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Pickled cucumbers for the winter, without vinegar. The best recipes for pickled cucumbers in cold jars

As popular wisdom says, a good appetizer is a simple appetizer. In general, it is ideal when conservation remains waste-free. Agree, it’s nice to enjoy crispy pickled cucumbers with your favorite side dish in winter, and leave the brine for that terrible morning when, due to a hangover, you can’t even lift your head from the pillow.

Barrel pickled cucumbers are a taste from childhood. Remember, in kindergarten, and even at school in the winter, they gave you a portion of half-cooled puree and a ring of pickled cucumber. By the way, such crispy fruits can be easily prepared yourself and without much effort.

Since ancient times, cucumbers have been fermented for the winter in huge oak barrels. Their preparation and unique taste are created by lactic acid bacteria, which are released when vegetables are fermented. Because of this, a white film appears on the finished cucumbers, and the brine becomes cloudy white.

You can prepare a snack for winter in any container convenient for you. It can be a jar, a pan, a bucket, or even a barrel, depending on the scale on which you are sealing the preserve. The taste of cucumbers does not change depending on whether they are sealed in a barrel or in a regular three-liter jar. The main thing is to choose a recipe that suits your taste.

There are many recipes for pickled cucumbers. But pickled cucumbers with mustard and other additives are made based on one recipe. And now we will get acquainted with it.

Recipe for pickling for the winter

Delicious crispy snack being prepared from the following products:

If you have additional spice preferences, feel free to add your favorite ingredients. Try experimenting with natural flavors - make an additive from twigs and leaves of oak, cherry, raspberry. If you like it spicy, try adding mustard to the brine. Be prepared for the fact that it will take at least five days to prepare..

We prepare our cucumbers this way:

But with conservation everything is not so simple.

Preservation in jars

Unfortunately, cucumbers will not last longer than two weeks in the refrigerator, but you want to enjoy a snack during the winter holidays or after them. Therefore, you will have to seal the pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter. We do it this way:

The fermented ones are ready and no worse than the barrel ones. A simple recipe that does not require special costs or products. Bon appetit! Cook with pleasure.

Housewives' tricks

An important rule that you need to remember in order to prepare a unique snack is that you need to choose young, non-bitter cucumbers without cavities inside (although in industrial production these are often the fruits chosen). Also pay attention to the fact that the most delicious cucumbers are those with black “pimples” on the skin.

It is better to use winter garlic for cucumbers. It has large teeth, making it easier to clean.

Note! Iodized salt is under no circumstances suitable for preparing preserves. On the contrary, it can spoil the taste, or your jars may even explode.

After the foam has settled, let the cucumbers sit for at least 12 hours if you want to protect yourself from the possibility of the jar exploding.

Attention, TODAY only!

The cold method of preparing cucumbers involves a fermentation process, which gives the fruit a sour taste. For the product to gain acid and become ready for use, at least 5-7 days must pass.

“Cold pickling of cucumbers with mustard”

The recipe has gained popularity due to its ease of preparation and the resulting crispy and tasty cucumbers. You can pickle vegetables in a wooden barrel or in jars.


  • fresh cucumber – 15 kg;
  • garlic – 3 pcs.;
  • dill branches with a whisk – 500 grams;
  • cherry leaves – 150 grams;
  • horseradish - 1 root;
  • water – 10-11 liters;
  • table salt (not iodized) – 6 tbsp. l;
  • dry mustard powder ¾ cup.

Cooking steps:

Peel the cucumbers from the soil.

Prepare all other ingredients. Wash the dill and cherry leaves under running water. Peel the garlic and rinse.

If desired, trim the ends of the fruit.

Immediately divide the greens into parts for convenience (depending on the number of jars in which you will close the cucumbers).

Place a sprig of dill, a few cherry leaves, and two or three cloves of garlic cut in half at the bottom of the glass container.

Place the cucumbers with their butts up in a vertical position to fit as many of them into the jar as possible.

After the first layer of fruit, add herbs, leaves and garlic again. Thus, fill the jar to the top.

After filling all glass containers, prepare the brine. Take the indicated amount of cold water, add salt and mustard, stir until the ingredients are completely combined.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine. At first the cucumbers will be cloudy. This is normal, the cloudiness comes from mustard powder. After some time it will settle and become translucent.

Place nylon lids on the jars. Before use, soak them in boiling water so that they fit tightly onto the jars.

Take the resulting blanks to the cellar or basement. You shouldn’t leave them in a warm place; they can ferment and spoil. The cucumbers will be ready in 25-30 days.

"Drunk Cucumbers"

Vodka is used to prepare pickled cucumbers, which is why the recipe got its name. Vegetables after fermentation turn out unusually tasty. And besides, the strong drink allows you to maintain the quality indicators of the product for a long time. Close a small batch first, otherwise you might not like them.


  • 2 kilograms of small cucumbers;
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 4 pieces of green horseradish leaves;
  • 5 sprigs of dill;
  • garlic 5 cloves;
  • 7-8 peppercorns;
  • 70 milliliters of vodka of any brand;
  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. table salt.

Cooking steps:

Sort through the cucumbers and wash them several times to completely remove the soil.

Soak them in cold water for several hours.

While the cucumbers are soaking, start preparing the jars. Take liter jars and wash them with soda. Rinse well in clean water several times. It is not necessary to sterilize containers if you wash them with baking soda.

Place a sprig of dill, a couple of cherry leaves, a clove of garlic cut in half, and peppercorns at the bottom of sterilized jars.

Place the vegetables in a jar, topping them with dill sprigs.

After the vegetables have been placed in a jar, prepare the brine. Take cold water, add salt and stir until completely dissolved.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine, leaving a little space for the vodka.

Two kilograms is approximately enough for 3 liter jars. Divide the vodka into three parts. Pour it over the brine.

Close the glass containers with nylon lids.

The cucumbers will be ready in a month. Store them in a cool and dark place. Their shelf life is up to two years.

When pickling cucumbers, do not use iodized salt.

"Mega crispy cucumbers"

When pickling fruits, it is not necessary to add vinegar as a preservative to make them crispy. This is one of the few recipes that you will definitely write down in your recipe book.

Required Products:

  • one and a half kilograms of cucumbers;
  • dill (stems with inflorescences) – 5-6 pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - 3 pieces;
  • capsicum – 2 pieces;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • peppercorns - 4 pieces.

The quantity of products presented is enough to fill a three-liter jar.

Cooking steps:

Wash and sterilize the required number of jars.

Wash the vegetables and soak them for 3 hours.

While the cucumbers are soaking, rinse the greens and peppers.

Cut the pepper into small pieces, removing all the seed chambers.

Next, make the brine. A jar will require 1.5 liters of cold water and 4 tablespoons of salt. Combine salt and water together.

Place the cucumbers in a jar, topping them with herbs and peppers and peppercorns.

Pour the prepared brine over the cucumbers.

Close with a nylon lid. Leave to ferment for 4-5 days in the room.

Then drain the brine and pour clean water into the jar.

Roll up the jars with metal lids and place them in the cellar for storage.

“Cucumbers under a nylon lid”

A special feature of the cucumber pickling recipe is the addition of currant and cherry leaves. Try to buy homemade vegetables. In cases where you bought store-bought cucumbers, cut off their ends. This will protect you from nitrates that they may contain.

Ingredients for three one-liter jars:

  • small cucumbers – 2 kilograms;
  • garlic – 3 cloves per head;
  • capsicum – 1 pc.;
  • table salt – 4 tablespoons;
  • cherry and black currant leaves - 5 pieces each;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • one horseradish leaf;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • water – 1.5 liters.

Cooking steps:

Wash the cucumbers and soak them in cold water for 2 hours until they are saturated with water.

When the vegetables are infused in water, prepare the container. Wash the required number of jars and sterilize.

Peel the garlic from the husks and the capsicum from the seeds.

Wash the dill, garlic, peppers and leaves. Cut the garlic and pepper into several pieces.

Place the prepared products into jars, distributing all the ingredients evenly.

Set the filled containers aside while you prepare the brine yourself. Pour salt into the water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Pour salted water into jars and close with nylon lids.

Immediately place them in a cool place.

  1. To keep the cucumbers crispy, do not compact them too tightly.
  2. Choose fruits with pimples. They are considered the most delicious. It is not recommended to use smooth vegetables; they may become soft after fermentation.
  3. To keep cucumbers firm, soak them in cold water before putting them in jars. In addition, soaking will remove some of the accumulated nitrates.
  4. Try cucumbers before purchasing. They shouldn't be bitter.
  5. Do not use tap water for pickling. Buy water purified from impurities. Chlorinated liquid is not at all suitable for pickling cucumbers.
  6. Wash the dill, leaves and cucumbers themselves several times so that no contaminants remain on them. If some of the soil or dust gets into the jar along with the food, mold will begin and the only thing left to do is throw away the pickles.

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Since childhood, the familiar taste of pickled cucumbers does not lose its attractiveness for the adult population. Cucumbers picked from the garden and pickled without any “chemicals” are one of the most popular pickles of the summer. Crispy and aromatic, they are good both as an independent dish and as an ingredient for many salads, all kinds of pickles and stewpans.
You shouldn’t be surprised that housewives have come up with dozens of recipes for preserving this beloved and popular pickle for the winter.
At home, storing pickled cucumbers will require a cool basement or balcony; keeping them in an apartment will not work. However, the effort is worth it; you'll be able to enjoy crunchy greens with the flavor of summer all winter long. Here is a simple recipe that will allow you to pickle very tasty pickled cucumbers.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for a 2-liter jar:

  • cucumbers – 1–1.1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 70 g;
  • garlic – 3–4 cloves;
  • spices for pickling (for each jar) - 2 cherry leaves, an umbrella of dill, 2 currant leaves, a small horseradish leaf.

How to make pickled cucumbers

First we make the marinade: pour warm water into a deep bowl, add table salt (it should completely dissolve), let it cool.

We prepare the container: put spices (cherry, horseradish, currant leaves and an umbrella of dill) on the bottom of a dry glass jar. We leave a couple of leaves and put them in the middle of the jar. We put cherry and horseradish leaves down, they are good for giving cucumbers crunchy properties.

Preparing cucumbers: take smooth and strong cucumbers (overripe ones are also possible, but this is not for everyone). They should be the same size in the jar (this will allow them to be evenly soaked in the marinade). We wash them from dirt and sand, wipe them well with a washcloth (to remove prickly bumps), cut off the ends. Let the water drain.

We put cucumbers in jars with spices, in the middle of the jar we put prepared leaves again, then cucumbers again.

There will be cloves of garlic on top and pour marinade.

Now the finished jars need to be closed with lids (but loosely) and placed in a dark place at room temperature. They will last approximately 3 days. During this time, the cucumbers will change their color, and the liquid will become cloudy and whitish. The readiness of pickles can be judged by the following sign: cucumbers in bright green jars will become paler. However, they will still have small islands of bright greenery (these cucumbers will be crispy and moderately salty).

Before sealing the jars, boil the marinade and wash the lids well. Fill the jars with hot marinade and turn them over. We wrap ourselves well in a blanket.

After 12 hours of fermentation, the pickles are placed in a cool, dark place for storage. You can eat after 1–1.5 months.
Advice. It is better to place the jars in large shallow plates until the cucumbers “reach”; the marinade may flow through the top.

Not a single summer resident will refuse to plant cucumbers on his plot. It’s so nice to pick a fresh, juicy fruit from the garden and eat it while relaxing on the veranda! And during the season, ground cucumbers fly off store shelves as if by magic. However, this is only a summer delicacy. What about at other times of the year? It’s very simple - you can prepare crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter!

The benefits of pickled cucumbers

It would seem that cucumbers are like water. Well, what could be so useful about them? It turns out that everything is not so simple. It’s not for nothing that cucumber became the favorite vegetable of most Russians as soon as it appeared in our country - and this happened back in the thirteenth century. Around the same time, by the way, they began to prepare it for the winter.

Yes, in fact, a huge part of the cucumber is water - more than 90 percent. However, everything else is fiber and various beneficial substances. For example, potassium, which removes excess water from the human body along with harmful microbes. It is due to the deintoxication properties that cucumbers are recommended for poisoning, as well as for those wishing to lose weight. But it is important to remember that only fresh vegetables have this quality; winter preparations contain sodium. It does not stop the work of potassium, but it slows it down, so there will be less benefit to the body. Potassium, by the way, is not limited to the ability to eliminate harmful substances, but also reduces blood pressure and is useful for arrhythmia and edema.

Cucumbers are an easily digestible food, which means that the body will not have to burden the pancreas to process them – which is also a definite plus.

This vegetable contains iodine, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. A lack of iodine in the body can lead to hypothyroidism, memory impairment, arrhythmia, and in the worst case, even a tumor. Therefore, it is important to eat cucumber to prevent these diseases.

The green fruit also contains iron, magnesium, chlorine, and ascorbic acid. Cucumber improves metabolism and reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. And how many women make masks from this vegetable! So it is also used in cosmetology.

All of the above applies to cucumbers in any form. But what can be said specifically about fermented products? Only good things: they strengthen the immune system, enhance intestinal function, and heal its microflora - the latter also applies to the brine that is obtained during fermentation.

Pickled vegetables are especially recommended for older people, since the lactic acid they contain minimizes the effect of bacteria that cause dementia. It also helps in the fight against arthritis, as well as inflammation of the oral cavity. Pickled cucumbers have almost no sugar, so they are actively recommended by nutritionists.

Pickled, salted or pickled?

Not everyone understands what the difference is between pickled and pickled cucumbers. Indeed, it is so small that it may seem insignificant to some, but nevertheless it exists.

Pickling, in fact, is a process similar to pickling - vegetables are preserved using fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria. But if during pickling it is necessary to add salt to the solution, then during pickling this is not a mandatory procedure. That's all the difference! In previous years, fermentation was generally done exclusively without salt.

If fermentation occurs without adding salt, then the vegetables “ferment” in their own juice. The main preservative here is lactic acid. When salting, in any case, this process occurs in a saline solution. And everyone knows that excess salt is not very beneficial for the body (the norm per day is no more than 3 grams). By the way, it also destroys vitamin C, which is preserved in its absence. In addition to this vitamin, fermented foods are also rich in vitamin B, which helps digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Another difference between pickled and pickled cucumbers is that pickled vegetables are denser and harder. In fermented ones, the fiber becomes softer, which allows the body to better absorb the product.

Compared to pickled cucumbers, pickled and pickled cucumbers have one huge advantage: they do not lose their beneficial properties and turn out to be not just a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. And of all the methods of preparation, fermentation is the most ancient and most productive.

A spoon of tar

Any product cannot be absolutely harmless for everyone, no matter what beneficial properties it may have. This also applies to pickled fruits: due to the presence of lactic acid in them, they are highly not recommended for those who suffer from peptic ulcers or increased acidity of the gastric tract. It is also better to refrain from eating vegetables for people who have problems with the kidneys (in particular, stones), liver, heart disease, hepatitis or gout.

Little tricks

  • First, and most importantly: the vegetable must be sweet enough. Otherwise it will not be stored for a long time. Therefore, you need to carefully select cucumbers for preparations. If suddenly the whole batch of fruits is bitter, you can add a little sugar to them - about 1 percent of the total mass. As a rule, young cucumbers are the sweetest.
  • To get crispy fruits, you need to pay attention to their skin - it must be thick. And also with pimples. Smooth cucumbers are not suitable for canning. By the way, oak bark will help make vegetables even crispier.
  • The fruits should be firm to the touch, not dark, but not light (yellow) in color.
  • Fermentation in vegetables occurs at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. If it is higher, pathogens and an unpleasant taste may appear in the product.
  • There should be no oxygen in the cooking fruits! This eliminates the risk of developing unwanted organisms and also helps preserve vitamin C. This rule is simple to follow: the brine should completely cover the vegetables, so you need to carefully monitor its level and, if necessary, add to the desired amount.
  • It is not recommended to take water for brine from the tap. Bottled is better.
  • To prevent mold, you should put a couple of pieces of horseradish under the lid. And to give vegetables a spicy note, you can add basil, pepper, dill, mustard, cumin, cherry or currant leaves.
  • Sanitary conditions are also a very important thing. All products must be thoroughly washed, as well as the container in which they will be cooked. It also needs to be sterilized and dried. There should not be a hint of germs anywhere!

How to cook pickled cucumbers: simple and tasty recipes

You can ferment cucumbers in different ways. The best and traditional way is considered to be fermentation in oak barrels, since oak gives cucumbers a unique aroma. Unfortunately, this method is now available to a very small circle - few people keep barrels at home. However, if you cook cucumbers according to certain recipes, you can get a taste similar to barrel cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard

  1. Vegetables must first be soaked for several hours.
  2. Place the ingredients into jars prepared in advance - garlic, bay leaf, dill (both fresh and dried will do), peppercorns.
  3. Then add the cucumbers.
  4. The brine is as follows: for one liter of cold water - one and a half tablespoons of salt.
  5. Pour the vegetables with this brine, cover and leave for three days.
  6. After this period, pour the brine into a saucepan, boil and fill the jars back.
  7. It is important not to forget: at this stage you need to put a tablespoon of mustard powder in each jar.
  8. We roll up the jars, shake them, and put them in the refrigerator.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

In this recipe, vodka is needed to make the cucumbers even crispier.

  1. Rinse the jars thoroughly and dry them. If they are three-liter, then you need to put 3 tablespoons of salt in each, the amount of spices remains to everyone’s taste. You can put horseradish, pepper, garlic and so on.
  2. Place the cucumbers tightly, then pour vodka (4-5 tablespoons) into each jar.
  3. Fill the top with chilled water.
  4. Close the jars tightly, shake and remove.

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar

This recipe differs in the addition of vinegar - add about 2-3 tablespoons to two liters of water, plus the same amount of salt.

  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly; if you plan to eat them within 2-3 weeks, then remove the “butts”.
  2. In jars we put cherry leaves, fresh dill, horseradish (a small piece each) and a few cloves of garlic (it needs to be chopped). On top are cucumbers.
  3. Boil water, first add only salt.
  4. Fill the cucumbers, cover and leave for two days.
  5. Then pour the brine into the pan and boil again. If it foams, the foam must be removed.
  6. Pour in the vegetables again, after ten minutes we repeat the procedure and here we add vinegar to the boiling solution.
  7. Fill the jars with brine and seal them.
  8. Wrap it up, let it cool, then put it in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel

Before proceeding directly to fermentation, you need to prepare the brine. It is done the day before the procedure itself. If the barrel is ten-liter, then 10 liters of water must be heated to 30-35 degrees, add 500-700 grams of salt and filter.

  1. We first rub the walls of the barrel with garlic to prevent mold from appearing on them.
  2. At the bottom we put cherry and/or currant leaves, dill, horseradish - and any other spices as desired. It’s just important not to add all the spices at once - you should leave half.
  3. Place the cucumbers in the barrel, vertically and tightly to each other.
  4. Fill the barrel to the middle, then place the rest of the spices and pour in the brine.
  5. After approximately two to three days, it is necessary to top up the solution.
  6. We insert a plug into the tongue and groove hole and put the barrel away for storage.
  7. If the hole is on the side, you need to store the cucumbers lying down, if on top, then you need to stand.

Pickled cucumbers with cabbage

For three kilograms of cucumbers, this recipe requires 10 kilograms of cabbage and a kilogram of carrots.

  1. Cabbage and carrots are chopped and placed in layers: cabbage and carrots - then cucumbers.
  2. Alternating vegetables, fill the containers to the top.
  3. Sprinkle them with salt (2-3 tablespoons) and fresh dill.
  4. We put pressure on it, cover it with gauze, and leave it for a couple of days until the brine appears.
  5. After that, add it: add sugar (1 glass) and salt (no more than a tablespoon) to one liter of water.
  6. Roll up the containers and place them in a cool place.

Storage Secrets

And finally - an interesting fact. We are already accustomed to the fact that watermelon and kiwi are berries, not fruits. The fact that the tomato is not really a vegetable is also well known. But it turns out that even a cucumber cannot be considered a vegetable! Botanists call it... a berry because it has seeds and flowers. It also belongs to the pumpkin family, along with melon and zucchini - which, after all, are also berries!

Here is such an interesting, unusual, tasty and very healthy fruit - cucumber.

One of the wonderful ways to preserve summer vegetables is fermentation, which is increasingly inferior to pickling and pickling, but in vain, because this traditional Russian preparation technology allows you to obtain products with a very special taste. In this recipe we will tell you how to prepare pickled cucumbers, tasty and aromatic!

Why is pickling and salting inferior to pickling? Because many people think that fermenting is more difficult, but this is not at all true. During pickling, unlike pickling and pickling, the essence of which in the first case is preservation through salt, and in the second through marinade, vegetables retain their own taste and aroma as much as possible.

Pickling differs from pickling and pickling in that it is a combination of pickling and fermentation. During fermentation, lactic acid is formed, which has preservative properties; it also determines the original taste of fermented products.

At all times, it was customary to ferment vegetables in barrels, preferably oak, and these barrels were stored in cellars until winter. In city apartments, jars that can be sterilized and stored in a closet on a shelf at room temperature are more suitable - in well-sterilized jars, cucumbers or other vegetables will never spoil or explode, even if the brine becomes cloudy.

Recipe for making pickled cucumbers

You will need: 8 kg of cucumbers, 3 heads of garlic, non-iodized rock salt, a set of greens for pickling (dill umbrellas, currant leaves, fennel, oak branch, cherry, horseradish leaves, etc.).

How to ferment cucumbers. Sort out small cucumbers with pimples, remove stems and damaged ones, rinse thoroughly with running water, cover with cold water for several hours, rinse again. Wash and chop the pickling greens coarsely, peel and rinse the garlic cloves. For fermentation, you will first need an enamel bucket: place it in a basin, fold the cucumbers tightly, sprinkle with garlic, lay the greens on top, leaving a space the width of your palm to the edges of the bucket. Pour room temperature water into a 3 liter jar, add 6 tbsp. salt without a slide, stir until dissolved, pour into a bucket with the cucumbers, fill another jar in the same way and repeat - the water should completely cover the cucumbers and partially cover the greens. Cover the contents of the bucket with a plate, put a load on top - a 3 liter jar of water. Remove the bucket away from light and sun and leave everything for 3-4 days; the hotter the room, the faster the cucumbers will ferment. The brine should turn cloudy white - this indicates lactic acid fermentation. On the 4th day, throw the greens out of the bucket, strain the brine, boil, removing the foam, put the cucumbers in 1 liter jars, pour the brine to the edges of the jars, cover with a clean towel, leave for 7-8 minutes, then pour the brine back into the pan, bring to a boil again. Boil the lids, pour the boiled brine into jars, pouring to the edges, cover with lids and immediately seal. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket, and leave in a warm place until cool. These jars of cucumbers can be stored for more than a year. Good luck!

Pickled cucumber, considered an indispensable attribute of any feast, came to us from Byzantium. The first attempts to salt it were made back in the 3rd millennium BC in Mesopotamia, confirmation of which was revealed by archaeologists.

The ancient Romans also excelled at salting. They began adding vinegar for pickling and became the first to prepare canned cucumbers. Let's look at the recipes we inherited from our grandmother.

Classic recipe

In Rus', oak barrels or tubs were used to prepare pickled cucumbers. This dish was popular both on princely tables and among ordinary people.

Nowadays, cucumbers from a barrel have not lost their popularity, but not everyone can enjoy them. However, if you have a summer house or live in a private house, then the recipe for pickled cucumbers in a barrel for the winter will be relevant.


In the evening, heat the water to 20 -25 ° C, add all the salt and stir. The brine may turn out cloudy, with a dirty coating on the walls, so it is recommended to strain it through cheesecloth.

Let's start stacking the cucumbers, filling the jar as much as possible. Place large cucumbers downwards, small ones closer to the top. Alternate the vegetables with horseradish leaves, dill sprigs and chopped garlic cloves.

Let's prepare the brine in advance: for a three-liter jar we will need about 1.2 liters of water, maybe a little more depending on the filling density. We take salt at the rate of 3 tablespoons per three-liter jar. Boil the brine and cool.
Fill the jars with cold brine and leave for 2-3 days to ferment. The temperature of the room where the jars are placed should not exceed 25 degrees, otherwise the cucumbers may turn out soft. The water will gradually become cloudy, and foam will form on the surface of the jar. During this period, we recommend covering the jar with a layer of gauze, so that air gets in and dust does not.

After 3 days, salt the brine. As you can see, the fermentation process was successful, the water is cloudy.

Boil the brine and pour it into the jar for 15 minutes, straining through cheesecloth.

Then add salt and boil again. You will need to add a little water, as some will evaporate when boiling.
Fill the jar with hot brine and seal it.
Turn over and leave until cool.

The ideal winter snack is ready, we advise you to prepare delicious pickled cucumbers for the winter, even if you don’t have an oak barrel, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of trying homemade cucumbers, prepare them in jars.

I’ve already told you, and now I’ll tell you how to seal pickled cucumbers for the winter. And in winter... in winter we will cook pickle soup, make vinaigrette, add them to pizza, and they are simply divine with fried potatoes!
So, let’s go to the garden, choose cucumbers (or buy them at the market), soak them for an hour, while we wash the jars and peel the garlic (remembering that, like porridge with butter, you can’t spoil cucumbers with garlic). For a long time, everything is as usual: put dill and garlic at the bottom of the jar, add cucumbers.

For sourdough, it is better if the cucumbers are slightly overgrown (but not old!). By the way, this is why I love pickled cucumbers so much - because you don’t have to choose cucumbers every day!

But I cannot choose them every day for ideological reasons, because I:

  • lazy person
  • very busy lazy person
  • kind and conscientious lazy woman - how does it turn out: the cucumbers have just been born, have not seen life, have not been warmed by the sun, have not been caressed by the wind, have not been watered with dew, and I just put them in a jar?!


  • cucumbers - 2 - 2.5 kg (depending on the size, and therefore the packing density);
  • salt - 2 tbsp. with a large slide;
  • water - 1 - 1.5 l (depending on the size of the cucumbers and the density of their packing);
  • dill, garlic and other spices - to taste and availability

Cooking method

Step 1

In general, slightly matured cucumbers, in their prime, are placed in a jar, after cutting off the ends. The longest ones can be cut in half. Place a sprig of dill on top again.


Pour two heaped spoons of the most common coarse table salt.


Fill with raw cold water right up to the neck. I usually pour water straight from the tap.


After this, we “forget” about our cucumbers for 3-4 days. At this time, they will ferment safely, and foam will form on the surface. As soon as the process is completed and the foam has fallen off, you can move on to the second stage. By the way, during all this action, the brine may leak out. It’s not scary for me: bottles of cucumbers are right on the grill in my bathroom; everyone uses the summer shower outside anyway. Those who do not have a shower will either have to urgently build a shower, or place some kind of utensils, such as a tray or plates, under the jars. In general, there are many options: you can simply periodically wash the floor or other surface where they are located, you can wash everything once at the end of the work, you can not wash it at all - the salt crystals, drying, form an original pattern... In short, life is just That’s why it’s beautiful because it doesn’t let us get bored, forcing us to make a choice among many options.


When the cucumbers stop fermenting, it is better to be on the safe side by letting them sit for at least another 10-12 hours. The fact is that if the process has not yet completed, the banks will explode after some time.

By the way, if you really forget about them for 2-3 days, nothing bad will happen: the cucumbers will simply become more sour. But we must not forget about anything else: they can turn into mush.


If you actually forget about the cucumbers for a day or two, a small film of mold will form on the surface. It’s okay: remove it with a spoon and rinse the dill with cold water.


Then everything is quite simple: pour the brine into a saucepan, add about a quarter glass of water (instead of the water that was absorbed, evaporated, leaked out), bring it to a boil, quite vigorously, pour it back into the bottle, close it with a previously scalded lid. By the way, the brine will be quite cloudy and unappealing, but surprisingly aromatic!


Then everything is as always - we turn the jars over, wrap them warmly and keep them like that for 10 - 24 hours, put them away in a storage place, and look forward to the winter.

Barrel cucumbers are a native Russian cuisine, exactly those crunchy fruits that our grandmothers treated us to in childhood. But, unfortunately, making such a winter preparation is not at all easy. Pickled cucumbers can be pickled in small quantities and just eaten. You can also pickle pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter. Let's look at both recipes for delicious pickled cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers like from a barrel

Why don't cucumbers work out like they came out of a barrel?

The main problem of housewives trying to simply pickle cucumbers in jars under the most ordinary nylon lids is that they do not preserve. This can manifest itself in different ways:

The filling becomes cloudy;

The fruits become soft, jelly-like and literally crawl apart;

Large voids form inside the fruit.

Such preparations are no longer suitable for food. So how do you prepare real, delicious barrel-flavored pickles without them going bad?

Recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter

This method has been tested by many gardeners over the years. The cucumbers really come out “like from childhood,” and not just pickled. And at the same time they last all winter without any problems!

1. Stage one - fermentation

Select fruits that are not overgrown, wash them well and place them in a container for pickling. Add spices there too. Choose any spices you like! It could be dill, horseradish, currant leaf, peppercorns. A little bit of hot pepper and a clove of garlic wouldn’t hurt either.

Then prepare the filling. It is done simply: 2 tables. Dilute level spoons of salt into 1 liter of water, boil the brine, and then cool.

Pour the prepared cucumbers with cold (cooled) brine for 2-3 days. Do not forget to place the container in a wide bowl or basin - foam may leak out during fermentation. Cover the top with a metal lid.

2. Stage two - conservation

After the required time has passed, drain the cucumbers into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

At the same time, heat clean water in another saucepan to about 40 degrees.

Transfer the cucumbers from the fermentation container into jars and fill them with this water to warm them up. A 1 liter jar - for 5-7 minutes, a three liter jar - for 15 minutes. Then you need to drain this water, shaking the jar thoroughly to drain all the cloudy sediment.

Next, warm the water again, this time to about 70 degrees. Fill the cucumbers a second time with seventy-degree water for 5-15 minutes, depending on the size of the jar, then drain this water again, shaking the jar thoroughly.

But now you need to return to the brine that was originally drained. The one in which the cucumbers fermented and which you must boil. Quickly pour boiling brine over the fruits, immediately roll up the jars (sterilize them in advance) and place them in a cool place.

All! In winter you will enjoy delicious “barrel” cucumbers. The first stage will give the fruits a unique taste of real pickled cucumbers, the second will not allow them to spoil.

Pickled cucumbers with lightly salted bread (not for winter)

Lightly salted cucumber is the most favorite food of all Slavic peoples. In every family we can see crispy lightly salted cucumbers “posing” on the table. Nowadays, culinary art has come so far that there are a certain number of ways to prepare crispy cucumbers! A spicy, crunchy lightly salted cucumber just begs to be eaten. We recommend that you prepare quick pickled cucumbers, and the trick is to add a piece of rye bread. It will add a pleasant aroma and some sourness, and will also help speed up the fermentation process. These cucumbers can be served with both meat and fish dishes, as well as any side dish and added to salads. In addition, such cucumbers are the best food for the holiday table. Freshly salted gherkins with rye bread increase appetite and speed up metabolism. Every good housewife should have this pickling recipe. Using this recipe, you can prepare lightly salted cucumbers at any time and very quickly. For everything to work out as it should, take the cucumbers and dip them in cold water for a while so that they become plump and crispy.


  • fresh cucumber fruits 700-800 g;
  • water 1 liter;
  • salt 2 tbsp. l;
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rye bread 1-2 slices;
  • dill 4-5 sprigs;
  • coriander;
  • black peppercorns.

Cooking process:

1. Take any deep container (jar, large tray, enamel pan) and place all the spices and washed herbs into it.

2. Be sure to cut the tails on both sides so that the cucumbers will soon be salted, and place them tightly with black pepper and coriander.

3. Place dill and a piece of rye bread wrapped in gauze on top of the cucumbers.

4. Prepare the brine in advance.

5. Fill the pan with water and add salt, sugar and mix everything well. All that remains is to bring to a boil and pour over our cucumbers.

6. You need to put pressure on the cucumbers. If they are in a saucepan, you can put a smaller lid and place a jar of water on top.

7. Leave the cucumbers to marinate for one day in a warm place.

8. Take the bread and put the pan with cucumbers in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process.

9. On the second day, you can enjoy delicious and aromatic freshly salted cucumbers.

Tips: The gherkins will be more sour if they are left for another day in a warm place so that they can sour thoroughly.

And for a good pickle, it’s good to choose fragrant herbs to suit your taste. It is advisable to take coarse rock salt, because if you take sea or iodized salt, your cucumbers will lose their elasticity.

With the exception of dill, you can add currant, cherry and horseradish leaves, they will give them elasticity. Horseradish wouldn't hurt.

The amount of spices and herbs can be increased if desired, this will add piquancy to the dish.