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Additional false chord of the left ventricle. False chord of the left ventricle: causes, symptoms, treatment. Reasons for the appearance of a chord in the heart of a child

Modern methods of examining a child make it possible to obtain a picture of the health of his heart, in particular, to see such an anomaly as a false (additional) chord of the left ventricle.

After such a diagnosis, parents often begin to panic. But there is no reason for this, since this is not a fatal disease, but just the presence of an additional element.

But its presence in the body should not relax. Knowing what an additional chord contains and what to expect from it will help you avoid future health problems.

Causes of pathology

Doctors believe that an additional chord is a minor anomaly of heart development; they diagnose it using Echo-CG. This is an additional thread in the ventricle of the heart, often of a hereditary nature.

A healthy person's heart has 4 chambers. The valves located between the atria and ventricles close and open during the ejection of blood. The functions of the chordae are to help the valves maintain mobility and flexibility. Additional chordae (sometimes there are several of them) can interfere with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If parents already have diseases of the cardiovascular system, then the child is at risk.

But experts note that factors provoking the appearance of an additional chord may be:

  • poor environmental condition,
  • mother smoking during pregnancy,
  • woman drinking alcohol,
  • mother's drug use.

All these conditions become especially dangerous for the child during the formation of connective tissue: this is approximately 5-6 weeks of intrauterine development.

Clinical picture of the presence of an additional chord

Typically, in young children, the abnormal chord of the left ventricle does not manifest itself in any way and does not interfere with the heart’s work. By listening to the child's breathing and heart rate, the doctor may hear a systolic heart murmur. It can be clearly heard between two ribs (3 and 4) on the left side of the sternum.

But during the active growth of the body, the heart receives additional stress, and the child feels unwell at a physiological level.

The symptoms that the additional chord makes itself felt are:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue even in the absence of load;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • uneven heart rhythm;
  • heartache.

Is it dangerous to have an additional chord?

It cannot be said that this anomaly is “fatal” for a person. To know the extent of the problem, it is necessary to undergo examinations when the first symptoms appear in the child.

In this case, the cardiologist:

  • will give a direction for Echo-KG;
  • will refer you for a cardiogram;
  • will ask you to undergo 24-hour Holter monitoring.

Only by studying the data from these studies will it be possible to say with confidence how significant this false chord is in the cavity of the left ventricle. If it is hemodynamically insignificant, then there is no reason to worry. This phenomenon is completely safe for the child and will not disrupt his normal lifestyle. But, despite this, you will still have to periodically meet with a cardiologist, because it is unknown how the additional chord will behave in different situations.

If, on the contrary, the doctor recognizes the problem as serious, then you will have to come to terms with the fact that the child will be under the supervision of a specialist and parents, and treatment will be prescribed. Since the additional chord in the ventricular cavity in this case will disrupt the functioning of the heart, it is necessary to make changes to the measured rhythm of the child’s life and adhere to some advice related to various restrictions in terms of physical activity and nutrition.

Treatment of pathology

If the additional chord does not worsen the child’s quality of life and is not hemodynamically significant, then, apart from observation and annual echocardiography, no other actions are taken for the baby.

In more serious cases, the doctor prescribes the following treatment:

  • course of vitamins;
  • magnesium and potassium preparations;
  • antioxidants;
  • sometimes nootropic drugs.

All these medications are aimed at improving nutrition in the cells of the heart muscle (myocardium), normalizing the processes of impulse conduction in the myocardium, and improving metabolism. Injections and tablets based on potassium and magnesium have a good effect on the functioning of the heart.

How should children with this anomaly behave?

Basic rules for the life of a child who has an additional chord:

  • walks;
  • clear daily routine;
  • good restful sleep;
  • proper nutrition;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • hardening procedures;
  • caution in taking medications associated with other diseases.

If your family has a child with false chord of the left ventricle, you must provide him with comfortable conditions for development, taking into account the problem that has arisen. To do this, you need to strictly follow the daily routine, wisely combining periods of study (or other activities) and rest.

Proper nutrition for these children is important, because not all food is good for the heart. Anything that makes the heart beat faster should be excluded from the diet. You can get detailed information about foods that are healthy and harmful for your child from a cardiologist.

Under no circumstances should you ignore physical activity.

Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. It is important that neither the people around the child nor the child himself consider himself a disabled person who cannot do much. This is the wrong approach.
  2. Even exercise will benefit such a child; that’s what it’s called - therapeutic. But which exercises are allowed and which are prohibited, only a doctor can say. Remember that the main commandment of the doctor (and in this case, parents) is to do no harm.
  3. If your child really wants to play sports, consult your doctor about what type of exercise is possible for your baby. The coach must be warned about such a player.

The child needs to be hardened, and it is important to explain to him the benefits of this procedure. Let it be at least pouring cool water on your feet, it will still be beneficial.

Walking in the fresh air is good for your heart. While walking, you can learn poetry and a foreign language. Use this time not only for health benefits, but also for the development of the little person. Usually, after such pastimes, children sleep well, and good sleep helps normalize heart rate.

It is known that from excitement or an excess of emotions the heart begins to beat faster. If a child has an extra chord, this is not very good. Adults should avoid or prevent (if possible) such situations.

If children have other diseases, you need to:

  • treat any medications with caution;
  • Do not start treatment with them without the recommendations of a cardiologist, because they may not have the best effect on the functioning of the heart.

Be attentive to your children diagnosed with “false chord of the left ventricle” and come to their aid in time.


False chords and the reasons for their appearance

When answering this question, you should “look” into the structure of the heart and know how it works. I remember a school biology course: the heart consists of 4 chambers, respectively 2 atria, 2 ventricles, blood moves from the atria to the ventricles, valves between the sections direct the blood, regulating blood flow. The chords are special threads that support the valves; they are a kind of “gateway” that allows fluid to pass into the ventricles, preventing it from pouring back out.

This is how the heart works without anomalies, what does the additional chord in the left ventricle change? The accessory chord is formed from connective tissue and is considered a slight deviation from the norm that does not play a special role in the functioning of the heart. The moment of formation occurs during pregnancy; some scientists name the causes of the formation of the left ventricular chord:

  • heredity;
  • unfavorable environment – ​​poor ecology, exposure to harmful factors;
  • smoking by the expectant mother, drinking alcohol;
  • consumption of genetically modified products.

It is the last point, as most scientists believe, that leads to the appearance of various defects and abnormalities in the development of organs during pregnancy. The heredity factor is the first on the list of causes of the occurrence of a false chord of the left ventricle of the heart, it is transmitted through the maternal line, in 90% of cases the baby will have extra chords in the cavity of the heart. Drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism themselves have a destructive effect on the body; they change DNA, causing it to mutate, resulting in the appearance of “extra” organs, anomalies, and defects in newborns.

You should know some points: such chords - LVDC or LCD, as they are usually abbreviated, are classified according to the direction of fiber growth. LVDC with longitudinal fibers does not interfere with the work of the heart muscles at all, but transverse fibers can provoke the occurrence of some heart diseases and interfere with the work of the heart.

Symptoms of the anomaly

An abnormal chord of the left ventricle is detected in newborns almost immediately, at first, various studies are done, including ultrasound of the child’s heart. If this fact was missed, then there are symptoms that can be used to suspect falsehood:

  • the emotional state is unstable, children are often capricious;
  • dull chest pain;
  • arrhythmia and interruptions are heard;
  • the child gets tired very quickly, becomes lethargic, weak when performing simple movements.

At the doctor’s appointment, the mother is obliged to talk in detail not only about the issues related to the baby’s health, an abnormal chord of the left ventricle or ARV, a hereditary disease, of course, the mother may have no idea about the presence of this defect in her. It would be right for each of the parents to undergo examinations; this will help diagnose abnormal chords in each, which will greatly facilitate the diagnosis. An ultrasound of the heart will show all changes, if any, in a few minutes.

An additional chord in the heart is an almost harmless phenomenon, but additional chords can already pose a serious threat to the entire body. Such cases make up 20% of the overall picture; they are detected by ultrasound examinations, ECG with stress for the patient, and heart murmurs are clearly and distinctly audible.

Connective tissue is a component of the notochord and can be located in other organs, bones, and muscles. Doctors agree that such a defect is caused by magnesium deficiency during pregnancy, which will result in the development of connective tissue dysplasia. The symptoms of this serious disease are easy to identify:

  • developmental disorders of the spine;
  • dental anomaly, malocclusion;
  • “cleft lip”, “cleft palate” - jaw defects;
  • deformities of legs, arms;
  • heart defects.

There is no treatment for such a disease, there are only recommendations to make life easier with serious congenital defects...

An abnormally located chord will not provoke the development of dysplasia; this defect is not so dangerous for the body, although the owner of this anomaly will have to change their lifestyle. A false chord in the heart can be located in the right ventricle, the symptoms are the same - fatigue, lethargy, pain in the heart. Is this arrangement of the chord dangerous? Statistics show the possible development of heart disease in adulthood, but the percentage of such an outcome is relatively small.

The chords have different locations in the muscles of the heart; the possible observation of the patient will depend on what type and where it is located. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Apical.
  2. Middle ones.
  3. Basal.

Practice shows that patients with a basal location of the chords more often suffer from pain in the heart and other symptoms inherent in this defect; the apical and middle chords practically do not bother the person and can be invisible for a long time.

Prevention of excess chord

An extra chord in the heart does not make a child disabled or an outcast; he is obliged to communicate with other children and live a full, happy life. There will be small restrictions set by the pediatrician and cardiologist. An important role is played by the child’s general well-being, the state of immunity, and the presence of other diseases.

A weak immune system needs to be strengthened, the baby will have to exercise and harden, and a weak body will not be able to withstand even light loads. Scientists have not been able to invent a treatment for a disease such as chord in the cavity of the left ventricle; pharmacy kiosks do not sell a panacea for it. Surgical intervention, which is the excision of the problematic chord, is extremely rare; such a radical solution to the situation is resorted to if the ARH consists of longitudinal fibers and causes strong changes in the functioning of the cardiac apparatus.

There are situations in which the symptoms are particularly pronounced, the chord in the cavity of the left ventricle exhausts the person (fatigue, severe weakness), the cardiologist will prescribe a course of treatment with vitamins B1, B12, pacemakers, and antioxidants.

A false chord of the left ventricle in a baby will slightly change the rhythm of his life, and parents must understand and accept some rules:

  • limit strong physical activity;
  • active sports are excluded;
  • protect the child from negative influences, avoid stressful situations.

Active sports activities are prohibited, but this does not mean their complete absence; on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect well-being and lead to other diseases. Excess weight and metabolic disorders pose such a danger; these ailments will increase the load on the heart and aggravate the situation.

Physical therapy is recommended; hoop exercises are very useful; they develop joint flexibility and strengthen the muscles of the back and waist. Exercises on the wall bars will strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, and will help develop finger motor skills. Jumping rope for a short time, rope climbing, and playing ball are allowed, but football, basketball and volleyball are not for children with this anomaly. An excellent solution for parents would be to introduce their child to dancing; ballet is excluded; light types of ballroom dancing will only be beneficial and will entertain the little patient.

The diet should be rich in vitamins, vitamin B1 is especially useful; it will eliminate lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, increase alertness and strengthen the nervous system. Contained in nuts, pistachios, cilantro, beans, sunflower seeds. Vitamin B2 will help strengthen muscles and relieve joint pain and must be present on the table in the form of cheese, eggs, and veal. Microelements potassium and magnesium can be taken as vitamins, or you can replace them with healthy foods - figs, dried fruits, dried apricots. Magnesium is found in strawberries, apricots, and peaches. Proper nutrition will be tasty and healthy for the patient, strengthen his immune system, and replenish the body with missing vitamins.

Many parents perceive the diagnosis of false chord as a tragedy, focus their attention, and try to isolate the child from society. Such behavior will only aggravate the situation and develop an inferiority complex in the baby. An extra chord in the heart is a minor anomaly that does not lead to disability, death, or other terrible consequences. Following simple rules will allow you to continue to lead a full, happy life.


Chords in the left ventricle: features

An additional chord manifested in the very left ventricle of the heart is a diagnosis that can only be established on the basis of a thorough ultrasound, and not by listening or an ECG. Of course, if a very young patient has a heart murmur and there is no suspicion of a serious defect, the doctor may suspect that it is a false chord or valve prolapse.

Quite often, not very honest specialists, especially various pediatricians, after carefully listening to the baby and pretending to be serious, say that your child has a certain murmur in the very heart and this is the notorious additional chord. A referral is issued for an urgent ultrasound. At the same time, not a single word about the detected noise is written in the outpatient card. If you go to a disinterested expert, it turns out that there was and is no dangerous noise. You need to know that a false chord cannot cause a heart murmur.

The additional chord itself is a certain cord, which is attached with one side to the leaf of a small valve, and, accordingly, the other to the wall of the heart itself. A person has several such chords, and their main function is to help the valve not bend too much all the time, but to retain blood during the period when the heart begins to contract. If one or more of these false chordae are thicker and denser, they become clearly visible on ultrasound. This is always and without fail written about in the conclusion, adding the favorite phrase - hemodynamically insignificant. This means that the false chorda does not affect the heart in any way. It does not require any treatment.

If the additional chord discovered by the doctor is still hemodynamically significant, you need to go for a detailed consultation with an experienced cardiac surgeon. But don’t worry, because this doesn’t mean that it will have to be surgically excised, you just need to understand the current medical situation.

False chord of the left ventricle: symptoms

Signs of the presence of a left ventricular chord in the heart are quite nonspecific. They can manifest themselves as a violation of the rhythm of the heart muscle, a syndrome of too early repolarization of the ventricles, as well as a symptom of their pre-excitation. An apical murmur may also be present.

Echocardiography helps to quickly detect the passages of the left ventricle. The method is painless and quick, so it will not cause any discomfort to the patient.

Often, false chords in your heart do not affect your quality of life. This cardiac anomaly does not have even the slightest effect on the prognosis. Do not be nervous if you have a symptom of the disease and it is confirmed during a heart examination.

Lifestyle after detection of a false chord of the left ventricle

If you have discovered additional chords of the left ventricle, or if they are particularly located or if there are a lot of them, there may be a fairly serious disturbance in the usual heart rhythm.

It is imperative to know that in such a common situation relaxation disorders of the left ventricle occur. You will need to reduce physical activity, as you will cause serious damage to the heart muscle - it simply will not be able to cope with active blood pumping. You shouldn’t take risks, so limit your active sports activities.

Those patients who have at least an additional chord of the left ventricle are recommended to regularly undergo a thorough professional examination by their cardiologist and have an ECG. It is also useful to consider all measures to prevent infective endocarditis. Taking care of your heart and health in general will not be superfluous for you. It’s better to play it safe and be calm about your body.

Different doctors, of course, give different advice when they find a chord of an additional type of left ventricle in a patient. Some say that you should only do gymnastics and constant physical therapy, and some say that there are no special contraindications, so you should categorically exclude only scuba diving and emotional parachute jumping. If a child with such a really common diagnosis is sent to professional sports, frequent and mandatory monitoring of heart function is necessary.

The left ventricular chord is the reason why people are practically not accepted into the army. But they may suddenly turn a blind eye to this, since the young person may simply not feel pain symptoms.

The conclusion is that going to dances with such a chord is useful, and constantly monitoring your physical shape is also recommended. If there is a special need, the doctor will prescribe a course of exercise therapy for you. It takes place directly in your clinic, where you will be under the watchful supervision of specialists. Exercises are selected strictly individually so as not to disturb the rhythm of your heart.

If after such training there is an improvement in the condition of the heart muscle and additional chords of the left ventricle, the doctor, after a certain period of time, will send you to these classes again. Positive dynamics can be seen almost immediately. But certainly remember that if you feel severe tension or some strange pain in your heart, you should immediately report this to your trainer and cardiologist. It may be necessary to adjust the training and physical activity that was initially chosen.

All photographic materials are taken from the site Google.Images.ru


False chord in the heart - what is it?

Sometimes, during the formation of the organ of the fetal cardiovascular system during pregnancy, several additional threads are formed in one of its sections, most often this is the left chamber. A false chord is a peculiar formation consisting of connective tissue. Most often, no cardiac dysfunction occurs. This condition is considered a minor anomaly in the development of the heart muscle.

The accessory chord of the left ventricle is classified according to the direction of its placement. Fibrous formations that have a longitudinal or diagonal direction do not interfere with normal blood circulation, but transverse ones can at some point become an obstacle, which affects the activity of the heart muscle. But at the same time they are not able to provoke Volva syndrome.

False chord of the left ventricle as a pathological condition has its own causes. The most important and scientifically proven one is heredity. Children whose mothers suffer from cardiovascular diseases are at risk. Under such circumstances, it is likely that the newborn will exhibit certain anomalies in the structure of the organ, and this may occur after some time. Possible causes of the formation of an abnormal chord of the left ventricle in a child include:

  1. negative impact of the environment;
  2. exposure to such mutagenic factors as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction during pregnancy.

Is there an anomaly?

It cannot be said that a false chord in a child’s heart manifests itself in some specific way, especially if it is isolated. But, nevertheless, a false chord, as well as a blockade of the legs of His, can be suspected when a systolic murmur is detected, which is not typical for the healthy state of the organ.

Basically, a false formation in a child is discovered after birth, but if this does not happen, then after a while a pathological condition can be suspected when:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • a distinct feeling of heart contractions;
  • increased fatigue, weak condition;
  • autonomic organ dysfunction;
  • emotional stress.

The connection between multiple false chords and heart blocks is that they are accompanied by disturbances in the heart rhythm, as well as early restoration of the initial potential of the chambers or, conversely, their overexcitation.

There is an opinion that false fibrous tissue in the left ventricular cavity can be detected using an echocardiogram, but in practice this painless and quick method is not very effective. The most reliable information about the condition of the heart muscle and the presence of abnormal formations in it can be obtained through ultrasound.

How to live with such a diagnosis?

As mentioned above, a single chord of the ventricle of the heart is not capable of worsening the general condition of the body; accordingly, no medical intervention is required. But if there are several of them, then the heart rhythm may be disrupted, the level of exercise tolerance may decrease, and the inability of the fibers to conduct electrical current may occur. In such circumstances, it is recommended to limit active sports activities. Regular examination by a cardiologist is considered mandatory; if possible, measures should be taken to prevent infectious inflammatory processes in the inner lining of the muscle.

Regarding the recommendations regarding the way of life of people with left ventricular chord, the opinions of doctors differ slightly. Some believe that it is necessary to limit physical activity, doing only gymnastics or exercise therapy, while others do not see any obstacles to this. But they agree on one thing for sure, and that is that parachute jumping and diving are contraindicated.

In cases where certain symptoms of illness associated with the cardiovascular system are disturbing, certain medications are used. These may be vitamins that help improve the nutrition of the layers of the muscle sac. To ensure that myocardial fibers can conduct electrical impulses normally, preparations containing magnesium and potassium are used. Antioxidants help improve metabolic processes at the cellular level. If signs of a functional organ disease are detected, nootropic medications such as piracetam are prescribed.

Left ventricular hypertension - what is it? Heart flutters causes treatment

The way a healthy heart works is to pump blood from the atria to the ventricles by opening and closing valves. The functional flexibility and mobility of the latter is provided by tendon threads, which, contracting and relaxing, alternately open and close the valves. In rare cases during pregnancy, when the formation of the main organs of the child occurs, the normal algorithm may fail. As a result, additional connecting threads appear. Most often this occurs in the left ventricle. These tendons do not have any special consequences for the activity of the heart muscle, so this condition is classified as a minor anomaly.

Additional threads of the left heart chamber are systematized in the direction of their location. Fibers with longitudinal or diagonal orientation do not oppose blood flow. Transverse filaments in the absence of constant cardiac monitoring in some circumstances can become a reason for the development of negative processes. It is necessary to understand that pathology with pre-excitation of the ventricles due to an abnormal connection (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) and supraventricular tachycardia cannot be caused by abnormal formations.

The reasons for the formation of a false chord are of different nature. Main risk factors:

  • heredity (mostly passed on from the mother and very rarely from the father);
  • negative impact of the ecological environment;
  • irresponsible attitude of the mother towards the health of the unborn child and her own during pregnancy - drinking alcohol, smoking, drug addiction.

The pathology of the structure of the left ventricle of the heart mainly develops in males during embryonic development. Therefore, maternal heart disease, especially intoxication through alcohol or drug addiction, greatly increases the risk of the formation of additional fibers. If timely measures are not taken, the false threads will eventually transform into additional paths for the passage of electrical signals. The likelihood of pathology occurring sharply increases with neuropsychological overload and lack of emotional balance.

Signs of pathology and diagnosis

Atypical threads are also found in the right ventricle of the heart, but most often in the left. They occupy the basal, middle or apical sections of the chamber. In more than half of the cases, the anomalous chord is the only one, in the rest it forms a group. Depending on the histology, the threads can be of three types: muscle, muscle-fibrous and fibrous. Currently, they are determined immediately after birth. If the pathology is not detected, then it may manifest itself in the future through the following symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • good heartbeat audibility;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • autonomic cardiac disorders;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of systolic murmur;
  • fluctuations in blood circulation speed;
  • violations of the anatomical structure of the left ventricle.

Today, several methods have been developed to determine the false chord of the left ventricle. Using the Doppler effect, the size, nature and density of the false formation are determined. Ultrasound helps to examine the external manifestations of pathology, and echocardiography gives an audio picture of its condition. For children less than 1 month old from the date of birth, it is recommended to perform only echocardiography. This is explained by the small size of the heart, so it is almost impossible to examine and measure anything. Usually, in a child, abnormal fibers in the heart show little sign of themselves, especially if the chord is single. In some cases, abnormal phenomena disappear spontaneously, without medical intervention.

Impact on quality of life and necessary therapy

Modern medicine is of the opinion that additional fibers in the ventricle can worsen the condition over time if they are not isolated, especially when found in the right chamber of the heart. With age, a person may develop diseases such as:

  • endocardial disorder - in the case of a short chord;
  • the appearance of fibrosis - proliferation, compaction of tissue, accompanied by the formation of scars;
  • impossibility of relaxation after contraction;
  • disturbances in the conductivity of electrical impulses;
  • disorder of the biomechanical functions of the heart muscle.

Classical treatment of the pathology of additional fibers in the ventricles of the heart with the use of drugs is not prescribed, since the disease refers to minor cardiac anomalies. It is believed that a child should not be completely prohibited from leading an active lifestyle. You need to pay attention to proper nutrition, enhanced by fortified foods. To improve the conductivity of electrical signals, you should consume more foods containing the elements potassium and magnesium.

Regular walks at a young age and physical therapy classes at an older age will help strengthen the heart myocardium. Many doctors recommend slow dance classes, wall bars, and sprinting. It is prohibited to engage in artistic gymnastics, parachuting, strength sports, wrestling and boxing. Psychologists insist on the socialization of children and the least possible restriction of motor functions with constant monitoring by an experienced cardiologist.

The diagnosis of false chord of the left ventricle is not yet a reason for despondency. Often people with such pathologies live full lives for many years, without even knowing about their illness. But this does not mean that you need to let things take their course. The child must be checked periodically in the cardiology department. It is useful to take preventive measures against infectious inflammation of the inner surface of the myocardium.

This disease cannot be cured with the help of folk remedies, so self-medication is strictly prohibited.



To understand what it is and why a false chord occurs in people’s hearts, it is necessary to understand how the heart works. The organ consists of the left and right atria, and ventricles (right and left). Normally, if the heart works as expected, then blood moves through the organ from the atria to the cardiac ventricles.

The valves located between these parts of the heart provide one-way blood flow, which occurs due to the closing and opening of the valves during heart contractions. In order for the valves to move well and be flexible, they are supported from the ventricles of the organ by tendon threads called chords of the heart.

These parts of the organ contract in turn, which puts the valves in tension mode and facilitates the unimpeded passage of blood into the ventricle area. At the moment of relaxation of the chord, the valve flaps close, which makes it impossible for the blood to flow back into the heart.

In all cases, the abnormal chord develops while the child is still in the womb. In adulthood, such an anomaly cannot suddenly appear. When the formation of the fetal heart begins, another accessory chord may develop in the organ, in some cases there are several of them. Doctors will tell you whether this condition is dangerous for the baby’s health and how it will affect its further development. But with such a diagnosis in a child, there is no need to panic.

False chords are an additional thread that helps the heart work. This anomaly is not dangerous in most cases of this pathology; it does not carry a serious hemodynamic load, and therefore does not upset cardiac activity. An additional chord in the heart of a child develops for several reasons.

Predisposing factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition, which is due to the presence of heart pathologies or vascular disorders in close relatives.
  2. Bad habits of the mother during pregnancy. If a woman smoked and drank alcohol during pregnancy, then an extra chord in the baby’s heart is more likely to appear.
  3. A poor environmental situation can provoke such a heart pathology in a child.

There are several varieties of this condition, on which the prognosis of a person’s disease depends. False chords are divided into types and location in the organ.

  • Typically, left ventricular chordae tendineae are diagnosed, in over 90% of all cases, but there is a small percentage of right ventricular chordae, about 4-5%.
  • The number of these additional threads in the heart may vary, but more often the abnormal chord appears in a single copy; such cases account for about 70%. Doctors diagnose multiple chordae in about 30% of all such anomalies.

The direction of the chords plays a huge role in the prognosis of the disease; they can be transverse, longitudinal or diagonal.

The location where the abnormal chord is located may vary. The basal, middle or apical tendon filament is distinguished.

Some types of such pathology are dangerous or hemodynamically significant. There are also minor conditions that do not require medical supervision.

Symptoms and treatment

If the false chord in the heart is located in the left ventricle and it is single, then symptoms are usually absent. Manifestations of the disease occur only if the anomaly has developed in the left ventricular part of the organ, or there are several such formations.


  1. increased fatigue;
  2. a person constantly feels a loss of strength;
  3. increased heart rate;
  4. stabbing sensations in the heart;
  5. dizziness;
  6. the person is very unstable mentally;
  7. heart rhythm failure.

The appearance or increase in symptoms occurs during puberty, when the child becomes a teenager. This period is characterized by increased growth of bone and muscle tissue. It is important not to ignore such manifestations, otherwise an additional chord in a child’s heart can seriously damage his health.

If the chord has grown across the organ, then the situation is considered serious. This position greatly interferes with the normal flow of blood, and the heart may work intermittently. With this diagnosis, people are constantly monitored by a cardiologist. Symptoms of the condition can manifest themselves vividly, and there is a need to constantly take medications to normalize cardiac activity.

Diagnostic measures include several studies.

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG). This technique allows you to identify rhythm disturbances in the organ.
  2. Ultrasound of the heart. During this examination method, the doctor can detect this pathology.

Additional diagnostic methods are prescribed based on the patient’s well-being and all symptoms of the disease.

Therapy for this disease is necessary only when unpleasant symptoms occur. If nothing bothers a person, then treatment is not needed. Sometimes, in very rare cases, the patient's condition becomes very serious, which requires immediate placement of this person in a hospital. Even less often, there is a need for surgical intervention, during which an additional chord is excised.

Features of the disease in children

The localization of the problem makes parents whose children are diagnosed with “additional chordae” seriously worry. But in reality, people can live their whole lives into old age with this pathology and feel great.

Typically, such an anatomical anomaly in a child’s heart makes itself felt in adolescence. Children begin to complain of constant fatigue or heart pain. It is necessary to treat such child complaints with maximum responsibility and undergo an examination. Even in the absence of manifestations and treatment, there are limitations:

  • Create a proper daily routine so that the child has enough time to rest.
  • All physical activity must be carefully controlled. It is impossible to overload a child with such a diagnosis.
  • The patient's diet must be properly planned. Children should receive all the necessary nutrients, this is very important for cardiac function.
  • Emotional stress can also negatively affect the condition of the heart, so any stress is contraindicated for such a patient.

There are certain sports that are acceptable for children with this diagnosis. Doctors often recommend gymnasts, since the loads characteristic of this type of sports activity will only benefit children.

Right-sided false chord is a serious diagnosis in which other cardiac pathologies may occur. A baby whose examination has revealed this type of pathology must be constantly observed by a doctor and his health monitored constantly, even at home.

An extra chord is not a death sentence. There is no need to worry too much if your child is suddenly diagnosed with this disease. Medicine can help such patients, the main thing is to see a doctor in time. To protect your baby from this disease, you need to carefully plan your pregnancy, get rid of bad habits in advance, establish a daily routine and eat right. The health of her baby depends on the expectant mother, so every effort must be made to ensure that the child is born without pathologies.



Chords in the left ventricle: features

An additional chord manifested in the very left ventricle of the heart is a diagnosis that can only be established on the basis of a thorough ultrasound, and not by listening or an ECG. Of course, if a very young patient has a heart murmur and there is no suspicion of a serious defect, the doctor may suspect that it is a false chord or valve prolapse.

Quite often, not very honest specialists, especially various pediatricians, after carefully listening to the baby and pretending to be serious, say that your child has a certain murmur in the very heart and this is the notorious additional chord. A referral is issued for an urgent ultrasound. At the same time, not a single word about the detected noise is written in the outpatient card. If you go to a disinterested expert, it turns out that there was and is no dangerous noise. You need to know that a false chord cannot cause a heart murmur.

The additional chord itself is a certain cord, which is attached with one side to the leaf of a small valve, and, accordingly, the other to the wall of the heart itself. A person has several such chords, and their main function is to help the valve not bend too much all the time, but to retain blood during the period when the heart begins to contract. If one or more of these false chordae are thicker and denser, they become clearly visible on ultrasound. This is always and without fail written about in the conclusion, adding the favorite phrase - hemodynamically insignificant. This means that the false chorda does not affect the heart in any way. It does not require any treatment.

If the additional chord discovered by the doctor is still hemodynamically significant, you need to go for a detailed consultation with an experienced cardiac surgeon. But don’t worry, because this doesn’t mean that it will have to be surgically excised, you just need to understand the current medical situation.

False chord of the left ventricle: symptoms

Signs of the presence of a left ventricular chord in the heart are quite nonspecific. They can manifest themselves as a violation of the rhythm of the heart muscle, a syndrome of too early repolarization of the ventricles, as well as a symptom of their pre-excitation. An apical murmur may also be present.

Echocardiography helps to quickly detect the passages of the left ventricle. The method is painless and quick, so it will not cause any discomfort to the patient.

Often, false chords in your heart do not affect your quality of life. This cardiac anomaly does not have even the slightest effect on the prognosis. Do not be nervous if you have a symptom of the disease and it is confirmed during a heart examination.

Lifestyle after detection of a false chord of the left ventricle

If you have discovered additional chords of the left ventricle, or if they are particularly located or if there are a lot of them, there may be a fairly serious disturbance in the usual heart rhythm.

It is imperative to know that in such a common situation relaxation disorders of the left ventricle occur. You will need to reduce physical activity, as you will cause serious damage to the heart muscle - it simply will not be able to cope with active blood pumping. You shouldn’t take risks, so limit your active sports activities.

Those patients who have at least an additional chord of the left ventricle are recommended to regularly undergo a thorough professional examination by their cardiologist and have an ECG. It is also useful to consider all measures to prevent infective endocarditis. Taking care of your heart and health in general will not be superfluous for you. It’s better to play it safe and be calm about your body.

Different doctors, of course, give different advice when they find a chord of an additional type of left ventricle in a patient. Some say that you should only do gymnastics and constant physical therapy, and some say that there are no special contraindications, so you should categorically exclude only scuba diving and emotional parachute jumping. If a child with such a really common diagnosis is sent to professional sports, frequent and mandatory monitoring of heart function is necessary.

The left ventricular chord is the reason why people are practically not accepted into the army. But they may suddenly turn a blind eye to this, since the young person may simply not feel pain symptoms.

The conclusion is that going to dances with such a chord is useful, and constantly monitoring your physical shape is also recommended. If there is a special need, the doctor will prescribe a course of exercise therapy for you. It takes place directly in your clinic, where you will be under the watchful supervision of specialists. Exercises are selected strictly individually so as not to disturb the rhythm of your heart.

If after such training there is an improvement in the condition of the heart muscle and additional chords of the left ventricle, the doctor, after a certain period of time, will send you to these classes again. Positive dynamics can be seen almost immediately. But certainly remember that if you feel severe tension or some strange pain in your heart, you should immediately report this to your trainer and cardiologist. It may be necessary to adjust the training and physical activity that was initially chosen.

All photographic materials are taken from the site Google.Images.ru


What is a chord in the heart?

The heart muscle normally consists of the following parts:

  1. right ventricle;
  2. left ventricle;
  3. left atrium;
  4. right atrium;

The organ also contains auxiliary valves that help pump blood. Normal blood circulation through the vessels of the body at a sufficient speed is ensured by rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle. The valves are movable and perform the function of letting blood in and out of the heart.

The chordae perform an important protective function of the heart valves from sagging over time. They are strong tendon threads that are attached to the leaflets of the atrioventricular valves. The chords ensure the normal operation of the movable valves by holding them. During normal development, one chord should be attached to each valve leaflet.

What are the chords in the heart?

Chords in the heart are divided into 3 types:

  1. Natural– those that are provided by nature to ensure normal heart function. They help the valves contract and move blood around the body. They also have the function of protecting against valve sagging with age.
  2. Abnormal- additional chords, which are divided into some subtypes and create some obstacles to the normal functioning of the cardiac organ.
  3. False chord in the heart– when listening to the heart, murmurs may be detected that are mistakenly taken by the doctor for chords, however, upon further diagnosis they are not detected, and the murmurs appear as a consequence of another cause.

An abnormal chord in the heart can be divided into the following subtypes:

  • right ventricular chords – about 5% of cases;
  • left ventricular chords – about 95% of cases;
  • single – 70%;
  • multiple – 30%;
  • diagonal;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • apical;
  • middle;
  • basal;

In the course of their research, experts divided the existing chords into 2 categories:

  1. Potentially dangerous;
  2. Safe;

Patients whose pathologies belong to type 1 chords should be under the supervision of a doctor and undergo periodic examinations.

For example, single longitudinal chords in the ventricles of the heart do not create obstacles to the normal functioning of the cardiac organ, but if the chord is located transversely, it can significantly impede the normal outflow of blood.

Multiple chordae are often hereditary diseases and can further provoke the development of certain heart diseases:

  • arrhythmias;
  • intraventricular conduction disorders;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • in rare cases can provoke a heart attack;

Multiple chordae should be under the supervision of a cardiologist in order to begin treatment of the pathology in a timely manner, if necessary.

Additional chord in the heart - what is it?

An additional chord in the child’s heart is formed during pregnancy, when the heart muscle is formed. They are often isolated and do not cause discomfort. It is not a serious pathology that requires medical intervention, however, after detection, periodic monitoring by a specialist is required.

The additional chord has the following characteristics:

  1. Has no effect on hemodynamics– such chords are benign formations in the heart muscle that do not affect its normal activity in any way and do not require treatment.
  2. Affects hemodynamics– in this case, the chord affects cardiac activity in one way or another, especially the transverse chords, and requires periodic monitoring by a specialist with the possible prescription of treatment.

An abnormal formation inside the heart cannot always be detected; there are cases when people live for years without suspecting anything.

Causes of the anomaly

There are several possible reasons when a child develops a chord of the left ventricle of the heart during intrauterine development.

These include:

  • hereditary factor, when one of the child’s parents also has extra stringy formations inside the heart, most often transmitted through the maternal line;
  • mother's poor lifestyle– the use of drugs, drinks containing alcohol or smoking tobacco products can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Especially if these factors took place at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby’s heart muscle is actively forming;
  • poor nutrition with excessive content of animal fats;
  • heavy physical activity on the pregnant body;
  • intrauterine infections in the fetus;
  • reduced immunity mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • living in a contaminated region(chemical and heavy industry waste, increased background radiation);
  • frequent stressful situations, which have an effect on the nervous system and psyche;

Symptoms and diagnosis

In early childhood, a chord in the heart may not manifest itself in any way and may be discovered completely by accident, during the examination of another disease. This rule also applies to single chords, which are located in the left ventricle.

If there are multiple or transverse abnormalities in the right ventricle, you may notice the following symptoms in the child:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent and rapid fatigue;
  • feeling of weakness in the body;
  • the appearance of frequent dizziness;
  • discomfort and tingling in the heart area;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

In the presence of formations in the right ventricle, these manifestations cannot always be noticed in early childhood. Most often they appear during the period of active growth of the child - in primary and secondary school age.

If you suspect the presence of a chord, you should contact a pediatrician who will conduct research and, if necessary, refer you to a cardiologist.

To diagnose the disease, the following measures are taken:

Today, all children at the age of 1 month have electrocardiogram readings taken to diagnose possible heart diseases for the purpose of prevention and timely treatment of pathologies.

Manifestations of an additional chord in the heart and what disorders does it lead to?

An additional chord in the heart may not manifest itself in any way, or it may lead to the symptoms described above - this depends on their number and specific location. It is important for parents not to ignore the child’s complaints about fatigue and poor health, but to conduct a thorough diagnosis from a specialist.

The consequences of the presence of a tumor in the heart muscle can be as follows:

  • sometimes, as the organ grows, the chord may shift or decrease in size, becoming inaccessible for its diagnosis. In this case, it cannot in any way interfere with the normal functioning of the child;
  • the appearance of a violation of the blood conduction of the muscle;
  • arrhythmia;
  • endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • in severe cases, ischemic stroke;
  • rapid fatigue even with moderate physical activity;
  • severe dizziness, sometimes fainting;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • frequent mood swings;

It often happens that “dangerous” types of formations can lead to general underdevelopment of connective tissue, which, in turn, threatens the following pathologies:

  • high growth;
  • thin build;
  • joint hypermobility;
  • deformation of bone tissue;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys and excretory system;

Treatment of the consequences of an additional chord

Often, if an additional chord is detected, no treatment is prescribed, however, in severe cases of pathologies with manifestations in the form of discomfort and pain in the heart area, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • fortified complexes enriched with B vitamins;
  • preparations containing magnesium and potassium;
  • antioxidants;
  • nootropic drugs.

It should be remembered that medications are prescribed only by a specialist after diagnostic measures have been carried out.

In particularly severe cases, when multiple chordae interfere with the normal functioning of the heart muscle, surgery may be prescribed, however, this happens extremely rarely.

Recommendations for anomalies - lifestyle, what not to do?

To maintain the normal functioning of a person with abnormalities in the development of the heart muscle, it is necessary to observe the following lifestyle:

With a mild degree of pathology, you can lead a normal life without denying yourself active hobbies and sports. However, an additional chord and an army are incompatible concepts, since they involve great physical activity, which is contraindicated for this pathology.

Experts classify the formation of an additional chord in the heart as a minor pathology, which in most cases does not require drug treatment or surgical intervention. In general, the forecast is quite positive. However, it is still necessary to monitor the development of the disease, sometimes visiting doctors and performing control diagnostic measures.

Conduction disturbance along the right bundle branch Symptoms of myocarditis

The human heart includes four chambers - a pair of atria (left and right) and a pair of ventricles. If the organ is completely healthy, then the blood circulates in it from the atria to the ventricles. Thanks to the existing valves, one direction of flow is ensured. The doors must always be mobile and flexible; special “springs” in the form of threads made from tendons maintain their normal condition. The essence of the work of the chords is that the threads contract one by one, and when necessary, the valve itself is pulled, due to which blood flows directly into the ventricle. And when the fluid should be back in the atrium, the fibrous tissue relaxes.

False chord in the heart - what is it?

Sometimes, during the formation of the organ of the fetal cardiovascular system during pregnancy, several additional threads are formed in one of its sections, most often this is the left chamber. A false chord is a peculiar formation consisting of connective tissue. Most often, no cardiac dysfunction occurs. This condition is considered a minor anomaly in the development of the heart muscle.

The accessory chord of the left ventricle is classified according to the direction of its placement. Fibrous formations that have a longitudinal or diagonal direction do not interfere with normal blood circulation, but transverse ones can at some point become an obstacle, which affects the activity of the heart muscle. But at the same time they are not able to provoke Volva syndrome.

False chord of the left ventricle as a pathological condition has its own causes. The most important and scientifically proven one is heredity. Children whose mothers suffer from cardiovascular diseases are at risk. Under such circumstances, it is likely that the newborn will exhibit certain anomalies in the structure of the organ, and this may occur after some time. Possible causes of the formation of an abnormal chord of the left ventricle in a child include:

  1. negative impact of the environment;
  2. exposure to such mutagenic factors as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction during pregnancy.

Is there an anomaly?

It cannot be said that a false chord in a child’s heart manifests itself in some specific way, especially if it is isolated. But, nevertheless, a false chord, as well as a blockade of the legs of His, can be suspected when a systolic murmur is detected, which is not typical for the healthy state of the organ.

Attention! Not in all cases of the presence of an additional formation of fibrous tissue, extraneous sounds are heard. Therefore, auscultation is not the main diagnostic method in this case.

Basically, a false formation in a child is discovered after birth, but if this does not happen, then after a while a pathological condition can be suspected when:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • a distinct feeling of heart contractions;
  • increased fatigue, weak condition;
  • autonomic organ dysfunction;
  • emotional stress.

The connection between multiple false chords and heart blocks is that they are accompanied by disturbances in the heart rhythm, as well as early restoration of the initial potential of the chambers or, conversely, their overexcitation.

There is an opinion that false fibrous tissue in the left ventricular cavity can be detected using an echocardiogram, but in practice this painless and quick method is not very effective. The most reliable information about the condition of the heart muscle and the presence of abnormal formations in it can be obtained through ultrasound.

Important! Do not panic or be nervous under any circumstances if you or your child are diagnosed with an abnormal chord of the left, or in rare cases, the right ventricle. Most often, they do not in any way affect the quality of life.

How to live with such a diagnosis?

As mentioned above, a single chord of the ventricle of the heart is not capable of worsening the general condition of the body; accordingly, no medical intervention is required. But if there are several of them, then the heart rhythm may be disrupted, the level of exercise tolerance may decrease, and the inability of the fibers to conduct electrical current may occur. In such circumstances, it is recommended to limit active sports activities. Regular examination by a cardiologist is considered mandatory; if possible, measures should be taken to prevent infectious inflammatory processes in the inner lining of the muscle.

Regarding the recommendations regarding the way of life of people with left ventricular chord, the opinions of doctors differ slightly. Some believe that it is necessary to limit physical activity, doing only gymnastics or exercise therapy, while others do not see any obstacles to this. But they agree on one thing for sure, and that is that parachute jumping and diving are contraindicated.

For your information! If your child diagnosed with additional fibrous formation in the heart muscle is involved in active sports, then it is important to monitor the functioning of the heart.

In cases where certain symptoms of illness associated with the cardiovascular system are disturbing, certain medications are used. These may be vitamins that help improve the nutrition of the layers of the muscle sac. To ensure that myocardial fibers can conduct electrical impulses normally, preparations containing magnesium and potassium are used. Antioxidants help improve metabolic processes at the cellular level. If signs of a functional organ disease are detected, nootropic medications such as piracetam are prescribed.

As for the prognosis of this condition, given that the functions of the heart muscle are practically not impaired, and no special treatment is required, complications develop very rarely. Moreover, if you take the necessary medications correctly, the likelihood of their occurrence is minimized.

In contact with

After identifying an additional chord (false) in their baby, parents have difficulty maintaining calm. They begin to read various literature, search for medical institutions and consult with pediatric cardiologists. In this situation, the child also has a difficult time. Previously, he lived quietly and explored the world around him, but now he has to frequently visit doctors and undergo many tests.

Chordae are thin muscles that connect opposite sides of the heart ventricle. During the next pulsation, the valve in the heart bends a little and, without opening, holds back the blood until a certain moment. It is the chords that hold the heart in this position. Chordae can form during pregnancy, when the baby's heart is not yet fully formed and continues to develop. This happens in 35% of cases. An additional chord is a special connecting formation that is superfluous and has a non-standard structure. In most cases, the chord is found in the left ventricle of the heart. Although rare, it is also found in the right ventricle. Experts studied this unusual phenomenon for a long time and came to the conclusion that the chord does not interfere with the work of the heart, does not make itself known, and its presence is not life-threatening. The chord is discovered completely by accident.

Doctors consider the additional chord to be a genetic disease inherited by the fetus through the mother's side. Although another chord is considered an anomaly, it does not have a negative effect on other important organs. The help of medicine in this case consists of constant monitoring and consultations with specialists.

Few cases of this anomaly have been reported in the past. Apparently, the reason for this was the inability of the equipment to provide accurate examination results. In recent years, the quality of equipment has improved significantly, so the anomaly in newborns has begun to be recorded much more often.

The work of a child's heart

Very often, the cause of the abnormal appearance of the chord in the ventricle is heredity. If the mother has diseases of the cardiac system, there is a high probability that the fetus will receive one or more pathologies. In addition to another chord, other heart pathologies often develop. In addition, an abnormal formation can occur for a number of other reasons. The latter include the environmental situation, the pregnant woman’s use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, constant stress, etc.


In a child, the chord can exist for years, and no one will know about it. She has no functional load, the pathology is not accompanied by certain symptoms, so the child’s heart works in a normal rhythm. Are there any ways to suspect it in a newborn? The main method of determination is by systolic murmur, determined between the third and fourth ribs. Even with it, the child will develop completely normally.

In the case of a false chord, the child experiences dizziness

However, in the case of too intensive development, the development of the musculoskeletal system faster than the internal organs, the cardiac load will increase. Now the chord often declares itself for the first time. The signs of pathology are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • increased causeless fatigue;
  • frequent changes in mental and emotional state;
  • pain in the heart;
  • frequent changes in heart rate.

Diagnosis if an anomaly is suspected

In case of certain suspicions of the presence of an anomaly in the heart, the diagnosis is as follows:

  • listening to the child by a pediatrician using a simple stethoscope, with the help of the device it is possible to hear systolic murmurs;

The doctor usually prescribes the following to the child:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG without load and with load);
  • 24-hour electrocardiogram monitoring (continuous ECG recording for 24 hours or more);
  • bicycle ergometry.

Diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities in a child is carried out using an ECG.

The doctor makes a decision about the need for a specific examination during the examination.

Treatment options

If the child has no signs of a problem, heart treatment with medications is not required. It is enough to constantly be observed by a doctor and conduct an echographic examination along with an ECG.

Treatment of the anomaly with the use of medications is advisable if its symptoms appear.

The doctor prescribes vitamins to further enrich the heart with nutrients, and products containing magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin and others) to normalize the repolarization process.

Vitamins and medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Certain treatment prescribed by a doctor to a child must be carried out together with health-improving and preventive measures. Parents need to make sure that he eats properly, hardens himself, spends more time in the fresh air, rests after active time, and plays sports with physical activity appropriate to his state of health.

Quite rarely, the structure of the chord is combined with nervation of the heart; such a pathology negatively affects its work. The only treatment in this case is surgery (destruction by cold or cutting off).

Not a sentence

Having discovered this chord in a child’s heart, you should not consider it a very terrible disease. He can be healthy and live long enough without even knowing about it. There is no need to panic for no reason, but simply see a doctor and follow simple preventive measures:

  • compliance with the activity and rest regime;
  • proper nutrition;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • hardening;
  • being in the fresh air;
  • ensuring adequate sleep;
  • prevention of frequent and severe stress;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • exercise only after consulting a doctor.

Parents do not need to protect their child from everything; they should not treat him as if he is disabled, otherwise they will aggravate the process of socialization. If he, like all normal children, attends kindergarten, communicates with peers, and engages in sports appropriate to his health status, he will be able to more easily adapt to society and feel healthy in it.

A left ventricular false chord, like an accessory or anomalous chord, is a specific type of connective tissue found in the left ventricular cavity. Most often, this diagnosis, and this is precisely the diagnosis of a disease belonging to the group of minor cardiac anomalies, is given to young patients.

According to many doctors, one should not attach much importance to this education. The atypical structure of the organ does not affect the child’s health in any way. He may even be allowed to play sports or dance. However, there is one amendment: you should be regularly monitored by a cardiologist so as not to miss the moment when the false chord needs professional attention.

What kind of fabric is this

False left ventricular chord (LVCH) are cords of muscular-connective tissue, usually located inside the left cardiac ventricle, not connected to the valve leaflets. They were first discovered in the cavity of the human heart during autopsy in 1893. Although the author called them an anomaly, he recognized them as a possibility of the norm. A detailed classification of chords appeared already in 1970, where false ones were clearly separated from true ones. In particular, the bias was made on the location of the threads.

Over the course of many years of numerous studies, medical scientists have found that:

  • about 20% of cases with the detection of atypical tissues may be accompanied by pathological changes in the functioning of the organ;
  • in 19% of cases rheumatic heart disorder was observed;
  • the same number of patients had atherosclerotic lesions;
  • 12% of those examined were found to have mitral valve disease;
  • in 5% of cases cardiomyopathy was detected;
  • was present in the same number of patients.

The risk of such formation increases with an unstable psycho-emotional state

Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that LVHL, as a result of a congenital defect, in particular cases can lead to the development of dysplastic syndrome. Disturbances in the structure of the left cardiac ventricle of this type are more common among the male population of the planet. Appearing during the embryonic development of the fetus, false threads can subsequently be transformed into additional pathways of circulation and impulse conduction. The risk of such formation is especially high when the body is intoxicated, the psycho-emotional state is unstable, and physical exertion is feasible.

Classification of chords

  1. Atypical chords can be located in the left or right ventricle (moreover, inside the left ventricle much more often than the right, in the latter case they are defined as pathological).
  2. They can occupy the apical, middle or basal part of the ventricle.
  3. Placed longitudinally, diagonally or across the cavity.
  4. Found singly or in a group.

The most common phenomenon is a single FV chord – more than 60% of cases.

Signs of anomaly

The clinical picture is poorly expressed. Among the visible signs we note:

  • change in heart rate;
  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • detection of systolic murmurs (transverse basal and multiple chords can provoke arrhythmia);
  • untimely contraction of the heart and its depolarization (less noticeable in a state of excitement and during physical exercise);
  • change in blood flow rate, overexcitation of the left cardiac ventricle;
  • changes in the anatomical shape of the left cardiac ventricle.


There are few advanced methods for diagnosing LVHL. Ultrasound examination allows you to see, and echocardiography allows you to hear and monitor whether the LVE chord is interfering with the functioning of the organ. The Doppler diagnostic method is used to measure the size, determine the density and nature of LVHL.

Echocardiography is one of the progressive methods for diagnosing LVHL.

For a newborn baby 1 month old, only echocardiography is applicable, since it is still difficult to see anything in the cavity of the heart, much less measure it. Note that for a child, detection of LVHL is much more typical than for an adult. With proper growth and development of the baby, the anomalies can eliminate themselves.

For an atypical chord, the standard formulation of the examination results is (minor anomaly of cardiac development).


For most patients with LVHL, the presence of an extra notochord during their lifetime has little impact on their health. To protect a child from the appearance of possible pathological manifestations with age, you need to be observed by a cardiologist for some time, reduce physical activity, and vitaminize your diet.

Multiple formations in the left ventricular cavity can lead to cardiac disorders of various types. Each specific case is considered separately, and only then adequate therapy is selected.

From a general purpose we note:

  • physiotherapy;
  • dietary food enriched with vitamins;
  • drug therapy;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • rational replacement of work and rest;
  • staying in the fresh air.

If you or your baby have atypical left ventricular connective tissues in your heart, you should not react violently and rush to extremes. Many people live to a ripe old age without even knowing they have LVHL. Note that there are no traditional methods for the disorder, so you should not self-medicate. Trusting a qualified specialist is the only right decision.