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What kind of dog should I bring to a private home? What kind of dog should I get for a child in an apartment or a private house? The best dog breeds for children. Great Pyrenees

There are a number of requirements for guard dogs. Such dogs must be able to master the following disciplines: protective guard, sentry, patrol service, as well as escort and watchdog. Naturally, only physically developed dogs with the necessary innate instincts and natural inclinations can cope with such volumes. People who are far from cynology and its features look at this issue more simply, not knowing about the nuances - a guard dog must be able to protect property, territory or the owner. Breeds of this type have one thing in common - they are universal, but at the same time they have a number of serious differences.

What criterion is fundamental when choosing a four-legged guard? Should the dog have an impressive size, cause serious injuries to an attacker, or be distrustful of strangers? In fact, many factors are taken into account, the wishes of the future owner and the conditions in which he will live.

Guard dog for the home

People living in a private house need a four-legged friend who can protect them, property and guard the surrounding area. The dog must be suitable for street keeping and can freely enter the house or only move around the local area. Aviary keeping or living in a booth is suitable. The main wishes in this case include the following:

  • It would be better if the dog belongs to a giant, large breed or, in extreme cases, to a medium one.
  • The dog should have a thick coat with well-developed undercoat.
  • The pet must be able to make independent decisions and at the same time be devoted to its family.
  • An innate wariness towards strangers is a must.

It is not recommended to keep a guard dog on a chain at all times. In this case, the leash is only a temporary measure when you have to keep the gate open or guests are expected to arrive. Representatives of guard dog breeds are distinguished by their activity and endurance, given to them by nature, so if their freedom is limited, tragic consequences can be expected.

The dog will constantly feel stress, which will lead to mental illness, and a large, aggressive, unbalanced pet is a real threat to others.

Apartment security guard

A more stringent selection is required here, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially if we are talking about modest areas. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they get a mastiff or Great Dane while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about average indicators, most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be medium or small in size;
  • it is desirable that the animal sheds little or does not have this tendency at all and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have excessive salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important to him and what he can “turn a blind eye to.”

The best protection for a person

Any dog ​​that has a set of security qualities can become a bodyguard, even if they are not bright, and the animal is not a working dog. Boundless love for the owner and his loved ones will help him protect his owner.

Of course, all dogs have teeth, but can they all use them when necessary? Hardly. Another important factor is the presence of a stable nervous system. For example, a tiny dog ​​that is shaken by loud noises may bite, but only if they are in danger.

But a good-natured, large dog will get involved in a fight if a threat hangs over its owner. We can draw certain conclusions that, thanks to proper upbringing and a strong psyche, a dog can become an excellent bodyguard.

What breeds of dogs are not capable of being guards?

Considering dogs of various breeds as a pet and guard, some of them can be crossed off the list almost immediately. According to dog handlers, the following do not have protective qualities:

  • Hunting dogs, except those that belong to universal breeds - huskies, schnauzers and some types of terriers. And one more nuance - dogs that have anger and aggression towards animals at the gene level are not recommended to be kept in a private home. Moreover, not only a personal yard, but also a neighbor’s one can suffer.
  • Fighting dogs - thanks to selection, modern representatives of these breeds have a good-natured disposition. But if such a pet is raised correctly, in case of danger, he will definitely come to the rescue.
  • , guide dogs, as family pets - even a large dog, uncontrollably rejoicing at everyone who comes into the house, is unlikely to be able to instill fear in intruders.

Giant Security Guards

If you have the desire and opportunity to have not just a four-legged companion, but a giant-sized dog capable of excellent security service, you should take a closer look at the following breeds:

This animal can reach 75 cm at the withers and is considered a rather serious, large dog. Fila needs respect, but at the same time you should not give her any slack - the pet must always remember who is in charge in the house.

A representative of this breed is suitable only for experienced dog breeders who know how to raise such giants. In addition to knowledge, the owner must be patient and have free time to spend with his four-legged friend.

Fila makes an excellent guard - balanced, intelligent, who will not get confused, even in serious situations. These dogs are distinguished by their special behavior in case of danger - they attack quietly, without making a voice, and even their facial expressions do not reveal their mood.

Already when the breed was bred, it was assumed that its representatives would become excellent guards and watchmen. agile, fast dogs that manage to hold the attacker without seriously injuring him until the owner arrives.

These dogs use certain tactics when attacking - they do not make noise and even at night they cope with their duties perfectly. But due to their short coat, they are not suitable for permanent outdoor living.

– powerful and colorful, he is an excellent guard, but requires special training. The pet has innate protective qualities, however, these dogs also make wonderful pets, lying on the sofas.

A snow-white, large dog with smooth fur, which is a serious weapon in the strong, skillful hands of an experienced owner. Having attacked an attacker, he is able to tear him to pieces in seconds. In some countries, there is a ban on the purchase and breeding of dogs of this breed, since they require an exceptional approach to education and training, which not everyone can do.

This amazing breed, bred in the Soviet Union, was originally intended for military service. These are large, shaggy, black dogs that are capable of protecting the local area, but at the same time need to communicate with their owner.

One who goes into a rage is a real storm, which can only be stopped by causing bodily harm to the animal itself! That is why dog ​​handlers warn future owners about the need for early socialization, education and further training of such a pet.

Another big black handsome guy who can live outside only in warm weather. Like all schnauzers, this robust fellow adores his family members, but, if he does not show aggression, he treats guests with restraint and wariness. If an approaching danger arises, the pet will definitely show all its protective qualities, and will protect both household members and property.

This dog can live quietly on the street, has endurance and temperament. Jokes with such an animal are bad - the dog will not just scare you and if it attacks, then with all the ensuing consequences. It is not recommended to keep a watchdog in an enclosure; it must “patrol” the territory around the clock and be aware of all events occurring in it.

A huge shaggy dog, reminiscent of a bear and terrifying by its appearance alone. And indeed, by entering its territory, a person is at extreme risk. Although, first of all, the dog is not aimed at killing, it is enough for him to drive out the stranger.

Must see the owner as a leader, otherwise you should not expect meek submission. If the owner finds an approach to this difficult pet, he will become a devoted, loyal friend, capable of protecting him to the last drop of blood.

Outwardly reminiscent of a Caucasian, but possessing greater affection for his family. The CAO gets along well with other animals; conflicts can only arise between the Alabai and other large male dogs.

The day when a dog appears in the house will, without exaggeration, become a significant day in the family. It happens that, growing up and turning into a not so cute clumsy puppy, an adult becomes a burden for the owners. Sometimes an adult animal is given to another family; cruel owners are able to drive the animal out onto the street. In most cases, the reason is simple: when planning to get a dog, the future owner did not think at all about choosing a breed, taking into account his own lifestyle and capabilities. When purchasing an animal, try to carefully analyze your financial capabilities, level of employment, conditions that you can provide for the puppy and start choosing.

Buying a dog

If you are interested in how to choose a dog breed, analyze your chart and answer a series of questions that will make it easier for you to choose a breed. Having an animal in the house requires:

When selecting a breed, answer the questions above honestly and keep in mind that the dog is supposed to have only one owner. Otherwise, the animal will not receive the required education, because it will not understand who to obey. An ill-mannered adult is a headache for owners. When getting a dog, be prepared to accept responsibilities in raising your pet. When preparing a gift, ask the person if he is ready to give half of his time to the little fool.

If a person is confident in his desire and has correctly assessed his own capabilities, an immediate purchase is undesirable. From this moment, a new stage of thinking begins, which dog to choose, decide on goals, size and breed. When choosing a dog, it is important to think through the nuances, including the wishes of family members. Remember, disagreements when choosing a breed or other aspects must be resolved amicably, otherwise the appearance of a long-awaited dog for some family members will negatively affect others. The choice of breed is certainly carried out jointly.

Owner's character

Evaluate yourself as a person. Active athletes and quiet housewives need different dog breeds. There are a number of breeds known that only strong and strong-willed people can handle. Popular decorative breeds will require a lot of time and attention, and are capable of causing scenes of jealousy if someone decides to get closer to their beloved owner or mistress.

If a person has a high degree of activity and is considered a follower of an active healthy lifestyle - he likes cycling, jogging, rollerblading, an active, agile and nimble representative of the dog breed will be suitable. For example, Irish Setter, Husky, Greyhound Italian Greyhound.

Let the calm and balanced future owner take a closer look at retrievers or pugs. Business active people with a strong-willed character can purchase a German Shepherd, Doberman or Rottweiler.

If you are thinking about purchasing a decorative breed, remember that indoor pets require significant attention. Capable of being stubborn, extremely nervous and sensitive.

Most dog trainers and breeders recommend adopting a small puppy. Obvious difficulties with raising and raising are foreseen, but there is firm confidence in the upbringing and disposition of the pet. Some people prefer to adopt an adult dog to avoid the hassles of growing up, hassling with vaccinations, and childhood diseases.

Distinctive features of different breeds

By purchasing a dog, a person acquires a new family member. When choosing, the vast majority of people first of all pay attention to the appearance of a potential four-legged friend. However, few people take into account the fact that dogs have different characters and behavior patterns. Let's take a closer look at the signs that are important when choosing a purebred friend. Here are a dozen smart and intelligent dog breeds:

  1. Collie.
  2. Poodle.
  3. German Shepherd.
  4. Rottweiler.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Labrador, golden retriever.
  7. Schnauzers.
  8. Spaniel.
  9. Belgian Shepherd.
  10. English cocker spaniel.

Think about your preference - male or female. There are advantages and disadvantages in both cases. During the spring spree, the behavior of the bitch changes noticeably, the males behave a little calmer. Think about whether fussing with your offspring is included in your plans. Males in this regard are less problematic, but are more often self-sufficient and independent.

Any dog ​​requires coat care. Select breeds require constant brushing and grooming. If you plan to keep a pet in an apartment, be prepared to constantly remove hair from the carpets. Consider the possibility of allergic reactions to dog hair in family members. Poodles are considered low-allergenic to humans.

Gender of the dog

This is an important nuance; males and females require different care. Both genders exhibit positive and negative traits.


According to dog experts, female dogs are often emotionally unprotected and become much closer to humans than individuals of the opposite sex. It is believed that girls perceive educational procedures more easily, are flexible, and, with the appropriate documents, are used for breeding puppies. The female is attracted to male dogs no more than 2 times a year, and the presence of admission opens up the possibility of breeding for the owners.

Added to the obvious disadvantages of keeping female dogs are the danger of unplanned pregnancy and estrus. Difficulties with false pregnancy and complications associated with this are often noted. If you do not plan to breed puppies, you should think about sterilization. There is no need to talk further about care and increased attention during pregnancy.


Males are emotionally more assertive, energetic, characterized by recklessness and uncontrollable joy. We are happy to give our owners positive emotions every day, without giving them peace. Among the positive qualities of a male dog are increased activity and the absence of difficulties associated with pregnancy. There are no restrictions regarding participation in competitions and exhibitions, which is explained by the highest degree of compliance with breed standards.

Disadvantages include increased interest in the opposite sex, all year round. The desire to dominate and take a leading position is expressed. The education of a male dog, mainly of a service breed, should be given increased attention. With the right and clear approach, they can show stunning results as a result of training.

Dog age

Without being an experienced breeder, never get an adult. The best dog for an amateur will be a small puppy raised by himself. Try to instill in the dog the correct behavior, smooth out the rough edges in its character, and adapt it to the conditions of being in the family.

It is problematic to do everything described with an adult dog. The adult has developed a permanent character and is accustomed to certain conditions of detention. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to remake an adult individual for yourself.

The only plus. An adult animal (with good upbringing, of course) will not allow itself to make a puddle in the middle of the corridor, chew shoes and damage furniture. This is an already trained adult dog, with instilled norms of behavior.

Choosing a dog for an apartment

People get dogs to have a best friend and helper in psychological matters. It’s not boring to play sports with a dog, it’s fun to go fishing or hunting. But when getting a pet, it’s rare that a person will think about the comfort of a dog’s stay in a city apartment.

Having a large breed of dog as a pet in an urban apartment is unsafe and difficult. The dog will need to be walked, and in places where there are no people or other animals. Agree that there are catastrophically few such places in cities. Secondly, a large dog needs a large space, with its own place and personal territory. This is difficult in apartments with a total area of ​​40 square meters, where, in addition to the dog, there is also a human family. Medium and small breeds of dogs are mainly suitable for keeping in city apartments.

The nuances of keeping dogs in an apartment

Medium breeds

There are many medium-sized dog breeds for apartments. Let's look at the popular representatives of the subgroup.

  • Poodle. A beautiful, smart and cheerful animal will become a beloved family member. It is recommended to purchase this breed of dog for families with children. Often, older single people choose a dog breed because of its kindness, sincerity and balance. The only difficulty in keeping it is regular grooming. The poodle needs to be combed daily and, if necessary, cut.
  • English cocker spaniel. Since ancient times, the dog was intended for hunting, but today it is common in apartments. This is a kind dog breed that gets along well with children and other pets. Does not require special efforts in education and training. Unpretentious and smart. Before buying a breed, keep in mind that the English Cocker Spaniel needs long walks, and the dog is also given time to run around as much as possible.
  • Boxer. An intelligent and willful dog will bring a lot of joy and happy moments in the life of a family. The dog breed demands respect. There are no shortcomings of the breed, except for the fact: when raising a puppy, you will need to constantly support the owner's leadership.

Small breeds

Small breeds of apartment dogs serve as both friends and protectors.

Small dog breeds for apartments

Small breeds of dogs for apartments are becoming very popular today. Dogs are often bought as an addition to the graceful appearance of the owner or owner.

  • Pekingese. It is considered the best representative of small dog breeds intended for living in an apartment. The Pekingese is unpretentious in food, unobtrusive, uncapricious and always adapts to its owner. To keep your dog looking its best, it is important to keep its coat clean and smooth.
  • Toy Terrier. The most popular small domestic dogs today. The babies have a capricious character, are unfriendly to strangers and are often susceptible to diseases. If you decide to purchase a toy terrier, you should be prepared to give the dog exceptional attention and care.

Smooth-haired and long-haired dogs

Undoubtedly, smooth-haired dog breeds are more suitable for apartments than long-haired ones. They do not require a picky attitude towards their fur, do not shed and do not bring back attached burrs from a walk. But smooth-haired dogs also need coat care. Dogs are supposed to be brushed with special brushes.

Calm dog breeds are recommended more often than mischievous ones for keeping in an apartment. Quiet representatives of dog breeds are considered: collies, Labradors, and retrievers.

Defining goals

To choose the right dog breed, you should decide on the goals of getting the animal. Do you want to see the dog as an excellent watchman and security guard, or a magnificent and faithful companion, or just a small, affectionate four-legged friend.

Analyze whether desires correspond to possibilities. If you want to get a representative destined to become an ideal guard, think about whether you have time to train your pet.

When choosing a small dog for your soul, keep in mind that selected decorative breeds are physically unable to tolerate loneliness. From constant loneliness, dogs get sick and their character deteriorates.

If you have never owned a dog before, you should not get representatives of aggressive breeds that require constant strictness. Dogs often begin to challenge their owner's right to leadership in the family.

Guard dog

Progress does not stand still. Despite the use of high technology, people, as before, strive to have a dog capable of guarding the territory. Statistics show that most intruders are much more influenced by the presence of a formidable guard in the form of a dog than by a security alarm and CCTV cameras.

For hundreds of years, leading positions in the field of protection have been occupied by shepherds and fighting dogs, for example, boxers, mastiffs, and Rottweilers. Do not think that only the listed breeds are suitable as guards. For apartment living, it is better to choose a less dangerous and calmer variety of guard dogs. For example, a bulldog or sharpei becomes full-fledged apartment security guards and wonderful companions.

When choosing a dog to guard your home, consider the needs and size of the animal. Guard dogs are designed to constantly exercise and move. Dogs are given space. These dogs are not kept on a chain. An aviary would be an ideal place. Pets will require a lot of owner's time. You will have to provide:

  1. Daily long walks, preferably without a leash.
  2. Daily workouts.
  3. Strict daily routine regarding feeding.

Watchdogs are required to undergo socialization, and at an early stage of life, otherwise people and animals in the area will have a hard time. Choosing a dog to guard your home does not just mean purchasing one. Without special attention, such dogs will instantly turn into uncontrollable monsters. Consider the fact that a guard dog will not survive without a lot of free space.

Owning a representative of a guard breed in an apartment environment will require the owner to take constant and long walks. Moreover, a spacious area, fenced or remote from people, is selected as a walking area. A guard dog is supposed to be let off the leash so that it can run around and burn off its energy. Private territory will allow you to avoid these difficulties.

Many people living in country cottages try by all available methods to protect their family from visits from uninvited guests. Moreover, each of them solves this problem differently. Some install alarms, others buy weapons, and others get large watchdogs. In today's article we will tell you which dogs are suitable for guarding a private home.

Central asian shepherd dog

Alabai is one of the oldest breeds, the formation of which lasted for several millennia. These huge animals were distributed over a vast territory stretching from Tartary to China. Their ancestors are considered to be shepherd dogs that lived in the same area and accompanied people everywhere. Since the development of the population took place in difficult conditions of lack of water and hot climate, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs became very hardy and strong. It is interesting that the Kazakhs considered the Alabais one of the seven vital wealth.

Those who are choosing a dog breed to guard a private home are advised to pay attention to these massive, majestic animals. Just the sight of alabai can scare away uninvited guests. The height of an adult is about 65-70 cm, and the weight varies from 40 to 80 kg. As for the character of the Central Asian Shepherd, it is quite contradictory. On the one hand, these are phlegmatic and easily trained dogs with well-defined guarding qualities. On the other hand, Alabai are very independent and proud creatures that pose a real threat to strangers and other dogs.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

People who are choosing a dog to guard a private home can be advised to pay attention to these powerful shaggy animals with a serious character. These aboriginal dogs, descended from the Tibetan Great Danes, have a long history dating back three thousand years. Initially, they were used to accompany flocks and guard human habitation. It is noteworthy that the faces of Caucasian Shepherd dogs are depicted on the coats of arms of several famous Georgian princes, and in the 18th century these dogs served in the Turkish army.

Representatives of this breed have long been recognized as one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. They have an intimidating appearance and impressive size that can frighten an attacker. The height of an adult Caucasian is 64-75 cm, and the weight should not be less than 45-50 kg.

These powerful dogs are endowed with a complex, independent character. They have a pronounced protective instinct, turning them into fierce and fearless defenders. Caucasians are very distrustful of strangers and require serious training.

Slovak dude

People who are thinking about purchasing a dog to protect a private home and children can pay attention to these snow-white beautiful animals. Representatives of this breed were bred in the 17th century. According to one version, their ancestor is a shepherd dog, according to another, they descended from the Arctic wolf.

The Slovakian Chuvach is a powerful, beautiful animal with well-developed muscles and an elongated head. The height of an adult is 59-70 cm and weighs 31-44 kg. A distinctive feature of representatives of this breed is their uneven white coat.

Like any other dog for guarding a private home, the Slovakian Chuvach is very attached to its owner and his family members. He will never allow strangers into the territory entrusted to him. Interestingly, this dog is prone to independence. He can make his own decisions and is sometimes stubborn.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Those who have still decided which dog to get to guard a private home can be advised to pay special attention to these large animals, which have proven themselves well as protectors.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large dog, whose height is 72-77 cm, and its weight ranges from 55-80 kg. Under the strong, elongated body with a powerful back and wide croup are smooth, muscular limbs with rounded paws and arched toes. On a massive head with a weakly defined stop, there are dark almond-shaped eyes and triangular drooping ears. The entire body of the animal is covered with dense, hard, white fur with dark spots.

At the first glance at the Pyrenean Mastiff, it immediately becomes clear that this is one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. In addition to their impressive size, representatives of this breed are endowed with a corresponding character. They are very affectionate towards their owner and his family members, but distrustful of strangers. These animals are quite smart and easy to train. With proper upbringing, they make not only excellent protectors, but also good companions.

East European Shepherd

Those who are trying to find out which breed of dog for guarding a private home best adapts to the Russian climate can be advised to opt for these service dogs, which are distinguished by their high performance and adaptability to any living conditions. Vostochniks were bred in the USSR on the basis of the German Shepherd.

Unlike their ancestors, they are distinguished by their impressive size. The height of an adult is 62-76 cm, and the weight reaches 30-60 kg.

Like any other breed of dog for guarding a private home, these animals have a balanced character. They are very confident in themselves and distrustful of strangers. Easterners have a well-developed active-defensive reaction and a stable nervous system. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, love children and need regular exercise.

South Russian Shepherd

These animals with a deceptive appearance will not go unnoticed by those who are trying to figure out which private home guard dog is suitable for keeping in an enclosure. The exact origin of representatives of this breed still remains unknown. But their appearance suggests that they were bred specifically for open-air work. Interestingly, South Russian Shepherds were on the verge of extinction. And to restore the population, they were crossed with bobtails, Komondors and Caucasians.

Even a cursory glance at the South Russian Shepherd is enough to understand that this is a dog for guarding a private home. The height of an adult is 62-66 cm with a weight of 48-50 kg. A unique calling card of this breed is its luxurious long hair.

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are characterized by waywardness and territorial aggression. Therefore, they should not be started by people who do not have experience. These animals are prone to dominance from an early age and require firm upbringing and serious training. They are very distrustful of strangers and are capable of causing injury.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Representatives of this breed are considered ideal dogs for guarding a private home. They have long been used by nomads to accompany sheep flocks and to protect human habitation. It is interesting that the second name of the wolfhound, which sounds like “hotosho”, translated from Buryat means “a dog guarding the farmstead” or “yard wolf”.

These large and very beautiful animals are distinguished by their impressive size. The height of an adult male dog should not be less than 74 cm. Under the strong body of a typical Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound with a wide chest and powerful bones there are long muscular limbs. The voluminous head with well-developed jaws has dark eyes and hanging triangular ears.

In general, these are very balanced dogs, selflessly devoted to their owner and his family members. They are wary of strangers and will never let them into the protected area. Despite their impressive size, Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds are very collected and are able to instantly take action.

Moscow watchdog

Just by the name alone, it becomes absolutely clear that representatives of this breed are considered one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. Interestingly, they were bred at the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery under a special government order. Among their ancestors are German Shepherds, Newfoundlands, Russian Foothounds, Caucasians and St. Bernards.

As a result, breeders managed to obtain a large animal, the height of which in some cases reaches 80 cm, and the weight varies from 60 to 80 kg. In addition to their impressive size, these dogs are endowed with excellent protective qualities and enormous physical strength. They are easy to train and rely on their handler for everything. They are great with children and often make good nannies. Moscow watchdogs are discreet, independent and self-confident dogs that do not show causeless aggression.

Tibetan mastiff

Those who are interested in which dog is best for guarding a private home can be advised to learn more about these shaggy beauties, whose history dates back more than one millennium. They have long accompanied herds and guarded the homes of Buddhist monks. Interestingly, the first mentions of Tibetan mastiffs date back to the ancient era. Aristotle himself admired their power and intelligence.

The weight of these giants varies from 60 to 80 kg, and the average height of an adult male is 70 cm. The terrifying appearance of these animals is complemented by a corresponding character. If in the presence of their owners they behave very quietly, then, left alone, Tibetan mastiffs turn into ferocious guards. They are smart, stubborn and prone to dominance. Therefore, it is extremely important from puppyhood to convey to the dog who is boss in the house.

Black Russian Terrier

For those who have not yet decided which dog is best for guarding a private home, it would not hurt to learn about the existence of another unique breed. It is not for nothing that the Black Russian Terrier is considered the pride of Russian cynology.

These strong animals perfectly combine high adaptability, fearlessness, reliability, excellent trainability and unpretentiousness. They are very smart, cunning, agile and balanced. Representatives of this breed are able to instantly absorb new information and accurately carry out assigned tasks.

German Shepherd

These versatile noble animals are deservedly considered one of the best dog breeds for guarding a private home. They have an unusually successful combination of external beauty and excellent working qualities.

Germans are very loyal to their owner and his family members. They are wary of strangers and always rely on their well-developed intuition. These animals are quite reserved and patient. They are easy to train and need regular exercise.

A dog is not only man’s best friend, but also a reliable guardian of his owner’s family and his property. However, you should take the choice of a dog who will ensure the safety of your home very seriously. Study different breeds and only then make your final choice. Well, to simplify this procedure, we will list which breeds are suitable for the role of the best dog for protection.

First of all, the dog must be quite aggressive - you cannot allow it to greet thieves or robbers as old friends, climb up to play with them, jump around and try to lick them. So, good-natured breeds that can become a good playmate for a child, as well as hunting ones, should be immediately discarded.

In addition, it is advisable to choose large breeds or at least in the upper medium range. The very presence of a huge, bear-like dog can scare off potential robbers, forcing them to look for easier prey.

Do you need the best dog to guard your private home? Most likely, she will live on the street, so make sure that she has, if not long hair, then at least a thick, dense undercoat that protects her from frost. Still, a brave smooth-haired boxer who may not survive the night when the temperature drops to -10 degrees will be of little use. And keeping a guard dog in the house, leaving the entire yard defenseless, is not the best solution.

If we take into account all these criteria, it turns out that the choice has narrowed sharply - you can choose the appropriate option from an already sharply limited list. So there probably won't be any problems.

Here are several varieties of breeds, each of which can become a first-class security guard, providing a high level of security for both your family and property.

This is a classic and truly a win-win option. A huge dog, simply walking around the yard or resting near the kennel, with its appearance will make potential thieves seriously think about whether it is worth going down such a slippery path? After all, one bite with such powerful jaws will be quite enough to seriously injure any intruder.

It is very important that Caucasian Shepherds have a highly developed territorial instinct. They do not tolerate strangers on their territory. Therefore, usually owners do not even have to spend time and effort on training them, many generations of ancestors will tell your dog its main function.

Long hair combined with a dense undercoat allows dogs to sleep peacefully even at low temperatures, right on the snow. And in a cozy kennel they don’t mind a frost of -30 degrees.

German Shepherd

Dogs of this breed are famous for their remarkable intelligence. Indeed, bred for military service, they cope well with almost any task - from protecting a specific person or territory to detecting explosives. However, the key to success lies in training. Only through good training will they become reliable guards.

However, their sharp mind allows them to grasp any information literally on the fly, so even a less experienced trainer will not have any problems when training a German Shepherd.

Although they are not very impressive in size, their speed and combat fury completely compensate for the lack of mass.

Moscow watchdog

As the name suggests, this is the best dog for home guarding. Bred relatively recently, in the Soviet Union by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. Thanks to such an unusual union, the result was a large dog (which is not surprising - with such parents!), which is not overly good-natured, like St. Bernards, but at the same time is not ready to tear apart anyone they see near their owner’s house without a second thought.

But they need constant physical activity - games, the opportunity to run. Otherwise, they will become victims of obesity and will hardly be able to live long, let alone fulfill their home security duties.

Moscow Watchdog is a breed developed by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd and a St. Bernard.

An excellent watchman - not trusting strangers, viewing every alien as a potential enemy and at the same time very vigilant and attentive.

Although Rottweilers belong to the short-haired group of dogs, they can boast a surprisingly dense undercoat. Therefore, they can easily tolerate frosts down to -15...-25 degrees. And lower temperatures are practically never found in many regions of our country.

But when getting a Rottweiler, be very careful. Show toughness and a steely character when raising them - these are strong, stubborn dogs with aspirations for leadership.

If you fail to immediately build the correct hierarchy in your relationship, serious obedience problems may arise later.

The Rottweiler is a very strong, alert and stubborn dog.

Giant Schnauzer

One of those breeds for which protecting the owner’s home and property is the main meaning of life. So, they can safely be included in the list of the best dogs for guarding private homes.

Thick fur provides them with good protection from frost - even on the coldest winter nights, the Giant Schnauzer will vigilantly guard the territory - however, the dog obviously will not refuse a warm, wind-free kennel where he can warm up.

Devoted, rather unpretentious, he is distinguished by fearlessness and love for children. You don’t have to worry about problems when raising him - he is very good-natured towards those closest to him and at the same time smart enough to quickly recognize where the owner’s family is and where are strangers who should not be allowed close.

The only problem is the wool. If you don’t want your dog to be constantly covered in tangles, you will have to brush him regularly.

The Giant Schnauzer is a loyal, unpretentious and fearless dog.


A very strong, large and fearless dog that will stop intruders at any cost. His rage and strength make him a truly dangerous guard. But when you start one, be prepared to devote a lot of time to raising him. Otherwise, you risk getting a practically uncontrollable dog, which poses almost the same danger to you as it does to strangers.

It is also very important to give him significant physical activity - the Alabai must expend his strength so that it does not go down a destructive path, from dug up beds to strangled chickens.

Alabai is a very strong, large and fearless dog


The breed is not very well known in our country and it’s completely in vain - the dogs are good at guarding the house. On the one hand, they love all family members to death, especially children, with whom they can play, run, and wrestle for hours. On the other hand, any stranger or little-known person is automatically perceived as an enemy and are ready to rush at the slightest suspicion.

They have a possessive instinct towards territory. Therefore, strangers will not be tolerated on your site - even serious problems may arise because of this. It’s nice that all this is transmitted at the genetic level and kuvasz practically do not need training.

What dog breeds are not suitable for guarding?

Now you know which dogs are best to get for protection. But who should you immediately abandon? First of all, these are small lap dogs: Pekingese, pugs, Chihuahuas, miniature terriers and the like. Simply because they will not be able to resist the robber, having neither strength, nor speed, nor size.

Dogs bred to rescue people should also be abandoned. Divers and St. Bernards, although they are distinguished by their enormous size and strength, are quite tolerant, if not friendly, even towards strangers. A stranger may well come into your yard, pet such a lout, or even give you a piece of poisoned food. Of course, such gullibility has no use at all. For protection, it is better to get another dog.

Dogs of hunting breeds - huskies, hounds, greyhounds - are also not suitable. If they need to take an animal, they will rush at a bear, wild boar or elk without hesitation, inflicting wounds on it that would be fatal for a person. But the whole point is that they do not experience aggression towards people at all. On the contrary, they will happily play with a stranger, only barking a few times for good measure. Of course, this makes them not the best choice for a guard role.

Finally, surprisingly, dogs of fighting breeds - bull terriers, staffords, pit bulls - are not very suitable either. The fact is that initially they were bred specifically for battles between each other. They will tear any dogs without the slightest pity - even mortal wounds do not stop them immediately. If necessary, they will not even think, rushing at any other animal - from a wolf to an elk. But in most cases they simply do not consider a person as an enemy. Consequently, they will not be able to efficiently cope with the function of a watchman.

What is the difference between a guard dog and a guard dog?

Not all people understand the difference between guard dogs and guard dogs. And it’s not surprising - the line is very narrow and only experts understand it well. They can be equally large, strong and courageous, dislike strangers, and go to the last to protect the health and property of the owner. But their approach is completely different. And it is precisely because of this that the best breeds of guard dogs turn out to be worthless watchdogs. For clarity, let's give an example.

How does a guard dog act when a stranger has entered the forbidden territory? Of course, if necessary, she will not hesitate to rush at the enemy. But before that, she will try to create as much noise as possible. Powerful lungs combined with a huge mouth allow them to bark very loudly - the whole street will be awakened in a matter of seconds. Consequently, the owner will have time to jump out into the street and detain the offender.

What are the actions of a guard dog in such a situation? Most likely she will do without barking. After a short roar, she will bare her teeth (or even skip this stage) and immediately rush at the enemy, trying to inflict maximum damage on him. The owner may not find out about the intrusion for several hours. As a result, a variety of problems can arise - from the killing of a dog by a prepared robber to police proceedings if the dog inflicted wounds incompatible with life to the attacker.

So, if you need a watchdog, you should choose one from the breeds that have earned the status of guard dogs.

Ensuring home security is not an easy task. This can be done with the help of competent selection of guard dog breeds. A faithful dog, a formidable protector and a good-natured companion in children's games - can these qualities be combined in one breed? Let's figure out which dog is better suited for protection. Canine specialists and satisfied owners will advise which breed to choose to protect a private home.

Breeds not suitable for protection

All dogs instinctively protect their territory. But some are too peaceful in nature and have such a positive attitude towards all people that they are simply unable to distinguish a guest from an intruder. To select a suitable four-legged guard, you should figure out which breeds are absolutely not suitable for this role:

  • all hunting breeds (huskies, pointers, greyhounds, etc.). They are friendly to humans and are a threat to any pets. Both qualities are not suitable for a security guard;
  • fighting breeds (pit bull terriers, bull terriers). These breeds are genetically related to humans, because... bred for baiting animals;
  • dogs without undercoat (boxers, Dobermans, etc.) will not withstand winter cold. And if they are taken into the house, the yard will be left without a guard;
  • Rescue breeds (Labrador, St. Bernard, Newfoundland) were bred specifically to protect people; they are completely gentle and good-natured.
  • Huskies are friendly to all strangers. And if they are trained to act as guards, then it is impossible to predict their behavior;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan. A large and powerful dog treats his family well, but is extremely aggressive towards other people. If it is given security tasks, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Criteria for choosing a good watchman

Dog experts say that good guards should not be angry or aggressive. They need to be taught friendliness towards family members and a healthy distrust of strangers.

The German Shepherd is the best guard dog

Attention! The best breed requires the best owner. Even if the dog runs freely around the yard, it is necessary to take it for walks periodically. Walking promotes successful socialization and the ability to navigate correctly in any situation. Some breeds vitally need additional stress, for example, German shepherds, for whom service is the meaning of life.

Qualities important for an excellent defender:

  • a genetic tendency to guard, which not every breed has;
  • friendliness to children;
  • receptivity to learning;
  • frightening appearance.

Another important criterion is the ability to withstand heat and frost. It is this indicator that determines the choice of an animal for a private household or for guarding an apartment.

Ideal four-legged guards

A faithful friend and devoted protector, capable of serving at any time of the year, can be a representative of one of 7 breeds suitable for protection.

  1. The German Shepherd is a fierce protector and affectionate friend who loves children. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence (3rd place in intelligence) and good memory, which means it is easy to train.
  2. Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Dogs have a strong territorial instinct. They can be headstrong and ferocious, so they require strict upbringing.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer is affectionate towards children, obeys its owners at a glance, and lends itself well to training. For the sake of protecting people and their property, he is capable of any feats. The dog needs physical activity and regular grooming.
  4. The Moscow Watchdog is a young breed that enjoys well-deserved respect. They are considered more peaceful than Caucasians or Central Asians. Unpretentious animals combine a gentle attitude towards family members and a spiteful attitude towards strangers. They cannot be kept on a short chain; constant training is required.
  5. The Black Terrier is distinguished by its strength, endurance and energy. He can play with children all day long, without ceasing to monitor the inviolability of his territory. Requires careful grooming and regular haircuts.
  6. The Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog with a developed undercoat. Withstands the cold of the south and central Russia. Characterized by vigilance and distrust. Raising this breed is impossible without rigor and reasonable, consistent toughness.
  7. The Tibetan Mastiff is good-natured, but brave and smart. Capable of being an unyielding guard and cheerful companion for any family member.

When choosing a reliable watchman, you should avoid rare and fashionable breeds. Rare breeds are distinguished by their high cost and unexpected reactions during training. And the demand for fashionable dogs causes an increase in supply from non-professional breeders. Such animals may lose the qualities inherent in their breed.

Advice. Constant keeping on a chain or in an enclosure is not allowed. It is better if the dog can move freely throughout the yard.

One of the main rules of training is education from childhood. Moreover, you cannot provoke aggression in a puppy, otherwise an uncontrollable creature may grow up instead of a good friend.

A dog must know and obey only its owner and family members. It is strictly not recommended to accustom her to strangers and allow them to feed the animal. The dog's social circle can only be expanded to his closest relatives, who often come to visit.

Attention! The biggest mistake is to buy a dog and expect it to be an unsurpassed watchdog due to the behavioral characteristics of the breed. Any pet needs to go through the basics of training.

Not everyone knows that a puppy needs to be taught not only unquestioning obedience, but also the ability to win. The dog should feel like a leader, but clearly know its position in the family hierarchy. Special games for instilling in your pet the ability to solve complex problems and win in unexpected situations can be suggested by professional dog handlers.