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Determining age by teeth in dogs. Dog age: how to find out and why this information is important. How teeth wear down over time

How to determine the age of a puppy and an adult dog. In cases where the animal does not have any documentation about its origin, the age of the dog is determined by certain external signs. The most common method is to determine a dog's age by its teeth.

In the same way, you can determine the age of a puppy - by the pattern of change and appearance of baby teeth. This article details how to find out the age of a puppy and dog by its teeth.

So, to begin with, it should be clarified that in dogs the following are distinguished: age groups:

  • puppies (up to 8 weeks);
  • young dogs (up to 18 months);
  • adult dogs (over 18 months).

Dogs live 12-15, and sometimes up to 20 years.

Dogs have 42 teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines (lateral canines, or dog teeth), 2 false teeth in the lower jaw and 24 molars (6 each in the lower and upper jaws). However, recently, cases with more and, conversely, with fewer teeth have become increasingly common. The dental formula of a dog is expressed by the following numbers:

6 - 2 - 8 - 4 (upper jaw),

6 - 2 - 8 - 6 (lower jaw),

where the first digit is the number of incisors; the second - fangs; third - and premolars (molars in milk predecessors); fourth - molars (permanent molars) on the upper and lower jaws.

Dog's age by teeth

To determine the age of a dog or puppy, the following indicators are taken as a basis: the time of eruption of baby teeth, their wear, the appearance of permanent teeth and their wear.

Newborn puppies have no teeth. The speed of tooth wear depends on the dog’s diet and health.

The incisors play an important role in determining the age of a dog. The crown of each such tooth protrudes with three points (blades, teeth, fields). Both lateral incisors wear down and disappear over time.

Below is a diagram of the process of age-related change from primary to permanent incisors in a healthy dog ​​with normal dental development and correct bite.

Table 1. Dental condition and age of the dog

How to determine the age of a puppy by its teeth

Puppies are born without teeth, and their first milk teeth and canines appear on the 20-25th day, milk incisors. As mentioned above, on the 30-35th day, but the puppy’s molars grow in the period between the first and second month.

The replacement of permanent teeth in a puppy, like in a person, occurs gradually. The incisors are replaced first (the dates are indicated in the table above), then the false roots. In general, by 10-11 months, a healthy dog ​​will lose all its baby teeth. When a dog is 1 year old, its teeth are white and strong, its fangs are sharp, and its incisors have tubercles. From this period, the dog’s age begins to be determined by the erasure of the tubercles on the incisors, as well as the grinding of the fangs.

Deviations from the norm

However, there are deviations and anomalies. In some cases, permanent teeth erupt out of place, in others, milk teeth continue to remain, most often above the fangs, and sometimes even a double row of teeth is formed. The latter can only be eliminated by removing baby teeth.

Dwarf and old dogs of all breeds often develop calcareous (mineral) deposits in the form of tartar, tartar, etc. This phenomenon leads to inflammatory processes and contributes to loosening and chipping of teeth.

Numerous environmental factors influence a dog's development and growth. Air, sun and water have a big influence. Therefore, animals need constant active walks in the fresh air, as well as cleaning, washing, periodic bathing, etc.

The age of the dog based on other characteristics

In addition, several more signs will help you find out the dog’s age. So, for a dog 10-12 years old it is typical:

  • gray hair in the muzzle area (can appear as early as 6-7 years), spreads throughout the muzzle depending on the aging process;
  • eyes are deep-set, dull;
  • the pupils are cloudy and dilated (cataracts or clouding of the eye lens may appear);
  • the back is soft, the stomach is lowered;
  • there are calluses on the hocks and elbows;
  • the coat is dull and tousled;
  • the appearance of eczema-like diseases.

Thus, not only a veterinarian, but also any person can easily and quickly determine the age of a dog by its teeth and taking into account other age-related signs. It is quite important to know how to determine the age of a puppy, because before a year old, many indicators change quickly.

Matching the age of a dog and a person

Dog breeders, who for some reason do not know how old their animals are, often wonder how to determine the age of a dog. We may surprise you, but there are not many options for determining the age of a pet. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

Dog-human: age ratio

As we know, pets do not live long enough compared to human age. Animals have their own standards of calculation. So how can a breeder find out and calculate how old a dog is?

As a result of numerous studies, breeding specialists became aware of the age characteristics of pets, in particular dogs. Juveniles by 12 months of age are shown to develop into human adolescence. That is, if you do not know how to determine the age of a puppy, then by 1 year it will be approximately 16 human years.

It should be noted right away that in this case a lot depends on the breed of the dog itself, as well as its dimensions. It has been scientifically proven that larger individuals live several years less; accordingly, the age ratio will be different, see the table for details.

Table of correspondence between human and dog ages

As practice shows, at this time pets need love from humans more than ever. They require more attention and care than adults. In addition, at this time puppies are better able to be raised and trained. This is why experienced dog breeders recommend starting training “from the cradle”. The puppy must master some commands already at 2-3 months, otherwise within a year he will be firmly sitting on his owner’s head.

But this does not mean that every year a puppy lives is considered 16 human years. For example, if the dog is already two years old, then age should be calculated according to a different principle. In this case, in human years, the dog will be about 23-25 ​​years old. In practice, when a dog crosses this line, it will be extremely difficult to re-educate him.

One of the main features is that by the age of three, the process of growing up of individuals slows down significantly. Veterinarians, after the dog is two years old, consider one year lived by a person to be seven dog years. In general, it is impossible to know and count accurately, since all experts put forward different versions regarding this issue.

It is believed that representatives of small breeds are able to live longer lives, unlike large animals. In particular, if the conditions for their maintenance are identical.

Changes in dog teeth depending on age

Ways to determine a pet's age

We have roughly figured out how to determine the age of a puppy. Experienced specialists are reliably aware of all the features of this process. But in fact, usually none of the options can give an accurate result of how old the pet is. Therefore, all methods, as a rule, are used in combination, that is, in any case, a specialist will need to carefully examine the animal. And based on the results obtained, correspondences are established.

If you want to know more accurately how old your dog is, there are a few important things you need to know first. It is necessary to take into account what diseases the pet suffered from, what kind of care was provided to it, and what the general situation was like in the family where the dog lived. As practice shows, the most accurate results can be obtained by determining the age of an animal using its teeth. But in addition to this, methods for examining the coat and eyes are also used, and in some cases the muscles are examined.


As stated above, the method that gives the most accurate results is a dental examination (the author of the video is the Main Farming Portal FARMER).

Therefore, if you are wondering how to determine the age of a dog by its teeth, you should consider some features, in particular regarding teething:

  • before the age of 20 days, the puppy has no teeth at all;
  • at 25-35 days, first two fangs appear on top, then 2 fangs on the bottom;
  • at about a month and a half, the animal develops six more incisors;
  • at 50 days two molars should erupt;
  • at 60 days the third molar appears;
  • at 4.5 months, milk hooks should change to permanent ones;
  • at 5 months, another tooth appears in the lower jaw, as well as a fourth molar in total;
  • at 6 months, the pet’s milk teeth should be replaced by permanent ones, at the same time the fifth molar erupts;
  • at 7 months the sixth molar erupts;
  • at the age of up to 14 months, puppies already have, as a rule, three incisors above and below, there are no abrasions;
  • at 2-3 years old, pets already develop tartar, and the enamel begins to turn yellow;
  • at 5 years the incisors should wear off;
  • at 6 years old the entire jaw should completely turn yellow;
  • at the age of 7 the fangs become worn out;
  • At 10-12 years old, the crowns of the teeth wear off.

In total, four-legged friends should have 28 teeth, and when they change, then all 42. As you can guess, the younger the dog, the easier it is to find out exactly how old he is based on his features. In practice, experienced breeders, both in nurseries and veterinarians, can determine the age with an accuracy of one month. Of course, if the dog is no more than three years old.

Teeth can remain white for quite a long time, so you shouldn’t be guided by yellow plaque.

Learn more about how dogs cut and change teeth in the video below (video author: The Yorkmir).

But one of the key difficulties in this case is malocclusion. It can be either acquired or congenital. If this is the case, then you will have to follow other techniques.

By coat

Another option is by coat, which is optimal for pets with malocclusion. Wool is used for these purposes. Although it should be borne in mind that the characteristics of vegetation on an animal’s body primarily depend on how the animal eats and how it is cared for. This method can give the most accurate result with a comprehensive diagnosis.

As a rule, younger individuals have a soft and silky coat, which begins to fade over time. It may also cease to be homogeneous. Typically, the older the dog, the more likely it is that its fur will stick out in different directions.

Of course, gray hair that appears on a dog’s coat can indicate a lot. If we take into account the pigmentation characteristics of some organisms, sometimes animals can have grayish hair as early as three years old. If the dog grows up and is kept under normal conditions, then gray hair can appear at 6-7 years of age, usually first visible on the beard and around the lips.

By the eyes

Everyone knows that a person’s eyes can say a lot, and in the case of a dog they are no exception. If the dog is young, then clarity and sparkle will always be visible in his eyes. Looking into the eyes of a puppy, you will see that the dog will always be ready to communicate and play, this can simply be read in the pet’s gaze.

Over the years, the animal's gaze begins to dim. It may become duller and not as transparent as in juveniles. Sometimes older pets may experience tearing, but don't forget that older pets can also get sick.

Accordingly, as with the eyes, you can determine the approximate age of the animal’s temperament. For example, everyone knows that young individuals are more prone to an active lifestyle. Puppies always love to play and have fun with their humans. Older individuals can also be active, but the difference compared to puppies is significant.

Why do we need to know a dog's age?

In general, we have figured out how to determine the age of an animal. But why does a person need this information? At first glance, it may seem that such a question comes to a person’s mind only out of interest.

But there are several reasons when it is very important to know about it:

  • if you purchased or found an animal and its age is unknown to you;
  • if documents for a pet, in particular a passport, were lost, then this data may be required to restore them;
  • to know exactly what schedule to take vaccines and preventive vaccinations;
  • if you decide to castrate your dog or undergo a sterilization procedure, it is also important to know how old the animal is;
  • often this information is required so that the owner can know how to properly care for the pet;
  • if the dog is too old, he cannot be exposed to the same active physical activity as young individuals - they will need to be significantly reduced;
  • Sometimes experts recommend reviewing a dog's feeding diet when it turns eight years old.

You need to know everything about your pet. After all, your friend’s health depends on you. But what if you adopted a dog from the street or just adopted it from a shelter? Since most people can only get dogs with documents, this important information may forever remain shrouded in secrecy. Contrary to popular belief, there are many ways to help you find out how old your pet is. In this article we will tell you about how dogs can be raised without any documents.

Common methods for determining the age of dogs

In cases where an animal comes to a shelter and there is no information about its origin, specialists determine the dog’s age by looking at its teeth. In order to get an idea of ​​how much your little shaggy friend tramples the ground, it is enough to know only certain patterns of the appearance and replacement of baby teeth.

Dog age table

Most dogs live twelve to fifteen years, but there are also individuals aged twenty years. The real record holder was Puske - she lived for twenty-six years and eight months. According to the Russian calculation system (one dog year is equal to seven human years), her age was estimated at 182 years. But Japanese specialists work according to a slightly different scheme - officially the dog is “drawn” to be one hundred and twenty-five years old. Interesting fact: until her last days, Puske felt just fine; the dog’s only health problems occurred when she was hit by a car several years before her death.

Experts distinguish several age groups in dogs:

  • puppies (less than eight weeks old);
  • young dogs (younger than eighteen months);
  • adult dogs (over one and a half years old).

Features of the dentition of dogs

To know how to determine a dog's age based on its teeth, you need to have a basic understanding of the location of teeth. Dogs have forty-two teeth: twelve incisors, four canines, a pair on the lower jaw and twenty-four molars on both jaws. However, these days, anomalies are becoming more and more common, when the number of teeth can vary upward or, conversely, downward. dogs is expressed in the following numbers:

Note: the first number indicates the number of incisors, the second - canines, the third - molars, the so-called premolars (milk predecessors), and the fourth number - the number of molars - permanent teeth.

Basic principles

The principle of determining the age of a puppy or dog is based on the basic patterns of the eruption of baby teeth, their erasure, and then the appearance of permanent teeth and their erasure. Newborn puppies, of course, do not have any teeth. In older individuals, teeth wear down differently, it all depends on the diet and health of the animal. In determining the age of a dog, the incisors play the most noticeable role - each such tooth (more precisely, its crown) acts as three points (fields, teeth, points). It is important to remember that in most cases, both lateral incisors wear down over time to the point that they simply disappear.

Determining the age of a puppy by its teeth

As mentioned earlier, puppies are born toothless. Their first milk teeth and fangs appear on the twentieth or even twenty-fifth day of life. erupt in a small animal between the first and second months of life.

A young dog, like a person, acquires permanent teeth gradually. First, the incisors are replaced, and then the so-called false-rooted teeth. When a dog is eleven months old, it is guaranteed that he will not have a single baby tooth left. When the dog turns one year old, she sparkles with a Hollywood smile for all of forty-two. It is this period that we will consider as a turning point - from this moment on, it is possible only by the intensity of the abrasion of the tubercles on the incisors, as well as by the grinding of the fangs.

Is it possible to determine the age of a dog using other principles?

Of course yes! But the trouble with all these methods is that they are all too approximate.

So, for a dog of twelve years old it is typical:

  • Gray hair on the face. The older the dog, the more gray hair there is. Moreover, this gray hair can appear as early as six or seven years old. From six to twelve - wow the range of indicators, isn’t it?
  • Deep-set, dull eyes.
  • Cloudy pupils. Vision problems may occur.
  • Soft back, lowered belly.
  • Calluses on elbows and hocks.
  • Dull, disheveled fur.

Now you know how to determine the age of a dog. As you can see, there are no difficulties in this process; even a person without special training can easily cope with this. The only thing you should always take into account is the fact that many indicators can vary greatly up to a year.

In cases where the animal does not have any documentation about its origin, the age of the dog is determined by certain external signs. The most common method is to determine a dog's age by its teeth. In the same way, you can determine the age of a puppy - by the pattern of change and appearance of baby teeth. In this article we will tell you how to determine the age of a puppy and dog by its teeth.

So, first of all, it should be clarified that dogs have the following age groups:

  • puppies (up to 8 weeks);
  • young dogs (up to 18 months);
  • adult dogs (over 18 months).

12-15, and sometimes up to 20 years.

Dogs have 42 teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines (lateral canines, or dog teeth), 2 false teeth in the lower jaw and 24 molars (6 each in the lower and upper jaws). However, recently, cases with more and, conversely, with fewer teeth have become increasingly common. The dental formula of a dog is expressed by the following numbers:

6 - 2 - 8 - 4 (upper jaw)

6 - 2 - 8 - 6 (lower jaw)

Where the first number is the number of incisors; the second - fangs; third - and premolars (molars in milk predecessors); fourth - molars (permanent molars) on the upper and lower jaws.

Dog's age by teeth

To determine the age of a dog or puppy, the following indicators are taken as a basis: the time of eruption of baby teeth, their wear, the appearance of permanent teeth and their wear.

Newborn puppies have no teeth. The speed of tooth wear depends on the dog’s diet and health.

The incisors play an important role in determining the age of a dog. The crown of each such tooth protrudes with three points (blades, teeth, fields). Both lateral incisors wear down and disappear over time.

Below is a diagram of the process of age-related change from primary to permanent incisors in a healthy dog ​​with normal dental development and correct bite.

Table 1. Dental condition and age of the dog
Dog teeth (condition)

Dog age

1 Appearance of incisors: hooks
2 Appearance of fangs
3 The tubercles on the mandibular hooks are completely erased, the teeth are white
4 The tubercles on the maxillary hooks are worn away, the teeth are white, but are becoming dull
5 The teeth began to turn yellow, all the tubercles were erased, the fangs were dull
6 The incisors are concave, the edges on the upper jaw are without pips, the fangs are blunted, there is gray hair on the muzzle, there may be plaque on the teeth and stones
7 The crowns are worn out, the teeth are yellow, the fangs are blunt and short, the hooks are oval
8 The dog’s teeth are loose, may be incorrectly positioned, and the bite is disturbed.

How to determine the age of a puppy by its teeth?

Puppies are born without teeth, and their first milk teeth and canines appear on the 20-25th day, milk incisors. As mentioned above, on the 30-35th day, but the puppy’s molars grow in the period between the first and second month.

The replacement of permanent teeth in a puppy, like in a person, occurs gradually. The incisors are replaced first (the dates are indicated in the table above), then the false roots. In general, by 10-11 months, a healthy dog ​​will lose all its baby teeth. When a dog is 1 year old, its teeth are white and strong, its fangs are sharp, and its incisors have tubercles. From this period, the dog’s age begins to be determined by the erasure of the tubercles on the incisors, as well as the grinding of the fangs.

Deviations from the norm

However, there are deviations and anomalies. In some cases, permanent teeth erupt out of place, in others, milk teeth continue to remain, most often above the fangs, and sometimes even a double row of teeth is formed. The latter can only be eliminated by removing baby teeth.

In dwarf and old dogs of all breeds, calcareous (mineral) deposits often appear in the form of dental stones, tartar, etc. This phenomenon leads to inflammatory processes and contributes to loosening and chipping of teeth.

Numerous environmental factors influence a dog's development and growth. Air, sun and water have a big influence. Therefore, animals need constant active walks in the fresh air, as well as cleaning, washing, periodic bathing, etc.

The age of the dog based on other characteristics

In addition, several more signs will help you find out the dog’s age. So, for a dog 10-12 years old it is typical:

  • gray hair in the muzzle area (can appear as early as 6-7 years), spreads throughout the muzzle depending on the aging process;
  • eyes are deep-set, dull;
  • the pupils are cloudy and dilated (cataracts or clouding of the eye lens may appear);
  • the back is soft, the stomach is lowered;
  • there are calluses on the hocks and elbows;
  • the coat is dull and tousled;
  • the appearance of eczema-like diseases.

Thus, not only a veterinarian, but also any person can easily and quickly determine the age of a dog by its teeth and taking into account other age-related signs. It is quite important to know how to determine the age of a puppy, because before a year old, many indicators change quickly.

You have got a four-legged friend, whose age you for some reason do not know, although, of course, you need to know, at least approximately. Don’t be discouraged - there are many ways that give a fairly accurate answer to the question of how to determine the age of a dog? Let's look at a few. Which are used more often than others.

How to find out a dog's age

Firstly, the muscle tone of the animal will tell you about this. A young, active dog can “boast” of well-developed muscles. An older dog prefers a mostly quiet lifestyle, which indicates either weight loss due to muscle atrophy or obesity due to body fat. Next, we pay attention to the coat: in a young dog it is, as a rule, silky and soft, but with age the coat coarsens, becomes tougher, and sometimes oily. Graying is observed, primarily around the muzzle. The dog’s age and eyes “give away” it. Devoid of secretions and tears, shiny, clear eyes clearly indicate the dog’s youth. An old dog's eyes are opaque and dull.


When examining your teeth, the first thing you notice is the change of baby teeth, as well as the wear of the canines and incisors.

  • 18-25 days – the primary incisors begin to erupt; at one month the dog growls with all his front milk teeth.
  • 4-5 months – on both jaws, the primary incisors are replaced by permanent ones.
  • 5-6 months – fangs change.
  • 7 months – growth of all permanent teeth is complete.
  • 1 year – the teeth reach a normal level, the cutting surface of the incisors takes on the shape of a trefoil.
  • 2 years – the hooks of the lower jaw are erased, the middle ones begin to wear off.
  • 3 years – complete erasure of the middle incisors of the lower jaw, the beginning of erasure of the hooks of the upper jaw.
  • 4 years – complete erasure of the hooks and the beginning of erasure of the incisors of the upper jaw.
  • 5 years – the edges on the lower jaw are erased, the canines begin to wear off.
  • 6 years – the edges of the upper jaw are erased, the fangs are blunted.
  • 7 years – on the lower jaw the hooks acquire an oval-reverse shape.
  • 8 years – the middle incisors acquire the same shape.
  • 9 years – the same shape is characteristic of the upper jaw hooks.
  • 10-12 years – the beginning of tooth loss. The hooks of the lower jaw fall out first, then the upper ones.


The threshold for old age depends significantly on the breed of the pet. The basic rule is that a large dog ages earlier and at a faster rate. Thus, a five-year-old Great Dane is considered already elderly, while some poodle remains energetic and cheerful even at the age of 10 years. However, a dog’s advanced age should not be directly linked to inevitable illnesses and rapid decline. Quite often, an older dog leads a full, measured life, remaining active and healthy. The best way to prolong the life of a smaller brother, as well as improve its quality, is to pay due attention to the dog’s nutrition. An older dog (like a human) requires a special diet consisting of easily digestible and high-quality foods.

"Human" age of a dog

People often try to determine the age of a dog by human standards, but this is not always done correctly. Below is the corresponding table.

Relationship between dog and human age.