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If you dream about a certain person. What can a dream represent? Italian dream book Meneghetti

The subconscious produces such tricks that in the morning a person does not know what to think about. For example, how do we understand the following fact: I had a dream in a dream? This is already some kind of matryoshka doll. But it makes a strong impression. Moreover, it is imperative to understand why a dream occurs in a dream. This is extremely rare and therefore sends an important message. But about what? Let's figure it out.

Anyone who was lucky enough to wonder in childhood about the meaning of a dream within a dream has probably heard this explanation. Many old people are sure that this is a sign of great fatigue. Like, the brain is overtired, and that’s why it produces such strange pictures. Maybe they're right. If you have a dream in a dream, it means that the person is literally delirious of rest. It is believed that people who engage in intense mental work need regular rest for their gray matter more than others. If they do not devote enough time to rest at night, then they develop a persistent illusion of overwork. This is precisely a subjective factor. The brain signals in such a strange way the need to be distracted. Otherwise illness will follow. Grandmothers send their children for a walk, to run around the yard, to free themselves from the abundance of impressions. According to the assurances of the older generation, if you have a dream (we are trying to figure out what this means), you need to change your occupation for a while. If you are faced with such a vision, then try to implement their advice. Maybe the subconscious will stop throwing up amazing riddles. But this is a personal opinion. We will try to find out what to think if you had a dream in a dream, what it means, from collections of interpretations.

Family dream book

Seeing a dream in a dream is not a very favorable sign. Get ready for someone close to you to give you an unpleasant surprise. The interpreter hints at the betrayal of a friend. Lovers should double their attention to their significant other. After all, if a person had a dream in a dream, then he found himself in a threatening situation. His soul already foresees imminent suffering. She rushes around, trying to prevent an event that brings pain. So it gives out such a sign that it is difficult for consciousness to pass by. However, the above transcript applies only to those situations when you do not remember the plots of a double dream. If they turned out to be vague, unclear, vague. They are difficult to formulate.

How can you deal with a situation differently when you have a dream in a dream? The interpretation should be sought in the remembered plot. Look in the sources for the meaning of these images. But the predicted events will not happen in the near future. The embedded images prepare you for events that will follow decades from now. They will be so important that higher powers decided to warn in advance. It is advisable to write everything down carefully and save it. After all, the time will come when you will have to remember this important hint. If you believe this source, which explains what a dream means in a dream, then you will have to keep a diary for yourself. Not every person retains memories of night scenes for the rest of their lives.

Newest dream book

What other interpretations are there for such an unusual vision? Let's see what the newest dream book tells us about this. Seeing a dream in a dream is a sign of illness, assures this respected source. Let's remember the explanations of older people. They talked about being overworked. Obviously, the compilers of this collection of interpretations relied on their opinion. If you have a dream in a dream, it means that the person is overexerting yourself. It is logical that the consequence of this process will be disease. Most likely, it is already present at the cellular level and will affect the internal organs. Many of them cannot directly send signals to the brain about negative pain processes. So another mechanism was found to warn consciousness about problems in the body. Advice: take care of prevention, rest, go to the doctor. In addition, the affected organ can be judged by the plot of a double dream. If it included water, then take care of the gastrointestinal tract. If there was a cat, then the spleen is at risk. The earth speaks of problems in the sexual sphere. They are only potential, but they should be dealt with immediately before it is too late. It turns out that the answer to the question of what a dream means in a dream is also not particularly optimistic, unless you take it as a good warning.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

This source did not remain aloof from the issue under consideration. Explaining why a dream occurs in a dream, he relies on the reasoning already given, somewhat expanding the range of issues addressed. It is necessary to pause, take a so-called vacation, Mr. Meneghetti assures. Pressing questions can wait. After all, a person does not have the opportunity to correctly assess their significance, orientate himself, or take into account all the circumstances. The probability of error is very high. Therefore, there is a threat of going down the wrong path if you have a dream in a dream. What this will lead to is probably not worth explaining. It will take a long time to correct mistakes, establish relationships, redo projects, or look for ways to reverse decisions made. That is, a person will complicate his life. Isn't it better to wait a little? After all, after a certain time, the inner gaze will become clearer and it will be possible to understand the circumstances. Moreover, unplanned rest is very beneficial for health. Once again we come to the rightness of the older generation!

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

A slightly different approach is presented in this collection. If previous authors looked for the root of interpretation in the personality of a witness to an amazing vision, then this interpreter suggests focusing on external circumstances. The fact is that they do not develop in the most favorable way. One should be especially wary when the essence of the plot of the second level has eluded the person. He will face obstacles that he is currently unaware of. It will not be possible to overcome them in a hurry. You will have to gather your strength or just wait if you had a dream in a dream. The source does not really explain what this will lead to. His warning is limited to indicating the presence of unknown obstacles in an important area of ​​​​life. This could be work, personal relationships, finances. The dreamer is encouraged to look for problems in a matter that he himself considers significant. It is there that impenetrable walls will rise and the deepest ditches will form.

Modern dream book

To see a dream in a dream means to find yourself in an ambiguous situation. There is a very good person nearby. He is pure in soul, sincere and completely open. And you suspect him of all sins, and absolutely unfoundedly. If you fail to hide your dark thoughts, offend the angel. And this is a very big sin. Search your thoughts. Whom did they decide to punish innocently? Is it worth applying your worldview, which is not distinguished by good morals and humility, to someone who has abandoned negative feelings and ideas and does not wish you harm? Deciphering what a dream means in a dream, this wise source warns about the danger of aggravating karma by doing the wrong thing. Next, he suggests recalling the plot of the second level vision. If it turns out to be bright and joyful, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. And if it’s gloomy and dark, you won’t stand the lesson. But such an incredible adventure in the country of Morpheus indicates that your soul has a debt of a karmic nature. Further fate depends on what decision is made.

Maly Velesov dream book

This respected interpreter approaches the study of our vision completely differently. He invites the person to remember the circumstances of the holiday in the camp of Morpheus. It is in them that he sees the essence of the answer. So, if you were resting in a beautiful meadow, mistaking fragrant, juicy herbs for a feather bed, it means that you have a life ahead, devoid of worries and worries. A certain patron will take upon himself the solution of any problems. Agree, it is very tempting to believe in such an interpretation. You should perceive the situation completely differently when you have a dream while standing. Misfortune is already prepared and awaits ahead. It has gathered like thunderclouds above your head! Be careful. In addition, the author claims that insanity threatens those who have a dream in a dream. What this means, you probably don’t need to chew on it. The soul is in danger! We need to look for ways to get out of this state.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Not everyone will look at the specified source. But those who decide are unlikely to like the interpretation. It is indicated here that such a plot guarantees success in practicing magic. Moreover, like a good sandpiper, the collection praises its swamp. He invites the dreamer to engage in black magic. Like, he has a penchant for it. Should we take this clarification seriously? Decide for yourself. The interpretation in the collection is presented as serious and responsible.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Here it is also recommended to pay attention to the circumstances under which you dozed off. If this happened outdoors, prepare for a long journey. It will most likely turn out to be pleasant, filled with incredible discoveries, vivid impressions and delight. When you see yourself sleeping on the roof, expect a rapid takeoff. Life will take a sharp turn. The waves of bustle and commotion will subside, and you will find yourself in a position briefly described by the word “elite.”

It’s bad to see yourself sleeping in a soft chair or on a feather bed. The interpreter recommends gathering all the strength of the soul. You will encounter bitter betrayal on the part of your beloved person. If you slept on a train, without bedding, only on a bare mattress, you know that the soul does not strive for social and financial heights. What you have completely satisfies you.

Esoteric dream book

In this reference book we also come across a story about a sandpiper. Those who are not inclined to spiritual research should not find out what a dream means in a dream using the dream book indicated in the subtitle. After all, this source contains only a description of a person’s talents. He considers this adventure in the country of Morpheus an indicator of readiness for intense internal work. A person is invited to learn how to order dreams. This is a whole direction in esotericism. It turns out that you can ask a question and see the answer in a conscious vision. The source states that those who see multi-level dreams are prone to such activities. Try it if you believe it.

American dream book

This collection echoes the above source of transcripts. Lucid dreams are recommended for those who are faced with the subject under study. However, here the thought continues in a slightly different direction. Our soul is multifaceted. It is conventionally divided into its component elements. For example: conscience, faith. One of them does not work for the dreamer. You need to deal with your own soul and put the missing part of it to work. After all, without it you cannot live your life to the fullest and realize your own goals. You know, an ordinary person exists in many worlds. Those that we do not perceive with ordinary senses are called subtle. A similar plot suggests that the dreamer knows how to travel in the astral plane. Such talent is valued more than gold by some advanced individuals. Think about it. Maybe you should pay more attention to your abilities and develop them. Fate itself presents a gift, the significance of which cannot be overestimated. Almost everyone loved fairy tales in childhood, and many also loved science fiction when they grew up. But to become the hero of such a plot yourself is a special honor! Don't miss the chance. Take a step towards change! If you have a dream, its meaning should be sought in the soul. This is the main idea of ​​the interpretations.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the sciences that study dreams, since dreams are a rather complex process, and so far science is only trying to explain the reasons for their appearance.

When a person sleeps, he can dream. A dream is a short film based on the images that appear in the mind of a sleeping person. Sometimes he carries with him some fragments from life that he remembers well. But often a dream is incomprehensible to a person, so he turns to many dream books that explain what the appearance of certain objects or personalities in a dream can mean. If a person dreams, it can mean a lot. There are many different guesses and hypotheses about the appearance of a person in a dream. Therefore, let's look at some of them.

In numerous dream books, assumptions about the appearance of a person in dreams are very contradictory. In some, predictors believe that if you dream about a person, it means absolutely nothing. And if he appears in your dream many times in a row, then you should think about why he is so chained to your subconscious. Some dream books believe that the appearance of the same person over several dreams indicates that you either harbor a grudge against him and cannot forgive, or you still have feelings for him and you cannot part with them.

There is one very popular version, which is based on the fact that a person dreamed about the hero of the film. Everything is absolutely clear here and you shouldn’t think too much. While watching a film, every person on a subconscious level develops a feeling for this character, and if something doesn’t work out or doesn’t work out for this character in the film, then you remember those cases when something didn’t work out for you either. And if you cannot put it together in your consciousness, then your subconscious can do it.

Also no less interesting is the case when you dreamed of a person who was already dead. It is this case that many experts and predictors are focused on, since a final answer to the question of why dead people come in dreams has not yet been given. But now there are several theories about this phenomenon. Some dream books write that this is a sign that you will soon have sad news about your relatives and that you need to be very careful. If you dream of a person lying in a coffin, then you will be haunted by failures. In addition, if in a dream you put coins on the eyes of a deceased person, then you will suffer from the actions of enemies who will take advantage of your kindness. If a deceased person appears in a young woman’s dream, this will be a harbinger of trouble due to her gullibility. There is also a theory that if you dream of a dead person, then something is holding him on earth and you need to visit his grave and light a candle for the repose of his soul.

Now let's just talk about those people who can appear in dreams and what their appearance means. If you dream of a person who has only one eye, then this means that someone is very jealous of you and vehemently gossips about your well-being. If a happy person appears in a dream, then this is a sign that you will have good news and good luck will accompany you in life. If you dream of a person who has no teeth, then this means that you should take care of your job, as you may lose it. If your enemy appears in a dream, then a short-term illness awaits you. If you defeat an enemy in a dream, then in reality nothing threatens you, since you have enough opportunities to withstand all troubles.

Of course, predicting your future from dreams is interesting, but you shouldn’t trust them too much. Sometimes dreams are just a compilation of moments that you accidentally remembered, but did not give it due attention.

I dreamed about People, what is it for, what do People mean in a dream

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about People in a dream, what is it for:

People - to see a lot - to an important event among the people, in the country or locality. Pluto.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream People about what?

What do People mean in a dream - You see a lot of people in a dream - some kind of fear lives in the hidden corners of your consciousness; you must remember the past; you must tell your loved ones about the past, and then it will let you go. It’s as if you see naked people - you will soon suffer from gossip; another interpretation of the dream: in the girl’s gentle voice you will hear temptation

Magic dream book

Why do people dream in a dream?

You had a dream about people, what is this (crowd) for - lack of independence, subordinate position.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Had a dream People, what is this for?

What do People mean in a dream? 1. People who appear in dreams are characters with the help of whom we write our “play”. Most often, these are our acquaintances, with whom we are currently concerned about our relationship for some reason. In dreams, they brightly illuminate their specific qualities and characters or act as a projection of our inner state. 2. To unravel the different types of “information” that these characters present to the dreamer, you should look at what each of them wants to make him think about. A character from the past is always associated with specific Mentions, not necessarily painful, of some period of the dreamer’s life. A neighbor or close acquaintance usually highlights a certain quality of that person. Someone's mother, father, brother and other "foreign" relatives may represent members of his own family, as well as perhaps the envy that is consuming him at this moment. Sometimes there is no point in trying to recognize the meaning of a dream, but it is worth just looking at what impact the character’s actions have on the dreamer’s daily life. And in order to recognize/why the dreamer chooses this or that specific pattern of behavior in a dream, it is necessary to know more about his real life. If you feel love for a certain person and at the same time feel antipathy, you will almost certainly dream about him. Or two people who are completely opposite in character, to clearly show the two sides of your thoughts and feelings. A composite character, as with composite animals, will emphasize one quality in order to draw your attention to it. The fact is that every character who appears in a dream reflects the attitude of the dreamer himself towards him.

Teenager, young man. If you dream about your own youth, it means that the dreamer is focusing attention on his undeveloped side. Dreaming about the youth of a person of the opposite sex usually means a connection with a repressed part of one's own development. The emotions associated with youth are extremely painful and clear, and such emotions can only be felt through dreams. There may be a conflict with freedom.

Ancestors. Traditions, behaviours, morals and religious beliefs are passed on from generation to generation. When ancestors appear in dreams, we focus on our roots, which helps us better understand ourselves through our relationship to the past.

Authority figures (such as teachers, judges, police officers, etc.). Initially, our understanding of authority develops under the influence of our relationship with our father. Therefore, our view of authority depends largely on how we were cared for as children: whether we see it as a benevolent helper or a pedantic explorer. Most authority figures lead us to the right places, although we may consider them actions are completely wrong. Authority figures in dreams appear to gain the upper hand over us, or to promote success. Dreaming specifically about the police can represent a type of social control and a protective element towards us as members of society. Often a policeman appears in a dream as the personification of the dreamer's consciousness. Or if he feels that his wild side requires control.

Baby. The appearance of your own child in a dream suggests that the dreamer needs to recognize those vulnerable feelings over which he has no control. Or he will have to do something new. Someone else's child realizes that his parent may be offended or that he is innocent of something. From a psychological point of view, the dream of a baby indicates that the dreamer is in contact with the innocent, curious side of himself, with the part that does not want or feel the need for responsibility. Dreaming of a child also means that on a spiritual level the dreamer has a need for a sense of purity and purity.

Boy. A dream about a boy shows that there is potential for the growth of a new business. If the boy is familiar, then he reflects the recognized qualities of the dreamer. From a psychological point of view, perhaps the dreamer needs to remember himself at that age in order to recharge his inherent enthusiasm.

Young man. Dreaming about your current or former boyfriend is associated with feelings for him, affection and sexuality. If you dream of a man as a young man, whom you in no way imagine in this role, it means that you feel the need to better understand how to build relationships with Representatives of the opposite sex. Or are you still looking for the perfect lover?

Caregivers (for example, nurses, nuns, etc.) represent the dreamer's qualities such as the ability to compassionate and care. For men, a dream with caregivers usually foreshadows non-sexual relationships.

Child. A dream in which a child appears gives us access to the child within ourselves, gives us the opportunity to look at the world in a childlike way, with curiosity, and better recognize ourselves.

Crowd. A crowd in a dream relates to our communication with other people, especially in a social sense. It also indicates that we are hiding something or trying to hide something from others. Or perhaps we want to avoid responsibility. A huge crowd suggests information that we cannot handle.

Dictators (Hitler, Stalin, etc.). If the dreamer was suppressed by his parents as a child, this relationship may manifest itself in dreams as images of famous dictators.

Girl. When a girl of any age appears in a dream, we are dealing with our own sensual side. Perhaps we need to work on developing our intuition. If the dreamed girl is not familiar, then we will soon realize that a fresh approach to the issue that worries us is useful.

Girl (favorite). When a beloved girl, even an ex, appears in a dream, the dreamer is dealing with the attributes of femininity and masculinity. Or is it his fears related to sexuality. If a beloved girl (friend) appears in a woman’s dream, it means that she is worried about her or wants to adopt some of her qualities.

A hero or heroic figure (see also Archetypes) In a man's dream, he represents all that is good in himself, and in a woman's dream it is the Masculine principle (see Introduction). When the hero is in search - (the dreamer faces a struggle about which he does not know anything yet (see also Campaign). It is important that in a dream the dark forces are defeated, but not destroyed, since they cannot be completely destroyed without harming the Sage ( see Introduction). Sometimes in a dream a hero unexpectedly fails, since everyone has weak points, by finding which, a person can be defeated. Such a dream shows that in life the dreamer does not pay attention to something important. The death of a hero in a dream - to the dreamer will have to be reborn. Conflict within the dreamer or another dream character suggests disharmony between two facets of his character. The hero often appears in a dream as an antidote to a hated figure in the dreamer's daily life.

A high priest, astrologer, or other character endowed with exoteric knowledge (see also Archetypes and Authority Figures in this section). Any character endowed with magical power in a dream is our first representation of the Supreme Being. That is, we are told that we can acquire the same deep knowledge, but only by meeting our teacher.

Inadequate person. This is often the only opportunity to encounter the Shadow (see Introduction). The image of an inadequate person in a dream reflects our own feelings of inferiority. It is easier to fight inadequacy in a dream than in life. And this must be done so as not to experience a feeling of inferiority in life.

The Intruder (see also the letter B and Robber) in a woman’s dream is most often the personification of her own Masculine principle (see Introduction). In the masculine, it characterizes one’s own Shadow (see Introduction). In another case, it involves a change in relationships and, first of all, the dreamer’s relationship to himself.

The king in a dream represents his father with virtually no options. A person like the emperor means that the dreamer does not like some of the father's demands, but they should still be accepted. If the king is old or on his deathbed, then the dreamer will be able to reject the worn-out ones! or old-fashioned family values.

Man. Any man appearing in a dream shows an aspect or facet of the dreamer's character in a recognizable form. Each of us has our own repertoire of behavior, some of the actions are acceptable, some are not. In dreams, both behaviors and character traits may be exaggerated to make them easier to recognize and presented as individuals. A man in a dream means the Shadow for a man and the Masculine for a woman (see Introduction). An older man (if he is gray-haired) represents the inner wisdom inherent in ourselves. Such a person can also represent the father. If a big man appears in a dream, we usually value the strength, commitment and protection that our core beliefs give us. A man in a woman's dream represents the logical side of her nature. She has, or can develop, the courage that allows her to function successfully in the outside world. If she knows the man in the dream or loves him, then she can try to understand her relationship with him. The unknown man is an as yet unrecognized part of the dreamer's personality. In a woman's dream it is the masculine side of herself, and in a man's dream it is the Essence (see Introduction).

Old people (see also Man and Woman). In dreams, old people can represent our ancestors, that is, grandparents. If the old man is a man, then, depending on the personality of the dreamer, he will mean either the Essence or the Masculine principle (see Introduction). Old Woman - Great Mother or Feminine (see Introduction). All paternal figures, or personifications of the father, often appear as old men to illuminate their distance. A group of old people in a dream usually signifies the traditions and wisdom of the past - those things that are sacred to the "tribe" or family. Very old people represent our parents, even if in the dream they don’t look like them at all.

Pirate. The appearance of a pirate in a dream suggests that some aspect of our personality is destroying our emotional connection with the soul.

Prince (Hero) and Princess (see also Archetypes). These images represent those parts of ourselves, or others, that have been brought into our consciousness and given power. Just as the hero took responsibility for his journey, the prince and princess take responsibility for their lives.

The queen (not only the real one, but also the historical one, for example, Victoria) usually represents the dreamer's relationship with his mother and through this with powerful women in general.

The stranger (see also Shadow and Introduction) in a dream represents a part of ourselves unknown to us. There may be a feeling that the conflict must be resolved before continuing on the path to success.

Twins and a mirrored image (see also the letter B) in a dream reflect the duality of personality. If they are absolutely identical, then we can recognize the ambiguity of our feelings. If you dreamed of twins rather than twins, then they mean the inner Self and external reality. Gemini is also a projection of our personality into the world.

A woman in a woman's dream, especially if she is a family member or friend, represents herself in the dream, but is often not completely understood. In a man’s dream, such a figure is related to his feelings and intuition. This image can also show how he treats his partner. A goddess or holy woman signifies the highest potential for working with the Greatest Good that the dreamer has. Eastern women appearing in dreams usually suggest the mystical side of the feminine principle. In a man's dream such a figure will often reveal his attitude towards sexuality, while in a woman's dream it will reveal more of her own intuitive side and superior powers. The elderly woman in most cases represents: the dreamer's mother and her sense of ancestral wisdom. An unknown woman in a man's dream represents the Feminine principle (see Introduction), in a woman's dream it represents the Shadow (see Introduction). These are the qualities of surprise and intrigue that allow us to further explore the meaning of this image. We can extract a huge amount of information because the image is unknown to us. When we begin to work on ourselves from a spiritual perspective, we can access an incredible amount of knowledge that will help us improve our lives.

Dream book of E. Ericson

Dreamed about People, interpretation:

What does a society of prominent, beautifully dressed people mean in a dream - interesting, profitable acquaintances; gathering a society in your home means confusion in family life.

If you dream about a person, then who is thinking about whom: am I about him or is he about me?

There is such a sign that if you dream about a person, it means he is thinking about you. It always seemed to me the opposite: sleep is the result of thoughts. Who is right: the sign or me? Do we dream about those who think about us? Or those we think about?

Vitaly p

For example, for me it’s like this: no matter how much I think about the person I like, or dream about a girl, I will never dream about her! No matter how much I want it! When you go to bed with an empty head, then interesting dreams are born in the unconscious :)

Therefore, it would probably be more correct to agree with the sign that after all, you are dreaming of a person who is thinking about you! :) And not about you! :)

I have a thought

So you're thinking about him. Moreover, if you try to forget a person for a long time, the brain begins to erase him from your daytime memory, transferring all thoughts to sleep, and not only thoughts but also emotions, the same thing happens if you constantly think about him.

Depending on how you look at it, most people gathered here with unrequited love. And this causes trauma and turns a loved one into an obsession. Even if, when you are busy with everyday activities, there is no time to think about him, your heart still gets bored and hurts. Therefore, in your dreams you also think about him.

Many here suddenly remembered former lovers, first loves, being married. I think that this temptation comes from evil and means nothing else.

Sometimes I dream of a person whom I love in a dream, but I don’t know in person. “I think this signifies my desire to fall in love. His face changes.

I did not escape unrequited love and the person turned into an obsession. Climbed into thoughts and even dreams. It’s unlikely he was thinking about me, it’s more likely that I was starting to go crazy. But my heart felt warm from this presence.

In general, I don't think that just because you dream about someone doesn't mean they are remembering. This connection cannot be proven and believing in it means wishful thinking and then suffering even more.

Although, a few weeks before her death, my grandmother asked me very often. I don't think it's random. I dreamed about her later, but her character changed. It was as if evil spirits were pretending to be her. Therefore, I know that there is a great danger in dreams and it is better not to get involved in it.

From experience, I rather agree with Vitaly: usually we dream about what is happening around us. Our subconscious simply “removes” this information in a dream from space. And everything that is happening around you can be dreamed of in such a dream. Well, if, of course, you distinguish such special dreams from ordinary, simple, empty ones. When you watched a movie in the evening, you thought about something, and at night you dreamed about it. This is not about that... So, if someone is dreaming, it’s more likely that he is thinking about you. For example, if I consciously called a person into a dream, in order to find out what I needed, I would have to “sweat” three nights in a row to make it work... And that’s not a fact! Sometimes, for the life of me, space doesn’t respond. And that’s what this means, I would like to know. At least ask a question... But who will answer??


I rarely have dreams, usually I don’t remember them and don’t focus on them. And then I dreamed of a person with whom I had not communicated for a long time. I come to work, and he sits at the office door. A week later there was another similar case with another patient. Marvelous!


If you dream about a person, it seems to me that anything can happen - either you think about him, or he thinks about you. But if you haven’t even tried to think about this person, then it’s clear - he thinks about you! Tested by personal experience.

Nothing without you

I dreamed of a guy with whom I had not spoken for about a month. We study at the same school, he often looks at me for a long time. I think I like him. when we stopped communicating, especially the first week, he showed attention, without words, but with glances and all that. and now less and less. and then on Thursday I dreamed about him. wrote. I didn’t answer, he wrote again that he was bored, that he didn’t like it, that we didn’t communicate and that he looked at me all the time because we didn’t communicate, but he wanted to communicate. I was glad to receive this message, but did not respond. the dream was so real that I already thought that we were communicating and that this was real life. then his classmate came up to me and said that he and I (the boy who said he was bored) needed to talk. we talked, he told me the same thing that he wrote then in a message and then everything was fine with us. what could this mean? I didn’t like him before, but when we stopped communicating with him, I liked him.


Sorry, I’m getting into the conversation)) on topic...but a little off topic) I had this: I couldn’t sleep normally for 4 days in a row, that is, I went to bed at 5 and got up at 10 in the morning. Then it turned out that one person was dreaming about me these days. (I admitted it myself) after that, I tried to communicate less with this person.. As a result, I was able to fall asleep before 5 am! After that, this man said that he had not dreamed of me for these 3 days)) and now about the topic: he often dreamed of his ex. (and his relatives were remembered) While talking with him.. he accidentally said that he often thinks about me. (and his relatives often remember me).


And it was like that for me. I broke up with my ex, fell out of love with him, already married someone else, and I dreamed about him very often, and even in such situations that I woke up in a cold sweat: like I’m returning to him and all that, in my dreams I myself think why I I came to him, I love my husband, what am I doing here, I have a beloved husband and son there (at home). After waking up, I sighed with relief that it was a dream. that is, I didn’t think about my ex, but it turns out he thought about me and wanted to return me and that’s why he appeared in my dreams.

Aline price

Lately, almost every night, I have been dreaming of a guy with whom I was good friends as a child (until the age of 6) - we lived in the same house, went to the same kindergarten and were in the same group there, our parents were very good friends and we were often together celebrated holidays. But then he and his family moved and our families no longer met on holidays (well, at least I no longer crossed paths with him), and this year I entered college, and discovered that he had entered the same department, and into my own department and in my stream (that is, during lectures we always sit in the same classroom). In August, having found him in the lists of groups of my faculty, I tried to add him on VKontakte, but he ignored my request for 1.5 days (although he came in very often and for a long time sat), and I called her back. he remembers my first and last name very well (so when they do roll call, he hears it anyway) + our parents recently called each other when it turned out that we are in the same faculty. But he ignores me, I also pretend that I don’t know him (as with they do to me - that’s what I do, I don’t like to run after people who avoid communicating with me). If I think about him, it’s rarely during the day, sometimes I forget altogether, but I constantly dream about him, and in my dreams I try to smile at him and thereby make him smile back at me, or I look into his eyes for a long time to attract attention to myself, but he just constantly looks away, as if even in a dream he wants to avoid any contact with me. True, there are also dreams when he and I finally talk and start acting like good friends, like in childhood, and we can’t stop smiling because we like spending time together (in dreams). I think that I may be dreaming about all this because I am tormented by his attitude towards me, I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to communicate with me, I don’t think that he thinks about me


My husband allegedly left me and flew to live in another city. But he didn’t file for divorce. For about two weeks now, I’ve been dreaming about him every day. I can’t say that I don’t think about him, of course I do. But I don’t understand why I dream about him every day, and even for 2 weeks. From my experience, I can say that I did this many times and nothing worked, when I walked around all day long thinking about a person and before going to bed to dream about it, unfortunately nothing worked. And here it is. I know that he got excited and already regrets what he did. He writes to me every 2 days and wrote today. And he writes that I allegedly bewitch him. It means he is suffering if he writes this and regrets it. I think he'll be back soon. It turns out then that HE is thinking about me, and that’s why I’m dreaming. Although I don’t write to him or approach him. I let go a long time ago and at the same time said, thank you for the opportunity to be happier with someone else. I really let him go and I don’t bother him at all, I wished him happiness and I don’t remind him of myself. I had already mentally begun to tune in to life with someone else, that I needed to find someone. But he doesn’t give me peace; I’ve also been dreaming about him every day for 2 weeks now. I don’t even want to go to bed anymore. What am I doing?


I was looking for answers to the exact same question....

Old love, about 12-13 years ago... Nothing really happened. The first feeling, so to speak. Fate separated him, different families, he has children. We saw each other periodically and crossed paths. The last time we talked was 5 years ago. And recently there was a beacon from him in the form of a comment on a photo. I remembered a little of the past, but since nothing happened after that, I didn’t get in touch, no more signs of attention, I calmed down and forgot. But yesterday I had a dream. Very bright, clear, face, movement, touch... There was no intimacy in the dream, just a touch of the cheek, but clearly the same as it was 12 years ago. The dream was in the morning, I woke up from it. And I'm on my nerves all day. What is this all about? I don’t need all this, I have a family, but it turned me inside out. So the question arose: is it my subconscious doing this to me (strange, because I forgot to think about it since the comment under the photo) or does it really think about me? By the way, this has not happened in all 12 years........


I dated a girl for about 10 months, you can say that I loved her, I broke up with her because I said stupid things and in general I didn’t want to meet, I wasn’t ready to propose to her, but she expected this from me, well, in general, then she finally gave it to me to understand that she is not mine anymore... I was very worried, I wanted to return, but it was too late, she found someone else and married him, and now 10 months later I dreamed about her 2 times already, the first time was intimate with her in a dream , and today I had a very unusual dream that we met at some kind of party or just somewhere unclear, my dreams are not very clear, and I talked to her and she agreed to come back and meet, and then I woke up and thought what a bummer.. but I would like that, because I understand that I won’t meet anyone better than her. and now I’m also thinking, maybe someone is thinking about someone, or maybe there’s a version that the brain is gradually erasing a loved one from the memory, transferring him into dreams?!


Liraliralira.this comment inspired me!..I have a typical situation. a very long time ago I was madly in love with a young man, but he didn’t need a relationship with me. but we were “TOGETHER” a couple of times. After some time, I confessed to him that I had been in love for a long time, but in response I received a hard no, but we continue to communicate. We see each other very rarely. Now I have a young man, or rather, he is diligently looking after me. but I can’t forget that man! and still in love with him. so why am I saying all this? I recently dreamed about both that man and my current boyfriend, plus also my dad (let me explain, he left for Ukraine more than two months ago!) So I have a question: is it possible to say that they all think about me? in the situation with my dad and boyfriend, I can believe it, but with that guy I can’t. I can hardly believe it. Maybe someone can express their opinion!?!


Today I had a dream, a man I forgot to even think about, he is long in the past. During my student years we met him, my first love, the relationship lasted a year, then he left me, he decided that it was too early for him to think about a serious relationship, that he wanted to hang out again, that I didn’t fit into his future, I worried for a long time, cried, even after After graduating from university, I couldn’t forget him for several years; it seemed then that there couldn’t be anyone better than him. 10 years have passed, I am married and love my husband very much, I know that he is married, we live in different cities, I forgot to think about him, now it seems that I was stupid, what could I find in him then. And today he appeared in my dream, clearly so, he told me that he loved me, and I told him that you made your own choice! I clearly remember these words, all day I think why I dreamed about it after so many years!


I’ve been married for almost 5 years, I’m 24, I married my beloved, after 2.5 years a child was born, everything is fine, but I once had a dream with a young man, I liked him very much in my youth, but he was my friend’s boyfriend, she is an active girl. and immediately I persistently intercepted him, I somehow didn’t interfere, didn’t try to fight him off, but he hinted at his feelings to me, and others noticed it, but I, stupidly due to my youth, didn’t notice it, so I’ve already forgotten, in general I didn’t remember, well, I just didn’t think for a day for many years, and when I dreamed about it, my feelings flared up with such force, and then I realized that I was probably not indifferent to him, but for some reason I didn’t notice, I think about him all the time. but I just forget, and again the dream with him, and everywhere that he is either offended or talks about his feelings. What is it, is he thinking about me, or am I thinking about him?


Interesting, however)) I want to tell you about my situation, a little over a year ago I broke up with my boyfriend, of course everything ended well, but oh well, throughout the whole time we sometimes talked to him a couple of times, he said that he wanted to return everything and he himself was already living with another girl, but after the moment of breaking up, I began to dream about him very often, and there are such terrible dreams that I wake up in wet sweat, and another fact before the betrayal, I dreamed about this girl that he was cheating on me with her, when he told him I laughed and said that it was all nonsense, but that’s what happened in the end. But I still had the main question: “why have I been dreaming about him all this time??” Maybe I’m already so crazy and I don’t know whether I love him or not.

My darling

I have this story: Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, a boy and I liked each other, but there was never anything between us.. Then he got married and we no longer communicated. I am also already married, I have a son. Then he got divorced, married someone else, and after a while I find out that he had a daughter and he named her by my name.. I learned this from my close relative, whom he himself approached and told what he named his daughter.. We We live in different cities and don’t communicate at all, but for 3 nights in a row I’ve been dreaming about him. Moreover, the dreams are becoming more and more frank each time.. At the same time, I know for sure that I didn’t even think about him.. I wonder why such dreams suddenly?...


What does it mean, I met a guy a month ago and since then he hasn’t been on my mind even for a minute, I constantly think about him, but during this time I have never dreamed of him, we even almost We don’t communicate, but the other day I wrote to him, let’s say, like a love letter, to which he didn’t react in any way, he’s just silent... and for the last two days after that, I’ve been dreaming about him for two nights in a row... even I don’t know what to think...could this mean that he is thinking or remembering me??? Please answer, who knows... this is very important for me! Thanks in advance....

Aliya Moldobaeva

I had a dream in which there was a man whom I like and quite a famous Kazakh actor (this actor is among my “friends” on social networks, there was a case that I even sent him a message, but in principle there was no answer ), she and my lover are almost the same age, in a dream they appeared as friends, and I was nearby, we talked, and then they left. I can’t interpret the dream, I’m waiting for help.


I've been dreaming about the same guy for almost two months now. We only met him once. Fate brought us together in such a way that we were all close and constantly looked at each other. We don't know each other. And I only thought about him for the first two weeks, and then I forgot. But for some reason I still dream about him. I do not know what to do. I don't think about him. I try to perceive dreams as nonsense. But this is getting boring. What to do? thank you in advance!

Renata Dragomir

But with me it’s like this, I like a boy, and we go to training sessions together, and he looks at me with secret glances, jokes, sometimes even hurts me with his jokes, or says so and pretends that I belong in the wrong place. Well, I gave up altogether, it became indifferent, and then a couple of days later, out of the blue, I had a dream: that we were walking hand in hand, kissing, etc. I don’t know what to think...


If you dream before three in the morning, then he wants it, if after three, then he needs it! It has long been known that women are for evening sex, and men are for morning sex! Although there may be exceptions these days, nature fails!


you know, I haven’t seen my girlfriend for 2 years, sometimes I don’t even remember for weeks and then I dreamed about the OP!!! and not just like that, but as if everything is fine with us!!! That’s how today, for example, I read her SMS in a dream with the words because I didn’t love anyone! and she’s already married and, moreover, she’s just a friend who didn’t see a man as a man (he’s not rich and not super handsome) he just lent his shoulder at the right time when we separated!! and in general, you can write a book about my relationship) but I went to a very good psychologist, I don’t remember exactly, a couple psychologist or something else called a general acquaintance, so he asked me, can you explain how a mobile phone works? I say, well, magnetic waves and so on!!! in the end, he told me that if a person thought a lot about you that day, you will definitely dream about him) it’s a pity that I can’t ask my ex-beloved whether she thinks or not, because even if she thinks, she won’t say! BUT I KNOW NOW THAT THIS IS SO!!!) So think more about your loved ones, don’t give up and maybe they will get tired of you just dreaming and want to see you around every day and always!!!) Good luck)


Good day. My problem is this: for 4 years now, every day one person gets into my head, we once met, but not for long. He didn’t take me seriously at that time and we broke up on his initiative. I tried to forget him, but apparently I couldn’t. Then, six months later, he began to write to me that he was bored and would like to return everything, but I did not agree to this, I could not get over myself. And now I really regret it, I dream about him periodically. Probably, this is still a figment of my imagination, or maybe not... It always seems to me that he is somewhere nearby and almost watching me, most likely, I am paranoid. Over these 4 years, we haven’t seen each other and written off each other only 2 times, I don’t know what I should do, it’s probably time to see a doctor.

And I dreamed of a guy who I used to really like. I forgot to think about him, but then one evening I suddenly remembered him. And then I dreamed about meeting him. The next day I had a dream about him again. Only this time I was dating his best friend, and he was terribly jealous O_o

Also that night I dreamed about me on social media. I’m communicating online with a guy I know, but we haven’t talked for a very long time O_o

In general, now I’m very interested in what all this is about.


And today I dreamed of a former colleague. We started dating a month before I was fired (there was a conflict with my superiors and the atmosphere there was not very good). My colleague is still a ladies' man. he stopped communicating with me after that. my mom saw him before the holidays with his girlfriend. I hardly even think about him anymore. I live my life and today I see him in a dream. he's messing around with a crowd of girls. And I sneakily went to his house to pick up something that was mine.


I dream about my ex-lover, and exactly once every 3 months at the end of the month... Previously, in a dream, he wanted to get together, but now he just asks me to leave him alone, even though we’ve been together for more than two years!!! We don't communicate. Who is thinking about whom? I always start thinking about him after I dream about him. He’s had someone else for a long time, so it’s unlikely that he would waste time thinking about me. It turns out that I am somehow blowing my mind???


A new boy came to my class. When he first arrived, he seemed very handsome to me. But then I realized that she was very strange and didn’t think about him anymore at all. Six months have passed, and today I fell in love with him, and in such a dream that we were kissing him.. .. Why is that? Why did I like him?


Actually, there are various dream books for interpreting dreams. But, if you think logically, it is clear that you will most likely dream about the person you often think about. Moreover, you cannot be dreamed of by a person who may not even know about your existence.


I dreamed about my birthday) a girl I like came to it with gifts, posters and children. True, there are many but this girl is my cousin's ex. She's in another city now. Tell me why did you have this dream? What does it mean?

I’ve been dreaming about my ex-lover lately, but I don’t understand why I’m dreaming about him, one day I dreamed about him and I started thinking about him again, and now it seems to me that the fact that I’m dreaming about him is the fruit of my thoughts. Even if he is bored, because he has a wife.

What does it mean when you dream of a familiar person?

You are right, as always. And how can I force myself not to think about him? - 4 years ago


We urgently need to borrow a decent amount of money from him and now he will dream about you when the repayment period has passed! He is already mentally ready to borrow, since it’s a dream, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the amount! We need to involve friends as financial intelligence and find out if he has free funds!)))

So you think about this person. You don’t just think, you think very, often, constantly. And the fact that you dream because this person thinks about you seems nonsense to me. Then a lot of people would dream of me, even those who don’t know me.

Sayan Mountains

This could be either a consequence of what you were thinking about him or because he was thinking about you. Moreover, these could be fleeting thoughts, literally a split second, so that it might not have been noticed, but consciousness got hooked, and then we wonder where this person came from in the dream.

Another interesting point in dreams with familiar people is what emotions they evoke in reality. If you dreamed of a person with whom unpleasant associations are associated, it means that the person’s state before going to bed was directed in a negative direction, and there is something to think about so that such a dream does not occur again. And if you dreamed of a pleasant acquaintance, then we are on the right track :)

Alexander lxxv

There doesn't have to be a specific meaning. To appear in your dream, it is already enough that you know the person :) But this can, of course, have a deeper meaning.

If this is a “good” friend, maybe you remembered him before going to bed. Or maybe you heard during the day from someone that they had problems, and now you are worried.

And they also say that sometimes we dream about the person to whom we owe money :)


Most often this means nothing, but there are options. Dreaming about meeting soon because we haven’t seen each other for a long time. He dreams because you think about him and dreams because your sexual life has come to a standstill and your hormones are raging.

An ordinary dream, meaning nothing special.

Because a person you know, perhaps you were just thinking about him, so you dreamed about him.

People may also dream about saying goodbye to you. It is believed that when we sleep, our astral body is free to move wherever it wants. This is how we visit the people we need and this is how we communicate with the dead.

This is how a friend said goodbye to me 5 days before her death.


The reasons may be different. You often think about this person. Or this person often thinks about you. Perhaps this person is trying to get your attention. Pay attention to the structure of the dream - how this person behaves in dreams. Is he reaching out to you, ignoring you, or something else? This will help you understand how a person treats you in reality.

Maria Anatolyevna

I dream of a young man who lives in my house, but I rarely see him. I dream about it all the time, although we don’t communicate or say hello, we just know each other by sight. but in a dream, on the contrary, we communicate very well. Sometimes he’ll climb into the window, sometimes we’ll ride in the car, or he’ll hug us. What could all this mean? do they say in a dream that souls come to visit?

Elena d

Our dreams are jokes of our subconscious, nothing more. Different dream books interpret the meaning of such a dream differently. The whole question is how you dreamed about him. In what mood, healthy or sick. Definitely, there will be some kind of turn in business.

Help to

This means you are thinking about him, perhaps worrying about him, or simply haven’t forgotten about him. There is nothing significant in such a dream. It is much stranger when you dream of a stranger, because it turns out that you created such an image yourself, and did not borrow it from memory. But an acquaintance in a dream is nothing unusual.

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life. A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist. Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth. If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw a large number of poor people in a dream, it means that many nations will face poverty in the future. Seeing a rich man in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means a happy life for the peoples of the whole world. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, this means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

I dreamed of a man

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a handsome, well-built and dexterous man in a dream means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of your fortune. If the man you see in a dream is ugly and gloomy, you will encounter disappointments and many difficulties that will torment you. If a woman dreams of a very handsome man, she will gain fame and she will like it. If in a dream she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then she will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom she considered her friend.

Why does a man dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A man, boyfriend or ex is pleasure (for a woman); for a man - a new thing depending on the appearance and behavior; (for a woman) - personal relationships; unfamiliar men - troubles or unforeseen events in a proven, well-coordinated business.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are beautiful, then this is a sign that you will become ugly due to illness, and your body will weaken. Growing beauty may indicate death.

I dreamed about beauty

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beauty in any form is extremely good. The beautiful woman of your dreams will bring pleasure into your life, and it is possible that lucrative business deals await you. If you dream of a well-built and beautiful child, this means mutual love and a happy union.

Why do you dream about beauty?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

landscape, view, painting, etc. - fulfillment of innermost desires.

Why do you dream about a hump?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

for yourself - a big win; for others - benefit, benefit; to see is joy.

The meaning of a dream about a hump

according to Freud's dream book

A dream about a hump symbolizes some kind of physical disability that prevents you from perceiving yourself positively. You constantly question your external data, and therefore behave constrained. This tightness even extends to intimate relationships and often causes coldness or aloofness on your part towards your partner. But it has long been known that in bed all the shortcomings are not only not noticed, but sometimes, with the wave of a magic wand, they turn into advantages.

I dreamed about a hump

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a hump or a hunchback in a dream means unexpected complications in your plans for the future.

Why do you dream about anger?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

for a friend - benefit through him; to a stranger - unexpected good news.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

The one you are angry with in a dream is your best friend.

I dreamed of anger

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing someone's anger in a dream is an omen of great trials for you: you will be disappointed in people and break the bonds of friendship that bind you, which seemed strong to you. The dream foreshadows the machinations of your enemies, who will take up arms against you, threatening your property and reputation. Seeing angry friends and family, but at the same time maintaining composure yourself - such a dream promises you mediation in a quarrel between two close people, your wise intervention, which will turn out to be favorable.

Why do you dream about a beard?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see it growing is a sign of wealth (the same for hair on the legs); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; to cut your hair - monetary and personal losses; cutting another's hair means a quarrel; trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or relationship; for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband; for a widow - to another marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relationships, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; redhead - treacherous friends (yellow color - envy).

I dreamed about a beard

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by some person alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and you will probably have losses in this struggle. A gray beard means failure and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant encounters and a long illness. If someone pulls your beard in a dream, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property. Combing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your wealth, making you extremely unpleasant to your former friends. If a young woman grooms her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

Why do you dream about stubble?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of a dream about stubble

according to Freud's dream book

For women: if in a dream you touched a man’s stubble, it means that you really missed reliable men’s hands and the feeling of strength. What to do - life has decided to give you some lessons in independence.

Seeing nudity in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Nudity in a dream is an important event. Often people report that in their dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability comes from that part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, based on our universal conclusion: if others know all the ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be completely defenseless. The peculiarity of “naked dreams” is their reverse connection with the fairy tale about the king’s new dress. If you remember, the tale is about two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, while his courtiers pretend to admire the “new dress”. In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees but is afraid to say out loud: “The king has no clothes.” In a nude or lingerie dream, you are fully aware that your outfit is either incomplete or non-existent, while others are completely calm about this. Once you start reacting to your nakedness, others notice it too. Your subconscious mind is tired of constantly maintaining your “facade”, which is your real, open self to society. Perhaps the time has come to make a comparative assessment of the usefulness of hiding some qualities as opposed to revealing new facets of your personality. Such an assessment can be universal and apply to all aspects of life or to an individual or interpersonal relationship that requires greater sincerity on your part. Undoubtedly, such a dream may have an exhibitionistic or sexual connotation and be a wish fulfillment or fantasy. Do you consider yourself open to others or do you take measures to hide certain aspects of your life? How do you feel about your body?

Why do you dream about nudity?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be naked is illness, misfortune, trouble; completely naked - benefit; male - fear (for a woman); female - to illness; see Stripped; running naked - disappointment in love expectations; seeing a beautiful young naked woman means recognition; ugly and old - regret, repentance, a lot of personal grief; naked in a public place - the need for recognition; to see others naked - you will be happy.

I dreamed about nudity

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream foreshadows a scandal and generally unseemly deeds. Seeing others naked is a sign that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. Illness can hinder your success. If you dream that you suddenly notice your nakedness and are trying to cover it up, this means that your noble feelings will conflict with the thirst for illicit passions. If a young woman admires her own nudity in a dream, this foretells that she will achieve, but will not retain, the true respect of men. She will be lucky thanks to her charm. If she dreams that she is poorly built, her reputation will be tarnished by scandal. If she dreams that she is swimming naked in clear water, this means that she will enjoy secret love, but her own nature will take revenge on her with illness or loss of attractiveness. If she sees naked men bathing in clear water in a dream, she will have many admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will cause malicious gossip about it.

Why do you dream about pain?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

liberation in what the sore spot means.

I dreamed about pain

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is usually caused by physical reasons and does not need such an interpretation. Sometimes experiencing pain in a dream foretells that you will soon have to experience a great misfortune. If you see others suffering from pain, then this dream is a warning against a possible mistake.

Seeing pain in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Physical. Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes the trigger event is an uncomfortable sleeping position; This is your body's way of telling you, “Honey, turn over.” Moreover, the ability of the mind to produce physical stimuli corresponding to the events of a dream is amazing in itself. From an emotional point of view, dreams with elements of physical reactions are more realistic, or, more correctly, more real. Often pain sensations are related to a specific area of ​​bodily injury. Such sensations are most appropriate in dreams where bruises, infections or amputations are present, and the physical sensations are accompanied by visual images. Try to remember exactly where the pain was felt and compare this part of the body with the aspects of your life most closely associated with it. Was the pain caused by you, another person, an object? Is it caused intentionally or by accident? Was the pain so severe that it could lead to amputation, or was it simply inconvenient? Psychological. In dreams, we often encounter dilemmas that serve as sources of anxiety for the sleeper. Some things, the direct meaning of which is inaccessible to us, remain unknown as a result of introspection, since the traumatic effect of unraveling them can be truly destructive. If a dream is a source of psychological pain, it should be treated in much the same way as a dream in which physical pain is present. Is the pain so great that you need help, or does it only make itself felt as a result of something happening quickly? How often does pain occur? Does the pain get worse or stay the same? Do residual pain bother you in real life and how does it affect your daily activities? Do you feel like you have the knowledge and resources to deal with your pain on your own, or do you feel like your pain is rooted in your memory? Depending on the answers you give to these questions, you may need professional help to deal with the psychological pain you experience in your dreams.

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why do you dream about being younger?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be mistaken or deceived; to troubles due to a recent acquaintance; for patients - to deterioration.

I dreamed about love

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will develop integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates contentment, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Why do you dream about love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

around to the sleeping person - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.

The meaning of a dream about a cripple

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a cripple who begs for alms, then such a dream reveals your attitude towards sex - you consider yourself a superman and the same superlover who bestows love on his loved ones. They all need your love and that's why you share it. Treat yourself easier. To see a crippled person in a dream - you feel offended, it will seem to you that you are not loved enough and are not given due attention. This time will quickly pass, and everything will fall into place. Seeing yourself crippled in a dream means that problems await you that will primarily affect family life. Perhaps now it seems to you that nothing foreshadows trouble, everything is fine, you are confident in yourself and your sex life. In fact, trouble has long crept into your home and, hiding, is waiting for the opportune moment when you are in the most complacent state - that’s when it will fall on you. Try to be prepared for the upcoming shocks. Watching many cripples means trouble. In general, this is not a good dream. It says that you are in great danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or having serious and sometimes insurmountable difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, and all through the fault of the person who, as you think, treats you very well. Be attentive and careful, someone has seriously decided to ruin your life and will not spare anything for this. You need to check all the people you have connections with. The attacker will definitely give himself away.

Why do you dream about a cripple?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected help; forget the past; there are many cripples around - disappointment in friends and relatives.

The meaning of a dream about a disabled person

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

I dreamed about a disabled person

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign that foreshadows unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests. To dream that you are one of them foretells that unpleasant circumstances threaten you. If you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

Why do people dream about sick people?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

seeing yourself - to health; happy event; illness (fatal) - (literally) - a bad or fatal hobby; quick resolution of worries or desires.

The meaning of a dream about emotions

according to Freud's dream book

It is unusual to clearly express your emotions in a dream - you were counting on some person to carry out a certain plan, but at the very last moment he will let you down, and your relationship will give a serious crack. If you want to maintain your previous friendships with him, then be prepared for failure, but do not count on this person later. Hold back your emotions - soon you will find yourself in an unusual situation where you will not be able to openly express your feelings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you and your partner will want to make love in some public place, when erotic screams and moans will cause a completely understandable reaction from others.

Seeing a cave in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If you've ever watched the old TV series Kung Fu, you probably remember the impressive opening sequence: Grasshopper David Carre-dyne is in a cave; he grabs a smoking brand and burns the outlines of a tiger and a dragon onto his own skin. Thus, the initiation rite of a Taoist monk is completed. The cave is the archetypal place of initiation. Caves were the first hidden dwelling of man. Therefore, in our dreams we often experience a primal attraction to caves. Initiation is a term used by Jung to refer to the formation of the Self during growing up and the transition to maturity. Jung believed that in this case a person should go through a series of rituals, and they are performed in the cave. For centuries, caves have been considered a sacred refuge from the dangers of the outside world; a place where the power of the individual is strong in the face of uncertainty and impending danger. And although the cave has ceased to be the central image of human dreams, it still has its incarnations: small rooms with objects dear to our hearts from the past, cozy bedrooms or offices, basement workshops, other places of solitude and tranquility. In such a closed space you may encounter some obstacle, not necessarily threatening, but quite real. This imposed reality is created by the inner world of the cave. To be in peace with the object of this reality is to perform an act of initiation. Do you dream about leaving a cave? You may immediately feel one with the world. The peace you experience comes from a feeling of complete participation in the mysteries of nature, of belonging to the cosmos.

Why do you dream about a cave?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

exciting personal adventures (if included); you will be forgotten; strange relationship with a woman; for a woman - herself or her feelings, see Nisha; for a girl - a dubious marriage or relationship.

The meaning of a dream about a cave

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about hiding in a cave, this suggests that in real life you are trying to isolate yourself from the sexual side of life by hook or by crook. The reason for this is your fear of repeating a mistake that you made in the distant past. You don't know what you're depriving yourself of. In addition, if you have a trusting relationship with your partner, he will not be able to hurt you.

I dreamed about a cave

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a cave opening up before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties and your success will be insignificant due to interference caused by enemies. There will be a health threat. Being in a cave portends changes. You may become distant from those who are very dear to you. For a young woman to sit in a cave with her lover or friend means that she will fall in love with a dishonest person and lose true friends.

Why do you dream about bones?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

lying skeleton - marriage to a doctor (for a woman) or a bad illness; danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man); lying on the ground in a pile - failure, anxiety; gnawing with pleasure - trouble is on the nose.

I dreamed about bones

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit. Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Why do you dream about a fool?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

seeing yourself crazy is good luck in a new venture; for the poor - to acquisition; for the patient - health; good news; seeing a madman is an unpleasant surprise.

Why do you dream about a fool?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to good luck (it’s not for nothing that they say that fools are lucky).

Why do you dream about being naked?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(in underwear) - in a public place - unexpected honors, the higher the greater the nudity.

I dreamed of a fever

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are afflicted by this disease means that you are worried about trifles. At the same time, the best things in life are passing you by. You must pull yourself together and find something worthy of you. To dream that someone in your family has a fever means that someone close to you is slightly ill.

Psychologists consider dreams to be a reflection of daytime worries or memories of past events. The subconscious mind gives relevant information, hints or warnings. But why do you dream about a person you don’t think about? What does it mean? Is it true that if you dream about a person, he thinks about you? Let's consider all interpretation options.

Psychologists explain such an event in a dream as a strong spiritual connection between people. Perhaps the person in your dream needs help, and your subconscious shows his image and transmits information.

The appearance of a person in a dream may portend a real meeting in life. This phenomenon is explained by the ability of souls to communicate in the world of Morpheus, exchanging images.

It is not uncommon to have dreams in which the image of a person whom you once offended appears: in your soul you have not forgiven yourself for this act, and long-term memory brings the image to the surface.

Man covered in blood

This dream predicts trouble. The interpretation depends on whose image came to you in the dream:

  • beloved;
  • stranger;
  • boyfriend/girlfriend;
  • rival;
  • late.

Seeing a stranger covered in blood before the wedding, it predicts an unsuccessful union or the wedding will fail. These events will cause severe mental suffering to the girl. Most likely, the cause of the break will be the intervention of outsiders.

If a married woman dreams familiar person covered in blood, you need to contact him urgently: your help is needed. If you have offended this person, you need to ask for forgiveness.

This story is for a young man portends a quarrel with friends. Fortunately, the quarrel will not last long, and soon the friends will make peace.

Why do you dream rival in blood? Soon a stormy showdown awaits you. It is advisable to avoid meeting and sorting things out; this will only lead to suffering. See your acquaintance in blood- you will hear about her shame.

Why do you dream of a pursuer? stranger covered in blood? The dream reflects the dreamer's far-fetched fears, which do not exist in reality. Get rid of the problems you created for yourself.

If a man sees a long-forgotten person covered in blood, he should expect trouble at work. Competitors are plotting and wanting to be fired from their positions.

If dreaming of a dead person, which was not remembered? If the deceased behaves aggressively, expect trouble. If the deceased was a wealthy, successful person during his lifetime, prosperity awaits you. If the deceased tried to take a personal item from you, you will soon get sick.

Seeing a famous person in a dream, with whom there has never been any real contact - to an attempt to become popular among people. If there is no desire to become popular, then the dream indicates the presence of a hidden talent in the dreamer. You need to engage in self-development or find your true calling.

Seeing a dead person

Watch for murder scene in a dream- to hidden sexual desires. If the dreamer kills himself with a knife, he wants to change something in himself and be loved.

Kill in your sleep your enemy- to win a victory over him in reality, but at a high cost.

What does it mean to have a dream in which the dreamer kills a man, which you haven’t thought about at all? Psychologists explain this plot as follows: the dreamer opposes generally accepted norms of behavior and wants to become independent of them.

Man in the water

Seeing a drowning person- to separation, quarrel with someone and disappointment. Trying to save a drowning person in a dream means you can avoid trouble and smooth out the conflict.

Seeing a friend swimming underwater- he will soon reveal his true feelings for you, hidden in the depths of his soul.

If a man floating in clear water, you will soon hear about his success and achievements. If the water is cloudy, it means failure and failure.

What famous dream books say

Miller's Dream Book believes that you should meet the person who comes in your dreams. The psychologist claims that he longs to meet you, but cannot contact you.

If you constantly dream about a stranger, you need to remember his appearance and special signs - moles, facial features. Soon on your way you will meet a similar character with whom you do not want to have any relationship.

Why do you dream about a man made of iron? You are testing the patience of loved ones who are ready to explode and express everything to their faces. Reconsider your behavior.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation offers a standard interpretation - this person is thinking about you. If you dream of someone with whom you are in a quarrel, it means that you need to admit your guilt to him or to your conscience.

Looking for a person in a dream means that in reality you will be hiding from him. A person in dirty clothes is dreamed of as a symbol of the offense that you inflicted on someone in the heat of the moment. A beheaded man dreams of a stupid act.

Running away from a stranger in a dream means refusing to help someone in need. Chasing a stranger yourself means you will need help soon.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse considers the image of a faceless person to be an expression of the dreamer’s essence. Take a closer look at it to better understand yourself. If a deceased person often appears in a dream, perhaps this is a warning of danger: his fate may befall you.

Esoteric dream book . If you see a bad person who causes fear, in reality change your opinion about someone to the opposite. Seeing a sick stranger in bed is a sign of illness.

Modern dream book believes that there is no unambiguous interpretation of this dream. Circumstances related to this person will likely arise. Seeing a stranger in your own home means a quarrel with loved ones. Looking through a person means your arrogant attitude towards others is simply defiant. Change your behavior.

If a stranger told you something in a dream, you should remember at least part of the information. Such dreams are messengers and warn of important changes in life or give advice for action.

If the same image comes into your dream and it is impossible to get rid of it, it means that the universe is transmitting important information through your subconscious. You are fixated on a problem that it is time to forget about. Break out of the circle of thoughts, become a free person.

People often appear in dreams. This is a multifaceted symbol and cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Many people in a dream can be a harbinger of both positive and negative changes in life. It is important to pay attention to the smallest nuances of the dream. Only with this approach will it be possible to use information from dream books and correctly decipher the dream.

The question of why people dream is a very difficult one. This is due to the huge number of different dream plots in which people can appear. You should decipher such dreams, be sure to listen to your own intuition. And in order to use information from dream books, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot line of your night dreams.

Many people

The most pressing question is what many people dream about. Firstly, it should be remembered that such a dream should be interpreted only if it does not reflect reality. For example, maybe in reality you had to be in a crowd all day and your subconscious simply displayed the real picture in your night dreams.

Why do strangers dream?

More often than others, the question arises as to why strangers dream. This is a very favorable sign for single people. Such a dream is often interpreted literally and means that the dreamer will soon have to find himself in a large group, and, therefore, will get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

To interpret a dream, you need to remember what strangers did in your night dreams:

    Fussy people foretell that you will have to deal with everyday chores associated with holding any events together with others. Having fun, strangers indicate that in the near future you will have to participate in a noisy and crowded party. Calm people surrounding you foretell that that you have to take part in some business in real life. People who sit at tables while eating and drinking symbolize good income in reality. Friendly strangers foreshadow pleasant communication in reality.

Lots of strangers

If you saw a lot of strangers in a dream, this indicates that you are worried about internal fears. It may very well be that you are afraid of the publicity of your love relationship. But, most likely, your fears are in vain.

Strangers have appeared in your house

When strangers appear in your home in your night dreams, this foreshadows some festive event to which many guests will be invited. And naturally, your subconscious during this period is scrolling through possible options for a future event in your sleep.

When, according to the plot of a dream, you are sitting at the same table with strangers, the interpretation of the dream will entirely depend on your mood:

    If you are comfortable, then you will have good luck in business in real life. This prediction is reinforced by the large number of alcoholic drinks on the table and the festive, bright outfits of strangers. If you felt awkward and the holiday did not work out, then this is a sign that various quarrels and troubles are planned in reality.

Be in a crowd of strangers

If you dream that you are in a crowd of strangers, then, according to the interpretation of Hasse’s dream book, this portends that in real life you will have a new hobby that will be associated with collective activity. For example, this could be work in show business and advertising.

Why do dead people dream?

According to dreamers, very often people who have died appear in the plots of dreams. Therefore, many are interested in the question, why do dead people dream? If you see a lot of people in a dream and understand that they are no longer alive, but at the same time they are unfamiliar to you, then this means that all your fears that are currently disturbing you are in vain. This, first of all, may be due to the fact that the worst has already happened and life is beginning to stabilize. In some dream books there is also an interpretation of such a dream, associated with a slight illness in reality.

Corpses of strangers - interpretation of sleep

A good sign is a dream in which the corpses of strangers were seen. In real life, you will receive very good news related to a tempting offer. And you should definitely agree to it so as not to miss your chance.

If dead people appear in a dream in a short story, then this indicates that you have started a hopeless business that is not worth wasting time and effort on. If you realize this in time, then you will have the opportunity to change your life direction in the right direction.

Very often, familiar people appear in dreams, and dream books give different interpretations of such a symbol. Depending on the plotline of the night’s dreams, such a dream can be a harbinger of both positive and negative changes in the dreamer’s real life.

If you dreamed of familiar people, then it is important to pay attention to who appeared in your night dreams.

When attention is focused on what is more in the plot of the dream:

    For men - this portends a new successful endeavor in the near future. For women - this warns that you will soon find yourself in the center of unpleasant intrigues. For children - this indicates that it will be possible to implement your plans, but this will require a lot of effort. Elderly men - this predicts that you will have to do troublesome things that will bring neither pleasure nor satisfaction. For decrepit old women - this portends life’s disappointments, or the fading of a love feeling.

A large group of people you know

When you dream that a large company of people you know has come to you, then such an event in your night dreams is a harbinger of great love, which will most likely end in a happy marriage. And if you see that, according to the plot of the dream, you organized a feast for people you know, then this promises good income in reality. In addition, if the reception of friends in a dream was fun and relaxed, then in life you will meet many cheerful and easy-going people with whom it will be pleasant to communicate.

Fight or quarrel between friends

But if a fight or argument occurs while receiving friends and acquaintances, then this is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, the new people you meet in real life will disappoint you. In addition, such a dream may be a harbinger of discord between household members. And for people in love, such a dream foreshadows separation.

Dead familiar people - the meaning of sleep

When people appear in a dream who have died, and you were familiar with them during life, this is certainly alarming. First of all, you need to try to remember if they said anything. Such a dream can be prophetic and the words of deceased acquaintances may contain a hint on what to do in reality in a given situation.

It is also important to pay attention to the mood of deceased acquaintances:

    If they are joyful and cheerful, then this means that you are doing everything in life correctly. And such a dream promises prosperity and well-being in real life. If friends who died are sad, then this foreshadows the emergence of serious problems in reality.

If you dream that you are engaged in some common business with deceased acquaintances, then this is a good sign. It indicates that you will be able to get rid of thoughts about the past that weighed on you and prevented you from living a full life. In real life, you are getting closer to finding peace of mind.

Having fun or hugging dead friends

If, according to the plot of the dream, you see yourself having fun with deceased acquaintances and dancing with them, then positive changes are planned in your destiny. Moreover, they will affect all spheres of life. But if in your night dreams you have to hug the dead against your will, then in reality you will have to endure the test of difficulties.

Many colleagues

A dream in which many colleagues appear is not very good. Why do you have such a dream? It may portend that you will have many minor troubles at work, the cause of which will be the machinations of your colleagues.

Interpretation of sleep based on people's appearance

The appearance of the people in your dream is of great importance for the correct interpretation of a dream. If in your night dreams you saw beautiful, well-groomed and attractive people who evoke pleasant emotions in you, then this dream characterizes you as a positive person who strives to notice their good qualities in people. But on the other hand, this approach to life does not allow you to quickly notice the shortcomings of your friends, which subsequently leads to life disappointments.

Based on the external characteristics of people, the following interpretations can be found in dream books:
    Naked people predict that in reality you will become the object of evil ridicule or find yourself in the center of gossip. People in black clothes are harbingers of sad news. Silent people are the harbingers of entertaining activities. Cheerful people symbolize good health. Sitting people foreshadow sweet trifles in reality. People with a boring expression on their face indicates that you will have to rush to the aid of another person at the first call. Many bearded people portend strong but just anger on your part about some event that will happen in reality in the near future. People in dark clothes foreshadow life's troubles and possible trials. Richly dressed people indicate that you can count on the support of your friends. Poorly dressed people and beggars foretell that in reality you will face financial losses. Dancing people symbolize that you are an open and sincere person. Armed people predict a joyful event in real life. But if they are aggressive or attacked you, then in reality you are in great danger and you need to exercise maximum caution. Rural residents foretell an improvement in material well-being in reality. People standing in line foreshadow unpleasant events in real life. People in masks focus on the fact that due to the current circumstances in real life, you will have to deceive a loved one.

An interesting question is why a crowd of people dreams. Such a dream focuses on the fact that you can get lost in the gray everyday life and not show your natural abilities. When you see a crowd from the outside, this foreshadows quarrels and squabbles in real life. When you see a crowd of people in a dream, you need to remember how its representatives were configured:
    Positive is a dream with cheerful, friendly citizens. Negative is a dream in which people in the crowd were aggressive.
If you happen to see in a dream a crowd of people with an absolutely neutral mood, as if faceless, then this indicates that irritation has accumulated inside you. Most likely, you are offended by many people and do not want or do not have the opportunity to express it to them. Various crowd actions may indicate the following:
    Screaming in a crowd means proving that you are right in real life. Trying to get out of the crowd means being a person with an original character. Pushing people aside means trying to be alone. Singing in a crowd means getting an opportunity in reality for emotional release.
You also need to remember the gender of the majority of the crowd participants who dreamed about it in a dream:
    Women warn that in reality the dreamer may encounter deception and betrayal. Men in the crowd are interpreted in two ways. They can predict aggression in the outside world or symbolize the dreamer’s selfish motives.

A crowd of naked people - how to interpret a dream?

Night dreams in which a crowd of naked people are running after you are iconic. Such a dream means that in reality you will be mocked and slandered.

If you see faces of familiar people in a crowd in a dream, then you lack sincere communication in real life. Also, such a dream may be a sign that you have not met your loved ones for a long time. And if you see that, according to the plot of your night dreams, you feel ill in a crowd, then this indicates that you urgently need a good rest. You need to put aside all routine tasks and worries for a while. You need to remember your desires and find something for your soul.

Defiant behavior of a crowd of people in a dream

When you dream of a crowd of people who, in your opinion, are behaving incorrectly and very defiantly, then most likely in reality you will lose a friend who has always provided you with financial support.

Many people amid a natural disaster

An unfavorable sign is a dream in which you dream of many people against the backdrop of some natural disaster or cataclysm. This promises big trouble and may possibly be a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if you see that many people managed to escape, then such a dream portends that you will be able to establish relationships with people with whom you previously had disagreements. Thus, any dream with a large number of people needs to be carefully analyzed in order to understand what scenes are in it are the main ones. It is they who will have the power of prediction. In addition, it is important to carefully study information from different dream books before the night dreams seen are finally deciphered.

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