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Diets are a scam! Nutrition according to blood type is a profanation, hemocode too, mono-diets, Atkins even more so. The essence of the hemocode diet

Not everyone is interested in this, so I’ll put it under the cut. But I don’t put it under lock and key so that anyone can find my story through search engines.

Some time ago I donated blood for a hemocode and received three lists of products. The first, red, lists foods that I cannot eat at all, the second, yellow, lists foods that can be eaten no more than once a week, the third, green, lists what I can eat without restrictions.
I waited until the holidays passed with the inevitable overeating and drinking wine, and on Monday I went on a diet. Yes, the nutritionist also told me for the first four weeks to combine a hemocode diet with an anti-candidiasis diet, that is, completely eliminate alcohol, tea, coffee, everything sweet, including fruits, mushrooms, tomatoes and yeast bread, any seasonings, spicy foods and pickles. The nutritionist advised me to consume any product from the permitted list no more than once every four days.
I have been observing Orthodox fasts for quite a long time (see the line in userinfo), and I have completely stopped perceiving them as something requiring special effort. In addition, during Lent I try to prepare the simplest food so that I can spend more time not in the kitchen, but in worship or home prayer. I prefer semi-finished products: ready-made dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, beans or lentils in cans, sets of frozen vegetables, etc.
On the third day of being on the hemocode diet, the first week of Great Lent seemed to me simply some kind of revelry of hedonism and a festival of the belly. After all, then you can eat pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, mushrooms and any fruit!
On Gemocode, food in restaurants and cafes is completely excluded - in almost every dish that you do not prepare yourself at home, there is some ingredient forbidden to you. Of the processed foods, the only thing that fit into my diet was a bag of chopped frozen zucchini.
The most difficult thing is rotation, that is, using each product no more than once every four days. In order not to get confused, I made a food table for myself and put crosses in it to indicate what I ate on what date. I go to the store with a written menu in my pocket for several days :)
I saw only negative reviews online about the hemocode diet: unscientific, a scam for money, etc. Nevertheless, I decided to try this diet, and so far I don’t regret it. On the third day there was lightness in the body and clarity of thought :) On the fourth day the scales showed minus 2 kg. I haven’t been able to lose weight so quickly on any other diet, so I’ll still be on the hemocode. Well, maybe I’ll take a break for someone’s birthday and have a drink or two :)

When people tell you in a friendly way that you are fat, it is insulting. But when they tell you that you also look like crap and advise you to go see a doctor, there’s no time for jokes. You carefully look at your reflection in the morning, carefully touch the bags under your eyes, suck in your stomach and... release it with relief, barely moving away from the mirror.

The gaze involuntarily lingers on all sorts of advertisements about instant weight loss, about cleansing the body of toxins, about miraculous exercise machines, but... You yourself read that almost 80% of dietary supplements imported into Russia are smuggled and counterfeit. Going on a strict diet, drinking lemon juice with olive oil and lying down first with a heating pad, and then sitting in the closet for hours, has never even occurred to you.

It’s better to just keep silent about cleansing enemas - you know, it’s not for everyone. Maybe, after all, buy a cool exercise machine, join a gym, take up tennis, squash, swimming, running, finally! Yes, but where can you find the time for this, and the pressure is somehow jumping... In general, it’s better to turn the mirror towards the wall and buy a looser suit, and you can give someone who “gets to the bottom” of your appearance a turnip.

In the end, your figure is your figure and its improvement can be postponed until later; there are more important things to do than, for example, counting the calories you eat. And so, when you have reached in your reasoning the completely philosophical thought “Come what may,” they announce to you that all your fears are an empty phrase. Science, my friend, must be followed, its achievements and sensational developments.

It turns out that knowledgeable people, including famous top models, artists, directors, lawyers, businessmen and businesswomen, have not sweated in gyms and fitness centers for a long time, do not sit on a starvation diet, do not swallow fat-burning pills, eat sweets and meat, and... lose weight, gaining beauty, energy and filling with health. You say there is no such way? There is - says an ultra-modern technique under the “code” name hemocode.

The starting idea of ​​“gemocoders” is not new. Even the ancients argued that “we are what we eat,” that is, all your ailments, excess weight, unhealthy appearance, premature aging come from poor nutrition. Moreover, even if some products are useful for your neighbor, they may not be poisonous for you. How to deal with this? Of course, with the help of hemocode diagnostics!

It is based on laboratory analysis of venous blood, which is tested for food intolerance. Just don't confuse it with food allergies- these are different things! With the latter, everything is clear - the body reacts specifically to allergenic products.

Intolerance to a particular product is a struggle between our blood cells (leukocytes-neutrophils) and its particles that you swallowed during lunch. To find out which foods your body will fight with, you must go and simply donate about 20 ml of blood for a hemocode test, paying, of course, money.

The test is based on the fact that blood is combined with an extract of each product - there are almost 130 of them on the tested list - and "trained specialists will determine the change in the glow of your blood cells when they come into contact with a component of a particular product."

A week later, you will receive two grocery lists, one red and the other green. The higher a food item is on the red list, the more harmful it is for you. Accordingly, the first place on the green list is occupied not just by healthy food, but by food that is beneficial individually for you.

You are strictly forbidden to touch alcohol and food from the red list for six weeks, but load yourself with as much “green” food as you want. During this time, the body will perk up, self-regulate, self-cleanse and most of your problems with weight, ailments, etc. will be resolved.

Your eyes and hair will shine, your nails will stop peeling, your skin will smooth out, plus you will almost certainly lose weight (some up to 10 kg). After a month and a half, you will be allowed to slowly include “red” foods in your diet, starting with the last one on the list, once every three, or better yet, once every five days.

If you don’t feel any deterioration in your health, move on to the next one on the list and so on until the first line. True, not everything is simple here either. Products will have to be alternated. That is, if you dine on a pork chop on Saturday, the next time you can afford it only on Thursday, and the pickled cucumber eaten on Tuesday will not reach your table again until the weekend.

All eating should be stopped no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If you strictly adhere to the recommendations, a small miracle of weight loss and recovery will happen to you. This is the hemocode diet - the dream of lazy and workaholics. What is the salt here anyway? Is it really in the blood?

“From a scientific point of view, there are only three types of food intolerance,” explained Maria Klevtsova, an allergist-immunologist of the highest category at the Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, “this is congenital intolerance, the cause of which is still unclear and cannot be corrected with any hemocode.

Then there is a food allergy, when the body produces antibodies to certain protein components of the product. And the third case is congenital enzyme deficiency, which causes incomplete digestion of food. They can be replenished, for example, with yoghurts, where they are contained, or with medications.

This is the global practice of dividing food intolerances that has developed over the past 150 years. What hemocode diagnosticians mean by this concept is unclear, but it does not apply to any of the three types of allergies.

The laboratory test offered by Hemocode is based on a chemiluminescent analysis of the activity of neutrophils (cells) in venous blood. There are supposedly 128 examples of food standards. These standards are introduced into a suspension of neutrophils isolated from blood. But what does standard pattern mean?

Here's buckwheat, here's milk, here's butter. To prepare a standard, you need a SINGLE solvent for each product. For milk - aqueous, for butter - organic... Laboratories in Russia have been working on this for many years and, let me tell you, getting an extract of different products in one solvent is a practically impossible chemical task. This is, firstly.

Secondly, hemocode diagnosticians claim to evaluate nonspecific chemiluminescence. Each cell has its own characteristics, including glow. When irritating substances are introduced into a neutrophil, the spectrum of its chemical glow changes, which is detected by a chemiluminometer device.

But it is able to “catch” changes only in the “more-less” range, that is, to show whether the intensity of the glow became stronger or weaker after the introduction of a particular stimulus.

And based on this fact, it is impossible to say whether it has become worse or better for the cell itself. In other words, the change in the glow spectrum does not depend on what you eat. Moreover, if a true patient suffering from food allergies comes for a hemocode test, the test will not reveal it.”

“Let’s say that a discovery really happened and the hemocode is someone’s know-how, a big scientific step forward,” continues the topic, the head of the clinic department at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Andrei Vasiliev. - Such a discovery must be preceded by a huge amount of work by many scientists.

The first trace of a scientific discovery is always publication in a specialized scientific journal. Neither abroad nor in Russia there are scientific publications on this topic over the past 15 years. The word “hemocode” was not mentioned at any conference on nutrition, of which there are a huge number every year in the world.

If we, specialists, manage to contact a “hemecode” doctor (and this is not at all easy), then he cannot answer ordinary scientific questions. They do no harm if you take healthy people, because they do not prescribe any “nasty” things, but science has absolutely nothing to do with it.

But we are already hearing that this method is beginning to be recommended to people with allergies, gastritis, diabetes, hepatitis... These diseases cannot be left to chance. They need to be treated by qualified specialists, and not hope for a miracle test.”

The creators of the hemocode diagnostics and hemocode programs cannot be denied one thing - an intimate knowledge of the psychology of the consumer of their service. Although they officially state that calorie counting is a thing of the past, they still recommend daily food intake - on average about 1600-1800 kilocalories.

And this is nothing more than the long-known standard daily norm for a woman. The “red” list of foods, as a rule, includes easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, etc.). Any nutritionist in the world will agree with the advice not to eat later than 3 hours before bedtime and not to drink alcohol.

In addition, if you talk carefully with the person before the test (and this is always done), you can find out what diseases he suffered in the past and what worries him today. It is important! After all, if you told an attentive and polite person in a white coat that you have gastritis or an ulcer, the test will probably show you intolerance to, say, oranges, garlic and black pepper...

At the same time, you are recommended to have an active lifestyle and almost two months of dieting (that is, do not overeat or go beyond limits). Plus, the hard-earned money given for the analysis is spurred on - here is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that during this time you will lose the desired 8-10 kilograms.

After all, if you organize yourself a healthy balanced diet and lead a more or less active lifestyle, you will not need any dietary supplements or quick diets. Processes in the body are normalized, which means your health will improve.

Moreover, an ordinary nutritionist can assess the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass in your body, your individual metabolism and develop a suitable diet for you, including the selection of basic products.

On the other hand, if you are pleased to realize your involvement in the “latest achievements of world science”, if you are not indifferent to the company in which you are losing weight (after all, these are stars of the first magnitude), if you like the respectability of the procedure itself, then, as they say, purquois would not pa. The doors of hemocode diagnostics are open to everyone.


"Hemocode diagnostics" is an original development of the Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of Academician A. I. Archakov. This method is based on the study of the interaction of human blood cells with the most common food products. With its help, individual food tolerance is determined. The result of the research is the identification of products that are not completely digested and cause immunological rejection reactions in the body. These reactions lead to the occurrence of many chronic diseases and pathological conditions, in particular to overweight, obesity or, conversely, to malnutrition and weight deficiency.

The test examines the interaction of a small amount of human blood with extracts of one hundred and thirty foods found in most people's daily diets. The analysis determines what is good and what is harmful for your body, and shows which foods should be temporarily excluded from your diet in order to relieve the body as much as possible.

A nutrition program based on “Hemocode diagnostics” helps not only normalize weight, but also cure many chronic diseases. It can provide immediate results in the fight against allergies, restore normal insulin production in the pancreas, relieve digestive problems, increase the body's resistance and slow down the processes of cell destruction that cause aging.

Food has various effects on the human body. There are practically no absolutely healthy and absolutely harmful foods; there are foods that are harmful or beneficial for each of us individually. The fact is that all people produce a set of enzymes - highly active substances for digesting and assimilating the components of the food they eat.
If the enzyme is produced in sufficient quantities, the food component for which it is intended is well and quickly absorbed by the cells of the body and takes its place in the metabolism. But we all have our own genetic characteristics, and almost every person has either a lack or an insufficient amount of one or more enzymes.
For example, some people are unable to digest the carbohydrates contained in mushrooms, while others suffer from milk intolerance. In this case, the product, for which the body does not have an enzyme, rots in the intestines and forms gases and toxic substances. This leads to constant metabolic disorders and, as a consequence, to unwanted fluctuations in well-being.

Food intolerance may also be due to other reasons. In some people, intestinal activity is disrupted by strawberries, citrus fruits, raw cabbage, and radishes. These products contain histamine-like substances - tyramines. With increased sensitivity to histamine, such products have a damaging effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to the release of histamine and, as a consequence, to the development of allergic reactions.
Food intolerance can manifest itself in such serious diseases as Migraine (attacks of pain in one side of the head). A migraine attack can occur when eating caviar, pickled herring, chocolate, sharp cheeses, and red wine. This is due to the fact that biogenic amines (histamine, teramines) contained in these products cause a chain of reactions ending in spasm of the blood vessels of the head. The cause of food intolerance often lies in an allergic reaction of the entire body to substances absorbed by the intestines and released into the blood, contained in foods or formed during the breakdown of more complex compounds.

The body's immune system specifically protects the body from certain antigen substances. Nonspecific protection against foreign objects is performed by phagocytes - “eater cells”. They actively capture and absorb foreign particles, microorganisms, and destroyed cells. Phagocytosis in human blood is carried out by neutrophils, one of the forms of white blood cells - leukocytes. By releasing special enzymes, they dissolve the absorbed particles.

Phagocytosis is accompanied by luminescence (chemiluminescence) of neutrophils. The reactions of whole blood neutrophils when meeting “in vitro” with an allergen or some other substance that affects their metabolism are close to the reactions occurring in the body. Some substances included in the products affect the functional state of neutrophils (phagocytes) and cause chemiluminescence.

After the interaction of food extracts with human blood, the intensity of neutrophil luminescence is measured using a chemuninometer. Products that cause the most intense reaction of neutrophils are considered individually intolerable. This is what the Hemocode Diagnostics technique is based on. Using this technique, after an interview with a doctor, your blood (from a vein) is tested for individual tolerance to a food product and determines whether it is harmful or beneficial to your health. Based on the test results, the patient is given scientifically based recommendations in the form of two lists: “red” and “green”. The “red” list lists foods that are not recommended for consumption for at least one and a half months, and the “green” list lists recommended foods. There are usually many times more recommended products than undesirable ones. Most often, according to the results of the Hemocode Test, only 15-30 out of 130 tested products are included in the list of undesirable products. The lists of prohibited products for different patients are completely individual.

The Hemocode method is designed for a 6-week course. You can eat healthy foods as much as you want. The body itself will determine how much weight you need to lose. That is, the higher your body weight, the more weight you will lose, but losing weight will not lead to physical exhaustion.

To diversify your diet, it is suggested to consume the recommended foods of each group once every few days. For example, if pork, chicken and duck are not recommended for you, but you can eat lamb, beef, turkey, rabbit, goose, then you can eat a lamb dish on Monday, beef on Tuesday, rabbit on Wednesday, etc. d. This applies to vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products.

Products from the non-recommended list can be included in the diet gradually, but not earlier than after six weeks, starting with the one that is less harmful to the body. Products on the “red” list are arranged in descending order of neutrophil reaction: from the most harmful to the least harmful for a given person. Accordingly, these products should be entered starting from the last one in the list.

The results of a balanced diet become noticeable very quickly, after about 2-3 days. People who used a nutrition program based on "Hemocode-diagnostics" noted a significant improvement in their health and a tendency towards normalization of body weight, as well as a surge of strength and vigor. The data obtained so far allows us to believe that nutrition based on “Hemocode-diagnostics” deserves attention as a method of general health improvement and is likely to be an effective way to normalize body weight without exhausting diets and unsafe drugs.

In addition, nutritional recommendations based on “Hemocode diagnostics” do not contradict official dietetics and do not harm health. The lists of prohibited foods, as a rule, include sugar, white bread, confectionery - those foods that nutritionists have always called for to be treated with extreme caution. Excluding them from the diet in itself can help normalize body weight. The proposed lists of permitted and prohibited foods can be a good motivation for normalizing eating behavior, which is especially important for achieving and long-term maintenance of an ideal weight.

After 6 weeks of the course, you can continue to eat in the same way if you wish. If you still have the desire to eat something “harmful, but tasty,” then you can completely eat non-recommended foods, but only those that are at the bottom of the list. The main thing is not to eat a “harmful” product too often. Your diet must include fruits, vegetables, grain bread, cereals, etc.

The composition of the blood is constantly changing, and therefore the test must be repeated after some time. It is shown to everyone, without restrictions. It is even performed on pregnant women, since the baby’s health literally depends on the mother’s nutrition. Recommended for people with metabolic disorders, hypertension and many other diseases.

Chances are, your “healthy” foods contain more sugar and fat than you realize. It's time to find out where is fat hidden on the body.


This green vegetable is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a whole group of essential vitamins and minerals. Oleic acid helps reduce cholesterol levels, thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases, and antioxidants prevent the development of tumors. Nutritionists around the world include avocados among the top ten healthiest foods. However, despite all this, the vegetable is extremely high in calories: 39% of its weight is fat. The only consolation is that most of the fats that make up avocados are unsaturated, and therefore not harmful.

Good advice

Advice: If you really like avocados, a compromise solution is to eat them in small quantities: about a quarter of an average fruit per day.


You need to be careful when choosing cereals labeled "low-calorie" because they usually contain more sugar. Plus, the less fat they contain, the less nutrients they contain. Whole grain cereals are much richer in vitamins and fiber than processed cereals and cereals.

Good advice

Advice: When buying cereals, pay attention to the fat and sugar content, or make your own delicious mixtures from whole cereals, fruits and honey



Fermented milk products are very healthy, but this does not mean that they have no calories. Many yoghurts contain large amounts of sugar. And, in addition, you need to know what kind of milk the yogurt was made from - whole or skim, since its calorie content also depends on this.

Good advice

Advice: Again, study the packaging. Yogurt with 3% fat and no sugar is considered low-calorie. It must contain live yoghurt cultures. If you don't like sugar-free yogurt, sweeten it with honey or fresh fruit.


Dried fruits are very concentrated: they contain a lot of vitamins, but also a lot of calories. In addition, you don’t notice the amount of dried fruit you eat: it’s not so easy to deal with six with fresh apricots, but with dried ones - easily.


Nuts are very healthy, but at the same time very high in calories. For example, 100 grams of macadamia nuts contain 748 calories, which can be compared to a small box of chocolates!

Good advice

Advice: Replace macadamias with 10-12 almonds or 6 Brazil nuts. They are lower in calories, but just as nutritious. A handful of chickpeas, which contain a lot of protein and little fat, will also do.


Salads made from fresh or frozen vegetables are not always the best choice for a light lunch, especially if dressed with fatty sauces or mayonnaise. Additionally, starchy vegetables, such as sweet corn or potatoes, are high in carbohydrates and sometimes have the same calorie content as a sandwich.

Good advice

Advice: Make salads from tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, celery. They contain a large amount of water and are not as high in calories as other vegetables. To add a piquant taste without increasing the calorie content of salads, dress them with balsamic vinegar, lemon juice or a little olive oil. Salads go well with chicken or fish.


Low-calorie is a product with 25% less fat than in the original version. But the product can be low-fat and still high in calories due to the content of sugar, starch, and various flavoring additives.

There are few people in the world who would not dream of losing weight. Especially in the summer, when everything is in sight. Moreover, many are ready to pay hundreds of dollars, or even a thousand dollars, for an easy way to lose weight. Just eat whatever you want and don’t go to the gym in the evenings. Do you think there is no such way? There is - says an ultra-modern technique under the “code” name hemocode. What we have?

The hemocode is based on a laboratory blood test that is tested for food intolerance. Moreover, “gemocoders” immediately warn that food allergies and food intolerance are completely different things. With the first, everything is clear - the body reacts specifically to allergenic products. But the second, as stated on the hemocode website on the Internet, is the source of almost all of our troubles: diseases, unhealthy appearance, excess weight, premature aging, etc.

And all because our blood cells reject certain products. And to find out what exactly these products are, you are invited to donate blood for a hemocode for $300-600. The test is based on the fact that blood is combined with the extract of each product (there are almost 128 of them) and (we quote) “trained specialists determine the change in the glow of your blood cells upon contact with the component of a particular product.” Cells react differently to different products. As a result, you will be given a red and green list of products. You can’t eat the first ones at all for about 6 weeks, but you can overeat to your heart’s content with the second ones. During this time, the body will do its job, and all your problems will be solved. Will they? Or not? And what kind of hemocode is this? A sensation in the world of medicine or just another “enticement”? For clarification, we turned to Maria Nikolaevna Klevtsova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, allergist-immunologist of the highest category at the Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, and Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the clinic department of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Andrei Valerievich Vasiliev.

From a scientific point of view, there are 3 types of food intolerance. Congenital intolerance remains for the rest of your life. The reason for it is still not clear, so it cannot be corrected by any hemocode. The second option is a food allergy, when the body produces antibodies with hypersensitivity to certain protein components of the product. Allergies are diagnosed by an allergist. And the third case is congenital enzyme deficiency, which causes inadequate digestion of food. These enzymes can be replenished, for example, with yoghurts that contain them or with medications. That is, the absence of one or another enzyme is also diagnosed by a doctor and compensated. This is the global practice of dividing food intolerances that has developed over the past 150 years.

It is unclear what is meant by the term “food intolerance” in the hemocode. It is not suitable for any of the three types of allergies. The laboratory test that uses the hemocode is based on the so-called chemiluminescence analysis of the activity of venous blood neutrophils under testing conditions. There are supposedly 128 examples of food standards. These standards are introduced into a suspension of neutrophils (blood cells) isolated from the blood. But what does a standard sample mean? Here is buckwheat, here is milk, here is vegetable oil. To prepare a standard, a single solvent is needed for each product. For milk you need an aqueous solvent, for butter you will probably need an organic one, for buckwheat - a completely different one. It is not so easy to make a single standard out of milk and vegetable oil. Russian laboratories have been working on this for a long time. In fact, obtaining an extract of various products in one solvent phase is a practically impossible chemical task.

What does the hemocode evaluate? It is stated that nonspecific chemiluminescence. Each cell has its own characteristics, including glow (chemoluminescence). If a cell is influenced, its properties change. When irritating substances (this can be a chemical compound or active physical influence) are introduced into a neutrophil, the spectrum of its chemical luminescence (glow) changes, which is detected by a special sensitive device. But the fact is that the device can only detect changes in the “more - less” range, since this is a nonspecific blood reaction. It cannot be said that the neutrophil glows this way when reacting to buckwheat, this way to millet, and something completely different to milk. If you introduce water or alcohol into the neutrophil, the device will show whether the intensity of the glow has changed more or less. But it is impossible to identify whether this has become better or worse for the cell, whether it tolerates or does not tolerate the product. This test is nonspecific, so it is impossible to talk about intolerance to any foods. The change in the chemiluminescence spectrum does not depend on what you eat.

Let's assume that a discovery has been made, and the hemocode is a big scientific step forward. Such a discovery is a huge effort, a lot of work. The first trace of a scientific discovery is always publication in a specialized scientific journal. Neither abroad, nor here in Russia, anywhere there are scientific publications on this topic for the foreseeable 10-15 years. Second. A huge number of conferences on nutrition issues take place throughout the world every year. But again, there have been no recent scientific reports on hemocode.

The creators of the hemocode are, of course, psychologists. Although they officially state that calorie counting is a thing of the past, they still recommend daily food intake - on average about 1600-1800 kilocalories. For a woman, this is the standard daily requirement. Mostly undesirable are easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar) and potatoes. At the same time, an active lifestyle is recommended. Two months of a diet (i.e., “not to go beyond”, do not overeat), an active lifestyle, plus the hard-earned $500 that you paid for the analysis - this is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that during this time you will lose the desired 10 kg. This story is similar to the story with Herbalife, when they offered a very good set of products for a lot of money. Do you feel that if you organize a healthy balanced diet, then no dietary supplements (dietary supplements) will be needed, and this way all processes in the body will be normalized? The same thing with the hemocode. If you do not abuse unhealthy food and lead a more or less active lifestyle, improvements will come in your body.

When you are told that you are fat and sick, it is insulting, but improving your figure can always be postponed until later. But when you get tested, everything is so respectable: doctors, consultations, list of products - it’s impressive. That is, you pay money (more or less, depending on the client’s solvency), organize your meals, then come and pay again to find out the result. Then you will be allowed to switch to ordinary products. It’s very good if organizing a meal helps you achieve the desired result, but you don’t need to pay through the nose for analysis. Here you need a consultation with an ordinary nutritionist, whose position is widespread in the West. We are talking about assessing the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass, basal metabolism or a specific assessment of the body for microelements and vitamins. The worst thing is that a person can miss a serious illness by relying on the hemocode. It is advisable to undergo a full medical examination annually so that you know what to expect in the future.

Let us repeat once again that the hemocode is not a test for food allergies. Hemocode comes down to normalizing body weight. Both allergies and health care generally fade into the background. Let's put it this way: if a true patient suffering from an allergy comes to the hemocode, the test will not reveal it. We are not talking about his other “errors”. For example, that whole blood is taken for the test, not neutrophils. Can you imagine how much specificity there is? There are no standards. We, specialists, cannot contact any “gemocode” doctor. If they succeed, they cannot answer ordinary scientific questions. They don’t do much harm if we take healthy people, because they don’t prescribe any “nasty things,” but science has absolutely nothing to do with it. On the other hand, hemocode is already recommended for people with allergies, gastritis, hepatitis, diabetes and even cancer(!). These and many other serious diseases should never be left to chance. They need to be treated by qualified specialists, and not rely on a “miracle test”. Hemocode is, of course, aimed primarily at wealthy people. But there are those who will collect money penny by penny and give the last one in order to get rid of problems with its help.