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Why do my joints crunch? Is cracking your joints a bad habit or a harmless way to relax? What should I do? My fingers didn’t crunch.

Surely each of us likes to stretch from time to time and periodically crack our fingers and even toes. However, modern medicine has a negative attitude towards this seemingly harmless habit. It should be noted that if some time ago this was considered an extremely indecent activity, then recently doctors have quite reasonably substantiated the danger of committing these actions from a medical point of view. If you don’t know how to stop cracking your fingers, in this article we will tell you what is actually hidden behind this seemingly “harmless” habit and how to get rid of it once and for all.

Is cracking your fingers harmful?

So, let's start with what avid fans of cracking their fingers argue for this activity. According to a myth widespread among them, this fleeting weakness effectively helps them get rid of stiffness, for example, in a company of people hitherto unfamiliar to them. In addition, they often claim that they strengthen their own joints in this way. – Only outspoken amateurs in human anatomy and physiology say this.

According to recent studies carried out by German rheumatologists, crunching in the joints of the fingers does not at all mean a sign of stabilization of their position. Everything is exactly the opposite. Crunching fingers- this is a direct acoustic consequence of the bursting of gas bubbles that are located in the joint cavity and come out at the moment of internal pressure reduction. In addition, doctors say that if you periodically crack your fingers over a fairly long period of time, you can destabilize the joints, which may well lead to dislocations, pinched nerve endings, and even the occurrence of degenerative processes in their tissues. It is strongly not recommended for people who are predisposed to arthritis. It is possible that after 15-20 years, every movement your fingers make may be accompanied by painful and uncomfortable sensations.

1. You can do all this in stages. To start, instead of cracking your knuckles, replace them with hand massage or keep them busy with something like twirling a Rubik's cube or marbles. You can also take up swimming, as practice shows, it’s enough to take one or two months of classes and you can forget about the crunch forever.

2. Eat more calcium: cottage cheese, milk, kefir and of course fish.

3. Remember, while you are still young, nothing will happen, but after 10-15 years, the joints usually begin to swell and, as a rule, the fingers become ugly. In addition, the person begins to suffer severe pain. Remember this, and you may automatically forget about this habit.

There are a considerable number of people who have the strange habit of constantly cracking their fingers. Some people get a kind of pleasure, a distraction from problems and relaxation, while others, on the contrary, crack their joints in moments of nervous overexcitation, which is not always pleasant. As for others, the sounds of crunching, as a rule, cause in them a clearly negative attitude and even irritation.

Frequent crunching is, at first glance, a trivial and insignificant phenomenon. However, for adherents of this habit, the question of what will happen if you crack your fingers constantly becomes quite relevant.

Most people are sure that we owe the appearance of a characteristic sound to our numerous bones that make up the hand. However, it is not. The appearance of a crunch has nothing to do with the bones of the hands. This fact cannot but please those who like to “crunch,” because if the bones came into contact with each other, the consequences of such a habit would be more dire.

In fact, the source of the special sound, according to experts, is synovial fluid - a viscous substance that occupies the space between joints. It is similar in consistency to raw egg white and is designed to facilitate movement, that is, it plays the role of a unique lubricant in our body.

Experts have conducted many different studies to identify the cause of the crunch. For a long time, scientists could not give an accurate description of its nature. However, not so long ago, English researchers carried out an experiment with the participation of two dozen volunteers, during which the source of the clicks that appeared was determined using X-rays.

As it turned out, the characteristic crunch occurs due to the fact that when the bones move, the pressure in the interarticular fluid decreases, as a result of which the fluid itself seems to “boil”, and gas bubbles form there. When the joint returns to its original position, these formations begin to burst, causing a click.

However, orthopedists have another explanation for this phenomenon. In their opinion, the crunching sound appears after a sharp bending of the fingers in the area and ligaments that are forced to overcome the resulting resistance.

Does crunching cause any harm?

Even after finding out the cause of the crunch, it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether snapping your fingers is harmful or beneficial. Doctors have not yet developed a consensus on this matter.

According to some researchers, there is nothing wrong with the need to crack your fingers. On the contrary, this is considered a biological norm and relieves static tension. After all, how else can we explain the harmless fact that in the morning, immediately after waking up, we want to stretch, and this is often accompanied by a characteristic sound.

Reference. An interesting study was conducted by an American doctor who conducted a unique experiment on himself that lasted 60 years. He chose his own hands as the subject of his research. Dr. Donald Unger has been cracking his fingers on one hand every day for all these years, without affecting the other at all. As a result, by the age of 80, both of his hands were in the same condition without significant differences.

However, many leading orthopedists, answering the question of whether it is possible to crack your fingers, still do not advise abusing this habit. Regular and uncontrolled crunching of the limbs can lead to loosening of the joints, causing their fragility, swelling and some inflammatory diseases.

Very often a person has not only physical, but also psychological problems. After all, this habit, unfortunately, is not easy to get rid of, since it often turns into an addiction.

How to deal with the habit

While scientists argue about the benefits and harms of crunching, many people are thinking about how to get rid of the “crunching” habit. Doctors recommend simple dynamic gymnastics for the fingers and hands, each exercise can be repeated no more than 5 times:

  • energetic clenching of the fingers into a strong fist, followed by unclenching and relaxation;
  • performing an imaginary “click” on the forehead with each finger separately;
  • crossing of the finger phalanges, as well as imitation of “cutting” an imaginary paper sheet with fingers;
  • shaking the brushes to achieve relaxation;
  • rotation with hands and clenched fists;
  • connecting the finger phalanges into a “lock” and making smooth wave-like movements.

For those who are wondering how to stop cracking their fingers, in addition to dynamic charging, we can recommend other distraction techniques: massage, fingering rosary beads, pencils and other small objects of various shapes. Such tricks can be used whenever the desire to “crunch” appears.

Negative consequences

If the joints of the fingers are without pathologies, then there is no particular harm in the manner of briefly clicking, as well as benefit (provided that the crunching does not cause discomfort). However, for sick joints (and in the presence of unpleasant symptoms), everything is far from so harmless.

Most leading orthopedists and surgeons, explaining why you should not crack your fingers all the time, put forward the following arguments:

  • danger of pinching nerve endings;
  • threat of tissue stretching;
  • predisposition to dislocations and bone deformities;
  • the likelihood of a decrease in the volume of interarticular fluid;
  • risk of changes in appearance and loss of arm strength.

The consequences can be serious, especially in cases where the crunching occurs against the background of pathologies in the functioning of the joints: salt deposits, the result of injuries. The diseases will progress and lead to numerous complications.

Attention! If parents notice that their child crunches his fingers, it is necessary to help him overcome this unpleasant habit, because with age it will be even more difficult to get rid of it.


Each person has the right to decide for himself whether to get rid of such a strange habit or continue to “crunch,” thereby attracting the attention of others. And when answering the question of whether this is dangerous, you should take into account your individual characteristics, the presence of predispositions or pre-existing diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A one-time and short-term crunching will certainly not cause harm to the joints, but a constant habit can lead to very unfavorable consequences. It is important to remember that the joints and cartilage of our hands are extremely vulnerable, and it is not worth subjecting them to unnecessary procedures.

Many people who like to crunch their fingers are unaware of how much their habit sometimes frightens and irritates the people around them. A rather loud characteristic sound that accompanies cracking fingers can be heard at work, on public transport, in a school classroom, even at home. Such people say that in this way they get rid of numbness in their fingers. It’s just not clear how fingers can become numb, because they are constantly in motion.

People who have to endure such irritating sounds often have a question: is it harmful to crack your fingers? Orthopedic doctors say unequivocally - yes, it is harmful. Firstly, cracking your fingers is addictive and therefore classified as a bad habit. An addicted person performs this “procedure” automatically, sometimes without even noticing the actions being performed. It is extremely difficult, sometimes impossible, to wean such people from a bad habit. Secondly, the desire to “crunch bones” is an unsafe activity for health, since it can lead to destabilization of the joint over time.


Why do some people have this habit? According to doctors, the desire to crack your fingers occurs due to static tension resulting from compression of the articular surfaces. When you crunch your fingers, the pressure in the interarticular fluid decreases sharply. For this reason, the gas in it forms bubbles, which burst and produce a characteristic loud sound. As a result, the balance of the composition of the interarticular fluid is disrupted, which leads to a kind of “loosening” of the joints of the fingers.


Of course, nothing bad will happen if you accidentally crack your fingers. But if this phenomenon becomes a permanent habit, it can lead to serious negative consequences. For quite a long time, a person does not feel much harm from the habit of cracking his fingers, but after ten years the joints begin to swell and the fingers begin to change their configuration. Destabilization of joints provokes the development of inflammatory processes, pinched nerve endings, and frequent dislocations, leading to immobility of the fingers. And the most unpleasant consequence of this bad habit is such a common disease as arthritis.

How to get rid of cracking fingers?

It is important to wean yourself from cracking your fingers as early as possible, to overcome yourself and to rid the majority of people around you of unattractive, extremely annoying sounds. To relieve static tension and move the joints, it is useful to perform very simple exercises that develop the dynamics of the fingers. Each exercise should be done no more than 4 to 5 times.

  1. Perform virtual “clicks on the forehead” with each finger of your hand.
  2. Vigorously bend and straighten your tense fingers into a fist.
  3. Crossing your fingers: cut imaginary paper with virtual scissors.
  4. Make a “wave” movement with your fingers connected in a “lock”.

In addition to such training, pine-salt baths for the fingers using. Of course, the exercises performed and relaxing therapeutic baths cannot completely get rid of a bad habit. You need to try to distract yourself from the desire to crunch your fingers: massage your hands, move rosary beads, pencils, small balls between your fingers.

Take care of your health from a young age!

Unfortunately, cracking fingers can often be heard even in kindergarten. Parents whose children are susceptible to this dangerous habit need to make every effort to eliminate it. It’s no secret that in childhood it is much easier to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon. But if you ignore the habit of cracking your fingers, then adults, especially older people, are sometimes unable to get rid of it. Damaged fingers stop obeying and lose the ability to perform even simple actions. Various joint diseases develop, which are always accompanied by severe pain.

Thus, knowing the answer to the question whether cracking your fingers is harmful, you should immediately get rid of this bad habit, stop bothering the people around you and protect yourself from the occurrence of serious joint diseases. Take care of yourself!

Many people enjoy the clicking sound of the knuckles located in their fingers. Therefore, they constantly turn them slightly until they crunch, which is somewhat unnerving for those who do not have such a habit. There are different opinions about the harm that this crunch causes to joint health. Let's figure out why clicking occurs when moving joints, and whether it is useful to relieve tension in this way.

Why does this sound occur?

Those who are used to cracking their fingers claim that this technique helps to cope with the heaviness in this part of the hand and increase mobility. They do not think that having such a habit is harmful. Experts say that this is a misconception; in fact, clicking in the joints does not bring any relief, they only help relieve emotional stress.

In the Middle East, there was even a ritual according to which people were supposed to crack their fingers during burial. This is how people relieved themselves of the stress associated with the funeral ceremony. This is where the expression “wringing your hands” comes from.

The physical urge to crack your knuckles occurs due to static tension in your fingers. During movement atypical for joints, the pressure in the fluid filling the space between them drops and air bubbles form. When the joint returns to its place, the air bubbles burst sharply, and a well-known sound occurs. Changes in pressure in the interarticular fluid are harmful, since over time they can lead to deformation of the cavity that is filled with it.

What could be the consequences?

Surgeons and orthopedists from all over the world urge you not to crack your fingers, as it is very harmful. Such manipulation, if carried out regularly, can lead to:

  • loosening of joints;
  • dislocations;
  • changing the appearance of the hand;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • pinched nerve endings;
  • arthritis.

Nothing bad will happen just once, but if you crack your fingers constantly, then after a few years you will feel unpleasant sensations. Later, the pain may be replaced by changes in the hand and limitation of its mobility, after which it will be impossible to perform even basic actions with them.

Winner of the award for achievements that make you laugh, Donald Unger, a doctor from the United States, does not agree with the opinion of leading orthopedists. He doesn't think snapping fingers is harmful. Every day for 60 years, the doctor cracked his fingers only on his right hand, while his left hand was not subject to such stress. When Unger reached the age of eighty-three, he examined both hands and found no differences. There were no signs of arthritis on them. It was this long-term study that was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in 2009.

Orthopedists familiar with the results of this experiment argue that Unger’s example cannot be considered a refutation of long-known facts that clicking joints is harmful. The scientist may not have developed arthritis for other reasons, for example, due to a slight load on the joints. After all, Donald had to control himself so as not to crack his fingers on his left hand, and this cannot be called a stable habit. At the same time, many people, in moments of thoughtfulness or stress, do not notice how they begin to crack their joints.

How to get rid of this habit

Orthopedists suggest that people, instead of cracking their joints, learn to develop dynamic mobility in their fingers and relieve static tension in other ways. Let's consider the basic advice of leading doctors. The dynamics of hand movements can be developed with simple exercises:

  • vigorous clenching and relaxing of the fist;
  • with each finger you need to perform “clicks on the forehead” in the air;
  • crossing fingers;
  • shaking hands;
  • a smooth wave with clasped hands.

Crackling your fingers is a common habit that anyone can develop. Even if you enjoy the feeling, this habit can drive those around you crazy, and can soon lead to some unwanted side effects. Although cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis (as is sometimes claimed), it can lead to other problems such as swollen joints and loss of strength in the arms, or may even cause more serious nerve disorders, depending on the severity and duration of the habit. Therefore, the best thing to do is to break the habit of cracking your fingers before any negative side effects occur.


Part 1

What does cracking your fingers mean?

Part 2

Breaking the Habit

    What is behavior therapy? No matter how much you crack your knuckles, if you want to stop, then behavior therapy is a good way to follow.

    • In other words, cracking your knuckles is a behavior, so you can use behavioral techniques to change it. Simply put, there are two main forms of behavior therapy: positive and negative.
    • Positive behavior therapy includes techniques such as reward systems: Set goals and give yourself (or your loved one) rewards for achieving those goals.
    • Negative methods include minor punishments or other reminders that will make the person aware of their habits so that they can overcome them. There are so many types of these methods as there are people who could give advice.
  1. Keep your hands busy. Keep your hands busy with something other than cracking your fingers. Learn, for example, to twirl a pencil or a coin.

    • Practice magically moving a coin through your fingers with one hand without touching anything else. A pen or pencil will also work.
    • This exercise is really good for any age. Develops finger strength, coordination and manual dexterity and can also be fun as you learn new skills rather than hurting yourself.
  2. Find yourself a new hobby. Some kind of hobby that will keep your hands (and mind) busy, drawing, writing, or arts and crafts is probably a great idea.

    Use the rubber band method. The most classic behavioral method is to put a rubber band on your wrist.

    • If you notice that you are about to crack your fingers, pull the rubber band and release so that it bounces back to your skin.
    • The slight burning sensation you will feel will help you break the habit, as your subconscious will eventually associate the cracking of your joints with pain.
  3. Use other preventive methods. If the rubber band method doesn't work for you, there are a few other things you can do to break the habit of cracking your fingers:

    • Carry a small hand lotion in your pocket or purse. When you feel the urge to crack your fingers, squeeze out the lotion and rub it into your hands. This will give you the ability to move your hands while keeping them soft and moisturized!
    • Have a friend tie ribbon around your “crunchy fingers” or fingertips to form a fist.
    • Wear socks over your hands while watching TV or doing other activities where you don't need to use your hands.
    • Hold a pen or pencil in your hand to prevent cracking your fingers.

Part 3

Addressing the root causes
  1. Become aware of your habit. Crunching of fingers is a nervous symptom, by definition it is subconscious. Most of the time, people don't even notice that they are cracking their knuckles until someone tells them.

    • However, if you want to stop the habit of cracking your fingers, it is important to become aware of it and make a conscious decision to restrain yourself whenever you feel like doing it.
    • Asking a friend or family member to remind you every time you crack your knuckles can be helpful. Crunching your fingers is usually much more obvious to others than to the person doing the crunching.
  2. Discover the source of your anxiety. Finger cracking can be classified as a nervous habit. Since a nervous habit occurs in response to stress, identifying the source of the stress is the first step in breaking the habit.

    • Stress can be specific, such as worrying about an upcoming test, or general, such as relationships with parents and peers, social acceptance, or any of many other factors.
    • Try keeping a small notebook next to you at all times, and write down every time you crack your fingers. This will help you notice any patterns in your crunching and help you identify your impulses.
  3. Avoid nitpicking. If you crack your knuckles or care for someone who cracks their knuckles, know that whining or complaining about the habit is more likely to make it worse than to get rid of it.

    • Nagging only leads to greater stress, which increases the nervous response to this stress.
    • Therefore, gentle reminders will be much more helpful and effective than constant nagging.
  4. Maintain a support system. While whining or increasing tension is unlikely to help, there are many ways in which friends and family can help with finger cracking. A simple touch on the arm when someone notices an unconscious habit can provide insight and solve the problem.

    Give it time. Understand that most joint cracking is harmless and will likely go away with time. If finger crunching doesn't coincide with other behavioral changes, then patience is probably the best antidote.

  5. Consider getting professional help. Understand that long-term excessive habituation of any kind has a negative impact on the normal course of life, which is always a problem or “issue” that will have to be faced.

    • Indeed, excessive finger cracking, especially when accompanied by cracking of other joints in the body, can be an early sign of more serious anxiety disorders.
    • If you think your finger cracking may be a symptom of a more serious disorder, you should consider seeing a therapist.
  • There are huge differences between people when it comes to the ability to crack their knuckles. Some people cannot do this at all, but in others, increasing the space between the joints gives a feeling of relief. Some people may crack many joints in their body. This can lead to very awkward movements. Turning your head, pulling your fingers, etc. Follow these steps to break this bad habit...
  • Talking to a chiropractor might also help.
  • Cracking your knuckles can make your hands weaker.
  • Don't expect immediate results. Changing behavior can take a long time. Just wean yourself off gradually.