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III. Procedure for working groups. Regulations on the working group

Organization of office work

Organization of office work - This is the industry for the development and execution of official documents, organizing their movement, accounting and storage. Office work is directly related to the creation of documents and considers issues of movement and accounting of documents. Maintaining and organization of office work carried out by officials who are responsible for its organization, recording and safety of documents. Organization of office work consists of the following stages: 1) primary processing of received documents; 2) preliminary review of documents; 3) registration; 4) review of documents by management; 5) direction for execution; 6) control of execution; 7) formation of cases; 8) registration of cases; 9) transfer of cases to the archive.

Documentation support for management

In accordance with GOST R 51141-98 "Office management and archiving. Terms and definitions" documentation support management (DOU) is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. Terms office work and documentation support controls in accordance with GOST R 51141-98 are used as synonyms, but there are still some differences between them. The first of them, office work, is mainly used to describe the organizational side and traditional methods of working with documents. Second - documentation support management emphasizes the information and technological component in the modern organization of office work and is best used when it comes to computer technologies for working with documents.

Advanced training courses for secretaries and assistant managers (“secretary courses”, “courses for secretaries and assistant managers”)
The purpose of advanced training courses for secretaries-assistants (“ secretary courses », « secretarial courses and assistant managers") - providing up-to-date and accurate information on office work, scientific organization of work and communication skills. Full " secretary courses », « secretarial courses and assistant managers" (72 training hours) is an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. The profession of a secretary is in demand at every enterprise; as a rule, the secretary is responsible for processing business papers and document flow in the manager’s secretariat. Suggested " secretary courses », « secretarial courses, executive assistants" will allow you to meet absolutely all modern requirements that modern employers can present.

Advanced training courses for specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions (“office management courses” and “document flow courses”)
« Office management courses " And " document management courses "include the organization of office work, taking into account the linguistic features of the official document, the basics of personnel documentation and archiving, etiquette and the psychology of business communication, including the image of an employee of the preschool educational institution service. " Office management courses" And " document management courses» allow you to gain the necessary skills in drawing up and processing documents for enterprises of all types of property. Those who listened to " office management courses" And " document management courses» specialists receive a state certificate.

Seminars, round tables, master classes on office work problems (“Office work seminars”)
Proposed programs of seminars, round tables, master classes on office management problems (“ office management seminars ") are integrated information and consulting educational events for specialists in the field of pre-school education, combining branches of knowledge separately on problems in the field of office work, scientific organization of work, business etiquette and methods of mastering professional skills. " Office Management Seminars» designed for managers and specialists of secretariats, offices, clerical and archival services of commercial and government structures. " Office Management Seminars» are practical in nature, the topics of the programs are selected taking into account the relevance and needs of enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership, the number of employees, and the scope of activity.




In accordance with clause of the codifier of the goals of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) “Reducing energy consumption of industrial enterprises for electricity, the Lean Production project” and for the purpose of implementing the Ministry’s project “Lean Perm”, I order:

1. Create a working group to implement the Ministry’s project “Lean Perm”.

2. Approve the attached:

2.1. Regulations on the working group for the implementation of the Lean Perm project;

2.2. composition of the working group for the implementation of the Ministry's project "Lean Perm".

4. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the consultant of the industry department of the industrial management of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory, the head of the “Lean Perm” project, Oleg Yuryevich Evseev.

(clause 4 as amended)



By order
Ministry of Industry,
innovation and science of the Perm region

1. General Provisions

1.1. The working group for the implementation of the project "Lean Perm" (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group) is created for the period of implementation of the project of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) "Lean Perm" for the purpose of information interaction with industrial enterprises, development of recommendations and proposals for issues of project implementation.

1.2. In its activities, the Working Group is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Russian Federation, the Perm Territory and these Regulations.

1.3. On issues within its competence, the Working Group interacts with state authorities, local governments, ROR PC "Cooperation", the Perm Chamber of Commerce and Industry, industrial enterprises, research institutes, and other legal entities and individuals.

1.4. The Working Group consists of a Chairman, Secretary and members of the Working Group.

1.5. The Chairman of the Working Group is the acting. Minister of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory, who heads the Working Group and manages its activities.

(clause 1.5 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory dated February 16, 2012 N SED-47-04-40-18)

1.6. Members of the Working Group take part in its work on a voluntary basis.

1.7. The organization of the activities of the Working Group is ensured by the project manager in the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the project manager).

1.8. The main form of activity of the Working Group is the meeting. The meeting may be regular or extraordinary.

The next meeting of the Working Group is held at least once every two months.

An extraordinary meeting of the Working Group is convened by the Chairman as necessary.

(clause 1.8 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory dated February 16, 2012 N SED-47-04-40-18)

1.9. When conducting correspondence related to the activities of the Working Group, letters are signed by the Minister of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory or, on his instructions, by the Chairman of the Working Group.

2. Main goals, objectives and functions

2.1. The main goals of the Working Group for the implementation of the Lean Perm project are to increase labor productivity at manufacturing enterprises in the region and to increase the average nominal wages of manufacturing workers in the Perm region.

2.2. The main task of the Working Group is to create conditions (motives) for the introduction of Lean Manufacturing approaches at the enterprises of the region, for this purpose solving the following problems: identifying positive experience in applying Lean Manufacturing mechanisms, replicating positive experience (informing); organizing training for managers and specialists in high-tech industries for the purpose of professional training (retraining) and advanced training on lean manufacturing issues; introduction of mechanisms to reduce energy consumption at enterprises.

2.2. Main functions of the Working Group:

2.2.1. development of proposals on the main directions of project implementation at enterprises of the Perm region;

2.2.2. studying and analyzing the experience of implementing lean production techniques in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, preparing proposals for bringing the best practices of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation to enterprises in the region;

2.2.3. discussion of other issues related to the implementation of the project;

2.2.4. preparation of proposals for training and retraining of personnel on issues of lean production, solving the problem of employment, increasing the prestige of blue-collar professions at industrial enterprises of the region;

2.2.5. making decisions within its competence on the issues under consideration.

3. Powers of the Working Group

3.1. In order to carry out its activities, the Working Group has the right:

3.1.1. request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the executive authorities of the administration of municipal districts, enterprises and organizations located on the territory of the city of Perm, information necessary to solve the tasks assigned to the working group;

3.1.2. invite to council meetings and hear representatives of government bodies and officials, local government, enterprises and organizations located in the Perm Territory on issues within the competence of the Working Group;

3.1.3. send conclusions, proposals, appeals to the authorities and officials of the city government responsible for the implementation of the industrial policy of the city of Perm.

4. Rights and obligations of members of the Working Group

4.1. A member of the Working Group has the right:

Take part in planning the work of the Working Group and preparing issues submitted for consideration at meetings,

Take part in meetings of the Working Group,

Present your opinion on the issue under discussion (including in writing, if you are unable to take part in the meeting of the Working Group),

Get acquainted with the action plan for the implementation of the Lean Perm project, the agenda of the next meeting of the Working Group, reference and analytical materials on issues submitted for consideration by the Working Group,

Make reports, co-reports, make and justify proposals, give explanations, ask questions, answer questions during the meeting of the Working Group,

4.2. A member of the Working Group is obliged to:

participate in meetings of the Working Group,

promptly send to the Chairman of the Working Group a notice of the inability to take part in the meeting, indicating the reasons,

prepare for discussion at a meeting of the Working Group a well-founded position on the issues brought up for discussion, and, if necessary, ensure that relevant information and analytical materials are presented at the meeting,

carry out instructions reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group.

4.3. The Chairman of the Working Group, managing the activities of the Working Group, in accordance with the assigned tasks:

Approves action plans for the implementation of the Lean Perm project,

Coordinates the work of members of the Working Group to complete tasks,

Approves the agenda of the meeting of the Working Group,

Determines the order of conduct of the meeting of the Working Group,

Monitors the implementation of decisions made at the meetings of the Working Group,

Performs other functions for managing the Working Group.

5. Planning the activities of the Working Group

5.1. The Working Group operates in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the Lean Perm project for the year, formed by the project manager at the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory, as well as proposals received from members of the Working Group.

Proposals must contain the exact wording of the issues proposed for discussion by the Working Group, the date of their consideration, the name, initials and position of the person responsible for preparing the proposed issue.

5.2. The draft action plan for the six months is compiled by the project manager no later than December 25 and submitted for approval to the chairman of the Working Group. During the consideration and approval of the plan for the year, the chairman of the working group may change the wording of the issues proposed for consideration at a meeting of the Working Group, exclude certain issues or add other issues.

Within three working days after approval by the chairman of the Working Group, the action plan is sent to the members of the Working Group.

5.3. After approval of the action plan for the year, changes may be made to the plan: certain issues included in the plan may be excluded or transferred to another half of the year.

Within three working days after a change is made to the action plan, a corresponding notice is sent to the members of the Working Group.

6. Preparation for the meeting of the Working Group

6.1. The secretary of the Working Group is responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of materials and information for the meeting of the Working Group.

6.2. Organization of the activities of the Working Group, including preparation of the agenda for the meeting, notification of members of the Working Group, registration of those present at the meeting is carried out by the secretary.

6.3. After approval of the agenda of the Working Group meeting, the secretary:

sends the meeting agenda and information and analytical materials to the members of the Working Group no later than two working days before the Council meeting,

forms a list of persons invited to participate in the meeting and informs them about the need to participate in the meeting of the Working Group, the place, time and date of the meeting, and the agenda of the meeting.

7. Conducting meetings of the Working Group

7.1. A meeting of the Working Group is valid if more than half of the members of the Working Group are present.

7.2. Representatives of organizations, the public, specialists, experts, scientists and other persons interested in considering the issues specified in the meeting agenda may attend meetings of the Working Group with the consent of the chairman.

7.3. Meetings of the Working Group are chaired by the Chairman, and in his absence (on his instructions) by the Secretary of the Working Group. The rules of the meeting are determined by the chairman at the beginning of the meeting.

7.4. During the meeting, the Working Group reviews prepared materials, as well as initiative proposals prepared by members of the Working Group.

7.5. Decisions of the Working Group are made by a majority vote of the members of the Working Group present at the meeting. Each member of the Working Group has one vote. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the decisive vote is the chairman, and in his absence - the secretary of the Working Group.

7.6. A break may be announced at the meeting of the Working Group to prepare additional materials, resolve organizational and other issues, and clarify the information necessary to resolve them.

7.7. Keeping minutes of the Council meeting is entrusted to the Secretary of the Working Group, and in his absence - to one of the members of the Working Group. The protocol is drawn up within five working days. The minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary of the Working Group no later than five working days after the meeting.

7.8. The original minutes of the meetings of the Working Group and documents thereto are stored in the industry department of the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Territory.

7.10. Control over the implementation of decisions and instructions of the Working Group is carried out by the Chairman and Secretary of the Working Group.

By order
Ministry of Industry,
innovation and science of the Perm region
dated 08/26/2011 N SED-47-05-09-86


Novikova - acting Minister of Industry, Innovation and Science
Ksenia Vladimirovna Perm region, chairman of the working group

Evseev - consultant of the industrial management department
Oleg Yurievich of Industry, Ministry of Industry,
innovation and science of the Perm region, head
project "Lean Perm", secretary of the working

Working group members:

Butakova - General Director of LIN-Systems LLC
Elena Nikolaevna (by agreement)

Gaivoronsky - General Director of Gamma Engineering LLC
Andrey Mikhailovich (by agreement)

Zelenina - head of the planning bureau of Proton-PM OJSC
Lyudmila Anatolyevna (by agreement)

Mokshina - chief specialist of the group for coordination and
Natalya Yuryevna for the improvement of the Perm Motor Locomotive Repair Plant
plant "Remputmash" - a branch of JSC "Russian Railways"
(by agreement)

Nikiforov - Development Director of Perm Motor Company OJSC
Sergey Olegovich plant" (as agreed)

Prozorov - Head of Investment and Improvement Department
Mikhail Vladimirovich produced by OJSC "Reductor-PM" (as agreed)

Prokasheva - Director of Quality and Production System
Svetlana Ivanovna Kamsky Kabel LLC (as agreed)

Ragozin - head of the real estate management department
Konstantin Vladimirovich JSC "Perm Telephone Plant "Telta"
(by agreement)

Savrasov - Deputy General Director of the Regional
Igor Nikolaevich Association of Employers of the Perm Territory
"Cooperation" (by agreement)

Sairanov - chief technologist of the pilot plant
Alexander Grigorievich JSC "Aviadvigatel" (as agreed)

Teplov - General Director of Krasnokamsky LLC
Dmitry Viktorovich Mechanical Repair Plant" (as agreed)

Trubin - Quality Director of VNIIBT - Burovoy LLC
Alexander Sergeevich instrument" (as agreed)

Tyufyakov Igor - Director for Key Accounts
Vladimirovich ANO "Institute "ORGPROM" (as agreed)

Filonov - head of the department for the implementation of PSS West
Andrey Mikhailovich of the Ural Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
(by agreement)

Chuprakov - Deputy General Director of LLC "Nauchno-
Alexander Gennadievich production company "Teploenergoprom"
(by agreement)

Shirinkin - executive director for lean
Alexander Vadimovich produced by the Center for Promotion of Study
international experience in management and organization
produced by "Kaizen" (by agreement)

Shiryaev - business process manager of ZAO NOVOMET-Perm
Dmitry Vyacheslavovich (as agreed)

Yuzhakov - Deputy Head of Production of JSC "STAR"
Evgeniy Vitalievich (as agreed)

Introduction of professional standards

Putting professional standards into effect is a complex procedure that includes the following steps:

  1. Creation of a working group for the implementation of professional standards(commissions). To do this you need to register order to create a working group on professional standards and regulations on the procedure for its activities. The commission usually includes officials who, due to the nature of their activities, will constantly encounter professional standards.
  2. Approval of the schedule for introducing professional standards. It should contain a list of activities aimed at introducing the professional standard into work, indicating specific deadlines for their implementation.
  3. Comparison of the types of activities of the enterprise and the goals of specific positions with the requirements and goals set out in professional standards by analyzing the staffing table.
  4. Renaming positions. If there is a need to bring the name into compliance with the professional standard on the grounds set out in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to make appropriate adjustments. Controversial issues should be submitted for discussion to the working group.
  5. Checking compliance of the level of knowledge and skills of employees with the requirements set out in the professional standard. If an employee does not have the qualifications required by the standard, it is impossible to dismiss him for this reason, since the current labor legislation does not contain such grounds. But the implementation of professional standards requires certification, which will make it possible to determine the knowledge and skills of workers, in order to then additionally train or fire those who have not passed the certification.

Order on the creation of a commission on professional standards

Order on the commission on professional standards— the initial document, the publication of which marks the beginning of the process of introducing professional standards in the organization. The decision to create such a group can be included in the general order on the introduction of professional standards in the company or formalized in a separate administrative document.

Commission order, as well as order on the working group on the implementation of professional standards, does not have a unified form, therefore it is drawn up on the company’s letterhead in accordance with the requirements of local office management instructions or in free form.

The procedure for issuing orders is generally contained in GOST R 6.30-2003. It is as follows:

  1. A document called “Order” is created on the company’s letterhead.
  2. Next comes the motivational part, containing information about the special group responsible for the implementation of professional standards:
    • a list of people indicating positions and personal data;
    • list of goals and objectives;
    • period of execution;
    • necessary results, results.
  3. After assigning a date and number, the document is signed by the manager and transferred for storage. All employees affected by it must be familiar with the order.

Regulations on the working group on the implementation of professional standards

After the incumbents are familiar with the order, the now acting commission for the implementation of professional standards must, jointly with the company's management, develop regulations on its functioning.

Given the nature of the commission’s work, the regulations should include the following information:

  1. General information:
    • list of terms used;
    • a list of regulations that guide the commission in its activities;
    • procedure for adoption and approval of the regulations;
    • principles of activity.
  2. Goals and objectives of the working commission.
  3. A detailed list of the functions assigned to it.
  4. Rights of the working commission.
  5. Responsibilities of the group.
  6. Composition and organizational activities:
    • composition of the commission indicating positions (chairman, secretary, etc.), but without personal data (this information is reflected in the order);
    • order of formation and updating;
    • procedure for holding meetings;
    • the procedure for making decisions on necessary issues;
    • list of documents of the authorized commission;
    • powers of the head of the commission, as well as his deputy;
    • other provisions.
  7. The procedure for organizational and technical support for the activities of the working commission.

Enactment of the regulations on the commission for the implementation of professional standards

Depending on the procedure established in the local office management instructions, the position can be approved by:

  • affixing the manager’s visa on the approval stamp located in the upper right corner on the first sheet;
  • adoption of a separate order/instruction (in this case, the details of the corresponding order are indicated on the approval stamp).

To launch the procedure for introducing professional standards, it is necessary to issue an order on the commission on professional standards, as well as approve the regulations on the procedure for its work. The latter reflects the list of goals, objectives and functions assigned to this group. In addition, the document may contain information regarding its composition, the order of distribution of powers, as well as other organizational issues. The regulations are drawn up in free form and approved by the head of the organization.

Greetings! Come on, tell me, how many of you have thought about how to create a VKontakte community and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner of a profitable group on a social network, perhaps even filled it with content, worked on the design, but never achieved the popularity of their brainchild, failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today’s article to how to promote a VKontakte group from scratch. From my review you will get a lot of interesting information, learn about what you need to do to the group flourished. All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without putting them into a long box called “Tomorrow”.

Why are we doing this?

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of public pages with different thematic focus. However, profitable in this diversity there are only individual units. I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The amount of capital intended for the creation and promotion of a VKontakte group is a secondary factor in this case.

Well, imagine, you decided to whip up a resource, recruit subscribers to it, and now you’re sitting, waiting for the money to start flowing. I advise you to roll up your lip and wipe away the drool. Nothing in this world falls from the sky(and what falls usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pesos, you will have to use your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself, what exactly do you want to do? That is, decide on the topic your community. I offer you several options from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs(in this case the topic is absolutely not important);
  • maintaining a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby(this could be finance, music, dancing or anything else).

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Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to S

Creating a VKontakte group from scratch

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free, I think we can move on to its actual at a construction site. To do this you need to do the following:

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot


Since you and I are interested, we need to make sure that in our community there is sufficient number of participants. From design quality group will depend on its attractiveness in the eyes of users, and therefore I suggest moving on to this activity:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community. Please note that the photo parameters must be 200*500 . Edit the photo and thumbnail, and then save the result.
  2. Download links, leading to your website or other thematic community. Don’t forget to leave your subscribers your Skype, telegram chat link, Instagram page and YouTube channel. Edit all names and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create a popular group in contact, then do not ignore such an important point as “ Latest news" Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In chapter " Discussions» add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project. It will be great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. This way you will increase traffic on the channel.
  6. When performing, remember that the sale of goods in it will be effective only if the “Photography Albums” are well maintained. Upload high-quality photos, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. To the section " Documentation» you can download useful instructions and manuals. Owners of online stores can keep price lists or lists of services provided in this section, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers. Conduct surveys several times a week and encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. It’s very good to use when expanding a group’s audience. promotions and competitions. They can be carried out once a month, for example.
  9. For those who plan to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products to it with a clear name and detailed description. Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of this product is. Each product must have reasonable price, which also needs to be specified. Don’t forget to indicate who/where to pay for the order, in what form the payment takes place, how and where delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give to your customers (cash on delivery, exchange option).
  10. If you wish, you can change the group and make it a public page. If you don’t know what the difference is between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article dedicated to this issue.
  11. Create in a group convenient menu, make navigation easier. To do banner and wiki menu in the community I turned to specialists in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal message - I’ll send you a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these steps yourself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of content. Please note that in the group, commercial posts must contain photographs and make up no more than 50% of the total material you publish. To increase the number of subscribers, pay attention to posts with fascinating information, do not forget that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. Information presented in the form of images is more attractive.
  13. So that clients trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them with the opportunity to leave feedback about your work. To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the “Discussions” section. Offer discounts and small gifts and bonuses to regular customers.

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How to manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dot icon located under your group’s avatar. In the window that opens you will see the categories:

  1. « Information", where you can edit the description, name and other fields at any time;
  2. « Participants", which contains a complete list of all subscribers of the group;
  3. « Managers" Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing community administrators and editors;
  4. « Black list» - a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or malicious violators of the rules of your group;
  5. « Links»;
  6. « Community Statistics" This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance– the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Audience reach, which looks at your community’s posts in the “My News” section and data about your subscribers;
  • Activities– actions of subscribers, reposts of your posts and reactions of other users of the social network to this data.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you boldly You can start implementing your own selling platform or increase the conversion rate of an existing community. Remember, your every action and decision affects how your subscribers treat you and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there, be open to experiments and see you soon!

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Popular VKontakte group: rules for creation, design and configuration

4.3 (85.33%) 15 votes

One of the most effective tools for modern organizational development, implementation of strategic changes, adaptation of the enterprise team to changing conditions is the involvement of personnel in enterprise management by organizing target (profile) working groups for detailing and implementing changes. The functions of working groups (WG) are performed by functional units of the enterprise that are directly affected by organizational changes. The RG includes heads of departments (managers) - heads of working groups and direct performers of work - participants of working groups.

The WG organization diagram (Fig. 7.2) provides for the following roles:

1) customer of the changes– this is, as a rule, the head of the enterprise (or owner), who, together with the consultant, sets the task for the change project manager;

2) head of the RG– as a rule, an employee in the status of deputy customer of changes (enterprise manager or owner), who is responsible for the activities of the target WG, distributes work within the WG and controls their implementation.

Rice. 7.2. Scheme of organization of working groups

A group of WG managers led by a change project manager constitutes a change management team, whose functions include:

determining the staffing of working groups, involving, if necessary, non-core specialists as participants or experts;

coordination of WG decisions among themselves in order to avoid interfunctional disagreements;

coordination and acceptance of proposals from working groups for implementation;

3) RG participant– a specialist who performs work within the scope of the RG’s specialization and has an advisory voice;

4) consultant– a specialist, possibly an outsider, task setter for the working group. The main task of the consultant is methodological support for the activities of the Working Group, explanation of the goals, objectives and methods of work. The consultant may act as an expert;

5) expert– a specialized specialist whose tasks include consideration of special, highly professional issues and examination of decisions made by the WG. An expert can be either an internal employee or an outsider.

The sequence of actions when forming working groups is shown in Fig. 7.3.

Rice. 7.3. Stages of forming working groups

At the first stage, based on the adopted strategic guidelines, a small group of like-minded specialists is formed from among the heads of functional departments of the enterprise - change management team. The head (owner) of the enterprise sets a strategic task for the group, arising from the need to carry out organizational changes. The management team determines the composition of the target working groups, forms groups of experts and consultants in areas.

At the second stage, the active phase of detailing and implementing changes begins. The customer, consultants and experts convey to the participants of the Working Group the strategy of organizational changes, related problems, formulate tasks, and provide methodological assistance. At this stage, “limits of responsibility” are determined, trainings and seminars are conducted, and group work is organized.

At the third, most difficult and responsible stage, the main activities of the Working Group take place, proposals regarding future changes are formed and detailed, and final decisions are made. There is a real delegation of authority and responsibility to both the leaders and participants of the Working Group. Delegation of responsibility and authority allows you to:

establish cross-functional interaction at the stage of detailing changes;

“link” strategic goals to real conditions and competencies as much as possible;

overcome resistance to change inherent in any team;

get support for strategic changes at the level of middle management, that is, exactly where most initiatives are often slowed down;

involve staff in the process of strategic management and change management.

At the fourth stage, after all issues related to the changes have been resolved, an examination of the results is carried out, the customer’s conclusion is obtained, personnel are trained, and the changes are implemented.

At the fifth stage, changes are monitored, analysis and evaluation of the results are obtained, which can become the basis for further development of the enterprise.

7.4. Organizational diagnostics: necessity and content

Many organizations have failed to innovate because the scale of innovation was greater than the organization's readiness for it. It is advisable to begin any organizational changes with the diagnosis of a “development step”, which the organization and its personnel are subjectively ready to implement, and the corporate culture allows. The second important point is assessing the scale and depth of the proposed innovations. Comparison of the subjectively acceptable “development step” and the target scale of innovation allows us to fix the size of the “gap” between these variables. The “gap” between the company’s readiness for transformation, on the one hand, and the expected scale of innovation, on the other, is overcome by consolidating and strengthening the “driving forces” and minimizing the influence of the “restraining forces” that are satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Diagnostics is a process of assessing the activities of an organization or department, aimed at identifying problems and identifying areas for their possible solution. Consists of collecting necessary information about organizational functioning, analyzing this data, and drawing conclusions regarding potential changes and improvements. Effective diagnostics presupposes the choice of intervention, that is, a system of activities that satisfy the organization’s need for development. The main rule of diagnosis is to look not for shortcomings, but for resources.

Organizational diagnostics– this is a set of special methods used in the study of an organization, including interviewing, questioning, analysis of the structure and the possibility of implementing management decisions, identifying the relationships of interests and goals of various groups of personnel.

Goals diagnostics:

identify and describe the structure and vectors of tension in the force field of organizational transformations (the relationship between driving and restraining forces);

determine the optimal model for managing organizational change;

Directions diagnostics can be:

personnel assessment, identifying employees who are ready and capable of fulfilling the role of “agents of change”;

assessment of the hearing resistance of formal communication channels; identifying factual rumors and assessing the mechanisms of their spread;

assessment of the degree of staff satisfaction with the current state of affairs and subjective perception (awareness) of the need for change (“comfort zone assessment”);

assessment of the “horizon of permissible transformations” in the views of workers of various categories;

identification of interested key groups, figures, assessment of possible scenarios of their influence on the development and implementation of the change project;

reconstruction of the informal structure of the organization, identification of “opinion leaders”, their attitudes regarding possible transformations;

identifying the optimal scheme for formalizing the organizational change management system.