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How does prostate cancer develop in men, what are its first symptoms and effective treatment? Prostate cancer - first signs and symptoms, stages, diagnosis and treatment of the tumor

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in older men. Today, prostate cancer ranks second in prevalence and mortality. The disease is difficult to diagnose at an early stage due to the almost complete absence of specific symptoms.

Prostate cancer in men is an age-related disease. In men under 50 years of age, the pathology is very rare; exact statistics are unknown. Most patients have crossed the sixty-year mark. With age, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases, so age is one of the risk factors.

The exact causes of cancer are very difficult to determine. Doctors agree that the development of prostate cancer is the result of several factors. These include:

  • hormonal background;
  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • diet;
  • race;
  • heredity.

For prostate cancer, the causes are quite difficult to reliably establish. Heredity plays an important role, but is not the main factor in the development of this disease. However, statistics indicate that in approximately a quarter of cases of this disease, prostate cancer was also detected in the man’s immediate relatives.

If there is a family history of this disease, a man should undergo regular examinations by a urologist starting from the age of thirty. With timely treatment of prostate cancer, the prognosis is quite positive, but this is only true if the disease is detected at an early, or pre-symptomatic, stage.

Race also affects susceptibility to this disease. Most often, prostate cancer occurs in black men. In Asians, the incidence of this pathology is low.

Another important criterion that is taken into account when assessing susceptibility to developing cancer is the patient’s age. On average, men over 50-60 years old experience the disease; every year the chances of getting sick increase, the peak occurs at 75 years of age. This is due to a slowdown in processes occurring in the body and changes in hormonal levels. The prostate gland itself is a hormone-dependent organ. A slowdown in the production of male sex hormones or a change in the balance of androgens leads to the development of a pathological process. This is how prostate adenoma develops - a benign tumor. Changes in hormonal levels can lead to the development of prostate cancer or carcinoma.

In addition, the presence of adenoma in a man is also considered one of the risk factors. There is a possibility that a benign tumor will begin to degenerate into a malignant tumor as it grows. To identify the dynamics of changes occurring in the prostate against the background of adenoma, men with this diagnosis should regularly take a blood test to determine the level of prostate-specific antigen.

Prostate cancer in most cases is a disease of the elderly

When talking about the causes of cancer, one should take into account a person’s lifestyle. Bad habits, physical inactivity, irregular sex life or promiscuous relationships - all this increases the chances of developing the disease, but does not predetermine the future fate of a person.

One of the latest hypotheses about the causes of prostate cancer is the viral nature of the disease. Some scientists believe that prostate cancer may be a consequence of the action of one of the retroviruses. The hypothesis is being actively studied, but has not been fully confirmed to date.

Considering the hormonal nature of prostate tumors, a man’s diet cannot be ignored when assessing his predisposition to cancer. The fact is that some animal products increase the production of androgens, which presumably cause the development of tumor processes in the prostate. These products include red meat. Abuse of meat (regular consumption of more than 350 grams daily) can theoretically increase the risk of developing cancer.

All of the above reasons describe risk factors, but do not predetermine the development of the disease, since scientists have still not been able to establish exactly why prostate cancer develops.

Symptoms of the disease

Specific signs of prostate cancer appear in the later stages of the disease, when the tumor reaches a significant size. It is difficult to recognize carcinoma, prostate cancer or prostatic cancer at an early stage; the signs of prostate cancer are in many ways similar to the symptoms of adenoma and prostatitis.

Long-term asymptomatic course is the main cause of high mortality among patients. The absence of symptoms in the early stages of the disease complicates diagnosis.

The first signs of prostate cancer are quite vague and subjective. Symptoms manifest differently in each patient, and in most cases they do not appear until the second stage of the disease. Among the first signs of prostate cancer in men:

  • urinary disturbance;
  • pain syndrome;
  • violation of potency;
  • general deterioration of health.

With prostate cancer, symptoms primarily affect the bladder. The prostate increases in size and puts pressure on the neck of the bladder, impairing urination. However, with prostate cancer, symptoms of urodynamic disturbances may be absent for a long time. Among patient complaints:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet at night;
  • feeling of bladder fullness;
  • weakening of the urine stream;
  • pain syndrome after emission.

Urination often does not bring relief; the feeling of a full bladder remains. Nighttime urge to go to the toilet is a characteristic symptom of adenoma, but such complaints are also present in prostate cancer.

The first signs of prostate cancer are similar to the symptoms of adenoma or inflammation of the gland

Symptoms of prostate cancer also affect the sexual function of men. Often the initial sign is deterioration in potency and weakening of libido. Pain in the bladder and perineum is often observed. One of the specific signs of progressive oncology is a feeling of fullness in the rectum.

In the early stages of the disease, there are no symptoms of intoxication, but the man may complain of general malaise. Quite often, a general deterioration in health, apathy, and decreased performance become the first clinical manifestation of the pathology.

The earlier the symptoms of prostate cancer appear, at an early stage of the disease, the higher the likelihood that men will consult a doctor in a timely manner. If detected early, prostate cancer (PCa) can be cured. Since the disease may not make itself felt for a long time, in the vast majority of cases the pathology is detected in the later stages.

Classification of prostate cancer

There are several methods for classifying prostate cancer. The three most common and widely used are:

  • Gleason method;
  • Jewitt-Whitemore system;
  • TNM system.

The Gleason system is based on assessing the degree of malignancy of organ tissue cells. The Gleason score is a total score that is calculated based on the degree of differentiation of pathological cells.

The minimum value of this indicator is 2 points. This indicates a low aggressive form of the disease. This form of tumor progresses very slowly, and the risk of developing metastases with timely and adequate treatment is low.

The average Gleason score is 7 points. Such a tumor progresses at a moderate pace, and in the absence of adequate treatment poses a threat to the patient’s life.

A Gleason score of 8-10 points indicates a highly aggressive form of pathology. Such a tumor grows rapidly, metastasizes early, and metastases spread quickly. The prognosis for this form of the disease is usually unfavorable.

The Gleason score is based on a biopsy sample taken from two different areas of the prostate gland. Changes in the cells of each area are assessed on a five-point scale and then summed up.

Gleason classification is one of the most common

The TNM system uses three criteria for assessing the degree of aggressiveness of the disease:

  • tumor size;
  • spread of cancer to lymph nodes;
  • metastasis.

There is a table detailing each indicator. Based on this table, further predictions can be made.

The Jewitt-Whitemore system classifies pathology into four stages:

  • A – initial or presymptomatic stage;
  • B – presence of a malignant tumor localized in the prostate;
  • C – involvement of surrounding tissues in the pathological process;
  • D – cancer metastasis to lymph nodes, internal organs, skeleton.

Each stage is divided into substages, which describe the pathological process in more detail. Cancer can be classified only after a biopsy and histological analysis of the cells.

Stages and grades of cancer

Symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer depend on the extent and stage of the pathological process. The stages of the disease, accepted in oncology, describe the spread of the pathological process.

The first stage is characterized by:

  • absence of symptoms;
  • the inability to detect cancer using conventional methods;
  • no visible tumor.

The disease can be detected at this stage only by examining the cells of the biopsy specimen. This is complicated by the fact that the patient does not see a doctor and there is no reason to suspect the development of a dangerous pathology.

At the second stage, the formation increases in size. The tumor can be detected by ultrasound. The tumor cannot be felt upon palpation; it is localized in the prostate capsule.

At the third stage, the pathology begins to spread beyond the prostate capsule. The pathological process spreads to the tissues surrounding the organ.

The fourth stage is the spread of cancer beyond the prostate and the development of metastases. Most often, prostate cancer metastasis first affects the lymph nodes, then spreads to internal organs and bone tissue.

Grades of prostate cancer describe symptoms, the severity of which changes as the pathological process spreads. There are 4 degrees of cancer:

  • Grade 1 – complete absence of symptoms;
  • Grade 2 – most often there are no signs, there may be minor problems with urination;
  • 3rd degree - the tumor extends beyond the organ, serious problems with urination and pain develop;
  • Grade 4 – symptoms depend on the location of metastases.

The fourth degree of prostate cancer is accompanied by severe pain in the pelvic region and lower back, severe urination disorders. In most cases, there are signs of intoxication, neurological disorders, and general malaise.

Stages of prostate cancer according to the Jewitt-Whitemore classification


If you discover alarming symptoms or suspect signs of prostate development in men, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and prescribe standard diagnostic procedures - digital rectal examination of the prostate, TRUS and ultrasound, PSA blood test.

A digital rectal examination is palpation of the prostate through the rectum. The doctor can assess the size and contours of the organ, structure and presence of tumors. However, in the initial stages of development of the pathology, there are no changes in the structure of the prostate, so additional examinations will be needed.

An ultrasound examination of the prostate, bladder and kidneys is mandatory. To examine the prostate gland, a transrectal method is used, in which a sensor is inserted into the rectum. Already at the second stage of cancer, changes appear that are visible on ultrasound and are defined as areas with increased echogenicity. Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is necessary to exclude pathologies of these organs, which are symptomatically similar to cancer and other prostate diseases.

The most informative method of preliminary diagnosis is a PSA blood test. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate and is found in the blood only when the functioning of this organ is impaired. In a healthy man, the PSA level should be no more than 4. In old age, this value increases to 6.5, which is due to changes in the prostate against the background of a decrease in the production of male sex hormones.

An increase in the amount of protein to 10 indicates an adenoma. This is a benign tumor that worsens the quality of life, but does not affect its duration.

Cancer is diagnosed if the PSA is more than 10. Moreover, the higher this value, the more severe the stage of the disease. For example, at the fourth stage with metastases, the amount of protein reaches 100 units.

A high PSA level is a reason to conduct a magnetic resonance or computed tomography scan and biopsy. Tomography allows you to identify the exact location of the tumor. A biopsy is performed to obtain pieces of prostate tissue. A special instrument equipped with a camera, a light source and a hollow needle is inserted into the organ through the urethra or anus. A puncture is made at several points in the prostate gland, and tissue samples are stored inside the needle. For accurate diagnosis, fragments are taken from 10-12 points. Laboratory examination of such a quantity of tissue allows us to determine the stage of cancer, assess possible risks, make a prognosis and choose treatment methods for prostate cancer.

PSA is a tumor marker for prostate cancer

Features of treatment

Prostate cancer is treated with several different methods. Methods and methods of treating prostate cancer depend on several factors:

  • severity of the pathological process;
  • patient's age;
  • general health.

If signs of prostate cancer are detected at the initial stage or early stage of development, a wait-and-see approach is often chosen, especially if the patient is over 75 years of age. In this case, it is necessary to track the dynamics of oncology development. With a slightly aggressive form of the disease, a man may be indicated for drug treatment.

Surgery for prostate cancer

The most effective treatment is surgery. It is allowed in the following cases:

  • absence of chronic diseases;
  • age 60-65 years;
  • normal tolerance to anesthesia;
  • early stage of oncology.

For prostate cancer, removal of the tumor is not advisable, so a radical prostatectomy is performed - complete removal of the prostate gland. This is because if the doctor preserves the prostate, the risk of relapse remains.

Many factors are taken into account when choosing this method. Since prostate cancer is an age-related disease, not all patients can tolerate anesthesia. For many men, this procedure is contraindicated, which is why prostate cancer is treated with medication.

Quite often, not only the prostate is removed, but also nearby lymph nodes. This reduces the risk of relapse. If the pathological process spreads beyond the prostate capsule, removal of the organ may not be enough; the risk of further spread of the pathology remains very high.

Today, prostatectomy is performed using a robotic system. This ensures a high degree of safety of the operation.

Da Vinci surgical robot - the latest word in medical technology


Starting from the third stage of the disease, prostate cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The patient is prescribed medications in the form of injections or tablets. These medications contain toxic substances that destroy malignant cells.

The course of chemotherapy takes 6 months. This treatment helps stop the spread of the pathological process and prevents the occurrence of metastases. In the initial stages of cancer, chemotherapy is not used due to the large number of side effects.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. After a course of chemotherapy, the patient undergoes tests again to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.


Radiation or radiotherapy is the irradiation of malignant cells with x-rays. Radioactive exposure disrupts cellular connections, stops tumor growth and destroys malignant cells. Radiotherapy also helps stop the spread of metastases.

Today, three methods of radiotherapy are used:

  • remote;
  • HIFU therapy;
  • brachytherapy.

The first method involves a long course of treatment. The procedure is carried out daily for a week, with two one-day breaks. TODAY, the method is considered outdated, as it involves influencing large areas of the body, affecting not only pathological, but also healthy cells. External beam radiotherapy is used only for aggressive tumors with a high rate of progression.

HIFU therapy refers to a selective effect only on tumor cells. This is achieved through ultrasonic influence. The method is relatively safe and is used for stages 2 and 3 of cancer, when the pathological process has not yet spread beyond the prostate gland.

Brachytherapy is the safest treatment method in terms of overall harm to the body. The main advantage is a minimum of side effects. In this case, a radioactive drug is injected directly into the area where the tumor is located. The most commonly used are iodized capsules. The drug is administered using transrectal ultrasound equipment. Contact radiation therapy affects only pathological cells without affecting healthy tissue.

The method allows minimizing irradiation of healthy tissues

Drug treatment

An alternative to surgery and radiation therapy is drug treatment. Typically, this method is used if there are contraindications in older men.

Today, two methods of drug therapy are practiced - hormonal and through the introduction of monoclonal antibodies.

Hormone therapy is also called medical castration. The goal of this treatment is to suppress the production of androgens. This is done by taking drugs that are analogues of hormones produced by the pituitary gland, or special antiandrogens. Treatment is also carried out with drugs that reduce the production of your own testosterone, thereby slowing down the progression of the tumor.

The disadvantage of drug therapy is the development of a large number of side effects. Hormones can cause blood pressure problems, affect kidney function, and cause gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands) in men. Nevertheless, medical castration shows fairly good results in the treatment of prostate cancer.

A radical alternative to medical castration is surgery to remove the testicles. As a result of this procedure, the production of testosterone stops, which stops the growth of the tumor. Today, this radical measure is practically not used and is prescribed only in exceptional cases when no other treatment method can be used.

Treatment with monoclonal antibodies is aimed at activating one's own immunity to fight malignant cells. The method is very effective, but is not widespread enough in the CIS countries. This is due, first of all, to the high cost of drugs. One injection of monoclonal antibodies will cost more than 200 thousand rubles. Injections must be given monthly to curb the progression of cancer.

Hormone therapy has a large number of side effects

Folk remedies

Prostate cancer is a dangerous disease that kills thousands of men every year. Treatment with folk remedies for cancer is inappropriate. The use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs does not cure cancer, but can significantly complicate drug treatment. Some herbal preparations reduce the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Trying to self-medicate for cancer can waste valuable time. While the man is self-medicating, the spread of the pathological process is not restrained in any way, and the disease progresses. It is important to understand that cancer in the initial stages is curable, but the fourth stage of the disease is fatal.

Adherents of traditional medicine must understand that in matters of fighting cancer, the only right decision is the choice of modern medicine. The cancer treatment methods used are very effective and can save the patient's life.


When faced with the development of prostate tumors or oncology, patients ask their attending physician whether prostate cancer is curable and how to treat cancer. The exact forecast depends on the following factors:

  • cancer stage;
  • dynamics of tumor growth;
  • effectiveness of treatment.

The most favorable prognosis is detection of cancer at the first stage and timely treatment. If the tumor is not aggressive, adequate therapy is carried out, the patient’s life expectancy is not reduced. Relapse cannot be completely excluded, so a man should be examined regularly.

Statistics show that five-year survival is observed in 8 out of 10 cases if treatment is started at the second stage of tumor development. Adequate therapy allows you to completely get rid of symptoms, stop the progression of the disease and leaves the man at least 5 years to live. Life expectancy can reach 7 years or more if there is no relapse.

At the third stage of the disease, the prognosis is favorable for 4 out of 10 patients. This only applies to the next five years of life after successful treatment, since the risk of relapse remains in the future.

The most unfavorable prognosis is for the fourth stage of the disease. Five-year survival is observed in only 15% of cases.

Prevention of prostate cancer

There is no specific prevention of cancer development. A man’s efforts should be aimed at eliminating risk factors. To do this you need:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Healthy food;
  • exercise;
  • undergo regular examinations.

Avoiding red meat helps reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. It must be replaced with fish or poultry. Tomatoes should be included in the diet in large quantities. Recent studies have shown that they contain substances that prevent the development of cancer. Men can also benefit from eating citrus fruits, honey, nuts, olive oil and pumpkin oil.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Prostate cancer or prostate carcinoma is a dangerous oncological disease, most often diagnosed in older and middle-aged men. Currently, the disease occupies third position in the list of cancer diseases among representatives of the stronger half of humanity and is detected in every eighth man, regardless of his social status.

Over the past decade, there has been a trend towards cancer rejuvenation, which is due to the mass exposure of the population to an unhealthy lifestyle and refusal of timely diagnostic procedures. Diseases that affect the prostate gland, including oncology and prostatitis, are quite easy to treat if diagnosed in the early stages of development. When cancer of the third and fourth degrees is detected, the prognosis is usually not favorable.

General characteristics of the disease

The prostate gland is an unpaired multifunctional organ consisting of glandular and muscle tissue. The list of functions of the gland includes the production of specific sexual secretions, participation in the processes of spermatogenesis, urine retention, and maintaining hormonal levels at an optimal level.

Any disruptions in the activity of the prostate can cause a deterioration in the general well-being of a man and a decrease in the quality of life in general. This issue is especially relevant if the patient suffers from a disease of oncological pathogenesis.

Prostate cancer or carcinoma is a common disease associated with the development of malignancy in the tissues of the prostate gland. Due to the functional characteristics of this organ, cancer cells can metastasize and spread to other organs and tissues through the systemic bloodstream.

Despite the high level of development of modern medicine, there is currently no effective cure for prostatitis and cancer. Likewise, the nature of the occurrence of malignant formation has not been fully studied. However, doctors name the following causes of prostate cancer in men as factors that provoke the growth of tumor formation:

  • Hereditary predisposition. Diseases such as prostatitis and cancer are more often detected in men who have a genetic predisposition to their development.
  • Race. According to the results of scientific research, representatives of the African people are especially predisposed to the development of cancer, while the incidence rate among Asians is quite low.
  • Poor nutrition. The consumption of excessive amounts of animal fats, starchy foods and alcohol can become a kind of impetus for the launch of the processes of formation of a malignant tumor.
  • Age characteristics. The disease predominantly affects men who have reached the age of thirty to thirty-five years.
  • Bad habits. Drinking alcohol and harmful substances that affect the body when smoking can also cause the development of cancer.

Of course, the above reasons, which can play the role of unique catalysts for the mechanism that triggers the growth of a cancerous tumor in the prostate, are conditional. However, eliminating or reducing their influence, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and giving up addictions may well delay or eliminate the development of malignant neoplasms, as well as improve the quality of life in general.

Stages of the disease

The difficulties that the patient will have to face in the process of carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at treating prostate cancer are directly proportional to the stage of development of the cancer. There are four main stages, each of which is characterized by a certain tumor size and the presence or absence of metastases.

The fourth stage of prostate cancer is determined by the development of irreversible processes, the growth of extensive metastases of a malignant tumor, affecting almost all organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity. Identification of the disease at this stage of development is not associated with favorable prognosis. The probability of death in this case is more than 90 percent.

Important! It is possible to cure cancer and prevent its irreversible consequences only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. You should undergo diagnostic procedures if even the most minor troubling signs appear.

Clinical picture

The main feature of prostate cancer is its latent course, which can last for several years. At this stage, detection of the disease occurs more often by accident, for example, as a result of a preventive medical examination. Signs of prostate cancer growth are usually erased; the tumor itself is small in size and does not lead to disruption of the functioning of the prostate gland.

Quite common clinical cases are those in which a cancerous tumor, even if it is small in size, leads to the growth of metastases that affect other organs and tissues. It is the spread of cancer cells that is one of the reasons for the appearance of nonspecific symptoms of oncology. Main signs of prostate cancer:

  • Rapid weight loss while maintaining the usual diet.
  • Complete or partial lack of appetite.
  • Malaise, general weakness, fatigue.
  • The appearance of hemolymph streaks and particles of purulent masses in the excreted urine.
  • Painful sensations, a burning sensation and pain that appear during sexual intercourse or urination.
  • A constant urge to go to the toilet, and often a man notes a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Increasing pain that can occur in the groin, abdomen, lower back, and genitals. As a rule, the reasons for their appearance are the growth of metastases and cancer of the organs and systems of the abdominal cavity.
  • Excretion of urine in small portions.

In the most severe and advanced cases, an increase in cancerous growth can lead to compression of the urinary tract, disruption of urine outflow processes, impotence, loss of sensitivity, and paralysis of the lower extremities.

Diagnostic measures

The list of diagnostic measures, through the use of which it is possible to identify a malignant tumor and the stage of cancer development, is quite extensive. Depending on the initial results of the patient’s examination, procedures that are not necessary are removed from the list. A general examination of the patient includes the following diagnostic options:

  • A blood test to detect the value of prostate specific antigen, carried out in a laboratory. Using this technique, it is possible to detect the presence of cancer even in the early stages of development.
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, various methods of ultrasound diagnostics are used.
  • Palpation. Or literally palpating the prostate gland and initially determining the size of the tumor and pathological changes in the prostate.
  • Biopsy. Study of tissue particles of a malignant neoplasm, necessary to select the most optimal option for drug or other types of therapy.

When identifying a cancerous tumor, it is often practiced to use additional research methods that make it possible to determine the size of the tumor, the intensity of its growth, the location and extent of metastases.

Important! For timely detection of cancer, men over forty years of age are recommended to undergo a full examination using the methods given above at least once a year.


The need for treatment of prostate cancer is determined exclusively by a specialist. For example, against the background of the patient’s heart muscle diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system, as well as when the patient reaches the age of seventy years, treatment can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Intensive therapy is not carried out if the cancer is small in size, does not leave the prostate capsule, does not progress and does not cause the growth of metastases. Why? This is due to the fact that tumor treatment methods can have a negative impact on the patient’s condition and lead to its deterioration. In such situations, the patient is only required to regularly visit the doctor to monitor the progression of the disease.

Treatment of stage 1 and 2 cancer

The first and second stages of cancer are not, as a rule, associated with the growth of metastases, and therefore the treatment used at this stage of oncology is limited to the use of means and methods aimed at removing the tumor or stopping its further growth. Most often in this case, the following methods are used:

  • Radiation therapy. The most common method of treating cancer today, which involves exposing the tissue of a malignant tumor to radioactive rays. Acceptable and equally popular are methods of exposure to rays both from the outside and through the introduction of certain drugs into the prostate tissue.
  • Hormonal drugs. The technique can only be used as an element of complex treatment. Taking drugs in this category allows you to reduce the production of certain hormones, thereby stopping the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Virotherapy. One of the innovative treatment methods, which is currently not yet widely practiced. The method involves the introduction of certain viruses into the prostate tissue, which have a detrimental effect on tumor cells.
  • Brachytherapy. It involves the introduction of radioactive substances into the tumor tissue, which have a destructive effect on the tumor cells. The method has a number of disadvantages, since there is a risk of damage to healthy tissue.
  • Chemotherapy. It involves the use of various drugs of a special category that have a detrimental effect on foreign cells. The method, despite its prevalence, has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Also among the common methods of treatment is a radical method of getting rid of the tumor, called prostatectomy, which involves the complete removal of the prostate gland, as well as, if necessary, parts of organs located in the immediate vicinity. The method has a lot of side effects, including urinary incontinence, impotence, and a number of others.

Treatment of stage 3 and 4 cancer

Treatment of cancer at the third and fourth stages of development rarely includes the use of radical methods. Most often, in this case, methods are used that allow stopping the growth of formation, the spread of metastases, improving the general well-being of the patient and increasing the quality and overall life expectancy. The limited number of methods used in this situation is due to the fact that a complete cure for advanced forms of cancer is not possible.

To stop tumor growth and eliminate symptoms of cancer, methods such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy are most often used. Additional methods and methods are also used aimed at eliminating disturbing symptoms, increasing the body's immune forces and strengthening it.

Elderly patients are often offered the so-called watchful waiting method. According to this technique, treatment aimed at stopping a cancerous tumor is not used, since its use is fraught with the development of multiple side effects. Nevertheless, a man is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations to identify trends in tumor growth and the spread of metastases. However, the use of this option is possible only in cases where tumor growth is slowed down due to natural causes and characteristics of the body.


According to data obtained as a result of many years of research, a favorable prognosis for prostate cancer is possible only if a timely diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed. When a tumor is detected in the early stages of development, patients are completely cured in nine cases out of ten.

In the second and third stages of prostate cancer development, the prognosis is less optimistic. In this case, an important role is played by such factors as the correctness of the selected drugs and methods used in the treatment process, the characteristics of the patient’s body, symptomatic manifestations, the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations, the degree of damage to organs located in close proximity to the prostate gland.

As for the fourth stage, in this case the prognosis is not favorable. The maximum survival rate for patients with the appropriate diagnosis is no more than three years. In exceptional cases, this mark is raised to five years. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the patient’s quality of life.

Unfortunately, there are currently no truly effective methods for preventing prostate cancer. However, following rules such as, for example, a balanced diet, giving up bad habits, following a healthy lifestyle, and generally strengthening the body will significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease, and will also help improve the quality of life in general.

It is the most common cancer among the stronger sex. The average age of men susceptible to this disease is 55-60 years, less common, but cases of the disease up to 40 years of age occur. At the moment, the mortality rate from this disease is quite high. The problem is that the disease is practically asymptomatic, and screening testing does not always reveal the emerging problem.

It is very important to recognize the causes and symptoms of prostate cancer at the earliest stage of its appearance, but how to do this? We will talk about this in the article, as well as how this disease progresses.

Causes of the disease in men

Quite often, prostate cancer is detected at a late stage, and as a result, the prognosis for a person is unfavorable. Although, if diagnosed in a timely manner, the man will not only have a chance to save his own life, but also the opportunity to return to his former favorite activities. This is why it is so important to know the reasons and because this information can save lives.

At the moment, modern medicine has identified 6 main causes of this disease, namely:

  • Genetic predisposition. If a man had relatives suffering from this disease, then his risk of developing this pathology is quite high. Therefore, examination by a urologist is a necessary procedure.
  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs. These bad habits are the main provocateurs of this disease. They come first as its cause.
  • Abuse of animal food. If we rely on studies conducted by a number of scientists, then more often men whose menu consists mainly of animal foods suffer from prostate cancer.
  • Advanced inflammatory processes. Half of the representatives of the stronger sex on the planet have encountered signs of prostatitis at least once in their lives. At the same time, the number of men who turned to specialists for help is negligible. But the insidiousness of prostatitis is that if you don’t take the time to treat it, it can turn into cancer.
  • BPH. Adenoma is a benign tumor that quite often develops into a malignant neoplasm. As a rule, prostate cancer occurs in older men.

The ethnicity of a man also plays an important role in the risk factor. You can also add a person’s intimate life and professional activities to this list. All this can give a result such as prostate cancer. The symptoms and treatment of this disease are listed below.

Stages and symptoms signaling the development of the disease

There are four stages and the symptoms of each are different. Of course, it is much easier to stop any cancer in the initial stages of development. But in the case of the prostate, the problem is that at first the cancer occurs without any symptoms. It may be discovered by chance, for example, during a routine examination. And if this happens, then a man with this problem will have the most favorable prognosis.

First stage. The tumor occupies no more than 5% of the volume of the prostate gland. Complete absence of symptoms, in other words, it does not manifest itself in any way. Stage 1 prostate cancer can be cured quite easily; you just need to consult a specialist in a timely manner. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is asymptomatic.

Second stage. A man has difficulty urinating, and the frequency of nighttime urges increases. A small amount of blood appears in the semen. Pain appears in the groin area and potency decreases. There are no metastases at this stage.

It is worth noting that such symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases - prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis among them. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a diagnosis at this stage. This is necessary for timely recognition of the disease.

Third stage. There is an increase in existing pain symptoms. Urination becomes very difficult, and the pain in the groin becomes unbearable. Such signs are quite difficult to ignore. At this point, the cancerous tumor continues to increasingly occupy healthy tissue in the prostate area - this is the pelvic area, testicles and lymph nodes, which are gradually affected by metastases.

If we rely on statistical data, then most often a person receives a diagnosis at this stage, i.e. stage 3 prostate cancer. Life expectancy varies, depending on the number of already widespread metastases and the type of tumor. Some men live their whole lives with this disease, only regularly undergoing certain medical procedures and visiting the doctor.

Fourth stage. At this stage, the tumor grows faster and faster, and its metastases affect almost all organs, bones and even the vertebra.

During the fourth stage, a person’s body weight noticeably decreases, general weakness and severe fatigue appear. In addition, a person stops eating due to lack of appetite, vomiting appears, legs swell, and there is constant pain in the genital area and vertebrae.

The causes and symptoms of prostate cancer can vary. What does this depend on? In some cases, cancer can develop very slowly and remain asymptomatic for years. For several years, men do not even suspect that they are carriers of a malignant tumor. But there is also a completely different situation in which prostate cancer develops “at the speed of light”, in which case the patient literally burns out in a few months.

Diagnosis of prostate cancer

Today, the simplest and most accessible method of examination is a rectal examination using fingers. An experienced doctor can detect the appearance and development of a malignant tumor in the early stages, even if it is small. It is strongly recommended for all representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from painful urination to be examined in this way.

The second method of examination establishes the diagnosis with great accuracy. To determine the presence of malignant diseases, modifying indices are used, which determine how much the PSA antigen is exceeded.

The third method is the ultrasound and transrectal method of the gland. It is often used to identify a tumor and take a biopsy of the gland.

The main method for diagnosing cancer is biopsy. The essence of this manipulation is to take a column of tissue material for examination under a microscope using a thin needle.

In rare cases, but the examination can be supplemented with the use of magnetic resonance imaging to examine in detail the pelvis and internal organs.

Prostate cancer treatment

Currently, there are the following treatments for prostate cancer. Each method is used depending on the stage of a person’s damage. There are several ways, namely:

  • surgical;
  • radiation therapy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • bilateral orchiectomy.

Now let's take a closer look at each treatment method.

Surgical method

This involves surgical removal of the gland. This occurs if cancer (prostate) is diagnosed. The operation is performed mainly on young patients, provided that the tumor is small and there are associated defects.

A side effect is possible impotence. But today, fairly gentle surgical techniques have been developed that help maintain erectile function in men.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy for prostate cancer is used for stages 1-3. The advantage of this method is that there is a high percentage of complete recovery of a person. And most importantly, there is no need for surgical intervention or outpatient therapy. But this method also has disadvantages, namely:

  • Urinary incontinence may develop.
  • In 40% impotence develops.
  • The appearance of diarrhea and bleeding.

Modern medicine does not stand still, which is why another effective method appeared relatively recently - brachytherapy. The essence of this method is that radioactive sources are introduced into the prostate tissue. This manipulation gives excellent results with minimal risk to the patient.

Hormone therapy

This method includes a whole range of drugs of hormonal and chemotherapeutic origin. These drugs have a detrimental effect on tumor cells. Hormones act suppressively on the production of testosterone, since it is this that promotes the growth of tumors.

But this treatment method also has side effects, so the consequences of prostate cancer can be as follows:

  • development of bone fragility (osteoporosis);
  • severe loss of body weight;
  • intensive growth of mammary glands;
  • development of impotence.

It is worth noting that, even taking into account all the unpleasant consequences, this method gives an effective result when used. And most importantly, it is an opportunity to prolong a person’s life.


An effective method provided that the tumor is small in size. This manipulation is used in rare cases. The method of treatment is that the tumor is destroyed due to low temperature. In addition to this method, the use of hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Bilateral orchiectomy

This method of treatment includes the mandatory removal of the man's testicles. It is used only when it is not possible to remove the tumor due to metastases. Moreover, this method helps reduce the level of sex hormones by almost 90%. If, in the presence of such a pathology, distant metastases appear, then hormonal agents must be used. Thanks to this, a person’s life can be extended.

In rare cases, oncologists use the so-called wait-and-see approach. In other words, a man who has a non-aggressive form of malignant neoplasm, and it does not create any discomfort, is not prescribed treatment. There are several reasons for such actions; there may be some contraindications or surgical intervention poses a great threat to the patient’s life. The same applies to radiation therapy.

Treatment in a medical facility is mandatory if a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer. Metastases can slow down recovery, but it is still quite possible.

Today there are a large number of traditional methods for treating prostate cancer. But they are all quite dubious, and with such a dangerous disease, engaging in “shamanism” is extremely dangerous.

Disease prevention

The causes and symptoms of prostate cancer can be completely avoided if you take basic preventive actions, namely:

  • Be examined by a specialist every year; it is especially important to follow this advice for men over the age of 50.
  • Bad habits are one of the main factors in the development of cancer, so giving them up will increase the chance of avoiding this disease.
  • When prostatitis appears, treat it promptly.
  • Regular sex life has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, so it is very important to have a regular partner.
  • Sports and moderate exercise have a good effect on blood circulation in the prostate area. This simple method will help a man avoid this disease.

Prostate cancer can be avoided if a person takes more care of his own health. Some doctors recommend being examined by a urologist starting at the age of forty. This will help avoid pathology in the form of a malignant neoplasm. And even if this problem is detected, it can be successfully treated at an early stage.

Survival prognosis

Prostate cancer is not a death sentence; the main thing is that the disease is detected in a timely manner. In this case, the man will have a chance to live a full life. If this disease was detected at the first or second stage, then this can be a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the malignant neoplasm.

The situation is different if stage 3 prostate cancer is diagnosed. Life expectancy in this case may be lower, but there is a fairly high chance of life extension. The age of the patient matters in the prognosis. The younger the man, the greater the chance of success in treatment. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex under 65 years of age undergo treatment successfully.

When the last stage is detected, the chances of life are quite low; unfortunately, the prognosis is disappointing. But even in this case there may be exceptions.

There are certain statistics: when treated with surgery, the survival rate after this procedure is at least 70%. If the tumor is treated with radiation therapy, then 80% of patients survive the 5-year mark.

From all of the above, we can conclude that prostate cancer is an extremely dangerous disease, but can be successfully treated. It is also important that modern medicine does not stand still, thanks to which new techniques are constantly emerging that help to successfully cope with oncology not only in men, but also in children and women.

The most important thing is prevention! After all, it is this measure that determines at what stage a pathology called prostate cancer will be detected. The symptoms and treatment were discussed in great detail in the article, but the main idea is that you should not ignore an annual examination by a urologist. You should always remember that spending a few minutes can save your life.

Prostate cancer symptoms do not appear immediately, this is the whole insidiousness of the disease. The peculiarity of prostate cancer is that the malignant tumor develops slowly, and there are no noticeable symptoms of prostate cancer. That is why, as part of diagnosing the disease, men over 45 years of age must regularly undergo laboratory blood tests for PSA (prostate specific antigen) and be examined by the treating urologist. After all, the earlier prostate cancer is detected, the higher the chance of its successful treatment with good postoperative results: preservation urinary continence functions And potency.

You should treat the symptoms of prostate cancer with special care, do not ignore them and do not think that they will “go away on their own.” Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. Prostate cancer begins in adulthood (after 45-50 years), and by the age of 65-70 the chance of developing prostate cancer increases. The most effective treatment for early stage prostate cancer today is surgery.

Prostate cancer grades and symptoms

The first symptoms of prostate cancer are discomfort associated with urination.

  • Having to go to the toilet more often, especially at night
  • Weak stream pressure and interruptions during urination
  • Burning during urination
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • The desire to go to the toilet again half an hour / hour after the previous urination.

Experts identify several degrees (stages) of prostate cancer, which are classified according to several systems. However, the generally accepted system that is used in most European urological centers is the Gleason score.

Symptoms of stage 1 prostate cancer

The first degree (stage) of prostate cancer is an encapsulated tumor. Most often there are no symptoms.

Symptoms of stage 2 prostate cancer

The second degree (stage) of prostate cancer is in most cases an encapsulated tumor. Most often there are no symptoms.

Symptoms of stage 3 prostate cancer

If the first and second degrees of prostate cancer are characterized by local spread in the prostate itself, then the 3rd degree of prostate cancer is characterized by extending beyond the prostate capsule and spreading to nearby lymph nodes. Possible symptoms are associated with problems with urination (see above).

Symptoms of stage 4 prostate cancer

The fourth degree of the prostate is characterized by extension beyond the capsule of the prostate gland, spreading to neighboring organs and skeletal bones. Accompanied by painful sensations in the back and pelvic bones.

Prostate cancer symptoms and signs

Some men experience symptoms and signs of prostate cancer when urinating, while some have no symptoms at all with prostate cancer and it is important to be aware of this.
Some symptoms indicate the presence of a possible benign enlargement of the prostate, called prostate adenoma, and in worst cases, these symptoms may indicate prostate cancer. Therefore, it is very important to regularly undergo prostate cancer diagnosis by an experienced urologist who will establish an accurate diagnosis. Diagnosis of the prostate includes: laboratory tests (blood for PSA - prostate specific antigen), palpation of the prostate, ultrasound of the prostate, MRI of the prostate. If the urologist has doubts, for a more accurate diagnosis, he can refer you to.

On our website you can go online test, to determine if you have prostate symptoms and how severe they are.

Prostate cancer. Causes

The prostate is a small gland, about the size and shape of a chestnut, that is located around the urethra (the urethra runs through the middle of the prostate) under the bladder. The prostate plays an important role in male reproductive function. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that supports the vital activity of sperm and releases them during ejaculation in the form of sperm. Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form tumor tissue in the prostate.

Science does not yet know the exact causes of prostate cancer. A malignant tumor occurs as a result of changes in the DNA of prostate cells. But scientists have not yet been able to find out exactly what factors (except age) cause DNA changes. The main risk factor is age: the older the man, the higher the chance of getting sick - Before the age of 40, prostate cancer is extremely rare, while after the age of 50, the risk of developing it increases every year. Other risk factor - heredity: American studies show that the risk of developing prostate cancer increases more than 2 times if a direct blood relative (father, brother) also had prostate cancer.
African Americans are more prone to prostate cancer than white men and Asians. The reason for this is not clear.

Risk factors for prostate cancer

Science has not yet found a clear answer to the question of the causes of prostate cancer, but there are known risk factors that can influence the development of this disease:

  • Age- The older the man, the higher the chance of the disease.
  • Race- Prostate cancer is found much more often in African Americans and at a more advanced stage than in white men and Asians. The reason is not clear.
  • Nutrition- eating a lot of red meat and fatty foods, eating a small amount of vegetables and fruits.
  • Lack of physical activity- can influence the development of many diseases, including prostate cancer.
  • Heredity— the presence of prostate cancer in close relatives (father, brother) doubles the chance of developing prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer. Forecast

The prognosis for prostate cancer depends on the stage at which the tumor was detected. If prostate cancer was detected at an early stage of development, the chance of a complete cure increases. In Germany, where the diagnosis of prostate cancer is given great attention, 18% of men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. According to research conducted in America, the chance of developing prostate cancer is approximately 15%. Moreover, 80% of men with prostate cancer successfully fight this disease thanks to timely diagnosis of prostate cancer and modern methods.

Leading surgeons of the European Prostate Center, operating on complex patients and patients under the age of 78 years. Thus, by choosing an experienced specialist and a highly specialized center for the treatment of prostate diseases, the patient has a high chance of prolonging life and improving its quality.

The difference between cancer and prostate adenoma

The main difference between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer is that adenoma is a benign tumor, and cancer is malignant. Malignant tumor cells (cancer cells) can spread through the blood and lymphatic pathways, forming so-called and affecting other cells and organs. Fortunately, no direct connection has been found between the presence of a benign prostate adenoma and the occurrence of prostate cancer, so a diagnosis of prostate adenoma does not, in principle, increase the chance of developing prostate cancer. However, among European urologists there is an opinion that chronic prostatitis and advanced prostate adenoma still have some effect on increasing the chance of developing prostate cancer.

The prostate gland in men is the most vulnerable organ. It is located under the bladder, next to the urethra. The juice produced by the organ is necessary to maintain the vital activity of sperm. When the functioning of the gland is disrupted, various neoplasms may appear. The most dangerous of them is prostate cancer in men.

The disease becomes more common after the age of 55. It affects men who have problems with the prostate gland. A tumor can develop under the influence of certain negative factors. Symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer are assessed by urologists upon timely referral.

Characteristics of the disease

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the cells of the organ. The disease is dangerous for men, and therefore requires timely diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment.

Malignant tumor developing from prostate cells

The prostate is localized in the pelvic area. It is small in size (about 3–4 cm). Any changes in the organ provoke the occurrence of not only disorders in the sexual sphere. An enlarged gland can put pressure on the urethra. In this case, urinary pathologies appear.

The prostate gland is surrounded by connective tissue with elastic septa that divide the organ into several parts. As a result, the right, middle and left lobes are determined in the prostate.

Iron is necessary for the production of juice. This secret performs several functions:

  • participates in the process of sperm creation;
  • increases their activity and durability;
  • improves sperm quality;
  • promotes the excretion of seminal fluid.

To a greater extent, the prostate is necessary for regulating a man’s sexual life. However, the organ is also directly related to the process of urine retention.

Under the influence of various negative factors, prostate cancer can develop. The tumor that forms in the organ remains small for several years. But with rapid development, it can cause metastases.

The appearance of prostate cancer occurs in 14 thousand men in Russia every year. People over 60 years of age are susceptible to developing pathology. Every hundredth of them has a malignant neoplasm in the prostate. Risks increase with age. By the age of 75, every eighth man is sick.

Despite the age-related nature, the disease also manifests itself at a younger age. Therefore, men who have crossed the threshold of 35 years do not need to neglect their own health and refuse to visit a doctor.

Causes of pathology

The causes of prostate cancer, according to urologists and oncologists, lie in chronic diseases and inflammation in the organ. As a result of the negative impact, the gland tissue begins to change. This leads to the appearance of atypical cells.

The causes of cancer lie in chronic diseases and inflammation of the prostate

There are four main causes of prostate cancer.

  1. The tumor can be triggered by hormonal imbalance. Neoplasm depends on the supply of active elements. If the level of dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione increases, then the most favorable conditions for the development of cancer are created.
  2. Malignant neoplasms can result from untreated prostatitis. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the gland. During its occurrence, blood circulation is disrupted and oxygen ceases to flow into the tissues of the organ.
  3. Prostate cancer can develop from a benign tumor. With adenoma, mutating cells often appear. When they become malignant, the oncological process begins.
  4. Uncontrolled cell division and transformation into tumors can be triggered by bacterial damage to the organ and autoimmune processes occurring in them.

Precancerous conditions

Doctors identify signs whose appearance is considered a precancerous condition. They most often cause malignant organ damage. Diseases can be either congenital or acquired at an older age.

With atypical adenosis, the formation of nodules is observed in the prostate gland. Cells in these zones are characterized by increased growth and reproduction, unlike others. In this case, their altered structure can be revealed. If large nuclei are detected, then the onset of tumor development can be assumed. Doctors consider this disease to be precancerous, since malignant changes can occur under the influence of mutagenic factors.

There may be increased cell proliferation in some areas of the prostate. As a result of hyperplasia, they change, which provokes the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Men suffering from this pathology are much more likely to develop cancer.

Prostate cancer: symptoms, causes, treatment

Factors influencing the occurrence of tumors

Not all men develop prostate cancer, even those with abnormalities in the organ. In most cases, pathology manifests itself more actively if negative factors affecting the body are identified. These include:

  • Male malnutrition (excessive consumption of fatty foods and red meat);
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • exposure to cadmium on the body (in workers of enterprises producing rubber products, textile products, printing departments, welding shops);
  • age-related changes after 50 years;
  • infection of the body as a result of intimate life;
  • stagnation in the prostate gland (in the absence or irregularity of sexual intercourse);
  • a sharp decrease in the body's immune defense;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition (the presence of special genes BRCA 1 and BRCA2, which provoke the appearance of tumors);
  • defeat by a retrovirus, herpes type 2, cytomegalovirus.

If the above conditions are created, the man is at risk for developing a malignant tumor in the prostate.


At an early stage, symptoms of prostate cancer in men are practically undetectable. The tumor can be hidden for a long time, its manifestation does not occur. The presence of a malignant neoplasm can be determined only after taking a test to determine the level of prostatic antigen in the blood.

Therefore, tumors are often discovered accidentally during another examination or clinical examination. Symptoms become apparent at the moment when the bladder and intestines are damaged.

Tumors are often discovered accidentally during the diagnosis of another disease.

The disease manifests itself as an increase in prostate size. Due to this, increased pressure is created on the walls of the bladder. If they are irritated, symptoms may appear in the form of:

  • frequent urination at night (more than 2–3 times);
  • more frequent trips to the toilet during the day (15–20 times);
  • unbearable urge to urinate;
  • severe pain and burning when urine passes;
  • incontinence;
  • pain syndrome in the perineum and pubic area.

When the affected prostate gland compresses the urethra, the outflow of urine is blocked. In this case, a man may find:

  • difficulty in starting urine output;
  • jet intermittency;
  • drip of liquid at the end of the urination process;
  • fullness of the bladder even after emptying.

When the tone of the bladder decreases, the abdominal muscles are in constant tension. This is due to the fact that a man puts a lot of effort into going to the toilet. In this case, urine output is characterized by slowness, low pressure and sluggishness of the stream.

Prostate cancer is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region. Also, stones form in the kidneys, since an overfilled bladder provokes the outflow of urine in the opposite direction. Due to stagnation of liquid, solid sediments may appear. This process is accompanied by expansion of the urinary canal and renal pelvis.

If the disease progresses, the bladder outlet may be completely blocked. Then the man cannot go to the toilet on his own. Doctors who install catheters often come to the rescue.

An enlarged tumor can damage blood vessels in the urethra, bladder and seminal vesicles. There are blood impurities in the urine and seminal fluid.

Indications for this method include large tumors, metastasis and spread of altered cells to the lymph nodes. Treatment is carried out for 2 months five times a week. The 15-minute session is painless for the patient.

Some patients are recommended a more effective method of therapy - the introduction of radioactive particles directly into the prostate gland. This method is brachytherapy, which is carried out using iridium and iodine. Under such exposure, tumor cells die, and healthy tissues do not receive a significant dose of radiation. Therefore, it does not cause side effects after the procedures.

Brachytherapy is performed under anesthesia. In some cases, the injection is carried out for a long time, followed by removal of the granules.

Radiation therapy is used when cancer is detected in the early stages, as well as when inoperable tumors are detected.

Hormonal treatment

Prostate cancer occurs when male sex hormones increase in the body. As a result, the tumor begins to grow rapidly. Therefore, doctors may recommend treatment with hormonal drugs. Their action is aimed at reducing androgen levels.

Hormone therapy is suitable for patients who are prohibited from radical prostatectomy, as well as for patients with terminal cancer. The doctor may prescribe medications from various groups.

  1. Among the antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone are Fosfestrol, Firmagon and Diethylstilbestrol. Their action is aimed at suppressing testosterone, inhibiting tumor growth and cell differentiation.
  2. Analogs of hormones produced by the pituitary gland include Lucrin, Diferelin, Decapeptyl. They quickly reduce the concentration of male hormones in the body. Their action is similar to the removal of testicles. Subsequently, hormonal levels are gradually restored.
  3. Treatment is carried out with antiandrogens. These include Anandron, Casodex, Flucinom. The drugs prevent cancer cells from interacting with hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Therapy is indicated with simultaneous administration of drugs based on pituitary hormones. As a result of this maximum androgen blockade, tumor growth and development are suppressed.

Casodex is prescribed for advanced prostate cancer

Sometimes treatment is carried out only with the help of Casodex. It allows you to eliminate the tumor while preserving the sexual functions of the body.

Up to 60 years of age, hormone therapy is carried out in conjunction with cryotherapy. During the latter, the tumor is frozen and cancer cells are destroyed by ice crystals. A combination of hormones and radiation therapy is also an option.

If treatment with hormones fails, the testicles may be removed. As a result, testosterone levels sharply decrease, which helps stop tumor growth. However, for many men, castration is quite painful psychologically.


For prostate cancer, the prognosis can be comforting if the patient consults a doctor in a timely manner. If changes in the condition appear, then cancer can be detected at an early, first stage. Then the man can completely get rid of the tumor, maintain sexual function and normalize urination. Life expectancy in this case is not limited.

More complex therapy will be required if the second and third stages of cancer are diagnosed. Treatment lasts a long time. In this case, the age of the man and his state of health influence. After successful treatment of the second stage, patients live about 15–20 years. In the presence of the third stage, life expectancy is from 5 to 10 years.

Most often, when stage IV cancer is detected, the prognosis is unfavorable. In this case, the patient is given about three years. But with proper treatment, this period can be extended to 5–7 years.

Doctors introduced the concept of five-year survival rate. According to such data, they determine what percentage of men survive cancer therapy for five years.

There is a concept of five-year survival rate for prostate cancer
  1. In the first stage of the disease, survival rate is over 90%.
  2. If the second stage is diagnosed, a value within 80% is determined.
  3. At the third stage, the chances are reduced to 40%.
  4. Stage IV cancer and five-year survival are observed in 15% of patients.

Disease prevention

No doctor can eliminate the possibility of developing cancer 100%. However, doctors assure that if certain conditions are met, the risks will be reduced to a minimum.

  1. It's important to eat right. It is forbidden to eat fatty meat. You need to replace it with fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. With an increased amount of carcinogens, cell mutation occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to stop smoking, consuming nitrates, and food additives. Men working in hazardous industries need to be especially careful.
  3. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, exercise, and walk. This will increase immune defense and normalize the state of cardiac and vascular activity.
  4. With regular sexual activity and moderate physical activity, congestion in the prostate area is eliminated. This is especially important for the prevention of prostate cancer.