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Almond Nut. Almond nuts: benefits and harms for women and men. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease and heart attack

Almond is a shrub or small tree from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) of the Plum genus. Almonds are often referred to as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits. In size and shape, almonds are similar to peach pits.

Almond grows on rocky and gravel slopes at an altitude of 800 to 1600 m above sea level (Bukhara almond reaches 2500 m), prefers calcium-rich soils. It grows in small groups of 3-4 individuals, 5-7 meters apart from one another.

Very photophilous, very drought-resistant thanks to a well-developed root system and economical transpiration.

Blossoms in March-April, sometimes even in February, fruits ripen in June-July. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 and fruiting continues for 30-50 years, lives up to 130 years. Propagated by seeds, root suckers and stumps. It tolerates frosts down to -25°C, but with the beginning of the growing season it suffers from spring frosts.

Sweet almonds differ from bitter almonds in the absence of amygdalin, which serves as a carrier of the typical almond flavor. Three varieties are most commonly grown:

1. Bitter almond (var. amara) contains amygdalin glycoside, which easily decomposes into sugar, benzaldehyde and highly toxic hydrogen cyanide. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume bitter almonds without pre-treatment, and in general they should not be eaten by children. For a child, the lethal dose is 10 tonsils, for an adult - 50. In the process of frying, roasting and boiling, hydrogen cyanide disappears.

2. Sweet almonds (var. dulcis) with sweet seeds and low levels of amygdalin. Its spice is much weaker. It is used when frying fish, especially trout.

3. Brittle almonds (var. dulcis for. fragilis) with fruits that have a thin and fragile shell and sweet seeds.

Currently, the largest plantations of almonds are in the Mediterranean region, in China and in America. It is also grown in the warm regions of Slovakia, most often in vineyards, as well as in South Moravia and in the Czech Republic in the vicinity of Litomerice.

Useful properties of almonds

Almond seeds contain 35 to 67% non-drying fatty oil. Almonds are one of the best plant sources of protein. Almonds contain almost as much protein as lean meat - up to 30%. Almonds provide high quality, highly absorbable protein. Protein quality is determined by the amount of essential or essential amino acids and digestibility.

Almonds contain various minerals that are absolutely essential for bone health. Calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus are involved in maintaining bone strength. Almond seeds contain a large amount of fatty oil, proteins and sugars; there are enzymes, vitamins of group B,. The glycoside amygdalin was found in bitter almonds, which gives the kernels a bitter taste and an "almond" smell.

The beneficial properties of almonds affect blood lipids, especially the blood levels of the powerful antioxidant vitamin E. Almonds are an alternative to animal protein sources, and also contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. Used in folk medicine for digestive disorders and impaired kidney function.

Sweet almond cleanses the internal organs; strengthens the brain, especially if used with nabot, strengthens eyesight, softens the body, throat, good for the chest; together with sugar, it is useful in asthma, pleurisy and hemoptysis, abrasions and ulcers in the intestines and bladder, increases the amount of semen, calms the sharpness of urine, gives fullness to the body. Bitter almonds contain a glycoside that readily decomposes into sugar, benzaldehyde, and highly poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume bitter almonds without pre-treatment, and in general they should not be eaten by children. For a child, the lethal dose is 10 tonsils, for an adult - 50.

Scientists from Italy have found that regular consumption of almonds increases the body's resistance to viral infections, in particular, flu and colds. In addition, it has been observed that the substances contained in the skin of almonds shorten the recovery time for those women who have already contracted viral infections.

In folk use almonds with sugar for anemia, anemia, insomnia, cough.

The most valuable component is fatty oil - its content reaches 45% for bitter and 62% for sweet almonds. Fatty almond oil has been used medicinally as a solvent for some injectables by subcutaneous injection.

The cake remaining after the processing of bitter almond seeds served in the last century as a source of production of bitter almond water, which was used in the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as as a sedative (calming) agent.

Sweet almond seeds are still used today, in particular, for the preparation of almond emulsion (the so-called "almond milk"), and a cake called "almond bran" is used as a medical and cosmetic product to soften dry skin. The kernels of sweet varieties of almonds are used for food, used in the confectionery industry.

Thanks to these properties, almonds can be successfully used in a balanced diet, especially in cases where the consumption of animal proteins should be significantly reduced.

Almonds are consumed raw and roasted, used as a high-quality additive in confectionery, and its processed products are used in the perfume industry and medicine.

Almonds are used in the manufacture of liqueurs. In the production of drinks, almond shells are also used; it not only flavors, but also improves the taste of the drink.

Dangerous properties of almonds

Almonds are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product. Obese people should limit their intake of this nut due to its high calorie content.

With an increased heart rate, it is necessary to consult a doctor before eating almonds, as they have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system.

Do not eat unripe almonds, as they contain cyanide, which causes poisoning. Raw bitter almonds contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid, which can harm the body. However, oil is made from such almonds or eaten in moderation, after roasting. Abuse of almonds can cause dizziness, as well as mild drug intoxication.

Do you want to try cooking some oriental sweetness at home? Try the sugared almond recipe in this video.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Many people love nuts as a treat or a healthy snack, they are very useful, provided they are consumed in moderation. The fruits of the almond tree are also popular. The product, among other types, stands out for its high specific content of saturated fatty oils, B vitamins. When using it, you need to know what are the benefits and harms of almonds.

What is almond

Almond trees grow in Central Asia, the Mediterranean, China on mountain slopes. Almonds are a type of plum fruit crops of the rose family. The fruit is similar to a peach pit, the taste is like an apricot kernel. There are bitter (wild) and sweet (cultivated) subspecies. The bitter fruit contains the toxic substance amygdalin glycoside, therefore it is inedible, and if it enters the body, it causes harm - it causes poisoning. Nuts, juice, milk and oil are used in cosmetic and food production. Almonds - the benefits and harms of the product for humans remain the topic of medical discussions.


Usefulness is determined by the chemical composition of the nut, especially the content of substances similar to collagen and elastin. There are more useful elements in the shell, closer to the shell, so it is recommended to eat nuts along with the skin. The composition of almonds is rich in saturated fats (40-60%), proteins (up to 30%), essential oil (up to 0.8%). The fruits contain:

  • vitamin B2, E, B6 (pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), vitamin B9, B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • carbohydrates, calcium, carotene, organic acids, lycopene;
  • amino acids (tryptophan, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, threonine);
  • fatty acids (arachidic, margaric, molescinic, stearic, milistine);
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium.

Calorie content of almonds

The nut contains a significant amount of calories - 645 kcal / 100 g. The calorie content of almonds varies depending on the method of preparation: from 575 kcal for a raw product to 640 kcal for roasted nuts. The norm recommended by doctors is 30 grams of fruit per day.

Almonds - nutritional value

What is useful almonds

Almond oil nutritionists consider one of the healing. Due to the high fat content (up to 60%), the oil is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. The product has an enveloping property, softens the reactivity of the gastrointestinal mucosa to digestive juices and food.

The benefits of almonds are:

  • cell renewal;
  • strengthening of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • removing inflammation and cleansing the kidneys;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • migraine relief;
  • regulation of flatulence, the digestive tract as a whole;
  • normalization of mood in depression;
  • an increase in the level of hemoglobin, enrichment of blood with oxygen in case of anemia;
  • sedative effect for insomnia.

Benefits of almonds for women

For the female half of humanity, the benefits are undeniable, first of all, the active use of walnut in cosmetic production in the manufacture of preparations for skin cleansing, eye makeup removal. Due to its content in cosmetics, eyelashes and hair gain shine, their growth is enhanced, and the skin is moisturized. Cosmetics manufacturers include almond oil in facial products due to its rejuvenating, nourishing properties.

The benefits of almonds for women are significant during pregnancy. The product supplies the body of the expectant mother with vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, and helps against hair loss. The fiber contained in almonds regulates the problems of the digestive tract common to pregnant women. Walnut is also useful for the normal development of the child in the womb.

Benefits of almonds for men

For men, almonds can be useful for potency. A strong aphrodisiac containing arginine, zinc, tocopherol and selenium stimulates sperm production and improves its quality. The benefits of almonds for men are also manifested in the fight against baldness: a mask is prepared from a mixture of milk and chopped nuts and applied to problem areas to stimulate hair growth.

How many almonds can you eat per day

For a healthy adult, it is recommended to consume no more than ten fruits per day, that is, 30–50 g. In the absence of allergic manifestations, the amount can be increased to twenty pieces per day. To make the nut even tastier, it is better to fry the kernels before use. For children, the daily norm of almonds should not exceed 5 nuts. One incomplete teaspoon of almond oil per day has the effect of:

  • soothing;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant.

Harm of almonds

Knowing how almonds are useful, you need to know about the negative impact. The harm of almonds is manifested by the body's reaction to the allergen contained in the product - protein. It is not recommended to use a nut for tachycardia, dermatitis, and obesity due to the high calorie content of the nut. Immature nuclei can cause serious harm to the body: the cyanides contained in them cause poisoning. Nuts should be stored in a dark, cool cabinet without access to sunlight and it is better to buy a dried fruit in a shell.

In the UK, a handful of several almonds is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. In Switzerland, whoever comes across a nut in a Christmas cake is considered lucky. The United States celebrates National Almond Day. This is evidence of the special popularity of this type of nuts. The benefits and harms of almonds are a topic of ongoing debate among nutritionists and diet planners.

How almonds grow

Almonds are the fruits of the almond tree, which also grows as a shrub. It belongs to the genus plum, so apricots and plums are considered related trees of almonds. The similarity of these species is evident in the structure of the fruit.

Almond is the main value of the tree, its benefits for the human body are diverse. Its properties depend on what elements saturate the fruits. Nuts are enclosed in a husk-pericarp, which is removed after ripening. According to the types of use, several types of trees are distinguished:

  1. Sweet . This species blooms in late spring with white-pink flowers. The fruits of this variety are used for food, they are used to prepare butter, milk, and are used in cooking.
  2. Bitter . The variety is not eaten: its kernels are poisonous. It blooms with beautiful white flowers and is used as an ornamental shrub. Essential oils of bitter almonds have the ability to have a beneficial effect on body systems, to benefit from improving the appearance of hair. They are used in the industrial production of cosmetics.
  3. Fragile. This variety is considered the most valuable. The kernels are tasty, the shell is thin and easily removable. Growing this variety in artificial conditions is associated with some difficulties. The plant begins to bear fruit only by the end of the 8th year of existence.

Almond trees are widely distributed along the Mediterranean coast in the United States. On the territory of Russia, they are found in the Crimea, the central regions of the Caucasus. They are thermophilic, do not endure drought and strong winds. In the south of Russia, trees were brought by the Greeks and are grown on an industrial scale. Trees begin to bloom in early spring: this spectacle leaves no one indifferent. The average life span of an almond tree is 130 years. During this time, it can bear fruit for about 50 years.

The chemical composition of almonds

The composition of almond nuts completely determines the benefit or harm to a person. The cores have a unique set of elements, which determines the further properties of products made on their basis:

  • fatty oils of various types;
  • proteins;
  • slime;
  • vitamins;
  • carotonides;
  • Sahara;
  • alimentary fiber.

Among vitamins, the content of representatives of group B is high: choline, folates. The content of vitamins C and E is noticeable, the content of vitamin PP is increased.

The most noticeable content of such macronutrients as: calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Of the trace elements, the amount of iron, zinc, manganese is increased.

Essential amino acids are represented by thiazine, leucine. Of the non-essential amino acids, aspartic and glutamine have the highest rates. Palmetic and steric acids are a class of saturated fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid are high.

Nutritional value and calorie content of almonds

The composition of the nut affects the increased calorie content. The fat content in the composition makes almonds a high-calorie product. Its nutritional value is calculated by adding the estimates of the fat it contains and is 597 kcal.

100 g contains about 20 g of protein, more than 50 g of fat and 15 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of almonds

The benefits and harms of almonds for the human body depend on what effect it has on the body systems:

  1. First of all, contributing to the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the content of amino acid compounds and flavonoids. The benefits of the healing properties of almonds for people suffering from atherosclerosis lie in the ability to activate blood flow processes and ensure the absorption of tocopherol.
  2. Carnitine, magnesium and B vitamins can increase brain activity and increase concentration. This property is used in planning meals for schoolchildren. They are offered nuts as a snack, which is useful for arranging meal breaks during the learning process.
  3. Natural antioxidants and an increased presence of vitamin E make the product beneficial for nail, hair and skin conditions.
  4. Fatty acids help slow down the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream, which is beneficial for regulating carbohydrate metabolism.
  5. The content of dietary fiber has a positive effect on intestinal motility, the elements of the composition contribute to the absorption of complex food chains. In addition, compounds of flavonoids and amino acids activate the processes of purification and removal of toxins.
  6. The increased content of vitamin E, as well as its compounds with zinc, selenium and other antioxidants in raw almonds, is a definite benefit for the prevention of cancer.

Micro and macro elements have beneficial properties that are used to form bone muscle tissue. These properties are especially useful for a growing organism, so it is often used in the nutrition of the younger generation.

Benefits of almonds for women

The combination of amino acids with omega-6 fatty acids gives it useful properties to improve hormonal levels, emotional state during stressful situations. This property of almonds is beneficial for the female body.

B vitamins affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Nut kernels are actively used in cosmetology, used in home medicine. They have not only beneficial nutritional properties, but also act as a medicinal substance.

Benefits of almonds for men

Can almonds be pregnant and lactating

Almond nuts are beneficial for pregnant and lactating women and are indicated to be taken. The only condition is moderate use, so as not to harm the woman and the unborn child.

Almond nuts are beneficial during pregnancy due to the increased content of folic acid, which is one of the main elements involved in the formation of the fetus. Vitamin A contributes to the prevention of intrauterine malformations.

At what age can almonds be given to children

Despite the beneficial properties of the kernels, the product is not recommended for use by young children. This is due to the fact that the digestive system in children under 3-4 years of age is not fully formed. He is advised to take it only when the child has developed a conscious attitude to food. For teenagers and children of primary school age, almonds do not harm, they only benefit:

  • in the formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvement of blood composition, normalization of blood flow;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes in the body.

Introduction to the diet begins with minimal volumes, since nuts can become a food-type allergen and harm the child's body: it is necessary to evaluate reactions in a timely manner.

The benefits and harms of almonds for certain diseases

Moderate consumption may not be harmful, but there are a number of health-related conditions where almond-based products can be harmful.

With diabetes

Almond kernels contribute to the stabilization of blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Almonds have the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, this is its indisputable benefit. This ability is especially valuable for people who are in the earliest stages of developing diabetes. The use of nuts in food and the partial replacement of some products with them can help reduce the development of subsequent diabetic conditions.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

The benefits of almond kernels for patients with cardiovascular diseases are undeniable. Compounds of amino acids and antioxidants activate the work of the heart muscle. This leads to its strengthening and contributes to an increase in blood composition. Dried almond kernels in the diet are beneficial for the process of preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

With pancreatitis

The health benefits and harms of almond nuts for pancreatic diseases are concepts that exist simultaneously. With an exacerbation of the disease, the nut can cause a choleretic effect, which is harmful to the condition of the gland.

In a chronic course, almond-based products help regulate metabolic processes, soothe the inflamed state of the pancreas, and remove toxins from the body.

In any type of pancreatitis, excessive intake of the product should not be allowed.

Are almonds good for weight loss?

Many women are wondering if the nut is beneficial for weight loss. It is believed that as an excellent nutritious snack with wine or cheeses, the nut can be harmful by a quick glut.

However, claims about the benefits of almonds for weight loss are widely circulated in the media.

To verify their truth, it is enough to refer to the studies carried out.

It has been established that snacking on a handful of nuts or adding them to salads have advantages over a carbohydrate menu of the same calorie content.

Thus, low-carb diets are more effective than low-fat diets. So it's not all about fat.

There is also evidence from studies of people with type 2 diabetes who included 100 g of almonds in their diet, while the control group replaced almonds with products containing complex carbohydrates. Thus, identical diets differed only in the content of carbohydrates and fats. The results were unexpected: the almond diet had a greater effect. The explanation for this "almond secret" is the theory that almond fiber has the ability to serve as a barrier to the absorption of excess nut fats, freeing the body from them.

In addition, eating even a small amount of almonds has the beneficial effect of leaving a feeling of satiety for a long time. And nutritional value due to high-quality proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates, the nutritional composition of such an additive is well balanced and, like any product with a harmonious combination of BJU, is highly valued in dietary nutrition.

Almonds will also be useful to use in their pure form, without additives. This not only helps to control the amount of the product eaten: mono-use of almonds up to 30 g as a snack has the useful property of stimulating the body's metabolic processes.

The use of almonds in cooking

Famous sweets are made from marzipan mass - this is the main culinary direction in which almond flour is involved. An almond cream called frangipane is used to complement cakes or pastry-based desserts.

For marzipan mass, mix almond flour and molasses. Then the mixture is glazed with chocolate, such sweets are called mozartkugel.

For marzipan cookies, mix almond flour with wheat flour.

The main ingredients for flour are 2 varieties of nuts: bitter and sweet trees.

There are more than 500 museums around the world dedicated to marzipan products.

Where are almonds added and what does it combine with

The main use of almonds is in cooking:

  • it is added to the dough for baking;
  • decorate cakes and cookies;
  • served as an appetizer with salt and pepper;
  • used as flavorings for alcoholic beverages (the most famous product based on infusion of stones is Amaretto liqueur);
  • added to sauces, pasta, pates to give a nutty pronounced taste;
  • combined with wine, cheeses, grapes;
  • used as a breading for meat and fish (after baking, an appetizing crust forms on the steaks).

How to roast almonds

Before cooking almonds, you must follow some rules. Before cooking, the kernels are dipped in boiling water, then dried. This procedure helps to quickly and accurately free them from the husk. Dried nuts are laid out on the bottom of a thick-walled pan and fried for 10 - 12 minutes until they lightly click. After cooling, it is used for further preparation.

Information! The benefits of eating roasted almonds are not diminished by proper preparation.

How many almonds can you eat per day

Due to the high calorie content, almonds are not used in large quantities. Uncontrolled intake can harm the body.

For an adult, it is considered useful to use from 8 to 10 pieces daily.

Children need 5 - 6 nuts, which completely satisfies the feeling of hunger with a snack between classes.

Raw almonds soaked in water before ingestion provide benefits as a food that is quickly and easily digested.

How almonds are used in home cosmetology

Almond oil has become the main ingredient used in beauty recipes. It is purchased in pharmacies or prepared independently. The healing properties of almonds are widely used to treat, nourish the structure of hair and facial skin.

For the preparation of home peels, flour based on kernels is used:

  • 2 tbsp. l. powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • ¼ st. l. orange juice.

Almond powder is taken with grains in order to achieve the desired structure. Peeling improves metabolic processes, contributes to the normalization of blood flow. It is used to treat problem areas prone to cellulite. Almond flour is beneficial as a remedy that can not only activate blood flow, but also moisturize the skin due to the content of oils.

Almond nourishing face mask

To prepare it, you need to take about 4 peeled almonds, pour a third cup of boiled water, add chopped half a cucumber at room temperature. Kill the resulting mass in a blender, add oatmeal - 2 tsp. and blue clay - 1 tsp. Mix thoroughly and massage onto face. The mask must be kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

In addition to the nourishing effect, the mask is able to cleanse the skin well and make it matte.

Harm of almonds and indications for use

The harm of nuts occurs when overeating, oversaturation. Such processes can cause the appearance of extra pounds.

Nuts can cause allergic reactions, so people with individual intolerance to many foods should use them with extreme caution.


Along with disputes about the beneficial properties or dangers of almonds for the human body, there are often questions about how to use the nut. Which of its properties remain useful after heat treatment, and which may be lost.

Which almond is healthier: raw or roasted

When almonds are cooked using glazing, they become a separate independent dish that can not only saturate the body, but also enrich the taste sensations. With proper processing, roasted almonds do not lose their beneficial properties and remain as valuable as a raw product.

Information! Almond grains are fried without adding oil due to the release of their own fats when heated.

Which nut is healthier: almonds or hazelnuts

The compositions of both varieties are rich in useful elements, contain sets of amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements. The almond variety has a high content of essential oils, which have unique properties.

How to tell an almond from an apricot kernel

The problem of similarity and almonds exists due to the fact that unscrupulous sellers in local markets practice partial or complete substitution of nuts, although their benefits and effects on the body are different. External similarity is adjacent to a complete taste difference.

There are several features by which products are distinguished:

Almond pit has beneficial properties, apricot pit releases toxic substances during heat treatment, which can be harmful to health.

How to choose the right almonds when buying

When choosing, preference is given to those grains that meet several requirements:

  • even, monophonic;
  • saturated smell;
  • without damage, impurities.

How to store almonds at home

The peeled nut is stored in the refrigerator or freezer. This method preserves its beneficial properties and prevents the formation of rancid taste.

Almonds in the shell are stored for more than a year, subject to storage rules.


The benefits and harms of almonds are questions that depend on what qualities the nut has, how it affects human health. With proper preparation, the beneficial properties of the nuclei have a unique effect: they contribute to the normalization of hematopoietic processes, have a positive effect on brain activity and expand taste sensations.

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To begin with, it is worth mentioning that almonds come in two varieties: sweet and bitter. The first of them is familiar to many - these are the most delicious nuts that we feast on, but the bitter almond variety is not suitable for food and will only bring harm and poisoning. But this wild nut is successfully used as a raw material for the manufacture of almond oil. In this case, during the production process, all the harm and toxins disappear, and the concentration enhances the benefits of the product.

Like most nuts, almonds are a very high-calorie product, its energy value is 609 kcal, while in 100 g: 18.6 g is a complete vegetable protein, 53.7 g is fat and 13 g is carbohydrates. Based on this, it becomes clear how quickly and easily you can increase the nutritional value of a dish by adding even a few nuts. As for taste, almonds are distinguished by refined, delicate shades and a soft, pleasant aftertaste. Unlike other nuts, there is no bitterness in it, and essential substances with a light, delicate aroma do not interrupt the taste of other products. The use of almonds as a food product is determined by the rich content of vitamins, micro and macro elements, namely:

  • Vitamin E (24.6 mg) is a natural antioxidant that preserves youth, stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body and helps to quickly recover from physical exertion. Consumption of almonds reduces the risk of developing many diseases, including cancer. In order to provide the body's daily need for vitamin E, it is enough to eat half a tablespoon of peeled nuts (about 15g).
  • Almonds contain a large amount of B vitamins, including B1 (0.25 mg) - is an antidepressant and relieves tension, B2 (0.65 mg) - is responsible for energy production, normalizes sleep, B6 (pyridoxine 0.3 mg) - improves memory and mental activity, B9 (folic acid 40 mcg) - relieves the increased excitability of the nervous system.

  • Almonds also contain vitamin C (1.5 mg), familiar to everyone since childhood, the benefits of which are invaluable for the body - it slows down the aging process, stimulates the immune system and restores the protective functions of the body, activates blood flow, etc.

Medicinal uses of almonds

For medicinal purposes, almond recommends as a biologically active substance that can have a stimulating and healing effect. So, a high content of potassium helps to provide oxygen to the brain tissue, and therefore improves its functioning. Recent research suggests that almond consumption may be a new prophylactic against the severe and irreversible disease of Alzheimer's disease. The chemicals in almonds are highly bioavailable - they are easily absorbed by the body, so even patients with gastrointestinal problems can afford to consume this product. The natural vegetable protein of nuts, in some cases, becomes a full-fledged substitute for meat, fish and dairy products. Therefore, they are included in the diet when prescribing therapeutic diets or in cases of refusal of animal products (vegetarianism or on religious fasting days).

Regular consumption of almonds helps with urolithiasis. The unique substances that make up the nucleoli are able to gently and effectively crush stones and remove sand. The benefits of almonds are also in stimulating the liver and quickly removing toxins. For example, a few nuts eaten before a drinking "libation" delay intoxication, reduce the harm from alcohol and reduce the likelihood of a hangover in the morning.

Due to its high calorie content and easy digestibility, almonds are often prescribed to underweight patients, adolescents during puberty, athletes, patients for recovery after surgery or during the rehabilitation period. It is worth mentioning that almonds are of particular benefit for pregnant women: vegetable protein is a natural “building material” for the successful formation of the fetus. But during the feeding period, a unique almond dessert will help increase the amount of breast milk and its nutritional value.

The benefits of eating almonds are also known in the treatment of male problems. Since ancient times, this nut has been considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs and has been used to enhance libido. It is known that the regular use of almonds for several months stabilized potency, increased attraction and gave strength. To do this, it is enough to eat 5-10 nuts a day.

Harm of almonds

With all the positive qualities of almonds, there may be limitations in its use. So, for example, for people who are obese or prone to overweight, nuts will bring more problems than pleasure.

There will also be harm from eating unripe fruits, since when they are split, hydrocyanic acid is formed, which, when combined with potassium, turns into the strongest poison - potassium cyanide. Eaten 20-30 immature nuts lead to severe poisoning.

Overeating almonds is also harmful. Nuts consumed in kilograms not only overload the stomach, but also cause the development of stagnant processes in the digestive tract.

Also, almonds can cause allergic reactions, and in this case, it will not only be harmful, but can also be hazardous to health.

The almond blossom period gives the impression that you are in a fabulous place. About the benefits for the body and you can talk about the cosmetic properties of this nut for hours. Almond indispensable for people with lactose intolerance, for raw foodists and vegetarians. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of almonds.

What is almond and its chemical composition

The homeland of almonds is considered to be the Mediterranean and Central Asia. By and large, this is not a nut, but the fruit of a drupe tree, which belongs to the Rosaceae family. Since ancient times, almond kernels have been used to treat male ailments and complications of the gastrointestinal tract.

The rich composition of almonds makes it a unique, incomparable product in terms of properties. It has an exquisite taste and aftertaste, saturates the body with calories, and due to the fats, proteins and carbohydrates contained in the composition, it gives a lot of energy.

In 100 grams of almonds:

  • 645 kcal
  • Proteins-18.6 g
  • Fat-57.7 g
  • Carbohydrates -16.2 g
  • Glycemic index (GI) - 25

30 grams of almonds contain up to 49% of the body's daily requirement for vitamins and micro-macroelements. On average, this is 20-25 nut kernels.


  • A group of vitamins B (B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B9.);
  • Vitamin E;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Selenium.

Nuts contain:

  • arachidic, palmitic, stearic, myristic, margaric acids;
  • amino acids - tryptophan, pyridoxine, thiamine, folacin, tocopherol, riboflavin;
  • saturated fatty acids - linoleic, oleic.

Beneficial features

  • Eating almonds is very important for the body. Due to its balanced composition, this nut is an excellent prophylactic against some serious diseases. Its benefits are recognized in folk and traditional medicine.
  • The benefit for many may be that almonds, due to the high content of B vitamins, give a good indicator in improving the functioning of the central nervous system and the brain. Helps to restore strength and saturate the body with vitamins after a long serious illness.
  • The benefits of almonds are incredible. And again, attention to vitamin E, which is so rich in almonds. In combination with zinc and selenium, this vitamin is the prevention of cancer. Improves skin condition due to the high content of vitamin E and plant antioxidants. Increases the skin's resistance to oxidative stress, thereby prolonging its youth.
  • Almonds are a natural analgesic that has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects.
  • It helps to remove sand from the kidneys, preventing it from accumulating in the organ and forming stones. Improves the functioning of the liver and spleen, urinary system, has a choleretic effect.
  • Almond oil is used to treat colds, asthma, stomatitis, pneumonia. Regular consumption of almonds in small amounts is a worthy prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • For the human body almonds have a prebiotic effect, help to normalize the acid-base balance, therefore it is used to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis. Also, daily consumption of almonds in a small amount stabilizes carbohydrate metabolism and prevents the development of diabetes. To prevent this disease, it is enough to eat a few nuts after dinner.
  • For people over 50 raw almonds, as well as fried, reduces the risk of age-related dementia, Alzheimer's disease, stabilizes sleep, gives a burst of energy for the whole day.

Watch the video! Almonds - benefits and harms

For men

Useful properties of almonds have a beneficial effect on the body of a man:

  • It perfectly copes with the symptoms of a hangover, stimulates the brain, improves memory and concentration, adds strength and energy, which are so necessary for a modern man.
  • Helps with baldness and furunculosis. For this, lotions are made from chopped nuts mixed with almond milk.
  • Polyunsaturated fats regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood, improve the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • After the age of 30, a man's sex drive begins to decline. This is due to overwork, stress, poor diet and lifestyle. Nuts increase the production of the male hormone in the blood, increasing potency and increasing libido.
  • Almond is a strong aphrodisiac, so its essential oils are often used in the creation of many perfumes.

For women

Almonds contain vitamins B and E, which help strengthen hair, nails and teeth, improve the condition of facial skin, which is very important for women of any age.

  • Nuts have a choleretic effect, help cleanse the intestines of toxins, and normalize the functioning of internal organs.
  • Almonds alleviate the condition in chronic diseases, with moderate consumption helps to get rid of extra pounds.
  • Magnesium and calcium in nuts strengthens the skeleton, prevents the development of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, and stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

For pregnant

The benefits of almonds are especially noteworthy. for pregnant, since it significantly improves bowel function, which is very important for the health of the expectant mother during the period of gestation.

When feeding

Doctors are wary of the use of almonds by women during breastfeeding. It all depends on the reaction of a small organism to the almonds that the woman will eat, whether it will cause an allergy. If there are no manifestations, you can eat 2-3 nuts a day. They will help:

  • saturate the body with vitamins, restore strength;
  • cope with postpartum depression;
  • replace sweets prohibited during lactation;
  • improve the quality of mother's milk.

Proper use of almonds

  • water 1 glass;
  • salt or citric acid 1 teaspoon.

It is better to soak in a glass container or a regular jar. As a rule, this is done at night and aged for 12 hours. After that, the remaining liquid is drained, and the extracted almonds are easily peeled off the skin.

Alternative option: pour boiling water over the almonds and soak for one minute or boil the almonds for 2-3 minutes over low heat, then everything is as in the previous recipe.

Harm and contraindications

Almonds, like all products, are not only beneficial, but also harmful. Despite the great benefits for the body, almonds are classified as moderately allergenic nuts. People who are prone to allergic reactions should be careful with the first use of almonds, and control the dosage in subsequent times. Up to 5 nuts a day will be very useful.

Contraindications for use:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • In the stage of strong excitement.
  • With weakened motility of the stomach.
  • Overeating almonds can be accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, headache and severe dizziness. Do not eat more than 50 g of almonds at a time, these are already health risks.
  • It is important to control the amount of nuts eaten by people who are obese. Excessive use of them will contribute to the deposition of fat in problem areas. 15-20 nuts a day benefit the body.


Early spring almond is a honey plant, provides nectar and pollen. The plant is used as a drought-resistant rootstock for peach and. Almonds are often grown on slopes to protect the ground.

Nuts are cleaned of poisonous amygdalin and used in soap making. Almond cake is used to squeeze the essential oil, which is added to many perfumes.

In cooking

In food, almonds are used with cheese, fried and salted. It is consumed separately and added to confectionery, sweets, liquors.

Almond milk is an excellent substitute for cow's milk, which is why it is often consumed by vegetarians. And almond butter is superior in nutritional value to peanut butter. In the East, almonds are added to meat, fish, and rice.

In medicine

Emulsions, cake and cold-pressed and hot-pressed almond oil are prepared from almond nuts.

  • added to ointments for anti-inflammatory emollient action;
  • used for rubbing to achieve a soothing and cooling effect;
  • used to lubricate bedsores;
  • appoint children as a gentle laxative;
  • bitter almonds are used for otitis media, asthma, bloating, colitis, flatulence, diarrhea;
  • used to enhance appetite: 3 drops 5 times a day.

In cosmetology

Almond oil is superior in quality to other vegetable oils. They help to make the hair smooth and silky, make the skin lighter, smooth out small wrinkles.

Almond oil is added to creams, masks, lotions, and also used in its pure form. Undiluted holds little moisture, so it is applied to the body and face after taking a shower or washing with herbal infusions. Any remedy with almonds will help:

Almond oil only benefits both women and men at any age. The oil will help:

  • restore ligaments after sprains and injuries;
  • get rid of cellulite and postpartum stretch marks;
  • make the skin velvety and silky;
  • cope with cracked skin;
  • make the skin of the face, hands and décolleté elastic, give it freshness and health;
  • add density and elasticity to hair, eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • strengthen nails and enhance their growth.

Summing up, we can conclude that almonds still bring more benefits than harm. It is widely used not only as a product that well knocks down the feeling of hunger and saturates the body with useful elements, but also for cosmetic purposes. Due to the high content of vitamin E, cosmetic creams and products with almonds perfectly resist aging and dry skin, clean up stretch marks during pregnancy and help fight cellulite, and when using almond oil, hair becomes silky, shiny and much less split.

Watch the video! What happens if you eat almonds every day