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What are picamilon tablets for? Picamilon - instructions for use Picamilon similar


Abstract to the drug Picamilon - instructions for use indicate that this medicine belongs to the group of nootropic drugs and is intended to normalize sleep, eliminate feelings of inexplicable fear and anxiety, treat migraines and headaches. To whom this drug is indicated and how to use it, you can find out if you read the instructions in more detail.

Medicine Picamilon

The drug is the first domestic nootropic. According to doctors, Picamilon has psychostimulating properties and helps improve microcirculation and the functional state of the brain. The medicine has a tranquilizing effect (reduces the level of unreasonable anxiety), produces an antioxidant effect (inhibits oxidative reactions).

The main active ingredient of Picamilon prevents the increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the tissues and blood vessels of the brain, which helps improve memory. Picamilon reduces migraine-like headaches, stimulates mental performance, and helps normalize tissue metabolism. The drug promotes rapid recovery of athletes' performance after heavy physical and mental stress.

Composition and release form

Picamilon is available in tablet form or in the form of ampoules containing an injection solution. Tablets are placed in a glass or plastic jar of 30, 50, 100 pieces. Ampoules are packaged in cardboard packages of 5 or 10 pcs. Information on the content of the active substance in 1 table. or in 1 ml of drug solution:

Pharmacological properties

The tranquilizer and psychostimulant effect of Picamilon is due to its ability to stimulate microcirculation of cerebral vessels. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, so when its concentration in the brain increases, a calming effect is achieved. To transport GABA across the blood-brain barrier, the niacin analogue pathway is used, for which nicotinic acid is included in the structure of the molecule.

A pronounced vasodilator property is achieved by increasing cerebral blood flow by decreasing vascular tone, reducing their resistance, suppressing platelet aggregation and increasing the volumetric velocity of blood flow. Thanks to this process, Picamilon has the ability to improve blood circulation and trigger the processes of utilization of energy substrates.

Indications for use

According to the instructions included with the drug Picamilon, this drug is indicated for:

  • cerebral circulatory disorders and vascular diseases;
  • urination disorders (to adapt the urological functions of the bladder);
  • ischemic stroke;
  • anxiety, depression in older people;
  • treatment of asthenia;
  • encephalopathy accompanied by neurotic disorders;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • neuroinfections with signs of damage to parts of the nervous system;
  • insufficient cerebral circulation (including chronic failure);
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • decreased performance of the body due to increased stress;
  • disturbances in the circulation of intraocular fluid.

Directions for use and dosage

Picamilon - instructions for use contain instructions regarding the dosage of the drug depending on the method of administration (orally or parenterally), which should be recommended by the doctor. The serious condition of the patient with chronic diseases or acute circulatory disorders requires the use of a combination of both methods of drug administration.


The tablet form of the drug involves oral administration, which does not depend on food intake. The treatment regimen with Picamilon tablets for adult patients is given in the instructions:

Goal of treatment

Daily dosage, g

Course duration


Cerebrovascular diseases

From 1 to 2 months.

After six months, repeat the course of treatment

Depressive conditions in older people

From 1.5 to 3 months.

2-3 times a day

Abstinence period for alcoholism

For persistent disorders, the duration of use is increased to 5 weeks, the dose is reduced to 0.06 g

Restoring performance after severe emotional or physical stress

From 1 to 1.5 months.

3 times a day

Open angle glaucoma

3 times a day

In ampoules

The injection solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Picamilon injections are prescribed by a doctor based on the clinical picture of the disease and the patient’s condition. Injections can be used either along with oral administration or as a separate therapy. If the solution is administered intravenously (drip), the contents of the ampoule are diluted with saline solution.

For children

In modern pediatric practice, Picamilon is actively used for children to improve brain microcirculation. For prophylaxis, giving medicine to children is not recommended to avoid possible complications. Prescribing the drug to children is advisable in the following cases:

  • to reduce the severity of urination disorders;
  • in order to normalize psychomotor development in a child with pathological abnormalities (speech delay or impairment);
  • in order to maintain the level of mental performance (during periods of increased workload in an educational institution);
  • To eliminate the consequences of increased excitability, in order to enhance the effect of taking it, it is recommended to use it in combination with magnesium and vitamin B.

The dosage for the treatment of all listed diseases, except for urinary disorders, is 2 tablets of 20 mg per day for children from 3 to 10 years, and 3 tablets of 20 mg per day for children over 10 years of age. Duration of use is from 1 to 1.5 months. To eliminate the symptoms of urinary incontinence, children from 3 to 10 years old should be given 1 tablet containing 20 mg of the active substance three times a day, and children over 10 years old 100 mg per day (2 tablets of 50 mg each).

Special instructions for Picamilon

Picamilon should not be consumed after the expiration date indicated on the package or if the integrity of the can is found to be damaged. If any side effects described in the instructions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Taking a medication in a dosage greater than the recommended one may enhance the effects of the described side effects, which requires taking measures to eliminate the consequences of an overdose.

Drug interactions

In the description of the drug Picamilon - the instructions for use say that this neurometabolic stimulant inhibits the metabolism of barbiturates (sedative drugs based on barbituric acid) and enhances the effect of synthetic and natural narcotic analgesics. Patients taking Phenobarbital or Barbamil should keep in mind that the duration of action of these drugs will be significantly reduced if Picamilon is taken simultaneously.


According to the instructions, Picamilon does not belong to the category of substances incompatible with ethanol, but it is not recommended to combine treatment with the drug with alcohol intake. This is due to the fact that a neurometabolic stimulant is prescribed by a doctor in order to eliminate symptoms caused by the effect of alcohol on the brain, and by continuing to drink alcohol, the effect of taking it is negated.

Side effects

According to patient reviews, Picamilon is absorbed well, and side effects quickly disappear after the body adapts. The instructions for use of the drug contain a list of possible side effects that may occur while taking the medication, which include:

  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract, which are expressed in nausea, heartburn, vomiting;
  • from the nervous system - increased irritability, dizziness, headaches, anxiety;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, erythema, itching.


Picamilon is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation, for children under three years of age and for patients who:

  • diagnosed with progressive acute or chronic kidney disease;
  • hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug was noted;
  • there is a tendency to allergic reactions to medications.

Terms of sale and storage

Picamilon has a psychostimulant effect and therefore belongs to list B drugs, which must be stored in pharmacies separately from other drugs and dispensed only with a prescription. Storage conditions must ensure the pharmacological activity of the drug for 3 years from the date of production. According to the instructions for use, these conditions include:

  • storage temperature no higher than 25 degrees;
  • protection from moisture and light;
  • avoiding sudden changes in temperature;
  • inaccessibility for children.


In order to choose an analogue of Picamilon, you should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to replace one drug with another on your own due to the fact that different drugs, even those belonging to the same pharmacological group, have a specific effect on the body. The most famous analogues of Picamilon are:

  • Kaviton;
  • Actavigin;
  • Mexidol;
  • picanoyl;
  • Piracetam;
  • Acefen;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Aminalon;
  • Noopept;
  • Pantocalcin;
  • Phenibut.


Nootropic drugs are sold in pharmacies based on a prescription written by a doctor. You can see the prices for Picamilon in the table:

Release form

Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.

Tablet, 50 mg, 30 pcs.

Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.

Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.


Tablet, 50 mg, 30 pcs.


Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.


Ampoules, 20 ml, 10 pcs.


Ampoules, 20 ml, 10 pcs.

Help Window

Tablet, 50 mg, 30 pcs.


Tablet, 50 mg, 30 pcs.

Ampoules, 20 ml, 10 pcs.


Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.


Tablet, 20 mg, 30 pcs.

Help Window

Tablet, 50 mg, 30 pcs.



Picamilon belongs to the group of nootropics with vasoactive, mild psychostimulating, weak antiplatelet and antioxidant effects.

Nonproprietary name: nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid. The use of the drug helps improve the condition of the brain by regulating metabolic processes and microcirculation.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Picamilon, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Picamilon can be read in the comments.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of white flat tablets contained in jars made of dark glass or white plastic. The product is also produced in the form of a colorless and transparent solution for injection in ampoules of 200 ml.

The active substance is N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid sodium salt, its content in various dosage forms of the drug:

  • 1 ml of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration – 50 or 100 mg;
  • 1 tablet – 20 or 50 mg.

Clinical and pharmacological group: nootropic drug.

What does Picamilon help with?

According to the instructions, Picamilon tablets are prescribed to patients for the following conditions:

  1. Depression and asthenia;
  2. Recent traumatic brain injury;
  3. Ischemic stroke;
  4. Unreasonable feelings of fear and anxiety;
  5. Increased irritability, emotional lability;
  6. Impaired blood supply to brain tissue;
  7. Alcohol intoxication.

It is also used as a stimulant for increased neuropsychic stress and urinary dysfunction.

pharmachologic effect

A drug that improves the processes of nervous activity associated with the processes of perception, memorization and reproduction of information. In addition, Picamilon has a vasodilating and healing effect, and also reduces headaches and helps thin the blood and increase the resistance of nervous tissue to oxygen deficiency. Also, while taking the drug, the condition of patients suffering from speech disorders and coordination of movements improves.

Picamilon is completely absorbed within several tens of minutes, regardless of the route of administration. Able to easily penetrate all protective barriers of the body. Picamilon is excreted through the kidneys within an hour and a half after taking the last dose.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Picamilon tablets are taken orally, regardless of meals. Recommended doses and duration of treatment:

  • For cerebrovascular pathologies, the dose of Picamilon is 20-50 mg 2-3 times a day. The daily dose is 60-150 mg. The duration of Picamilon therapy is 1-2 months. It is recommended to repeat the course of therapy after six months.
  • At increased loads, as well as to restore performance, the drug Picamilon is used in a daily dose of 60-80 mg. The duration of use of the drug is 1-1.5 months.
  • Use for alcoholism. During the abstinence period, Picamilon is used in a short course (6-7 days) in doses of 100-150 mg/day. Outside of abstinence, for more persistent disorders, Picamilon is used in a daily dose of 40-60 mg for 4-5 weeks.
  • Chronic cerebrovascular accidents: 100-200 mg 1 or 2 times a day. Based on the patient’s condition, the doctor uses one of the following regimens: first administers the drug intravenously for 10 days, after which – intramuscularly; or throughout the course in the morning - intravenous drip, in the evening - intramuscular. Duration of treatment – ​​from 15 to 30 days;
  • Complex therapy of alcohol poisoning (relief of acute uncomplicated intoxication): the saturated dose is 5 mg/kg, the maintenance dose is 1.56 mg/kg per hour in a volume of 2.5 liters of infusion solution, morning and evening. The duration of one infusion is 4 hours;
  • Asthenic conditions: intramuscularly 20-40 mg per day for 1 month.

The exact dosage for the above or other diseases is determined only by a doctor. The amount of the prescribed drug is determined by the severity of the condition, the need to prescribe a loading dose, the general condition of the body, etc.


The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Lactation (breastfeeding period);
  3. CRF (chronic renal failure);
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Most often, the product is absorbed by the human body without problems. But sometimes undesirable symptoms may develop:
allergic reaction (basically the appearance of a rash without itching);

  • attacks of headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • attacks of nausea.

In case of an overdose of the drug, pronounced side effects are usually observed: redness and itching of the skin, nausea and vomiting, and severe headache. Symptomatic therapy is recommended. In addition, Picamilon enhances the effects of opiates on the body, shortens the period of exposure to barbiturates and reduces the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system.


The most common analogues are: Aminalon, Bitopil, Bifren, Lucetam, Neurovin, Neuro-Norm, Nootropil, Noofen, Piracetam, Soakson, Phenibut, Phenotropil, Cerebrolysin.

Picamilon is a nootropic drug whose main effect is to dilate blood vessels in the brain. The positive effect of its use is determined by the main component present in its composition - nicotinoyl-amino-butyric acid. This substance tends to exhibit a variety of activities: stimulate mental processes, improve blood supply to internal organs, calm, relax, relieve excessive emotional and physical stress.

A course of taking this medication helps reduce headaches, improve memory and sleep. With proper and systemic use of Picamilon, feelings of anxiety, fear or tension are significantly reduced, and in people with speech pathologies, the general condition improves. Due to the high effectiveness of small dosages and low toxicity, the drug is approved for use in pediatric practice, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Picamilon is not addictive.

Contraindications for use and adverse reactions

Doctors advise not to take this drug if you have kidney disease or are sensitive to nicotinoyl-aminobutyric acid, as various adverse reactions may occur: severe headaches, irritability, allergic reactions, dizziness and other unpleasant phenomena.

What are Picamilon tablets prescribed for?

This medication is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases and pathologies, including such phenomena as:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • depressive disorders;
  • asthenic conditions accompanied by fear, anxiety and emotional instability;
  • open-angle glaucoma;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency in old age;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections;
  • recovery period after strokes;
  • some diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  • vegetative-vascular vegetonia is a set of disorders based on disturbances in the regulation of the tone of the autonomic nervous system;
  • ischemic cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve.

This medicine is also used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of neuroinfections, the prevention and relief of migraines, and for the patient’s condition due to alcohol intoxication. It is often prescribed in urology to normalize the adaptive activity of the bladder in patients with urination disorders. Picamilon increases a person’s resistance to mental and physical stress, helping to cope with extreme situations and quickly restore physical performance.

How to take Picamilon tablets?

The tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with water. The timing of meals does not significantly affect the effectiveness of the drug. The duration of therapy and dosage are calculated by the doctor individually depending on the type of disease, the patient’s condition, etc.

  1. To prevent migraine attacks, take 50 mg of Picamilon at the first warning signs of pain. 100 mg of the drug taken at one time will help stop an attack.
  2. When treating pathologies associated with impaired blood supply to the brain, it is recommended to take the drug 20–50 mg 3 times a day for 1–2 months. This course of therapy should be repeated every six months.
  3. To treat asthenia, doctors advise drinking 40–80 mg of the drug 1–2 times a day for 1–2 months. If there is no positive effect, the daily dosage can be increased to 300 mg.
  4. When treating urinary disorders, take Picamilon 20 mg 2 times a day.
  5. In order to cope with depression, you need to drink 40–200 mg of the medicine several times a day for 1–3 months.
  6. When treating open-angle glaucoma, Picamilon should be taken 50 mg 3 times a day for 1 month.
  7. If you want to restore your performance, take 60–200 mg of the drug several times a day for 1–3 months.
  8. To improve ocular blood circulation, the medication should be taken at a dose of 20–50 mg up to 3 times a day for 1 month.

Remember that it is impossible to choose an effective and efficient dosage of the medication on your own! For this you will need qualified medical assistance.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Picamilon is best stored in a cool, dark place. If the recommended storage conditions are observed, the shelf life of the medicine is 36 months.

Per tablet: 10 mg + excipients ( talc, calcium stearate, starch ).

One ml of solution contains 100 mg N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid sodium salt + excipients.

Release form

White flat tablets in dark glass or white plastic jars. Packs of 30, 50 or 100 pieces.

Solution for injection in ampoules, colorless and transparent. Ampoules of 200 ml (active ingredient – ​​20 ml).

pharmachologic effect

INN: nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Nootropic. The drug normalizes blood circulation in the brain.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug significantly improves blood supply to the brain and also reduces resistance vessels brain , increases the speed of blood flow. Acts like tranquilizer And psychostimulant .

When taking pills or administering medication intravenously , or intramuscularly , is exposed quickly and completely absorption . Stays in the tissues of the body for a long time and is quickly excreted through kidneys . Bioavailability ranges from 50 to 80%.

Indications for use of Picamilon

What are the pills for?

  • prescribed for and;
  • asthenia , depressive disorders in older people, the condition anxiety , emotional instability;
  • may be an indication for the use of the drug vegetative-vascular dystonia ;
  • Picamilon tablets are prescribed for treatment;
  • during mental and physical stress (for example, among athletes);
  • injections of the drug help with disorders cerebral circulation of varying severity;
  • the medicine can be prescribed to children and adults in complex therapy for treatment urological diseases ;
  • at .


Picamilon should not be taken by children under 3 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Caution should be used in patients with various kidney diseases and those who are particularly sensitive to some components of the drug.

Side effects

Usually the drug is absorbed without side effects, but in rare cases there may be (skin rashes), irritability, overexcitation of the central nervous system And nausea .

Instructions for use of Picamilon (Method and dosage)

Depending on the course and type of disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of the drug in tablets or injections. In both cases, the medication is taken regardless of food intake.

Instructions for Picamilon tablets

For diseases of the cerebral vessels: the daily dose ranges from 60 to 150 mg, distributed into 2-3 doses per day, the course is 30-60 days.

The drug shortens the exposure time barbiturates and reduces the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

In a dark, child-proof, cool place. Temperature: no higher than 25 degrees.

One of the popular nootropics that improves cerebral circulation is Picamilon .

After taking the pharmacological drug, memory improves and cognitive functions increase.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended that before using the medicine you read the information about what Picamilon tablets treat and what they are taken for.


The drug was registered in the Russian Federation, information was entered into the system of medicines on June 12, 2004.

Basic data:

  • INN - Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • trade name – Picamilon;
  • chemical name – sodium salt of N-nicotinoyl-g-aminobutyric acid;
  • registration number – Р N000807/01;
  • active substance - nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • ATX – N06BX;
  • group – correctors of cerebrovascular accidents, nootropics;
  • forms of the drug - tablets, solution for injection.


The developers took as the basis for the composition nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid.

In order for the chemical compound to be better absorbed by the body, it was supplemented with:

  • starch (potato and corn);
  • magnesium hydroxycarbonate;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sucrose;
  • talcum powder

The tableted drug is produced in the following dosages:

  • 10 mg;
  • 20 mg;
  • 50 mg.


Picamilon is used in medicine as a psychostimulant, nootropic agent.

Thanks to the properties of the active substance, the following effects are achieved:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiaggregation;
  • antimigraine;
  • nootropic.

When it enters the systemic bloodstream, cerebral circulation significantly improves, memory improves, and a clearer concentration of attention appears. The active component has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and activates mental activity.

The medicine is also used as a.

The course of treatment helps to stabilize the psycho-emotional background and eliminate irritability.

Price and release forms

The cost of a nootropic drug depends on the dosage and form of release, on average it is 90-100 rubles.

You can buy psychotropic medicine in Moscow in a network of pharmacies if you have a prescription sheet.

It is also possible to order the drug in the online store. This option has many advantages: home delivery, reasonable price, often the recipe is not checked.

Indications for use

Complex treatment using Picamilon is aimed at suppression of neurotic, asthenic and post-psychic states characteristic of the following diseases:

  • alcoholism, chronic alcoholism, acute alcohol poisoning;
  • migraine;
  • neuronal infections.

The combined use of Picamilon with other pharmacological agents provides stimulation of physical and mental abilities that are necessary when performing hard work, severe stress and emotional stress.

The scope of the medicine is quite extensive. Eg, athletes with the help of the drug they recover after competitions. It is also appropriate to take Picamilon in extreme situations to increase concentration.

As a mono-drug, the drug is prescribed in therapy for depression, asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and various types.

Picamilon is a popular remedy for the treatment of strokes and circulatory disorders in the brain.

The nootropic helps get rid of the following obsessive states:

  • unreasonable;
  • increased irritability;

In addition to the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, Picamilon is used for open-angle glaucoma, as well as in urology (urinary incontinence in adult patients and children).

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions to clarify the information about what the tablets/solution are intended for and how to use them correctly.

Tablets are used orally, the injection solution is used for injections (i.m., i.v.). The dosage is determined solely by the attending physician, as is the duration of therapy.

Depending on the expected results, a treatment regimen is developed and additional medications are selected.

Options for medication regimens:

  • for depression - 2-3 times a day, 20-50 mg, duration - from 1.5 to 3 months;
  • for vascular diseases – 3 times a day, 20-40 mg, duration – 1-2 months;
  • to stabilize the psycho-emotional background, with asthenia - 40-80 mg once a day (maximum dose is 200-300 mg), duration - 1-1.5 months;
  • to eliminate withdrawal symptoms, for alcoholism - 1-2 times a day, 100-150 mg, duration - from 1 week to 1 month.

Picamilon for children

In pediatrics, the medicine is used for a symptom complex of urological pathology (problems with urination), formed due to hypoxia and impaired blood circulation in the brain.

Picamilon is most effective in the treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The active component regulates the urodynamics of the urinary tract, restores the functionality of the pelvic organs responsible for urine output.

The drug is included in complex therapy for elimination of violations psychomotor and speech development. Most often, the nootropic is prescribed from the age of 3; the experience of use for infants is quite limited.

The final decision on the use of the drug remains with the attending physician, who will be able to adequately assess the balance of risks and opportunities.

Method of taking tablets for children:

  • from 3 to 10 years – 2 times a day, 0.02 g;
  • from 10 years of age, a dosage of 0.02 g is recommended three times;
  • from 11 to 15 years – 2 times a day, 0.05 g;
  • from 15 years of age, a dosage of 0.05 g is recommended with three doses.

The time of taking the medicine is not tied to meals. The average duration of therapy is 1 month.

You should not be afraid of the drug for treating children; the components are easily absorbed by the body, instantly dissolve in the digestive system, and are released unchanged.

Before using Picamilon, the doctor examines the child, gets acquainted with the picture of the disease, and prescribes tests to exclude risk factors:

  • kidney pathology in the acute course of the disease;
  • allergy to drug substances.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Nootropics mostly not used for the treatment of women in delicate situations (pregnancy, lactation). Picamilon is no exception.

Side effects

During the study of Picamilon, a number of side effects.

Among the main ones:

  • sense of anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

In rare cases, patients experience itching and skin rashes. This reaction is caused by allergen pathogens, which could be in one of the constituent substances.

Restrictions on use

The low toxicity of the components of the composition minimized the list of contraindications.

You should stop using the medicine if you have allergies on the constituent substances of the drug, and if there is kidney pathologies.

Picamilon and alcohol: compatibility

Nootropics are incompatible with alcohol, despite the fact that Picamilon is used to relieve symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Even a tiny dose of an ethanol-containing drink reduces the therapeutic effect of the drug.

But the greater danger is the unpredictable result of combining a psychotropic drug with alcohol, which can manifest itself in the form of irreversible damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Possible consequences of simultaneous use of Picamilon and alcohol:

  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • toxic type hepatitis;
  • alcoholic psychosis;
  • inadequate perception of reality, altered behavior;
  • liver failure in acute manifestations;
  • memory losses;
  • mass death of nerve cells, etc.