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Dwarf Chin. The emperor's toy - Japanese Chin: description of the breed, the character of the dog, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The Japanese can be characterized by the following qualities:


Origin: Japan


Usage: Indoor decorative dog

Color: white with black or red spots. Red Chins come in a variety of shades, from very light to almost brown. The spots are well defined. A characteristic feature of the breed is colored ears and spots around the eyes.

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - about 25 cm, females a little smaller; weight: usually from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, but there are also larger individuals

Lifespan: on average 10-12 years, but chins often live up to 20 years

In their homeland, Japan, these little graceful creatures are treated with reverence.

"Hin" means jewel in Japanese. The Japanese never use the word "dog" ("inu") to refer to chins.

There are dogs, and there are chins - the Sacred Lions of the Buddha. According to legend, chins originated from the union of a lion and a butterfly, and have the ability to ward off evil spirits.

The Japanese Chin is a small, slender, graceful dog with a proud posture, a wide short head, huge eyes and long hair.

Japanese Chin dogs, photos of which you have seen more than once, are recognized as a unique breed.

History of the breed

Chin tribal books have been preserved since the 14th century. Their ancestors were dogs that were brought to Japan from China by Buddhist monks.

Another probable version: the Korean emperor gave the ruler of Japan a pair of chins as a token of gratitude in 732.

Until now, many chin nurseries are patronized by the imperial family.

It is almost impossible to buy a dog in such a kennel - they become a precious gift.

The Japanese Chin breed (photo) has long enjoyed special privileges - they had their own servants and doctors, and only royalty could own this treasure.

The Englishman Matthew Colbright Parry brought the chins to the mainland and presented the unprecedented rarity to the queen.

Soon, all of Europe was carried away: chins were smuggled by sea, doomed to certain death.

You can see a true Japanese Chin outside Japan only occasionally at shows.

At home, they are still considered national wealth and do not allow themselves to make a profit from breeding and selling chins.


Miniature Chins are intelligent, emotional, affectionate and playful, like .

They are happy to perform simple tricks and always count on praise; they love to be the center of attention.

Chins are surprisingly loving - they are ready to rejoice at every person they know, but they treat strangers with disdain rather than wariness.

Dogs love walks, but they cannot be called too active.

Favorite places are the back of the sofa and unexpected corners that cats usually choose.

Another similarity with cats is that if you manage to earn the love of a Chin, he will be very gentle and responsive.

The pet will do its best to demonstrate its affection and affection to you, making sounds that are more similar to purring and gurgling than to a dog barking.

Chins are more obedient than most miniature breeds, although sometimes they are stubborn and show character.

Don’t be surprised if your treasure avoids communication, this means that the day before you were inattentive and forgot to testify to your tender feelings for “Mr.

Active and cheerful dogs are balanced and devoted to their owners, just like with.

They are great companions for those who want a little friend to snuggle quietly on their lap, snoring quietly in their sleep.

Please note that Chins really need communication with their owner and constant confirmation of their special relationship.

Hin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick.


The Japanese Chin is an ideal pet for apartment living.

Many owners never tire of praising the quiet, calm temperament and good manners of this dog.

How to choose a puppy

Purebred dogs are divided into several classes:

  • Pet class. Dogs are pets for the soul.
  • Breeding class. Esterter of high-level breeding class dogs.
  • Show class. These are real aristocrats, there are not many of them. To buy such a dog, you will have to wait a long time for your turn and pay the full price.

If you decide to purchase a breed or show class china, start by visiting exhibitions.

There you will determine which kennel dogs you like, and you will be able to negotiate with the owner about purchasing a puppy from certain parents.

Chins really need communication with their owner and constant confirmation of their special relationship. Khin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick

As in other breeds, Chin males are larger than females, they are more independent and express their gender more clearly.

Male puppies need to be raised strictly; walks with them last longer, and constant supervision is required.

Chin bitches are docile and obedient, all their attention is focused on their owner.

When contacting a breeder, clearly formulate your requirements, and they will select a suitable dog for you.

If you decide to trust your heart and choose a puppy yourself, pay attention to the following points:

  • The puppy's development should correspond to its age.
  • Between the plump and skinny puppies, choose the first.
  • The coat should be, like that of dogs of the breed, shiny and without bald spots, the skin should be free of scratches and wounds, the eyes and ears should be clean.
  • The dog should not limp.
  • A swollen tummy and a warm nose indicate malaise.
  • A healthy puppy has a good appetite, a cheerful mood and a clear look.

All puppies are adorable, but you must understand that they will soon grow up and lose their childish charm.

Chat with the puppies, and you will definitely develop a mutual sympathy with one of them.

At such moments, buyers forget about their demands and take away with them the chin that first climbed onto their laps or licked their nose.

Features of care


Caring for quinines is not difficult. Their coat is straight, so it does not tangle; dogs need to be combed only when shedding in spring and autumn.

There will be no problems with bathing either - three times a year is enough.

The coat is dry, without undercoat, and has a wonderful ability to repel dirt.

Even if the dog has been fussed over on a walk, all it needs to do is dry off, and very soon the lumps of dirt will fall off on their own, and the fur will shine clean again.

Caring for Japanese Chins comes down to examining the ears and eyes.

At the first symptoms of eye inflammation, you need to rinse with tea and carefully wipe the ears with a medicine recommended by a veterinarian.

You can read more about what to do if your dog has pus in his eyes in the article

If the fur between the toes becomes too long, it needs to be trimmed carefully.

Claws are trimmed every 7-10 days so that they do not have time to grow.


The Japanese Chin is very clean; it never picks up anything from the ground or takes anything from the hands of others.

If the owner does not have enough time, the chin does not need to be taken outside; he has been accustomed to neatness since childhood, and immediately understands why a newspaper is laid out in a certain place.

This lap dog feels great at home and does not require daily walks.


Small chins can be voracious, but you should not follow their lead, otherwise the dog will get fat and get sick.

Your dog's diet should include:

  • Animal proteins. Beef, fish, poultry. Fatty meat is excluded.
  • Carbohydrates. Porridges and vegetables must be mixed with meat or fish.
  • Calcium. For breakfast, cottage cheese diluted with kefir is suitable.

There is no need to share “human” food with your dog.

Japanese Chins are not fussy eaters, so you can maintain the diet they were accustomed to from the breeder.

For example, you can feed Chinchina if you are comfortable with it.

Japanese Chins are excellent mothers, so the puppies are always well fed and washed.

From one month on, babies should be fed cottage cheese, diluted milk or kefir.

First, feed the cottage cheese from your finger, then teach the puppies to eat from a saucer.

Only after the kids get used to this diet can you move on first to minced meat, and then to small pieces.

By one and a half months, porridge is added to the diet, by two months - boiled vegetables, by three months - raw fruits and vegetables, fish.

Important! Chins sometimes become depressed from jealousy or resentment towards their owner. During such periods, the dog may go on a hunger strike. Don't try to quell a riot by removing the food bowl - you may escalate the situation.

Japanese Chin: the oldest breed of indoor dog

Japanese Chin. Description of the Japanese Chin dog breed. History of the breed. The character of Japanese Chins and their habits. How to choose a Japanese Chin puppy. Features of care and nutrition. What diseases do Japanese Chins suffer from?

The history of the appearance of the Japanese Chin, external parameters, behavioral traits of the animal and health, nuances of care: walks, nutrition, procedures. Buying a puppy.

Once upon a time, these dogs were companions only to the top of the Japanese aristocracy. They emphasized the status of their master. And the imperial pet even had a separate servant who looked after him and fulfilled all his whims. Modern chins also expect this kind of attitude from their owners.

Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they have retained their appearance over the past six hundred years. Therefore, your pet will look exactly the same as its ancestor, who may have sat in the arms of the Japanese emperor. If you want a lap dog that feels and reacts like a biggie, look into the eyes of a Japanese Chin and you will see a sophisticated, sentimental creature. They require a lot of trouble, but they give their love without reserve.

History of the appearance of the Japanese Chin breed

This ancient breed from the East was not even considered a dog. In ancient Japan, Inu dogs were the embodiment of evil, but Chins were compared to royal creatures. In Japan, each of them was assigned a servant who catered to all the whims of the animal. In past centuries, under penalty of death, it was forbidden to possess such signs of higher social status. Hins were present only in the most noble houses of China, Japan and Korea. Their primary and, probably, unambiguous duty was to amuse and amuse their high-ranking masters.

The Japanese Empire gave them as a sign of special respect to ambassadors of foreign countries. When they were brought to the West in the 19th century, high society quickly became interested in Japanese chins. The English princess Alexandria was always accompanied by nine or ten such pets. These are suitable companions for monarchs, even today, as they need to create just such a lifestyle.

The ancient roots of the Japanese Chin, dating back into the darkness of centuries, are often mysterious and mysterious. Many researchers, turning to works of art, come to the conclusion that the name of the breed does not accurately reflect its roots. The Japanese Chin is actually a Chinese Chin. The Chinese bred the Pekingese and the so-called Chinese Chin. By and large, these are the same breed. Only they were painted more colorfully.

The Japanese Chin appeared after Chinese emperors began sending Chinese Chins to Japanese rulers. And the Japanese crossed them with an old breed, the European decorative spaniel. This selection gave rise to the birth of a new breed - the Japanese Chin.

The isolationist policy of Imperial Japan was the reason that this canid species was virtually unknown in the Western world. In 1853, Commander Matthew Perry was sent to the United States of America with the task of establishing trade relations with Japan, even by using force if necessary. After Peri opened Japan to trade, sailors began smuggling Japanese chins. This is how they became available to other peoples.

Although this type of dog gained popularity in the West, it nearly disappeared at the turn of the 20th century due to poor breeding. Those who bred chins back then greatly reduced their size. They have become very miniature. If the dogs weighed about one and a half kilograms, they were valued extremely highly. Small parameters created health problems for the breed, which in those days they did not know how to cope with. Vaccines for animals were discovered in 1930.

Since the beginning of World War II, these dogs were again in danger of extinction. Food shortages, destruction and earthquakes in Japan have brought the species to the brink of extinction. Their numbers have decreased tenfold. After this difficult period, in order to renew the breed and inject new blood, the nurseries of England and America united.

Some clubs had dogs with strong bones, while others had beautiful fur and faces. The new specimens took the best qualities from the selected individuals and thus these beautiful modern dogs were born. In the early fifties, Chin revival enthusiasts received a prize in the form of a doll at a Japanese dog show. It was presented by Prince Hirohito, who later became Emperor of Japan.

Description of the external parameters of the Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a miniature, compactly and gracefully built, elegant dog of light weight. This physique is due to thin bones and a delicate and dry constitution. The bone should not be too thin. Despite its weightlessness, the animal is quite strong and endowed with dense muscles. Compared to the body, the skull characteristically stands out with a widened and shortened muzzle. A silky coat adorns the dog.

The Japanese Chin behaves confidently, but not arrogantly. She has a balanced disposition and is not without recklessness (females are more careful than males). The dog has excellent contact with humans. She is curious and welcoming. Angry and fearful individuals are rejected.

According to the norms, the height at the withers for males is from 18 cm to 20 cm, for females from 16 cm to 18 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1–2 cm. The weight of breed specimens is divided into two categories from 1.5 kg to 3 kg, and from 3 kg to 4 kg. They move easily and smoothly, as if they are dancing without even touching the ground. Many people associate such movements with the gait of the Japanese in national shoes. When moving, the front legs are directed forward and rise high. The stately appearance is produced by a high carriage of the head and the position of the tail on the back.

  1. Head looks larger against the background of the body. The frontal part is wide and rounded at the top. Its highest point is in line with the muzzle when looking at the dog in profile. The furrow on the forehead is smoothed. Cheekbones blend smoothly. The eyebrows are completely undefined.
  2. Muzzle expanded, shortened. The bridge of the nose is very short. The stop is sharply defined. The lips are dry, compressed, and pigmented black. The bite is pincer-like, but ideally there is a small undershot. The shavings are moderately voluminous. The jaws are wide and short. The lower jaw is slightly rounded upward. The teeth are medium and white.
  3. Nose when assessed from the front, it is located on the same parallel with the eyeballs. The nose is small, flat with small nostrils, curved towards the eyes. The pigmentation of the nose is jet black or to match the light spotted color.
  4. Eyes Japanese Chin wide, convex. They are large, round in shape and slightly slanted, so that the whites in the corners of the eyeballs are visible. Their color ranges from dark brownish to coal black. The darkest shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry and dark. They have an astonished, brilliant look, characteristic only of hinam.
  5. Ears have a low-wide placement, medium size, triangular shape, hanging. Long, even, guard hair grows on them. The cartilages are thin, the ends are slightly rounded. The ears are directed downward, harmoniously adjacent to the skull and cheekbones. When alerted, the dog lifts them slightly on the cartilages.
  6. Neck moderately shortened, oval in shape, with strong muscles. It is set high, which gives the Japanese Chin a proud look when moving. The withers are smoothed, there is no dewlap.
  7. Frame- square format. The chest is moderately expanded, not flat. The back is straight, strong, shortened. The loin is widened, voluminous, not sloping. The ribs are harmoniously arched in the form of an arch. The abdominal line is perfectly drawn up to the groin area.
  8. Tail tall and larger than average in size, curled up onto the back. It has elegant, long fringes that fall in different directions.
  9. Limbs- when assessed from different sides, they stand parallel and have thin bones. The front ones are with a dry system of muscles, erect. Their back side is covered with long feathers. The shoulders fit perfectly to the body, the forearms are straight. The pasterns are slightly inclined. The rear ones are parallel to one another, even. The thighs have elongated, lean muscles and long feathering. The knee joints are moderately curved. The metatarsus are located vertically. The paws are compressed, round-oval, not large. May have a small size. Fingers with curved hard claws, slightly pressed one to the other. Fur grows between them. The claws are dark pigmented. The pads are dense and elastic.
  10. Coat Japanese Chin is its decoration. The undercoat is moderate, but the guard hair is elongated, even, soft and silky in structure. It is not falling, but slightly raised. In the area of ​​the head and the front of the limbs, the hair is softer and shorter. The fur that adorns it is the longest, growing along the edges of the ears, neck and along the lower edge of the tail, and on the back of the thighs.
  11. Leather- dense, fits the dog’s body well.
  12. Color- spotted. Black or red spots of different shades are placed on a white main background. They are placed harmoniously almost equally in the area of ​​the eyeballs, ears, and on the body. There should be a white stripe on the bridge of the nose and forehead.

Character and behavior of the Japanese Chin dog

Japanese Chins are compared to humans due to their unique likes and dislikes. These decorative pets are intended for people who do not want to make long runs. They are also not very talkative. It is rare to hear representatives of the breed bark at strangers or other people's animals. These are ideal pets for those who live in an apartment, but at the same time they are lively and playful. Therefore, you should take them for walks outside a lot.

Even if the animal is in a good mood. Obedience is not one of his virtues. Dogs prefer to be served. You can have the worst day at work, but as soon as you come home, they start to rejoice and kiss you, then all the bitterness disappears.

Japanese Chins are like a gift, they feel the same as you. They were bred to be companions. They are sensitive and always know the mood of their owners. Dogs never forget either enemy or friend. They like to keep their owners in sight at all times. Just like in past centuries, they accompany their owners everywhere. Previously, women wore them in baskets covered with thin blue silk.

They are sensitive pets and can become depressed if neglected. More than anything else, they love to be caressed and adored. When they want to be picked up, they try to climb up the body and settle on the shoulder like a kitten.

They are animated all day and never sleep. They run everywhere, greeting guests. When they feel good, their tail is raised, and when they are not entirely confident in the situation, it is lowered. Most Chins are great with children. If a child wants to get a dog, then you can safely get a Japanese Chin.

Health of the Japanese Chin

Protruding eyes are a common genetic feature of Japanese Chins. Their eyeballs are too open to the external environment. Dogs with flat faces may have trouble breathing. The reasons are different, from narrow nostrils to paralysis of the larynx. This is vocal cord paralysis. Probably due to nerve damage they stop opening. This disease can be fatal.

The extremely hot climate is dangerous for Japanese Chins. Their shortened snouts prevent them from cooling hot air while breathing. They also have a dislocated kneecap, which leads to injury. With the birth of puppies, some difficulties arise. They have a large head compared to their body size and this makes the birth process difficult.

The nuances of caring for the Japanese Chin

  • Wool Delicate ornamental chins require attention. It does not tangle, but it must be combed systematically. During the molting period every day, and during everyday life, two or three times every week. Although the hair is long, these dogs have no smell. There is no need to groom your pets according to the standard. In order for the Chin's "coat" to be flowing and shiny, it is bathed twice a week. The concentrate for “bath” procedures is selected for dogs with long hair. After shampoo, use conditioner, which has moisturizing and softening properties. Be sure to rinse off all soap products as thoroughly as possible. After bathing, the Japanese Chin should be thoroughly dried and dried with warm air from a hair dryer, in the direction of hair growth. It is not recommended to dry your dog in hot mode to avoid brittleness and dullness of the hair.
  • Teeth cinchona have a varied bite. They are not very strong, and to keep them healthy longer, teach your dog to clean them from puppyhood. The procedure can be carried out using zoological pastes and brushes. Such care will protect the dentition from the accumulation of stone and gums from periodontal disease.
  • Ears Japanese Chins are closed, that is, they have a hanging shape and, therefore, the ventilation in them is worse than in dogs with erect ears. Therefore, they need to be cleaned more often. You can also pluck the hairs inside the ear.
  • Eyes need to be checked and kept clean to avoid infection because they are convex. This means that such a structure provides for unnecessary exposure to the environment.
  • Feeding such dogs depend on you. Whatever you prefer, natural food or dry food, you need to choose your food wisely. The basis of “natural” is lean meat and offal. It is about eighty-five percent. Boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley) is added to it. They pamper their pets with cottage cheese, give them an egg and some vegetables and fruits, such as an apple and carrot, a couple of times a week. The dog must receive vitamins and minerals from good manufacturers every day. If you prefer professional, ready-made super-premium concentrates, then your dog will be in wonderful physical shape. They will saturate the animal’s body with all the necessary substances.
  • Walks can be both long and quite short. Well, of course, you need to play with Japanese Chins as much as possible, because they are very cheerful, quite active and curious. But they like to communicate most of all with people, but they prefer to ignore their brothers. They are taken outside three times a day for 15–40 minutes.

Peculiarities of raising a Japanese Chin

Many people have the misconception that decorative dogs do not need to be trained. If you want to have a little harmful monster, then simply do not train or develop your dog. She will successfully dominate you. Yes, representatives of the breed do not really like to study. They are quite wayward, but this does not mean that they cannot be taught anything. They must learn the most basic commands and rules of behavior acceptable to the owner in the house and on the street.

Dogs have proven themselves excellent in the rehabilitation of people in nursing homes. Many older people withdraw into themselves and cannot be drawn into a conversation. Well, it is Japanese chins that are their antidepressants.

The dogs were kept in canary cages as living trophies. Bells were put on small pets. And this is quite appropriate. The word "hin" in Japanese means cat-like.

Purchasing and price of a Japanese Chin puppy

In order to have a healthy pet, buy quinine only from a professional nursery. The approximate cost for a puppy varies from $900 to $1500.

More information about the Japanese Chin in the following story:

Representatives of the Japanese Chin breed (also called the Japanese spaniel for the characteristic appearance of the ears) are distinguished by exceptional nobility of behavior and pronounced aristocratic manners. Hin loves attention very much, but will not impose himself when the owner is busy. The dog also adapts perfectly to different personalities and rhythms of life, so anyone can buy such a companion.

There is no consensus regarding the versions of the origin of the Japanese Chin dog. However, most dog breeders agree that the ancestors of the Chin (and also) came to Japan in the 3rd century AD from China and India. Buddhist monks brought them to the land of the rising sun. The first mention and fairly detailed description of the breed dates back to the 12th century, when envoys from China presented the chin to the Japanese emperor.

Since then, it has come to pass that the Japanese Chin breed constantly accompanies tall people, and therefore many fables and legends have even been composed in honor of the dogs. They were also depicted in temples, on porcelain and ivory items, and in bronze figurines.

The Japanese first came to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century - first to Britain for the wife of King Charles II, and then to Spain. But the breed gained real popularity on the European continent in the 19th century. And at the same time, it has spread quite widely in the United States. This is evidenced by the fact that already in 1888 the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club community.

Significant improvements to the breed occurred in the mid-1920s, and by the middle of the last century several varieties had been developed:

  • Kobe (a large dog with a bushy tail);
  • Yamato (a medium-sized dog with brown and yellow spots);
  • edo (smallest variety).

Moreover, throughout the 20th century, the Chin continued to be a favorite of the rich and famous - several dogs were kept at the court of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, and Marshal Zhukov also had one Japanese dog.

Interesting. The word “hin” itself can be translated as “jewel”. The dog is often used as a pleasant companion and they try to treat it with great respect. It’s also interesting to note that Hin starred in the disaster film “2012.”

American dog breeders recognized the Japanese Chin breed in 1888.

Description of appearance: breed standard and photographs

In the description of the breed, attention is paid to the essential characteristics of the standard:

  1. The main requirement of the breed standard for proportions is the same ratio of height at withers and body length (1:1). In females, a slight deviation is allowed - the body is slightly longer.
  2. Height at withers about 25 cm, in females – slightly lower.
  3. Head rounded, quite wide, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, sharp and looks depressed.
  4. bridge of the nose very wide and at the same time short. The nose is in line with the eyes, black or flesh-colored. Quite wide nostrils are visible.
  5. Jaws They close in a straight bite; a scissor bite is also allowed. The teeth are triangular, white.
  6. Ears hanging, triangular in shape, fairly long, set wide. The hair is abundant - there are a lot of long hairs of hair on the ears.
  7. Neck short, unexpressed.
  8. Back short, without slopes, goes along one line. There is a noticeable roundness in the lower back, while the chest is quite wide and the stomach is tucked.
  9. Tail lies on its back, covered with long, beautiful hair.
  10. Front legs straight, rear - with slight angles, decorated with long hair. The paws themselves are small, often with tassel-shaped outgrowths of fur.

When characterizing the Japanese Chin, it is important to pay attention to its color. The predominant tone is snow-white, with spots of black, orange or brown. The spots go symmetrically around the eyes, on the ears, and on the body they can go either parallel or chaotically. An orderly distribution of color is encouraged.

Attention. Solid white color, non-black nose (in the case of black spots on the coat), shyness and aggressiveness are obvious defects that violate the standard.

Hina character: intellectual and aristocrat

It is not without reason that the Japanese Chin has long accompanied tall people: the character of the breed is almost always associated with aristocratic behavior.

The Japanese can be characterized by the following qualities:

  • smart;
  • proud;
  • balanced, with calm manners;
  • friendly and active, but not intrusive;
  • not fussy;
  • very clean.

Japanese spaniels create a positive atmosphere around themselves - they bark extremely rarely and almost never show aggression. We are very happy to share the owner’s hobbies and his lifestyle: the Japanese have an easy-going character. If the owner prefers a calm pace of life, the pet will become an excellent companion and will also spend time mostly at home. If the owner prefers active recreation, then the dog will happily get used to walks.

The Japanese Chin will accompany its owner on walks with great pleasure.

As for the attitude towards other people, the Chin does not like familiarity. That is, it is better for him to get to know strangers only from a distance. At the same time, the Japanese will show unprecedented aggression in the event of an uncivilized relationship between a stranger and his owner - he will begin to spit, scream, and hiss. It has been noted that during outbursts of anger, the pet is not like itself: it can incorrectly assess its capabilities and attack even a large dog.

Interesting. Owners note the intelligent character of the Japanese spaniel. For example, if the owner is minding his own business and is very busy, the dog will not impose his company - it can simply lie quietly in its place and wait for attention to be paid to it. However, the pet loves communication and being alone for a long time has an extremely negative effect on its psyche.

How to properly train a Japanese dog

Some owners report certain difficulties in training. In fact, the Japanese are very smart and quick-witted. He won't follow a command just for a treat.

When training a Japanese Chin dog, you should not resort to violence.

Therefore, during training you should follow several rules:

  1. The best encouragement is attention and affection.
  2. Not only should you not hit a dog, but you should not even raise your voice at it - the chin is very proud and will not tolerate such an attitude. Moreover, he may begin to be mischievous and cannot be trained.
  3. Dogs can easily learn both basic commands and intricate tricks. But it’s better to master all the techniques step by step. At the same time, the commands are repeated no more than 5-7 times, otherwise the Japanese will get too tired.
  4. A sure sign by which we can say that it is time to stop exercising is that the dog has begun to be stubborn and capricious. There is no point in acting against her will.
  5. If you want to train your pet to stand, you should start this exercise no earlier than 10-12 weeks.
  6. Some representatives love to be rewarded with a treat, so you can try this, among other measures (but only as an additional one).

Attention. If the attitude towards the Japanese is clearly unfriendly, and the owner even allows rudeness, this may turn into aggression on the part of the Chin, and then contact will be lost. Therefore, all rude forms of communication should be immediately excluded.

How to properly care for your Chin

The Chin is one of the most suitable breeds for keeping in an apartment. The dog is exceptionally clean and behaves intelligently: the Japanese does not like to damage furniture, climb into closets, or steal clothes. He behaves very quietly and nobly, does not take up much space, and a small room is enough for him to exercise. As for care, it is enough to follow a few simple rules so that your pet always remains beautiful and healthy.

The Japanese Chin is an excellent dog to keep in an apartment or house.


The Japanese Chin sheds quite a lot, so the owner needs to constantly comb his coat. But the dog does not have undercoat, and its hair is straight, so it does not tend to tangle with each other. Brush your hina several times a week or even daily. During shedding, it is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day, and also bathe the spaniel using a special shampoo. If you are not planning to participate in an exhibition, then in the summer it is better to cut your hair short so that your pet does not feel too hot.

Bath the dog as needed, but not more than once a month. It is better to dry it immediately with a hairdryer using cool air.

Nail care

The Japanese Spaniel's nails grow quite actively, so they are usually trimmed twice a month. It is also necessary to trim the hair that grows between the toes as necessary, otherwise it will become very long and quickly become dirty.

How to properly care for your teeth

In the case of Chin, it is very important to accustom your pet to constant examination and brushing of its teeth. Experienced breeders note that the condition and color of teeth must be maintained not only for health reasons, but also for aesthetic reasons.

The Japanese Chin has its teeth brushed with a special paste 1-2 times a week.

The main measure is brushing your teeth twice a week.. Use only special toothpaste for dogs (toothpaste for humans is strictly prohibited for use). It is also possible to use chalk, although the effect will not be as strong. If tartar deposits have already been noticed, you can use tomato paste or fresh tomatoes during brushing - they soften the plaque.

Eyes and ears

A dog's eyes are very large (relative to the rest of the body and face), so dirt and even infection can get into them. That is why the eyes are examined regularly, and at the first signs of illness they are washed with drops (if there are symptoms of inflammation).

In normal cases, wipe the eyes with cotton swabs 1-2 times a week (you can also rinse with lukewarm water). The ears are monitored at approximately the same frequency - dirt is removed using clean swabs, washed with a damp cloth and wiped dry. Because the ears are drooping (the pinna is closed), they need to be examined weekly. At the first sign of inflammation, you should contact your veterinarian.

The hanging ears of the Japanese Chin require special care: they are carefully inspected weekly.

Diet: choosing the right foods

To raise a healthy and strong dog, it is important to know what to feed your Japanese Chin.

First of all, it is important to strictly follow the feeding regimen:

  1. A puppy up to 3 months old is kept on a 5-times-a-day diet.
  2. Small Chin over 3 months (up to six months) are fed 3 times a day.
  3. Starting from six months - twice a day.
  4. And if the pet is 1 year old, you can gradually switch to one-time feeding.

In the first weeks after purchasing the puppy, they continue to follow the diet that was used by the breeder. Therefore, it is important to ask the breeder in detail how he fed the little Japanese Chin. Then you can switch to your own menu - there are no strict requirements, because the dog does not have any special gastronomic preferences and willingly adapts to different types of food.

In general, they adhere to the following diet:

The basic quantitative norm is that protein foods (meat) account for at least half of all volumes, carbohydrate foods (porridge) account for a third, the rest belongs to all the main components.

It should be understood that the puppy is given quite a lot of milk, but from 4 months it practically goes off the menu - lactose is not absorbed in the animal’s body from this time on. From this time you can start giving dry food, but it must be soaked in water. At the same time, the consistency of the food should not be too liquid.

What not to feed a dog

The Japanese spaniel calmly tolerates even monotonous food.

But some foods can cause significant harm to this breed, so it is important to know that you should not give quinine at all:

  • pork – any parts, including lean ones;
  • fatty lamb;
  • sausages – boiled and smoked;
  • sausages;
  • ham;
  • any smoked and salted products;
  • raw fish - any;
  • river fish - in any form (stewed red fish is acceptable);
  • wheat and products made from it lead to allergies;
  • all legumes;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • any sweets, baked goods;
  • seasonings and spices - any.

The Japanese Chin should not be fed pork or table food.

Diseases: predisposition and prevention measures

The Japanese Chin breed has fairly good health, but due to its structure, size and physiology, the dog is predisposed to certain diseases:

  • (, glaucoma, eyeball dislocation, cataract);
  • heatstroke;
  • (narrowing of the trachea due to softening of tissues, which leads to significant breathing problems);
  • dislocation of the kneecap (including congenital);
  • Nostril stenosis (trouble breathing through the nose due to narrow nostrils).

The lifespan of the Japanese Chin is 12-14 years. It is quite possible to achieve this age if you choose the right puppy and care for it carefully enough.

The main preventive measures are as follows:

  • regularly monitor your eyes and ears;
  • reduce walking time in winter;
  • get all the necessary vaccinations and follow the calendar throughout your life;
  • At the first sign of breathing problems and other health problems, you should be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese Chin breed

Japanese Chins are obedient, sociable and unpretentious.

The advantages of this breed are obvious if we consider the Chin as a dog for home, a cheerful and polite companion:

  1. The spaniel is very obedient if psychological contact with the owner is established. Very responsive to a friendly attitude.
  2. Dogs are quite smart, and if desired, they can even be litter trained.
  3. Despite the fact that the Japanese spaniel has snow-white hair, it is able to clean itself due to the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin. The owner can only comb and periodically bathe his pet.
  4. It has long been noted that the Chin can very subtly adapt not only to the character of a particular person, but also to his mood - thanks to this, the owner’s mood always improves even with short-term contact with the pet.
  5. The Chin gets along well with cats and dogs and is peaceful towards strangers (if they do not allow too close contact).
  6. The dogs are not noisy - they bark extremely rarely, do not run at night, prefer not to wake up the owner and not impose their company.

The disadvantages of the breed include weaknesses associated with the structural features and physiology of animals:

  1. First of all, dogs have a very unique skull structure. The nose is located very close to the eyes, which is why breathing problems are often observed, especially in winter.
  2. The Japanese Chin does not tolerate anesthesia well - unfortunately, deaths often occur.
  3. The spaniel's eyes are quite large, so infections and dirt often get into them - but this deficiency is easily compensated for by constant attention and care from a person.
  4. Finally, the Chin sheds a lot - the owner must be prepared to constantly brush the dog and vacuum the carpet, sofa, and other soft surfaces.

Japanese Chin dogs are difficult to tolerate anesthesia, so surgery can result in the death of the dog.

Thus, most of the shortcomings are quite correctable - timely care and well-taken preventive measures practically guarantee that the chin will live a long time and feel good.

Attention. Chins often snore when they sleep. Therefore, if a person has serious sleep problems or increased sensitivity, it is better to arrange a pet bed in another room.

Choosing the right puppy is very important, since initially the dog may have congenital malformations and deviations from the standard.

  1. First of all, it is important to ask the breeder what he fed the puppy, when he started walking, what vaccinations he gave, and which veterinarian he can recommend.
  2. The puppy should have a fairly active behavior, be playful and at the same time not cowardly.
  3. The abdomen is of normal size, not bloated.
  4. Animals that are better-fed than lean animals are better-fed in build.
  5. The coat is impeccably clean, shiny, uniform (in texture).
  6. Ears and eyes are clean, no discharge.
  7. The limbs are straight, without curvature, movements and gait are easy, normal, without lameness.

The most basic rule is to buy puppies secondhand (according to an advertisement); without the appropriate documents, it is not worth it, because it is not known how pure the breed is, and whether there are congenital malformations that can significantly reduce life expectancy. The cost of Japanese Chins in nurseries is approximately 25,000 - 45,000 rubles.

Attention. The choice of gender depends on the preferences of the owner. Males require greater strictness; they are characterized by pronounced sexual behavior. Bitches are more attached to their owner and can be walked without a leash, except during periods of heat.

The Japanese Chin is a decorative and very popular breed of dog today, known to many domestic and foreign dog breeders as the Japanese Spaniel. The name of the breed can be translated from Japanese as “precious dog.” Currently, the international name of the breed is Japanese chin or Chin.

History of the origin of the breed

The ancient breed was known back in the days of the Chinese emperors, and was not only highly valued at court, but also served as an expensive gift for especially revered foreign ambassadors. According to most scientists, Japanese Chin is one of the most ancient breeds, whose age is about three thousand years..

There are several versions of the origin of the breed, but the most likely one is that the dogs were brought to Japan by Buddhist monks or rulers of Korea back in the third century BC. Initially, the breed was intended to be kept exclusively by members of the imperial family and was called the “Sacred Lion of Buddha.” A commoner who touched such a dog would face inevitable execution.

Depending on the characteristics of the color, there were several names for the Japanese Chin, and any unusual or accidentally obtained exterior was very carefully fixed by ancient breeders and kept in the strictest confidence. For example, white chins with small black spots were called “Karabutsi”, and dogs with red spots on a white background were called “Habutsi”.

This is interesting! Particularly popular among the nobility were chins with a pair of spots above the eyes, called “notshu” or “four-eyed”, as well as small chins “nanoya” with very characteristic round and slanted eyes.

Generally recognized breed standards

According to the international standardization FCI, Japanese chins are elegant and very graceful dogs with a wide muzzle and long, abundant hair. The height of the animal at the withers is proportional to the oblique length of the entire body, but bitches can have a more elongated format.

  • the head is wide and round in shape, with a deep and sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, with a very short and wide bridge of the nose, as well as a black or, in accordance with the main color, nose, located in line with the eyes;
  • the muzzle is wide, having well-developed, plump pads of the upper lip and wide jaws with white strong teeth with a direct or scissor bite and an undershot;
  • eyes are large, round in shape, widely set, shiny, black in color;
  • the ears are quite long, hanging type, triangular in shape, covered with long hair, set wide on the head;
  • the neck is relatively short, set high;
  • a torso with a short and strong back, a wide and somewhat convex lumbar region, a sufficiently wide and deep chest, a tucked belly and a vaulted rib region;
  • the tail lying tightly on the back is covered with rich and luxurious, very abundant and long hair;
  • limbs are characterized by thin bones and parallel placement in front and behind;
  • The forelimbs are characterized by a straight forearm, thin bones, the back side is covered with decorative hair;
  • the hind legs have moderate angles and the thigh part is covered with long decorative hair;
  • The paws are not large in size, elongated oval in shape, with elongated hair between the toes.

Breed characteristics also include the presence of silky, straight and long, abundant hair on the entire body except the muzzle. There is long decorative hair on the ears, neck, hips and tail. The color is white, with spots of black or brown, which are located quite symmetrically around the eyes and ears, as well as on the ears. Bitches should not weigh less than 1800 grams, but the optimal weight is between 2.5-3.5 kg. Males are somewhat larger.

Flaws and defects are any deviations from the norm, including changes in the color of the nose, underbite and curvature of the lower jaw, lack of spots in color, hysterical behavior.

Important! Disqualifying signs are represented by solid white color, distortion of the lower jaw, lack of coloring of the nose, light coloring of the eyes, tricolor color, cryptorchidism, tail hall, curly coat, manifestation of cowardice or aggression.

Personality of the Japanese Chin

Since ancient times, the purpose of Japanese chins was to fulfill a special mission, which was to create a good mood and positive emotions among the Japanese emperor and members of his family. The dog was supposed to provide a comfortable aura and the most comfortable stay for the nobility in the palace.

Chins were not used for guard duty, like other breeds, but were a kind of “toy” for the emperor., therefore, certain requirements were initially imposed not only on the exterior, but also on the character of this dog. Among other things, in ancient Japan no one had the right to look into the eyes of the ruler, so the peculiar slanting shape of the eyes, as well as the lack of a focused gaze among the Chins, was very useful.

That is why all purebred chins have a very calm and balanced character. A dog of this breed practically does not bark, has no aggressive manifestations, and is absolutely not annoying. Another advantage is the ease of learning and training - the chin is not stubborn or phlegmatic, but carries out all commands without unnecessary fussiness. Today, Japanese Chins are popular as a companion dog with decorative external characteristics.

Home care rules

The breed is ideal for apartment living due to its quiet disposition and compact size.. The animal gets along well with other pets and children. Having a fairly strong and athletic build allows Chin owners to successfully engage in agility and swimming, as well as hiking, without overtaxing the animal physically.

How and how long to walk

In the summer, it is strictly forbidden to keep the animal in an open place for a long time under direct exposure to sunlight, which is due to its short muzzle, which is prone to rapid overheating.

Chins are characterized by good endurance of high-temperature indicators, compared with and, but staying in the heat for too long is extremely undesirable. In winter, if the air temperature drops below minus 15 o C, your pet must be walked in overalls with a warm lining. This requirement is caused by an underdeveloped undercoat.

Features of hair care

Caring for a Japanese Chin at home is not difficult, but the main condition for proper maintenance is proper care of a sufficiently long coat. Do not allow tangles to form behind the ears, in the collar area and under the tail., so these areas should be combed with metal combs or massage brushes at least a couple of times a week. In non-show dogs, it is recommended to regularly trim the hair around the anus.

Important! Seasonal, spring and autumn involves daily combing of the pet.

Hygiene procedures

During the summer, a dog walking outside needs to be bathed monthly. To ensure that the coat looks flawless after water treatments, it is recommended to use only special domestic and foreign cosmetic lines designed for decorative dogs. In any case, first apply shampoo for long-haired breeds, and then shampoo that matches the color of the Japanese Chin, including the whitening series.

To avoid problems with small teeth, it is necessary to regularly clean them with special compounds, as well as systematically undergo veterinary examinations with the removal of tartar. Ear care is also important, which consists of removing wax deposits from the inside with a damp cotton pad. There is no need to clean the ear canal.

This is interesting! The animal's eyes require special attention. Dust often causes watery eyes, so it is important to periodically remove natural secretions from the corners of the eyes, as well as the so-called “tear tracks” in the fur around the eyes.

If dryness or cracking is noted on the nose, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic baby cream or sterile petroleum jelly for lubrication.

Grooming stages

Such an event is especially relevant when preparing, and is a full-fledged care system consisting of several stages:

  • water procedures aimed at the complete removal of old cosmetics, cleaning the hair and skin of all types of contaminants;
  • the use of special conditioners and masks to improve the condition of the skin and increase the decorative appearance of the animal’s coat;
  • drying wool and combing to remove dead hairs and tangles;
  • hygiene, including trimming nails, cleaning eyes and ears, removing plaque or tartar from teeth;
  • applying special antistatic and anti-matt agents to the wool;
  • correction of the coat by cutting and subsequent styling using special talc, mousse or varnish.

The basic elements of high-quality preparation of the Japanese Chin for handling are not too complicated, and therefore can be performed by the dog owner independently, without the involvement of expensive specialists.


To provide your dog with a complete diet, you can use ready-made premium food for small breed dogs from well-known manufacturers, or prepare your pet’s food yourself, taking into account some requirements and rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to use pork, any sausages with food fillers and dyes, any raw offal, smoked meats and pickles, raw fish, fatty dairy products, soy and legumes, bones in the diet of the Japanese Chin;
  • You cannot feed your dog rich broths and soups, any fried foods, or potatoes;
  • The diet must include lean beef and lamb, lean boiled chicken meat, thoroughly boiled offal and fish, boiled chicken eggs or raw quail eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, rice and buckwheat porridge, vegetable and butter, raw vegetables and fruits, herbs .

Important! Before feeding the dog, food should be slightly salted and cooled to approximately room temperature.

An animal under four months of age needs to be fed five times a day, and up to a year - no more than three to four times a day. An adult dog eats a couple of times a day. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the Japanese Chin can be prescribed special vitamin or mineral complexes that have a beneficial effect on the health of the pet and are added to the food immediately after cooking.

Many experienced breeders and kennels try to preserve the original breed characteristics of the Chin. It is important to remember that the lack of a focused gaze and the characteristic slanted, almond-shaped eyes are present exclusively in purely Japanese breeding lines. European lines have lost this feature almost completely.

You should know that breed diseases of Japanese Chins can be represented by hereditary cataracts, entropion, retinal atrophy, necrosis of the femur and dislocation of the knee cap, so you should purchase a puppy only from well-known nurseries, where when drawing up a breeding program, all genetically problematic dogs are completely excluded. The average cost of such a puppy from well-established breeders often exceeds 30-40 thousand rubles.

Video: Japanese Chin

A very lively but self-respecting little son of the East who dreams of being the center of attention. Japanese Chin (also called Japanese Spaniel) – toy dog ​​of privileged persons, shrouded in legends about super sensitivity, divinity and special healing qualities.

The little dog is especially revered in his historical homeland, initially lived exclusively in the emperor's palace. He created a favorable atmosphere, amused the owner and basked on the upholstered furniture.

In Japanese, "hin" means jewel.

It is impossible to say exactly when the chin appeared; its appearance is shrouded in mystery and beautiful legends. The ancient Japanese revered the hina as a gift from the gods - the sacred lion of Buddha, they communicated with aristocrats, clergy and emperors, walked around the palace and temples, and were depicted in works of art.

Touching a chin by an ordinary Japanese was a crime punishable by death.

In the 14th century, the breed was crossed with other Japanese breeds, and stud books were kept in the strictest confidence.

In the 16th century, the breed became famous and gained great popularity in Japan, among rich and influential people. The puppies were raised with love, and then presented as a gift to the powers that be. Ladies wore them in the sleeves of their kimonos, and they lived in bamboo cages.

Cinchonas appeared in Europe in the 19th century. and from England spread throughout the world. Many famous people kept the Japanese Chin and admired its beauty, for example, the family of Emperor Nicholas II, the Soviet “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov.

Photo of Japanese Chin (Spaniel)

Exterior - description of the breed

FCI standard No. 206 dated 06/03/2016 “Japanese chin”.
Group 9 “Ornamental dogs - companions”.
Section 8 “Japanese Chin and Pekingese (without working tests)”.

The average height of a male is 25 cm, the height of a female is slightly less. Weight - from 1.8 to 3.2 kg.

Japanese Chin like a samurai:

  • white spots on the frontal part of the head (samurai cut their forehead);
  • black fluffy ears (samurai hair in a fight);
  • long hair envelops the animal's body like a kimono;
  • small feet mince like Japanese feet in traditional shoes.

These are compact, elegant dogs with thick, flowing hair. The whole body except the muzzle densely covered with a woolen blanket, the color is white with black or red spots.

A wide muzzle, a short bridge of the nose, large shiny eyes are the exterior features of the Japanese Chin.

Strong white teeth tightly hidden. These dogs They do not suffer from excessive drooling, and they always have a neat appearance.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and in the Japanese spaniel they are especially beautiful - slightly slanting, round, full of warmth and participation. The Japanese spaniel has an almost human face - almost flat, with expressive large eyes and a small nose. A slanted look is not as direct and does not cause concern.

The ears are regular triangular in shape, drooping and covered with long hair.

Belly tucked, wide chest, straight neck, proud posture give an aristocratic look. The tail lies on the back, abundantly covered with soft, glossy hair.

Basic disqualifying signs:

  • aggression/excessive timidity;
  • undershot;
  • laconic white color;
  • white ears;
  • jaw distortion;
  • cryptorchidism.

Character, abilities, skills

The Japanese Chin (spaniel) is a loyal, brave and beautiful decorative breed. Just like people, these dogs experience many emotions, in a good mood they give affection and love to others, They share positive emotions, but keep bad moods deep inside.

They are proud, as if they realize the importance of their origin, and always carry themselves with self-confidence. The vulnerable soul of a chin will suffer if its owner has offended it in some way, until he understands what happened.

The Chin is balanced, not at all aggressive and rarely barks.

He very quickly adopts the owner’s behavior, gives in easily and seems to know what is expected of him.

Hin appreciates the attention and respect of the owner, just like needs polite treatment. The puppy needs to be raised in a balanced, but persistent manner with a cunning game of giveaway.

The Japanese spaniel is a devoted companion and over time, trust in the owner only grows. He can easily be taught various tricks, the dog will repeat the movements for a treat and praise from the owner.

The dog loves to walk and quickly gets used to society; it can be used in, but it should not be overloaded.

White straight wool hardly gets tangled and does not get dirty, even in rainy weather, dirt does not stick to it.

They bathe the quinine when absolutely necessary, several times a year.

Large eyes should be wiped with a cotton swab to avoid infection., soaked in tea leaves, and the animal’s ears are checked regularly.

It is preferable to use high-calorie food for food, because the dog eats little and moves a lot. The basis of your daily diet should be protein, as well as fruits and vegetables.

The chin chews its food thoroughly, so it can be cut large or even not cut at all. Canned food is also recommended balanced and contain all vitamins and microelements.


  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables and fruits.

The breed is prone to obesity, and the dog finds it difficult to breathe, sleeps poorly, and experiences oxygen starvation. You can determine whether a pet is healthy by the appearance of its coat - it should be shiny, uniform in structure, good density and elongated.

For future owners

The main advantages of the breed:

  • friendliness;
  • cleanliness;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • snoring/sniffling;
  • pride;
  • afraid of the cold.

Average the cost of a purebred puppy is 25-30 thousand rubles. There are many offers for non-purebred Chins, crossed for example with Pekingese, they cost much less, starting from 10 thousand rubles.

The most famous nurseries:

  • “From the St. Petersburg elite”, St. Petersburg;
  • "Imperium Auri" Moscow;
  • "Omikuji" Moscow;
  • "Kotmarian" Novorossiysk
  • "Universe Phantasm" Volgograd.

In the eyes of the Japanese Chin you can to see how big and powerful the world is, to see yourself and the beauty of your surroundings. In Japan, chins were especially valued for their ability to restore mental balance; being around them is always calm and joyful at the same time.

Additionally, check out a short video about the Japanese Chin dog breed: