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Labrador Retriever: growth parameters of a puppy and an adult dog. Golden Retriever dog breed description How much does an adult Labrador girl weigh?

The Golden Retriever is one of the friendliest and most temperamental breeds. This dog will not only be a faithful friend for its owners, but also an excellent companion in children's fun.

These pets are completely non-aggressive. Moderately brave, obedient, cheerful retrievers are ideal family dogs.


The breed was obtained in the 19th century in Great Britain as a hunting dog.

For a long time it was believed that the Golden Retriever was just a variety of the Flat-Coated Retriever, but today it is a completely independent breed that has its own standards.

There is a beautiful legend that golden retrievers were bought by a Scottish lord from a circus, where they showed excellent skills and a clear mind in the arena.

Golden retrievers are often taught special skills that allow them to serve as guide dogs, help rescuers, border guards, and special units.

The Lord began breeding the breed and popularized it in every possible way, saying that the ancestors of these beautiful dogs were Russian Shepherds. It’s difficult to say why this story was needed, but the fact remains that the golden retriever quickly began to gain popularity.

The popularity of keeping dogs of this breed to participate in hunting does not decrease, where the main task of the golden retriever is to bring prey.


The wide, harmonious muzzle with brown eyes goes well with a flexible, slender body and slightly wavy or straight coat.

Regarding color, then it should not be too dark. Classically, it is golden or cream in color.

The height of the dog does not exceed sixty centimeters.


There is hardly anyone who can say anything bad about the character of a golden retriever.

    1. They lend themselves so well training, training, so that even small flaws in behavior are instantly corrected.
    2. Besides hunting work, as well as services for the benefit of humans, golden retrievers can help in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, autism in children, nervous and mental disorders in adults.

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    1. Yes, and an ordinary person will feel a dog of this breed has a friend to whom you can tell about your problems and experiences.
    2. The Golden Retriever is capable of catching all the notes of the owner’s mood, truly empathize with him or sincerely rejoice together.
    3. If the owner is busy with something, then the retriever will never just lie there and watch. He will definitely take part in what is happening. Therefore, it is useful to teach the dog real actions that will be beneficial, for example, bringing some objects.
    4. Golden Retrievers don't get attached. to one family member, they equally love everyone who treats them well. All these people can equally engage in training and education.
    5. Golden retriever on a walk won't cause much trouble. They never attack dogs or other animals. Friendly by nature, they get along well with all creatures.
    6. They will not stay away from children's games, where they will happily run, jump, and fetch balls and sticks.
    7. Dogs have a very lively and quick mind, which allows them to instantly react to what is happening and quickly make decisions.

There are a fairly large number of cases where a golden retriever saved people without thinking about its own safety.

Puppy price

The Golden Retriever is perhaps one of the most popular breeds in poultry markets.

Prices there range from 4000-6500 rub..

The cost of puppies from “underground” breeders is: 6000-12000 rub..

But usually this is a problematic purchase: the animal does not have a veterinary passport and/or pedigree, the owner cannot imagine the puppy’s parents, or it is generally a “well-produced” crossbreed.

Small “golden” retriever puppies, more like bear cubs, are difficult to confuse with another breed. Nevertheless, there are enough reasons not to buy a pet without documents.

Firstly, even a thorough examination of the puppy and its parents does not guarantee a successful purchase, let alone “bird houses”.

Secondly, advertisements are teeming with offers for free “mixed-breed retrievers” - descendants of goldens and mongrels. And in the market there is a high probability of stumbling upon such puppies.

Third, a true golden retriever is a dog that can replace a human. It would be stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to raise an excellent assistant and friend from a purebred puppy.

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Choosing a Golden Retriever Puppy– it’s not a matter of five minutes. Take the time to visit exhibitions, nurseries, and trusted breeders. Chat with them about the character and abilities of the parents of the future pet. Be sure to watch the whole family a little longer.

To be confident in your animal, purchase it from a nursery, especially since the prices for purebred non-show and market puppies are not much different.

Kennels offer goldens at the following prices:

« pet class» - puppies for home, not up to show standards - 20000-26000 rub..;
« breed class» – retriever puppy, for breeding breed – 26000-36000 rub..;
« show class" - a descendant of titled champions with the makings of a winner - 36000-65000 rub..

Price range within classes– this is a dependence on the external (compliance with the standard) and internal (mental and physical health) characteristics of the puppy, the status of the parents and sometimes the cost of maintenance.


As for choosing a place of residence for a golden retriever, both an apartment and a private house are suitable for him.

    1. Space for this dog not as important as attention and care.
    2. Retriever who will walk in a huge yard alone - an unhappy dog, his mental health will be undermined. Therefore, the dog is categorically unsuitable for those people who cannot devote enough time to it.
    3. Taking care of a dog of this breed It won’t cause much trouble if you accustom her to a number of hygiene procedures from infancy.
    4. It is important to monitor the condition of your eyes retriever. Small periodic purulent discharge caused by sand getting into the eyes is a normal option. However, if this discharge is repeated day after day, then you need to contact your veterinarian. This symptom is characteristic of some not very pleasant diseases.
    5. It's worth looking into your ears only periodically - once a week is enough. You can clean them with a cotton swab.

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Gently but confidently we wean the dog from mischief - we move on.

  1. Teeth are cleaned with a special toothbrush or a cotton swab. If the dog has been accustomed to this procedure since infancy, then the pet will not show much resistance.
  2. You shouldn't wash your retriever too often. Their coat is quite sensitive to the effects of detergents, and in order to ensure that the protective substances are not washed off from it, it is necessary to use only certain types of shampoo.
  3. The washing procedure itself should not be carried out more than three times a year.
  4. But you'll have to comb it out every day. If you are not lazy and perform this item of caring for your golden retriever efficiently, then its coat will always be silky and well-groomed in appearance.
  5. Exhibition specimens are subjected to trimming. It is best to trust this work to professionals, then the presence of a haircut will not be noticeable.


Like any dog, the Golden Retriever needs to eat food that includes all the necessary components.

The easiest way to feed your dog is dry food.

Premium food is suitable In addition, you must ensure that your pet always has clean water.

If the dog has just come from the kennel, there is no need to suddenly start feeding it unfamiliar food.

Can also be fed with natural food. But in this case, vitamin supplements and cottage cheese must be present in the diet.

Even with a firm intention to change the animal’s diet, for some time you will have to feed what the dog is accustomed to.

And then gradually introduce new foods, carefully monitoring your mood and health.


Even though the golden retriever– the dog is unusually kind, smart, affectionate, it is still necessary to train and train it.

No matter how good the dog is by nature, he should know the words “No”, “Fu”, “Come to me”. At least to avoid scaring someone else’s child, or to prevent your pet from picking up trash on the street.

For creative people, the Golden Retriever is just a godsend. With it you can organize theatrical performances, perform magic tricks and much more.


Watch this cute video about a golden retriever puppy:

The Golden Retriever has a unique history, which is interesting because for a long time one version of its origin was officially recognized, and then another appeared, proving the legendary status of the previous one.

Observational skills
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Beautiful legend

According to the mythical version, the breed originated from Russian Shepherds, which were circus dogs. The breed's father, Scottish Lord Tweedmouth, allegedly bought them after a circus performance in which they impressed him with their intelligence and skills. This happened, according to him, in 1858. The lord bought 8 dogs for a fabulous sum and started breeding them on his estate, not far from the famous Loch Ness.

This story was told to everyone who was interested in the breed, and was even published in the magazine “Rural Life”. Lord actively popularized this version and added that he wanted to organize an expedition to Russia, in particular to the Caucasus, to bring more Russian shepherds. It is difficult to say why this legend was needed. Most likely, it was a kind of skillful PR for a new breed that immediately interested everyone. Origin from amazingly smart dogs, luxurious golden color, romantic circumstances of their acquisition - everything was in the favor of Lord Tweedmouth.

It should be added that his estate, where the breed was born, was truly a fabulous and interesting place. It was a huge estate with an amazing park of exotic trees brought from all over the world. There was also a unique dairy farm and hunting grounds where, at the invitation of the lord, the cream of Scottish society spent time.

The first breeders of golden retrievers were only noble people, which added even more noble luster to the breed. Thus, Colonel Le Poer Trench acquired a puppy from Lord Tweedmouth, which he subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club. The dog was recorded as a Russian Yellow Retriever. For a long time, the circus version was popular, according to which the new breed was descended from Russian shepherd dogs. Even Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were called its ancestors. Although the appearance and character of the Golden Retriever pointed to other ancestors, most people believed the beautiful legend.

Official version

Serious dog handlers understood that the circus version could not be true. Therefore, one only had to study the origins of the golden retriever, and the truth became clear. Elma Stoneks thoroughly studied the history of the breed from the written sources she found. Their authenticity is beyond doubt, as these were stud books kept by Lord Tweedmouth. They trace the chronology of the formation of the breed from 1835 to 1889. These records are now kept at the English Kennel Club.

The Lord's letter to his great-nephew, who was also breeding Golden Retrievers, sheds light on the history of the breed. The letter describes in detail all the events related to the origin of the breed. The lord bought his first dog from a shoemaker from Brighton, who at one time received a beautiful golden puppy from a gamekeeper from the Chichester estate. The lord named the golden dog Nous, which means “wisdom” in the Celtic dialect.

Nous was bred to a tea-colored water spaniel named Belle. From this mating three yellow puppies were born, who became the founders of a new breed. The lord made entries in the stud books about all subsequent matings until his death. The last puppies born on the estate during his lifetime were Prim and Rose. In 1995, papers were found that traced the family line from Rose to modern Goldens.

Information has been preserved about matings with bloodhounds, which also participated in the formation of the breed. Tweedmouth discarded all black puppies, leaving only yellow and golden ones. The Gisechen nursery, which was widely known in Great Britain, was organized on the estate. The owner of the kennel gave the best puppies to his friends, aristocratic hunters. Some of them were also engaged in breeding the breed, actively infusing the blood of Labradors.

Therefore, after the death of Lord Tweedmouth and the sale of the estate, the breed did not disappear, although the circle of breeders was so closed that the general public and even dog handlers knew little about it. This is evidenced by the fact that in the work of the famous dog handler of the early 20th century, Robert Leighton, about the hunting dogs of England, the Golden Retriever breed is not mentioned.

The creation of the breed owes great credit not only to Lord Tweedmouth, but also to those breeders who began to exhibit it and seek official recognition. One of them was Lord Harcoat, who exhibited his dogs at dog shows. At that time they were not yet recognized as an official breed and were called straight-coated golden retrievers. Another equally famous breeder was Mrs. Charlesworth. The future British champion was born in her kennel in 1912; he was the first Golden Retriever to receive such a title. In 1913, the Golden Retriever Club was founded. But connoisseurs of the breed received official recognition only in 1960. The first representative of the breed appeared in Russia only in 1991.

The Golden Retriever is the second most popular dog in Europe. This is evidenced by the number of registered representatives of the breed in European kennel clubs.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The appearance of the Golden Retriever is amazingly proportional. This is a beautiful, well-built dog, active, with confident movements and a friendly look.

The head looks harmonious in relation to the body. The muzzle should not be pointed or coarse; it should be broad and deep, but not massive. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly expressed. The description of the eyes deserves special attention. They should be dark brown in color, with an equally dark outline, and have a pleasant expression.

Strong jaws with a scissor bite. The teeth are large, preferably complete.

The ears are medium sized and hang down. Planted approximately at eye level.

The chest is powerful, with deep, well arched ribs. The back is flat, the croup and tail seem to continue its line. The American standard allows for a slightly sloping croup.

The forelimbs are straight and muscular. The shoulder blades are equal in length to the shoulders. The elbows fit tightly to the body, the shoulder blades are pulled back. This structure of the limbs is necessary for the dog to perform its functions as a hunter. She runs easily, without wasting extra energy, throwing her front paws far forward.

The hind limbs are muscular, with strong bones. A well-defined knee joint is important; the degree of stretching of the paws back while running and the strength of the push depend on it.

The coat can be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat is dense and waterproof. Around the head, starting from the ears, and on the neck, the hair is longer. This mane gives the dog a good-natured expression, which is so valued in the breed.

The coat color should be golden or cream, but not red or dark gold. Mahogany color or too dark color is unacceptable. The American standard “dislikes” all colors except the rich golden hue. English is more loyal and recognizes pale colors.

The height at the withers of males is 56-61 cm, females are on average 5 cm less.


You can only hear positive opinions about the character of the Golden Retriever. It's hard to find a person who wouldn't enjoy interacting with these interesting dogs. They are so good-natured and people-oriented that they are ready to constantly express their love and devotion to him. In this regard, golden retrievers have long ceased to be just hunters. They have become companion dogs, guide dogs, and are also actively used in zootherapy.

With their presence they calm people down, relieve stress, and eliminate aggressive behavior. They are used. They are able to perfectly console a person when he is upset or crying about something. These dogs perfectly sense the mood of the owner and any person. We can say that if you decide to buy a golden retriever, then you will always have a soft “vest” in which you can cry. They say that even when you just hug this dog, you begin to calm down, there is so much positive energy in it. Golden retrievers will never bare their teeth or growl at a person, so it is difficult to imagine them as guards and bodyguards. They are not wary even towards strangers. They also transfer their love of love to other animals. They never provoke fights, and can even calmly endure attacks from other dogs for some time, simply avoiding the conflict. But sometimes another dog still pisses them off, and then they give a worthy rebuff, showing their power.

These dogs are not just obedient, they are very helpful. They constantly want to be useful. They will never lie quietly if the owner is doing something in which they can also take part. Some owners skillfully use this quality and, for example, teach them how to serve them various items.

Golden retrievers happily go everywhere with their owner and meet other people and animals. You can be sure that a dog of this breed will never offend even strangers with a ball. But you don’t need to think that this breed is just kind, calm bumpkins, capable only of games. There are many known cases where golden retrievers saved people during fires and floods. They can save a drowning person without any outside command. Golden Retrievers are not only smart. They are also able to assess the situation themselves and make decisions quickly. These dogs have lightning-fast reactions, so they act very quickly in extreme situations.

Golden Retrievers have an excellent sense of smell and outstanding trainability. Therefore, representatives of this breed are often used by the police, customs, and airports to search for prohibited substances and weapons.

Friendship between a golden retriever and a leopard

The whole world is watching the touching friendship between the golden retriever Tommy and the leopard. The animals live in Pretoria, South Africa, and love each other's company and walks together.

Caring for a Golden Retriever

This breed can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. The main thing is not to deprive the dog of your attention and not to leave it constantly alone. A golden retriever chained up and deprived of human company is a sad sight. Such treatment does not leave its mark on the dog’s mental health. Therefore, before you buy a golden retriever puppy, think about how much time you can devote to it every day.

A special feature of the breed is that the dog does not choose one owner in the family; all family members can train it or carry out hygiene procedures.

You need to carefully monitor your dog's eyes. If you find purulent discharge from your eyes every day, then this is not a harmless phenomenon. This may be both the first sign of plague and a symptom of the presence of worms. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to simply rubbing the eyes and instilling drops; you need to examine the dog for the presence of diseases. Although the reason may be more harmless, for example, from sand or dust getting into the eyes.

If the dog was hunting, then after that it is necessary to wash out its eyes, since while running through the forest and thickets, various debris usually gets into the eyes.

The ears can be examined less frequently, about once a week. Wash them with water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can simply wipe the inside of your ears with a damp cotton swab.

Many people believe that it is not necessary to take care of your dog’s teeth. But sometimes this opinion leads to the formation of tartar and the appearance of yellow plaque. Such a dog can no longer become a winner of exhibitions. You can buy a special toothbrush and toothpaste and periodically brush your dog’s teeth or do the same procedure with a cotton swab.

You can wash your dog at your discretion. Usually this procedure is not necessary more than 2-3 times a year. You need to wash your Golden Retriever with special shampoos that do not wash off the protective layer and do not lead to dry skin.

It is advisable to comb the dog's fur every day, then it will look well-groomed. After all, the golden coat of a retriever is one of the main advantages of its appearance. This decoration is especially important for a show dog. If you want to shine with your pet at shows, then you need to seek the services of a professional groomer. You can master this art yourself, then you will need patience, free time and a special tool: a massage brush, a comb, scissors. And remember that judges at shows really don’t like it when the haircut work you’ve done is visible. The retriever's coat should look as natural as possible.

Golden retriever Giuseppe works as a salesman in his owners' store in Ocala, Florida. He greets customers and helps them roll their carts with their chosen items to the checkout counter. The store sells exotic fish, aquariums and related products.

Raising a Golden Retriever

Some owners, having learned that this breed is very smart and kind, do not pay enough attention to its training. They decide that the dog does not need to be taught anything at all, it will grow up and become smart and obedient. This is a misconception; any dog ​​needs to be trained and taught at least basic commands. A golden retriever living in the city must know at least 3 commands: “Come to me!”, “Ugh!”, “Near!”. The dog is quite large, and not everyone knows that it is kind. If your big little retriever rushes towards a strange child to lick him, then the parents of this child will not listen to your cries that this is a good dog and she will not hurt anyone. Therefore, from the first months of a dog’s life in your home.

If you are an enthusiastic person, then you will definitely be interested in other golden retriever training opportunities: freestyle, agility, circus training. With such a dog you can stage theatrical performances and perform with it at charity events in orphanages. In short, raising a golden retriever can make the life of its owner much brighter and more interesting.

Baxter, a golden retriever from Massachusetts, rescued his brother Bailey. They both got lost in the forest, and Bailey got stuck in the bushes and couldn't get out. When Baxter returned home, he immediately led his mistress to the place where his brother was trapped.

Where to buy and how to choose a puppy

It is difficult to use common sense when they offer you one on the market and say that it is a descendant of the famous Golden Retrievers. But it’s better not to make purchasing decisions spontaneously.

First, find out if there are breeders of this breed in your city. Meet them, look at the Golden Retriever, its behavior, and decide whether this is really the breed of your dreams. Then you can contact the kennel club in your city and find out about planned matings or already born puppies and say that you intend to buy a golden retriever for the soul or for exhibitions.

If there is no such organization in your city, then it’s not a big deal. Thanks to the Internet, you can get in touch with lovers of this breed. The easiest way to find them is on special forums or in groups on social networks. There you can also look for a breeder for the mother of your future dog. In fact, the choice of a breeder is also very important, because the health of your pet depends on his honesty and proper care of the puppies at the initial stage of their life.

If it is not possible to see the puppy’s father in person, it is still advisable to contact the breeder and look at his photos and videos. Before buying a Golden Retriever puppy, people pay a lot of attention to studying the pedigree of its parents. On the one hand, this is correct, but this does not guarantee the absence of shortcomings in the offspring of the eminent couple. Therefore, more attention should be paid to puppies. This is not 5 minutes of watching puppies play. It is necessary to carefully examine the puppy both for health and compliance with the standard. Therefore, it is not recommended to book puppies that are only a few days old after seeing them only in photos.

In Europe and America, golden retrievers are kept on staff in schools where children with various diseases study. Dogs do an excellent job as psychologists and healers, and also help children with limited mobility by giving them the necessary items.

Puppy price

The cost of golden retriever puppies depends on the availability of documents confirming its origin, on the presence of champions in the pedigree, and on the prospects of the puppy itself as a show dog. Average cost of a puppy of this breed 25 thousand rubles. The minimum bar rarely falls below 15 thousand rubles.


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Sweet and affectionate, the perfect companion

The worldwide popularity of golden retrievers is justified: they are sweet and affectionate, and their kindness and friendliness explain their success as a companion dog. Active, cheerful and playful, they behave like puppies even at the age of three or four years, and some of them retain their playfulness until old age.


Sociable and friendly, ready to help

Golden Retrievers are originally hunting dogs, but today are used as companion dogs. They perform with great success in disciplines such as obedience and agility. The outgoing and friendly nature of Golden Retrievers allows them to participate in search and rescue efforts and provide assistance to people with disabilities. They are still excellent at tracking and bringing back game. But the main characteristic of the Golden Retriever breed is its friendliness and calmness. This is what makes him a great companion.

The Golden Retriever is one of the four most popular dogs. With equal success he is kept in an apartment and in an outdoor enclosure. Distinctive qualities of the pet: poise, high intelligence, obedience. These are excellent friends and good nannies for children.

The Golden Retriever was bred in Great Britain as a hunting dog. The standard of appearance and character was first described about 100 years ago. According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale classification, it belongs to the eighth group, along with spaniels and water dogs.

Description of the breed

The breed is distinguished by its large size and harmonious build. Fully formed by the second year. Below are its main characteristics.

  • Height at the withers. Male - 56-61 cm, female - 51-56 cm.
  • Weight. Male - 26-41 kg, female - 25-37 kg.
  • Color. Various shades of cream and golden color are recognized (except red).
  • Lifespan. On average 11-12 years, sometimes 15.
  • Character. Loyal, sociable, friendly. Loves children.
  • Intelligence. Smart and quick-witted animal.
  • Security and guard potential. Retrievers are trusting, friendly, and are considered poor guards.

Breed standard

In addition to the main characteristics, there are indicators for assessing the purebred of the breed. Individuals that meet the standard shown in the table are allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding.

Table - Golden Retriever breed standard

Head- Wide;
- proportional
Neck- Strong;
- muscular
Nose- Large;
- black
Tail- Long;
- straight;
- high
Front legs- Smooth;
- muscular
Hind legs- Massive;
- powerful
Wool- Long;
- thick

One of the psychology professors studied the intelligence of dogs of different breeds. Out of 133 breeds, retrievers took fourth place in intelligence and intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages

A retriever is a large dog. Before buying a puppy, you need to study the breed in detail, weigh the pros and cons. The positive and negative traits of retrievers are shown in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of a retriever

Retrievers are sometimes used in rehabilitation centers to relieve stress and tame the aggression of patients. Dogs have a calming effect on crying people and lift their spirits. There have been recorded cases where retrievers, without any training, pulled people out of burning houses and saved drowning people.

Origin history and interesting facts

The story is connected with Lord Tweedmouth. According to surviving papers, he purchased a hunting dog with a rare yellow coat color. This was the only yellow puppy from a litter of black retrievers.

The Lord began work on developing a separate breed while preserving the beautiful, rare color. The first step was mating a retriever with a teacup tweed water spaniel. Already at this stage the lord managed to get three more yellow puppies. Work on the breed continued for a long time. The Lord carefully selected suitable individuals, trying to preserve the golden color.

After the death of the lord, the breed spread through his friends, who were once given puppies. Two of them had their own nurseries. To improve characteristics, crossings were carried out with Labradors, Irish setters, and bloodhounds.

The breed was officially recognized by the British Kennel Club in 1913. It was originally called the yellow or golden retriever. The name was later shortened.


The Golden Retriever is a recognizable breed with distinct characteristics. Dog handlers distinguish three types of such dogs.

  1. American. It is distinguished by its rather bright color and greater height. There is no light or dark color.
  2. European. The coat color is light, sometimes close to white. They are distinguished by their massiveness - wide chest, muzzle, shortened, muscular legs.
  3. Canadian. They are an intermediate link between the two types described above.

All types have external differences, but have the same character. Golden retrievers are friendly, get along well with other pets, love children, and are devoted to their owner.

Differences from Labrador

The Labrador is a separate breed, but it was used in the development of Golden Retrievers. Therefore, dogs are similar in a number of criteria. For example, they are hunting, intended for searching and bringing shot game to the owner. They are friendly, do not enter into conflicts, and are not prone to aggression. They have an excellent sense of smell and can be used as search dogs. The distinctive features of the two breeds are reflected in the table.

Table - Similarities and differences between the Labrador and Golden Retriever breeds

Golden retrievers are kept in apartments and enclosures - they do not freeze in winter and tolerate frost well. They are not used as guard dogs - the retriever cannot be chained. Representatives of the breed cannot stand prolonged loneliness. You need to devote time to training and walks every day.

5 mandatory procedures

The responsibilities of the owners include carrying out five hygiene procedures.

  1. Eyes . Periodically wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad. Their condition is assessed. The discharge of even a small amount of pus is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian. Be sure to wash your eyes after walking in the forest.
  2. Teeth . Without care, yellow plaque and tartar form on the teeth. They try to teach puppies to care from an early age. Teeth are brushed regularly with a brush and pet toothpaste.
  3. Ears . Look into your ears once a week and wipe them with a damp cotton swab.
  4. Bathing. There is no need for frequent bathing. This is done several times a year and additionally as needed. Use special shampoos that do not cause dry skin.
  5. Combing. The coat is brushed daily. Show dogs are sometimes cut. It is difficult to make a natural haircut on your own - more often owners turn to grooming specialists.

The Golden Retriever does not choose one owner. He is equally friendly towards all family members - adults and children.

Natural diet

Make up a balanced diet - include meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and vegetables. An approximate menu for a retriever of any age is given in the table.

Table - Retriever Menu

ProductsRecommendedProhibitedShare in daily diet
Meat- Beef;
- turkey;
- chickens;
- rabbit meat;
- boiled offal
- Pork;
- mutton;
- smoked meats;
- sausages
Cereals- Rice;
- buckwheat;
- millet
- Barley;
- corn;
- semolina
Vegetables- Carrot;
- cabbage;
- beet;
- turnip;
- pumpkin
- Citruses;
- grape;
- rhubarb;
- spinach;
- exotic vegetables and fruits
Dairy- Cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- ryazhenka
- ryazhenka
- Whole milk;
- cream;
- yoghurts with flavors and fillings
FishLow-fat sea varietiesFatty sea and river

Many representatives of the breed have an excessive appetite. The daily food intake is strictly divided into several meals and given in small portions.

Dry food

Until four to five months, retrievers are fed specialized food for large breed puppies. Then they are gradually transferred to adult food. Natural food is not included in the diet. Choose premium or super-premium food for large breeds. They contain a sufficient amount of minerals that support healthy joints.

Retrievers are prone to allergies, including to low-quality, cheap food. An allergic reaction is manifested by changes in the color of fur and skin, itching. Feed is selected carefully, introducing it into the diet in small portions. Preference is given to types based on lamb meat.

Until the age of five months, puppies are fed four to six times a day. The daily amount of food is divided into small portions. Gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. By eight months of age, they are fed twice a day. Before the change of milk teeth, the puppy is given yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir daily.


The success of training depends on the attitude of the owner towards the dog. Golden Retrievers should not be subjected to physical punishment. Screams and spanks lead to the fact that the puppy begins to take them for granted and subsequently stops responding to commands spoken in a calm tone. During the training process, five rules are followed.

  1. Getting to know society. From an early age, you need to take your puppy for walks in parks, allow him to communicate with other dogs, and teach him to ride in an elevator or in a car.
  2. Submission. Retrievers are smart and quick-witted - they quickly understand that a gentle owner can be manipulated. From an early age, the puppy must understand that the owner and other family members need to obey. The dog's open disobedience is immediately stopped.
  3. Patience . Retrievers are offended by shouts and refuse to follow commands until the owner runs out of patience. You can’t give in or show your powerlessness. The owner must endure, refrain from shouting, but resolutely achieve his goal.
  4. Coercion. Coercion refers to light physical pressure. For example, pressing on the withers or croup. The retriever quickly understands that the only way to free himself from compulsion is by following a command. Training continues daily until the dog learns to obey the owner's command the first time.
  5. Encouragement. Any success of the dog should be rewarded - with a tasty morsel or praise. Subsequently, the pet will strive to please the owner.

Retrievers are calm dogs with an easy-going character. But without training they become uncontrollable. From puppyhood, the dog must know what is possible and what is not.


Only purebred representatives of the breed that meet the standards are allowed for breeding. The first mating can be carried out from 20 months for females, from 18 - for males. Early mating stops the dog’s development and leads to subsequent health problems. The best option is mating for the third or fourth heat.


The upcoming heat is determined by changes in behavior - the dog behaves restlessly and leaves marks while walking. Before the start of estrus, the bitch is given anthelmintic medications. To determine the exact day, apply a napkin to the loop every morning. Mating is planned on the 11-15th day of estrus. Before walking, the dog is treated with a special spray to avoid “courtship” by males.

A few days before mating, changes are introduced into the diet of male dogs - the amount of meat is increased or dry food with a high protein content is given. Immediately before mating they do not feed, they are given a good walk. Mating is carried out two days in a row to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.


Pregnancy in retrievers lasts 62-64 days. Its duration varies slightly depending on the number of puppies. If there are many of them, labor begins a little earlier, if there are few, later. Visually, pregnancy is not visible until 35 days. In rare cases, the dog begins to develop toxicosis, refuses to eat, and thick mucous discharge appears from the loop. In the later stages, the belly begins to stand out, the mammary glands swell, and enlarge.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the dog’s diet increases the amount of protein food - more meat, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. An intermediate - third feeding - is added to the diet. Additionally, special mineral supplements and vitamins E and F are used in oil form, one drop three times a day. Towards the end of pregnancy, vegetables and fruits are completely excluded from the diet.

If after 66 days of pregnancy labor does not occur, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. A small pregnancy leads to an increased size of the fetuses - a caesarean section may be required. There are known cases of false pregnancy in dogs. It is advisable that the first birth take place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Sometimes mating doesn't work. There are several reasons - incorrectly determined time or physiological deviations. If two matings in a row do not result in pregnancy, the dog must be examined for pathologies.

Diseases and treatment

Golden Retrievers are strong, healthy dogs. They live an average of 12 years and have stable immunity. Most artificially bred breeds are prone to hereditary diseases. Retriever breeders have to deal with five diseases.

  1. Joint dysplasia. It is expressed in defective development of the hip joints. Most often it is congenital, but sometimes develops as the puppy grows. Dysplasia can only be treated surgically.
  2. Epilepsy. Appears at any age. Dogs with epilepsy are not allowed to be bred.
  3. von Willebrand disease. Manifests itself in nosebleeds and bleeding gums. The disease is treated with blood transfusions.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. A congenital disease associated with impaired taurine synthesis. A common cause of blindness in retrievers.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. An allergic reaction develops to a vaccine or food. Manifests itself in skin irritation and the appearance of eczema.


Vaccinations are given to prevent dangerous diseases that often lead to death. The first vaccination is carried out at an early age. As they grow, revaccination is carried out. Many vaccinations are repeated every year. Three diseases pose the greatest danger.

  1. Plague. A viral disease that is fatal. Puppies are vaccinated for the first time, then the results are confirmed annually.
  2. Rabies. A virus dangerous to dogs and humans. Vaccination is carried out in stages and is repeated annually.
  3. Parvovirus enteritis. Gastrointestinal disease. The treatment is complex, lengthy, and does not always give results. The first vaccination is given at five weeks. Repeat annually.

Until the puppy has received preventive vaccinations, places for walks must be chosen carefully. You should not take it on long trips or go to parks where there is a risk of contact with infected animals.

TOP nicknames

The nickname should please all family members and suit the appearance and character of the dog. You can come up with something of your own or choose from the list of frequently used ones. The table shows the most common nicknames for Golden Retrievers.

Table - TOP retriever nicknames

First letterBitchMale
A- Isa;
- Angel
- Archie;
- Arnie
B- Bucky;
- Bessie
- Barney;
- Bucks
IN- Vicki;
- Venus
- White;
- Vinci
G- Gizma;
- Gretta
- Gray;
- Hans
D- Dina;
- Jeta
- Duncan;
- Jack
AND- Ilsa;
- Irma
- Player;
- Ideal
TO- Cleo;
- Kara
- Casey;
- Courage
L- Lilu;
- Lucy
- Lobi;
- Lucky
M- Maya;
- Molly
- Monty;
- Marty
N- Nika;
- Nessie
- Nike;
- Nick
P- Peris;
- Paulie
- Persian;
- Parker
R- Rhonda;
- Roxy
- Rolf;
- Ronnie
WITH- Sanda;
- Selina
- Sonic;
- Smile
T- Tessa;
- Taska
- Theo;
- Toby
U- Ulma;
- Umbra
- Umka;
- Urwin
F- Fiona;
- Fortune
- Phil;
- Frank
X- Helga;
- Holdy
- Khaki;
- Happy
YU- Yumi;
- Utah
- Eugene;
- Eustace
E- Elba;
- Emmy
- Ernie;
- Alvin

Photo review

From the photo you can see that Golden Retrievers are a beautiful breed of dog. Large, strong and at the same time good-natured - they are well suited for families with children.

Cost and where to buy

A good kennel does not sell a golden retriever puppy cheaply. Further, using the example of Moscow, prices in nurseries and private breeders are analyzed (data for January 2018).

  • In the nursery. A pet-class puppy will cost at least 25 thousand rubles, a show class puppy (for exhibitions) - about 60 thousand rubles and more.
  • From private breeders. Sellers offer puppies from purebred parents at prices starting from 15 thousand rubles. The cost depends on gender, pedigree, compliance with the standard, but usually does not exceed 25 thousand rubles.
  • On the free classifieds site "Avito". Here you can find puppies costing from 10 thousand rubles. A low cost may indicate that the breed is not purebred or has congenital defects.

Choosing a puppy

A non-purebred dog will differ not only in appearance, but also in character. Before choosing a puppy, the behavior of the parents is assessed. They must be obedient and not show aggression. If the parents behave with dignity and the puppies look healthy, pay closer attention to the following parameters:

  • proportional body;
  • wide chest;
  • dark eyes;
  • black nose and pads;
  • wide pelvis;
  • correct ear placement;
  • even bite;
  • deep muzzle.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions or breeding in the future, study the puppy’s pedigree and the parents’ exhibition diplomas. The dog is purchased from a kennel, not from private breeders.


It is safer to contact nurseries with a good reputation. There you can choose a puppy, look at its parents, and study its pedigree. At the time of sale, the puppy is vaccinated and all necessary documents are completed. There are golden retriever kennels in most major cities:

  • "Forest town" in the Moscow region, village. Forest town - http://www.foresttown.ru/;
  • "Fantasy Gold" in the Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets- http://fantasy-gold.ru/;
  • "Zarael" in Saransk - https://www.zerael.com/;
  • "RiEra" in Moscow - http://www.goldenfriend.ru/contact.html;
  • "Rolimber" in Murmansk - http://rolimber.ru/contacts.

Reviews: “You will never find such a friend anywhere”

The Golden Retriever is the smartest dog. Obedient, easy to train, loves all people. Positive dog. Even if she doesn’t like something, she won’t show it. The best dog for the whole family. I will never be disappointed in this breed. After all, she is the best of the best breeds.

I bought my Bobby three years ago and was not the least bit disappointed in him. He loves my children, he loves my husband, he loves me, he loves my mom, he loves everyone.

Tari, http://www.dog-otzyv.ru/Zolotistyy-retriver-.html

Very kind dog! When she starts to rejoice, she cannot be stopped. She will run and destroy everything in her path. I have never seen my dog ​​sad, she is always happy about something. This is very uplifting.

Even at night, when you wake her up, invite her to play - with great willingness and joy, she will join in the game. I love this dog, a real friend! You will never find such a friend anywhere. Believe me.

Zerg, http://www.dog-otzyv.ru/Zolotistyy-retriver-.html

We have a retriever. We live in our own house, so we didn’t really chew on anything. Initially they took a non-dominant puppy, there were also three children, even as a teenager he never bullied children. It is still better to take the puppy with the parents. Since character and health, which is weak in retrievers, like in all intellectuals, depends very much on pedigree.

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