnel shall compensate for the damage regardless of the imposition of other types of liability or the application of public sanctions.

Social sanctions may be applied to military personnel for offenses related to their violation of military discipline and public order.

When bringing to justice, it is unacceptable to infringe on the honor and dignity of military personnel.