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How does temperature manifest in dogs? What body temperature is considered normal for a dog? Common temperature in dogs

Elevated temperature (hyperthermia) in dogs, as in humans, usually indicates health problems. A dog owner needs to be able to recognize signs of a fever in their pet, as well as be able to take its temperature and provide first aid before seeing a veterinarian.

What to do if your dog has a fever?

To determine whether your dog's body temperature is elevated, you need to know what is considered normal.

Normal temperature in a dog

The normal body temperature of a dog is higher than that of a person, and is slightly different in dogs and puppies of large and small breeds.

The average body temperature of a dog can range from 37.5 to 39 degrees:

  • in large breed dogs it reaches 37.4-38.3 degrees;
  • in dogs of medium breeds – 37.5-39 degrees;
  • in small breed dogs – 38.5-39 degrees;
  • in puppies - from 38.2 to 39.3 depending on the breed.

With such a wide range, it can be difficult to determine exactly what temperature your dog might be considered elevated. Therefore, it is recommended that every owner know the average normal temperature of their dog.

To do this, measure the animal's temperature several times when it is healthy and in a calm state. You can determine the average value for yourself and consider it the norm.

Elevated temperature is considered to be higher than normal by 1.5-2 degrees.

An elevated temperature is usually accompanied by certain signs that the dog owner should study in order to promptly notice a possible health problem in the pet.

Signs of a high temperature in a dog:

  • lethargy;
  • dry nose;
  • poor appetite;
  • light lips and tongue;
  • the desire to settle down in a cool place - on the bathroom floor, on cold tiles;
  • with a significant increase - vomiting, convulsions.

How to take a dog's temperature

To measure, you can use a mercury or electronic medical thermometer. Dogs' body temperature is measured rectally, so it is advisable to have a separate thermometer for your pet.

To measure, lay the dog on its side, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline and, raising the tail, carefully insert the thermometer into the dog’s rectum to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

During the measurement, it is advisable to talk affectionately to your pet, you can give him a treat. You should hold the dog so that it does not jump up with the thermometer and break it. It is advisable to accustom the dog to a certain command “Treat” or “Thermometer” so that it gets used to such a procedure and is not afraid of it.

To take a measurement with a mercury thermometer, you will have to wait about 5 minutes; for an electronic one, one minute is enough.

How to measure a puppy's temperature

If your puppy is a very small breed, it is better to purchase an electronic thermometer for him, since such a thermometer has a thinner tip than a mercury thermometer. In addition, you will not have to hold your pet for so long - after all, puppies can behave more restlessly than adult animals. Reward your baby with treats.

The rest of the procedure is the same.

Why does my dog ​​have a fever?

An increase in temperature tells the owner about some abnormality in the dog’s body or disease. Most often, hyperthermia is observed in the following cases:

  • eruption of permanent teeth in puppies;
  • overheating (especially in summer, in the heat);
  • after vaccinations;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • joint inflammation;
  • suppuration of wounds.

It should be remembered that among infectious diseases in which the temperature rises, there are also very dangerous ones, for example, plague, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis etc. Therefore, if you find an increase in the dog’s body temperature by 1.5-2 degrees, and especially - up to 40-41 degrees, you need immediately show the dog to the veterinarian.

How to reduce a dog's temperature

What to do if your dog has a fever? Before your dog is examined by a veterinarian, there are several steps you can take to help ease your pet's condition:

  • give the dog something to drink;
  • lightly moisten the wool or cover with a damp, cool towel;
  • You can apply ice packs to the dog’s neck and inner thighs;
  • open a window or turn on the air conditioner;
  • with significant hyperthermia, you can give your pet antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol. The dose should definitely be checked with your veterinarian!

But even if you have lowered your pet’s temperature, do not delay a visit to the veterinarian! You don't know what causes hyperthermia. It is better to play it safe and make sure that the dog does not have serious infectious diseases.

Low temperature in a dog

Low body temperature, or hypothermia, can also indicate various diseases in your pet.
In what cases does a dog have a low temperature? Most often the reasons are:

  • parvovirus enteritis is a rather dangerous infectious disease;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • poisoning;
  • significant blood loss;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • dehydration;
  • the approach of labor in pregnant bitches (by this sign it can be determined that labor will occur in less than a day).

Signs of hypothermia:

  • weakness, drowsiness, trembling paws - with a slight drop in temperature (up to 32 degrees);
  • slow pulse, decreased blood pressure, severe muscle weakness - with moderate hypothermia (from 32 to 28 degrees);
  • dilated pupils, impaired breathing and heartbeat, coma - with significant hyperthermia (below 28 degrees).

Since hypothermia can occur in quite dangerous diseases and lead to serious consequences for the animal, you should immediately show the dog to the veterinarian!

Before seeing a doctor, you can wrap the animal in a woolen blanket, place it on a heating pad, and if there is significant hypothermia, do an enema with warm water. Keep in mind that prolonged hypothermia can lead to cardiac arrest.

Monitor your pet's condition!

So, if you are a happy dog ​​owner, you need to learn to notice in time the symptoms of an increase or decrease in your pet’s temperature, as well as other manifestations of possible diseases and ailments.

Remember that when vaccinating your puppy, you need to monitor its temperature and measure it regularly. It is also recommended to regularly measure the temperature of pregnant bitches to avoid pregnancy complications and determine the onset of labor.
If you are attentive to your pet, you will quickly learn to distinguish his bad health from good, and immediately take measures to cure the dog. And your pet will delight you with excellent health and loud, cheerful barking!

An important indicator of a dog’s well-being is their body temperature. Deviations from the norm indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body. A normal temperature in dogs is a sign of no health problems. If you are the owner of a pet, then you should know the norm of this indicator of well-being.

What is the norm?

Dogs' temperatures are normally higher than humans'. It is 37.5-39 °C. It varies for specific animals, as it depends on several factors:

  • breeds;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • physiological state;
  • individual characteristics.

For a small breed puppy, the norm is approximately 39 °C. In an adult large breed, the normal temperature may be significantly lower. The value of the indicator increases in dogs in hot weather, after physical exertion, from excitement, fear, and when bitches are in heat.

As an example, let's look at the normal temperature in animals:

  • small breed puppy – 38.6–39.3 °C;
  • adult small breed dog – 38.5–39.0 °C;
  • medium breed puppy – 38.3–39.1 °C;
  • adult medium breed dog – 37.5–39.0 °C;
  • large breed puppy – 38.2–39.0 °C;
  • adult large breed dog – 37.4–38.3 °C.

Body temperature in dogs is an individual indicator. This is clearly visible in the example.

When should measurements be taken?

If your dog is absolutely healthy, then there is no need to take daily measurements. You just need to know what temperature is normal for your beloved pet.

Healthy breeding puppies are recommended to have regular measurements on a regular schedule from birth. This indicator should be measured before and after childbirth. Its value determines how soon the dog will give birth to puppies. As a rule, the temperature drops significantly before childbirth. It also needs to be measured before and after vaccinations.

If your condition is poor, measure your pet’s body temperature regularly (morning and evening). Get a special notebook. You will make daily notes in it.

Signs and causes of temperature deviation from normal

Many owners assess the condition of their pet by its nose. They consider a dry, hot nose a sign of health problems. This information is a myth. A dry, warm nose at night is normal. Animals do not lick it while sleeping. Dry nose in dogs is not a reason to visit the veterinary clinic.

A healthy animal looks cheerful. It actively reacts to events, eats normally, and plays. The dog's coat is shiny and tight-fitting. A sick animal exhibits the opposite characteristics. The following signs of ill health are identified: fever in a puppy or an adult dog, refusal to eat throughout the day, lethargy, restlessness (with severe pain), vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, rapid heartbeat, breathing.

If the above symptoms are observed, then measure your body temperature and see if it is normal. The reasons for its changes may be diseases and infections. High values ​​occur with plague, piroplasmosis, endometritis, and heat stroke. A decrease occurs with parvovirus enteritis, helminthic infestation and other diseases.

How to determine?

The measurement is made with a thermometer (electronic or mercury). It is recommended to use an electronic thermometer. The measurement procedure will last no more than a minute. A mercury thermometer is not as fast-acting. To obtain reliable information, they need to measure their temperature for 3-5 minutes. The only advantage of a mercury thermometer is its low price.

Buy a separate thermometer for your beloved puppy or adult dog. Family members should not use it for hygienic reasons. Reset the scale to zero before use. To make the procedure less unpleasant, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline.

The pet will not like measuring body temperature, since it will be carried out rectally. During the procedure, talk to the animal, call it affectionately, calm it down, stroke it, treat it with some treat.

When inserting the thermometer, the dog can be positioned in one of the following two positions:

  1. lying on your side;
  2. standing.

For inexperienced owners, the first method is suitable. For dogs in a lying position, you will need to raise the tail and slowly insert the prepared thermometer into the anus 1-2 cm (depending on the size of the animal).

A calm, quiet environment should reign in the room during the procedure. During the first measurement, the dog experiences excitement and fear. Hold your pet when inserting the thermometer. The animal can twitch, jump up, break the thermometer, and injure itself.

After the procedure, it is very important to feed the animal something tasty, but before that, wash the thermometer in warm water with soap and disinfect it with alcohol. Don't forget to wash and disinfect your hands.

If you wish, you can teach the puppy to a specific command (for example, “treat”, “thermometer”). If your dog understands, it will be very easy to take measurements in the future. The pet, hearing the command, will allow you to measure the temperature and will calmly wait for the end of the procedure.

What to do if the temperature is elevated (lowered)?

The deviation of this indicator from the normal value is a sign of the body’s fight against infection, a symptom of the disease. If you find that your dog's body temperature has increased (decreased), do not try to influence it on your own. Normal values ​​may be obtained in this way, but it will not be possible to get rid of a disease or infection this way.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible and call him to your home. Due to delay, valuable minutes are lost and the animal’s condition worsens. You can take your pet to the veterinary clinic. If your pet's thermometer shows above 40 °C, then apply something cool to his body during transportation. Be careful. The dog should not become hypothermic. If the animal has a low temperature (below 36.5 °C), then apply a warm heating pad to its body and cover it with a blanket.

Do not give your animal medications at your own discretion. They will only worsen the situation, because the causes of deviations in body temperature from the norm in dogs are infections, tumors, endocrine diseases, and toxins.

Veterinary clinic specialists will be able to quickly and correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary medications. Try to do everything that veterinarians recommend. Do not stop self-prescribed medications after your dog’s condition improves. This can only be done by a doctor who is confident that the dog’s normal temperature will no longer change, the animal is completely healthy and there is absolutely no threat to its life.

Body temperature is a very important physiological parameter of a living organism. Normal body temperature in dogs is approximately 37.5 – 39°C. The temperature depends on the breed of the dog, its age and physiological state at the time of measurement.

Puppies and dogs of toy breeds have a higher body temperature compared to adult large dogs (38.5-39.2°C). This difference is associated with an increased intensity of metabolic processes. In this regard, the temperature in dogs is normally higher than in humans.

An increase in temperature of 0.1-0.3°C can be observed in the following situations:

  • stress (for example, during a clinic visit)
  • during heat
  • at high air temperatures (heat, traveling in a car without air conditioning)
  • after prolonged physical activity

Temperature in a pregnant dog before giving birth is decreasing by 0.5-1°C.

Each dog's body temperature is normally individual. It is necessary for the owner to know what indicators of this parameter are typical for his pet. For these purposes, you need to periodically take temperature measurements in a quiet environment at home.

Causes of fever in dogs

Temperature deviates from the norm in various diseases. The reasons for its increase may be the following:

  • heatstroke
  • endometritis (in bitches)
  • plague
  • piroplasmosis
  • teething in puppies aged 3 – 9 months
  • vaccinations
  • stress, also called Shar-Pei fever
  • wounds, abscesses after advanced skin lesions
  • joint inflammation
  • allergic reactions
  • infections

Causes of low body temperature in dogs

  • helminthic infestation
  • parvovirus enteritis in puppies and young dogs

How to measure a dog's temperature

Temperature in a large dog
It's better to measure together

For this purpose, you can use a regular medical thermometer. Mercury is certainly cheaper, but it requires you to wait about five minutes while keeping the animal calm. If you take an electronic thermometer, the measurement will take about a minute. It is better for the dog to have a separate thermometer.

The dog's temperature is measured in the rectum. The procedure is not complicated, but careful handling of the pet is required:

  • first, the thermometer should be reset to zero, the tip should be lubricated with Vaseline
  • The dog should be laid on its side, the tail should be carefully lifted at the base, and the thermometer should be slowly inserted into the anus 2 cm
  • It is important to measure temperature in a calm environment to avoid excitement or fear, which could cause the dog to jump up, break the thermometer, or injure itself.
  • You need to praise the animal during the procedure and after it is completed.

What to do if your dog has a fever

An increase in temperature indicates a malfunction of the dog’s body.

Since temperature is only a symptom of a disease, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. Therefore, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

If you are sure of the reason for your dog’s fever, you can lower it with the help of a triad. Troychatka is a mixture of analgin, no-shpa, diphenhydramine (suprastin) in a certain proportion. All this is drawn into one syringe and injected into the muscle.

If you are not sure of the cause of the rise or fall in temperature, you should urgently seek veterinary help.

Typically, when a dog's temperature rises, the veterinarian will order a blood test to determine the content of red and white blood cells. This analysis will allow you to diagnose the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or a blood disease.

In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a chest x-ray to check the condition of the lungs. Perhaps the animal has a tumor in the lungs or a metastatic process is developing, in which the clinical picture is not obvious.

A urine test may also help identify the cause of the fever.

Certain types of microbes and viruses affect the kidneys and parts of the digestive system, causing a constant increase in temperature with an uncertain clinical picture; in this case, the dog is prescribed special tests.

An increase in temperature has a negative effect on parts of the central nervous system. Today, veterinarians are abandoning the use of antibiotics and instead prescribing antipyretic drugs while awaiting test results.

Since any pet can develop a fever, it would be a good idea to know how to act in such a case, what to look for, and how you can help at home before the veterinarian arrives.

You should not self-medicate, as only an experienced veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and suggest the correct treatment regimen for a puppy or adult dog. Alas, in the case of self-medication, veterinarians say that today the mortality statistics are increasing, so this solution is not optimal.

Temperature in dogs, puppies, kittens and cats is normal, after vaccination and for small breeds, during and on the day of birth, a week and an hour before and after birth, false pregnancy

If a temperature of 36.6 is considered normal for people, then in dogs its values ​​should be in the range of 37.5-39 degrees, puppies and small breed dogs - 38.5-39.2, kittens - 38.5-39.5, adult cats and cats – 38-39 degrees.

After vaccination, the body temperature of animals may increase slightly. This is acceptable and considered normal - the body fights the introduced strain. A week before giving birth, the dog should have a normal temperature, before giving birth there is a decrease in temperature, and after birth, on the contrary, an increase. Then everything goes back to normal. In case of a false pregnancy, the bitch's body temperature will be slightly elevated.

The dog has a fever, vomits, does not eat or drink, what to do at home

Ideally, if your dog has a fever, vomits, or the animal has completely lost its appetite, you should consult a doctor. If the dog’s condition does not cause fear for its life, then you can leave the animal alone for a while, placing a bowl of water next to it. If after a day the dog’s well-being has not stabilized, then you need to find an opportunity to get an appointment with a veterinarian.

What is considered the normal temperature for dogs in the summer heat and how to measure it and how much to measure

Normal body temperature in dogs is 37.5-39 degrees. To take measurements you need to have a separate thermometer.

Mercury thermometers became a property of the last century. Using such a thermometer, the owner will need to hold his pet in a very uncomfortable position for at least 3-5 minutes, because temperature measurements are taken in the anus. The modern type of thermometers is electric. With its help, the temperature measurement procedure will take 20-30 seconds, and the thermometer itself will give a signal when it can be taken out.

In the summer heat, a dog's temperature may rise slightly by 0.5-1.5 degrees above normal.

The dog’s temperature without vomiting or diarrhea, it’s rising and we can’t bring it down, how to treat it

An increase in temperature is a signal of the presence or exacerbation of a disease. Simply lowering the temperature will not cure the disease, so you should not delay time - if your dog’s body temperature rises, you should contact a veterinarian.

Dog fever symptoms treatment at home

Symptoms of high fever are:
- chills and trembling;
- weakness;
- lack or loss of appetite;
- increased heart rate;
- rapid breathing;
- noticed oddities in behavior.

You can lower your dog's temperature at home if:
- place a cold compress or ice on the inner thighs or neck. In the summer, you can place the animal in a cooler place or cool the room with an air conditioner;
- give antipyretics;
- by making the dog drink a lot.

The dog has a fever from injections, a dog bite, a tick, for no apparent reason, medications

If a dog has a fever after an injection, then this nuance must be reported to the doctor who prescribed the drug for injection - the possibility cannot be ruled out that the medicine should be immediately discontinued, otherwise the body's subsequent reaction to its administration may become unpredictable.

If a dog has a fever after being bitten by another dog, then there is a high probability of developing phlegmon at the site of the bite. If no measures are taken, purulent inflammation can cause purulent-resorptive fever and the animal may die. An increase in temperature after a tick bite is a symptom of piroplasmosis. The mortality rate from this disease is very high.

An increase in temperature for no apparent reason does not occur. The simplest of them is if the dog is hot. It is worse if the temperature is caused by illness. In any case, you should seek help not on the Internet, but from a qualified veterinarian.

A dog's temperature during heat

A slight increase in body temperature in a dog during heat is considered normal and does not require any intervention.

The dog has a fever

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​is 38-39 degrees. If these indicators reach 40 degrees or higher, then this is a clear symptom of a serious infection or viral disease. A drop in temperature below normal is also dangerous - hypothermia. This condition occurs as a result of poisoning, loss of strength, hypothermia, dehydration or blood loss.

Unlike people, dogs have a normal body temperature that is 2-3 degrees higher. But, like in people, in domestic animals the temperature can rise and fall for a number of reasons, including those of a painful nature. In some cases, fluctuations in temperature may go completely unnoticed by the owner.

How to measure

First of all, you need to purchase a thermometer, usually an electronic one, used exclusively for animals. Glass models are not safe and take longer to measure. It is impossible to measure temperature by touch on the nose, since a dry and warm nose does not always indicate health problems. In dogs, temperature is measured rectally, as this method gives the most accurate readings. The best time to measure is in the evening, before meals, but not after a walk or workout.

No matter how unpleasant it may be, there is no other exact way. For the animal, the process is also not pleasant. Therefore, you may need the help of a family member or friend to hold the animal, especially a large one. The assistant must act correctly, namely, place one hand around the animal’s neck and the other around the stomach, pressing the animal towards him. You can measure the temperature of a dog in a standing position, but it is much more convenient if the animal is lying on its side.

Before using the thermometer, lubricate its tip with Vaseline or baby oil. Then you need to lift the tail and gently but quickly insert the thermometer into the rectum about 1-2 cm, depending on the size of the pet. The thermometer is held for 1-3 minutes (depending on the type of thermometer). Then the thermometer is also gently removed.

If you still have problems measuring t°, then, as a last resort, you can measure t° in the armpit area. The thermometer is placed in the armpit and the pet is kept calm until the values ​​appear, which the device will notify with a sound signal. This method takes a little longer and gives approximate results.

Normal temperature

Dogs' body temperature can vary depending on the size, age, and activity level of the animal. By the way, hairless breeds have the same temperature as representatives of breeds with fur. The only difference is in the perception of the sensation when you touch the skin and fur with your hand; the skin seems warmer, and the wool is cooler.

The normal body temperature of a dog is considered to be 37.2-38.9 degrees. In puppies and older individuals, the indicators are lower - about 38.5, and in active animals - higher.

The temperature of small dogs is slightly higher than that of large breeds, 38.5-39 degrees.

*excluding pregnant bitches, if there are no complications during childbirth

Dog's temperature before giving birth

Two weeks before giving birth, it is recommended to measure the bitch’s body temperature twice a day (morning and evening) and record the results. 24 hours before giving birth, the dog's temperature drops to 36.6-37.2 degrees, which is completely normal. There are exceptions; in some bitches there are no changes in the rectal temperature of the body, or the indicators may change before the first birth, and remain unchanged in subsequent ones.

Low values ​​may persist for 1-2 days after birth, but if symptoms of fever, signs of depression are observed, and the bitch drinks a lot of water, then you should consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the listed signs signal a uterine infection, retained placenta, or even a retained puppy.

If the bitch cannot whelp within 24 hours after the temperature drops, and the gestation period is more than 68 days, then it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian.

Causes of low and high temperature

It is completely normal for pets to have an increase in temperature after physical exercise, since muscle work stimulates heat production. After eating food, the temperature may increase by 1-2 degrees, which is caused by the digestion process.

If a pet is worried or in a stressful state, then its body temperature may increase. High temperature can be caused by heat stroke, poisoning, brain tumors, and infectious diseases.

Newborn puppies have a body temperature of 38.5 degrees, but babies are not able to control their own body temperature and are very dependent on external heat. Even at normal room temperatures they are prone to hypothermia. Therefore, it is important to keep puppies in a warm place (about 30 degrees Celsius).

Hypothermia is characterized by an abnormally low body temperature. Hypothermia comes in three forms. With a mild form, the body temperature is 32-35 degrees, with a moderate form – 28-32 degrees, with a severe form – below 28 degrees. When hypothermia occurs, the body is unable to retain heat, which leads to depression of the central nervous system and has a negative effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system and breathing. The result may be coma and death. Representatives of small breeds, animals with injuries, elderly individuals, and puppies are more susceptible to cold and prone to hypothermia.

Some medications, for example, those used in anesthesia, can help lower body temperature. As well as diseases of the hypothalamus, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, infectious diseases that affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature.

The reaction of the animal's immune system to diseases of a bacterial or viral nature (pneumonia, encephalitis, urinary tract infections) is fever. An increase in temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection that could enter the body through cuts, bites, scratches, or bad teeth. Other causes include cancer and complications during childbirth. In such cases, it is highly not recommended to lower the dog’s temperature on your own.

What to do if your dog has a fever

If the dog’s body temperature is above 39-40 degrees or below 37 degrees and we are not talking about a puppy before giving birth, then you should contact a veterinarian. There is no need to try to bring down the dog’s temperature on your own, since at home it is impossible to determine the exact cause of the fluctuations. Low or high temperature in animals is only a symptom. Therefore, compresses or medications will not help heal the animal. In addition, medications intended for human use may be toxic. Considering that a dog's temperature above 40 degrees can cause complications, taking toxic medications only worsens the situation. Therefore, it is advisable to take your pet to a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home. But if the cause is heatstroke, then you need to apply a cold compress to the body, especially on the head, legs and ears. In this case, you should be careful to avoid hypothermia.

If we are talking about low body temperature, then emergency measures must be taken. The animal must be kept warm and additional heat loss prevented. Warming the body by 0.5-1.5 degrees per hour is considered safe. For mild hypothermia, blankets that wrap the animal in will help prevent heat loss. For moderate hypothermia, use external heat sources (heating pads, hot water bottles, heaters). In case of severe hypothermia, the help of a veterinarian is required, since fluids that are administered intravenously and oxygen are used. Warming must occur gradually, otherwise there may be complications, a sudden drop in blood pressure, low pulse. Depending on the degree of hypothermia, body warming therapy continues for 2-10 hours.