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How to make friends between a kitten and a puppy in an apartment. How to make friends between a dog and a kitten. Promoting friendly relations between dogs and cats

A situation in which two different animals find themselves in a common territory can turn into a real disaster for both them and their owner. This is due to the instincts that make animals see each other as enemies. That is why the question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog when they coexist in the same apartment is so relevant.

First, you need to figure out why cats and dogs have been opponents for as long as humanity can remember. It turns out that the problem lies in differences due to nature. The descendants of wolves, forced to live on the streets, even today discover a feature that is somewhat dulled, but does not disappear, among their domestic counterparts. It's about the desire to live in a pack. It is because of him that animals begin to bark loudly when an uninvited guest invades the protected territory - this manifests the desire to notify “compatriots,” perhaps even non-existent ones, about the approach of the enemy.

Cats, on the contrary, are loners by nature. They do not hope for help, and therefore prefer to personally keep the situation under control. This usually manifests itself in monitoring the environment from a safe point, usually from a height.

Animals perceive their own personal space differently. Dogs strive to study an object of interest in close proximity, which often results in conflicts, because cats do not like this behavior at all. They are very sensitive to the protection of their possessions and prefer to observe what is happening from a distance.

In addition, dogs, who are born hunters, easily flare up in excitement. Even a docile pet may suddenly see a smaller creature as potential prey.

Important! Many breeders are interested in how to make friends between a cat and a dog, but not everyone knows that in reality such a step can be extremely dangerous. The problem is that a mustachioed pet that grows next to a neighbor gradually loses vigilance and caution. If such a pet ends up on the street, it will most likely be mutilated by stray animals.

Fortunately and for the peace of mind of the owners, for pets who walk on their own, they created a bracelet that allows them to track the location of the animal at any time.


A well-conducted first meeting is the most important aspect in the question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog. Vigilant control of a person and the absence of direct contact is what will ensure a successful start to the relationship.

The dog must be seated with the appropriate command, praised and given time to calm down a little, and then finally shown the new roommate. Any attempt to approach will need to be stopped, and if aggression is shown, the animals should be separated into different rooms. Before meeting, you need to feed both pets well, and also give the dog a good walk. This way, the ill will that instincts cause will be significantly reduced.

Before introductions, you will have to sit the dog at your feet, put a leash and muzzle on it, and then let the cat walk around the room wherever it pleases. The reaction of the “slave” will probably be typical - barking, sudden jerking, anxiety. However, after a while the animal will get tired, come to terms with what is happening and lie down at the feet of the person, ignoring the current situation. Only after this will the animal need to be thanked so that it learns which action was rewarded


In the first 3 days, it is better for the animals, already experiencing stress, not to see each other. Despite this, they must hear, smell and feel the neighborhood. Getting used to the presence of a second pet begins already on the 4th day, and full acceptance of the newcomer occurs after 1-2 months.

What else can the head of the house do to make friends between a cat and a dog in his apartment? Without a doubt, ensure the safety and tranquility of the animals. It is the person who is obliged to ensure that the interaction of pets in the early stages brings them only positive emotions. Otherwise, pets who do not get along with each other will need to be immediately separated. To establish relationships in this case, it is better to contact a professional dog handler, an experienced animal psychologist or a breeder. Experts will help determine the cause of hostility and choose the best methods of education.

You should not provoke too rapid development of events. It is better to wait until the cat and dog themselves show curiosity and interest. There is no need to lock them in different corners of the house, but it is still necessary to functionally delimit the space. Each pet should have its own place to rest. A quiet and secluded nest somewhere higher is perfect for a cat (climbing rack, window sill, shelves-steps right under the ceiling), and an ever-emotional dog will be happy with an ordinary soft bedding on the floor. This layout will be truly life-saving if the cat gets tired of the restlessness of his new friend. Then he will have the opportunity to hide and avoid conflict.

The separation of dining areas will also be useful. Representatives of both species are extremely jealous of food, and the descendants of wolves also have the sin of trying to eat even what does not belong to them. Of course, with such an attitude towards food, it’s not far from a fight! That is why experienced owners try to feed their charges in different rooms, and if this is not possible, at least at different levels of the room. Dog bowls are placed on the floor, and cat bowls are placed on a countertop or windowsill.


What to do with the fact that sometimes it is simply impossible to make friends between an adult dog and a cat? Probably the reason for this lies in too strong, irresistible fear. It is this feeling, and not at all love for a person, that largely determines the behavior of four-legged animals. They are afraid of losing their master's favor and being expelled. Pets that begin to feel a lack of affection and attention become depressed and, accordingly, aggressive towards their opponent.

To avoid such a situation, you need to show sufficient attention to both animals. However, it is worth remembering that the nature of interaction with them will be different. Thus, cats do not tolerate excessive intrusiveness, while dogs are ready to wag their tail with happiness almost because of any word the owner says to them.

In the general family hierarchy, a cat is always higher than its neighbor because:

  1. She is allowed to do many things that are strictly prohibited for a dog (climbing onto window sills, walking on tables, defecating inside the apartment).
  2. She doesn't know what it means to obey, while the dog is a social creature who can easily yield to others thanks to his pack instinct.
  3. She will try to avoid negative interactions, because in the event of a quarrel she will have only one option - go to the end or retreat in shame.

Since it is still easier to work with a dog that easily accepts a subordinate role, it is she who should help the owner to properly approach an independent cat. The touchy one must be made to understand that no one will encroach on her superiority and primacy.

Game method

Active joint “fussing” will help the animals get to know each other. The key condition for games is the presence of the owner. If during the game one animal injures another, the culprit should be lightly flicked on the nose and the action should be accompanied by a curt command: “You can’t!” Next you need to stop the game. You cannot beat animals or shout at them, because the lesson, accompanied by panic, will not be learned.

You also need to learn to avoid taking sides. Often, the owners begin to sympathetically press the “victim” to their chest and show their affection towards him in every possible way, while the instigator of the unpleasant event is condemned with anger and abuse. Such demonstrative acceptance of one into the pack and exclusion of another from it can become a reason for a real war between animals.

Important! If one of the animals hits its partner with a “soft” paw, without releasing its claws, and also does not hiss or press its ears to its head, this is a form of play, not aggression.

After just a few sessions, animals will understand that entertainment stops when their actions go beyond the boundaries designated by the owner.

In order to finally reconcile two creatures living in the same territory, you should remember the following recommendations:

  1. The owner should be as calm as possible in the presence of his charges. Pets not only react very sensitively to their owner’s mood, but also copy their owner’s behavior. A person’s nervousness can aggravate the situation, while his self-control, on the contrary, will help him calm down and get rid of the feeling of fear.
  2. If the head of the house is to make friends with an adult dog and a kitten, close attention must be paid to the old-timer. A dog that feels sympathy will wag its tail, fall on its front paws and invite the baby to play. But if an adult cat lives in the apartment, introducing her to a newcomer of the same age can be extremely risky. The ideal age for a puppy to be adopted is from 3 to 12 weeks.
  3. When walking a dog, he should be praised every time he fails to react to stray cats or shows friendliness towards them. In case of aggression, the animal is given the command “No!”, after which it is taken in the opposite direction.

All of the above methods and measures will help a person bring together such different creatures of nature without conflict and, perhaps, even make them best friends. If the coexistence of pets proceeds without quarrels, they will even begin to sleep together, which will mark the establishment of a strong connection between them.

There is a stereotype that friendship between a cat and a dog is impossible. We often see animals showing aggression towards each other. Dogs rush at cats, cats hiss at dogs. However, pets can be made friends if you know their character traits and adhere to certain rules.

If you don’t want to choose whether to get a cat or a dog, but want to keep both types of pets at home, this article is for you.

What is the reason for the strained relationship?

Zoologists say that cats are not afraid of dogs, but avoid unnecessary contact. Dogs crave companionship. Cats, on the contrary, walk on their own, they require personal space, and they do not like it when someone violates it.

A dog may approach a cat out of curiosity, but the first meeting is unlikely to end in friendship. Murka will either run away or try to scratch the poor dog. If the cat runs, it will provoke the dog to play chase; if it starts to hiss and scratch, it will cause a defensive reaction, which will lead to fear or aggression.

After the first unsuccessful attempt at acquaintance, a cat and a dog may never become friends. Therefore, it is important to conduct the first meeting of pets correctly and avoid mistakes.

New in the house. How should the owner behave?

It is easier to establish relationships between pets at an early age. If you want to have both a cat and a dog, get them at the same time. The kitten and puppy will definitely get along with each other, and you will keep dating problems to a minimum.

Do you already have one pet and are you planning to get a new one? The following tips are for you.

How to make friends between an adult cat and a puppy

If you have an adult cat, it is advisable to adopt a puppy at the age of 2-3 months. This will make it easier for pets to make friends. Only at first should you limit animal contact. So that a friendly puppy who wants to play with a cat does not meet resistance and is not afraid of the menacing purr. Adult cats are friendly towards puppies and often take them under their care. Therefore, there should be no problems.

How to make friends between an adult dog and a kitten

The first meeting between an adult dog and a kitten should be strictly supervised. If the dog treats cats calmly, then the acquaintance will go smoothly. Before the meeting, the dog must be walked and fed so that the pet does not have additional cause for concern. After the first meeting, it is better to place the animals in different rooms so that they gradually get used to the new smells.

How to make friends between an adult cat and a dog

If the cat and dog are already adults, then making them friends can be much more difficult. Conduct the first meeting under strict supervision. It is better to put a muzzle on the dog or put the cat in a carrier. Then let them sniff each other.

It will most likely take a lot of time for the pets to get used to each other. A cat must have its own place in the house where it can feel safe. Meetings of animals at first should take place under your supervision. Joint walks especially bring pets together. Therefore, you can buy a harness for the cat and walk it with the dog. Outside the home, pets bond much faster.

Rules for keeping cats and dogs together

The main rule of keeping several animals together is that you should not give reasons for pets to be jealous of each other. Otherwise, quarrels become inevitable, and you will have to constantly intervene in conflicts between jealous animals.

Owner's attention

Divide your attention and care equally to all animals in the house. It often happens that a newcomer is given more time than a pet who has been living for a long time. If you pet one pet, don't forget to pet the other, and it's better to do it at the same time. Don't forget that animals, like little children, are very jealous. You shouldn't have a pet in your house.


The biggest reason for a quarrel can be food. Therefore, feed the animals at the same time, always from different bowls. Do not place bowls too close to each other, especially at first after introducing the pets. When a cat and a dog eat at the same time, they stop feeling competition with each other. Make sure that the dog does not help the cat finish his portion. Overeating will harm the dog's health, and stealing from someone else's bowl will not help establish warm relationships between animals.

Competition for place

Get ready for the fight between pets to be fought for any place in the house. The main thing in this situation is to show that you are the boss of the house. Don’t let any of your pets get impudent and try to restore justice in any situation.

Everything is equally

Remember that a cat and a dog are animals with different characters and habits, so be thoughtful about keeping them together. Don't let the process of introducing pets take its course. Take matters into your own hands. Pay more attention to the animals, come up with different games in which both pets can participate. Never allow jealousy between your pets. Treat each one the same.

It is possible to make friends between a cat and a dog. This depends not only on the age and character of the pets, but also on the owner himself. Two pets in the house will require twice as much responsibility from you. If you are ready for this, then go ahead. You will succeed.

We hope that our tips will help you, and your cat and dog will become true friends.

There are dog people, and there are cat people. And some just love animals. Different. All kinds. They even have a home, sometimes, like in Noah’s Ark - there is a pair for each creature))) And it doesn’t matter whether the pet meows or barks, everyone is loved, everyone is welcome and there is a corner for everyone both in the heart and in the apartment.

Some make the decision to get both a dog and a cat carefully and deliberately, plan in advance, discuss... And for others, everything is spontaneous, it’s just the way their life circumstances develop. For example, they threw a baby kitten under the door... Don’t drive him away, he will die from hunger and cold! So they take it into the house. So what if there’s already a dog living there, they’ll make friends somehow! 🙂

Everyone knows that by nature, a cat and a dog are antagonists. So what to do?!
A wise owner will read a competent article and help his animals establish peace in the apartment! And we, in turn, will try to help this owner with valuable advice - how to behave correctly in such a situation and what, first of all, you need to pay attention to.

How quickly and easily a cat and a dog can become friends will largely depend on the behavior of the owner. It will also depend on the age and in what sequence the cat and dog appeared in the house.

Two kids.

The most ideal scenario is when both a cat and a dog appear in the family at the same time as very young children. Having just been separated from their mother, they will find valuable support and a kindred spirit in each other. Babies are not yet used to sleeping alone; this is a real stress for them. They will cuddle together in their sleep, together they will feel lighter and calmer.

It is easier for mischievous, restless children to establish contact with each other - joint games, pranks and fun unite! 😉

An adult animal and a baby.

If you already have an adult cat and you are adopting a puppy, or, conversely, a small kitten appears in the family in conjunction with an already grown dog, you will have to be on your guard at first!

Do not leave animals alone unattended! At first, their acquaintance and communication should take place only under your control. The rest of the time, during the first two to three days, the animals should be isolated, in different rooms. Let them hear sounds, smell smells and get used to each other from a distance.

This way, the cat and dog will worry less, and the adult animal will not be able to inadvertently harm the baby by causing injury.
It is also advisable to feed the animals in different rooms at first.

Typically, dogs react more calmly and evenly to the arrival of a new family member. Cats are more jealous, distrustful and wary. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the cat has its own “island of safety”, where, if something happens, it can hide from the encroachments of the dog.

Organize a special sleeping place for your cat - a soft house or a cozy shelf at a comfortable height for her, so that the dog cannot get there. The cat should be able to be alone whenever she wants!

Two adult animals.

This is perhaps the most difficult of all possible options. An adult animal most likely already has some experience of communicating with another species. Moreover, most likely, it will not be positive. Perhaps your cat has already been chased by dogs, or the dog, on the contrary, was scratched by the cat it was chasing.

It will take much more time and effort for an adult cat and dog to become friends. The most important thing in such a situation is to be patient and under no circumstances force things.


Remember that cats and dogs have different expressions of emotion. For example, a dog wags its tail, showing us its positive attitude and friendly attitude. If a cat waves its tail, this indicates its tense and irritated state.

Do not bring animals together against their will and pay close attention to any signs of fear, hostility or aggression.

Sooner or later, curiosity will prevail over caution, and their friendly relationship will gradually begin to emerge!

An old-timer and a new one.

If you already had a pet, and recently got a “new one,” the old-timer may begin to painfully experience this fact. Remember that animals can sometimes be terribly jealous.

In order not to provoke them into conflicts, make it a rule to try to give them the same amount of attention. For example, it is advisable to feed or pet them together so that they do not have the desire to compete with each other for a piece of food or the affection of the owner.

Fortunately, there are often cases when a beloved pet “adopts” a new one, accepting him as his child and begins to care for him and entertain him.


Remember that cats and dogs have slightly different relationships with food. The cat eats exactly as much as he wants now, leaving the excess on the plate. The dog will strive to eat all of its portion and, in addition, profit from the cat's food.

To prevent your dog from overeating, remove bowls with leftover food and place them out at the clock when feeding time approaches. Now you will have to more closely monitor how your pets eat in order to prevent one from starving and the other from overeating.

Help the cat and dog make friends!

The owner can use cunning to help his pets get closer. For example, you can come up with joint games for a cat and a dog. You can go for a walk together or go to the country. Even just lounging on the couch surrounded by your pets, petting and scratching them both, will be a great way to make friends between a cat and a dog and establish peace in the family! 😉

I would like to summarize the topic briefly - the love, care and attention of the owner works wonders.
Show patience and wisdom and your animals will live together.

And in conclusion of the material I would like to introduce you to the wonderful poem by Maria Vasilievna Semyonova:

Taking out an orphan puppy from his bosom,
The owner addressed the cat:
“That’s it, gray! Forget about mice for a moment:
You need to take care of the baby.

Will you be the little guy’s uncle until he grows up?” —
“Pur-pur-meow!” - the cat answered in agreement.
And immediately became puzzled by many things -
He warmed and comforted and sang a song.

And then we started talking about sciences:
How to drink from a saucer, how to ask to go into the yard,
How to chase away a rooster and grumpy geese...
Time passed quickly for new friends.

After spring there is spring, after the blizzard there is a blizzard...
Instead of a crying puppy, he became a handsome male.
And, having given everything a turn in this life,
A cat is buried under a garden bush.

The owner stroked the silent dog for a long time...
And then he said, looking into the heavens:
“We are all mortal, shaggy... But know that the soul
Very soon another baby will enter!”

The dog listened as if he could understand him,
And in the evening I dragged the kitten home.
Also gray! With a white spot on the chest!..
They say, strictly, Master, don’t judge me!
Do you see the little one crying? Pour some milk!
I’ll be the cat’s uncle for now...

I remind you that this article is copyrighted, and its full or partial use is permitted ONLY if there is an active clickable link to it on the website resource

And a few more of our materials on the topic of relationships between cats and dogs:
A funny video about a cat nursing Jack Russell Terrier puppies.
A selection of funny photos “We lived like a cat and a dog”
Happy spring! Happy Cat Day!

Pet lovers are usually divided into dog lovers and cat lovers, however, there are people who cannot classify themselves into these categories, since they love all four-legged animals with equal strength. It is important to understand that keeping a cat and a dog in the same apartment is associated with certain difficulties. Hissing, barking, chattering teeth and paw strikes are not all that a pet owner may encounter. Therefore, before bringing a new animal into your home, you should figure out how to make friends between a cat and a dog.

Why don't cats and dogs get along?

There can be several reasons for hostility between cats and dogs.

Many believe that enmity between cats and dogs is intended by nature itself, but this judgment is far from reality. In fact, the main stumbling block is the differences in the characters and habits of the pets. Dogs are pack animals that treat each family member as a member of the pack. A cat that is used to walking on its own may perceive the dog’s actions as an attack on personal freedom. The result is increased irritability and aggressive behavior, especially if the pets are in a confined space.

Hostility can also arise for other reasons:

  • Jealousy. If you previously noticed that your cat walks on its own, then the arrival of a new pet may make adjustments to its behavior. Many people bring a dog into their home and realize that a previously calm cat begins an active struggle for the owner’s attention: meows loudly, behaves defiantly, marks its territory, etc. Some animals, on the contrary, hide under furniture, refuse food and do not allow humans to touch them.
  • Fight for food. If cats finish their meal at the moment when they feel full, then dogs do not feel moderation and eat everything that is offered to them. However, this is often not enough for the four-legged animals, and they gobble up the cat’s portion with appetite. This dog behavior can lead to conflict between animals, so every owner should ensure that each pet eats from its own bowl. This can be done by placing the cat food in a place inaccessible to the dog (for example, on a hill).
  • Fight for territory. The arrival of a new family member is stressful for any animal. Get ready for the fact that at first the pets will desperately share the space of the house among themselves.

Important. Four-legged animals are jealous, like little children. To avoid “showdowns” between pets, try to give each of them the same amount of attention, at least until they become friends or get used to each other.

To make friends between a cat and a dog, you need to know a few rules.

Even experienced veterinarians and dog handlers cannot answer the question: who should be adopted first – a cat or a dog? Experts recommend not to worry about this, especially since most people who ask this question already have pets and have no choice.

If you don’t have pets, but are planning to get a cat and a dog, do it at the same time: kids will get used to each other much faster than adults or pets of different ages. If you already have a cat, bringing an adult dog home will be risky: the animals' reactions to each other can be completely unpredictable. The meeting will be more or less successful if the cat is several years older than the dog (the best option is an adult cat and a puppy 3-12 weeks old). A similar situation arises for dog breeders who want to bring a kitten into their home. The only thing is that in this case the dog must react adequately to cats. Otherwise, it can scare the baby and harm his fragile psyche.

Whether a friendship between four-legged animals “works out” depends on their first meeting. It is important that the acquaintance takes place under your control. You should not introduce a newbie to your pet on the first day. Let the animal come to its senses, get comfortable, get used to the unusual surroundings and new smells. Some recommend introducing animals at a distance, i.e. put pieces of each other's bedding on them. After this, you can allow your pets visual contact.

When a cat and a dog meet, do not force things by pushing the pets towards each other. Wait for the animals to sniff and show curiosity. If the cat is aggressive, make sure that she is at a safe distance and cannot harm the puppy. When introducing a kitten to an adult dog, it is important to observe the latter’s reaction. If the pet wags its tail and falls on its front paws, inviting the kitten to play, it means that it feels sympathy for the baby.

How to avoid hostility

To prevent conflicts between your dog and cat, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Feed the animals in the same room, but in different corners (pets should get used to each other’s smell and associate it with something positive). Make sure your dog doesn't steal food from the cat's bowl. Such an encroachment can become a reason for bitter hostility.
  • Give both pets the same amount of attention. If one of the animals feels left out, conflict cannot be avoided.
  • Make sure that four-legged animals have their own rest areas. This is easy to organize, since cats like to climb higher, and dogs prefer to rest on the floor. In addition, the presence of a “high” bed will allow the cat to avoid conflicts rather than enter into them.
  • Act calm in the presence of animals. Pets are very sensitive to the mood of the owner, so increased nervousness of a person can frighten them and provoke aggressive behavior towards each other.
  • If an adult cat is going to meet a puppy, make sure to trim your pet's claws in advance. If the cat behaves friendly towards the baby, reward it with a tasty treat so that it feels approved and understands that it is loved by its owner just as before.
  • At first, do not leave animals unattended. in one room. When leaving to run errands, separate your pets into different rooms.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake made by people who want to make friends with pets is improper nutrition. Placing bowls next to each other is strictly prohibited, as the animals will carry each other’s food and become aggressive. This is especially true for adults. If the apartment is so small that it is not possible to feed your pets in different rooms, leave the cat bowls on the table or windowsill.

Making friends between a cat and a dog is not difficult if you strictly follow our recommendations.

Also, an attempt to push the animals nose to nose at the first meeting may turn out to be a failure. Such actions can lead to unpredictable behavior and its consequences: injuries, stress. A kitten, seeing a dog in front of it, can scratch its face or run away, automatically becoming potential prey for the dog. That is why the first meetings should take place in doses, at a distance and under the supervision of an adult.

The last common mistake is the lack of delineation of recreation areas. Most dogs are overly active and inquisitive around cats. The latter do not tolerate such familiarity and rebuff the dogs. Such situations can be avoided by organizing a secluded place for the cat, where it will be inaccessible to its “tormentor”. It is ideal if the bed is located on a hill.

Thus, making friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you behave calmly and follow the recommendations listed in this article, the animals will copy your behavior and, if they do not become friends, they will ignore each other or peacefully coexist in the same territory. Sometimes it happens that attempts to make friends with pets end in failure. In this case, it is worth doing everything possible to ensure that the animals live separately and do not meet.

Finally, watch the video on this material, we wish you pleasant viewing.


If, having one, you decide to bring it into the house, keep in mind that for most animals this is stressful and sometimes a serious danger. As a rule, the pet that is the first to appear in your family feels like an owner. It’s easier when yours is properly brought up and has a balanced, sociable disposition. Such a dog will be able to get along with any living creature, perhaps he will even make friends with a kitten. Cats are much more individualistic, but they can also be tolerable neighbors for other pets.

True friendship between animals of different species is very rare. But mutual tolerance, common interest in the form of joint games, and the absence of conflicts between households are quite real. However, some precautions are required. Control the process of the kitten's first acquaintance with dog. Do not force your pets, give them the opportunity to first explore each other at some distance, and then calmly sniff.

Give each animal its own place to sleep and rest, and its own food bowl to prevent conflicts between them in the struggle for property. At first, feed your pets in the same room, but in different places. This way, pets will gradually get used to each other’s smell, associating it with something positive. Dogs tend to eat food faster, leaving their bowl empty. Cats often don’t finish their food. Therefore, remove your kitten's bowl after he has eaten to prevent your dog from eating leftover cat food.

Give equal attention to both animals so as not to give them reasons for rivalry and jealousy. Pets accustomed to each other very often play and sleep together. Warmth-loving cats use the dog as a “living hot water bottle.” At the same time, while licking their skin, clean representatives of the cat family often begin to wash the dog.

Video on the topic

Often among animal owners one can come across the opinion that only dogs can be trained and educated, and cats are willful and independent. These qualities are indeed present in the character of cats, but, nevertheless, cats are perfectly amenable to education, and if you engage in the educational process from the first day a cat appears in your home, the result will pleasantly surprise you. A kitten that comes into your home requires training in the rules of behavior and good manners - without your guidance, he will not learn about them, and subsequently this will bring you and your family a lot of trouble.


As much as you love your kitten, don't let him do absolutely everything. Once a cat is spoiled, it is very difficult to raise it in the future. Gently but firmly explain to your kitten what he can and cannot do in your home.

It is useless to punish a cat for an offense, since, from a dog, it does not accept punishment for its own offense, but considers it a personal insult, and can be seriously offended by you. The first step towards reconciliation should always be taken by the owner.

Influence by changing the intonation of your voice. Praise the cat in a soft and affectionate tone, and scold it in a stern and serious tone. If your cat tends to bite its owner while playing, be sure to wean it off this bad habit. Do not hit an animal under any circumstances - brute force can ruin your relationship with it forever.

For a cat to grow up smart, well-mannered and calm, it must grow up in an atmosphere of care and love. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, explain to them that the cat is a new member of the family that requires attention and affection. Let children understand that the cat should not be offended, otherwise it may grow up scared and nervous.

To prevent your cat from damaging your walls and furniture, invest in a good scratching post and sprinkle it with catnip to encourage your cat to transfer its claw-sharpening instinct to a safe object.

Stop your kitten from begging for food from the common table. To prevent your kitten from feeling hungry during family dinners, feed him before sitting down to the table and then distract him with a toy.

Toys in general are very important for raising a cat - if it does not have toys, the cat, in accordance with its natural instincts, will chew and spoil shoes, clothes and other objects. Toys will help the kitten fulfill its needs and distract attention from your personal belongings.

To distract the animal from damaging indoor plants, plant cat grass or mint in a separate pot. Make sure that among your indoor plants there are no poisonous ones. cats herbs - calendula, tulips, lilies of the valley, ivy, wisteria, crocuses and other flowers that are harmful to the health of the cat.

If your cat is aggressive, simply demonstrate calm and submission. The cat will take this as a signal to respond calmly.

The main condition for properly raising a cat is the absence of physical force and coercion. Maintain a mutually respectful relationship with the animal, and the cat will respond to you with love and devotion.

Video on the topic

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The dog always perceives its home and the surrounding area as property and tries to drive out anyone who encroaches on it. But sometimes it turns out that you have to bring another dog into the house. In order to prevent large-scale wars and preserve the nervous system not only of dogs, but also of yourself, it is necessary to properly introduce animals to each other.


The second dog gets into our house in different ways. It happens that you could not get past the trusting eyes of an abandoned animal. Perhaps you were asked by friends to temporarily hold your pet because they are going on vacation, or perhaps you just dreamed of a second one for a long time and finally decided to make your dream come true. In any case, you need to properly “introduce” the newcomer to your dog.

It's good if you have the opportunity before they end up in one. Ask the other dog's owner to take you and your dog on a walk together. Let the dogs get acquainted on neutral territory. It will be great if they play together - after all, playing is a direct path to friendship.

If you do not have the opportunity to introduce the dogs in advance, then a new dog must be brought into the house carefully. If your dog is friendly, then you can try to introduce the animals right away. If they do not show aggression towards each other, then you can let the new dog look around and come to its senses.

If your dog is aggressive, then lock it in another room, and then introduce a new dog into the apartment. Let her look around and let your dog sniff the new scent. Then try to introduce the dogs - you will need help here. Take your dog by the collar and lead him into the room where your assistant will hold the new dog in the same way. Let the dogs sniff and praise them as you do so. If all is well, then you can stop insuring your pets for their collars.

If the dogs are aggressive towards each other, you can try keeping them in different rooms for several days. Once they get used to each other's smell, it will be easier for them to find contact.

If this doesn’t help, then try giving the dogs the opportunity to figure it out on their own. Bring them together in the same room, but be prepared to intervene. As a rule, dogs find out which of them is in charge without hurting each other. After the relationship is cleared up, one dog will have to come to terms with the position of a subordinate.

In the process of communication between dogs, conflicts are also possible. Over time this should fade away. But, remember: you are the boss in the house, so all attempts at quarrels should be stopped with a stern shout.

When petting someone else's dog, don't forget about your own. Your attention must be distributed equally, otherwise the fight for your affection will become the main cause of conflicts.

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A cat and a dog in the same house is a completely possible combination. Of course, the ideal option is for them to move into their new home at the same time. But more often it happens that a newcomer arrives at a house already inhabited by an old-timer. How to get a kitten used to a dog? And so that the dog accepts the baby and does not offend him?


You need to introduce the dog gradually. It’s better if they spend the first time in different rooms. For example, place them in rooms separated by a glass door. Animals will be able to see each other, but will be deprived of the opportunity to enter into conflict. And the first meeting will no longer be a shock.

After a day, the kitten can be released to the dog. He will be busy exploring the new room and will not focus his attention on another animal. Be sure to be close to the dog and carefully monitor its reaction. Stop any attempts to attack, even as a game. If the kitten raises its fur when the dog tries to get closer. don't worry, this is a completely normal reaction. Pet the baby and cheer him up.

It is best to introduce animals at a time when they are both well-fed and in a good mood. Do not allow anyone to get into the dog's bowl under any circumstances - the dog will perceive this as an encroachment on its territory and may bite the baby. But more often she will simply growl and the kitten will understand that it is undesirable to enter the dog’s territory. It is also better for the new tenant not to touch the bedding and the dog.

If the kitten has done something wrong, do not yell at it in the presence of the dog. The dog may decide that he must punish the culprit. According to the dog hierarchy, the kitten is at the lowest level. Do not let the dog become stronger in this opinion - treat both animals equally kindly.

Usually the kitten behaves quite confidently. Most likely, it will be he who will make an attempt to get to know each other better. Make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt the dog. Small kittens have very sharp claws, which they do not yet know how to control.

If the kitten is too annoying - for example, it pulls the dog's fur or squeaks loudly and shrilly, it may react unexpectedly sharply - for example, bite the kitten hard or hit it. After this, the baby may begin to be afraid of the dog. To prevent this from happening, stop the kitten’s pestering yourself. Take him to another room or give him a toy.

It usually takes one to two weeks for pets to get used to it. During this time, when leaving home, lock the animals in separate rooms. Be present when the cat and dog meet until you are sure that they are not in conflict.

Not in all cases the expression “they live like a cat and a dog” means that there is enmity between animals. Very often, these pets feel affection for each other and even become friends. However, at first, their coexistence in the same apartment may be overshadowed by daily squabbles. How can you accustom a dog to a cat and make them live together?


Try to take kids into the house. If a kitten and puppy start living together from a very young age, then their friendship is practically guaranteed. If you already have an adult dog, and you also want a cat, then take a small kitten.

Be sure to check the first meeting of your pets. Let them sniff each other, the kitten will master the space a little. At the very beginning, do not try to bring them closer together. It is quite natural for a dog and a cat to study each other from the side. Just make sure that your dog does not frighten the baby for any reasons, perhaps even purely friendly ones.

At first, feed the dog and kitten in the same room, but in different corners. Thus, instinctively they will begin to associate each other's smell with something pleasant. In general, animals should always be fed separately, even if later they begin to help themselves from other people’s plates. But until your pets become friends, do not let them climb into other people's dishes - this is fraught with conflict.

Try not to pick a favorite. Both the dog and the cat, finding themselves deprived of attention, can show jealousy and do minor dirty tricks to you. This will also alienate them from each other. If you pet and play with one, then spend time with the second pet.

Monitor the period when the animals begin to get closer. Belonging to different species and families, dogs and cats “speak” different languages. Signals that for a dog are an expression of joy and an invitation to play, a cat can understand in a completely different way and show aggression. On the other hand, a cat can show its affection by lightly biting its tail, which the dog may not like. But over time and under your supervision, they will learn to understand each other's language.

Encourage their budding friendship. Play together, pet both animals and talk to them. The cat will most likely quickly understand that his friend can be used as a living hot water bottle. You can understand the affection of animals by mutual licking, sleeping, and playing.

The cat, by the way, had a lot of work to do. Every day she taught the puppy local customs. Who can lie on the sofa, where the owner’s sock cannot be hidden, and who runs to the door bell first - all these important points had to be explained to the bare-bellied “recruit”. In general, the cat was full of work and worries.

How the cat played with the dog

Play? Yes, the cat, of course, played and even sometimes with the dog, but we must take into account that she was not an ordinary cat, and her games were of a peculiar nature. My favorite is to gallop through all the rooms, pretend that I’m terribly scared of something, and freeze in the middle of the table in the form of a curved electric arc. Then grin, wave your paw at the amazed puppy and start washing as if nothing had happened.

But it was more like a five-second warm-up, good for health. But when a fly, or better yet two, flew into the house, then pandemonium ensued. The cat was flying head over heels along the upper tier of the house, the puppy was not far behind on the lower tier, the fly was somewhere between them, and this whole tangle was complemented by an eerie cacophony. Everyone in the house was extremely happy, well, maybe with the exception of the flies.

But it was not often that the head of the house, whom the cat considered herself to be, deigned to do such nonsense at home. After all, she kept order throughout the entire home. And not without reason, such an absent-minded housewife as hers still had to be found. What is the cost of running water...

Flood, or “Save Who Can”

“So, this happened, she forgot about the bath,” the cat couldn’t believe her eyes. The water overflowed with a quiet splash, and the hostess sat at the table and tapped on the keyboard, completely forgetting about the time, the open tap, the noisy water and generally about the existence of this world.

“Maybe scratch her?” - the cat asked herself, carefully watching the stream running across the floor. But then she decided to follow the rule of her ancestors and not interfere: “In the end, they brought this dog into the house, let her report.”

The dog, by the way, was not lost in thought. The poor puppy did not know at all how to behave. He shifted from paw to paw ten times, scratched behind his ear, yawned widely, and this water continued to stubbornly crawl straight towards him. The baby did not dare to take any more decisive actions and rightly concluded that the mistress’s mission should begin next.

Alas, he did not know that this case was the rare exception when he could have a voice in the apartment. The puppy decided to crawl under the owner’s feet, and yes, the cat almost fell off the table laughing. But the dog was serious about at least this extremely unusual way of informing the elders about the danger approaching from the bathtub.

However, the owner did not look up from the keyboard and did not pay attention to anything, only slightly moving the puppy. Meanwhile, the danger was approaching no longer as a trickle, but as a full-flowing river, washing away socks and forgotten balls along the way. The cat was bursting with laughter, sitting on a safe platform and anticipating the ending. The puppy decided it was time to growl, and then the doorbell rang. It was the neighbor downstairs...

“Now the main thing is that they don’t cut our rations,” the cat later became nervous, guiltily hiding her eyes and vigorously licking her fur coat. And the puppy happily splashed in the puddle behind its owner, vigorously helping her wipe away the water with its belly.