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What is my spirit animal? How to find out your totem animal by name and date of birth? Totem animals-patrons of the Water Signs of the Zodiac

That is, we women can freely interact with any animal and take on their qualities. Moreover, it is the totem that encourages a person to show certain qualities at a certain point in time, when he especially needs it. Through them, a person acquires more inner strength, opportunities to reveal his potential and know himself. It seems to me that totems mainly help us to understand the strength of our spirit, and the unity and integrity of the entire universe.

From shamanism it follows that every person has his own animal of power, even if he does not know about it. From there it follows that we do not choose our totem, but on the contrary - the totem itself chooses a person.

What is important to know:

1. A person’s totem, as a rule, is a wild animal (rarely mystical)

2. A person has one main totem and several secondary ones.

3. A person must determine his totem himself. It is impossible for someone else to do this for a person. It's a very intimate relationship.

4. A totem can accompany a person for several years and then leaves; others act only during the period of creative activity.

5. Different totems may correspond to different areas in life.

6. There are no restrictions in working with totems, but the main thing is to learn to communicate with at least one totem, and then you can establish contacts with others.

7. A totem animal can leave a person due to a magical effect on this person, or due to some of his actions or illness.

Relationships with the totem should be established and developed. It is necessary to show reverence and respect to your totem. When your totem comes to you and helps you, mentally thank it for its help. A totem can give you greater physical strength, health, and energy. Can help you make the right decisions, protect and protect you.

The presence of a power animal does not mean that its qualities are already available and used; they are merely present, awaiting their expression and development. According to shamans, one of the characteristic signs of a person having a totem animal is that animals from this genus accept it as their own.

How to determine your totem animal?

Well, if this question has become of interest to you, and you want to find out the answer to it, it will happen.

The totem itself comes to the person. Most often in a dream (like natural crystals). Also be more attentive to the signs of fate. The world around us provides answers to all our questions. Just be more careful. You may find that images of your spirit animal are found around you quite often. This is not necessarily your favorite animal, and you do not have to like it. The relationship with your totem can be difficult. Your animal's spirit is your guide, and its teaching methods may not be pleasant.

The easiest way to find out your totem is to ask your spirit (your essence, that is, yourself) - there are all the answers to all your questions. Ask a question, stop your internal monologue - and the answer that comes first is the most correct. You can ask several times over a certain time interval - if the options match, then this is so. If the connection with the spirit is weak, then of course there will be discrepancies. To avoid this, you need to develop your intuition (that is, your connection with the spirit).

You can also use a deeper technique:

Work with this channel occurs at the level of the 4th chakra (anahata), so it is necessary to pump it additionally. You can pump it in any way. For example, this one.

1. At the chakra level, an energy ball is created, in this case emerald-colored, and then it unwinds in two flows: ascending and descending. The ball spins until clear physical sensations appear in the area of ​​this chakra.
2. Create an emerald point in the center of the chakra. Next, we move our consciousness to this point. We find in it an ocean of emerald-turquoise energy. Mental attitude - “The Life Force feeds my intuition.” Then we arrange an “explosion” in such a way that this entire ocean of energy pours into the anahata chakra.
The work itself:
1. After you have upgraded Anahata, you create a mental attitude: “I am going to my Totem Animal.”
2. With your inner gaze, you peer into anahata, which is literally bursting with energies, and find a dot there that is also green, but a little darker.
3. Now with your Consciousness you need to ENTER this point. You will find yourself in an emerald corridor. Walk along it, not forgetting the mental attitude “I am going to my Totem Animal”
4. Very soon you will find yourself in some INDEPENDENT space, where the colors and energy will be different from what you just experienced.
5. Take a short walk in the area. Then, on a SENSITIVE level, send a signal of the DESIRE (intention) to meet your totem.
6. JUST DON’T DRAW IN ADVANCE the appearance of the person who will come to you. Just wait. It won’t take much time, but you will see YOUR TOTEM, and not YOUR IMAGE about it.
7. Communicate with the totem, you can scratch him (her) behind the ear, if he has one and if it gives him pleasure.
8. When you have finished talking, return to the green corridor and come to your senses.
9. Distribute the remaining emerald energy in Anahata evenly throughout the entire volume of your physical body.

Each animal has its own spirit and its own talents. Although perhaps the totem is called to you to help express the implicit signs of the animal to which species it belongs.

Here are some characteristics of animal totems (the author of the characteristics is unknown, taken from the Internet, you can use it, although you will receive the most accurate interpretations only from your own heart).

KEY CONCEPT: activity and readiness.
TIME OF POWER: all year round
Everyone is familiar with squirrels. The squirrel is a member of the rodent order. The squirrel is quite sociable, but does not like strangers, even those belonging to its own species. She devotes almost all her time to collecting food. You can often watch a squirrel dig a hole and carry nuts and other food into it, making provisions for the winter. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the squirrel always finds its storage areas, even if it forgets where they are.
There are two main types of squirrel - gray and red. There are also black squirrels, which are more aggressive than gray squirrels. Gray squirrels are most often found in cities, while red squirrels are most often found in forests.
The flying squirrel is also known. In fact, it does not fly, but is capable of dropping from a branch to the ground in a slow soaring jump or jumping from tree to tree. Unlike gray and red squirrels, the flying squirrel is a nocturnal animal. She can't stand it when anyone bothers her during the day. The main natural enemy of the flying squirrel is the owl.
Red squirrels are sentinel forests. They make a loud noise at the sight of any stranger. It may seem that they are literally reporting any news to anyone who can hear them. The red squirrel is smaller than the gray squirrel, but is much more aggressive and fights much better. The most dangerous enemy of the red squirrel is the marten, the qualities of which should be carefully studied by everyone associated with this totem. Typically, red squirrels give birth to babies twice a year; in one litter there are from two to seven babies. Already twelve weeks after birth, young squirrels are able to lead an independent life. If the red squirrel has become your totem, watch how it manifests itself in your life twelve week cycle.
The gray squirrel is the most numerous and most active of all representatives of the squirrel family. Like all squirrels, she does not hibernate. Gray squirrels build their nests in hollows or on treetops. A squirrel's nest is usually spherical in shape and has one entrance hole on the side. Despite the fact that the gray squirrel is larger than the red one, when attacked, it prefers to flee rather than fight. Gray squirrels also give birth twice a year, and their young also become independent at about twelve weeks of age.
All squirrels are quite sociable. They arrange comic battles among themselves. They are very observant and know how to imitate each other. This is exactly how babies learn - by imitating adult squirrels. People associated with this totem learn new knowledge better through practical work, rather than from textbooks.
Squirrels are talkative. You can often hear their voices in the forest. They start chatting animatedly whenever they are worried about something or just playing. This animal is especially expressive due to its fluffy tail, which also serves as a warm blanket, sun umbrella and balance beam. The squirrel often expresses its emotions by wagging its tail.
Each species of squirrel is unique, and contact with this totem, as with others, should be established on an individual basis. But when meeting any squirrel, think about how active and sufficient you are, but whether you are prepared for possible surprises. Are you too active? Or, on the contrary, is activity enough for you? Perhaps you have refused to make plans for the future. Are you acting too chaotically? Perhaps you are fussing too much, but what are you missing out on? Do you know how to save time, effort, etc.? Does the thought that you will never achieve your goal frighten you? Perhaps you are too “fixated” on accumulation and saving? Shouldn't you be more generous!
With the help of a squirrel, we will learn to observe moderation in giving. If you give too much to someone around you without getting anything in return, a squirrel will come to your aid. Squirrel is a master of preparing for future changes, but she also reminds us that in the midst of worries we always need to find time for communication and entertainment. Work and play must go hand in hand, otherwise work becomes a burden.

One of the most symbolic birds, this is the bird of birth and death, it is a symbol of mysticism and magic. Raven is a bird that brings news from the great kingdom of the spirit. Among the Indian tribes, the raven was respected. Raven saved the world from chaos, he stole the sun from the one who tried to plunge the world into eternal darkness. The raven symbolizes the fusion of the human spirit with the animal spirit. The raven as a totem animal can teach the language of animals. With its help you can awaken magic, it gives you the opportunity to become a sorcerer. A time of strength for those associated with this totem, the winter sun and all winter months. Inherent, magic, werewolf and creativity.

inherent, rebirth, resurrection, initiation, wisdom. In various religious traditions, the snake is a symbol of higher wisdom and the embodiment of base instincts. For Indians, the snake is a symbol of transformation and healing. In Greece, a symbol of alchemy and healing; in India, the goddess Vinata is revered - the mother of snakes, mistress of the waters and the underworld. Transmutation of snakes (shedding of skin) means the acquisition of higher wisdom, which comes only with time. If the snake has become your totem, in some area of ​​your life you will have to undergo death and rebirth. We are hardly talking about real death, rather it will be a transformation. Meeting the snake totem may mean that your creative powers are awakening. The rattlesnake is active during the cool night hours; intense heat is fatal to it. Working with this totem, you will find that a nocturnal lifestyle is more favorable for you. The snake is a symbol of transformation and healing; it is dexterous and agile; if it becomes your totem, you will acquire new creative powers and wisdom.
It turns out that they, the raven and the snake are connected by the fact that they are characterized by creativity and werewolf, transformation.

People associated with the wolf as a totem animal are often distinguished by particularly expressive gestures, postures and facial expressions. If it is difficult to express your thoughts and feelings, turn to the wolf for help, he has rich facial expressions.
Each member of a wolf pack is clearly aware of his place and his relationships with other members of the pack. Another lesson of the wolf as a totem is the lesson of ritualized behavior, thanks to which the hierarchy in wolf society is maintained. The structure of the wolf pack cannot be called either strictly autocratic or democratic, in the full sense of the word. There are periods when the pack completely submits to the authority of the leader, but at other times *democracy* reigns. It is due to this flexibility that the flock manages to survive. The wolf can teach us a lesson about good governance, where there is a balance between the authority of individuals and democracy. The Wolf helps us understand that true freedom can only be achieved through discipline.
As a totem, the wolf teaches us to respect and honor family ties and love children.
The energy of the totemic wolf can occur at intervals of about two years.
If the wolf is your totem, also study the quality of the raven, since in nature they are connected.
People with a wolf totem have well-developed intuition.
The wolf is characterized by the ability for emotional attachment, which arises quickly and turns out to be very persistent. Consequently, another lesson of this totem is the lesson of trust in intuitive impressions and the ability to rely on them in your emotional attachments. The wolf teaches you to listen to your inner voice and this protects you from wrong actions. He will always guard you - sometimes strictly, sometimes affectionately, but always with love. Meeting the wolf as a spirit animal means it is time to breathe new life into everyday rituals. We create our own destiny and lead it ourselves. And if we observe discipline and maintain harmony, we will know the true spirit of freedom.

So, there are a lot of misconceptions associated with the bat, just like with the wolf. For example, they still believe that mice are servants of the devil. But there is something else that is more pleasant for bats, for example, in ancient Babylon it symbolized the souls of the dead, in China, happiness and longevity, among the ancient Mayans it personified initiation and rebirth. Jamie Sams and David Carson consider the bat to be the personification of traditional shamanic death - the passage beyond the former self, which we no longer need.
If the bat has become your totem, it is time to face your fears and prepare for an important change. It's time to leave the old behind and create something new. With the appearance of a bat as a totem, you will find that something has gone wrong in your life.
All changes and transformations are a true gift from heaven. The root cause of any change lies within us, and the external world is only a mirror of the internal.
The bat (l.m) can symbolize an encounter with something that frightens us. L.m. speaks of the need to overcome one's fears.
L.m. how a totem gives hope, which will allow you to stay afloat in the chaos of change. It symbolizes the ability to rise to new heights.
In Tarot cards there is a card of the Hanged Man - it symbolizes overcoming obstacles, the perception of higher wisdom and the awareness of new truths. There is a connection between him and l.m. - they are similar in meaning. Meditating on this card is useful for everyone who is connected with l. m. like a totem.
L. m. are sociable. Meeting with L. m. indicates either the need for more active communication, or new opportunities to communicate with many people.
The magic of l.m. sharpens auditory perception. L.m. awakens the ability to hear the voices of spirits.
If l.m. has become your totem, then you gain the ability to recognize the hidden meaning in the words of other people.

If the lynx has become your totem, study the symbolic meaning of the north as a cardinal direction. Study the qualities of this animal. “The fate of the lynx is so connected with the fate of the hare... that the eleven-year cycles of changes in the population of the hare and lynx coincide.” The eleven year cycle is extremely symbolic. From a metaphysical perspective, the number eleven is associated with revelation, inspiration, mysticism and occult interests. The gray coloring characteristic of the lynx reinforces this symbolism. Gray is the color of the cloudy veil that hides ancient wisdom and separates the visible from the invisible. The lynx as a totem can overcome this barrier and bring knowledge and secrets hidden behind the clouds into the material world.
The lynx is considered a vigilant animal, if it is your totem, look around in search of secrets, trust your intuition. With the help of the trot, you can look into the hearts and thoughts of other people. If the lynx is your totem, never betray the trust of other people. As soon as the lynx enters your life as a totem, you will find that those around you begin to trust you with their secrets more often; do not be surprised that many people feel uncomfortable with you; they feel that you are looking into their soul.
To awaken the trotting ability to recognize the secret, simply sit and observe. By watching how people behave and what they say, you will begin to notice images behind them that will reveal the truth.

associated with the moon symbolism, and therefore - with the subconscious and the sphere of the unconscious. In alchemy, it symbolized nigredo - primordial matter, the original state of matter. Therefore, it is associated with the initial stage of any business with primitive instincts.
A bear as a totem can teach you to draw the resources necessary for survival from internal energy reserves. It will give access to all internal energy sources - even those that you are not aware of. By meditating on this totem and working with it, you can find answers to troubling questions and dive into the very depths of your soul. If the bear is your totem you need to ask yourself a few questions. Are you fair enough? Are the people around you sinning against justice? Are you able to recognize the favorable opportunities that life gives? Are you too critical of yourself and others? Perhaps you look at the world through rose-colored glasses? The magic of the bear will teach you to dive into the depths of your own soul and make appropriate decisions.
If the bear is your totem, remember that in the depths of your soul there lives a bear cub. Climb trees from time to time, if only to change your perspective on your surroundings.
It is important for everyone who is connected with the power of the bear not to hide from life and not fall into continuous hibernation.
Those who are associated with a bear are characterized by the need to plunge into the depths of their own “I”, to isolate themselves from the outside world for a certain period. And after this period, they return to the world again and bring new ideas and projects.
If the bear is your totem, then the habit of winter solitude will become very natural for you.
All bears love honey - a symbol of the sweetness of life. They usually find it in tree hollows where wild bees live. This is further confirmation of the close connection between bears and trees. People associated with this totem must dive into the depths of their “I” and awaken their inner strength, but they will feel a taste for life only after they bring this strength to light and find practical application for it.
The lizard is a highly sophisticated animal. Her movements are surprisingly agile. She has four legs and can run at great speed. Some lizards settle in human dwellings. They are beneficial because they destroy harmful insects. The gecko is one of the few reptiles that have a voice, and this should be taken into account by everyone associated with this totem. The largest lizard is the giant Komodo dragon, which lives in Indonesia, which is sometimes called the “Komodo dragon.” If possible, determine the species to which your totem belongs and study its individual characteristics.
Most lizards have long tails, which help them maintain balance and also play an important role in their defense mechanism. The lizard's back usually has a ridge, collar, or spines. All these growths perform protective functions and are endowed with an important symbolic meaning. Some lizards have a neck decorated with a collar. The neck is a symbolic bridge between the higher and the lower. Therefore, the lizard as a totem animal will teach you to connect consciousness with the subconscious, reality with dreams. With the help of a lizard, you can master the technique of controlling dreams.
The spines and ridges on the back usually indicate increased sensitivity in the chakras along the spine. Perhaps you are too - or not enough - sensitive? Are you too picky? Are you missing the obvious facts? The crest and spines that crown the backs of some lizards may also indicate the activation of kundalini energy, stimulating perception on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
The lizard reacts to subtle movements of insects. And in order to deceive the victim or protect herself from the enemy, she herself is capable of freezing in immobility. These qualities indicate that your intuition and sensitivity are sharply activated, or that this will soon happen. Pay attention to the changes happening to you.
The lizard is distinguished from other reptiles by a number of interesting features. Like all reptiles, it has dry skin, and like many reptiles, the lizard has claws. However, its unique property is that the lizard feels the vibrations of the soil - it perceives them with its paws, tail and whole body. She has not only acute vision, but also keen hearing.
All these qualities symbolically correlate the lizard with extrasensory abilities and developed intuition. The magic of the lizard allows us to perceive the subtlest, barely noticeable movements and changes - both physical and intangible - and track them not only in reality, but also in dreams. Many Indian peoples associated the lizard with dreams. Dream images often contain information that we have perceived but not realized. Dreams help us pay attention to it.
If you are connected to a lizard as a totem, trust your intuition first. The lizard is a symbol of heightened sensitivity. You are able to feel many things that others cannot. You notice things that elude others. You even hear what was not said out loud. No matter how strange it may seem to you, learn to rely on your impressions.
One of the lizard's most notable features is its famous ability to shed its tail. If a predator grabs a lizard by the tail, it simply breaks off, and the lizard escapes unharmed. Pretty soon she grows a new tail.
So, another of the lizard’s lessons is the ability to get rid of unnecessary attachments. Sometimes it is necessary to break away from one's surroundings or even part with part of one's own in order to fulfill one's duty or escape from danger. The lizard awakens in us the ability to easily and painlessly distance ourselves from everything that burdens us. The lizard will help us break with the past. Meeting this reptile may mean that you need to take on new things and follow your impulses,
Like many other reptiles, the lizard loves to sunbathe. This is a cold-blooded animal, so it needs an external heat source to maintain normal body temperature. While basking in the sun, the lizard often pretends to be asleep and thereby misleads insects flying by. The lizard's ability to pretend to sleep while sunbathing is symbolically associated with control over sleep and dreams. As already mentioned, the lizard helps to better understand and more effectively use the sleep state.

Key concept, creativity, weaving the threads of fate. Spider is a character in many myths and legends. In India, the spider is associated with Maya, the mistress of illusions. In Greek - with Moirai, in Scandinavian with Norns. These are wise old women who spin, measure and cut the threads of human life.
Unlike other insects, spiders have a body that is divided into two parts rather than three and is shaped like a figure eight. The figure eight placed on its side is a symbol of infinity, an image of the rotating wheel of life. The task of spiritual development is to remain at a fixed point between two turns of the wheel.
The spider helps us maintain balance between past and future, physical and spiritual, feminine and masculine. The spider tells us that each of our actions weaves a new thread into the fabric of the future.
The spider stimulates our creative sense. The spider sitting in the center of the web is an image of a man standing at the center of his own world.
Because of all these features, the spider has become associated in mythical lore and myth with the three main forms of magic. The first is the magic and energy of creativity. The second is the practical embodiment of creative power associated with the feminine energies of creation. The third is the spiral energy that connects the past with the future.
The spider is the keeper of knowledge about ancient languages. The spider has long been associated with death and rebirth. This is explained by the fact that the females of some spiders kill and eat the males after copulation. People who are associated with the spider as a totem should maintain a balance of opposite principles in all areas of their lives. Spiders have an amazing combination of fragility and strength, and both of these qualities help them survive. This is an important lesson for all those who work with the spider as a totem.
And lastly, the spider is the guardian of the primordial alphabet. He will teach you how to create miracles with the help of writing.

The key concept is the power of breath and sound (probably the patrons of athletes and singers).
The time of power is all year round.
The dolphin as a totem animal can bestow new creative opportunities and open doors to new worlds. To relieve tension and stress, you can imitate the breathing of a dolphin floating to the surface of the water. Dolphin magic is useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases.
The dolphin breathes and swims in a special rhythm. The key to mastering dolphin power is breathing control. If you can establish contact with a dolphin by imitating its breathing, this totem animal will become your guide on the way to mysterious places and times of that era when the great oceans had not yet covered most of the surface of our planet. The dolphin will help you enter the underground caves and penetrate to the primeval sources of your own soul.
For early Christians, the dolphin was a symbol of salvation, and for the ancient Greeks it was a sacred messenger of the gods and a good personification of the sea element. Often this animal shows sympathy for a person and helps him. The dolphin has a large brain and highly developed intelligence.
If the dolphin has become your totem, ask yourself some important questions. What are you creating with your words and thoughts? If you find it difficult to answer this question, the dolphin will help you. Do you go out for walks and breathe fresh air often enough? Are you and the people around you tormented by any hidden tension? With the advent of the dolphin, the time has come for you to breathe deeply the fresh wind of new life.

The key concept is spiritual enlightenment, healing and creativity. Validity: All year round during the daytime.
The eagle is one of the largest and most beautiful birds. He was a source of inspiration for representatives of many nations. Eagles are excellent hunters and spend very little time hunting. The fact that they feed from the ground and yet rise into the sky to great heights says a lot about the hidden significance of the eagle as a totem bird. The eagle teaches us balance: it maintains a connection with the earth but does not belong to it entirely.
In ancient Greece, the eagle was the sacred bird of the god Zeus, the lord of thunder and lightning. The ancient Sumerians also worshiped a deity in the form of an eagle, and among the Hittites, the emblem of a double-headed eagle served as a symbol that their enemies would never take them by surprise. In the system of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the eagle denoted the vowel sound “A”, and was also a symbol of the soul, spirit and warmth of life. In early Christian mysticism, the eagle was a symbol of resurrection.
The thunderbird of the North American Indians is most often depicted in the guise of an eagle. This great spirit commanded lightning and rain, punished criminals and rewarded worthy people.
Among the Pueblo Indians, the eagle was a bird of heaven: they believed that through a hole in the sky it entered the home of the sun. Therefore, the eagle was associated with all the energies of the sun, both physical and spiritual. According to an old belief, an eagle's eyesight becomes dull in old age, and it flies so close to the sun that its wings scorch. When this happens, the eagle finds a source of clean water and plunges into it 3 times. After this, his youth returns to him. This belief contains a deep mystical meaning. There is a hint here of resurrection and alchemical transformation. Solar fire and clean water are 2 opposite elements. Uniting in harmony, they lead to transformation. A person whose totem is an eagle can draw several conclusions from this beautiful legend:
1.The eagle is associated with creative power. 3 is the number of birth and creativity.
2.The eagle symbolizes the willingness to experience extreme but controllable situations. Consequently, this totem facilitates the flow of alchemical processes that transform our lives.
3. The eagle symbolizes the willingness to direct one's passion towards purification (flying towards the sun) and to use one's abilities even in a difficult situation (singed wings).
4.The eagle symbolizes the willingness to discover your true feelings and immerse yourself in them, thereby rediscovering the “soul of a child” within yourself and awakening to higher forms of purity, passion, creativity, healing and spirituality.
Working with the eagle as a totem bird, you will gain a new vision of the world. The past, present and future will open before you. You must tenaciously grasp and use for practical purposes all the opportunities that open before you in life. You will develop a sense of timing and more accurately measure your movements.
By recognizing the eagle as your totem, you discover a huge new world for yourself and take on greater responsibility for further spiritual development. But with the help of the eagle, you will learn to travel between worlds, acquire the gift of a healer and become a bearer of great creative power.

The key concept is women's magic of disguise, werewolf and invisibility.
The time of power is night, morning and evening twilight.
The fox was revered as a totem animal by almost all peoples of the globe. This totem indicates the need to develop the ability to disguise, invisibility and werewolf. The fox is one of the most naturally gifted and inventive animals. And she can convey her skill to everyone who is connected with her energy.
Magic and cunning have been associated with the fox since ancient times. As a nocturnal animal, she was often endowed with supernatural abilities. Most often you can meet her in the morning or evening twilight, during the period of “between times”, when the world of people is most closely in contact with the world
magic. The fox lives on the edges of forests, that is, in border areas. Therefore, it can serve as a guide to the mystical world. The Cherokee Indians invoked fox magic to prevent frostbite, and Hopi shamans dressed themselves in fox skins to perform healing rituals. The Choctaw considered the fox to be the protector of the family. In Apache legends, she killed an evil bear, and also stole fire and brought it to the people on her tail. In Persia, she was a sacred animal that escorted the soul of the dead to heaven. In Egypt, fox fur was a talisman that ensured the favor of the gods.
Foxes do not change color throughout the year. The fur serves as excellent camouflage for them. Anyone who works with fox magic must learn the art of camouflage. The fox will teach you to blend into your surroundings, appear and go unnoticed, and move silently without giving away your intentions. Practice, stand against a wall and imagine that you become the same color, or merge with the furniture (works great in class! - my note), as if dissolving into it. The fox's tail is a symbol of the control of female creative forces. If you focus only on the work of creative energies, then you can easily make any, even the most unexpected and abrupt turn in your life. The tail also helps the fox warm its nose and paws. You will learn to protect yourself from anything that may seem cold to you. You will find warmth and comfort within yourself.
Thanks to its thick fur, the fox appears larger than it is. You may seem more important than you are. By working with this animal, you will develop this ability and learn to benefit from it. With its help, you will defend yourself and be able to make a great impression on others.
The fox does not like water, but is an excellent swimmer. People associated with this totem are able to draw from an internal source and express feminine energies and creative power in the external world.
The fox is extremely hardy. You need to learn to walk with quick, small steps: this will be good for your health and will ensure success in business.
The fox walks and runs on tiptoes, almost like a cat. This is very important because she belongs to the canine family, but embodies feline characteristics. And the energy of a cat is feminine energy, and this quality means the need for the active affirmation of feminine creative energies.
The fox has very acute hearing. They have a developed ability to hear what remains unspoken.
The vision of foxes is also very sharp. Although she does not distinguish colors, she can perceive the subtlest shades of light and shade. LRSML are able to assess with amazing accuracy what a person is worth. The fox instantly notices moving objects. Thanks to this, LRSML sometimes develop the ability to see spirits: they literally see the inhabitants of the “twilight zone” - elves and fairies. By letting a fox into your life, you can learn how to do this.
But the most developed of the fox's senses is smell. It makes sense for you to study and practice aromatherapy.
Foxes constantly travel within the boundaries of their territory, but still regularly return home.

Raccoons are truly amazing animals. The raccoon has incredible adaptability. He is able to live even in the city. The raccoon has also acquired a reputation as a thieving animal, capable of sneaking into places where it is not expected.
The raccoon is almost omnivorous; it can feed on small animals, but the basis of its diet is the fruits of plants.
Raccoons are extremely curious, which partly explains their habit of getting into places where they are not expected. They love to explore new places; new territory arouses great interest in them.
One of the most notable features of a raccoon is the “mask” on its face. This "mask" has a very important symbolic meaning. With the help of a “mask” you can become anyone and anything. The mask is a symbol of mystery and an instrument of transformation.
Masks are associated with qualities such as ambiguity and evasiveness. When we put on a mask, we cease to be who we previously thought we were.
The raccoon keeps secret knowledge of how to change its appearance, primarily its face.
If the raccoon is your totem, maybe you should appear in front of someone in a new mask to achieve your goal? Are you hiding your true self from people? Are those around you hiding their “I” from you?
It is also important to remember that raccoons are brave and can be ferocious.
When a raccoon becomes your totem, you will experience its influence for quite a long time.

Jackal, I’ll tell you, I won’t write very much about him.
The power of the jackal totem, night and summer sun. If the jackal has become your totem, you should study the nature of the jackal in as much detail as possible. Many people believe that the jackal is a cowardly animal with terrible habits. This is a huge mistake. The main advantage of the jackal is that it lives in a pack. You must learn to communicate with the world around you, with those around you. Jackals are brave, smart and cunning. The totem will teach you how to get away with it, avoid conflict situations and how you can find a compromise. Listen to his advice, but remember, the jackal loves riddles.

It is found in wooded areas; in summer, the siskin lives in coniferous forests, breeds its chicks here and undertakes its usual wanderings from here. The siskin is always cheerful, agile and courageous, always keeps its plumage in order, although it usually does not smooth it to its body. The totem teaches that you should always maintain a good mood, despite troubles and disappointments. A person whose totem is the siskin loves to travel and explore new places. Long distances do not frighten him, but rather attract and beckon him. But do not forget that the siskin should not sit on the ground unless necessary; this teaches that one should avoid actions that obviously bring defeat or undesirable consequences. The siskin is harmless, trusting, sociable and timid, but to a certain extent frivolous.
A person whose totem is the siskin loves a warm family atmosphere; he is not demanding, understanding and affectionate. Chizhik as a totem shows that not everyone around is as evil as it seems at first glance, but we must not forget that this does not make the number of evil people less.

A rare totem, most likely it is a guest in your visions. Phoenix is ​​considered the patron of large time cycles. It also symbolizes death and rebirth. Phoenix carries many concepts and they can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation. If the phoenix does come and appears more than once, take the opportunity to see the universe, since the phoenix bird is the universe. A vision in the form of a phoenix shows that something from distant times should become clear, perhaps it will be the arrival of relatives or memories of ancestors. According to the book of Confucius - the phoenix is ​​a male Fen and a female Huang, when paired they are a symbol of eternal love, this may explain the fact that the phoenix comes before you meet your soul mate. I will repeat again, it all depends on the situation.

First of all, this is loyalty, and also protection. It is necessary to examine the individual qualities of the breed to which your totem belongs, because you cannot put a Pekingese and a Great Dane next to each other, they are good in different actions in their own way. Find out what this dog's typical behavior is. It is also a symbol of protection and protection. In India, the dog is a symbol of the entire caste system, it embodies the idea that small things can become great. In ancient Greece, the dog played the role of a companion to the dead and a guardian of the afterlife, in addition, it was a symbol of motherhood. If a dog is your totem, ask yourself questions: is he loyal enough to his friends? Do your friends betray your trust? are you true to yourself? Shouldn't you spend more time on games and entertainment? Explore the area in which you live. A dog knows its territory in great detail, and if it has become your totem, the energy of that place will affect you personally. Be vigilant and careful, don’t go where you want, study your path.

This is strength and ancient power. The symbolism of this animal is very rich and varied. For example, the head of an elephant represents the Indian god Ganesh; the elephant is perceived as a symbol of the power of sexual desire. The elephant was also considered a symbol of the cloud. Clouds are a veil that separates formed worlds from formless matter. They are associated with the state of metamorphosis, and if a person encounters it as a totem, then most likely he is undergoing some kind of transformation. The most remarkable part of an elephant is its trunk. So if your totem is an elephant, then pay attention to pleasant and bad smells - both literally and figuratively. You can start using and working with scented oils and incense. You can find access to new energies and worlds that were previously inaccessible. Another notable feature is the tusks. Study the meaning of ivory from a spiritual and metaphysical point of view. He is connected with the underground and above-ground worlds, he keeps the secrets of roots and plants. If the elephant is your totem, then there is a chance to revive ideal family relationships and social traditions.

Just a little bit about RATS. Rats are a symbol of restlessness and insight. The Rat, in Chinese astrology, rules over the first year of the twelve-year cycle. Meeting her symbolizes the desire for success, but here you need to be careful.

a majestic animal that inspires us with admiration and awe. There are several varieties of tiger - Bengal, Ussuri, etc. - and each of them should be studied separately. The tiger is famous for its ferocity and strength. Unlike other big cats, it is an excellent swimmer. Thanks to this, he has access to all the energies and mystical qualities associated with the element of water. All
Tigresses devotedly take care of their offspring. The mother raises the cubs and teaches them to hunt. Adult tigers prefer solitude and pair up briefly, only during the mating season. Each tiger controls a huge territory. Many consider the Ussuri tiger to be the most magnificent of tigers, and most scientists agree that the Ussuri tiger is a native of the northern regions of the Far East. Later it migrated and settled in areas with warmer climates. The Ussuri tiger is a tireless traveler. He is able to cover a huge distance in one day. Ussuri tigers hunt all animals, but their favorite prey is wild boar. The Bengal tiger lives in South Asia. Its main prey is deer. Typically, the Bengal tiger lives alternately in several dens, in one of which it raises cubs. At the age of eight weeks, tiger cubs begin to hunt with their mother. A six-month-old tiger already knows how to kill prey, but it is only able to feed itself from the age of about sixteen months. Most tigers hunt slowly and silently, and it is advisable for everyone associated with this totem to learn this tactic, no matter what goal they have set for themselves. A tiger can kill prey for future use. He is capable of dragging a carcass weighing several hundred pounds over a distance of up to half a kilometer just to hide it in reserve.
Tigers hunt at night. People associated with this totem work most effectively at night. The tiger's distinctive black and orange stripes are associated with the symbolism of new and full moons.
The tiger's powerful, flexible muscles and soft, dense skin are associated with sensuality. All cats love to stretch languidly and rub against each other and various objects. The one whose totem is the tiger will awaken a special sensitivity to tactile sensations.
There are many myths and beliefs associated with the tiger. Having studied them, you will better understand this totem and, perhaps, learn something about the place where you lived in one of your past incarnations.
In Korea, the tiger is considered the king of beasts. Hindus call it the sacred animal of the goddess Kali, the mistress of creation and destruction, sex and death. In Ancient Greece, the tiger was one of the sacred animals of Dionysus, the twice-born god.
A lot of legends and legends about the tiger are known in China. In Chinese astrology, one of the years of the twelve-year cycle is named after the tiger. People born in the year of the Tiger love adventure. They are colorful and unpredictable, strong and passionate.
In China, the tiger is a symbol of darkness and the new moon, as well as bright light and the full moon. In ancient China there was a cult of five tigers. The red tiger is a symbol of the south, summer and fire, the black tiger is the north, winter and water, the blue tiger is the east, spring and plants, the white tiger is the west, autumn and metals, and the yellow tiger is the supreme ruler over the other four tigers, the ruler of the Earth and all earthly energies.
If the tiger has become your totem, get ready for new adventures. This totem will awaken your passions and breathe new strength into you. The changes will begin six to eight weeks after the first meeting with the tiger and will last at least a year and a half. Think about what is happening in your life. Shouldn't you awaken a more passionate thirst for life? Perhaps your thirst for life does not find adequate expression? Do you feel exhausted and lethargic? If the tiger has become your totem, you will again feel a thirst for life and adventure.

An incredible number of myths and beliefs are associated with the horse. More than one book could be written about its significance, because no animal has played such an important role in the development of civilization as the horse.
The horse was associated with both funeral rites and birth: the souls of people enter and leave this world on horseback. The Scandinavian god Odin rode an eight-legged stallion. In Hinduism, stallions are harnessed to the chariot of the sun god Surya, and in Greek mythology - to the chariot of Helios.
In Chinese astrology, the horse is associated with qualities such as attractiveness and gift
Horses symbolize freedom, and sometimes wildness. People born in the year of the Horse are friendly, adventurous, and often extremely emotional.
Before the horse was domesticated, contact between tribes separated by long distances remained minimal. But then the horse became man’s faithful assistant not only in travel, but also in war, in field work and in most other important areas of life. Nowadays, the horse finds its use mainly in the entertainment sector and in agriculture, but its energy as a totem animal is still strong and multifaceted.
The horse allowed people to explore the world and gain freedom outside the narrow confines of their native community. Thanks to the horse, people were able to travel and discover the diversity of life. Most people have a liking for horses. These amazing animals inspire admiration. Sitting in the saddle, it’s as if we are once again doomed to primordial strength. How many poets have compared riding a horse to the free flight of a bird! The running of a horse was compared to the breath of the wind and even to the foam of the sea surf.
The horse was endowed with the ability to predict the future. There are many legends in which horses act as clairvoyant animals, capable of also recognizing people who practice magic. In mystical terms, a horse is one of the embodiments of a magical gift in a person.
The symbolism of the horse is rich and complex. The horse can represent movement and travel. It is possible that she has become your totem to help you move and move towards your cherished goal. The horse can symbolize desires, primarily sexual desire. The stallion often served as a symbol of sexuality, and the taming of a stallion was a symbol of curbing sexuality and dangerous passions.
There are many breeds of horses, and each of them has its own unique talents. Some horses are adapted for riding, others for plowing fields, others for transporting goods, and so on. To understand what role the horse that has become your totem plays in your life, try to determine what breed it belongs to.
Study your totem in relation to your own life. Pay attention to the color of this horse and think about what this color means to you personally. How does this horse appear in your mind's eye? Is she running? Or is it always worth it? Are you riding her or looking at her from the side?
If the horse has become your totem, then perhaps it is time for you to explore such aspects of your life as wanderlust and a thirst for freedom. Do you feel limited in any way? Do you want to leave the past behind and move on? Perhaps you should release someone from your circle? Or is it time for you to defend your own freedom and assert your power in some new areas of life? What are you doing to develop civilized relations in your environment? And what are the people around you doing for this? Do you value the benefits that civilization has given you?
Having entered our lives, the horse takes us on a new journey. It teaches us to move in new directions. With its help, we realize and discover our own freedom and power.

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Find out what kind of animal you are by your date of birth. It turns out that I am twice a lion! Every person has a patron animal that protects, helps and protects him.

But besides this, the totem animal endows a person with special qualities and character traits. This horoscope will tell you about your character based on what animal protects you. Find out what kind of animal you are by your date of birth:


You are a very loyal and kind-hearted person. People around you know that they can trust you and rely on you in any matter. You are completely honest and sincere, responsible and hardworking. You are a modest and simple person who does not like to cause trouble to anyone. You have good taste in clothes and love to add new things to your wardrobe. You don’t have many friends, but they are all reliable and time-tested people.


As a child, you were a mischievous and naughty child, but even with time, the devils in your eyes did not disappear. This is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone.

You are a very interesting person. It's no wonder people are looking for your company. Your weak point is vulnerability and excessive sensitivity.

a lion

Unlike your animal patron, you are a very kind and peaceful person. You prefer to avoid conflict situations and do not like to sit in one place for a long time.

You are a born leader, but at the same time you know how to be tactful and demanding at the same time. You love to be the center of attention, receive compliments and generously respond in kind.


You are an incredibly charming and attractive person. Even if you have an ordinary appearance, you know how to radiate a special charm that attracts people to you. You can be somewhat shy and secretive; you know how to respond wittily and make appropriate jokes.

People feel very easy and at ease in your company, but from time to time you yourself need to be alone in silence. You choose your friends very carefully.


You are a very highly moral person. Most of all you value tranquility, peace and comfort. You don’t know how to hold a grudge for long, and this attracts people to you. You never gossip and are not inclined to show selfishness. You are one of those unique people who know how to give without expecting anything in return.


You are an optimist. Whatever your environment, you remain true to yourself. You are a friendly, caring and sociable person. You don’t like hypocrisy, so you recognize two-faced people at first sight and try to stay away from them.

You are very methodical and organized in your work. Disorder and vanity are not able to overwhelm you, unlike feelings. But you yourself know how amorous you are.


You are a man of mystery. Even if you are an extrovert and the life of the party, it is unlikely that many people around you know you deeply enough. You are one of those people about whom they say “in your own mind.”

It is impossible to manipulate you and very difficult to piss you off. True, from time to time you yourself are capable of screwing yourself up for no reason. Your downside is that you are a little stingy and don't mind gossiping from time to time. But let's be honest, who isn't guilty of this?


You are very energetic and impatient. You hate slowness and inaction and always want everything done as quickly as possible. You are quite easy to communicate with and love to be the center of attention.

Reputation is very important to you, so you try to please everyone and avoid provocations in every possible way. Your well-developed intuition helps you with this. Your entrepreneurial spirit greatly increases your chances of becoming rich by middle age.

Incredible facts

Each birth date corresponds to a specific animal. So, find out which animal corresponds to your birthday and what it means.

Animal by date of birth

Totem animal by date of birth

Here's what each animal means:

If you are a Dog:

You are a very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty simply cannot be questioned.

Additionally, you are honest and sincere when it comes to your work ethic. You are truly a very simple person, who is also absolutely non-conflict and even somewhat humble. This explains why your friends love and respect you so much.

For them, your opinion is always important. After all, in addition to all the above advantages, you also have excellent taste in clothes. If your wardrobe isn't updated with something trendy, it's a sure sign that you're depressed.

You are easy-going, which is why people are drawn to you. However, you don’t make contact with everyone. There are several people in your life whom you consider worthy of being called your friends.

If you are a Mouse:

You are always ready for adventure! The mischievous sparkle in your eyes makes you so sweet and attractive to others that they begin to gravitate towards you immediately after meeting you.

You are a very interesting person. It's no wonder people are constantly looking for your company and looking forward to getting together. However, you are also an overly sensitive person, which is your main flaw.

When talking to you, people have to choose the right words so that God forbid they offend you. If someone beats around the bush while communicating with you, this can cause your anger. It turns out that it is very easy to make you angry.

If you are a Leo:

Despite the fact that the lion is a rather formidable animal, you are a person who loves peace and quiet.

In contrast to this animal, you are someone who tries to avoid conflict situations and moments that require a fight.

You are a holiday person; you do not like to sit in one place for a long time. You are simple and sociable. But despite this, like every Leo, you are a born leader, and this leadership lives within you. You tactfully use this to get your way.

People like your politeness and the way you treat them. You love to be loved, and when you receive your share of attention from someone, you are absolutely happy.

If you are a Cat:

You are an extremely attractive, charming person. You can be shy at times, but you also like to show off your wit in public. Everyone knows your passion for good jokes.

From time to time you prefer silence. You like to explore different things and go into details. Under normal circumstances, you are a very nice person, but when you are given a reason, you become like a real volcano that is about to explode.

You love fashion and everything connected with it. Therefore, people often look at you as a style icon.

You are a fairly sociable person, but you don’t like to talk a lot with strangers. In your company people feel very easy and comfortable. You are very selective in choosing friends and those around you.

If you are a Turtle:

You are close to perfection and pleasant in soul, heart and character. Your kindness spreads to those around you. You stand for peace and harmony, so you will not strike back even at the person who was wrong.

This is the reason why you are loved so much. You don't talk about anyone behind their back. People like the way you treat them. You can give kindness, support and love without asking for anything in return.

You are quite a generous person, and those you love are simply happy to have a person like you in their environment. Seeing things in a practical light is your best character trait.

If you are a Dove:

You are a person who symbolizes a happy approach in life. Whatever the environment, sad or cheerful, it does not affect you in any way. You are not exposed to outside influence.

In fact, you radiate positivity and good humor wherever you go. You are a leader among friends. In addition, you have an excellent ability to comfort and support a person at the right time.

You don't like hypocrisy and lies, so you try to avoid people who lie and are hypocrites. Such people will never be near you. You are very methodical and organized in your work.

Clutter is something you will never see on your desk. This is not surprising, because you are discipline and order itself!

If you are a Panther:

Your main feature is mystery. You are someone who can handle any situation with ease, even when you are under pressure. At the same time, you do it beautifully, gracefully and without losing your temper.

Sometimes you like to gossip with your friends, but even this you do nicely and naturally. You like things to go the way you want, even if this is sometimes impossible.

As a result, you may lose some people and things that are dear to you. But otherwise, you are a wonderful person who loves to help people in difficult life situations.

If you are a Monkey:

You are a very impatient and hyperactive person.

You always want everything to be done as quickly as possible. At heart you are a very simple person, however, you love to be the center of everyone's attention.

Therefore, you are a unique person. You would like to be safe and avoid sharp corners. If your name appears in any controversy or gossip, you will begin to panic.

Therefore, you try to prevent conflict situations from the very beginning and not take them to extremes.

Sometimes when you foresee something going wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling and getting trapped.

Each of us has our own animal protector, which, like the Zodiac Sign, endows us with certain character qualities. The tradition of ascribing a totem to a person from birth appeared among the ancient Slavs. By knowing your spirit animal, you can learn more about the positive and negative sides of your character, which can help you understand yourself and achieve inner harmony. The totem animal is determined by date of birth.

Totem Bear

The bear protects people born from December 10 to January 9. People of this totem are distinguished by wisdom and calmness. For their loved ones, they often act as mentors and senior comrades. They are simple and unpretentious, but at the same time they are often lazy and passive.

Totem Wolverine

Wolverine protects people born from January 10 to February 9. They are strong and very organized. People of this totem tend to be very close to their relatives and friends, which gives them strength. To all other people, they seem closed and cold.

Raven Totem

Raven protects people born during the period from February 10 to March 9. People who have this totem animal are distinguished by well-developed intuition, flexible mind, creative inclinations and quick wits. The only negative is that they are very dreamy and do not always bring their ideas to fruition.

Ermine totem

The ermine protects those born during the period from March 10 to April 9. People who are protected by an ermine are independent and live by their own wits, not paying attention to the opinions of others. The Ermine have few friends, but those that exist are devoted and faithful.

Totem Toad

The toad protects people born from April 10 to May 9. People of this totem animal value material wealth and strive to achieve financial well-being. They love stability, calm and confidence in the future.

Totem Grasshopper

Under the protection of the grasshopper are people born from May 10 to June 9. Representatives of this totem are optimists. They are light and carefree and walk through life with a smile on their face. They are also reliable, active and active. They often go on adventures and take risks.

Totem Hamster

Hamster protects people born from June 10 to July 9. People of this totem animal are distinguished by some laziness. But when a goal appears in their life, they become active and agile, ready to do anything to achieve success.

Snail Totem

The snail protects those born from July 10 to August 9. People of this totem are very prone to fantasy. They often have their head in the clouds and do not like it when someone brings them back to the real world. Snails are very friendly and welcoming, and in love they are loyal and loyal.

Totem Ant

Under the protection of the ant are people born from August 10 to September 9. People with this totem are distinguished by hard work, patience, organization and practicality. They are often very pedantic and stubborn in some matters.

Magpie Totem

Magpie protects people born from September 10 to October 9. These are adventurous people, often flighty and fickle, sometimes indecisive and doubtful. They love travel, adventure and new experiences.

Totem Beaver

The beaver protects those born from October 10 to November 9. People of this totem are secretive and at first glance very calm. But no one can even imagine what is going on in their head. They are used to managing their own lives and will not allow anyone to stand in the way of their own well-being.

Totem Dog

The dog protects people born during from November 10 to December 9. This totem animal is distinguished by loyalty, friendliness, generosity and selflessness. They are honest and good-natured, but sometimes they are too trusting and naive.

A totem animal by date of birth will allow you to better identify the strengths and weaknesses of your personality based on the information received. We wish you success in everything and do not forget to click on the buttons and

18.03.2014 13:52

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Before answering this question, let's first figure it out: why is it even necessary to have and use your totem?

After all, a person who clearly understands the meaning of some phenomena in his own life is much more conscious, his realization capabilities are higher.

Why does a person need an animal totem?

It may not be a secret to you that our brain is triune, its components are:

  • reptilian (ancient) brain;
  • mammalian brain (limbic system);
  • neocortex (new cerebral cortex).

The man is in resource condition, that is, he is able to live and develop, and he has enough strength and motivation for everything - when the vibrations of these parts of the brain are synchronized with each other.

Symbols and images of natural objects in the surrounding world can help us with this. Those of them that are related to us in content and with which we can feel and maintain a special connection can become our Totems, beings of Power.

A person may be very intellectually developed and have scientific knowledge, but if at the same time he forgets his instinctive nature, he does not have the full potential of his own power. After all, from time to time in life situations arise when his inner animal, which was forgotten, locked in a cage, breaks out and compensates for long-term inattention. In our culture, the theme of werewolves reveals this internal mechanism well.

A person receives his “menagerie” genetically, like programs inherited from his ancestors. These animals (insects, birds, fish, etc.) are personifications of his basic instincts, his elemental strength.

Therefore, if you are smart and strive for integrity, pay attention to taming your inner beast. To do this, you need to manifest it, make it your sacred animal, a totem. And then the totem leads us in the flow. You develop a sense for the fabric of the world around you - for people, for situations.

This way, your animal nature will help you, as a Supreme Being, to feel unity with the world, fit into the surrounding earthly space and change it wisely.

Examples of totem action

This is shown very well in the film “The Golden Compass,” where each person had his own “daemon.” Damons in that world are part of the human Soul, living separately. They have their own Name; demons accompany a person throughout his life, spiritually and physically. And moreover, they talk, give advice, communicate with other Damons, help.

Poster for the film “The Golden Compass”. Lyra's parents with their Damons. It’s true, it’s easy to say from Damon – what kind of Soul does a person have? Lyra's Damon Pantalaimon peeks out of her pocket.

At first, in human childhood, daemons could change their shape, turning into different animals (for the main character of the film, the girl Lyra, the daemon changed - from a butterfly to a cheetah). But over time, when a person’s character was already more or less formed, the form became fixed. The connection between a person and his “Damon” was considered sacred, and no one should interfere with it. Damon could not exist without a person, and a person without Damon was considered a cripple.

You can also give an example from the world of Harry Potter, these are patronuses. Patronuses, carriers of the power of positive human emotions, took the form of an animal. For Harry it was a Deer, emphasizing his connection with the family, the strength and protection of the genetic program. After all, it was the deer that was the animal form of James Potter, Harry’s father, an animagus.

We also know that in our world, magicians, shamans, and witches have their own animal partner, with whom they are in some kind of symbiotic relationship.

The term Nagual (nahual, nagual) fully corresponds to the concept of totem:

In Aztec mythology, a double spirit, the patron of a newborn. Usually presented in animal form. To establish the exact appearance of the nagual, sand was scattered near the hut in which the baby appeared; In the morning they studied the tracks and determined which animal the double had incarnated into. In addition to newborns, the gods had naguals.

And now that it has become clearer why it is needed, let’s look at what ways there are to recognize your totem.

How to determine your totem

You can recognize your totem in different ways, the main thing is to want and form such an intention.

Analyze, is there any indication of a totemic connection in your family, for example, the surnames: Orlovs, Kotovs, Medvedevs - give clear clues to their Sacred animal of power.

Just think about it– what animal have you always been attracted to, that you like? With whom do you feel some kind of family connection, and maybe have an external resemblance?

Remember- how you behaved in an extreme situation, when you had to act rather than think. At this moment, your subconscious is active and it is the main totem that appears.

Let me to your Damon manifest in dreams, or give you a sign about himself in reality - invite him to show himself to you. Use a state of meditation.

There are more serious ways of acquiring a Sacred Animal - magical, shamanic initiations, but then this should be your life path.

A systematic way to access your own totem by date of birth, based on the horoscope, its symbolism:

  • pay attention to the animal of the year of birth - according to the eastern calendar, in the Avestan calendar, etc., listen to yourself, there should be a feeling of coincidence;
  • take an interest in the signs and – traditional, Slavic, etc. signs of the zodiac;
  • make your horoscope and find out the animal totems of the degrees that are most prominent in your natal chart ( use Pavel Globa’s materials about degrees - they are freely available on the Internet).

Important: you should feel connected - emotional intimacy with your animal totem. This is the main indicator.

If you have come to a conclusion about who your power animal is, begin to include its symbolism in your life and observe the changes, external and internal. Communicate with him, ask questions, learn to get answers. Feel him inside you, feel his special qualities, his support.

Remember what you are looking for is yourself, your elemental part brought out. Therefore, a simple and direct answer to the question: how can you recognize your totem? – Know yourself.