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What can long, protracted menstruation indicate? Why periods don’t end for a long time: main reasons

The female body is a very complex and fragile system, which is quite difficult to understand on your own. Medical specialists study the characteristics of women’s bodies, spending decades on this. However, every girl and woman, if she listens to the signals of her body, knows a lot about it. Of course, all the processes occurring in it are individual, and especially those that, in one way or another, are associated with the reproductive and endocrine systems.

A particularly important period in the life of every woman is menstruation. This is a time for cleansing and renewal, when the body reports that conception has not occurred during the entire cycle, and the internal clock again begins to count down the due date. It is different for everyone, as is the duration of critical days. But, on the other hand, there are generally accepted norms. So, for example, critical days should last 5-7 days. What to do if they last longer than expected? What signals may indicate that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body? How to determine the norm of your discharge, as well as answers to many other questions, await you in this article. Menstruation does not end: the reasons and prerequisites for such behavior of the body - all these topics will be discussed in detail. Read on!

Possible causes of non-ending periods

If your period does not end for a long time, this does not mean that terrible inflammatory processes are occurring in the body, and you need to urgently consult a doctor with prayers for salvation. Although, of course, no one knows your body better than you. However, there is a certain list of reasons why menstruation may take longer than normal. These include:

  1. Heredity. We all know how important a role it plays in our lives and how much it affects our well-being and health. The fruits of a genetic predisposition to long menstruation can appear both immediately - at the immediate beginning of this process in girls in adolescence, and in a later period of life. The easiest way to find out about this is from the older women in your family - did they have this? If yes, you can safely exhale. In this case, you can count yourself among those who received such a “gift” from your parents.
  2. First menstruation. In general, the appearance of menstrual periods in girls is a complex process. At this time, they are unstable, may last too long or short, and be too painful. This is due to the fact that the production of hormones that usually accompany this process fluctuates, and either too much or too little of them are released. The body does not yet know how much it needs, and therefore is simply trying to guess. This period may be characterized by heavy menstruation or too long a duration.
  3. Another common reason is menopause, also known as menopause. This process is the opposite of what was described in the paragraph above. The body ages, processes slow down, and the body cannot produce the required amount of hormones. That is why, during menopause, disruptions often occur, which are expressed in a sharp increase or decrease in menstruation itself, or in changes in the duration of critical days.
  4. Hormonal contraceptives. Any use of hormone-containing medications should be accompanied by great caution. You must understand that they greatly affect your health, well-being and functioning. For example, taking hormonal contraceptives can seriously change the nature of a woman’s menstruation, making them shorter or, conversely, longer, and changing the degree of discharge. You should always monitor the intake of such medications and avoid skipping or overdosing.

The dangers of prolonged menstruation

It is impossible to say unequivocally that long menstruation is not dangerous to health. During this process, the body loses a lot of blood, and its increased loss threatens a crisis of the entire circulatory system and a sharp deterioration in health. The reasons that menstruation does not end were discussed in the paragraph above. However, it is worth paying attention to the most common cases. If menstruation is very disturbing, it is painful, and the discharge itself has an uncharacteristic color and smell, then we can declare that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body, and menstruation is just a way to declare this. Another reason is thyroid disease.

Since hormones are involved in this entire process and have a huge influence on it, problems with the thyroid gland can radically change their character. The platelet count increases significantly, which means that the risk of bleeding disorders increases, as well as the chances of developing possible diseases. This can lead to serious consequences related not only to the menstrual cycle, but also to health in general. It is also quite difficult to answer the question why menstruation became spotting. This is often associated with a high blood clotting rate.

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Menstruation is a physiological process in women that begins in adolescence (12–13 years) and ends…

Causes of prolonged menstruation

Menstruation does not end: the reasons for this behavior of the body have already been described above, but it is worth returning to this topic and taking a closer look at other factors. This is a question that can overtake every woman. It is important to understand what should be done in such situations, who to contact, and whether you can independently bring your well-being to a satisfactory level. Read about this, as well as other aspects of this unusual behavior of the body below.

So, the reasons why your periods don’t end:

  • Taking or stopping medications. Many girls notice that, for example, after stopping Yarina, after Duphaston, after starting to take Janine, when taking Regulon or treatment based on Visanne, they experience very long periods. This is due to the fact that more hormones enter the body, which are responsible for menstruation in the body. Menstruation usually goes away if you stop taking these medications or reduce the dose. It is worth discussing this with your doctor and be sure to talk about the consequences of taking such medications. Girls may also experience cycle disruption when they start taking birth control pills. It is important to note that menstruation does not return to normal immediately after stopping OCs.
  • Abortion. During an abortion, both medical and surgical, the body experiences extreme stress. Often it results in heavy periods, during which the endometrial walls, part of the placenta and blood clots are rejected. This behavior of the body is one-time, but at the same time it can be extremely unpleasant and plunge the girl into shock.
  • Diseases of the uterus, ovaries, thyroid gland and many other organs can seriously affect the abundance of menstruation or even the displacement of the cycle. This reason requires serious medical intervention, including surgery. You shouldn’t delay going to the doctor, because every minute counts. Remember that a large loss of blood threatens poor health, constant fainting, and poor functioning of the entire body as a whole.
  • Insufficient (or excessive) number of platelets in the blood. The blood becomes thick or, conversely, too thin, and both of these options are unacceptable for the normal functioning of the body.

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Any girl has encountered a situation where heavy white vaginal discharge appears before menstruation...

What measures to take

What to do if your period doesn't end? Why can't they be stopped? Of course, this is a complex problem, affecting many organs and systems of human life. That is why special doctors must treat such problems. They can easily determine the root cause (however, to do this they will need to find out what you drank, that is, what medications you took and much more) and will help you overcome the disease. Initially, you should think for yourself about what could cause such strange behavior in the body. Why, for example, did your period start to be smeared with scarlet blood? Why did they become more abundant and last longer? In these cases, you should consult a doctor immediately, and after that, a complete analysis of the body must be done to identify the root cause. However, remember that in some cases, problems and solutions may require major surgery. Be prepared for this when going to see a doctor.

Folk remedies to help

The people, of course, also have their own means, which, according to the instructions, should help the girl get rid of her illness. If your periods do not end and last longer than necessary, and you urgently need to eliminate this, then you can try making a nettle decoction. It is designed to calm down this process, postpone it for a few days or, in general, stop it for a short period of time. Of course, folk remedies can help, but, nevertheless, treatment only with them can completely aggravate the situation. Doctors recommend using them as an aid, which, devoid of chemicals, will only help the body get stronger. Treatment with folk remedies will also be a wonderful vitamin complex, which will come in handy for the body. And in ancient times there was no talk at all about the need to lie down on a surgical table. But this does not mean that it is necessary to completely follow the experience of previous generations, especially given the active development of medicine.

Menstruation lasts a long time for various reasons, these are:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lack of progesterone
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and more

Prolonged menstruation occurs to many women, and the problem is not the most dangerous for health.

In most cases there is no need to worry. Below I will list the most common ones.

Sudden weight change

The menstrual cycle can be disrupted by a sudden change in weight. With obesity or weight loss, the amount of the hormone estrogen produced by adipose tissue changes, the body does not have enough substances to ripen the egg and restore the endodermis.

My friend Sveta got a similar problem with her diet and complained that her periods had been lasting for a very long time. I advised her to go to the doctor. He said that the problem was a sudden change in weight that affected hormonal levels and advised me to return to the way I was eating before the problem appeared.


An unstable cycle caused by the gradual decline of ovarian function - menopause (menopause). The period is typical:

  • Inconstancy of hormones
  • Their spasmodic behavior in the blood
  • Unpredictability of ovulations

Long periods during menopause are a natural phenomenon. The cycle is already irregular and may be absent for several months, then resume, lasting a long time. But go to the hospital - sometimes it’s not prolonged menstruation during menopause, but bleeding.

After childbirth

Depending on the individuality of the woman, a different amount of discharge is observed. To ensure that the amount of discharge is normal or not, compare them before pregnancy.

Monitor the color of the bleeding; if it is red for more than 10 days, you should consult a doctor. The volume of blood lost during normal postpartum menstruation does not exceed 150 milliliters.

Menstruation after childbirth can be confused with spotting as a result of childbirth (lochia). Their duration is no more than 6-8 weeks after childbirth, and they are not associated with PMS, but due to labor, where the endometrium of the uterus is damaged.

The uterus gradually normalizes:

  1. During the first 10 days it drops, its size decreases, and its weight drops to 50 grams in the first week.
  2. The internal os is formed in 10 days
  3. After three weeks, the external pharynx becomes slit-shaped and until the endometrium is restored
  4. After 2-3 menstruation – the cycle should be completely restored

Therefore, heavy and prolonged periods after childbirth are not some kind of complication, but a visit to the doctor is recommended.

Birth control pills

Birth control pills are one of the main types of modern synthetic hormonal contraception. But there is a side effect in the form of menstruation, the duration of which differs from the normal cycle before taking it.

There are a couple of types of hormonal drugs: COCs (combined oral contraceptives), consisting of progesterone and estrogen.

The second type - progestogen contraceptive pills, based on progestogen, are indicated for breastfeeding girls and those for whom estrogen is contraindicated. According to the degree of the amount of hormones in the composition, combined ones are divided into: microdosed, low-dose and high-dose.

  1. The first group is intended for young women with an active sex life, and women from 35 years of age and before the onset of menopause (“Mersilon”, “Jess”, “Logest” and others)
  2. The second group is intended for young girls who have not yet given birth, who have not taken the previous dosage of the contraceptive and cause bleeding as a reaction after 3 months of adaptation of the drug, who have given birth and women of declining reproductive age (“Fimoden”, “Silest”, “Midiana”, “ Demoulin" and others)
  3. The third group is therapeutic for diseases of the hormonal type and a contraceptive during disorders of the hormonal system, this type is accepted when prescribed by a hospital (Ovidon and Non-Ovlon and others)
  4. Progestogens are prescribed to breastfeeding women and those who cannot be given estrogen; these include the drugs Microlut, Laktinet, and Exluton.

I personally used Postinor tablets - they prevent fertilization by suppressing ovulation and changing the endometrium of the uterus. The action turned out to be effective, but a hormonal imbalance occurred and menstruation came two days later, plus it also dragged on for up to 10 days.

Surgical intervention

Long periods as a result of surgical interventions are common and not life-threatening, except in cases where a doctor is needed. I describe the operations that are most often encountered:

  1. The IUD (intrauterine device) is a contraceptive that affects the duration of menstruation, but saves from conception. The installation of the spiral is done in the last days of PMS for precise installation without pain in the slightly open uterus. Menstruation becomes less intense and does not occur according to schedule. There is a spiral in the uterus, and the body gets used to it. We will soon have to return to normalcy and cyclicality
  2. One of the surgical causes of heavy and prolonged periods is medical abortion. Proper operation does not guarantee normal periods. The first menstruation differs from previous menstruation in the duration and intensity of bleeding. When menstruation increases to 7 days, this is a normal reaction of the body to a medical abortion. You should consult a doctor if the period increases beyond a week.
  3. The curettage procedure (hysteroscopic examination) affects the endometrial layer and subsequent menstrual cycles. An increase in the duration of menstruation after cleansing is a woman’s individual reaction to the procedure, which does not indicate severe complications. If your periods are too heavy, when the pad is changed every 3 hours, you need to be examined by a doctor; if there is no such problem, then an increased cycle duration is normal

When to go to the hospital

Long periods may indicate health problems that require a doctor's examination and subsequent treatment.

  1. “Chaos” of hormones from childbirth, menopause and other reasons not related to surgical or therapeutic interventions. Occasional periods are standard stages in a woman's development, but periods can be long and heavy. Provided that these periods did not occur, but there is bleeding, a doctor’s examination is needed to examine the cause of the bleeding.
  2. Hormonal diseases are caused by the thyroid gland; when the organ malfunctions and the production of hormones fails, it leads to serious consequences for the body: prematurity or difficulty conceiving a child. Heavy menstruation that lasts a long time is one of the signs of thyroid failure, and an examination by an endocrinologist is one of the solutions to develop the necessary treatment.
  3. Without hysteroscopy operations during hormonal imbalance, polyps form on the endometrium, accompanied by prolonged menstruation. When the endometrium grows in the muscles of the uterus and nearby tissues, the disease Adenomyosis occurs. Prolonged PMS with pronounced pain is the main companion and indicator of the disease.
  4. Uterine fibroids (a benign formation on the walls of the uterus) are characterized by symptoms associated with heavy bleeding during PMS, cycle disruption, shift towards duration or contraction, constant pain in the abdomen and lower back. Myoma is provoked by stress, abortion, infertility, heredity, improper metabolism and menstrual problems. Myoma leads to anemia, because of the tumor, organs are compressed - there is a problem with urination, constipation, the tumor can die and threatens to rupture inside the uterus, constant bleeding, abdominal pain and high temperature, as well as problems with conception, poor delivery.
  5. When platelet clotting in the blood is impaired, a copious amount of discharge during menstruation and its long-lasting nature is characteristic. This leads to severe anemia (anemia). Other symptoms help distinguish platelet blood disease: the gums bleed.
  6. Contraception with an intrauterine device causes an increase in the cycle and profuse bleeding. The spiral needs to be removed - the individuality of the body does not allow it to be worn.
  7. Menstrual imbalance is caused by taking birth control pills due to their hormones. Change of cycle, passage of two menstruation in one cycle, heavy bleeding. Without the selection of hormonal contraceptives by a doctor: problems arise during pregnancy, pathologies of the endocrine system, problems with conception, impaired fetal development and deterioration in well-being, weight gain, and changes in features to male ones.
  8. Hysteroscopy causes pathology due to an incorrectly performed operation: long and heavy periods, anemia, decreased hemoglobin in the blood, a drop in pressure and general weakness of the body.

The most terrible complication revealed by acyclic long and heavy menstruation is uterine cancer. One of the most common cancer diseases.

At work, a friend had a problem with cycles and heavy bleeding during menstruation; she was afraid to go to the doctor for a long time, hoping that it would go away, but when they persuaded her to have her examined, they managed to detect the first stage of the tumor and cure it with therapy without surgery.

What is the normal cycle and color of discharge?

20-40 days is the average duration of a normal cycle in Russia.

The normal color of discharge during menstruation is not constant. During the first menstruation, the discharge becomes shades of white and yellow or is colorless.

During ovulation, the color changes to beige.
Scarlet discharge on the first day of menstruation is also considered normal. White discharge after sexual intercourse is normal.

Brown discharge while taking hormonal contraceptive pills is normal in the first months.

After childbirth, pink discharge is typical, and during pregnancy it is white like milk.

In a healthy woman, menstruation occurs regularly and passes without severe pain. The amount of bleeding should normally be average. If the slightest changes occur in the reproductive or endocrine system, this is reflected in the menstrual cycle. The discharge lasts no more than 7 days, but there are times when it lasts longer. If your period does not end, you should not delay going to the doctor.

Periods are normal

Normally, the menstrual cycle should last 20-35 days. It also happens that the duration can reach 45 days. On critical days, a woman feels a slight malaise: weakness, heaviness in the chest and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. If heavy and prolonged discharge occurs, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the causes and treatment. After all, this can be a symptom of serious pathologies.

During menstruation, you should avoid physical activity and carefully monitor intimate hygiene. It is also important to keep your underwear clean.

At this time, the genitals are not protected from the penetration of harmful bacteria. You cannot have sex or douche, or swim in the pool or river.

Symptoms that indicate women's health problems:

  1. Long delay in the absence of pregnancy.
  2. Severe pain during menstruation.
  3. Copious bleeding.
  4. The duration of critical days exceeds a week.
  5. Bleeding from the uterus.

Only a specialist knows what to do if your period does not end. After examination and a complete examination, he will be able to identify the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Trying to correct the situation by self-medication can only make the disease worse.

A woman’s well-being depends on her menstrual cycle. So, with heavy and long periods, there is a large loss of blood. This has a bad effect on the entire body. Severe weakness and aches appear, and body temperature rises. Consistency, color and smell can tell a lot about the nature of the discharge.

The danger of prolonged discharge

When the cycle begins to go astray, girls rarely go to the doctor, especially if menstruation has only recently appeared in their lives. Such a manifestation cannot be ignored, because it may indicate the onset of deviations in the reproductive system and the appearance of diseases.

What is the danger of menstruation that does not end?:

  1. Large blood loss that occurs during heavy periods.
  2. The occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system.
  3. Frozen pregnancy in the first weeks, which is accompanied by uterine bleeding.

Neglect of your health and late seeking medical help can lead to serious complications or death. Heavy menstruation leads to anemia due to a sharp increase in platelets in the blood. Anemia occurs due to changes in composition. His symptoms are considered:

  1. Severe weakness.
  2. Constant fatigue.
  3. Uncharacteristic pallor of the skin.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Dizziness and fainting.

Reasons for deviations

If menstruation has been going on for 14 days and the discharge is quite heavy, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe all the necessary tests and examinations. It is their results that can indicate the factors that caused endless periods. Among these can be distinguished:

Most often, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives to solve the problem. Unfortunately, this method of therapy does not help everyone. After stopping birth control pills, long periods return again. In this case, you need to go to a specialist again to receive another treatment.

Pathology treatment methods

If your period does not end on the 12th day, only proper treatment can stop it. Waiting for the situation to return to normal is very dangerous. Diseases and other abnormalities in the reproductive system may begin to develop. In case of severe bleeding and discomfort, it is better to call an ambulance. Without knowing the exact cause, it is impossible to stop it on your own; this can only cause harm.

Until the doctor arrives, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and raise your legs. You need to put something cold on your stomach. You should not take pills that you have on hand, sometimes this can worsen the situation. If it is not possible to call a specialist, it is necessary to give an injection of the drug Vikasol and Dicynon. They will increase blood clotting. Allowed to use only for bleeding.

If critical days go on for more than a week and do not end, you can help the body with folk remedies. Medicinal herbs and their decoctions will help improve your well-being and reduce the abundance.

The best herbs to normalize the cycle are considered:

  1. Nettle.
  2. Chamomile.
  3. Horsetail.
  4. Mint.
  5. Water pepper.

When using folk recipes, it is worth remembering that they can only reduce blood loss, but cannot get rid of it. After drinking the decoction, you need to lie down for half an hour.

In rare cases, prolonged discharge during menstruation is considered a feature of the body. Most often they indicate the appearance of pathologies. Only an experienced gynecologist can solve the problem. It is important to contact him on time. An advanced form of the disease can interfere with a quick recovery.

If a woman’s period does not end for a long time, this is a cause for concern. Normally, the duration of critical days is from 3 to 7 days. However, with hormonal imbalance, the picture may change.

Excessive duration of menstruation can be the cause of both stress and serious illness. In any case, cycle failure cannot be ignored.

Every woman of reproductive age should understand what the menstrual cycle should be like. This will allow you to understand when something is going wrong in the body:

  • Menstruation first appears in adolescence (approximately 12-13 years) and continues until menopause.
  • The duration of the cycle is from 25 to 35 days, which is the norm, and menstruation should last at least three and no more than seven days.
  • After conception and during the entire period of bearing a child, a woman does not menstruate. After childbirth and completion of breastfeeding, the cycle is gradually restored and normalized.

My period doesn't end

A common question is what to do if your period does not end. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the cause.

It is important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge. If they last for a long time, there may be one reason, but if the discharge is accompanied, this may indicate an interruption of pregnancy, the existence of which the woman may not even know.


When your period doesn't end, the reason is the first thing to find out. Only based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Let's consider a number of factors that can explain why your period doesn't end.

Hormonal imbalance

Violation of the correct balance of hormones in a woman’s body can occur for a number of reasons, both internal, natural, and external.

Problems with hormonal balance can begin in the following situations:

  • Adolescence. During this period, puberty occurs and, which at the initial stage is far from regular. , as well as the duration of critical days, can jump from minimum to maximum values.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period. The reason is serious changes in the body. First, the body adjusts to bearing a baby, then it returns to normal. All this is accompanied by changes in the concentration of certain sex hormones.
  • Premenopause and menopause (or). Everything here is explained by the natural decline of reproductive function, the cessation of ovulation and hormone production.

If menstruation does not end at one of the above stages of a woman’s life, then this is a variant of the norm. In other cases, you should contact the clinic.

Hormonal contraception

When taking contraceptives, the functioning of the reproductive organs may also change. OCs not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but can affect the duration of menstruation.

At the beginning of taking the drug, periods may be either excessively short or. If after several months the cycle has not returned to normal, the solution is to contact a gynecologist and select a different contraceptive.

IUD or intrauterine device

This type of contraception is convenient and affordable, and at the same time reliable and effective.

However, there are side effects, one of which is heavy and prolonged menstruation. If your period does not end for a long time after the IUD is inserted, it is likely that there is an individual intolerance and the IUD will have to be removed.

- a benign tumor localized in the thickness of the muscle tissue of the uterus. The pathology is typical for the body of women of reproductive age who are faced with the problem of hormonal imbalance.

One of the symptoms of fibroids is menstruation, which does not end for a long time, as well as uterine bleeding.

Another gynecological pathology, which is characterized by the growth of the inner layer of the uterine cavity - the endometrium, onto the tissue of other organs.

What to do?

Self-medication during prolonged menstruation is excluded. The selection of therapy should be done by the doctor after diagnosis.

In some cases, to stop the discharge, they are prescribed, such as:

  • Dicynone;
  • Tranexam;
  • Vikasol.

In other cases, it is necessary to take other medications, for example, hormonal ones. The treatment prescribed depends on the cause of the problem.

You can stop long periods at home using traditional medicine recipes:

  • Horsetail decoction. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 50 ml twice a day.
  • Infusion of oak bark, raspberry and strawberry leaves, yarrow and cinquefoil. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. Take three times a day, 50 ml per day before meals.

You need to understand that traditional medicine is best used after consultation with a doctor and only as a supplement to the main therapy.

Prolonged periods can be evidence of the presence of any diseases in the body. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment after an examination.

To avoid serious consequences, a woman should be attentive to her well-being and go to the gynecologist if her periods last longer than expected.

Video about uterine bleeding

Menstruation does not end - an alarming situation that requires a woman to be attentive to her body and turn to specialists. But in certain situations they are regarded as the norm. Treatment depends on the causes of long periods. How to stop bleeding? What to do in such a situation?

Causes of menstrual irregularities

Female units can boast of a regular menstrual cycle. There are a lot of internal and external factors that can affect the processes in a woman’s reproductive system. But bleeding, heavy menstruation, the situation when menstruation does not end always cause anxiety. The reasons can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Moreover, they are closely interconnected. One thing leads to another. If menstruation does not end, a woman needs to analyze her health status and the events of the past month. Perhaps the reason will become clear without contacting a specialist. And at the appointment, additional information will not prevent the doctor from making the correct diagnosis and prescribing full-fledged treatment.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Menstruation changes in consistency and duration under the influence of hormones. Internal and external factors can upset their balance. As a result, a delay occurs, menstruation comes earlier than usual, and periods do not end for a long time.

  • Birth control pills

One of the most convenient means of preventing pregnancy. But choosing the right one for yourself is quite difficult. Moreover, a woman’s body adapts to each of them for 3 months. During this period, the woman experiences menstrual irregularities. Not surprising! After all, the body receives enormous stress. When taking birth control pills, all the necessary hormones come from outside. Moreover, their composition is not redistributed in the same way as it was before. The ovaries are suppressed, less estrogen is produced, and ovulation is prevented. A woman's hormonal background changes. At first, menstruation may be absent or may not end. If the situation repeats after 3 months, the product must be changed - it is not suitable. Premature withdrawal of hormonal contraceptives causes bleeding, which may not stop within 7 days.

  • Intrauterine device

The most convenient means of contraception, but it is also not suitable for all women. Often causes bleeding. The body perceives the spiral as a foreign object. It takes 3 months to adapt to it. It is normal for menstruation to not end. Smear it with brown. If the bleeding increases, the woman should consult a doctor. Since this situation indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. If bleeding continues after 3 months, you should change your contraceptive method.

  • Abortion

Abortion dramatically changes a woman's hormonal levels. Exactly like a miscarriage. Possible menstrual irregularities. Moreover, if an infection occurs or after surgery, particles remain in the uterus and inflammation is possible. Then your period doesn’t end and it smears brown. The situation also occurs simply when there is a hormonal imbalance after an experience. If bleeding occurs, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

  • Hormonal imbalance for other reasons

Primarily concerns nervous stress, depression, shock. Regulates all processes of the reproductive system of the brain and central nervous system. If serious problems arise with a woman’s nervous system, resulting in hormonal imbalance. They manifest themselves in different ways. Your period may not end for a long time or may not start at all. Some common causes of hormonal imbalance include moving to a new place of residence, changing time zones, and climate. In this case, the situation will stabilize after some time or after returning to their native land.

If menstruation does not end along with the presence of other alarming symptoms and pain, the presence of illness should be suspected.

Diseases of the woman's body

Most diseases of the genital area are asymptomatic at first, and the only alarming sign is a violation of the woman’s menstrual cycle. It is very difficult to determine the pathology yourself at home, since the symptoms are similar.

  • Thyroid disease

The thyroid gland is involved in the production of sex hormones. Diseases of the endocrine system lead to hormonal imbalance. Menstrual irregularities manifest themselves in different ways. If your period does not end or there is bleeding for unknown reasons, you should visit an endocrinologist.

  • Blood diseases

Concerns diseases that affect blood clotting. Then, during menstruation, bleeding occurs, and the period does not end for about 1 week. This reason is bordered by the use of medications for the treatment of diseases not related to the reproductive system that affect blood clotting. In this case, the disruption of the woman’s menstrual cycle is temporary. Will recover after treatment is completed.

  • Uterine fibroids

A benign tumor that appears in women of reproductive age and after menopause. The main cause of the disease is considered to be an imbalance of hormones. In general, the nature of the disease remains unknown. With this disease, menstruation becomes profuse and turns into bleeding. Brown discharge is present for another 1–2 weeks. Other painful sensations appear a little later, when the fibroids increase in size. For a long time, a woman may not be aware of its existence. In most cases, fibroids are discovered by chance during an examination in a gynecologist's office.

  • Endometriosis

The disease is associated with the growth of the endometrial layer above normal. Then the menstruation is profuse and does not end for a long time. The uterus requires more effort to clear the old endometrial layer. Associated symptoms are painful menstruation, weakness, severe pain in the lower abdomen, decreased blood pressure and hemoglobin.

  • Polyps, cervical erosion

The symptoms of these diseases are similar to each other. These are neoplasms that disrupt the integrity of the uterus, prevent normal menstruation, and disrupt the cycle. One of the manifestations of the disease is menstruation that does not stop for a long time. Presence of brown discharge throughout the month, heavy discharge during menstrual periods.

If you suspect the presence of diseases, a woman should visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. The above is not a complete list of possible diseases. Among them, the most terrible disease is cancer. An oncological tumor also manifests itself in a similar way. First of all, the presence of constant brown vaginal discharge. A situation arises when menstruation does not end at all. If there are no obvious causes of dysfunction of the reproductive system, you need to sound the alarm. It’s better to be safe than sorry for not seeking help in a timely manner.