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Society What is society? The specificity of social reality and its knowledge. Nature and society What is the essence of the law of acceleration of history

TEST No. 1. 9 CLASS. Blok Man and society. A systematic approach to social phenomena.

1. Find the society as a dynamic system in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) isolation from nature

2) the presence of subsystems subject to change

3) isolation of elements

4) self-organization and self-development

5) the emergence of new elements and connections

6) multidimensionality and integrity

Answer: 2456

2. Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society and the given characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 12221

3. Find examples of the direct impact of the economy on the social sphere of public life in the list below.

1) adoption of state educational standards

2) delayed salary due to the bankruptcy of the enterprise

3) introduction of censorship on state television

4) state guarantee of bank deposits

5) construction by the factory of housing for workers

6) creation of new jobs

4. Write down the word missing in the table.

Social institutions and their functions

Answer: state

5. Select the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as historically established stable forms of organizing the joint activities of people.

2) Since society is a dynamic system, some social institutions may disappear, while others may appear.

3) Social institutions represent certain stages of the historical development of mankind.

4) Social institutions are certain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people who unite for joint activities and communication.

6. Establish a correspondence between the components of society and examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 12121

7. Name three signs of a social institution and explain each of them with a specific example.

The correct answer may include the following:

The presence of a role system - the main roles are defined (for example, in a family there are roles of husband and wife, parents and children, older and younger family members, etc.);

The presence of a set of institutions (for example, an educational institution includes a network of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, universities, the Ministry of Education, etc.);

The presence of regulatory rules (for example, in the state, the main law of the country, the Constitution, can be adopted, in accordance with which other regulations are adopted that regulate the activities of government bodies, etc.);

The presence of socially important functions (for example, the function of science is the accumulation and systematization of objective knowledge about reality).

8. In the knowledge of society, in contrast to the knowledge of nature

1) no hypotheses are put forward

2) the role of the value attitudes of the cognizer is significant

3) no modeling method is used

4) truth is relative

5) the object and subject of knowledge coincide

6) it is difficult to identify objective laws

9. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The concept of “society” has many meanings. Often, a society is understood as a social _______ (A), united by a common _______ (B) of its members, for example, a noble society, or a community _______ (C). Sociologists call society a dynamic _______ (G), emphasizing the connection between the various components of social life and their changes in the course of historical development. These changes may be gradual or they may be accelerated by _______ (Y) or through reforms. Reforms, as a rule, change any one side of life while maintaining the foundations of the existing _______ (E). By resolving the contradictions that really exist in society, the reforms pave the way for something new.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) system

2) structure

4) revolution

5) interest

6) progress

7) social status

10. Choose the correct judgments about society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Society is part of nature.

2) Nature completely determines the development of society.

3) Modern society is characterized by a class structure.

4) The totality of all the peoples inhabiting our planet is a society.

5) Society can be called a certain stage in the historical development of mankind.

11. Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society and social institutions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 21122

12. Choose the right judgments about spiritual culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Spiritual culture is one of the spheres of human activity in society.

2) Spiritual culture includes cognitive activity and its results.

3) The objects of spiritual culture are ideology, morality, artistic creativity.

4) Spiritual culture is an artificial environment surrounding a person.

5) Spiritual culture includes material and spiritual values ​​created by man.

13. Select the correct judgments about society and social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In a narrow sense, society is the material world surrounding a person.

2) In a broad sense, society is understood as the entire population of the earth, the totality of all peoples and countries.

3) The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their isolation from nature.

4) Social institutions arose in connection with the objective need to regulate a variety of social relations.

5) Education as a social institution combines with other social institutions the presence of an organizational structure and social norms.

Answer: 245.

14. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social institution"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about social institutions in the economic sphere, and one sentence revealing any of the functions of social institutions.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: A social institution is a historically established stable form of organizing joint activities aimed at meeting the basic needs of society.

2) one sentence with information about social institutions in the economic sphere, for example: Social institutions in the economic sphere include the market, entrepreneurship, banking, etc.

3) one sentence, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, any of the functions of social institutions, for example: Social institutions streamline, coordinate individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character.

15. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Peculiarities of social cognition." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure of this topic:

1) Social cognition - knowledge of society and man.

2) The specifics of social cognition:

a) the coincidence of the cognizing subject and the cognized object;

b) close connection with the practical interests of individuals;

c) a critical view of society and the value coloring of knowledge about it;

d) the complexity of the object of social cognition, due to which social laws are of a probabilistic nature;

e) limited scope of the experiment.

3) Basic methods of social cognition:

a) historical (consideration of social objects in development);

b) comparative (consideration of social objects in comparison, comparison with similar ones);

c) system-analytical (consideration of social objects in integrity and interaction with each other).

4) Functions of social cognition:

a) identifying the causes and consequences of social processes;

b) understanding the qualitative characteristics of social objects;

c) use of the results in the implementation of social management;

d) coordination of public interests, optimization of social processes.

5) Social cognition as a necessary condition for the improvement and development of society.

TEST No. 2. 9 CLASS. Blok Man and society. Types of social development.

1. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the dynamic nature of society.

1) development, 2) static, 3) regression, 4) recession, 5) progress, 6) consistency.

Find two terms that “fall out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

reform, 2) revolution 3) social dynamics, 4) evolution, 5) social regression.

3. Choose the correct judgments about society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) One of the criteria for social progress is related to the achieved level of material and technical development of society.

2) Society performs the function of reproduction and socialization of man.

3) An integral feature of the development of any society is degradation to obsolete social structures and relations.

4) A revolution is called a phased transformation associated with a change in any aspect of public life.

5) Society is a complex static system.

4. Which of the listed social facts illustrate the inconsistency of social progress? Write down all the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) obtaining new materials as a result of the development of nanotechnology

2) increase in labor productivity as a result of rationalization of the organizational structure of production

3) mental dependence of the masses of people on access to the Internet as a result of the emergence of online games and social networks

4) the possibility of rapid replication of information as a result of the development of computer technology

5) the occurrence of organically non-recyclable waste in the process of high-tech production

6) the emergence of "ghost towns" as a result of population migration to large metropolitan areas

5. In the countryZ extensive technology and hand tools predominate. What other signs indicate that the country Zdevelops as a traditional society? write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

The main social units are the tribe and the extended family.

The urban population is growing

Oral information prevails over written

Infrastructure is rapidly developing

Scientific knowledge is widely disseminated

Dominated by subsistence farming

6. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 32132

7. In the countryZThe urban population is growing faster than the rural population. What other signs indicate that the countryZdevelops as an industrial society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The state guaranteed the personal freedom of citizens and creates conditions for the self-realization of the individual.

2) There is a formation of a class structure.

3) Religious organizations play a key role in public life.

4) Natural exchange (barter) prevails.

5) There was a mechanization of production.

6) Production is concentrated at large enterprises, in industrial regions.

Answer: 156.

8. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 22121

9. Find in the list the features inherent in a post-industrial society. write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

Development of the service sector

The growth of the working class

Lack of social stratification

Use of information technology

New intellectual opportunities

10. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 32311

11. Choose the right judgments about the global problems of modern humanity and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

Global problems are a set of problems on the solution of which the future of mankind depends.

Global problems can be independently solved by individual countries of the world

The "North-South" problem is manifested in the gap in the levels of economic development of the countries of the world

One of the negative results of human economic activity has been the depletion of natural resources.

All global problems are a consequence of economic globalization

12. Establish a correspondence between the processes of globalization and its consequences: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 21121

13.Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "social regression".

1) movement; 2) change; 3) technical revolution; 4) improvement; 5) decline; 6) degradation.

14. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and highlight the number under which it is indicated.

1) integration; 2) growth; 3) differentiation; 4) social dynamics; 5) innovation; 6) degradation; 7) evolution.

15. Select the correct judgments about society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Society is an integral self-organizing system of relationships between people.

2) In the structure of society, economic, political, social and spiritual subsystems are distinguished.

3) Social institutions organize the satisfaction of certain needs of society and man.

4) The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their isolation from the natural environment.

5) Social regression is the direction of development from lower and simpler forms of social organization to higher and more complex ones.

TEST No. 3. 9 CLASS. Blok Man and society. Society and nature. Biosocial essence of man. Thinking and activity.

1. Find social phenomena in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the emergence of the state

2) a person's genetic predisposition to certain diseases

3) mental qualities of a person

4) forming nations

5) creation of new scientific directions

6) the ability of a person to sensory perception of the world

Answer: 145.

2. Establish a correspondence between the features of behavioral activity characteristic of a person and the behavioral activity characteristic of animals: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 21112

3. Ivan completed the task on the topic: "Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution." He wrote out from the textbook the traits characteristic of a person. Which of them reflect the specifics of the social nature of man, in contrast to the animal? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) use of objects given by nature

2) the ability to set goals

3) care for offspring

4) adaptation to environmental conditions

5) the desire to understand the world around

6) communication through articulate speech

4. Establish a correspondence between examples and sides of a person's essence: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Answer: 12122

5. Below is a list of qualities inherent in a person. All of them, with the exception of two, are of a social nature.

1) initiative, 2) temperament, 3) tolerance, 4) responsibility, 5) inclinations, 6) diligence.

Find two terms that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

6. Write down the word missing in the table.

Answer: activity.

7. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps

“A person who actively explores and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is ______ (A). This is a person with his socially formed and individually expressed _____ (B): intellectual, emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that _____ (C) in joint activities with other people cognizes and changes the world and himself. The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is at the same time a process of _____ (D). Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social ties, relationships to the world and with the world, to oneself and oneself. It is characterized by _____ (D), i.e. striving to go beyond its own limits, to develop, to expand the scope of its activities, is open to all the influences of social life, to any experience. This is a person who has his own ____ (E) in life, who shows independence of thought, is responsible for his choice.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1. individual

2. quality

3. need

4. education

5th position

6. socialization

7. personality

8. activity

9. individuality

Answer: 721685

8. Kirill is 17 years old. Find in the list of traits that characterize him as a person. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Cyril has blond hair and blue eyes.

2) Kirill's height is 180 cm.

3) Kirill helps his parents take care of his sick grandmother.

4) Kirill goes in for athletics.

5) Cyril is a kind and sympathetic person.

6) Kirill studies well at school.

Answer: 3456

9. Claudia is preparing for a trip to Spain. She studies Spanish, reads books about the history and culture of Spain, communicates with connoisseurs of Spanish art on Internet forums. She has already planned the route of her trip and purchased a ticket. Find examples of the means used by Claudius to achieve the goal in the list below, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) learning Spanish

2) purchase of a tourist voucher

3) Internet communication

4) reading books about Spain

5) connoisseurs of Spanish art

6) a trip to Spain

Answer: 1234

10. Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of human qualities

Answer: Ability

11. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the concept of "human biological needs".

1) reproduction of the family, 2) self-realization, 3) nutrition, 4) breathing, 5) movement, 6) communication, 7) rest.

Find two terms that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

12. Select the correct judgments about the person and his needs and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

Each person has a biological and socio-psychological individuality.

An individual is a single representative of humanity

The natural (biological) needs of a person traditionally include the need for knowledge of the world around

Individual needs of people may conflict with social needs

The social nature of a person is manifested in the anatomical and physical features, the structure of various organ systems, instincts and reflexes.

13. Establish a correspondence between examples and sides of a person's essence: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Answer: 32123

14. Select from the proposed list of social facts that contain a manifestation of the basic social (existential) needs of the individual and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In the workforce, where the graduate of the economic university came, at first it was not easy for her, many issues differed significantly from the university knowledge, but more experienced, senior colleagues helped her with their advice to get up to speed

2) For a young man, his social circle, friends and girlfriends are extremely important, you can discuss with them, sometimes what you can’t discuss with either parents or teachers

3) The young man has succeeded in the tourism business, having created a large company specializing in the field of extreme tourism, but now he is more concerned about the fame of a patron of young talents; he recently established a scholarship for young scientists

4) Every last Saturday of the month, the professor dedicates a trip to the conservatory to chamber music concerts

5) Each person needs to maintain the thermal balance of the body, so in winter we wear mittens, warm boots and jackets

6) In the family, each person gains protection from the troubles and hardships of the big world that surrounds him, it is no coincidence that they say "my house, my fortress."

15. Select the correct judgments about the activity and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

Activities are related to meeting the needs of a person, a social group, society as a whole.

Creative activity is inherent in both man and animal.

As a result of labor activity, material and spiritual values ​​are created.

The same kind of activity can be called with different motives of people.

The structure of activity presupposes the presence of a goal and means to achieve it.

Answer: 1345

16. Establish a correspondence between activities and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Volcanologists mapped possible volcanic eruptions next year

B) the government approved the introduction of new tariffs

C) at the beginning of the year, new state standards in the field of education were put into effect

D) small businesses produce parts for a large car factory

E) economists have suggested how financial markets will develop after the global crisis

E) a large company began developing a new gas field on the Arctic shelf

1) material and production

2) socially transformative

3) predictive

17. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“In work, teaching, ___________ (A) all aspects of the psyche are formed and manifest.

A special question arises as to how relatively stable mental properties are formed and consolidated. The mental properties of ___________ (B) - her abilities and character traits - are formed in the course of life. Congenital ___________ (C) of the organism are only ___________ (D) - very ambiguous, which determine, but do not predetermine the mental properties of a person. Based on the same inclinations, a person can develop different properties - ___________ (D) and character traits, depending on the course of his life and ___________ (E) not only appear, but also form. In work, study and labor, the abilities of people are formed and worked out; character is formed and tempered in life's deeds and deeds.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

1) feature

2) ability

3) personality

5) society

6) makings

7) communication

8) activity

Answer: 1938756

18. Choose the correct judgments about freedom and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

1) Human freedom is manifested in the absence of responsibility for committed actions.

2) Human freedom is the basis of behavior aimed solely at obtaining pleasure

3) Human freedom includes freedom of movement and residence, freedom of thought and conscience, freedom of speech and expression, freedom to privacy, to private life

4) Freedom is the right to limit oneself out of respect and love for others.

5) Freedom is the ability to make any decisions at will and be fully responsible for the consequences of the decisions made.

19. Choose the correct judgments about the ratio of freedom, necessity and responsibility in human activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The variety of choices limits the freedom in human activities.

2) One of the manifestations of the need for human activity is the objective laws of the development of nature.

3) The responsibility of a person increases in conditions of a limited choice of behavior strategies in certain situations.

4) Unlimited freedom is an unconditional blessing for the individual and society.

5) The readiness of a person to evaluate his actions in terms of their consequences for others is one of the manifestations of a sense of responsibility.

20. Choose the correct judgments about a person and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

1) The spiritual (ideal) needs of a person traditionally include the need for air, nutrition, maintaining normal heat exchange.

2) The natural (biological) needs of a person include the need for knowledge of the world, the achievement of harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity, etc.

3) Activity is a specific way of human existence.

4) Needs - this is a person's experience of the need for what is necessary to maintain life and develop the personality.

5) Only a person is able to consciously transform the surrounding reality, create the benefits and values ​​he needs.

TEST No. 1. 9 CLASS. Blok Man and society. A systematic approach to social phenomena.

1. Find the society as a dynamic system in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) isolation from nature

2) the presence of subsystems subject to change

3) isolation of elements

4) self-organization and self-development

5) the emergence of new elements and connections

6) multidimensionality and integrity

Answer: 2456

2. Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society and the given characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) is designed to integrate society based on the interests of various groups

B) covers financial institutions

C) includes relations that develop in the system of material production

D) covers the relationship of society with the external natural environment

E) includes institutions of state support for needy groups of the population

1) social

2) economic

Answer: 12221

3. Find examples of the direct impact of the economy on the social sphere of public life in the list below.

1) adoption of state educational standards

2) delayed salary due to the bankruptcy of the enterprise

3) introduction of censorship on state television

4) state guarantee of bank deposits

5) construction by the factory of housing for workers

6) creation of new jobs

Answer: 256

4. Write down the word missing in the table.

Social institutions and their functions

Answer: state

5. Select the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as historically established stable forms of organizing the joint activities of people.

2) Since society is a dynamic system, some social institutions may disappear, while others may appear.

3) Social institutions represent certain stages of the historical development of mankind.

4) Social institutions are certain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people who unite for joint activities and communication.

Answer: 125

6. Establish a correspondence between the components of society and examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 12121

7. Name three signs of a social institution and explain each of them with a specific example.

The correct answer may include the following:

The presence of a role system - the main roles are defined (for example, in a family there are roles of husband and wife, parents and children, older and younger family members, etc.);

The presence of a set of institutions (for example, an educational institution includes a network of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, universities, the Ministry of Education, etc.);

The presence of regulatory rules (for example, the state can adopt the main law of the country - the Constitution, in accordance with which other normative acts are adopted that regulate the activities of government bodies, etc.);

The presence of socially important functions (for example, the function of science is the accumulation and systematization of objective knowledge about reality).

8. In the knowledge of society, in contrast to the knowledge of nature

1) no hypotheses are put forward

2) the role of the value attitudes of the cognizer is significant

3) no modeling method is used

4) truth is relative

5) the object and subject of knowledge coincide

6) it is difficult to identify objective laws

Answer: 256

9. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The concept of “society” has many meanings. Often, a society is understood as a social _______ (A), united by a common _______ (B) of its members, for example, a noble society, or a community _______ (C). Sociologists call society a dynamic _______ (G), emphasizing the connection between the various components of social life and their changes in the course of historical development. These changes may be gradual or they may be accelerated by _______ (Y) or through reforms. Reforms, as a rule, change any one side of life while maintaining the foundations of the existing _______ (E). By resolving the contradictions that really exist in society, the reforms pave the way for something new.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) system

2) structure

4) revolution

5) interest

6) progress

7) social status

10. Choose the correct judgments about society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Society is part of nature.

2) Nature completely determines the development of society.

3) Modern society is characterized by a class structure.

4) The totality of all the peoples inhabiting our planet is a society.

5) Society can be called a certain stage in the historical development of mankind.

Answer: 45

11. Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society and social institutions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 21122

12. Choose the right judgments about spiritual culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Spiritual culture is one of the areas of human activity in society.

2) Spiritual culture includes cognitive activity and its results.

3) The objects of spiritual culture are ideology, morality, artistic creativity.

4) Spiritual culture is an artificial environment surrounding a person.

5) Spiritual culture includes material and spiritual values ​​created by man.

Answer: 123

13. Select the correct judgments about society and social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In a narrow sense, society is the material world surrounding a person.

2) In a broad sense, society is understood as the entire population of the earth, the totality of all peoples and countries.

3) The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their isolation from nature.

4) Social institutions arose in connection with the objective need to regulate a variety of social relations.

5) Education as a social institution combines with other social institutions the presence of an organizational structure and social norms.

Answer: 245.

14. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social institution"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about social institutions in the economic sphere, and one sentence revealing any of the functions of social institutions.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: A social institution is a historically established stable form of organizing joint activities aimed at meeting the basic needs of society.

2) one sentence with information about social institutions in the economic sphere, for example: Social institutions in the economic sphere include the market, entrepreneurship, banking, etc.

3) one sentence, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, any of the functions of social institutions, for example: Social institutions streamline, coordinate individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character.

15. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Peculiarities of social cognition." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure of this topic:

1) Social cognition - knowledge of society and man.

2) The specifics of social cognition:

a) the coincidence of the cognizing subject and the cognized object;

b) close connection with the practical interests of individuals;

c) a critical view of society and the value coloring of knowledge about it;

d) the complexity of the object of social cognition, due to which social laws are of a probabilistic nature;

e) limited scope of the experiment.

3) Basic methods of social cognition:

a) historical (consideration of social objects in development);

b) comparative (consideration of social objects in comparison, comparison with similar ones);

c) system-analytical (consideration of social objects in integrity and interaction with each other).

4) Functions of social cognition:

a) identifying the causes and consequences of social processes;

b) understanding the qualitative characteristics of social objects;

c) use of the results in the implementation of social management;

d) coordination of public interests, optimization of social processes.

5) Social cognition as a necessary condition for the improvement and development of society.

The study of society is the subject of social philosophy. The concept of "society" is ambiguous. In the broadest sense, this concept applies to the animal world (for example, when talking about the "community" of insects, a herd of monkeys), and to people. If this concept is applied only to people, then it also has different meanings. In a broad sense, they talk about humanity, the world community. In a narrower sense, society is understood as an ethnic, national-state association, groups of people connected by a common origin and position, common occupations, interests and goals. But with all interpretations, society is not just some sum, a conglomeration of people. In this regard, Marx noted: "Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of those connections and relations in which these individuals relate to each other."

Unites people in a society of joint life. A certain set of people becomes a social group, a society, when it is capable of creating all the necessary conditions for coexistence by its activity. Social life is a process of joint activity of people.

Human activities are varied. In order for a society to exist as some kind of stable social formation, the following are necessary: activity types.

1. Production of material goods and services. This form of activity is called differently, for example, they talk about material production (K. Marx), economic activity (E. Durkheim), economy (S. N. Bulgakov), etc.

2. Social activity. It is expressed in the production and reproduction of directly people and human life. This activity is carried out by the family, ethnic groups, professional groups, etc., what is often called "civil society". In this activity, programs of education and upbringing, health care, social security, etc. are created and implemented.

3. Organizational and managerial activity. Its goal is the creation and optimization of public relations and interaction through social management, political activity (the subjects of the latter are mainly the state and political parties).

4. Spiritual activity - the production and consumption of a variety of information necessary for life, from everyday to scientific, including knowledge in the field of economics, politics, morality, art, etc.

Four types of joint activity are necessary for the existence of a society. These types define elements of society(or the so-called spheres of public life): material and production, social, organizational (political and managerial), spiritual. The concept of "sphere of public life" means a stable area of ​​human activity and its results that satisfy certain needs of a social or personal nature. In these areas there are special social institutions.

In addition to the concept of society, one uses concept of social reality. By social reality we will understand social life in all its diversity of manifestations - the life of mankind, social groups, collectives, individuals. Social reality is made up of many diverse acts of people's activities and the results of their activities.

Social activity is qualitatively different from natural activity. This difference is determined by the characteristics of a person and his activities. Describing the fundamental differences between society and nature, Engels wrote: “In nature (since we leave aside the reverse influence of man on it), only blind, unconscious forces act, in the interaction of which general laws are manifested. There is nowhere a conscious, desired goal... On the contrary, in the history of society there are people who are endowed with consciousness, act deliberately or under the influence of passion, striving for certain goals. Here nothing is done without a conscious intention, without a desired goal.

social reality consists of social objects (recall that matter and the material world exist in the form of material objects). Social objects are diverse: these are people themselves, and social groups, public institutions, equipment created by people, household items, etc.

The fundamental difference between social objects and material objects is that social objects are a unity of the objective and the subjective. In social objects there is something that is not in natural objects - consciousness, the spiritual life of people. Social objects have such specific features that no natural objects possess, taken in their independent existence, separate from man. We detail this specificity.

Society is an ambiguous concept used: - to define social systems of various levels; - to determine social systems of various levels; - associations of people having a common origin, position, interests, goals (including joint-stock companies, economic organizations). - associations of people having a common origin, position, interests, goals (including joint-stock companies, economic organizations).

Approaches to the definition of society in foreign and domestic science 1 A large group of people who have formed a common culture. 1 A large group of people who have formed a common culture. 2. A complex social system with people inhabiting it. 2. A complex social system with people inhabiting it. 3. Socio-political association associated with some territory, etc. 3. Socio-political association associated with some territory, etc.

Understanding of society by foreign sociologists R. Mils - society is a configuration of institutions, the functions of which limit the freedom of action of people. R. Mils - society is a configuration of institutions, the functions of which limit the freedom of action of people. I. Wallerstein - no concept is more comprehensive than society and no concept in sociology is used more automatically and thoughtlessly I. Wallerstein - no concept is more comprehensive than society and no concept in sociology is used more automatically and thoughtlessly

The main meanings of the concept of "society" in domestic science Wide (philosophical) - human society, society Narrow (sociological) - people with their connections, relationships, interactions and Narrow (sociological) - circle of people Sociological (social groups, institutions, connections, relationships , method of production, distribution A part of the material world isolated from nature; a set of historical forms of joint activity Historical stage, form of social development (primitive); specific within one country (French) United by a common class affiliation, interests (noble, peasant, sports, charitable , theatrical) 1. People united for communication, activities 2. Stage in the historical development of the people, country 3. System of interaction.

Society This is a collection of people united by historically established forms of interconnection and interaction. It is characterized by integrity and self-development, as well as by the presence of a system of norms and values ​​shared by the majority of individuals. This is a collection of people united by historically established forms of interconnection and interaction. It is characterized by integrity and self-development, as well as by the existence of a system of norms and values ​​shared by the majority of individuals.

Social structure The internal structure of society, the totality of interconnected and interacting social communities, groups, institutions and stable relations between them. The social structure becomes more complex, becomes more diverse as society develops.

Approaches to understanding the nature of social inequality Marxist. Class affiliation is determined in relation to ownership of the means of production (capitalists, petty bourgeoisie, wage workers) Theories of stratification. The division of society into various social strata (strata), differing in their social status.

Strat A set of families and individuals occupying a certain level in terms of income, wealth, power, prestige. The division of society into classes is explained by unequal access to the basic values ​​that people seek to obtain: power, property, social prestige.

Society typologies United by similar features and criteria United by similar features and criteria 1. By the presence of writing: 1. By the presence of writing: - written; - written; - pre-written. - pre-written. 2. By the number of management levels, the degree of social differentiation (stratification): 2. By the number of management levels, the degree of social differentiation (stratification): - simple; - simple; - complex. - complex.

Typologies of societies By mode of production: By mode of production: - a society of primitive hunters and gatherers; - a society of primitive hunters and gatherers; - pastoral (pastoral); - pastoral (pastoral); - gardening; - gardening; - agricultural (agrarian); - agricultural (agrarian); - industrial (industrial). - industrial (industrial).

Typologies of societies By political criteria: By political criteria: - democratic; - democratic; - totalitarian; - totalitarian; - authoritarian (intermediate). - authoritarian (intermediate). By religious criteria: By religious criteria: - Christian, Muslim, etc. - Christian, Muslim, etc. By language criteria: By language criteria: - English-speaking, French-speaking, etc. - English-speaking, French-speaking, etc.

New typologies of the historical development of human society S.Kruk, S.Lash Premodernist, modernist, postmodernist O.Tofler Societies of the "first", "second" and "third" waves of civilization. F.Mahlup, T.Umesao, M.Porat, R.Katz Information Society

Ideological approach: TRADITIONAL / CLOSED society Authoritarian power Authoritarian power Mythological consciousness Mythological consciousness Dogmatism Dogmatism Low mobility Low mobility Caring for others Caring for others Private property is doubtful, unworthy business Private property is doubtful, unworthy business MODERNIST / OPEN Democratic power Consciousness rational Consciousness rational Criticality Criticality High mobility High mobility An individual's responsibility for his life An individual's responsibility for his life

Open society: Open society: an independent version of democracy.; independent version of democracy.; is not unrestricted capitalism; is not unrestricted capitalism; not based on Marxism or anarchy; not based on Marxism or anarchy; reducing the influence of the state; reducing the influence of the state; lack of coercion of citizens (“to something, even happiness”); lack of coercion of citizens (“to something, even happiness”); respect for private property; respect for private property; the state is engaged in the prevention of suffering and injustice; the state is engaged in the prevention of suffering and injustice; democratic pluralism, individualism democratic pluralism, individualism Closed society: Closed society: static social structure; static social structure; limited mobility; limited mobility; inability to innovate; inability to innovate; the majority accepts prescribed values; the majority accepts prescribed values; inability to innovate; inability to innovate; traditionalism; traditionalism; authoritarian ideology; authoritarian ideology; totalitarianism. totalitarianism.

Open Societies (Democratic) Open Societies (Democratic) A person is given the opportunity to choose his own worldview, moral values. A person is given the opportunity to choose worldview, moral values. The principles of spiritual freedom are enshrined at the level of the Constitution. The principles of spiritual freedom are enshrined at the level of the Constitution. Closed societies (totalitarian) Closed societies (totalitarian) Moral values ​​are imposed on the members of society. Moral values ​​are imposed on members of society. The majority of society members accept the proposed worldview values ​​The majority of society members accept the proposed worldview values

Traditional Societies Traditional Societies Man perceives the world and routine as an inseparable whole, sacred, unchangeable. A person perceives the world and the established order as an inseparable whole, sacred, not amenable to change. It is not the individual in a person that is valued, but his place in the hierarchy (class, clan, etc.). It is not the individual in a person that is valued, but his place in the hierarchy (class, clan, etc.). Freedom of Individual Action Leads to Violation of Routine Freedom of Individual Action Leads to Violation of Routine Modernist Societies Modernist Societies Man has the conditions to achieve freedom. Man has the conditions to achieve freedom. Opportunities for change without violence. Opportunities for change without violence. The existence of formal rules that allow for trial and error. The existence of formal rules that allow for trial and error. Possibility to change government without using violence Possibility to change government without using violence “If we want to remain human, we have only one way to an open society” “If we want to remain human, we have only one way to open society”

Formational approach: society socio-economic formations: Primitive-communal Primitive-communal Slave-owning Slave-owning Feudal Feudal Capitalist Capitalist Socialist Socialist Communist Communist classless classless

Industrial society The leading sphere of production is industry The leading sphere of production is industry Democratic power Democratic power Individualism Individualism Orientation towards innovation Orientation towards innovation Labor mechanization Labor mechanization Urbanization Urbanization Beginning of scientific and technological revolution Beginning of scientific and technological revolution

Post-industrial society The leading sphere of production is the service sector The leading sphere of production is the service sector Democratic power Democratic power Individualism Individualism Orientation to innovation Orientation to innovation STD STD Automation of labor Automation of labor

Information society The leading sphere of production is the production, processing and storage of information The leading sphere of production is the production, processing and storage of information Computerization Computerization Changing motivation to work - the creative nature of labor Changing motivation to work - the creative nature of labor

Comparative characteristics of the types of societies (according to D. Bell) at the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century. Type of society Pre-industrial Industrial Post-industrial Typical countries Ethiopia, Angola, Nicaragua, Afghanistan Great Britain, Germany, France USA, Japan GNP (per capita, S) Less than 400 About About Main factor of production Land Capital Knowledge

Pre-industrial Industrial Post-industrial The main product of production Food Industrial products Services Nature of production Manual labor Wide use of mechanisms, technologies Computerization, autonomy of production Employment of the population Rural. household - 75% farm - 10% Agricultural -3% Ind. -33% Services - approx. 66% Education policy Combating illiteracy Training of specialists Continuing education

Pre-industrial Industrial Post-industrial Dominant industries Land, fish, livestock, mining and woodworking Manufacture of consumer goods Service sector The main type of export Raw materials Products of production Services Number of scientists per 1 million inhabitants About 100 About 2000 About 2000 About 2000 Mortality per 1000 people. About 20 people About 10 people Life expectancy years Over 70 years

The main spheres of modern society Intermediate complexes of the system of society are understood as its subsystems or spheres: Intermediate complexes of the system of society are understood as its subsystems or spheres: - economic sphere; - economic sphere; - political; - political; - spiritual; - spiritual; - social. - social.

Economic sphere Includes firms, enterprises, factories, banks, markets, flows of money, investments, capital turnover. Includes firms, enterprises, factories, banks, markets, cash flows, investments, capital turnover. Satisfies the vital needs of people for food, shelter, leisure, etc. through the production of goods and services. Satisfies the vital needs of people for food, shelter, leisure, etc. through the production of goods and services. 50-60% of the population directly participate in the economic life of society (economically active population); indirectly - 100%; 50-60% of the population directly participate in the economic life of society (economically active population); indirectly - 100%; The basis of the economic sphere is production, the final product of which is the national income. The basis of the economic sphere is production, the final product of which is the national income.

The political sphere Includes the president and his apparatus, the government, the parliament (Federal Assembly) and his apparatus, local authorities (provincial, regional), the army, police, tax and customs services, which together make up the state. It includes the president and his apparatus, the government, the parliament (Federal Assembly) and his apparatus, local authorities (provincial, regional), the army, police, tax and customs services, which together make up the state. Political parties are not part of the state, but are included in the political sphere and express the political interests of various groups of the population. Political parties are not part of the state, but are included in the political sphere and express the political interests of various groups of the population. The main issue of the political sphere is the legitimization of ways to struggle for power (belongs to a class or group) and its protection

The tasks of the state are to ensure social order in society, to resolve conflicts between partners (workers, trade unions, employers); - ensuring social order in society, resolving conflicts between partners (workers, trade unions, employers); -establishment of new laws and monitoring their strict implementation; -establishment of new laws and monitoring their strict implementation; - prevention of political upheavals; - prevention of political upheavals; - protection of the external borders and sovereignty of the country; - protection of the external borders and sovereignty of the country; - collection of taxes; - collection of taxes; - providing money to institutions of social and cultural spheres, etc. - providing money to institutions of social and cultural spheres, etc.

Spiritual sphere Includes institutes of science, culture, religion, education (universities, laboratories, museums, theaters, newspapers, magazines, research institutes, art galleries, etc. Includes institutes of science, culture, religion, education (universities, laboratories, museums, theaters, newspapers , magazines, research institutes, art galleries, etc.) etc.) Tasks: Tasks: - to discover new knowledge in different fields; - discover new knowledge in different areas; - to create avant-garde technologies; - to create avant-garde technologies; - to transfer knowledge to the next generations; - to transfer knowledge to the next generations; - creation of non-scientific art values, etc. - creation of non-scientific art values, etc.

Social sphere In a broad sense, this is a set of organizations and institutions responsible for the welfare of the population (shops, passenger transport, communication and consumer services, general. Nutrition, health care, communications. Leisure institutions. Includes all segments of the population. In a broad sense, this is a set of organizations and institutions responsible for the welfare of the population (shops, passenger transport, communication and consumer services, general. Nutrition, healthcare, communications. Leisure institutions. Includes all segments of the population. In a narrow sense, it means socially unprotected segments of the population (pensioners, unemployed, low-income, disabled people) and institutions serving them In a narrow sense, it means socially unprotected segments of the population (pensioners, unemployed, low-income, disabled people) and institutions serving them

Social ties and relationships Social ties are a set of facts that determine the joint activities of people in specific societies, at a specific time to achieve certain goals Social ties are a set of facts that determine the joint activities of people in specific societies, at a specific time to achieve certain goals Social ties are objective, independent of individual individuals Social ties are objective, independent of individual individuals Vassal-feudal dependence

Relationships of interaction Social interaction is a chain of social actions in which each subsequent action is conditioned by the previous one Social interaction is a chain of social actions in which each subsequent action is conditioned by the previous one It can occur between separate objects (political interaction between states) and within an object - between elements (struggle for national independence) 47

Social interaction includes: Individuals performing an action Individuals performing an action Influence on other individuals not included in the action Influence on other individuals not included in the action Change in social community caused by action Change in social community caused by action Feedback is important in interaction, it determines whether the given interaction will continue In the interaction, the feedback is important, it depends on whether the given interaction will continue

Social relations Interaction is a connection and leads to the formation of new social relations Interaction is a connection and leads to the formation of new social relations Social relations are stable and independent connections between individuals and social groups Social relations are stable and independent connections between individuals and social groups