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How to raise a smart cat. What to do to make a kitten affectionate. What not to do when raising cats

Today we have prepared for you some tips on raising a kitten at home. If a meowing baby appears in your home, then in addition to arranging a corner for him, you need to seriously think about his upbringing. Yes, even though cats are capricious and cannot be trained, you must teach them to behave correctly. Otherwise there will be chaos in the house.

Don't delay the learning process too much. Correct behavior should be instilled from the very first day you get a pet. Already one and a half month old kittens understand what they want to achieve from them. Therefore, you should not worry that the baby is still too young to raise. However, there are a number of mistakes that can not only ruin the entire process, but also turn a cute kitten into a vengeful and disobedient “monster”.

Separation from family

The most important point is not to take the kitten away from its mother too early. Some give their babies away at the age of one month, but the kittens are not yet ready to separate from their family. The optimal age for weaning is 2-3 months. Then the little purrs are ready for independent life. As soon as the pet can independently “plan” its day, and not run after its mother, then it is ready to move to a new family.

Try not to delay the education process. In the first six months of life, the foundation is laid on which your pet’s entire behavior is based.


The regime is necessary not only for children. This also applies to kittens. Feed at the same time, in a specific place and from an individual bowl. Do not allow the animal to eat in different corners of the apartment. If there is a feeding area, then the pet should eat only there. Do not feed from the table. The kitten will quickly get used to this. And then he will begin to climb onto the table and take what he wants, not paying attention to your indignation.


Don't indulge your culinary whims. Of course, the food must be complete, balanced, and healthy. But if the kitten starts to turn its nose up, and you immediately replace it with something that it adores, then don’t be surprised that the animal begins to manipulate you. It understands that if you snort and not touch, say, porridge, they will immediately exchange it for your favorite meat or food. Hence the excessive pickiness. It will be almost impossible to fight it in the future. And this will bring a lot of inconvenience to you.

Tray training

One aspect of raising a kitten is litter box training. The process is not immediate, but try to achieve complete obedience in this matter. Even a one-time “trip” past the tray should entail your reaction. The only thing is that the cat should be punished as quickly as possible. If you do this after a few hours, the animal will no longer understand why. And he will take revenge on you.

Don't forget to change the filler on time. Cats are very clean. And if the toilet is full, then even a very well-mannered kitten will not go about its business in it. And too high sides in the tray can cause the kitten to use anything other than the designated space as a toilet. As a result, the entire education process will go down the drain.

scratching post

It shouldn't scare your pet. Start training your kitten from childhood. Otherwise, your furniture and wallpaper will be in trouble. You can purchase a wall-mounted one that is attached to a vertical surface. Or you can use a thick vertical “stick” tied with thick twine and mounted on a stable stand. Or you can do it yourself. To do this, take a piece of board or plywood. Using a furniture stapler, attach a piece of carpet or very thick fabric. Once the scratching post is in the puffs, replace it. Otherwise, the animal will spread to your furniture.

Playing with a kitten

Do not use your hands or feet while playing. Otherwise, in the future the kitten may attack you with its claws, not on purpose, but during play. Therefore, buy special toys, brooms, or even ordinary string and paper. Believe it or not, the animals are wildly delighted by the process of playing with the rustling bag.

Games are very important. On the one hand, this is how the pet gets to know the world around him and the capabilities of his body. On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know you better, make friends, and establish contact. Having fun together will help build rapport. The animal will feel loved and will obey you.


Don't know how to properly punish a kitten? A simple light, quick flick to the nose will be an excellent punishment. There is no need to hit, scream, throw or drag the poor pet by the scruff of the neck.

Hand training

Some kids don't know human affection. Therefore, your hands can be something scary for him. He will scratch, hiss, and snort. As a result, he will become intimidated and wild. Start slowly. Take it for a couple of seconds and release. Gradually increase the amount of time you have skin-to-skin contact with your kitten. Over time, he will stop being afraid of you and will understand that no danger comes from you. And literally in a couple of weeks he will happily run into your arms for affection.

Place to sleep

Many kittens are drawn to body warmth out of habit. Therefore, they may strive to fall asleep next to you. Set up a separate sleeping area. This can be a purchased soft place (however, some cats do not recognize it at all) or an ordinary cardboard box with bedding. Once your baby is asleep, carefully move him. Let him sleep in his place. Over time, the baby will get used to it. And he himself will go to bed to sleep.

Mistakes when raising a kitten

What are the most common mistakes owners make when raising a kitten?

Have multiple kittens from the same litter

Of course, when there are several animals, they will have more fun. While you are not at home, the animals will play with each other. And they will have no time to cause mischief. However, if you take brothers and sisters from the same litter, you may have problems getting used to the new owner. As a result, you may end up with a pair of feral kittens that stay together all the time. And it will be almost impossible to educate them. If you really want to have several animals, then first deal with one. And then find him a friend. This usually takes about a year. And the second kitten will follow the example of the first one you raised.

Allow you to sleep on your own bed

Do you allow me to sleep on the bed with you? That's it, your authority will be lost. The fact is that the greatest concentration of your smell accumulates in your sleeping area. And if the animal lies with you, then it equates itself to you - to the leader. If you drive away the cat, then you leave leadership to yourself. Be firm and consistent. If you give in at least once and allow him to lie with you, then your next attempt to drive the cat away will be perceived as an insult. This may be followed by aggression and disobedience. But the only cat that claims to be the leader is the one that brazenly tries to climb into your bed every time. If the animal went to sleep in another place, and you called it to your place, then no castling is planned. But still try to be consistent in raising a kitten.

Excessive cruelty should not be present in education

Yes, you need to punish the kitten for its pranks and misdeeds, but don’t beat it or yell at it. Cats are quite vindictive animals. And if you treat an animal too harshly from childhood, you can raise an aggressive cat.

Don't let your kitten steal food

There is a bowl, let him eat from it. Otherwise, someday you will find a fish head or something like that on your bed.

Take time for your little purr

From lack of attention, the kitten becomes wild, takes offense at you, and stops listening. And in order to attract your attention, he may deliberately do mischief. Don't be intrusive. The animal itself will let you know when it wants to run, play or sit in your arms.

In this article we will talk about how to properly raise a kitten so that a well-mannered and docile cat will grow from a cute baby.

It should be said right away that along with proper care, a kitten simply needs good upbringing. If good care allows you to ensure good health through proper nutrition, hygiene and creating all the necessary conditions for a full life for an animal, then education plays a key role in how comfortable and harmonious your life together with your pet will be.

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Games with a kitten

Be sure to play with the kitten. Friendships are established in the game. Do not use your arms and legs to play, otherwise, as an adult pet matures, it will painfully dig into your body, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations.

To play, use special toys, these can be balls, fluffy balls, mice, etc. The main thing is that the toy is made of safe materials and does not have small parts that a kitten can swallow.

Do not let the kitten climb on you, catching your clothes and scratching you; as an adult, you will no longer wean your pet from ruining your things.

Don't forget about care!

Accustom your kitten to hygienic grooming procedures. Brush your kitten every day. This is not very pleasant for the cat, but it is good for the fur, so let the baby get used to brushing from childhood.

Clean your ears and eyes, trim your claws.

The sooner you teach your kitten to bathe, the easier this procedure will be later.

There is dry cleaning in the form of aerosols that are sprayed onto the coat and combed out along with the dirt. It is advisable to carry out water procedures no more often than once every two months.

You need to bathe your kitten using special shampoos that match the type of coat. The pet store will advise you and help you choose the right shampoo.

Of course, bathing is stressful. Do not scream or hit the kitten if it struggles. Choose a comfortable water temperature for the kitten, which will be closer to the kitten’s body temperature, about 38-39°C. Affection and kind words will help the kitten relax. Bathe the kitten in a basin; it is better not to use a shower head, this may frighten him. In another basin, wash off the shampoo.

It is better to dilute the shampoo with a little water in advance, so it will lather faster and easier. Soapy water should not get into the kitten's ears, mouth, eyes and nose. Leave your head dry; you will wipe it with a wet palm towards the end of the bath.

After washing, wrap the kitten in a large towel and dry it with a hairdryer set on a low setting so as not to burn or scare the kitten.

Caress the kitten, this will calm him down and bring a lot of pleasant emotions, and will also establish a trusting relationship between you.

If we define raising a kitten one principle, then it consists in one thing: do not allow the kitten to do those things that you would not want your pet to do as an adult.

Grow up kittens, care and education must change, but your love and patience must remain unchanged. If you want a soft, affectionate and obedient pet, then raise him with affection and love!

Love animals, let this feeling decorate your life!

Raising a kitten should be done from the very first day of its stay in the house. However, you need to act correctly so as not to intimidate or anger your pet. Let's find out how to raise a kitten so that its relationship with its owners is friendly and harmonious.

The main task in raising a kitten is to find a balance between demandingness and respect for the pet’s personal space. It must be taken into account that the hierarchy of domestic cats is more complex and subtle than that of lions and, even more so, that of dogs. Animals that are in frequent contact (for example, in the yard) still catch mice alone, and this eliminates the emergence of the “vertical of power” necessary for successful hunting in a pack. Accordingly, it is useless to raise a kitten using the “dog” method, positioning yourself as a leader.

The main secret in raising cats is that they must understand which behavior is beneficial for them and which is not: the right actions should be encouraged, dirty tricks should be suppressed, but without rudeness and humiliation.

It is important to devote enough time to the animal: even an initially affectionate and trouble-free kitten, left to its own devices, quickly becomes wild. To raise a pet tame, you need to play with it more often, talk to it, and not show indifference when the animal wants to be petted. But at the same time, you shouldn’t impose yourself, if the cat wants to be alone, this will only cause hostility.

Another important point is the inviolability of the place to rest. Felines have the concept of a “territory core,” in which the individual is the absolute master and should feel completely safe. For pets, this “center” is usually their house or favorite lounger. Forcibly removing an animal from its shelter will make it unbalanced or aggressive.

You need to accustom your pet to the tray from the first day of living in the house. Place your baby there immediately after eating or waking up. If the kitten manages to shit in another place, wipe off any traces of his activity with a rag and put it in the tray, and carefully disinfect the place of the “crime” so that there is no smell left there. You can spray the tray with a special spray with pheromones.

It is more difficult to re-educate an animal with an already formed character, but it is also quite possible. First of all, you need to understand why exactly the cat is behaving badly.

A pet may act out because at one time he was indulged too much or was not given attention. In this case, use the same strategy as in raising a kitten: reward correct behavior and scold for unacceptable behavior. Sprays containing unpleasant odors for cats, such as citrus fruits, will help scare your pet away from places where they are not allowed.

An animal may be intimidated or aggressive if it has been abused by previous owners. In this case, you need to behave towards the pet as gently as possible and reduce punishment to a minimum. As with a kitten, avoid stress such as noisy guests or loud music. In difficult cases, it makes sense to contact a zoopsychologist.

When choosing cats, people most often choose kittens rather than adult animals. It’s so nice to take part in raising a child, to see how he grows. Of course, no one remains indifferent when looking at the little pranks and behavior of furry pets. However, here lies the most important mistake of owners - the wrong attitude and education of cats. You cannot assume that an animal's character will improve with age and that it will not be aggressive or ill-mannered. We’ll look at how to raise a kitten correctly in this article.


Basic rules of education

The basis of proper upbringing of kittens lies in understanding the psychology and worldview of the animal. You cannot apply any rules of the human “world” to cats. They see this world differently, according to their own concepts and principles. To gain the kitten's trust and respect, it is important to take into account the animal's natural needs and inclinations. Therefore, any caring owner will not only read literature about the character of cats, but will also try to study the individual characteristics of their pet.

Perhaps the most important rule in raising a kitten is to take into account the freedom-loving nature of these pets. Not all cats are ready and able to show boundless love and devotion to their owners. This is not a dog that, when you come home, will jump for joy and try to lick you from head to toe. The most a cat can do is a friendly “meow” while looking at the refrigerator. But this does not mean that cats are allowed everything; they also need to be educated so that living together brings joy to both you and the animal.

Raising cats, as well as proper care, depends entirely on the owner.

Innate selfishness and practicality

So, all cats, without exception, are characterized by innate selfishness. What does it mean? First of all, when raising an animal, one must not touch the animal’s pride; it must not be insulted or humiliated. In this case, the animal will become withdrawn and aggressive. It is important for an understanding owner to preserve the cat’s self-esteem in any situation.

On the other hand, cats are very practical; they will never do anything that is unprofitable or useless for them. Therefore, in order to force a pet to stop some action or wean it from something, you must first prove its impracticality. First you need to show that doing something different instead of the previous action is much better and more enjoyable.

With the right approach, cats can become devoted and loving pets, giving their love and affection to humans.

So, cats are wayward and selfish animals, so you can’t do without the right approach and education. The following rules will help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Raising a kitten should begin from the very first day of living together;
  • on the very first day, show the animal that you are the boss in the house, and that certain rules must be followed here. Don't follow your pet's lead;
  • an animal cannot be beaten or scolded loudly - this is a taboo;
  • the kitten should not be afraid of you, fear will not get you far;
  • You cannot humiliate a cat, for example, by poking his nose into a puddle or picking him up by the scruff of the neck. All this causes a feeling of resentment, so in the future the pet may take revenge on you;
  • where a dog will endure and bow its head, a cat will not;
  • affection and kindness are the key to success;
  • cats sense your emotions, tone and voice well, so you don’t have to scream to point out a mistake to the animal. It is necessary to use strict but clear commands “No!”, “No!”, “Scram!”;
  • cats are capable of learning, but it takes time and patience.

Sins of upbringing and how can you correct them?

But what should you do if you came across our article after you adopted a kitten or you were not the one raising the cat? It doesn’t matter, because even mistakes and some flaws can be tried to be eliminated. This will be more difficult than initially teaching a kitten your rules and laws, but it is still possible. Let's look at the most common mistakes that were made in caring for a pet.

Wrong toilet

It often happens that a kitten starts going to the toilet in the wrong place. Often such a place can be a sofa or, much worse, your bed. What to do? First of all, you should not try to scold or beat the animal, this will be of little use. Most likely, in childhood the kitten had the opportunity to relieve itself in the bed and the wrong reaction followed.

Firstly, when a kitten appears in the house, you should not immediately take it into your bed, onto the sofa, etc. Give the baby a place, highlight a tray, show his territory. Let him not be present on your bed until he learns the rules of hygiene. Secondly, it is important to choose the right place. If the kitten does not want to go to the tray, but constantly chooses another place, put the tray there.

Gnawing or tearing things, curtains, bedspreads

Having noticed the slightest interest of a kitten in furniture or home textiles, one should not allow this habit to develop. To do this, it is best to use a regular water spray. Cats really don’t like water, and such a surprise will help to quickly and effectively wean them from harmful actions. At the same time, it is important to keep an eye on the miscreant and always prevent even the slightest intentions of approaching the curtains.

Sharpens claws on furniture

Yes, this problem is familiar to many. In this case, both your new sofa and the walls in the corridor can become a sharpening machine. Most often, cats leave their marks in this way; it is an instinct. The best way to get rid of this is to place several scratching posts in the house and immediately accustom the animal to them. Also, trim your cat’s claws in a timely manner so that the cat does not have the desire to do manicure and nail care on his own.

Scratching and biting

You need to wean yourself from this habit from childhood. When playing, do not use your hands and fingers, but purchase special toys. If during play the kitten bites and scratches you, then he will do the same at a conscious age. If such actions do not help, then during a bad habit you can lightly flick the baby on the nose. This is what a mother cat does if she wants to punish her child.

Marks corners

Males often have this problem. Of course, it greatly complicates the care and relationship with the animal. But don't worry. Try spraying the marks with a strong scent. For example, citrus essential oil, which will definitely discourage the prankster.

Features of care and education by month

AgeFeatures of developmentCare and education
1 WeekThe kitten still hears and sees almost nothing, and is helpless.It is necessary to take the baby in your arms and accustom him to the touch of not only the mother, but also the person.
2-3 weekEyes open, hearing appears. The kitten becomes interested in the world, he studies and learns everything.Accustom to voice, name, time and daily routine. Also take in your arms, show the world.
4-5 weekMotor skills develop, teeth growIt is important to train him to the tray, play a lot, give him a lot of toys, as he will chew them.
1.5 monthsThe pet's character is being formedEstablish clear rules in the house, show who is boss, accustom him to a place to sleep and play.
2 monthsPrimary socialization occursIt is advisable that the kitten still grows up with its brothers and sisters, and not be given into the wrong hands, so as not to cause severe fear.
3-4 monthsThe kitten becomes completely independent and switches to regular food. Molars are being cut.Trim nails and increase grooming. It is necessary to accustom him to a scratching post, to play and talk a lot.
5-6 monthsPuberty begins and the kitten can hone its hunting skills.If you are not planning on breeding, to avoid problems with territory markings, it is better to castrate the male. This will also simplify general care.

Video “Education in secret by Yu. Kuklachev”

In this video you can learn the secrets of caring for and raising these predators from their greatest trainer, Yuri Kuklachev.

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There are no bad cats, although some nuances of upbringing can spoil your pet’s temperament. In order to raise an adequate and calm pet from a baby, it is worth taking into account the fact that at an early age kittens are very susceptible to everything that surrounds them. That is why the process of raising tailed lumps is compared to the formation of character in a child. How to raise a kitten at home, what care should be in the first month - we will find out in detail.

It is necessary to teach a cat good manners immediately after entering the house. In the process of raising her, it is advisable to take into account not only general recommendations, but also the individual character traits of the new family member. You need to understand your pet’s worldview, remember its habits and preferences. In the future, when raising a cat, rely on such moments.

A cat, no matter how devotedly and reverently it treats its owners, is still a freedom-loving creature. That is why it is important to give her free rein. At the same time, try to stick to the golden mean. In this case, it will be comfortable for both you and the new tenant.

The little kitten loves to be cuddled, but can also be mischievous. That is why it is recommended to take up his full education in a timely manner. Among the basic principles to rely on are the following:

  1. Cats are characterized by pride and self-esteem. During the training process, do not humiliate or insult the animal under any circumstances, otherwise you risk raising a withdrawn or aggressive pet.
  2. The practicality of the cat should also be taken into account. The favorite will never do anything if she does not see it as beneficial for herself.
  3. You should also not give in too much to the cat. If you don’t show in time who’s boss, the mustache will feel “power”.
  4. You cannot shout at a kitten, hit it or frighten it with various actions for the purpose of education.

Raising domestic cats will be effective if you use affection and kindness. Say any commands or instructions calmly and clearly. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to explain to your four-legged friend more than once what is good and what is bad.

Your tame cat should sleep in a specially designated place for him, and not on the owner’s bed. Otherwise, he will soon behave with you on an equal footing.

Another key point is attention. Kittens often suffer because their owners spend too little time with them. Meanwhile, playing with a fluffy ball and stroking it is one of the stages of education.

Video “How to raise a kitten”

From this video you will learn how to properly raise a kitten.

How to make contact

To properly raise a kitten, you need to be able to establish contact with it. As a rule, small tailed creatures are not afraid of people, and boldly meet guests. But there are exceptions.

When you first interact with a new pet, don't rush. The cat itself must express a desire to get closer to you. That is why you should only pet an animal if you see that the cat does not perceive it as a threat. Extend your hand forward and let the cat sniff it.

If everything is fine, and the kitten is already starting to rub against you, you can safely stroke it and pick it up. In the future, it will be possible to establish contact through various games.

Cleanliness rules

As soon as the fluffy one has appeared in your home, you need to show its sleeping place, feeding and water containers, as well as a tray. It is recommended to accustom your baby to hygiene from the first day. 10-15 minutes after eating, put it in a pot. If he relieves himself in the right place, do not rush to change the filler. Let the smell remain there for some time, which will remind you how to use the tray for its intended purpose.

There are often cases when kids are so stressed due to a change in environment that they urinate all over the apartment. In this case, be patient and constantly remind the cat why he needs the toilet.

If you are going to bathe your pet, it is better to carry out the first bath procedures as early as possible so that the kitten gets used to it faster.

Adequate methods of punishment

Usually small kittens are not punished. The optimal solution is to ignore the pet, turn away from it, and become demonstrably offended. Let the animal understand that it has done something wrong and be the first to reconcile.

If you punish your pet, it is advisable to use noise. As soon as your tailed baby starts scratching furniture or carpets, clap your hands and then lightly spank the cat with a rolled-up newspaper. Next time he will stop mischief if he hears a bang.

Features of re-education

If your cat’s behavior is not the calmest or you picked up a pet on the street, correcting the flaws in upbringing will be more difficult than forming habits in a purebred kitten. Such naughty people can shit in corners, scratch furniture, tear curtains, and do other dirty tricks.

When such a problem arises, do not hit or scold your cat. Be patient and properly wean your pet from his favorite activities. If the cat tears the curtains and scratches the chair, use a spray bottle of water. Every time the cat tries to do another dirty trick, spray it with a spray bottle.

You should understand: it is possible to re-educate a kitten and form a pliable, affectionate character in it. The main thing is not to offend or humiliate your pet.