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State examination of working conditions is carried out on the basis. State examination of working conditions: what is it, goals and functions of the examination

State examination of working conditions is carried out as part of an event from the point of view of state policy - one of the key ones to ensure decent working conditions for all working citizens of the country. The bodies of state examination of working conditions are the Ministry of Labor, or more precisely, its regional divisions. It is their representatives who carry out both assessment and formulation of recommendations to entrepreneurs.

How is it happening?

State examination is carried out by qualified specialists of executive bodies. Only those who have the appropriate authority can do this. At the same time, not only is direct supervision over the conditions inherent in the place where the working person is located, but also control is taken over the documentation formalizing the cooperation of the enterprise and its staff.

For what?

Goals of state examination of working conditions:

  • Determining the correctness of the previously made special assessment.
  • Assessment of the conditions actually surrounding people in the enterprise.
  • Ensuring that personnel correctly receive guarantees and compensation if they have to work in difficult, dangerous situations, regularly coming into contact with harmful factors.


A state examination of working conditions is possible when a regional court has issued an order or ruling. Also, the initiator may be: the executive branch, the entrepreneur himself, or an association that includes several employers.

Employees who wish to have their workplaces certified may request that this process be performed in person. How much easier it is to do this through professional organizations - trade unions, designed to defend the benefits of staff. The state examination of working conditions that produces a conclusion is beneficial to insurance companies working with the enterprise, including the Social Insurance Fund. Sometimes the audit is initiated by representative bodies or companies that made the special assessment.

Federal Law: working conditions

If, within the framework of state control, allegations of a violation of the Labor Code arise, territorial services may issue a proposal according to which a state examination of working conditions will be organized.

As a rule, the audit determines whether the company is complying with the Federal Law, which came into force in 2013 under number 426. It is devoted to assessing working conditions, declaring in what conditions people can work, what remuneration and compensation they are entitled to for this. The inspection can begin with the receipt of an application to the territorial body from the workers of the enterprise, trade unions, employers, and interested parties.


As a rule, the state examination of working conditions begins with a statement from the interested person. She also presents to officials materials and documents on the basis of which an analysis of the company’s work process is carried out. If they were not submitted immediately, then the department sends an appeal to the enterprise, asking it to send documentation to those workplaces for which the event will be checked. Officials obtain additional information from government services agencies. Certain data is provided by local government and organizations subordinate to state instructions. True, this only happens if all these persons have materials useful for the examination.

In their work, officials whose task is the state examination of working conditions use regulations in force at the federal level and in a specific subject, a municipality.

How will they evaluate it?

What are the goals of the state examination of working conditions? This is an identification of whether workers are paid compensation correctly, in what conditions they work, and to what extent workplaces are brought into compliance with current laws. Officials will determine whether staff are provided with all the guarantees that employees are entitled to under the law.

At the same time, experts from government agencies have the right to visit the workplace that is subject to assessment. To do this they must present identification. Currently in our country there are no employers who have the right to interfere with the inspector. Experts may require documents and materials. The employer is obliged to provide this free of charge and as quickly as possible if it is confirmed that the state examination of working conditions requires this information.

And they will measure!

In addition, experts from government agencies can observe company employees, make on-site measurements and calculations that help identify the characteristics of the enterprise. It is allowed to resort to the capabilities of laboratories - measuring, research. The main goals of the state examination of working conditions are to identify all harmful and dangerous factors, which means that to achieve them it is necessary to resort to any accredited installations in order to identify all important sources of exposure to personnel. Current federal laws, as well as some regulations, tell us what equipment can be used.

Experts: are there any obligations?

Considering the main goals of the state examination of working conditions, it is necessary to highlight the identification of unsafe phenomena in the workplace. This helps people understand the risks associated with work, as well as understand their rights and know what compensation they should expect.

In order for experts from government agencies to cope with the assigned tasks, the scope of their obligations was outlined by law. First of all, this is the generation of reports based on the results of the research. The report takes the form of an examination, which analytically substantiates why working conditions comply (or do not) with the standards adopted in the country.

In addition, the law stipulates:

  • objectivity;
  • justification of conclusions;
  • ensuring the safety of materials and documentation received as part of the inspection;
  • preservation of received secret information.

Organizing an audit in your company: where to start

If the state examination of working conditions is initiated by the employer, he first of all writes a statement to the administration of the locality. The paper will have to be registered so that it does not get lost and the order of document flow is observed.

Next, you need to collect a package of documents accompanying the application. Typically, officials will need a report from previous special assessment activities. If there are instructions for this, they must be attached to the documentation package. If dangerous, harmful factors are already known at the enterprise, then reports on inspections that previously studied this issue are attached to the application.

Usually, a state examination of working conditions is carried out in the presence of a collective agreement (although it is possible without it). If there is one, you must definitely present it to the officials. The employer also attaches local regulations describing the obligations he has assumed. It is necessary to present a regulation on remuneration and LNM devoted to compensation due to harmful, dangerous factors.

How to submit an application?

The simplest, and in the opinion of many, the most reliable way to send documentation to a government agency is to personally visit officials. In order not to waste time, you can create a package of documents and send it by mail with notification. Finally, you can use the Internet. In this case, the documentation is sent through the State Services portal. This requires an electronic digital signature to authenticate the documentation and encrypt it for security.

Based on the results of the activities carried out, the employer will receive a conclusion. If no verification was carried out, then officials will send a notice to the company that the event was not organized.

Assessment is protection

State examination of working conditions is an event aimed at protecting the interests of both employers and employees. In addition, this creates a favorable image of the company, making it more attractive to employees: they see that entrepreneurs comply with the laws and are ready to guarantee their staff protection and better working conditions, compensation and other preferences.

In addition, during the examination, qualified specialists identify the extent to which construction, technological projects, production technologies and equipment used comply with the laws in force in the country that protect workers. Experts compare actual working conditions and standards, and if an accident occurs on the production line, they identify the features of workplaces characteristic of the production areas at the time of the incident.

What does the Ministry of Labor do?

The state examination is carried out with the direct participation of representatives of the Ministry of Labor for the region in which the enterprise is located. As a rule, officials are responsible not only for the examination itself, but also for the implementation of standards and improvements in their jurisdiction that make labor protection more effective and efficient. Every year, new programs are created aimed at improving the conditions of workers, and it is the regional division of the Ministry of Labor that implements them.

In addition, government officials provide training to both line personnel and company managers. The topic of the seminars is labor protection. This allows you to obtain the necessary amount of knowledge in order to understand what working conditions are difficult, dangerous, harmful, in what cases workplace certification is necessary, what benefits and advantages it will bring, and when it will become a prerequisite for the continuation of the company.

What does the examination provide?

Based on the conclusions formulated by experts upon completion of the inspection, the enterprise may be liquidated if serious violations were found. In some situations, the court does not propose to liquidate the entire company, but only a specific division in which critical errors were identified.

Based on the results of the expert review, proposals are formed that will improve working conditions, reduce professional risks, and also formalize membership in one or another category of enterprise. State inspection is also a method of protecting workers' rights. According to current laws, all citizens of the country have the right to count on safety at work. In case of danger, they must be warned about this and compensation is paid to them.

Special assessment and state examination

One of the rather controversial and unclear issues among employers is how important it is to conduct a state examination if a special assessment of workplaces has been organized at the enterprise. This issue is most fully disclosed in the order of the Ministry of Labor adopted in 2014 under number 549n.

The second paragraph of the first chapter of this fundamental document states that the state examination is intended to verify the fact that the special assessment was carried out correctly, in compliance with standards, and with high quality, that is, it became the basis for calculating compensation to employees in accordance with the complexity and harmfulness of production factors.

The third paragraph of the same chapter indicates all the grounds for conducting an examination (they have already been listed above, such as appeals, court decisions, interest of supervisory authorities). That is, according to the current legislation, it is not necessary to organize a state examination, but nevertheless it is advisable to do this.

What about paying?

As for the monetary issue, there are two cases: the check can be carried out free of charge or at the expense of the employer. The first option is possible when it is initiated in the interests of a judicial authority or there is a representation from the labor inspectorate.

But if the initiator of the process is the employer, then the company will have to fork out money, since the service will cost a pretty penny. The examination will also be paid if it is organized on the initiative of an employee or a workers’ union. If the inspection began with a statement from just one person, then specialists will study exclusively his workplace, without paying attention to others.

How long?

In most cases, the state examination of working conditions requires 30 working days. The countdown begins on the day when the application initiating the procedure was registered. But the situation may turn out to be quite complicated. In this case, the expert responsible for the enterprise requests an extension of the procedure. As a rule, this is no more than a month.

Once the conclusion is formed, signed and registered, it must be sent to the customer. This happens within three working days. However, the procedure may last for an unpredictable period if the employer or other interested party does not agree with the results of the event. In this case, a package of documents is formed, and the procedure established by law for resolving disagreements is launched.

Inspections of an enterprise can be carried out in various areas. One of them is the state examination of working conditions. The result of appropriate measures may be holding the company liable. The drawing up of protocols is often accompanied by the issuance of instructions that must be followed.

Let's figure out who carries out the examination of working conditions and how to prepare for it.

Objectives of the examination

The concept of state labor examination is given in Art. 211 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It means a set of control measures during which compliance with current standards in the field of labor protection is established.

The reason for the checks is not purely formal. Main goals include:

  • the quality of identifying the actions of harmful factors in the workplace when previously carried out (it is carried out on the initiative of the enterprise with the involvement of a specialized organization);
  • control over the benefits and compensation provided to employees entitled to them (including for checking a citizen who will be awarded an early or increased pension in the future);
  • determining compliance with current standards for refurbishment, reconstruction or construction projects of enterprises;
  • establishing the actual working conditions of employees.

Regulations for holding events

The basic rules for conducting an examination are established in Art. 216.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They are specified by Order of the Ministry of Labor N 549n, adopted on August 12, 2014.

Activities can be carried out by several structures:

  • the labor inspectorate, which is a federal regulatory body (read more about the powers of the labor inspectorate);
  • state industrial supervision when inspecting enterprises extracting energy resources, as well as those related to the chemical and metallurgical industries (Article 366 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Gosenergonadzor, in terms of control over relevant facilities;
  • Gosatomnadzor (it controls enterprises handling nuclear materials);
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, within its competence;
  • regional department in charge of labor protection issues (their names differ in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

The examination is carried out within a limited time frame. They are established by the official who decided to carry out the relevant measures. In this case, a restriction is established: the inspection cannot be carried out more than 30 working days from the date of receipt of the request for its conduct. According to paragraph 18 of the order, the examination period can be extended if it is necessary to obtain a number of documents or conduct additional research. The duration of events can be extended by no more than 60 working days by decision of the head of the agency conducting them.

Initiation of state examination by the employer

It is important to know

If, based on the results of the state examination of working conditions, violations of the procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions were revealed, then the employer has the right to legally demand reimbursement of costs from the expert company that conducted the special assessment.

In some cases, the enterprise itself may become the initiator of control measures. This has several practical purposes:

  1. Examination of workplaces will reduce the costs of providing various benefits and compensation to employees (additional payments, additional leave, etc.). This will help achieve greater economic efficiency for the company.
  2. If the employer has doubts regarding the correctness of the conclusions during the process, then he can avoid administrative liability. The company that initiated the inspection will not be considered a violator.

Other grounds for conducting an examination

Control measures can be carried out for a number of other reasons:

  1. Inconsistency of working conditions with the requirements imposed by law (you can learn about the classification of working conditions established by the legislator from the article). The inspection can be initiated by executive bodies (for example, Rospotrebnadzor, which established violations), employees of the enterprise and professional associations.
  2. Doubts about the correctness of the application of additional tariffs when studying materials based on the results of an independent examination of working conditions. The initiator in this case is the Social Insurance Fund or another insurer.
  3. Violation by the administration of the procedure for calculating and providing guarantees and compensation in connection with working conditions (clause 2 of the order) at a specific workplace. Most often, the employee himself initiates the measures, but this can be done by a trade union or labor inspectorate.

Submission of documents for verification

The procedure for conducting state examination establishes the obligation of the enterprise to provide experts with a number of documents. These include:

  • agreements between the administration and employees, as well as job descriptions;
  • a list of all positions associated with difficult working conditions or exposure to harmful factors;
  • documents on medical examinations;
  • confirmation of the availability of protective equipment and their recording on personal cards of personnel;
  • logs with evidence of briefings;
  • a diagram of the placement of workers during production;
  • confirmation of qualifications, training and permission of employees to work (information about employees passing industrial safety certification -);
  • orders or other acts on the appointment of persons responsible for conducting briefings.

It is worth noting: within 7 days after the management of the enterprise provides documents for conducting a state examination of working conditions, the executive body considers the issue of conducting a state technical assessment. If the documentation is insufficient or does not meet the established requirements, the customer is informed. If the deficiencies are not eliminated, the executive authority returns all materials and notifies the customer that it is impossible to conduct an examination. Insufficient documentary information about the object of assessment is the only reason why a state examination may be refused.

Expenses for the examination

The cost of the examination includes the fee for the event itself and the cost of research into the effects of harmful factors. According to the methodological recommendations dated October 9, 2014 (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor N 682n), the price is set by the responsible regional departments.

As a general rule, the costs of carrying out control activities are borne by the enterprise itself. The only exceptions are some cases when the examination is initiated by other entities:

  1. If one or another department insists on carrying out quality control of working conditions.
  2. When checking the correctness of the calculation of compensation and benefits is carried out on the basis of an application from the Social Insurance Fund or another insurer (clause 6 of the order).
  3. If the examination concerns the determination of actual working conditions at the enterprise and is initiated by a government department (clause 7 of the order).

To learn about the state examination of working conditions, watch this video.

Registration of examination results and its consequences

The results of the event are presented in the form of a conclusion. It will contain conclusions about the validity or inconsistency of the guarantees and compensation provided to employees, the quality of the independent labor assessment, as well as the compliance of workplaces with current requirements. Orders to eliminate violations may also be issued.

A positive consequence for the company could be a revision of the guarantees provided to employees in the form of:

  • decrease;
  • complete cancellation.

This will reduce labor protection costs in the long term. The employer will have to conduct a second special assessment. If the state examination recognizes the complete safety of the workplace, then new studies will not be required.

Reduction or cancellation of guarantees and compensation must be reflected in the texts of employment contracts. This is done by mutual agreement of the parties, or due to changes in working conditions (organizational or technological) under Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


If the applicant expresses disagreement with the conclusion made by the state examination, he has the right to contact the Russian Ministry of Labor to consider the disagreement. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 2014 No. 652n established the procedure for consideration, as well as the package of documents required for this procedure.

The list of possible negative consequences is much wider:

  • The most serious risk is the liquidation of the enterprise. The inspector may submit such a requirement to the court if violations related to labor protection are discovered.
  • Any violation may be grounds for an administrative fine. According to Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a company can pay 80 thousand rubles. More information about labor inspectorate fines in 2019 for legal entities can be read at the link.
  • The employer may be forced to provide additional guarantees and compensation to employees. This applies not only to the provision of additional payments, vacations and reduction of working hours in the future. Employees will receive grounds to go to court and recover moral damages and compensation under Art. 236 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • The establishment of poor-quality results of the special assessment will force the enterprise to conduct it again within six months from the date of delivery of the order.

To minimize these risks, a preliminary assessment of the prospects for conducting the examination is necessary.

A lawyer will advise you on the issues of conducting a state examination of working conditions in the comments to the article

To monitor compliance by enterprises and organizations with labor legislation and standards containing labor safety conditions, enterprises carry out a state examination of working conditions.

Why is such an examination needed?

State examination of working conditions is an activity of authorized government bodies aimed at establishing facts of violation or compliance with standards provided for by labor legislation.

The inspection is aimed at establishing:

  1. Compliance with the working conditions of employees;
  2. Compliance with the procedure for providing employees with established compensation and provided guarantees when their work activities are carried out in conditions that meet the signs of harmfulness or danger;
  3. Compliance with the working conditions established directly at the place of work of a particular employee.

State structures that have the authority to carry out research are recognized as:

  • territorial divisions of the federal labor inspectorate carrying out supervisory and control activities in the field of compliance with labor legislation and other legislative norms related to the field of labor;
  • executive authorities of a particular region, empowered to carry out activities in the region.

Subjects that have the right to apply for an assessment organization are recognized as:

  1. Employer;
  2. Employee;
  3. The representative body of employees created in the organization;
  4. Authorized body.

When is expertise needed?

Both employees and the employer can initiate an examination.

The following cases are identified, upon the occurrence of which these persons initiate the organization of a study of working conditions:

  • The employer has the right to request a labor assessment:
  1. By reducing the costs of transferring compensation funds and provided guarantees to employees. An application for organizing research on this basis is allowed when the employer believes that those established at the enterprise do not comply with labor standards. When this is confirmed by the study, the employer is required to conduct an additional assessment of working conditions. Only on the basis of its results is it possible to change the amount of compensation and guarantees provided;
  2. If you disagree with the results made during the inspection of the official, reflected in the document on the elimination of violations in the provision of labor benefits to employees employed in production that meets the signs of danger and harmfulness;
  • employees or a representative body of employees may apply for the need to conduct research if the following circumstances occur:
  1. When the immediate working conditions do not comply with the standards provided for by law;
  2. In case of non-compliance with the provisions of the law on the provision of labor guarantees for certain categories of workers, as well as in the case of provision of guarantees not in full;
  • the body with the appropriate powers initiates the assessment procedure if:
  1. In case of detection, based on interaction with other government bodies, non-compliance with standards relating to direct working conditions at work places;
  2. If it is discovered that mandatory contributions made for employees are incorrect. This fact is identified by contacting the territorial body of the Pension Fund with the labor inspectorate with a conclusion about non-compliance with the law.

Please note that in cases where a specific employee applies due to the fact that his working conditions do not comply with the law, an inspection is carried out only at his place of work.

When it is not the employer who contacts the authority, he is not notified before the inspection.

The research is carried out both on a paid and gratuitous basis (depending on the basis for the research, as well as direct research conducted by the official).

A study is carried out free of charge to find out:

  • assessment of the immediate conditions of labor activity;
  • assessment of the fidelity of the guarantees and compensation payments provided.

Functions and purpose of examination

Evaluation of working conditions is carried out.

There are several functions of conducting this kind of examination:

  1. Exercising control over the working conditions of individuals, the correctness of certification of workplaces, the accuracy of the transfer of compensation payments in connection with activities in difficult and difficult situations;
  2. Implementation of the development of legal acts that contain proposals for including enterprises in a specific risk class;
  3. Writing opinions for the court that reviews court cases related to the liquidation of organizations that violate the requirements of the law in the field of protection and establishment of working conditions;
  4. Organization and implementation of inspections at facilities that are being built or reconstructed to check whether the organized workplaces comply with the requirements of the law;
  5. Ensuring legal working conditions for employees, ensuring the protection of rights when they are violated by the employer.

Performing the above tasks, the following objectives of the examination are pursued:

  • checking the quality of the certifications carried out in relation to the jobs available in the workplace;
  • verification of the correctness of the guarantees, compensations provided in accordance with the harmful or dangerous conditions existing at the enterprise;
  • checking the compliance of projects developed during the reconstruction or construction of new work facilities with jobs;
  • checking the immediate working conditions organized at work places where accidents occurred with employees, as well as the conditions that preceded the accident at the enterprise.

Procedure for examination

An application must be made.

The total period of the study is one month. When this time is not enough, it is allowed to increase this period, but not by more than two months.

If the initiator of the study of labor conditions is not an authorized body, it is necessary to send a written application.

The document must contain the following information:

  1. The name of the applicant or his full name;
  2. Address of the location of the enterprise, or residence of an individual;
  3. Name of the object of the research being carried out;
  4. Information about examinations carried out previously (if they were carried out);
  5. Information about the person’s employment and position;
  6. Information about payment for the examination (when necessary).

If an employer applies for compensation and guarantees, the following information is provided:

  • reports containing data on previously conducted special assessments of working conditions;
  • agreements with the representative body of employees, collective agreements in force at the enterprise;
  • labor agreement between a specific employee and the organization;
  • list of persons who undergo medical commissions;
  • conclusions on medical commissions performed (only copies are provided);
  • documents accepted by the enterprise at the local level;
  • When submitting documents in electronic form, they must be provided with an electronic digital signature.

Please note that today it is possible to submit an application using the State Services portal. If you submit an application using the electronic service, you can track the progress of administrative procedures in relation to the submitted application.

If the research is carried out on a reimbursable basis, then payment must be made before submitting an application.

When it is necessary to study harmful factors, payment for laboratories is made within 10 days from the date of receipt of notification from the official.

Please note that if payment is not made in the manner and on time as established, the official has grounds to refuse to conduct the study.

The submitted document must be registered. Its consideration must be carried out no later than 10 days from the date of its acceptance and registration.

Review results

Several options after reviewing the application.

After reviewing the information provided, one of the following decisions is made:

  • conducting research;
  • refusal to carry out the examination.

The decision to refuse is made if the following circumstances exist:

  1. Failure to provide all required data;
  2. Failure to provide additional information or documents when conducting research without them is not possible;
  3. Entering false information or submitting false documents.

When the result of consideration of a submitted application is a decision to conduct a study, its organization is carried out by an expert alone or by an expert commission.

Please note that the person authorized to conduct the study has the right to request information missing to complete the conclusions. When such information is not provided, the official has the right to refuse to carry out the study.

A person who may be interested in its results is not allowed to conduct research.

When conducting research, the official is assigned the following responsibilities:

  1. Draw up a conclusion outlining the violations identified at the enterprise, or information that there are no violations;
  2. State conclusions based on the principles of objectivity and validity;
  3. Save all materials and documents that were submitted by the applicant, and also prevent disclosure of the data contained in them.

The law grants the following powers to authorized research personnel:

  • upon presentation of an expert's certificate, enter the territory of the enterprise to obtain data at the time of the study;
  • obtain information and documents required to conduct research, as well as to formulate objective conclusions;
  • obtain the required data by carrying out observations, calculations, measurements;
  • involve, if this becomes necessary, laboratories that have accreditation obtained in the prescribed manner.

Issued in two copies.

The result of a state study conducted by an authorized person or commission is the conclusion drawn up by them.

The document contains the following information:

  1. The name of the government body that conducted the study, indicating the head and officials involved in the study;
  2. Application registration data;
  3. Information about the person who acted as the applicant;
  4. Time period of the study;
  5. Objects of study;
  6. List of documents that were presented to the applicant;
  7. Conclusions about the results of the examination.

When, during the study, an official identified inconsistencies with the requirements of the law, they are set out in detail. A link is included in the document, indicating complete data about the regulatory document that is being violated.

Please note that if the study was conducted by a committee, the decision is made by majority vote. The decision made must be reflected in the minutes of the meeting.

The document must have two copies. It must have the expert's signature.

One copy must be transferred no later than three days from the date of preparation to the person who applied for the conduct.

If the application was submitted using the State Services electronic service, then the document is sent either by postal service on paper or to an email address.

Remember, if the conclusion is lost, the interested person has the right to receive a duplicate of the document.

From this video you will learn about a special assessment of working conditions.

Form for receiving a question, write yours

State examination of working conditions is prescribed in Article 21 of the Fundamentals and Article 216^ of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

State examination of working conditions is carried out by the federal executive body authorized to carry out state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and by executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

State examination of working conditions is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

State examination of working conditions is carried out in order to assess:

Quality of certification of workplaces based on working conditions;

The correctness of providing compensation to employees for hard work, work under harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

Compliance of construction projects, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of production facilities, production and implementation of new equipment with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

State examination of working conditions is carried out on the basis of determinations by judicial authorities, appeals from executive authorities, employers, employees, and trade union bodies.

15. Specially authorized supervisory and control bodies

. State supervision of safe work in industry is prescribed in Article 366 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

State supervision over compliance with the rules for the safe conduct of work in certain industries and at some facilities is carried out by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of industrial safety. State supervision has the right to monitor compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection at the sites of the coal, mining, mining and chemical, oil and gas production, chemical, metallurgical and oil and gas refining industries. And also during the installation and operation of lifting structures, boiler plants and pressure vessels, pipelines for steam and hot water, and during blasting operations in industry.

State energy supervision.

(The regulation on state energy supervision in the Russian Federation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1998 No. 938 and Article 367 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The main task of Gosenergonadzor in the Russian Federation is to monitor the technical condition and safe maintenance of electrical and heat-using installations of consumers of electrical and thermal energy at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

State sanitary and epidemiological supervision(Article 368 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is carried out by the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Its functions include supervision of employers’ compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemiological norms and rules, as well as supervision and control in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

State supervision of nuclear and radiation safety(The Regulations on the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on June 5, 1992 No. 283-rp and Article 369 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Gosatomnadzor carries out control and supervision functions in the field of safety in the use of atomic energy. Persons supervising nuclear and radiation safety are obliged to bring to the attention of workers and employers information about violations of nuclear and radiation safety standards at the facilities being inspected.