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Instructions for the use of alben in veterinary medicine. Alben tablets in veterinary medicine: instructions for use Alben tablets against worms for people

All this is ensured by the composition of the drug. The main active ingredient in it is albendazole. One tablet contains 0.36 g of the main substance, and one gram of granules contains 0.2 g. The drug also contains excipients.

Indications for the use of the drug are gastrointestinal nematodes, including ascariasis, toxocariasis, trichuriasis, uncinariasis, ganguleterakiosis.

The drug is used in the fight against pulmonary nematodes, trematodes and cestodes.

Contraindications and side effects

How to properly use Alben against worms

As for the dosage, one tablet of the medicine is designed for 5 kilograms of the pet’s weight. Accordingly, with a weight of 2.5 kg, ½ pill is used once. No preliminary diet or additional use of laxatives is required.

As for an overdose of the drug, its symptoms are identical to ordinary poisoning: vomiting, weakness, disorientation in space. To achieve this effect, the cat must swallow a dose 10 times higher than the norm, which is unlikely in practice.

Alben should be stored out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 25°C.

Alben S deworming tablets should not be taken by pregnant cats, as well as very young kittens, under the age of 3 months.

If we talk about the international nonproprietary name, it sounds like this - albendazole praziquantel.

In terms of release form, the drug is distributed in the form of tablets. They are flat and have a chamfer on one side and a cross logo on the other.

The drug should be stored at a temperature from minus 5 to plus 25 degrees.

That is, with its help you can overcome almost any type of worm.

Regarding special precautions that must be taken when taking the drug, they are not provided and are not necessary.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years from the date on which it was manufactured.

It is prohibited to store, let alone use, Alben-s after the expiration date.

Let's talk in more detail about the active ingredients of the medicine: 1 tablet contains albendazole (0.25 g of this substance) and praziquantel (azinox) (very little of it, only 0.025 g), and auxiliary, but also necessary substances and components, namely:: lactose - 0.175 g and potato starch - 0.15 g.

The anthelmintic is available in several dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • granules;
  • suspension (Alben Forte).
  • Alben (tablets, granules) is intended for farm animals (cows, horses, pigs, etc.) and birds;
  • Alben S is designed specifically for dogs (can also be used for cats).

The drug in the form of a suspension is also created for use in agriculture.

Note! Alben can be given to dogs, but it is better to use a product designed specifically for these animals. The main difference is two active components in the composition and, as a result, a wider spectrum of action.

Medicine for dogs is available in the form of small tablets. They are packaged in special blisters of 6 pieces. The medicine should be stored at room temperature (not higher than 25˚C) away from direct sunlight. Since the medication contains toxic substances, you should choose a storage location away from food and animal feed.

Indications for use and mechanism of action

Broad-spectrum antihelminthic agent. Effective against most worms, nematodes, cestodes and trematodes (both mature and immature). It has ovicidal properties. It has an effect in all phases of development of tape and round helminths.

The mechanism of action of Alben is based on a disruption of carbohydrate metabolism in helminths and their microtubular function. As a result, the helminths are paralyzed and die.

It is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and has an effect in all organs and tissues of the animal within several hours. It is excreted from the body in feces and urine.

Prescribed for:

  • nematodes;
  • cestodias;
  • trematodes.

Alben is universal and is indicated for anthelmintic therapy on all domestic animals, including cows and chickens.

The opinion of veterinarians regarding the preventive measure of using Alben on cats and dogs is ambiguous.

You cannot prescribe medication to animals yourself. Treatment of helminths should be carried out as prescribed by a veterinarian, after confirmation of the diagnosis of helminth infestation.

Alben deworming tablets: instructions for use for animals

Alben tablets (Tabulettae Albenum) are a universal, effective complex anthelmintic of a new generation for animals.

Nonproprietary international name - albendazole. The drug belongs to the anthelmintic drugs of the benzimidazole group.

Intended for oral use only.

The anthelmintic agent is packaged in 25 tablets weighing 1.8 g, which are packaged in aluminum blisters, cardboard boxes, and polymer jars with lids.

Alben is also available in the form of granules, packaged in plastic jars with lids.

The anthelmintic is available in tablet form

The anthelmintic drug in one tablet contains 0.36 g (20%) of albendazole and auxiliary ingredients: polyvinylpyrrolidone, calcium stearate, potato starch, lactose. Does not contain genetically modified products.

Alben against worms is prescribed to birds (chickens, ducks, turkeys, broiler chickens), rabbits, pigs, cats, dogs, and other farm and domestic animals. Used in veterinary medicine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The anthelmintic belongs to the category of moderately dangerous veterinary drugs. Not toxic to warm-blooded animals.

Alben in tablets in recommended dosages does not have a teratogenic, sensitizing, or hepatogenic effect. Well tolerated by the body of warm-blooded animals. In rare cases, it provokes side symptoms, complications, disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Pharmacodynamics and properties

Albendazole is the main active ingredient and has a complex effect against sexually mature, larval forms of intestinal helminths (worms).

The veterinary drug has an ovicidal effect, reduces helminth infection in piglets, calves, and cattle on pastures.

Alben against worms promotes the natural removal of helminths from the body of animals. It is excreted mainly unchanged or in the form of metabolites with feces (urine, feces).

Instructions for use in veterinary medicine

For rabbits, fur-bearing animals, pigs, birds, cats, dogs, the medicine is prescribed for:

  • gastrointestinal nematodes (bunostomiasis, esophagostomiasis, nematodiosis, osteragiasis, hemonchiosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis);
  • cestoses (monesiosis, tysanissiosis, avitellinosis);
  • trematodes (dicroceliosis, paramphistomatosis);
  • toxoscariasis;
  • pulmonary helminthiasis (dictyocaulosis, cystocaulosis, metastrongylosis, neostrongylosis, muleriosis, cystocauliosis);
  • mixed helminthic infestations.

For poultry, an anthelmintic is used in the treatment of ascariasis and heterokiosis. Fur-bearing animals are treated with Alben for the following worms: uncinariasis, toxoscarosis, hookworm.

Alben is used to treat helminthic infestations in poultry

Important! Anti-worm tablets can be given to animals without keeping them on a starvation diet for 24 hours. There is no need to use laxatives before carrying out therapeutic and prophylactic deworming.

The dosage of the anthelmintic agent is calculated based on the body weight of the animals:

  1. For cattle, the main dose is 1 tablet. by 49 kg of weight. For the treatment of ostertagiasis, dicroceliosis, fascioliasis, paramphistomatosis, we give 1 table. based on 34 kg.
  2. For goats and sheep, 1 tablet is required. by 70 kg.
  3. For horses - 1 table. by 50 kg.
  4. For piglet, pigs - 1 table. by 30–34 kg.
  5. For poultry - 1 table. per 35–40 kg of bird weight (10 mg/kg).
  6. For fur animals - 1 table. by 7–25 kg of weight. Alben for rabbits and other fur-bearing animals is given 1 tablet. two days in a row.

During group deworming, having previously calculated the dosage, the anthelmintic is mixed with concentrated feed or mixed feed. Dose of Alben per feed per head:

  • for horses, cattle - 0.5–1.0 kg;
  • for sheep, goats, pigs - 160–200 g;
  • for birds - 45–50 g;
  • for fur animals - 50–105 g.

When treating helminthic infestations, Alben tablets are forcibly placed on the root of the tongue of animals.

For more convenient use, you can pre-grind the anthelmintic into powder, mix it and give it to animals with mixed feed, your cat’s or dog’s favorite treats, or mix it into drinking water and inject it into your pets using a disposable syringe without a needle or using a syringe-introducer, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. pet stores.

The finished medicinal mixture is poured into feeders for a group of 10–100 animals. At the same time, it is important to ensure a free approach to them.

If there are no complications, no side symptoms in the first 2-3 days after administration, you can begin processing the entire livestock.

Alben, having calculated the dosage, can be mixed with feed for mass deworming

Side effects and contraindications

An anthelmintic drug, if the recommended therapeutic dose is followed, does not provoke complications or side symptoms.

Allergic rashes, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract (diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, refusal to feed), drowsiness, depression, a slight increase in temperature are noted only in the case of hypersensitivity of the animal’s body to the active components of the drug.

As a rule, side symptoms develop on the first day after oral administration of Alben. If the animal's condition worsens, we recommend consulting with a veterinarian.

If the animal's body is hypersensitive to active substances, appropriate therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating side symptoms, and another effective medicine is prescribed to treat helminthic infestations.

After taking Alben, slaughter of agricultural animals and poultry for meat is allowed 13–15 days after therapeutic, scheduled deworming.

Poultry eggs can be consumed on the fifth day after treatment.

During forced slaughter, meat is used to produce meat and bone meal and animal feed.

Alben is a medicine that can quickly and permanently rid animals of worms, as well as help with other types of diseases. Thanks to the active ingredients, the medicine is well absorbed and acts quickly.

It can be used at all stages of the disease and is practically harmless to animals and humans. The drug is universal and suitable for many pets.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of medicine this is.

Characteristics of the medicine

"Alben" is a broad-spectrum drug. The main active ingredient is albendazole.

Probably, such a name means a lot to few people, so let’s look at it in a little more detail.

Detailed instructions for using Albendazole are covered here.


The drug is presented in the form of granules and tablets. Most often it can be found packaged in packs of 25 or 100 tablets (but often you can purchase just a few tablets). Alben is sold in almost any veterinary clinic.

Indications for taking granules and tablets

Alben is an affordable remedy for the treatment of helminthic infestation in cattle, pigs, chickens and fur-bearing animals, cats and dogs. If the dosage specified in the instructions is strictly followed, the medicine does not have a toxic effect on the animal's body.

Alben is a broad-spectrum drug. It has an active effect on mature and immature cystodes, nematodes and trematodes, and also reduces the possibility of helminth infection in grazing areas and pastures.

If the dosage is strictly observed, the drug is non-toxic for domestic animals and chickens. It is not irritating.

The main advantages of the veterinary drug are its wide range of effects; high result; one-time use; reduction of helminth infestation of territories; ease of use.

The drug is used for both dogs and cats once. How many tablets should I take? The dose is 1 tablet for every 5 kg of animal.

Cats (and this also applies to dogs) weighing less than 2.5 kg need to be crushed into a suspension. And dissolve the tablet in 10 ml of water.

Shake the solution and immediately inject it into the animal using a syringe without a needle. Calculate 1 ml of suspension per 0.5 kg of cat weight. According to customer reviews, it is very convenient.

Before using the drug, you do not need to follow a fasting diet or use laxatives. The medicine should be given once before the morning meal.


For the treatment of cats and dogs, the drug is used once at a rate of 1 tablet per 5 kg of pet’s weight.

For prophylaxis, the drug can be used once every six months at the indicated dosage. Before vaccination, Alben is used 10-14 days before vaccination.

If the cat or dog weighs less than 3 kilograms, the tablet should be crushed and dissolved in a small amount of water. The solution is used at the rate of 1 ml per kilogram of pet’s weight. The suspension is administered using a disposable syringe without a needle.

How to give tablets.

It is not always possible to give an animal medicine by adding it to food. Cats and dogs sense impurities well and may refuse food. In this case, you can give the drug forcibly. To do this, open your jaws and place the tablet on the root of your tongue. After this, close your mouth and wait until the pet makes a swallowing movement.


For the treatment of farm animals, 3.5 grams of granules per 50 kg of animal weight are used. When treating dicroceliosis, fascioliasis, ostertagiasis, use 5 grams per 100 kg or one tablet per 35 kg.

For goats and sheep, a single dose is one tablet per 70 kg. For the treatment of pigs, use 1 tablet per 35 kg of weight. For fur-bearing animals, take 1 tablet per 5 kilograms of weight.

During group treatment of animals, Alben is mixed with food based on the amount of the drug per animal. The feed is poured into feeders and the animals have free access to them.

The medicine for dogs is used for the following pathologies:

  • ascariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • dipylidia;
  • uncinarium;
  • coenurosis;
  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • mesocestoidosis;
  • other helminthic infestations caused by roundworms and tapeworms.

The drug can be given in two ways:

  • Forcibly. The procedure is unpleasant for animals, but effective. The tablet should be placed only on the root of the tongue so that the pet cannot spit it out. To simplify this procedure, it is worth purchasing a tablet dispenser at the pharmacy. Especially if you have a large dog.
  • With food. Mix the crushed tablet with a small amount of food. To feed the medicine, it is better to choose your pet’s favorite treats. Canned food, ready-made spiders, and minced meat are good for these purposes. Some owners hide the tablets in a piece of meat or sausage.

The anthelmintic should be given in the morning. It is advisable to give the medicine half an hour before feeding, but there is no need to follow a special diet the day before, or to rinse the intestines.

According to the instructions, the dosage of Alben S for dogs is calculated simply - 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight. To calculate the exact dose for puppies weighing less than 2.5 kg, follow these steps:

  1. Crush one tablet as finely as possible.
  2. Add 10 ml of water to the resulting powder.
  3. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous suspension.
  4. Draw the required amount of medicine into a syringe without a needle, calculating 1 ml of the resulting suspension per 0.5 kg of weight.
  5. Give the puppy a drink from the syringe.

If you use this algorithm of action, you will be able to prevent an overdose. Dividing a tablet into several equal parts (more than two) is very difficult.

If for some reason you use Alben, created for farm animals, to deworm dogs, then the dosage is calculated differently - 1 tablet per 7 kg of weight. When using a suspension, 1 ml of liquid will be needed per 5 kg of pet weight, but it is better to buy a drug intended for dogs.

Note! For preventive purposes, the animal should be given the drug every quarter.

For what purpose is Alben used in veterinary medicine? Instructions for use and indications for this drug are listed below.

Form and composition of the veterinary drug

Alben tablets contain 20% albendazole as an active ingredient, as well as excipients. This product is also produced in the form of granules.

They are packaged in laminated bags of 500 or 1000 g. As for tablets, this form of veterinary drug is sold in polymer jars of 25 or 100 pieces.

Why is Alben used in veterinary medicine? The instructions for use state that this drug is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic. It is especially active against immature and sexually mature cestodes and nematodes, as well as sexually mature trematodes.

This product exhibits ovicidal properties. It reduces helminth infestation in pastures.

The principle of action of this drug is to disrupt the microtubular function and carbohydrate metabolism of helminths.

The medicine “Alben” for worms is practically non-toxic for warm-blooded animals. In recommended dosages, this drug does not exhibit locally irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing properties.

When is Alben used in veterinary medicine? The instructions for use indicate that the product in question can be used to deworm goats, sheep and other large livestock (horned animals), as well as fur-bearing animals, horses, birds and pigs for the following diseases:

  • pulmonary nematodes (with dictyocaulosis, mulleriosis, protostrongylosis, metastrongylosis, cystocaulosis, neostrongylosis);
  • gastric and intestinal nematodes (for hemonchiasis, esophagostomiasis, bunostomiasis, nematodirosis, habertiosis, ostertagiasis, cooperiosis, trichostrongylosis, strongyloidiasis, hyostrongylosis, ascariasis, parascaridiasis, ascaridiosis, trichuriasis, heterakiasis, toxacarosis, hookworm , toxascariasis, uncinariasis);
  • cestodiasis (with moniesiosis, tyzaniesiosis, avitellinosis);
  • trematodes (with fascioliasis, dicroceliosis).

Contraindications to taking tablets and granules

When is it prohibited to use the drug "Alben" in veterinary medicine? Instructions for use indicate such contraindications as:

  • acute fascioliasis;
  • time of the breeding period (for sheep - in the first half of pregnancy, and for females of other animals - in the first third);
  • exhausted animals and patients with infectious diseases;
  • laying hens at enterprises during the production of marketable eggs (due to the fact that the medication is excreted with the egg for four days).

Dosage of veterinary drug

The dose of this drug depends on the type of animal and its disease.

  • Cattle - as a basic dose, one tablet per 49 kg or 3.7 g of granules per 99 kg. For dicroceliosis, fasciolosis, winter ostertagiasis and paramphistomatosis - 4.9 g per 99 kg or one tablet per 34 kg.
  • Goats and sheep - as a basic dose, 2.4 g of granules per 99 kg or one tablet per 69 kg. For dicroceliosis, fascioliasis and protostrongyloidiasis - 3.7 g per 99 kg or one tablet per 44 kg.
  • Pigs – 4.9 g granules per 99 kg or one tablet per 34 kg.
  • Horses, mules and donkeys - 3.7g granules per 99kg or one tablet per 49kg.
  • Poultry (for ascariasis, heterokiosis) - 0.45 g of granules per 9 kg (once a day for two days in a row) or one tablet per 34 kg (once a day for two days in a row).
  • Fur-bearing animals (for toxocariasis, hookworm, toxascariasis, uncinariasis) - 2.45 g of granules per 9 kg or one tablet per 6 kg.

It should also be noted that “Alben S” for cats and dogs can be found on sale. It is used once in a dosage of 1 tablet per 5 kg of animal weight. The drug is taken in the morning with a small amount of food (if necessary, administered forcibly).

The use of the drug during the breeding period in goats, pigs and fur-bearing animals is prohibited.

Alben is a broad-spectrum drug. It has an active effect on mature and immature cystodes, nematodes and trematodes, and also reduces the possibility of infection with helminths from pasture areas and places for walking domestic animals.

  1. Pulmonary nematode;
  2. Gastric and intestinal nematodes;
  3. Dipylidosis;
  4. Mesocestoidosis;
  5. Diphyllobothriasis;
  6. Echinococcosis;
  7. Toxascariasis;
  8. Uncinarium;
  9. Trichocephalosis;
  10. Hookworm.

Using Alben may cause an allergic reaction and fever. The drug is not used to treat animals in the following cases:

  1. Past infectious diseases and exhaustion of the animal’s body;
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  3. Pregnancy and period of feeding offspring;
  4. Puppies are less than 20 days old and kittens are up to 3 months old;
  5. Production of marketable eggs by laying hens;
  6. Breeding period in goats, pigs and fur-bearing animals.

It is possible to develop an allergy to certain components of the drug. Very rarely, side effects may manifest themselves in the form of increased salivation, vomiting, trembling of the limbs or irritation of the skin.

When used to treat kittens, it can cause side effects, which usually result in stool disturbances. Experts do not recommend introducing new foods into the kitten’s diet during this period. You should also ensure that re-infection with released helminth eggs does not occur. To do this, after defecation, you should treat the kitten with an antibacterial wipe or wash it.

When using Alben for deworming productive farm animals, you should know that their meat is suitable for consumption seven days after deworming the animals.

The slaughter of sheep, goats and cattle to obtain a meat product is permitted only two weeks after taking the medication "Alben". As for horses, poultry and pigs, their meat can be consumed 7 days after deworming.

It should also be said that milk can be used for food purposes 4 days after the animal takes the medicine. In case of forced slaughter before the established deadlines, the meat product must be given to feed carnivores or for the production of bone meal.

Alben for dogs is a drug used for deworming animals. It is used to prevent and treat diseases such as dipylidiasis, mesocestoidosis, diphyllobothriasis, echinococcosis, toxascariasis, toxocariasis, uncinariasis, trichocephalosis, hookworm disease.

The drug is active against immature and mature nematodes and trematodes, as well as cestodes.

Instructions for use of Albena for dogs: dosage, contraindications

The drug Alben is produced in tablets and is used orally for medicinal purposes once, with a small amount of food during the morning feeding. The dose is calculated depending on the dog’s body weight: one tablet per 5 kg of weight.

For prevention purposes, Alben is given every three months in the same dose. In addition, it is necessary to carry out deworming two weeks before vaccinating the animal. Preliminary use of laxatives or a starvation diet before deworming is not required. If the dog or puppy weighs less than 2.5 kg, then for its treatment it is necessary to crush one tablet and dilute it in 10 ml of water. The resulting suspension is shaken and immediately injected into the animal’s mouth using a syringe without a needle. It is necessary to administer at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per half a kilogram of animal weight.


It is not advisable to give Alben to puppies under three weeks of age, pregnant or lactating animals. Also, the drug is not recommended for use in animals that are malnourished or sick with infectious diseases. If the drug is used according to the instructions, without exceeding the recommended dose, then no complications or side effects are observed.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Alben belongs to the group of low-hazard substances. If given in recommended doses, it is well tolerated by dogs of different breeds and ages. Also, the drug does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic and hepatotoxic properties.

A box of 100 tablets of the drug costs about 160 rubles. For small dogs and puppies, blisters of six tablets are sold, costing about 60 rubles.

Reviews of Alben for dogs

Review #1

When two medications did not help us, the veterinarian advised us to Alben. We immediately bought a whole box of 100 tablets and now we don’t worry where to look, where to run when the time comes to drive worms out of our Leopard. It contains 30 kg, so we use 24 tablets a year for prevention.

This is probably the most beneficial drug with such properties. In addition, it is also very effective, and most importantly, completely safe for an adult healthy dog. At least our Leopard is quite happy, cheerful and moderately well-fed.

Varvara, Ekaterinburg

Review #2

I always bought other, more expensive drugs. But this time they somehow didn’t catch my eye and I decided to give our six-month-old puppy Alben before vaccination. I've never seen such a reaction before. Even at first I didn’t realize that it was from the medicine, I thought that the dog had become infected with something.

In general, the next day she vomited, had diarrhea, began to refuse food, drinks a lot and immediately vomits everything. The puppy is lethargic and constantly lies down. We ran to the vet and he said it was because of the pill. But since the puppy was healthy before, he assumed that the pill was fake.

And I actually bought them from a stall at the market. So dog owners need to be careful and buy any medications for their pet only in large pet stores, where you will have a receipt and a guarantee that the drug is normal.

Tatyana, Krasnoyarsk

Review #3

I like this drug. We regularly give it to our court terrier once every three months for prevention. He runs all over our yard and should be well prevented. However, keep in mind that if you are going to breed a dog, then

Widespread drugs for worms in humans are Pirantel, Vormil and Vermox. They are effective against nematodes, which include pinworms, roundworms and whipworms and tapeworms (echinococcus, alveococcus, dwarf and bovine tapeworm, pork tapeworm). There is also a class of flatworms. This class includes the cat fluke, liver fluke, Chinese fluke, pulmonary fluke and lanceolate fluke, as well as some other representatives. Chloxyl and Cysticide are effective against flatworms.

Vermox for worms

Vermox anti-worm tablets are taken orally with water. For pinworms, it is enough to take 100 mg tablets once a day, for roundworms and taeniasis - 100 mg in the morning and evening for 3 days. The drug acts by suppressing ATP synthesis. The half-life of Vermox occurs in 3-5 hours. 90% binds to plasma proteins and accumulates in the liver. Side effects include diarrhea, changes in blood patterns, and allergies. Overdose may cause nausea and diarrhea. There is no antidote. You can drink activated carbon.

Pyrantel for worms

Decaris for worms

Decaris deworming tablets act on helminths, causing their paralysis and death. Indications: ascariasis, necatoriasis, trichostrongylosis, enterobiasis. Prescribe 0.15 g once. Children – 2.5 mg/kg.

Wormil for worms

Vormil - anti-worm tablets, their synonym is albendazole. Active against nematodes, cestodes, trematodes and protozoa. It is excreted in bile and urine, the half-life is 8.5 hours. Indications: enterobiasis, ascariasis, taeniasis, capillarosis, gnathostomiasis, lamblia in childhood. The tablets need to be chewed. When treating ascariasis and pinworms, it is enough to take 1 tablet of 400 mg per day for 3-4 days. In case of mixed invasion, you need to take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days. When treating Giardia, children are given 1 tablet of 400 mg for 5 days. For echinococcus, if the patient weighs more than 60 kg, take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 28 days. For lower weights, the dose should be divided into two doses (15 mg/kg of body weight). You can carry out 3 cycles of treatment, taking a break of 14 days between them. If the body is affected by cutaneous migratory larvae, drink Vormil once a day for 3 days. For capillariasis, you should take 1 tablet once a day for 10 days, for gnathostomosis - 1 tablet once a day for 15 days.

Side effects: vomiting, stomatitis, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, drowsiness, disorientation, auditory and visual hallucinations, decreased visual acuity, dermatitis and pemphigus. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 2 years of age, during breastfeeding. In case of an overdose, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, orange coloration of urine, saliva and tears are possible. There is no antidote. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. You need to do a gastric lavage.

Drontal for worms

Tablets for cats are sold separately, and tablets for dogs are sold separately. 1 tablet is enough for 4 kg of animal weight. Act on round and tape helminths. Can be given to kittens from 3 weeks. The tablet is given with food. For preventive purposes, Drontal is used once every six months, before mating and 10 days before lambing. Drontal is given to kittens, cats weakened after illness, and nursing cats.

Drontal for dogs is also very convenient, has a wide spectrum of action, is a safe drug, tested by many breeders. Acts on round and tapeworms. One tablet is enough for a dog weighing 10 kg. You can give it to old animals, pregnant and lactating dogs.

Drontal is not used to treat people.

Milbemax for worms

Milbemax tablets perform well in veterinary practice. For taeniasis and echinococcosis in cats, the drug Milbemax for cats is especially effective. It is given with food or forcibly. With a weight of up to 1 kg, you need to give the kitten half a tablet for kittens, 1-2 kg - a whole tablet. With a weight of 2-4 kg, give ½ tablet for adult cats. With a weight of 5-6 kg - a whole tablet.

There is also Milbemax for dogs, and it is divided into two types - Milbemax for puppies and small dogs and Milbemax for adult dogs.

Do not use for severe disorders of the kidneys or liver. If the dog weighs from half a kilo to 1 kg, it is enough to give half a tablet for puppies. With an animal weighing 1-5 kg ​​- 1 tablet, for dogs over 5 kg give Milbemax for adult animals - 1 tablet with a weight of 5-25 kg, with a weight of 25-50 kg - 2 tablets, 50-75 kg - 3 tablets.

Dirofen for worms

Alben for worms

Indications for use: bunostomosis, ostertagiasis, neoascariasis, strongyloidiasis, parascariasis, ascariasis, toxocariasis, hookworm disease, ascariasis. Mulleriosis, metastrongylosis, dicroceliosis, paramphistomiasis. Alben should not be given to emaciated animals and females during the first half of pregnancy. For cattle, it is enough to give 1 tablet per 50 kg of animal weight, sheep and goats - one tablet per 70 kg, for fascioliasis in sheep and goats - per 45 kg, for horses the main dose is 1 tablet per 50 kg of weight, for pigs - 1 tablet per 35 kg, for toxocariasis, hookworm - 1 tablet per 7 kg. For birds, the dose is 1 tablet per 35 kg. Milk and eggs of animals that have been dewormed are used for food after 5 days.

Vacation for worms

Kanikvantel is indicated for trematodes, nematodes, and cestodes in dogs and cats. It is given with meat, preferably in the morning, 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. Can be given to puppies and kittens from 3 weeks after birth. Detrimental to trematodes, cestodes and nematodes. ATP synthesis is inhibited, and this leads to the death of worms. Overdose symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea. The medicine should not be given during pregnancy.

Pratel for worms

Pratel deworming tablets contain pyrantel embonate and praziquantel. The tablets are yellow in color and round in shape, with a notch in the middle. They lead to paralysis of the muscles of helminths in cats and dogs. For a dog weighing up to 2 kg, it is enough to give a quarter of a tablet, for a 5-kilogram animal you need half, a whole tablet for an animal weighing from 5 to 10 kg, two tablets are given for a weight of 10-20 kg, 3 for a weight of 20-30 kg, 4 – with a weight of 30-40 kg and then for every 10 kg the dose is increased by 1 tablet. For kittens, a quarter of a tablet is enough, and for adult cats - half. Pratel should not be given to severely malnourished animals.

Mebendazole for worms

Zentel for worms

The drug is almost not excreted by the kidneys, so if someone has diseased kidneys, dose adjustment is not necessary for them.

The course of treatment for echinococcosis is long – 28 days. Then take a break and drink the drug for the same amount of time. If there are cysts in the brain, a 3rd or even 4th course may be prescribed.

For capillariasis, Zentel should be taken for 10 days, one tablet every day, for gnathostomiasis - 15 days, for toxocariasis - 10 days.

Itching, urticaria, headache and other reactions of both the immune and nervous systems, and the gastrointestinal tract are possible, especially if you take the medicine for a long time. Possible drug-induced hepatitis. Hair may fall out, but after treatment it grows back. There may be aplastic anemia. Sometimes the body temperature rises. Pregnant women should not take Zentel. In case of overdose, diarrhea and increased heart rate may occur.

Metovit for worms

Deworming tablets for adults

The drug Aldazole is used for adults and children over 3 years of age. To cure enterobiasis and ascaris, taking one tablet is enough; treating echinococcus may require more time. Take the drug 2 times a day for 28 days. Two or three cycles of treatment for echinococcus may be needed. The tablets are taken with meals. If you are infected with taeniasis, you need to take one tablet a day for 3 days and after 3 weeks repeat the course of treatment again.

Aldazole should not be taken if the body is weakened during infections, pregnancy or menstruation.

Deworming tablets for children

Female pinworms, the most common worms among babies, lay eggs around the anus during sleep, which bothers babies. Children aged 5-15 years are most often infected. To avoid getting infected with pinworms, just clean the toilet every other day, wash your hands before eating, cut your nails, and don’t put your fingers in your mouth.

The drug Zentel in 400 mg tablets helps a lot. As a rule, it is enough to take one tablet, but if the symptoms do not go away, take another one after 3 weeks.

Pyrantel is available in 250 mg tablets. Dose – 11 mg per 1 kg of weight. Maximum dose – 1 g.

If the child has a good complexion, is not pale, eats normally, you should not give anti-worm medications for prevention, as some doctors advise.

If worms are still found, treatment is given to everyone in the family.

Piperazine is considered the safest. It only affects pinworms and roundworms. It can be used by small children and pregnant women. If the infection is severe, Piperazine may not be enough; stronger agents are needed.

Vermox is another drug for worms, which is used in pediatric practice not only for pinworms and roundworms, but also for strongyloidiasis, capillariasis, and alveococcosis. Adults and children take 100 mg of Vermox orally once. When taking Vermox, you need to keep your liver and kidney function under control.

How to give deworming tablets?

It is often problematic to give deworming tablets to animals. In order for a cat to swallow such a tablet, it is better to dip it in sour cream or butter. When the cat tries to spit it out, the butter, since it is slippery, will push the tablet into the stomach. Some animals swallow without problems if you simply mix the tablet into their food. You can also open the mouth of a cat or dog and place the tablet directly on the root of the tongue, as deep as possible.

Diet pills with worms

“Miraculous” tablets with worms are supplied to us illegally! They have a huge number of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and ulcers on the body. The poisons that poison the body deplete it for three months. And then the worms are expelled; the manufacturer “carefully” included tablets for them in the kit. During this time, the kilograms literally melt before our eyes. You can lose about 15 kg, but the method is a little exotic and dangerous. But the weight may return, but the health of the gastrointestinal tract will leave much to be desired. You will be at risk of cholecystitis and even cirrhosis. Do you want to take this risk? Maybe it’s better to just try to eat less and exercise? We can recommend diet number five as an option - this is recommended for patients with pancreatic and liver problems. This diet is balanced, it just doesn’t contain anything floury, fatty or fried. In general, there are many diets for weight loss, not all of them are safe, but this is a topic for another conversation.

Chewable deworming tablets

Summer has come. Finally, you can drink aromatic tea with strawberries, work in the country, and then lie on a cot in the fresh air. But almost a quarter of people become infected with helminths in the hot season: roundworms, pinworms, whipworms. Yes, these insidious creatures lie in wait for us everywhere! The temperature rises, they actively reproduce in the ground. And we love to eat strawberries or raspberries from the bush! Who doesn't love it? The benefits are obvious, more than from the market. And we trust our country delicacies more. But unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as our pets, are other sources of infection. Helminths are transmitted through linen, toys, and fleas.

All worms cause damage to the body: when they appear, hair thins and falls out, and there may be rashes on the skin. What to do?

Tablets for worms are sold in every pharmacy, if this happens to you, it doesn’t matter! A range of highly effective anthelmintic drugs can cure almost any helminthic infestation.

Alben S for dogs is a complex drug effective for the treatment and prevention of intestinal helminths and their larvae. The product is low-toxic, well tolerated by animals and has a minimum of contraindications. Regular use guarantees the dog’s well-being; combination with other medications is possible.

The drug Alben S effectively destroys helminths at all stages of development.

The product is equally effective at all stages of the worm’s life; re-treatment is not required. Residues of active substances do not accumulate in organs, they are partially excreted in the urine, most of them leave the body along with bile.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets weighing 0.6 g, packaged in laminated paper blisters of 3 and 6 pieces. Each package of Alben S for dogs is supplied with instructions and placed in a cardboard box.

The tablets contain azinox and albendazole (25 and 250 mg, respectively).

Indications for use

Alben S tablets for dogs are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of:

  • nematodosis (, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis);
  • cestodosis (dipilidiosis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis).

Reference. The product is non-toxic and falls into the low-hazard category. Suitable for treating dogs and puppies of all breeds. Used for preventive purposes.

Instructions for use

Before deworming, a starvation diet and laxatives are not used. Alben for worms is given to dogs in the morning; they can be placed on the root of the tongue or mixed with food. For small or capricious dogs, you can prepare a suspension by crushing the tablet and dissolving it in cold boiled water.

Alben S tablets are given in the morning feeding with food or on the root of the tongue, you can make a suspension.

Drinking is carried out from a spoon or using a disposable syringe without a needle. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal, 1 tablet is designed for 5 kg.

For preventive purposes, Alben S is given once with an interval of 3 months. In case of severe helminthic infestation, two-time use is possible, the second dose is given after 5-7 days. Additional deworming with the same dose of the drug is recommended before vaccinating the animal.

Contraindications and side effects

Alben S is a low-toxic drug and has a minimum of contraindications.

  • puppies under three weeks of age;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • dogs suffering from infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • animals with malignant tumors.

The attending physician must decide whether Alben can be given to dogs with severe underweight or dystrophy.

The pills rarely cause side effects. In some cases, apathy and weakness may be observed. In case of overdose, drooling or vomiting is possible. Side effects can be relieved with antihistamines and drinking plenty of fluids.

Analogues of the drug

There are many products on the market to combat roundworms and tapeworms.

Azinox is an analogue of Alben S, but is aimed at treating only cestodes.

Analogues of the drug Alben S:

  1. Albendazole. Contains the active component of the same name in maximum concentration. Available in powder form, packaged in plastic bags. It is most often used for deworming farm animals, but is also suitable for treating large dogs. Price starts from 600 rubles per 0.5 kg package, not sold in small packaging.
  2. Azinox. Tablets containing praziquantel and excipients. Effective for the treatment of cestodiasis. The price is affordable, a pack of 6 tablets costs no more than 65 rubles. It has a less broad effect than Alben M, since it does not affect nematodes.
  3. Drontal. The composition includes febantel, pyrantel embonate, praziquantel. Effective against all types of worms, has a milder effect than Alben S, can be used for puppies of all ages. A significant disadvantage is the high price (up to 900 rubles per bottle).

Storage and price

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. After the expiration date or if the packaging is damaged, you cannot use the medicine.

Unopened packages are stored in a cool, dark place, away from food. It is important to keep the tablets away from animals and children; if accidentally swallowed, the stomach must be rinsed. The drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies, the price is 90 rubles per package of 6 tablets.