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A unifying variety of outbred cats. Yard cats and male cats: photos, breeds What is the name of the breed of yard cats

A yard cat is called a mongrel cat (the international name is “no breed”). Such a cat can be found in any country. They are medium in size, weighing no more than 4-5 kilograms.

They can be long-haired or short-haired, of absolutely any color, with long and short tails, with short and long legs, with different eye colors. Each outbred cat can be very similar in appearance to a purebred cat, it depends on whose genes of their distant or near ancestors predominate.

Many people prefer to have just such a cat. It does not require large expenses, and you can get it completely free. Outbred cats have strong immunity, so such pets are rarely treated by a veterinarian. In addition, yard cats walk on their own and return home on their own. They are usually omnivores and not picky eaters. The cat you choose will become a devoted friend.

However, the character of outbred cats is very diverse: there are just angels, there are quite wild ones, there are lazy ones, there are restless ones, there are cunning ones, and there are also complete simpletons. But, like their purebred relatives, a mongrel cat needs attention and affection, otherwise cats become sad and sometimes protest (they spoil furniture, set up a toilet in the wrong place). These cats also need toys and training.

These cats may also experience stress if their owners suddenly disappear somewhere for several days or are locked in an apartment and left alone.

Outbred cats differ from purebred, titled brothers only in appearance. Often for the better. In any case, they are no worse. Many owners prefer simple Domus to elite cats because of their unpretentiousness in food and care. Outbred cats have strong immunity and health. By picking up a stray kitten, you will commit a noble deed. But even a simple cat requires attention and care. You need to know and follow the rules for keeping a pet.

There are more of us and we are striped

Outbred cats make up 90% of the entire cat population of the planet. And no other breed can boast of such a variety of coat colors, body dimensions and characters as these felines have. The history of coexistence between humans and cats goes back almost 10 thousand years. In that distant time, cats were not divided into breeds. People were more interested in the practical benefits of pets. They have always been valued as excellent hunters of small rodent pests.

Outbred domestic cats are the best mouse hunters

At different times, attitudes towards cats were ambiguous. The ancient Egyptians deified these animals, and in medieval Europe they were credited with a connection with evil spirits. Domestic or yard cats, descended from wild ancestors, were common on all continents. Differences in climate and nutrition led to a variety of characters and appearance. Some modern breeds, in the formation of which man did not participate, can be considered yard (Siberian and Siamese cats, Angoras and Persians).

Different conditions - different appearance

The diversity of yard cats is explained by their non-standard genotype. It is impossible to guess, let alone calculate what kind of offspring an outbred cat will produce. The mixing of many breeds, and therefore hereditary characteristics, leads to the fact that yard kittens are born with a variety of coat colors and body sizes. Different eye colors, length and shape of tail and ears. The most common color of outbred muroks is brindle or spotted. It allows you to camouflage in “field conditions”. A white barn cat is very rare. Individuals with long hair are also rare. Almost all representatives of the yard cat fraternity are short-haired. Medium size. Weight does not exceed 6 kilograms. Conventionally, mongrels are divided into two types according to the climatic conditions in which the breed was formed: northern and southern. The former have a dense, massive constitution and long, thick hair. Southerners are more graceful, with a thin skeleton and short hair without a pronounced undercoat.

The most common coloring of wild cats is stripes on a light background.

Angelic character of a wild beast

Where yard cats have a clear advantage over purebred cats is in their character traits and attitude towards their owners. By adopting a mongrel kitten, you can be sure that a creature has settled in the house who will be grateful to you all its life.

Outbred cats are restrained in showing emotions. It is as difficult to predict a pet's character as it is to predict its appearance. Some can be curious and restless. Others behave like born aristocrats, showing honor by the very fact of their existence.

Wild street cats are real predators

A kitten brought into the house, especially if it was born on the street, may be shy and wild at first. From birth, his mother cat taught him to be afraid of people. Only love and patience will help here. The animal will treat the person who will feed and care for the kitten as a kind deity. A mongrel pet treats all family members equally, but chooses its owner, distinguishing him from others.

A barn cat may not be very sociable. Self-sufficiency is one of the main traits of a cat's character. Anger, aggressiveness and touchiness are extremely rare in a purebred cat. Like all cats, tabby mongrels love to play. Having become accustomed to the company of people and having become attached to them, it is difficult to endure long-term loneliness. Up to mental disorders. Try not to let this happen. In addition, cats can be very vindictive and vindictive. For lack of attention or offense they may damage furniture or use their favorite shoes as a toilet.

Making a new friend

The undoubted advantage of outbred cats is that no costs are required to purchase them. Usually such pets are acquired through friends or through an advertisement. Often, stray kittens are picked up on the street. If an animal is taken from home and there is a choice, in order not to make a mistake with the character and health of the kitten, you need to take a closer look at the following signs:

  • the kitten readily approaches you, tries to flirt and does not try to show aggressiveness;
  • the kitten is distinguished by its external attractiveness, meekness, agility, playfulness, playfulness and does not look sad, dejected or apathetic;
  • holds his head up normally and walks or runs with absolutely no limp;
  • does not twitch his head, does not have a runny nose, cough, or other external painful signs;
  • the kitten's skin looks clean and healthy, without irritation, dirt, scabs or flea excrement;
  • the animal's coat is shiny and clean, without bald spots or tangles (matted);
  • no liquid or other discharge from the eyes, nose and ears;
  • the third eyelid (the so-called nictitating membrane) does not cover part of the eye;
  • teeth look clean and free of tartar, there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • The gums of a healthy kitten are pink and there are no signs of bleeding;
  • the stomach feels quite strong and at the same time not bloated;
  • the anus is clean, without remains of feces, there are no visible signs of diarrhea or worm segments (they, if present, come out of the anus and look like grains of rice).

Cats are considered social animals. Therefore, experienced felinologists recommend, if possible, purchasing two kittens at once. For the company. Especially if the owners have to be away from home for a long time.

The offspring of outbred cats can be of a wide variety of colors

In keeping, outbred cats are very unpretentious. They are practically omnivores and there are no problems with feeding. It is important that the diet is balanced. You can feed your cat dry or canned industrial food, which already contains all the necessary microelements. Or choose natural food. In this case, the menu is compiled individually based on the preferences and needs of the pet. The cat's diet should include meat and offal (liver, lungs, heart), vegetables and grains (oats, wheat, barley), and dairy products. Use mineral and vitamin supplements if necessary. Remember that food from your table will not replace your pet’s proper nutrition.

The cat's food should be tasty, the bowl should be clean and the water should be fresh.

Your cat should always have access to clean water. Interestingly, cats are more likely to drink if food and water are in different places.

Up to six months, a kitten needs to be fed at least 4 times a day. At 6 months, switch to 2 meals a day. If your pet does not suffer from greed and is not prone to obesity, you can practice free feeding. It is necessary to ensure that the bowl is clean and the food is fresh.

Cleanliness is the key to cat health

Caring for the appearance of a mongrel pet will not cause much trouble. The coat should be combed 1-2 times a week with a stiff brush to remove dead hair. During molting - 2–3 times. To avoid ear mites, wipe your ears with a cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Use special ear drops. Remove discharge from the eyes with a soft cloth. Train your kitten to use a scratching post. This will save you and your cat from the unpleasant procedure of trimming its claws. You need to bathe your pet as soon as it gets dirty. But not often. Cats take care of their fur coats themselves. Almost everyone, with rare exceptions, does not like water procedures.

A good toilet for your beloved cat

When choosing a toilet for a kitten, focus on an adult cat, so as not to buy a new one when it grows up. The pet must enter it entirely. The height of the sides is not lower than 6 cm. It is better to use clumping filler for the tray. It absorbs odor well and simplifies the cleaning process. If finances allow, then the best option would be a box (dry toilet) with replaceable cassettes.

Light and air

Outdoor cats need fresh air and sunlight. Ultraviolet light promotes the production of vitamin B. If your pet constantly lives in an apartment, surprise him - in good weather, take him for a walk in the nearest park or forest. Use a harness with a leash for this. Avoid asphalt. For delicate cat paws, soft soil or grass is better. Try to avoid crowded areas of cars, people and dog walking so as not to scare your pet.

Not without its drawbacks

If you pick up a mongrel kitten on the street, you risk bringing a sick animal into your home. Be sure to take him to the vet right away. A little street child may have lichen or fleas. It may be infected with an infection or worms. If a purebred parent took part in the birth of a kitten, then, in addition to distinctive features, the baby can inherit genetic diseases inherent in the breed.

Well-groomed fur is the key to success at the exhibition

Scars decorate a wild cat

Outbred cats can take part in exhibitions. Felinologists have classified them into a special class - “domestic cat”. There are special beauty contests for them. Any outbred pet can take part in them. An exhibition of outbred cats is an event no less serious than competitions of elite breeds. At outbred exhibitions, an animal with any external signs of “eliteness” or showing signs of aggression cannot win. The presence of such defects as a broken tail and extra toes is allowed. What is unacceptable for purebred cats. Even injuries and scars can decorate the appearance of a domestic cat.

Intelligence and devotion

My experience of keeping cats began with the outbred tabby Lushi. That was the name of my first cat. I involuntarily compare all subsequent cats, purebred and not so purebred, with her. The comparison is not in their favor. Lusha was one of those rare representatives of the cat world who loves to learn. Just show me. Have you ever seen a cat that relieves itself in the toilet, and then jumps on the chain of the cistern (there were such things) and flushes it after itself.

We lived then on the top, ninth floor. Our cat went to the attic to hunt for pigeons. As soon as the family sat down to dinner, our beauty appeared in the window with another trophy in her teeth. She contributed to the common table.

I am convinced that she really wanted to learn to talk. Lusha could sit and listen to people talk for hours. Watching your lips carefully. And when they addressed her directly, she tried to answer like a human being. She almost succeeded.

Having extensive experience in keeping pets, I can confidently say that street cats, especially those that I took pity on and accepted into the family, are the most grateful and devoted creatures. Character, like people, can be very different, but they will never stoop to betrayal.

Breeding a domestic cat

Cats reach sexual maturity at 6–8 months. At 11–13 months the first estrus occurs. Veterinarians advise skipping it and breeding only after the onset of the second heat. Experienced felinologists believe that the most favorable age of pregnancy for a cat is one and a half years. For mating, you should carefully choose a partner. Firstly, both the cat and the female cat must be healthy. Secondly, you must have all the required vaccinations. You cannot vaccinate a cat when she is pregnant. For a young, inexperienced cat, you need to select a female who has already given birth. And for a first-born cat, an experienced, unleashed gentleman is suitable.

During a cat's heat, a cat's behavior changes dramatically.

The first mating can be carried out when the cat reaches 10–12 months of age. By this time, all body systems are finally formed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of puberty. The owner should take the cat's first birth responsibly. For the first time, a pregnant animal experiences stress, not understanding what is happening to its body. Hence, there is a high risk of offspring with pathologies.

A cat can give birth up to 4 times a year. However, felinologists do not advise allowing your pet to give birth more than twice during this period. Too frequent childbirth exhausts the animal's body. The nervous system suffers, and pathologies of internal organs may occur. But empty estrus does not have the best effect on the cat’s health.

Castration and sterilization

Spaying and neutering operations are carried out in cats to stop reproductive function. Castration, despite its “bloodiness,” is still preferable. It relieves the animal from the sexual instinct, and the owners from the troubles that accompany “hormonal explosions” during cat desire.

Neutered pets are healthier. The risk of cancer is reduced. The likelihood of urolithiasis is reduced. In the absence of sexual desire, cats are more oriented toward their owners. They pay more attention to them, become affectionate, obedient and friendly.

In cats, castration should be carried out at the age of 7-8 months, before the first heat and before final puberty.

It is better to castrate and sterilize cats in specialized clinics. Although recently, home surgeries have become increasingly popular.

After castration, the cat requires special care and attention.

Castration and sterilization are performed under general anesthesia. Cats are very sensitive to the effects of drugs and require special care after surgery. After the procedure, it is better to leave your pet for several hours in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. When you bring the cat home, place it on its side in a warm place and cover it with a blanket. Avoid hypothermia, avoid drafts. Especially if your pet is short-haired. He will sleep for the first 24 hours. Under anesthesia, cats sleep with their eyes open. Close his eyelids from time to time to avoid drying out the cornea.

Cats recover completely from anesthesia within a few days. At this time, their coordination is impaired and orientation in space is lost. Do not allow your pet to climb into high places to avoid falls and injury.

Is it worth taking a mongrel kitten or is it better to buy a pet of noble blood? This question probably worries many cat lovers. Some people prefer purebred animals with a passport and pedigree, while others pay attention to those animals that are born on the street. Sometimes an adult pet comes into the house and has street experience. Are there any advantages to purebred cats?

Advantages of purebred cats

Experts say that such pussies have advantages. For example, outdoor cats live longer. We are talking specifically about wild animals whose parents are also wild. If a kitten was born from street parents, then its likelihood of living a long and happy life in a city apartment increases. On average, such pets can live up to 18-20 years. This is already a good result. True, owners will need to monitor the pet, give it high-quality animal food and purchase reliable pet supplies that will not harm the pet’s health.

Outdoor cats usually do not live that long; they rarely reach the age of seven. But their life expectancy is determined by extreme living conditions. Cats (and cats even more so) are forced to starve, compete with other members of the cat family, flee from dogs and sometimes from people. The street is fraught with many dangers, but it is thanks to such strict selection that many long-livers are found among street pets.

Wild cats are more resilient; they can survive in extreme situations and quickly adapt to any conditions. Moreover, they live 3-5 years longer than purebred animals.

This pattern can be easily explained. Weak animals do not survive on the street at all. They have no way to pass on their genes. In the wild, there is strict genetic selection (according to Darwin). And as a result, only the most tenacious, cunning and dexterous of cats give offspring.

Noble cats - their pros and cons

Among purebred cats, hereditary diseases are more common. Noble animals may even suffer from diseases that have long been considered unique to humans: obesity, diabetes, oncology and others. In addition, purebred cats can transmit diseases that are characteristic of a particular breed to their offspring.

If some breed of animal is bred artificially, the situation becomes more complicated. These pets require constant care. For example, Persians need to be brushed thoroughly to prevent them from swallowing their fur. Representatives of this breed can have a lot of problems because of their fur.

The advantage of purebred cats is that when buying a kitten, the future owner can know in advance some of the signs of an adult animal. For example, characteristics such as fur length and the absence of certain diseases in the family are passed on to kittens. In the case of a wild animal, this is impossible to predict.

There are many indoor cats, as well as kittens and cats, but it is not always possible to correctly determine its breed, just as it is not always clear what exactly is meant by this definition.

The article provides really interesting information about fairly common yard cats, which nurseries in our country are increasingly starting to deal with, because the demand for them is only growing, but at the same time the price is quite reasonable and there are many places where to buy a cute cat for a private home or in apartment.

Yard cat breeds

Almost all pussies: purebred and not, originated from wild cats. The first cats were domesticated about 2000 years ago by the Ancient Egyptians. Officially, there are no yard cat breeds, but in fact there are. There are several domestic-aboriginal cat breeds:
- Celtic;
- Siberian;
— Siamese;
— Turkish Angora;
- Persian.

Ashera cats are the most expensive or not, cost, description

Officially, such a breed as Asher is not recognized in the world. So what follows is simply an external description of this breed, which supposedly came from a mixture of a domestic cat, a leopard cat and a serval.

The head is wedge-shaped and small. Eyes can be green or gold. The ears are wide at the base, rounded at the ends like a bow. The body is long and thin. Paws are extended. An adult animal grows up to a meter in height. Weight is approximately 12-14 kg. The fur is short, non-allergenic.

Has the following color options:
— Royal (a few specks of golden color);
— Snezhnaya is like a Belgian tiger only smaller;
- Ordinary - like a leopard.

The cost of such a cat is from 22 to 27 thousand... dollars. Today this is the most expensive “cat - a myth”.

Sign of a yard cat coming into the house

Often, when a cat comes to your house on its own, this is considered a good omen. Under no circumstances should you chase her away, so as not to frighten away your luck.

The second version of this sign is that the cat supposedly senses trouble and has come to save you or your loved ones, possibly from death, sometimes sacrificing its life.

And the third option means that your financial situation may soon improve, or there will be an addition to the family.

Is it correct that a barn cat only eats porridge?

Outdoor cats, like any other, need vitamins and minerals and calcium. So she shouldn’t eat only porridge either, she needs: meat, chicken and eggs, liver and sour milk. Overall a balanced diet. They also have their own gastronomic preferences; they may simply not like porridge, although they also need cereals.

Bitten by a yard cat, what should I do?

If you have suffered from a bite from a yard cat, then first of all you need to:
- Wash the wound with a soapy solution - to do this, take a piece of toilet soap or a third of laundry soap and dissolve it in 500 mg of water (if the wound is not deep, rinse for 5 minutes, if deep, 15 minutes);
— Apply antibacterial ointment (for a minor bite), for a deep wound, treat with peroxide, iodine, or alcohol after the bleeding has stopped;
- Apply a bandage;
- Be sure to visit a doctor.

A yard cat scratched me, what should I do?

Help with scratches:
— Wash with soap and water;
— Treat with peroxide or alcohol;
— Lubricate with wound-healing ointment;
- Apply a bandage;
— Observe the condition of the scratches for several days. In case of swelling, redness, or increased temperature, consult a doctor.

How to determine whether a yard cat is a purebred cat

It is impossible to determine whether a yard cat is purebred or purebred. If there is no pedigree and metrics, then the cat is considered outbred or yard.

Are yard cats smarter than purebred cats or not?

Yard cats are definitely tougher and smarter than their pedigree relatives, they are more dexterous, and their instincts are more developed.

Yard cat care and feeding

You need to take care of a yard cat just like you would a purebred cat if you want it to grow up healthy, cheerful and affectionate. This means that combing, brushing teeth, trimming nails, washing, talking and playing is simply necessary. After all, by and large, people get cats for the soul, and very rarely for exhibitions and breeding.

It is necessary to feed in a balanced manner, kittens up to five times a day, and adults 1-2 times a day. You can put the daily dose of food in a cup, pour some water, and the cat will decide when to eat. You need to feed: meat, liver and eggs 1-2 times a week, fermented milk products, chicken, cereals, boiled and raw vegetables without fail with meat. Well, and vitamins, of course: if the kitten is under 6 months, then vitamins A and D, when changing teeth - calcium and phosphorus. You cannot feed dry food and natural food at the same time; the interval between these feedings should be more than six hours. It is better to treat fish mainly raw, noble breeds and rarely (once every two weeks), you can give bread with bran.

Today, many pet owners prefer to have yard cats due to their omnivorous nature, ease of care, and strong immunity. It is not entirely correct to call such cats outbred, since all breeds from ancient times originated from wild animals and were subsequently modified depending on their habitat and lifestyle.

Overview of yard cat breeds

Yard cats can be of absolutely any color, with long or short tails, with brown or blue eyes, long-haired or short-haired.

History of cats

According to archaeological data and ancient chronicles, cats have been with people for more than 90 centuries. At that time, no one attached any importance to the belonging of their four-legged friend to one breed or another.

Interesting. It has long been believed that the first cats were first domesticated by humans in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by a tomb painting done around 1950 BC. However, in 2004, scientists discovered a burial in Cyprus dating back to 9500 BC, where a cat rested with a man.

In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals and were valued as excellent rodent hunters. In the Middle Ages, in some countries they were personified with kindness and tranquility in the home, in others they were considered magical creatures with connections with evil spirits. Cats were especially common in China, Japan and Russia, as well as several European and North African countries.

In Russia, yard cats have been popular since the birth of statehood in Ancient Rus', but domestic breeders began breeding purebred cats only at the end of the 18th century. At that time, the Russian Blue breed became especially widespread, which, according to some sources, was bred in England.

Is there a yard cat breed?

In felinology, yard cats are classified as feral (or street) breeds. The ancestors of all representatives of the cat family were wild cats, which differ in appearance and character, which is explained by the difference in climate in the habitat and adaptive qualities.

Any native cat breed can be classified as a yard cat, since humans did not take any part in selection at the stage of formation of the animal’s characteristic qualities.

Based on this logic, we can distinguish some domestic-aboriginal cat breeds:

  • Celtic cat (European shorthair);

Yard cats were not initially subject to breeding work. Of course, people selected cats with the qualities they needed for breeding: for example, in the Middle Ages they were especially valued. Later, representatives of the nobility preferred individuals with the most exquisite exterior characteristics, and the middle and lower classes also continued to look for “mousetraps.”

Not purebred or non-standard genotype

Having looked at the photographs of yard cats, we can unequivocally say that many of them are very similar to purebred individuals. Such non-standard genotype is one of their key features.

Yard cats can come in a wide variety of colors.

It is impossible to predict in advance the appearance of an unborn kitten, since it is often a mixture of many breeds. Thanks to this variety of hereditary characteristics, animals can have a lot of colors, different sizes, eye colors and coat lengths. The only thing that a yard cat definitely cannot have is a complete lack of fur.

Street cats can boast a huge number of coat colors: no other known breed in the world has such diversity. It is believed that northern cats are massive and have fluffy fur, while representatives of the southern side are graceful, have fine hair and a small undercoat. This difference is due to the influence of climate and area of ​​residence.

Among yard cats, there are often individuals with spotted colors, all kinds of patterns and markings. You can also find animals that have three colors (people call them lucky). But the most common color is considered to be a light base background with dark stripes on it. This coloring helps the cat to camouflage itself in nature and hunt effectively. White cats are very rare among mongrels.

Contrary to popular belief, it cannot be argued that purebred cats are superior to yard cats in terms of external characteristics and type of behavior. In addition, the powerful fusion of breeds from natural selection creates truly unique kittens. In the future, they grow into strong, handsome men with magnificent colors and a strong physique, which will be the envy of even the most “pure” breeds.

The character of yard cats is also ambiguous. Some of them are distinguished by absolute calm and meekness, others call themselves royalty with its inherent importance. Often, such animals are not characterized by touchiness and aggressiveness; they show their emotions quite carefully.

Pros and cons of barn cats

Pedigree cats are distinguished by their originality and are valued for their individual characteristics of character and appearance.

Domestic cats have a strong immune system and an easy-going character.

Yard murkas are to some extent incomparable with their purebred relatives, but they have no less advantages:

  • Strong immunity. Street cats have a longer life expectancy than purebred cats. This is due to the fact that being in natural conditions, they became less susceptible to most street infections and acquired strong and lasting immunity. In addition, selection activities suppress the protective forces of the cat's body, especially inbreeding and genetic mutations.
  • Knitting. It will not be difficult for a courtyard lady to find a gentleman; most likely the owner will choose a partner from an abundance of options. The birth of future offspring will also be a pleasant surprise, because it is impossible to predict the fur color, shape and eye color of an unborn kitten. Perhaps he will become the founder of a new exclusive breed.
  • Character. Most yard cats have a soft and docile character. Such a dog will become attached to its owner with all its heart and become his devoted friend.
  • Hunting for rodents. Thanks to their well-developed natural instinct, street cats can easily catch an annoying rodent.
  • Independence and omnivorousness. Such cats go out on their own for a walk and return home with the same success. In addition, they are absolutely not picky about food.
  • Exhibitions. Despite the lack of a breed title, special exhibitions are organized for yard muskies, where their exterior characteristics and grooming are assessed. This is an excellent opportunity for the owner to show off his mongrel pet in all its glory.
  • Intelligence. Yard cats are much tougher and smarter than their pedigree counterparts. They have more developed thinking, dexterity and natural instincts.
  • Price. Anyone can become the owner of a yard pet; all you have to do is shelter a stray animal and make friends with it. Taking care of one of the millions of starving kittens roaming the streets is a noble cause.

Yard cats may also have some disadvantages, among which it is advisable to highlight:

  • Excessive sensitivity. Such pets react painfully to any changes that have occurred in the house, be it rearrangement of furniture or the arrival of noisy guests.
  • Impossibility of making good money. Many owners of purebred animals that do not have defects in color or anatomical structure have a profitable business in breeding and selling kittens. There are very few people willing to buy a purebred kitten at a high price.

Outdoor cats are very sensitive to changes that occur in the house.

Representatives of domestic breeds have a negative attitude towards the absence of an owner and loneliness. They fall into a kind of depression, which is manifested by hair loss, loss of appetite, anxiety and restlessness. Often this phenomenon occurs in “apartment” cats that do not have free access to the street.