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How to transport a cat long distance with minimal complications. How to bring your cat to the vet without a special carrier Diet for home feeding

You have long been planning to go on vacation with your family or go to another city to visit your parents. The suitcases are packed, the family is ready to go, but now you are faced with the question: how to transport a cat in a car or how to transport a cat to another city?

Pets don't particularly like change, and traveling long distances can be stressful for them. Therefore, you need to make the trip as comfortable as possible not only for yourself, but also for your pet.

First need

So, how to transport a cat in a car? First of all, you should prepare a standard cat kit. It will help your cat feel more relaxed about the trip. Also, on the eve of departure, you need to consult with a veterinarian and take all the necessary documents. Be sure to write down the doctor’s number so that you can always clarify questions that may interest you during your trip.

Now you must take care of your cat's health. It is worth taking medications on the road that can help her with certain difficulties. Take an extract from your medical history so you know the names of medications that may be needed.

Cat carrier or blanket

A carrier is a special bag or container designed for convenient transportation of a cat. It helps make any move safer for you and your pet. You need to remember that when purchasing a carrier, you must take into account all the nuances:
  1. 1. You need to buy a carrier for growth.
  2. 2. It should be practical and comfortable for your cat.
  3. 3. Consist of solid materials.
  4. 4. Be safe for the pet and you.

You will need a carrier in any situation when the question arises of how to transport a cat on a bus or how to transport a cat in a car. This is a comfortable mobile home for your cat. The main thing is that he feels comfortable and cozy there.
But there are times when there is no opportunity or time to purchase a carrier. Then you can use a simple bedspread, blanket, or towel. You just need to wrap up your cat and place it next to you.
An interesting way to transport an animal is a pillowcase. Place your pet there and tie it with string. You will end up with something like a collar for a cat. This way the trip will be more relaxed.

Food and water

After you have taken care of the comfort of your animal and the peace of mind of all members of your family. You should remember that cats are susceptible to dehydration and lack of water. This can have a very detrimental effect on their health. Therefore, you will need to take a large amount of clean water on the road and offer your pet to drink throughout the trip.

Now you need to decide what to do with your cat's food. If the trip is not long, then it is quite enough to feed her before leaving and just give her water on the way. But if the trip lasts for a long time, then of course you need to take care of food for your pet. You should not take sausage, meat, frankfurters or fish on the road. All this may go to waste and your pet may become ill from such products. The best solution here would be dry food. You can also use food in packages, which are also suitable for long trips.

If your pet has favorite treats, then a trip is just the time to pamper him. This way he will cope with the road more calmly and will be able to adapt faster.

Toys and toiletries

If you know that your trip will be quite long, then it is worth taking your pet's favorite toys. You need to take the simplest ones that take up the least space and will allow the cat to play with them in a carrier or in the arms of one of your family members.
Be sure to remember that too active games can irritate your pet, and its activity will interfere with your trip.

Now you need not to forget about the most important thing - your cat’s toilet matters. You will need to bring a litter tray, litter and bags with you. After all, your cat is accustomed to going only to the litter box, and during a trip it will be difficult to accustom her to another place. Therefore, you will have to suffer a little here. But for the sake of your beloved pet, you can take such measures.

Walking with a cat

If your trip will take more than one day, then you should not forget about walks with your pet. Of course, you can take him in your arms and go out for a walk with him in the fresh air when you stop in certain places. But there is a high chance that the cat will feel fear. She will want to break free, run and hide. To prevent this from happening and to prevent you from having to look for your beloved cat, you will need to take a cat leash with you. Thanks to it, you can protect yourself and your pet while walking calmly with him along unfamiliar city streets. Read more about intercity passenger transportation http://www.vezdevoz.ru/passazhirskie_perevozki/po_mezhgorodu/

Now you know the basic rules that will help you answer the question of how to transport a cat in a car. All these tips and rules will help you make a pleasant and unforgettable trip for you and your animal. The main thing to remember is that a loving owner will do everything to make his pet feel safe and comfortable. After all, we must protect our four-legged friends.

Hello my dear friends!

I propose to talk today about...

All cat owners periodically need to take their pet or their pet to a car, for example, to the veterinarian, to the country house, to an exhibition or to a “date”.

But how can you organize a joint trip in such a way that it does not become a terrible stress, both for the kitty and for you? Read more about this quickly.

If you have the calmest cat in the world who doesn’t scratch or bite, she may express herself in a completely different way during the trip. And here the following rules will help you.

Rule #1.

Restricting freedom of movement is what you need to think about first of all when you are planning to travel with your Murka in a car, so that she does not run away from you “to celebrate”, scratch other road users, injure herself, and do a bunch of other things “ surprises."

What is needed for this? Of course, a carrying bag or container that closes with a secure latch.

At the bottom of such a bag or container you need to lay a soft napkin (or a disposable absorbent diaper for cats).

So, if your cat starts vomiting or diarrhea out of fear, the upholstery of your car will remain in a state of pristine cleanliness.

Remember that the presence of such devices for transporting cats is strictly necessary if your Barsyusha or your Musya feels unwell and goes for a consultation with a veterinarian. Since, firstly, sick animals usually have nerves and secondly, thanks to the container, your treasure will not be able to offend or infect with anything else any dog ​​or any other pet that comes to the veterinary clinic for treatment.

Rule #2.

The carrier bag or container should be securely secured with a seat belt threaded through the handle so that it does not fly away “to distant lands” along with your beloved cat while the car is moving.

Rule #3. How to transport a cat in a car.

There are quite emergency cases when there is no time to think about purchasing special containers for transporting cats.

In such cases, you can use what “God sent”, namely, wrap the cat in a blanket, blanket, large towel or pillowcase.

If you decide to transfer your fur joy into a pillowcase, then after it is there, take a soft rope or ribbon and tie the hole in the pillowcase so that a “collar” with a tie is formed on the kitty’s neck. Do not under any circumstances tighten the collar too tightly!

You can also use a regular sports bag. Place the kitty in the bag, fasten the zipper, leaving about 1-2 centimeters from the end unfastened, so that your kitty can breathe freely, but at the same time she would not be able to get out.

Rule #4.

If you are going on a short trip (provided that your cat is absolutely healthy and not injured), you can take a harness with a leash; a cat tied in the cabin will not run away, even if it is very frightened by some unexpected sound or unfamiliar smell .

Rule #5. How to transport a cat in a car.

Cats need to be gradually accustomed to traveling by car. If you have only taken your “mustachioed and tailed beauty” to the veterinarian just once in your life, then you should not expect that she will be very happy when she drives the car for the second time. After all, she will associate traveling by car with painful vaccinations or other unpleasant medical procedures.

Whenever possible, take your cat with you on short walks.

Rule #6.

Different cats have different individual characteristics of the body and, accordingly, reactions.

If you have a long trip ahead, then you should take care of purchasing special veterinary medications for motion sickness. You can also give your cat a little chilled chamomile tea on the eve of the trip.

Some cats don’t get motion sickness at all (me, for example), other cats only get motion sickness if they set off on the road not on an empty stomach, but with a full stomach.

Take a closer look at your cat. Even if she tolerates car trips well, she should only be lightly fed a few hours before leaving home, and not before the trip itself.

Rule #7.

Did you know that we cats are the most delicate creatures, very susceptible to heatstroke. It is very difficult for our body to lower its temperature. Therefore, do not leave your Cat alone in the car for more than 5-10 minutes. Remember that both in summer, autumn and spring, the air in the car heats up quite quickly, and if you leave your cat alone in a closed car, he can die quite quickly.

I myself was shocked when I found out that in the summer the air in a car can warm up to 49 degrees in just 20 minutes!!! This temperature is fatal for everyone!

If you see that your cat is hot, that she is stretched out and breathing heavily, take her out into the shade into fresh air, fan her, for example, with a newspaper fan, sprinkle water on her and if she refuses to drink, then wet her mouth.

Well, my dear lovers of cats and car travel, now you are familiar with the 7 golden rules of how to transport a cat in a car! And that's great!

I always wish you a happy journey!!!

Your happy black cat Jose Carreras, with love at la-murmur.ru.

How to switch a cat to another food and why might this be necessary? It often happens that the food we buy for our cat is not suitable for her. There can be a lot of reasons: allergies, lack of nutrients and trace elements, or intolerance to any of the ingredients. In the end, it also happens that a loving owner can no longer afford to provide the pet with the usual diet and is forced to look for alternatives, which is especially important during various kinds of crises. But such changes do not always go smoothly.

Any animal gradually gets used to what it eats. Here we can draw an analogy: if a person loves junk food, it is difficult for him to give it up, even when he understands that we are talking about his own health. If it’s difficult for us to force ourselves to do the right thing, then it’s even harder with our smaller brothers. Try to explain to the noble and proud descendant of ferocious saber-toothed tigers that he will no longer be given his favorite food. This is a mortal insult! That's why the first thing you need to do is be patient.

All members of the cat family have an innate cunning that they will certainly use to sabotage your plans for replacing food. You will most likely be waiting for a trick with “burying”, which clearly compares the new diet with litter for the tray. Let’s not forget the pained expression on his face, sad glances and heart-rending meows - your pet will do everything to elicit pity and create the impression of a poor and starving creature. But you can’t give in to provocations! Reluctantly, we stand our ground and switch the cat to another food.

In addition, an important point is that cats, unlike dogs, are natural gourmets; most of them simply need a constant change in their taste rations. And some of the most fastidious ones are even ready to starve for a change in food.

Step-by-step rule for switching to another food

How to properly switch a cat to another food? Switching to a new food for an animal is always stressful. How to do this correctly without harming the animal?

The most effective translation technique

The procedure for replacing food is extremely simple. Ideally, about ten days should be enough for the transition, during which you will slowly accustom your cat to the new food. In the first days, we add 25% of the new diet to the old diet. If everything goes smoothly, then we gradually increase the ratio to 50/50. At the last stage, you can give 3 quarters of the new food. And so on until the bitter end. If this period drags on or, worse, the purring bandit completely decides to ignore your efforts, then you should resort to more radical measures.

Here we will immediately make a reservation that all owners love their cats. But love is not only about pampering and stroking, sometimes it means once again making a difficult decision and taking responsibility. And this is exactly the case here.

We take starvation or beneficial fasting

If a smooth replacement does not work out: your cat eats up the granules of the old food and leaves the new one in the bowl, or flatly refuses to approach the food in principle, then you will have to starve it out. The most effective way is to give your cat preventative fasting. And no, we are not monsters or sadists: this is not done with the goal of torturing the pet, but for the sake of his health.

If suddenly seditious thoughts arise in your head, pushing you to capitulate into the clutches of a tailed tyrant, then remember - not a single cat has ever died from exhaustion in front of a bowl full of food.

Remind yourself often that fasting fasting days are even beneficial for cats, especially domestic and sterilized ones - they will help control the problem of excess weight.

The essence of the procedure is simple: you remove the bowl for a day and do not give the cat anything to eat (even if he really asks and is offended), and the next day you put a bowl with new food. Many advise not to embarrass the animal and not to stand around the bowl with the whole family waiting for a miracle - a proud tailed cat may not like publicly admitting defeat in the war for food, which can only prolong the procedure for transferring the cat to a new type of food.

In general, the period depends on the stubbornness of a particular representative of the cat family, but should not exceed three days - then this will definitely be harmful. Remember that during this period the starving person must be provided with water, otherwise it will truly become torture.

In the end, the result is the same - your pet will carefree eat the new food, despite the fact that before this he showed fierce hatred and disapproval in every possible way. The only thing is that when switching to a new diet (especially if this is done for reasons of economy), you should not ignore the issue of quality.

  • Firstly, the diet should contain a lot of meat, because the cat is a predator.
  • Secondly, look for probiotics in the composition, they will help with digestion. Phytocomponents (fennel, Yucca Schidigera) will help eliminate toxins, and the vitamin-mineral complex will provide your animal with the correct ratio of microelements. In this vein, the line of cat food from Blitz shows itself very well, where diets with chicken, dietary turkey and hypoallergenic lamb are presented.

It's hard to part with your pets during the holidays. That's why many people take them with them. Airlines set rules for transporting cats on planes. During your trip, you need to follow not only them, but also the rules for importing/exporting animals of the country of arrival.

Is it possible to take a cat on a plane?

Airlines do not ban pets on board aircraft. They regulate certain rules on how to transport a cat on an airplane. You can do this in two ways:

  • take the animal with you to the salon;
  • “check in” as special cargo.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on the weight of the pet. It must be remembered that transporting a cat is impossible without documents for it.

Rules for transporting cats on an airplane and in “baggage”

No more than 5 animals can be in the aircraft cabin at the same time. Therefore, when booking or purchasing a flight ticket, you must inform a company employee that the passenger is flying with his pet.

Animals whose weight does not exceed 8 kg are allowed into the salon. In this case, the cat must be in a special container or cage. They can accommodate a maximum of 2 animals. Their total weight should not exceed the established 8 kg.

Note! A cat can be transported on an airplane in a soft bag with a hard bottom. But this is provided that it is small in size.

When transporting such animals on board an aircraft, you need to pay a certain amount.

Airlines prohibit leaving containers or cages with animals near emergency exits. There is also a ban on placing them under the passenger seat. Pets must always be under the supervision of their owners. Therefore, passengers with them are placed on seats near emergency passages or in the first seats in economy class.

To transport pets in the cargo hold, you will also need a container. There can only be one cat in it. The container should not hinder his movements.

Animals flying in the cargo hold are checked in as special baggage. To do this, their owners need to go to the reception desk. The container with the pet will be weighed and a sign will be placed on it indicating the following information:

  • breeds;
  • nicknames;
  • age;
  • vaccination data;
  • Owner's name and telephone number.

This must be done so that if the cat is lost, it can be delivered to the owner. During the flight, you are allowed to visit your pet, which is located in the heated compartment of the luggage compartment.

What is important to know when booking

Before transporting a cat on an airplane, passengers should know the following:

  • whether there are bans on the import of animals into the territory of the country to which the passenger is flying;
  • required documents for transporting pets within Russia and beyond its borders;
  • how many animals can be on one flight on an airplane (in the cabin or in the cargo hold);
  • Are there any restrictions on transporting pets from the company from which tickets are purchased;
  • requirements for a container, cage or bag for a cat;
  • amount of surcharge for transporting a pet.

When purchasing or booking a boarding pass for a flight, you must indicate that the passenger is traveling with an animal.

Documents for transporting a cat in Russia

The air carrier must be notified that the passenger is traveling with their pet no later than 36 hours before departure. By this time, you will also need to collect certain documents.

  1. Veterinary passport. It is given out at the veterinary hospital. At the same time, the cat is given the necessary vaccinations. Information about them is indicated in the document.
  2. State certificate No. 1. It is obtained at the State Veterinary Station only if you have a veterinary passport. This certificate may also be called an F1 veterinary certificate.
  3. Information about chipping.

Documents for taking a cat abroad

When transporting an animal on international flights, the rules become slightly stricter. The following documents will be required:

  1. International veterinary passport;
  2. A certificate containing information about the breeding value of the transported animal;
  3. State certificate according to form No. 1;
  4. Microchipping certificate is required!

The last document must be exchanged at the reception desk. Instead, a veterinary certificate of international standard is issued. It is accepted in all states.

Important! This document must be kept throughout the entire trip. It is needed not only to allow entry into the country, but also to leave it.

In addition, the animal must be vaccinated against rabies. The veterinarian enters information about vaccination into the veterinary passport. He also issues an additional certificate confirming that the pet has no diseases.

Cost of transporting a cat on an airplane

Transfer of animals in many cases is carried out for a fee. As a rule, owners try to take their pets onto the plane. You'll need to pay for your boarding pass and register your pet as "special cargo."

On average, the cost of transporting cats in the cabin of an airplane in Russia will be about 4,000 rubles. The cost of transportation abroad is 5000-6000 rudders. Important! When transporting an animal in the cabin, it is important to notify the airline in advance.

As a rule, passengers with cats who are in transport containers are given more comfortable seats. But this is provided that they are not booked by passengers with children or with disabilities.

Carrying requirements

Transfer of a furry pet is carried out only in special cages, containers or bags. They must be made of durable material. Doors must be equipped with locks. They will not allow the animal to get out and cause discomfort to other passengers.

The bottom of the carrier should have smooth transitions and no sharp corners. You can line it with a diaper napkin or soft cloth. This will make the animal much more comfortable.

Carriers must be equipped with holes for air intake. They should also have handles for carrying the animal. If the pet is large, it can be transported in a container on wheels.

How to prepare a cat for flight

It is not recommended to feed him 4 hours before departure. You should not give him sedatives or sleeping pills. Although some veterinarians, after examining the animal, may recommend taking certain medications to make the flight easier. You can put your cat's favorite toy in the carrier. There should also be a container for water inside the container.

Many pet owners sooner or later think about how to switch their cat to dry food. The advantage of dry food for feeding mustachioed pets is beyond doubt. Most pet owners, based on their own convenience, feed them ready-made food, while others prefer to give their pets natural food. In some situations, you have to radically change your pet’s diet, but how to do this correctly remains a mystery to most. Therefore, switching to dry food is still a hot topic.

Switching a cat from one type of food to another is stressful for the animal, so the process requires a certain approach. The main feature of the transition from natural food to dry types of products is an unobtrusive, gradual transition that will not cause discomfort for the pet’s body.

If you compare natural food with granular food, you can note some positive aspects of the second option:

  1. Balance. The food contains all the elements that cats need: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. Therefore, the best option would be to purchase it in stores.
  2. Simple and convenient dosage of portions. The amount of food is calculated depending on the age and weight of the animal.
  3. With this feeding, the possibility of poisoning the pet is completely eliminated.
  4. An abundance of options allows you to choose the one that is most suitable for your cat.
  • proteins of plant and animal origin;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • flavoring additives;
  • vitamins;
  • bioactive components.

Inexpensive dry food (economy class) contains no more than 6% protein component. Expensive granulated food (premium class) has a completely different protein content - 50%. Also, commercial cat food contains large amounts of carbohydrates, which are derived from corn or potatoes.

How to switch a cat to dry food

In most cases, pet owners choose inexpensive dry food that is convenient to feed the animal. In addition, this type of food is enriched with vitamins and has a good balance in all respects. If the cat is accustomed to eating natural foods, it is necessary to gradually switch the animal to another type of food so as not to harm it.

Before switching your pet to pelleted food, you need to consider the entire range of ready-made foods. When purchasing food for your pet, it is advisable to give preference to high-quality products with a long shelf life. It is necessary to carefully study the information about pelleted food and the wishes of the manufacturer, since after the animal has been completely switched to dry foods, it is undesirable to feed it with natural food and add vitamin complexes. In most cases, the necessary vitamins and bioactive substances are present in the granules. When switching cats to pellets, it is advisable to give preference to premium and super premium food.

The most popular mixtures in this category include:

You need to know that when feeding a cat with a granular product, you do not need to use moistened food from the same manufacturer.

Cat owners who decide to switch their pet to a granular type of food need to be aware that the transition to another type of food must occur within 10 days.

In addition, during the period of transfer to another food, the animal must be completely healthy, its behavior must be playful, and bowel movements must be regular. The cat should not be pregnant when trying another type of food to avoid stress.

The procedure for transferring an animal to pelleted food

Before switching your cat to one of the pelleted food options, you need to pay attention to its behavior. If your pet drinks little water during the day, you should not switch him to granules, as this will lead to frequent constipation and problems with urination. With a small amount of fluid consumed, the cat can replenish its deficiency from wet food.

If it is necessary to completely switch the animal to dry food, then at the initial stage it needs to be soaked. In the first few days, you can ignore the dose, since the granules will be mixed in minimal quantities with the main diet, but you still need to read the instructions. At the initial stage of mixing ready-made food, 10-15 granules can be added to the animal’s usual food. When adding pellets to daily food, they should be soaked in the same food. In the process of switching to dry food, the cat must drink 4 times more water than usual, so you need to constantly monitor the presence of clean liquid in your pet's drinking bowl.

If there is a lack of input balance, the animal may develop kidney disease. To completely switch a cat to pelleted food, it is necessary to remove some of the natural food in small proportions and add dry food instead. If the pet refuses the food offered, you need to change the manufacturer or add food without pre-soaking. On the tenth day, there should be no natural products left in the animal’s food. Your cat's diet should consist only of pelleted food.

After completely switching your pet to dry food, it is not advisable to pamper him with leftover food from your table. After ten days, the cat should eat exclusively dry food. You need to feed your pet with products from only one manufacturer that fits the age category of the animal. The dose is calculated based on the instructions pasted on the package.

Hobbyists often turn to professional breeders for advice on how to best and quickly switch their pets to a more convenient food. Often, in the process of getting used to another product, cats and kittens lose weight. Such a reaction to an unusual type of food is not considered a deviation from the norm. As soon as the animal’s body adapts to the new type of food, the kitten (cat) will begin to gain weight again. In most cases, experts advise dividing the diet into 10 parts when switching an animal to dry food. For ten days, 1/10 of the food is constantly replaced with dry food. This process will lead to the fact that at the end of the tenth day the pet will painlessly switch to a completely different type of feeding without stress to the body.

To stimulate your pet's food intake, you can add catnip to the food. The smell of this plant attracts cats, and the animal will begin to absorb an unfamiliar type of food with a noticeably increased appetite.

When transitioning your pet to kibble, it is recommended to give him probiotics. These medications help normalize intestinal function and make it easier for your mustachioed pet to get used to new types of food. Probiotics can be purchased at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy, but before purchasing, you should consult with your veterinarian, since the use of these drugs is not necessary in all cases.