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How to raise a reliable friend from a cocker spaniel puppy. English Cocker Spaniel dog: how to raise an affectionate companion from an “agile hunter” About the history of the appearance of the Cocker Spaniel breed

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel is not particularly difficult. Compliance with the rules of keeping and feeding will help the dog maintain health and remain in excellent physical shape throughout its life. The American Cocker Spaniel has a balanced character. He is characterized by a loyal, good-natured attitude towards strangers. The English Cocker Spaniel, when compared with the American Cocker Spaniel, is more active. Loves when people pay attention to him. More dependent on family, suffers from lack of communication.

Both the English and American Cocker Spaniels are considered toy dogs, despite their hunting origins. Life on the street, as well as keeping them in an enclosure or on a chain, is not for them.

Cockers love to be in the fresh air; they will like life in a rural area with a spacious local area. But even in the city, in a small city apartment, a cocker will feel great, you just need to devote more time for walks.

To care for a cocker spaniel, you do not need to be a specialist; the breed is unpretentious.

When living in a private house, you can equip an insulated booth outside: the spaniel will feel comfortable in the fresh air in the warm season. The kennel is installed in a dry, well-lit place. A booth with a sloping roof is preferable. This will prevent water from flowing into the dog’s home. The outdoor lounger for the booth is made of straw, changed as needed.

Care and maintenance in the apartment are simple. The place for the cocker is chosen closer to the owner. A special pet bed is placed in a place where there are no drafts or dampness. It is advisable that from his place the dog can view the maximum area of ​​the room. You need to accustom your puppy to its place from the first days of its stay in the house. Initially, the baby will ask to go to the owner’s bed, but you need to show restraint and character so that the puppy immediately learns who is boss in the house.

A cocker spaniel bed made from an old basket with a blanket placed in it will be a good option for the first days. Later, when the dog grows up, you can purchase a special bed at pet stores for the cocker to sleep and rest.


The English Cocker Spaniel, like its American counterpart, loves long walks and is happy to run in any weather.

An adult cocker needs to be walked twice a day for one and a half to two hours.

But you shouldn’t be outside in rainy weather for more than half an hour. For walking you will need a long leash with a tape measure. You cannot let the dog go: a cocker can chase a cat, following its hunting instincts, and the screams of its owner will not stop it. Closed areas or enclosures are suitable for free walking.

A cocker must get used to a collar and leash from childhood. The collar for the puppy is selected so that two fingers fit between it and the baby’s neck. As it grows it changes to a larger size. A cocker collar should be wide, light and soft. Products made from textiles or soft leather are suitable. Harnesses are contraindicated for a dog of this breed.

The puppy may get tired while walking. Nothing bad will happen if the owner picks him up and carries him for some distance.

By the age of six months, cockers develop joints and skeletal bones. They are not allowed to go up and down stairs, jump over barriers or jump from heights.

It is important to remember that walking your dog in public places is only allowed with a muzzle and a short leash.


The English Cocker Spaniel, like the American Cocker, is unpretentious in food. He can eat anything. For a dog to live a long and fulfilling life, its diet must be balanced, taking into account activity.

Feeding the puppy

Feeding at a certain time and in a strictly designated place will help accustom the dog to a routine and order. Until the age of two months, the baby is fed six times a day. From two to four months, the number of feedings is four to five times. By six months, a grown puppy can be fed three to four times. By the age of ten months, the pet is transferred to two meals a day. And this regime remains constant.

Feeding an adult dog

There is an opinion among some breeders that an adult cocker can be fed once a day. It is worth disproving such a theory. It is better to divide the dog’s diet into two equal portions and feed it in the morning and evening, with an equal time interval. With this scheme, nutrients enter the body evenly.

Cockers are prone to gluttony. Appetite must be controlled.


To keep your dog clean, it is not necessary to bathe it every time it gets dirty. It is enough to brush regularly with a soft brush. If you bathe frequently using detergents, your dog may experience itchy skin and flaking. Shampoo and soap destroy the fat layer, which naturally protects the skin from dirt and moisture. This is especially true for puppies under six months of age.

You can bathe your puppy using homemade shampoo, consisting of kefir or curdled milk, egg yolk and warm water. This composition will not damage the protective layer. If the pet is dirty and the dirt cannot be washed off with a home remedy, then shampoo for long-haired dogs is used. It is diluted with warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

Paws and ears are washed every time you return to the house. The puppy must be taught this procedure from an early age.


The Cocker's luxurious coat requires careful attention. Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel is easier than caring for an American Cocker. The Englishman's coat is not as thick as the American's. Therefore, the haircut of an English cocker will be different from that of an American. Otherwise the differences are unnoticeable. How to care for the coat: on your own or with the help of a groomer, depends on the skills of the owner. For a beginner, it is better to go through the first care activities in a salon. Subsequent manipulations can be performed independently, having an idea of ​​​​proper care.

Grooming includes the following:

  • Combing and combing.
  • Timely haircut.
  • Trimming as needed.

A haircut

Basic standards for cutting a spaniel in a comparative table.

American CockerEnglish cocker
HeadShort shaved hair on the skull and upper neck. The upper third of the ear and cheeks are also shaved, as is part of the muzzle around the eyes.Short-cropped coat, no bangs.
TorsoThe fur on the back is cut as short as possible and all undercoat is removed. The upper part of the neck and back is stripped. A machine is used to trim the tail.In the chest area the fur is cut short; a triangular area above the chest is left untouched; wool is trimmed on the croup; the area around the anus is cut very short in the shape of a quadrangle.
LegsLimbs are not subject to haircuts. Only the paw pads are trimmed.On the front legs, the hair on the front and sides is cut short, leaving long hair on the back. Hindquarters: The upper thigh remains covered with long hair. From the hock to the paw, the coat is cut as short as possible.


A cocker needs to be brushed daily. After all, not only the appearance of the dog depends on how to care for the coat. When combing, dead hairs are removed, the skin receives a kind of massage, blood circulation improves, and metabolism accelerates. It is necessary to accustom a dog to a comb from puppyhood, then this procedure will bring pleasure to both the owner and the pet.

Ear care

Spaniel ears require special care. Long ears are poorly ventilated and are therefore susceptible to fungal diseases and inflammatory processes. It is necessary to clean the ears from wax and dirt once every 2-3 days, using a damp cotton swab. Clean the outer part of the ear canal. You can’t go deep inside - you can damage the cocker’s delicate ear.

In spring and summer, the main problem is ticks. If your pet behaves restlessly, shakes its head, or tries to scratch its ears with its paws, it means there is a tick there.

Daily inspection of the inner and outer parts of the ear is necessary.

The long ears of the Cocker Spaniel collect all debris, especially burrs. If there is a walk in the forest, the dog is given a special cap for the spaniel ears. This will make grooming easier.

Dental care

To accustom a puppy to examining and brushing his teeth from an early age, he is taught the “Show your teeth” command. This will come in handy when the dog begins to participate in exhibitions, because a dental examination is a necessary item.

Dental care is carried out regularly once a week, starting from the age of six months, after the complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.

To do this, use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs to clean the teeth with gentle movements. Soft plaque can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in water. Hard plaque, tartar, is difficult to remove on your own. To carry out this procedure, contact a veterinarian. The formation of tartar is dangerous because it can cause inflammatory gum disease.

As a natural way to clean the teeth, the spaniel is offered to gnaw on large bones and cartilage. Caring for and maintaining healthy teeth is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of your pet.

Eye care

Daily care involves cleaning the inner corner of the eyes from dried crusts. Using a slightly damp cotton pad, wipe the eyes with light movements in the direction from the outer to the inner corner. To clean the second eye, take a new disc.

Nail care

If the dog is often outdoors, then grinding of the claws occurs naturally. No special care is required. If the pet spends its entire life indoors, then the grown claws are shortened using a nail clipper or special forceps. A claw that is too long can cause anxiety for your pet.

Puppy care

Features of maintenance and care include teaching your four-legged friend the basics of training and education. Classes should be regular, timely, and take place in a playful environment. Caring for and raising a puppy is long and painstaking work. The owner's tolerance and personal contact contribute to rapid success in practicing and consolidating skills.

Toilet training

One of the problems that the owner faces with the appearance of a pet is how to accustom the puppy to fulfill its natural needs. At first, while the cocker is small and there are no scheduled vaccinations, going outside is prohibited. Toilet training a spaniel is not difficult.

Having discovered the area where the dog most often does his dirty deeds, the area is covered with newspapers or a disposable medical diaper. These porous materials will quickly absorb dirt. If you notice that the puppy begins to sniff and behave restlessly, you should take the baby to this place. Not everything will work out the first time; most likely, the puppy will want to run away. At this moment, it is worth being persistent and making sure that he recovers in the right place.

A small cocker will quickly get used to a diaper if you take him to the toilet after eating and sleeping. Be sure to praise the puppy after he has returned to the right place.

A spaniel puppy at the age of 3 months can already go outside for walks. It happens that, having gotten used to the diaper, the dog does not want to recover on the street. In this case, you need to take the soiled newspapers outside, thus making it clear what the cocker should do.

Cockers are quite clean animals. There should be no difficulties in toilet training a spaniel. An exception may be an emotionally unbalanced dog. He is able to urinate out of fear or out of joy. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering the owner’s attitude towards the dog: if abused, the dog can do its dirty deeds to spite the person.

Leash training

Another significant point in training and care is how to teach a cocker to walk on a leash. The breed is characterized by increased activity, and an adult dog that does not know how to walk on a leash can cause many unpleasant moments for the owner in the future. Before going outside, the command “Walk!” is given in a voice, then a leash is fastened.

You should not allow your puppy to chew on the leash or use it for play. If the puppy resists walking on a leash, you should attract his attention with a treat, forcing him to move in the right direction.

After the walk, the leash is unfastened, and the collar remains on the neck. Be sure to reward with a treat after a successful walk.

Puppy training

The peculiarities of training a cocker puppy include feasible loads. The baby is constantly on the move and finds it difficult to sit still for a long time. The educational process takes place for the spaniel in a playful way, and for a short time.

Physical punishment is strictly prohibited. Cockers are touchy by nature.

The pet does not follow the command not because it does not want to, but because it cannot understand what is wanted from it. The method of rewarding a correctly executed command with a treat will speed up the learning process.


Having mandatory routine vaccinations will protect your pet from deadly diseases such as plague and rabies.

A cocker spaniel must be treated for worms at 2 months of age. Repeated procedures are carried out at 3, 6 and 12 months.

Every three months, cockers are given courses of vitamins for dog fur. The composition must contain phosphorus, calcium, and fluorine.

Caring for an Elderly Cocker

The average lifespan of cockers is 11-12 years. By the age of 9, animals’ vision deteriorates and their hearing decreases. The elasticity of the ligaments is no longer the same as in a young animal, the bones become fragile. Walks become more relaxed. The owner may have to lift the dog in his arms to climb flights of stairs. After all, such a task becomes difficult for an aging dog.

To maintain the vital functions of the pet, multivitamin complexes are used for aging dogs. The diet is also subject to revision. It is recommended to purchase food for older animals.

Knowledge of how to care for an American or English cocker will help you raise a healthy and active pet that will delight its owner.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a popular breed of hunting dog that is often used in bird hunting. They are smart, kind, very active, and make excellent companions. Dogs of this breed require special care due to their tendency to certain diseases, so before purchasing a pet you should carefully read the recommendations.

Origin of English Cockers

The ancestors of dogs of this British breed are considered to be the so-called “ashy” dogs, which lived back in the Bronze Age. These miniature animals got their name from the frequent discovery of their remains in ash, although the exact reasons for this phenomenon remain unknown. Even at that time, dogs were known as human helpers and participated in hunting.

The ancestors of spaniels lived in Spain. It was from there that they were brought to England. According to another version, the origin of dogs is connected with North Africa, from where the animals came straight to English lands. In any case, there were enough breeders among the English, and by the end of the 19th century the first club of the new breed had already appeared. From England, dogs came to the American continent, where new breeds of spaniels were developed from the “English”.

The word "cocker" translated from English means "woodcock". It was for hunting these birds that English spaniels were bought. Now dogs are used to catch ducks, many other game, and small animals. The exact standard (description) of the breed was developed only in the last century; now dogs are bred according to the same criteria.

Characteristics of dogs

There are two main varieties of the breed according to their purpose - exhibition and hunting. Dogs also differ in the place where the breed originated: among English spaniels, experienced breeders distinguish such species as the English toy spaniel, Clumber spaniel, and some others.

Which dog is suitable for hunting? Initially, all English cockers were positioned as hunting dogs, but later breeders began to breed show dogs with longer hair, ears, and a tail docked to 10 cm. The characteristics of hunting dogs are different:

  • color – white, beige, other light (they are clearly visible in the grass);
  • tail docking – up to 13 cm.

As for other colors of the breed, which are more recommended for life as a companion or for exhibitions, there are chocolate, brown, golden, tan (with tan marks). Other colors are also common - red, black. In the area of ​​the chest and legs, the coloring can be spotted, black and white, or more original shades are possible.

Dog breed standards

What does an English spaniel look like? From the video and photo, one can note its visual attractiveness. The dog is not dwarf, but still small, muscular and squat. Characteristics of the main breed standards:

  1. Weight. Adult males and females weigh 13.5-15 kg. Puppies at one month of age weigh 1.5 kg, at 2 months - up to 2.5 kg.
  2. Height. At the withers, the size of a male is 39-41 cm, that of a female is 37-39 cm. The height from the withers to the ground is approximately equal to the height from the base of the tail to the withers.
  3. Wool. Long, silky, without curls, slightly curly. The undercoat hair is well defined. On the head the hair is small and thin, on the body it is much longer, but does not interfere with hunting. Cutting is recommended to emphasize natural lines.
  4. Head. Slightly flattened, massive, but proportional to the body, with a pronounced muzzle, a strong scissor bite, sitting on a strong neck. The cheeks do not protrude.
  5. Paws. Straight, strong, covered with thick fur.
  6. Ears. The shells are long, hanging, close to the skull at the base, and covered with silky hair.
  7. Nose. The nose is wide, the nostrils are well open.
  8. Eyes. Large, non-convex, color – brown, dark brown. The look is attentive and lively.
  9. Breast. Developed, moderately wide.
  10. Movements. A wide, confident step.
  11. Lifespan. English cockers live 13-16 years.
  12. Character. They are sociable, friendly, energetic, and easy to train. They are active when hunting, the instinct is noticeable by the strong wagging of the tail, especially when chasing game.
  13. Mind. Dogs understand many commands and are easy to train.

Among the pros and cons of the breed, it is necessary to point out the low protective potential of the dog, but it will become an excellent hunter and human friend.

The difference between the English Cocker Spaniel and the American

There are many similarities between these dog breeds, because they have common ancient “parents”. Until the middle of the last century, breeds were not separated everywhere, but later the differences were recorded in official documents. Here are the main differences between dogs:

  1. The American is more decorative, more beautiful, the Englishman is more like a working dog. The fur of the latter is not so luxurious, there are no pendants reminiscent of a dress.
  2. Dogs' heads also vary. In English it is smaller, in English it is larger, a little rounder.
  3. Behavior. The English Cocker loves constant movement and is an active hunter. The American is also not a homebody, but is somewhat less active.

Character of the breed

According to owners' reviews, English spaniels are playful and very responsive. They love to be close to their owner and are sociable. For families with small children, such dogs are ideal; older children will benefit from their agility for active play. As a rule, a dog chooses one family member who will forever become its favorite, and will pay a little less attention to the rest.

If a puppy is raised incorrectly, in the future he may lose his independence and ability to make decisions. Also, some dogs are stubborn, jealous, and show an excessive sense of ownership over toys and accessories. The dog is wary of strangers, although even strangers can quickly gain its trust.

Other qualities and character traits of the English Spaniel:

  • many females have a desire to take the main role in the house;
  • receptivity to affection;
  • quick forgetting of insults and punishments;
  • “weakness” for birds (you need to be careful if there are feathered pets in the apartment or on the street);
  • good appetite, but indiscriminate eating, a tendency to beg;
  • curiosity;
  • in some male dogs there is a need for a long, loud bark (you can wean it off).

In hunting, the dog is tireless, hardworking, and carefully delivers the shot game. Her energy allows her to tirelessly pursue the animal, which is facilitated by excellent vision and an excellent sense of smell. Unlike birds, which the dog loves to chase, she gets along well with cats at home, often even sleeping with them.

How to choose a puppy

You should only contact a professional breeder for purchase. He will be able to provide all documents about the origin of the puppy, his parents, their achievements, as well as health and vaccinations. Usually there are up to 5 puppies in a litter, their price is 20-30 thousand rubles. You can buy an English spaniel secondhand, without documents, for 5 thousand rubles.

To choose the right pet, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The puppy is weaned from its mother strictly after 30 days of age. If you take your dog earlier, there is a risk of immune system failure in the future.
  2. Some puppies can be aggressive and attack their brothers and sisters. You need to carefully look at the behavior of animals, and not take those that have obvious deviations. Later, anger and aggression will only intensify.
  3. There is no need to choose puppies that are too passive and behave sluggishly. There is a danger that they are sick or simply apathetic, so they are not suitable for hunting.
  4. English cocker girls are more obedient, and hunters prefer to buy them. Bitches are easier to train, they obey perfectly and remember commands.
  5. It is better not to buy an adult dog. Transfer to a new place of residence, to new people, has a bad effect on the animal’s psyche. It may never be possible to make an obedient hunter out of a dog if it has not been taken for hunting before.

Some breeders already give dog names to their entire litter. Others give the buyer the opportunity to name the dog. Popular nicknames for boys for this breed are White, Spikey, Arnie, Rocky, Oliver, Dobie, Luke, Volt, Cliff. For a girl, you can choose a name from the following list: Bonya, Dosya, Zlata, Lily, Jeta, Dolly, Alice, Gucci, Poly.

You need to bring your puppy in a carrier. The house should be prepared in advance - equip the dog with a sleeping place (basket, bedding). You also need to think in advance where he will go to the toilet, where the feeding bowl will be located. It is advisable to put on a collar right away, although many breeders practice this from the age of one week.

Correct haircut for English cockers

Since the English Cocker is not a smooth-haired dog, its grooming must be included in the owner’s plans. Typically, it is recommended to trim a pet of this breed in a natural style, as if the fur lay naturally. In fact, the process is complex; only an experienced craftsman can create such an effect by hand and with a machine.

For exhibitions, some owners prefer to trim the dog in a different way - by trimming the hair from the back. According to experts, this has a bad effect on hair growth in the future. To lay the coat evenly, it is better to comb out the excess undercoat and apply thinning. Trimming the guard hair will cause it to lie unevenly, which obviously will not bring victory at the exhibition.

Dog diet

Due to their tendency to gluttony, such dogs will have to keep the trash can tightly closed: they will find and eat any food. Animals also don’t know what to do; portions will have to be carefully limited so as not to lead to obesity. Usually dog ​​breeders immediately switch their animals to dry food. No less popular is mixed feeding - ready-made food in packs and natural food in different proportions. You can also add purchased “wet” food in mini-packages to your diet. Dry dog ​​food should contain enough protein, vitamins, minerals, as well as fats and carbohydrates. It is very convenient to take this food with you when hunting or traveling.

What to feed your dog if you choose an all-natural diet? It is important to include in the menu:

  • meat (low-fat varieties);
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • cereals;
  • occasionally – boiled fish, eggs;
  • offal;
  • dark, bran bread;
  • sour milk.

Sweets are not allowed for dogs, especially chocolate. For kids, it can actually be deadly! Pets that regularly go hunting require more energy, so food should be more nutritious. Puppies are fed 5 times a day in small portions; they are switched to adult dry food no earlier than 6 months of age. From one year on, the number of meals is equal to two. Older dogs need fewer calories or they will become obese.

It is important for your dog to eat at the same time, this will reduce the risk of indigestion and teach discipline. All spaniels are allergic, so new foods and feeds must be introduced into the diet gradually. The amount of food per day for an adult dog is up to 2 liters.

External dog grooming

You need to care for your dog carefully, paying special attention to “weak spots” - ears, eyes. To prevent long ears from getting dirty when feeding, you should buy a narrowed bowl with a stand. Clean the ears with a cotton swab or cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. If there is redness or an unpleasant odor, you should immediately take your pet to the vet! Once every two days, the ears are combed so that there are no tangles on them. If mats still appear after the hunt, they are cut off with a mat cutter.

Eyes should be washed with chamomile infusion or boiled water, or gently wiped with the same means. Claws need to be trimmed 1-2 times a month using special clippers. Before the first procedure, the dog must be calmed, otherwise it may become frightened. Teeth are cleaned with a brush or a bandage wrapped around a finger using special dog pastes.

Dog grooming and cutting

To care for your dog, you will have to buy a slicker comb for trimming, with which the animal gets rid of the shedding undercoat. You will also need 2 combs with teeth of different sizes to prevent tangles. Dry brushing of wool is done with a massage brush.

Grooming (haircut) is carried out at least once every six months or as necessary. A dog should be accustomed to grooming from an early age, but later it will be more difficult to do so. For grooming, contact only professionals. At home, you can trim the fur on the paw pads and inside the ears yourself using special scissors. After each walk or hunt, the dog’s paws are examined, all wounds are wiped with an antiseptic, and debris is cleaned out. You should not wash your dog often. She is bathed with shampoo once every 2 months, in regular water - once a month. Paws are washed additionally after walks.

Dog breeding

Breeding puppies for sale is quite difficult. First, you need to organize the mating of an English cocker, before which various tests are carried out to determine health and exclude genetic diseases. The first heat can occur in a female dog at 1-1.5 years of age, but it is recommended to breed her no earlier than 2 years of age. Usually mating is done 8-10 days after the start of estrus.

A male dog is selected in advance for mating. If he is already untied, it is advisable to look at his offspring. According to the documents, kinship between the crossed animals is probably excluded. Mating is carried out under the control of the owners, since spaniel bitches often strive to break free. It is recommended to repeat the process after 2-3 days for reliability. Pregnancy lasts up to 60-70 days. Before birth, the rectal temperature drops to 37 degrees. The first birth is usually supervised by a veterinarian, as dogs of this breed sometimes require a caesarean section.

The interval between the appearance of 1 and 2 puppies is up to 3 hours, then they come out faster. If the mother's milk supply is insufficient, the puppies are bottle-fed every 2 hours. Usually they are given to a new home from 1.5 months, when they stop sucking milk.

Diseases and treatment

At a young age, dogs usually have good immunity, but later they become susceptible to various diseases. The eyes are especially often affected. Cockers can develop glaucoma and cataracts, go blind, and experience entropion and eversion of the eyelids. When overeating, dogs tend to:

  • to liver inflammation;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • lipoma;
  • obesity.

The ears are also susceptible to diseases: otitis media and deafness may develop. Papillomas and even cancerous tumors – melanomas – are found on the skin of dogs. Dogs also often suffer from damage to the intervertebral discs. To avoid such problems, you need to undergo regular checkups with a veterinarian, take vitamins and medications if necessary, and sometimes even undergo surgery.

Raising and training dogs

The English Cocker is a smart dog, and thanks to this intelligence it is easy to train. Usually, until the age of three months, it is not recommended to apply too harsh measures to the dog, otherwise its psyche will suffer. During this period, the dog should not listen to too many different commands.

Then more active activities begin. At first, dogs are taught only simple commands that they remember quickly. Be sure to let them get used to the fact that the head of the house is the owner. When weakened, the dog quickly becomes stubborn and strives to dominate. On the contrary, rudeness and aggression traumatize the animal. A reasonable combination of rigor and praise, encouragement for correctly performed exercises, is enough.

It is better to socialize the dog from an early stage, then it will not attack cats, other pets, or people. It is worth training a cocker to hunt game from the age of 7-8 months. The easiest way is to contact a dog handler, after which the dog will easily pick up the trail, look for the bird, and flush it out correctly.

Physical activity for dogs

Puppies and adult animals need to be allowed to run, play, and frolic regularly - they are unable to simply sit at home. If you rarely walk your dog, it will become sick and suffer from obesity. The ideal option is to walk up to 2-3 hours a day.

The activity of the English Spaniel gives him the opportunity to participate in various types of dog sports - agility, frisbee, flyball. Athletes can jog with their pet. In summer, the dog should be allowed to swim in ponds; the cocker is an excellent swimmer. Hunting will also be a good way to exercise. It is only important to control the dog’s movements: it can get carried away and confuse serious actions with play. But after proper training, an English spaniel will quickly find game, track it and scare it at its owner, which will greatly simplify hunting.

When purchasing a new family member, the happy owner asks many questions.

What care will be correct? What to feed your pet? What diseases might he develop? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are small, funny and very interesting. But at the same time they have enormous potential.

Very often, future owners fall in love with one at first sight. An inimitable look, funny “pants”, a wagging tail and selfless goodwill attract you.

But you should not assume that representatives of this breed are peaceful in everything; if necessary, they will be able to fearlessly protect their family.

It should be noted that some puppies become overly dependent on their owners, so you need to teach your pet to be independent in time.

English cocker spaniels try to please their owner, because of this, they quickly and easily learn everything new.

True, some of these four-legged animals are prone to frequent, loud and not always justified barking, which makes their maintenance somewhat more difficult.

Some pets exhibit increased stubbornness and possessiveness, especially with their belongings.

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, and consists of following the basic rules. When purchasing a dog of this breed, the English Cocker Spaniel, people think that the puppy’s coat does not require special care. In vain.

By the time the dog grows up, his fur will be very difficult to manage. In addition, a dog that has not been accustomed to this kind of process from a very young age will resist when it becomes an adult, causing a lot of trouble for its owner.

At any age, it is necessary to comb at least three times a week. Various coarse brushes and combs are used for this.


Your Cocker Spaniel should be washed regularly, every month. They bathe dogs using various products for dogs with long hair.

Special conditioners heal hair and have an antistatic effect.

After bathing, cover the dog with a large towel and soak up excess moisture. After which, proceed directly to drying, using a hair dryer and brushes.


Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel is best left to an experienced groomer. Each dog has its own original proportions, and a poor-quality haircut will change the appearance of the pet beyond recognition.

The specialist knows where it is better to focus attention, and where, on the contrary, to hide shortcomings. Ideally, after this, the cocker spaniel will look beautiful and natural, as if no complex procedures were performed on it.

Nail care

The animal's claws must be trimmed regularly as they grow. For this procedure, special nail clippers are purchased.

Dental care

Tartar periodically appears on your dog's teeth. Because of it, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, and over time, tooth decay may begin. You can get rid of this problem with the help of special means, or by contacting a veterinary clinic.

In the first days of the puppy's arrival in the house, you should not leave him alone. Don't forget that the Cocker Spaniel is a domestic dog, despite its hunting instinct.

At home, you should not tie your dog. An English Cocker Spaniel, of any age, needs to exercise a lot in order for its skeleton and muscles to develop properly.

Prepare in advance a place where the puppy will sleep. Representatives of this breed are very gentle, sociable and love direct contact with the owner, so they always try to lie down next to them on the sofa, but you should not spoil your pet too much.

The place should be located away from drafts and prying eyes. It is best if it is a bright and warm part of the room.

Try to make sure that the pets can see their owners from their place. The material for the “crib” can be a children’s mattress; it can be covered with any natural fabric.

English Cocker Spaniels have an excellent appetite, they are in constant motion and require sufficient, high-calorie food.

Meat products are used: beef, horse meat, chicken, liver. The main rule is not to feed your dog raw meat products.

Fish and vegetables. The fish is given cleaned of large bones, and the vegetables are pre-grated.

Also, for proper development, your four-legged friend must be fed with various cereals. Don’t forget about the vitamin and mineral complexes developed for dogs, especially during the growth period.


When an animal is properly cared for, it rarely gets sick, but even if all the rules of keeping are followed, health problems may arise.

Common diseases:

  • otitis;
  • distichiasis;
  • discopathy;
  • cherry eye;
  • entropion;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atopy;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • lipoma;
  • melanoma;
  • hepatitis.

In addition, dogs can suffer from demodicosis, deafness, dwarfism, and skin cancer.

Photo gallery

Let's look at photos of the English Cocker Spaniel, which gets along well with children and is friendly towards strangers. Despite the fact that he is a born hunter, he is good with other household inhabitants.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

Do you dream of a dog – a positive generator? Don’t like to walk with a calm dog, but give you a bright, active pastime with “hunting” and “attacking” pigeons and crows? Do you simply need an English lord in dog form in your home? The English Cocker Spaniel is definitely your dog!

Many people think that the word “spaniel” in the name of the breed indicates Spanish origin. This time their logic fails. The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed from Foggy Albion, it began to be artificially bred there in 1879.

Interesting! The name of the breed consists of two words: “cocker” - from the English “woodcock" - woodcock. It was this feathered game that the first representatives of the breed hunted. The meaning of the word "spaniel" is shrouded in speculation. One opinion: it comes from the Phoenician "Spani» - rabbit, long-eared dog. This hypothesis is put forward by adherents of the version that the ancestors of English cocker spaniels were brought by the Phoenicians in ancient times.

The breed belongs to the 8th group according to the ICF classification, to the “Spaniels” section. Following the recognition of the breed in 1902, standards for conformation and behavior were established.

English Cocker Spaniels were bred in England. The main purpose of the bred dogs was to hunt game birds: they flushed, found and brought birds. The first representatives of the breed were distinguished by their larger size, until they were crossed with Japanese spaniels brought as a gift to the Queen of England. As a result of this mixing, dogs were obtained that differed from other spaniels not only in their smaller stature, but also in color. Chestnut-red spots on a white background, or Blenheim, are a distinctive feature of all spaniels.

Who were the distant ancestors of the English Cocker Spaniel? It is believed that the ancestors of the breed are squat and long-haired bird dogs, which were used in hunting back in Ancient Greece. From there they entered Iberia, the territory of the Iberian Peninsula. Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of Iberia, like the ancient Greeks, kept bird hounds, fold-eared and with long hair. The dogs then spread throughout Western Europe, including England. The British paid great attention to improving the hunting characteristics of dogs. As a result of their breeding, cockers acquired the ability to work in thorn bushes, dense thickets, tall grass and began to work with their voices, i.e. warn about found game.

Characteristics, description, character

Males of the English Cocker Spaniel reach a height of 39-41 cm, and females - 38-38 cm. Their weight can fluctuate between 12.5 and 14.5 kg. Dogs live 14-16 years.

The English Cocker Spaniel, whose character fully matches his appearance, is playful, cheerful, responsive and friendly. They do well in large families and get along well with single people. Even if several people live with him, the dog will have a strong attachment to only one family member.

Sociability and friendliness towards strangers is something that is characteristic of cockers. Not being guard dogs, they are friendly even to strangers. But some dogs may be timid, shy, and have a strong attachment to their owner, when the pet is very dependent.

Even as a pet, he remains an excellent hunter, he has an excellent sense of smell and eyesight, and during walks the English Cocker Spaniel shows his partiality for crows, pigeons and other birds that come his way.

He wants to be liked by others, his constantly wagging tail indicates that he is happy from being in his favorite environment. The Cocker Spaniel is smart, easy to train, and has no equal in games where you need to search and fetch. His passion is field hunting.

If you have chosen a cocker spaniel as your future pet, whose character can be described as sensitive, you will have to restrain yourself from showing negative emotions, since the dog is sensitive to screaming, physical punishment should never be applied to it. Love and strict kindness is exactly how you should treat this breed.

Features of the appearance of English Cocker Spaniels:

The dog's body resembles a square, so its height at the withers is approximately equal to the length of the body. The dog has a rectangular muzzle, a wide nose, and eyes of different shades of brown. A healthy dog ​​has a cheerful, good-natured, intelligent look. The long ears are located on the sides of the head at eye level and are completely covered with long, silky hair.

The Cocker Spaniel has a strong, robust body with well-developed muscles. His movements are fast, dexterous, and swift.

The dog's coat is long and soft, it does not curl or curl. Representatives of the breed are characterized by different colors: black, spotted, chocolate, sand, fawn. If the dog has a solid color, then there should not be any markings of a different color, otherwise this is a fault.

Those who have ever interacted with a Cocker Spaniel will understand that this is the sweetest dog, which is a pleasure to have as a pet.


The English Cocker Spaniel, whose diseases can be acquired or hereditary, gets sick infrequently, as they are active, healthy dogs. Cockers have ailments:

  • psychological: hysteria, tendency to panic, aggression;
  • skin diseases: for example, asthenia, when the skin is deprived of normal elasticity, strength, sensitivity, their skin is also susceptible to infection by yeast fungi, but most often it is secondary. A dog infected with fleas tears its skin into injured areas and later Candida or Malacesia fungi colonize;
  • diseases of the organs of vision: cataract, glaucoma, cherry eye, entropion, distichiasis:
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: hip dysplasia;
  • If the ears, one of the most vulnerable parts of a dog’s body, are not properly cared for, they can develop otitis.
  • food allergy.

To prevent the occurrence of psychological and physical problems, visit your veterinarian regularly and ensure proper care and nutrition.


The English Cocker Spaniel requires careful care, especially when it comes to its coat. Hosts will need:

  • combs with frequent and rare teeth;
  • massage brushes and short-bristled brushes;
  • slicker comb;
  • scissors for trimming fur on paws and whiskers;
  • electric hair clipper.

Frequent brushing will protect the hair from tangling and will also get rid of hair in the apartment. Cockers do not shed much, but even a small amount of hair on furniture and the floor can cause inconvenience.

Other procedures for caring for an English Cocker Spaniel:

  • Cockers' ears are vulnerable, so they need to be cleaned of wax and checked for infections.
  • Brushing your teeth with a special toothbrush to prevent plaque formation.
  • Eye hygiene: wipe them with damp cotton pads.
  • Regular walks, as the cocker spaniel needs exercise like air. Moreover, just walking is not enough; the dog should be given additional exercises and games.

A balanced diet is the key to a dog’s health, activity and love of life. Cocker spaniels can sometimes be fussy when feeding, not wanting to eat healthy food, and can go hungry for up to 2 days. The main thing in such situations is not to follow your pet’s lead and stand your ground. Preferred foods for these dogs: raw beef, vegetables, milk, cereal, cheese, herring (once a week).

Education, training

If you choose an English cocker spaniel, training the pet should be subject to the rule: exclusion of any violence in the process of communication and education. What to do if there is disobedience? Experts advise using remote influence methods, for example, throwing some object towards the dog (but not at him!), spraying water from afar, making loud noise.

Patience and perseverance when raising Cocker Spaniels should be in moderation, since they are not as stubborn dogs as, for example, English Bulldogs. Cockers memorize commands on the fly, and there is no need for monotonous, repeated repetitions. The dog should not be allowed to ignore a command, otherwise situations with non-compliance with commands will be difficult to correct. When raising children, use the “carrot” method, not the “stick” method.

Food motivation is perfect for cocker spaniels; they love to eat and will gladly follow commands to get the next treat: a piece of cheese, a carrot.

Rules of behavior in the apartment should be taught from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Although the cocker is a smart dog, you should not hope that it will learn the rules and form habits on its own. Encouragement, the formation of habits during games, and civilized ways of expressing dissatisfaction can turn a puppy into a disciplined, obedient pet.

English Cocker Spaniel, training: which courses are suitable for your pet?

  1. When the puppy turns 3 months old, you can begin educational training. The course can be conducted independently or by contacting specialists. If you teach commands in an apartment, then they need to be reinforced outside.
  2. Six months is the optimal age for switching to obedience training.
  3. From 8 months you can start a course of OKD.

Training your pet, of course, will depend on the purpose for which you got it: just for keeping in an apartment or for hunting.


There are no cuter creatures than English Cocker Spaniel puppies. No one is left indifferent by the “skirt” - ears, movable tail, trusting look.

Usually puppies go to a new home at the age of 1.5 months. In the first days it is better not to leave the little cocker alone, otherwise he will be stressed. You need to lift the puppy with both hands; they are so mobile that they can break out of your hands and fall.

Puppies are inquisitive and tireless, they are champions in climbing onto a high sofa, armchairs, table, their courage knows no bounds: every now and then they strive to jump from there.

As for the rules in the house, you cannot make allowances for the fact that in front of you is a small, unintelligent creature. For puppies, the same prohibitions should apply as for an adult dog: for example, do not sleep in the owner’s bed, jump with their paws on a person, especially children, you should not be allowed to play even with old house slippers, otherwise you will wonder why the cocker disheveled your new shoes .

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are a special little world; what goes around comes around. Attention, care and love can make them loyal companions and protectors.


The English Cocker Spaniel, the price of which depends on the presence/absence of a metric, is a dog that is bred in kennels, clubs, and private breeders.

This breed is very popular, it does not require specific knowledge and is suitable for inexperienced owners. The character of cockers also played a role: everyone wants to have easy-to-train, perky, playful, inquisitive pets at home.

The price range for English Cocker Spaniel puppies is wide: dogs without documents can be bought for 2-3.5 thousand rubles, and with a metric – from 4 thousand rubles. In nurseries, as a rule, prices are more expensive, since puppies are bred there by professionals who guarantee compliance with breed standards. If you decide to buy a puppy from a nursery, be prepared to pay 6.5-10 thousand rubles for representatives of the pet class. Breed and show class dogs cost 11-15 thousand rubles and more.

Spaniels first appeared in Spain, hence the name. Like the British Beagle, the breed was bred for hunting. The dogs were then brought to England. All spaniels have floppy ears and thick, short hair. The color can be any, classic colors are red, black, chocolate.

Breed variety

All representatives of this breed are smart, loyal, sociable, and friendly. They are easy to train. There are many subspecies of spaniel. But the most common are English, American and Russian cocker spaniels.


The first Englishmen were distinguished by their larger size. They were crossed with Japanese spaniels brought as a gift to the Queen of England. The hybrid turned out to be an English Cocker Spaniel. This is an agile and hardy hunting dog with a developed sense of smell.

It differs from the American and Russian spaniels in body proportions, head size and shape. It has a dense muscular build, a short body, strong strong paws, the head is curved in front and slightly flattened. The eyes are smart and kind. Height at withers – 34–41 cm, weight – 12–16 kg.

The English Cocker has a long, silky and thick coat of various colors. She requires constant care. A purebred spaniel does not have curls, curls, or curly waves. He is friendly towards people and other dogs and loves to play with children.


The English cocker spaniel is the ancestor of the American one, they are similar in appearance. The American is inferior in size and weight to the English and Russian. Height at withers – 35–39 cm, weight – 12–14 kg. American Cockers have large, expressive eyes, a shorter muzzle and a clear transition from forehead to muzzle, hair is longer, thicker and more luxuriant, ears, belly, and chest are decorated with curls of wool.

The color is colored, black, black and tan, any other solid with or without tan. The American Cocker has developed hunting qualities, but now it is a decorative dog.


The Russian Cocker Spaniel is a cross between different types of spaniels. Soviet breeders wanted to get the most suitable dog for hunting. The Russian Spaniel's body is slightly longer than the American and English Spaniel's, and its legs are also long, which makes galloping easier in difficult places.

Height at withers – 36–44 cm, weight – 13–18 kg. The head is light, slightly convex at the sides, the profile is almost rectangular, and the upper lip is slightly rounded. The coat is medium length and thick. It is forbidden to cut it. In addition, the Russian Cocker is a good watchdog.

Price of puppies

For a purebred dog that will hunt or participate in exhibitions, contact a kennel. The price depends on the pedigree; the rare color also increases the price. An English Cocker Spaniel puppy from ordinary parents costs between 7,000-10,000 rubles, from titled parents - 10,000-35,000 rubles.

A spaniel puppy from hand, at the market or in a pet store costs 2000-5000 rubles. But here they can sell you a mixed breed or a sick dog obtained as a result of inbreeding. Americans cost a little less, the price of a puppy from titled parents is up to 30,000 rubles. The price of Russian cockers is approximately the same.

How to choose the right one

It is better to adopt a puppy at 2 months, when his psyche and immunity are stronger. The dog breeder will give you a document with his name, information about pedigree, vaccinations, deworming.

When visiting a breeder, pay attention to how the bitch and puppies are kept. Observe all the puppies of the same litter. None of them should be lethargic or look sick. The puppy's area should be dry and clean. Mom looks cheerful, well-fed and healthy.

Watch how puppies eat. A bad sign is if they eat poorly, they approach the bowl sluggishly or turn away. Puppies must be healthy, moderately well-fed, clean, and active.

At 2 months they stand firmly on their paws, play a lot, run, and jump. They are cheerful and curious. Healthy puppies have smooth, shiny fur, a moist nose, clean ears and eyes, without discharge. They should not have physical defects - umbilical or inguinal hernias, visible consequences of birth or postpartum injuries, or symptoms of rickets.

The bite should be a scissor bite, like that of an adult dog. The number of incisors in both jaws should be 12, 6 in each jaw. More or less of them indicates a tribal marriage.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the proportionality of build and movement, and whether there are any visible deficiencies in the position of the paws.

Cocker spaniel puppies are future hunters. They are characterized by playing hunter and prey. The “hunter” sneaks up and attacks the “prey”. Then the roles change, the “prey” becomes the “hunter”. In this game, puppies develop their instincts. As for gender, this is the personal choice of the owner. Spaniel breeders note that these dogs are docile and calm.

Bitches are more obedient and balanced, they quickly get used to their owner, but during fights between dogs, bitches behave more aggressively. Raising a male dog is more difficult.


Your pet's thick coat needs daily care. Brush your spaniel every day. Pay special attention to the ears, belly, fluffy “skirt” and “pants” on the hind legs. You will need a long-toothed comb, scissors to remove tangles, and a small massage brush. Wash your dog with long-hair shampoo once a week. Soap and regular hair shampoos will not work. After washing, dry the wool with a hairdryer.

Cocker spaniels need trimming and haircut, this will be done in a grooming salon.

The spaniel needs long walks and active games in the air, but do not forget to protect your pet from fleas and ticks. Take him for a run, take him out into the countryside, let's go for a swim - spaniels love water very much.

Examine your pet's eyes and ears every day. If you notice discharge from the ears and your dog is shaking his head and scratching it, take him to the vet. If wax builds up, clean it with a damp cotton swab.

Spaniel nails can become ingrown; trim them once a week with dog clippers. Deworm your animal twice a year.

Newborn puppies

Caring for a newborn spaniel puppy is not difficult. The bitch will feed, lick and protect the cubs. In the first hours of life, they independently find their mother's nipple. If you have motherless puppies at home, choose a milk replacer for them. It is sold in pet stores in powder form.

While you are looking, give the puppies condensed milk, take four parts of milk and one part of boiled water. Do not give cow's, goat's milk or baby food. This is not suitable for puppies.

In the first days, babies sleep and suck, and rapidly gain weight. If they don't squeak, it means they're full. In the first week of life, they do not have a proper thermoregulation system. They will not shiver in the cold. Normal body temperature for a newborn spaniel is 34.5–36 °C. Monitor the temperature in the bed if they are growing separately from their mother. If the bed is colder than +30 °C, there is a chance that the puppies will freeze.

You can place an electric heating pad in the bed. Do not install it over the entire area of ​​the bed. Around the eighth day, trim your puppy's nails to prevent him from scratching his mother's nipple. Trim nails once a week, cutting off only sharp edges.

Puppies open their eyes from the 11th to 15th day of life. The rumor appears a little later, on the 18th day. In the third week of life, babies walk and explore the territory in the bed and beyond. They become cute, playful and active. They begin to get out of their corner and go to the toilet. In the fourth week of life, the first teeth, first the canines, begin to emerge. From this time on, complementary foods can be introduced.

Before bringing your spaniel, prepare the necessary things.


Protect your pet from dirt during walks. A spaniel will need a knitted hat with an elastic band to protect its long ears from dirt and water. For the off-season, your dog needs a waterproof overall. For the summer, choose light clothing - it will protect the thick coat from leaves, dry branches and small debris. Winter clothing is not needed - thick wool will protect well from the cold.


It is needed for both a puppy and an adult dog. Buy leather, about 2 centimeters wide. Attach a sign to it with your address and animal's name. Make sure your finger fits between the collar and the dog's neck. This will ensure that the animal is breathing freely.


Buy a leash made of durable leather. Length from 1 to 2 meters, width approximately 0.6-2.5 centimeters. There is a loop at one end for you to hold it comfortably. At the other end there is a carabiner clasp.

Do not go for a walk without a leash to avoid unpleasant incidents.


All muzzles are made of soft leather. Wear it when you go outside. The dog may try to remove it at first. Over time, the pet will get used to it.


Spaniels are playful and active, buy toys for your pet; pet stores have a large selection of toys made of plastic or durable rubber. Don't buy small toys so he won't be able to swallow them.

Bowl for water and food

The water bowl should be in one place and accessible to the dog. Bowl with food - only during feeding.

Prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Remove wires from equipment, household chemicals, small and sharp objects, and all things that the dog can ruin or swallow from the floor.


Follow the feeding schedule. Remember that the dog must eat at a certain time, do not give kibble between feedings. Spaniels should not be overfed; they tend to become overweight.

If you refuse the offered food, do not replace it with another, remove it and offer it next time. If you replace the food at least once, the puppy will quickly learn that he can beg for something more tasty. Under no circumstances force you to finish what you are given.

In the first months, the puppy actively grows and gains weight.

ageapproximate weight
1 month1.5 kg
2 months3.0-3.5 kg
3 months5.0-6.0 kg
4 months6.5-8.0 kg
5 months8.0-10.0 kg
6 months9.0-11.0 kg
7 months10.00-12.00 kg
7-10 months12-14 kg

If your puppy's weight varies greatly, consult your veterinarian.

Feeding mode:

  • up to 2 months, the puppy is fed 6 times a day every 3.5 hours;
  • from 2 to 4 months, feed 5 times a day, every 4 hours;
  • from 4 to 6 months – 4 times;
  • from 6 to 10 months – 3 times;
  • from 10 months – 2-3 times a day.

Natural food

Natural food should be balanced. Choose nutritious foods every day that contain the nutrients you need for growth and development.


Give your puppy up to one year old 50 g per day for every kilogram of weight. Give an adult dog 200-250 g of meat per day. Include boiled liver, kidneys, heart, and udder in the menu. Add finely chopped vegetables to the meat.


Give a puppy up to a year old calcined cottage cheese. You can cook it yourself. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of 10 percent calcium chloride to half a liter of boiling milk. Throw away the curdled cottage cheese. Give the remaining whey to the puppy to drink or brew oatmeal. You can give good hard grated cheese, add it to porridge and vegetable mixtures. Milk is good for puppies, but can cause a laxative effect. Give the puppies kefir and yogurt.


Nutritious and beneficial for dogs. From 4 months of age, feed raw yolks mixed with dairy products or porridge. Crude protein is not digestible. Give eggs soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet. With a meat menu, one or two eggs per week is enough.

Cereals and bread

They diversify the puppy's diet. In first place in nutritional value is rolled oats. Soak it in kefir, whey, broth, milk. Steam the porridge, and generally give almost raw flakes to an adult dog. Cook rice and buckwheat porridge in milk, add carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables, except potatoes.

Offer an adult dog and a teenage puppy to chew on rye crackers and crusts from fresh wholemeal loaves.


Give carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, zucchini finely chopped or grated. Beets - only boiled. Add raw chopped greens to the main dish as a vitamin supplement. Raw berries and fruits, dried fruits are good for a puppy. Boiled pumpkin with porridge is good as an anthelmintic.

As a reward, give your puppy dried fruits and cheese. During the teething period from 3 to 7 months, give the puppy 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or calcium lactate per day. You can grind them in a coffee grinder and add them to food.

What not to feed:

  • too hot and cold food;
  • spicy, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked foods;
  • river and raw fish;
  • do not give bones;
  • pasta;
  • legume products and potatoes;
  • white bread;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • candies and chocolate;
  • pork and fatty lamb;
  • raw chicken meat;
  • food from the table.

Sample menu for a puppy 2–3 months old:

6.00 – cottage cheese + warm milk;
10.00 – rice porridge with boiled meat and grated carrots;
13.00 – finely chopped raw meat or boiled fish with crushed boiled vegetables;
17.00 - cottage cheese + warm milk;
20.00 – rolled oats with whey with meat and vegetables;
23.00 – boiled meat and milk porridge.

Dry food

Dry food contains all the beneficial substances a dog needs. Start feeding your puppy canned food. Add dry food to the canned food, so you will gradually switch to it completely. Using the same principle, switch to dry food from natural food. Consider premium and super premium food.

The main thing is that the dog likes the food and does not cause allergies or eating disorders. We sell food for pregnant and lactating bitches, for aging dogs, dietary and medicinal food.


In the first year of a dog's life, 4 vaccinations are required. Before each vaccination, the dog is dewormed. The schedule is like this:

  • at 1.5 months a vaccination against enteritis (hepatitis) is given;
  • after 10-14 days - repeat;
  • at 2.5 months a vaccination against plague is given;
  • at 7 months - repeated;
  • after 8 months - rabies vaccination.

Dogs are vaccinated every year throughout their lives. Do not vaccinate if she appears sick, is in heat, or is pregnant. Put a mark in the veterinary passport with the date of vaccination and the seal of the veterinary station. An official seal is needed if you plan to travel anywhere by train or plane. After vaccination, the dog does not need to be washed for 10 days, make sure that it does not get wet, and do not overcool.


Spaniels are prone to certain health problems. Do not forget to carefully examine your pet and, if necessary, show it to the veterinarian.


Long ears protect the dog's ear canal from foreign objects. But due to insufficient ventilation, increased humidity is created, which affects the development of inflammatory diseases. If you notice discharge and an unpleasant odor from the ears, the dog scratches its ears, shakes its head, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Check your pet's ears every day to remove excess wax. Do not allow water to enter. When bathing, protect your ear canals with pieces of cotton wool in vegetable oil.


Spaniels are prone to eye inflammation. Wipe your eyes with a cotton pad; if signs of inflammation appear - purulent discharge, lacrimation, the dog is afraid of light - contact your veterinarian. Before this, wipe your eyes with chamomile infusion.


If your pet itches or irritates the skin, these may be signs of an allergy. Alternately change foods from your pet's diet or replace dry food. Observe what places your dog is scratching; these may be flea bites.

Training and education

Cocker spaniels need attention. They quickly adapt to the new home, lifestyle, and habits of the owner. Start raising a puppy immediately, until its psyche is formed. Teach respect and proper attitude towards the owner. Dogs of this breed are smart, but do not expect the dog to learn order instinctively.

The Cocker Spaniel is affectionate with family members and strangers. Teach him not to be distracted by every passerby, not to sniff or jump on strangers. This can cause discomfort to strangers and be dangerous for the animal itself.

When keeping a cocker spaniel, use affection and persistence. They are sensitive to punishment, do not punish them verbally or physically. If you notice that your dog is trying to go to the toilet at home, try to interrupt it and take it outside to the appropriate place as quickly as possible. If you notice that your dog is constantly trying to shit, consult a veterinarian; perhaps the reason is the pet’s health.

The following recommendations will help in training a cocker spaniel:

  1. Timeliness. You can start training from the age of 5-6 months. It is easier to teach a six-month-old puppy commands than an adult dog with an established character.
  2. Regularity. Reinforce each command; the animal tends to get distracted and forget. Conduct training daily.
  3. Sufficient load. The Cocker Spaniel is primarily a hunter and bloodhound. Physical activity is mandatory for him. During training, teach the spaniel the necessary and active commands (trot, “fetch”, etc.).
  4. Tolerance. Praise and reward the puppy for following the command. Do not punish for failures, do not raise your voice or ignore your pet.
  5. Game approach. Try to turn training into an entertaining game, the results will not be long in coming.
  6. Personal contact. Do not entrust training to other family members, friends, etc. To establish contact with your pet, train him yourself.