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Damage to death: signs and consequences. Damage to death: black magic. Damage Protection

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Now you need to “speak” the mirror into which the victim will look. This is the most delicate moment.

Your enemy should, if he doesn’t look, then pass by the mirror.

Before this event, you need to take some prepared ashes on your finger, draw a cross on the mirror and say:

“Alive is alive. Dead - dead! I am drawing (the name of the victim) the way to the grave threshold! The graveyard is ready, the door is open! The life of (name of the victim) is closed forever! I lock all his light into the looking glass! (Victim’s name) will leave before the deadline, there is no turning back!”

Please note - this will affect the first person with that name reflected in the mirror!

You can do this on a small mirror, and then point it at the victim. Only, the larger the surface and, the faster it will begin to come true.

Buy four roses. Take the most recent photo of the victim available. Prepare the altar.

Place the Icon of Jesus upside down on a table covered with a black tablecloth. There should be black candles on the sides.

Place the photo on the altar. Flowers - two crosses on it. This structure should remain like this until the flowers wither. Takes approximately three to four days.

When everything is ready, at midnight, light the candles and begin the Black Mass. You need to read the following spell six times.

“I renounce (name of the victim) Jesus! I renounce (name) from the Mother of God! I call upon Satan! Enter (name)'s soul, take it! The table is ready, the throne is set, one thing to do! I conjure and command! Take (name)'s soul to hell! Payment is ready! Get it!”

With the last word, they tear off a withered leaf from a flower and glue it with wax to the photograph. You need to make sure that the whole body is covered.

Now the photograph will need to be buried in a secluded place. She must rot. Petals of withered flowers are poured into the makeshift grave. When you bury it, say:

“Ready, take it!”

Candle stubs must be taken to the Church and burned within its boundaries.

How does an object who is being damaged to death feel?

The victim will most likely become ill after the ritual. This can manifest itself literally the next day of causing damage to death.

If not, then an accident will definitely happen. But death will come immediately only when the ritual is performed by a magician. An ordinary person cannot do it so powerfully.

Therefore, if the illness does not fall on the enemy, other misfortunes will fall on him. And this will continue until death (often it comes in the form of suicide).

Damage to death is one of the most terrible rituals. How does it work and what are the signs of a curse? Find out how you can get rid of it and even return the damage to the person who sent it.

The frightening name of the ritual explains the principle of its action. A strong energy attack is carried out on the object with a negative program charged with a lethal outcome. Death occurs as a result of the curse blocking the flow of life energy and replacing it with negative information.

What signs indicate damage to death?

Damage to death causes moral and physical suffering in a person. There are several signs by which you can determine the presence of a curse.

  • Depression and apathy. If everything around seems gloomy to a person, regardless of the real state of affairs, and life has become unpleasant, there is reason to think about possible damage. Bewitched people begin to avoid communication with friends and even loved ones, preferring to spend time alone. They do not notice reasons for joy and do not like it when people joke and laugh around them.

  • Sudden deterioration in health. If a person who has not previously suffered from any disease begins to have problems with their health, and a medical examination does not show any problems, it may be a matter of negative interference. This is also evidenced by dark spots on the body of unknown origin, frequent migraines, rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating at night. A characteristic sign is frequent nightmares.
  • A series of failures. involves the victim in the so-called black streak, when one trouble follows another. A person can lose his job, family, become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In his house, household appliances begin to fail, furniture breaks, and mold or mildew may appear on the walls. All circumstances are stacked against this person.

How to remove a deadly curse

The most famous technique for removing damage to death is called “randomness”. To do this, you need to choose the time when the Moon begins to wane. Then the damned should go to the nearest cemetery and find a grave there with the name of the deceased, which coincides with his own. Then they place a lit church candle on the grave and, having asked the dead for forgiveness for disturbing them, they read the plot:

“I will bury my death, I will defend myself from it. You came before God’s time, and now you’ve gone into the ground. Dead, sleep soundly, guard my death. Death, I pay you off. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ritual, you need to leave a treat at the burial site for the deceased assistant and a payoff - a handful of small change. After the ritual of removing damage at home, be sure to take a shower, and before going to bed, read the “Our Father” prayer for three days in a row. The ritual can be performed by both the victim of damage and his relatives, loved ones, or an invited psychic.

If the victim wants to return the negative power of damage to the one who sent it, they do so. They take a white handkerchief, wipe the body with it and take it to the cemetery. There they turn to face the gate and shake out the handkerchief with the words: “Mother Death, I am sending you to where you came from. Where the damage was brought to me from, I return it to. Hold her tight until the grave. Amen". After this, you cannot be baptized or read prayers for three days. May luck never leave you, be healthy and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.08.2015 01:00

Needles are often used in magical rituals. It is generally accepted that this item acts as a powerful amplifier...

Damage is the most common way to harm a person, his life and health. It is possible to bring it only with the help of a sorcerer who knows how to do this. To detect spoilage, you should know the common signs that appear.

After all, the sooner it is revealed, the faster and easier it will be to know. All signs of damage can be defined into general ones, which are revealed in all spells, and specific signs, which are characteristic only of certain types of damage.

General signs of damage

Represents drastic changes in the life of the victim and family. These include job loss, illness, childlessness, death and other deterioration in life.

The problem is that the signs never appear immediately after its induction. For the damage to gain full strength, a certain amount of time must pass. And before that there will be harbingers, which, as a rule, no one will pay attention to. Or he will think that this is an ordinary evil eye.

The harbingers are deterioration in mood, lack of sleep, a cold or a salary cut; everything that is popularly called a black streak can be harbingers of damage.

Signs of corruption are ordinary things that she says and they give power to this spell. These things can be threads, broken needles, pins, candle stubs and various things. This way a thing that is very dear to a given person can be used. Or a damaged item may be brought as a gift for some holiday.

Methods and purposes of causing such damage

Spoilage can be caused to food or water, but it is considered one of the most dangerous, since the effect of such spoilage develops immediately. Damage is also caused through personal contact. You can spoil the tracks when a witch follows a person and slanders him. Thus, it is possible to transfer diseases from one person to another.

The main goal of any is the complete destruction of the victim. Performing mortal damage is very difficult and dangerous, which is why it is rare that even the most experienced sorcerers agree to perform such rituals. But, one way or another, such damage exists and occurs quite often.

At the mere mention of mortal damage, people begin to mentally draw sad pictures, because the person on whom the mortal curse is imposed dies a slow and terrible death, which you would not wish even on your worst enemy.

But it’s not all that scary; if you diagnose a negative death program in time, you can quickly and practically painlessly get rid of it. Of course, it is best to entrust this work to professionals, but if this is not possible, you can try to remove the fatal damage from yourself and your loved ones yourself.

Deadly curses can be different, and accordingly, they can achieve the main result in different ways. For example, one victim of black magic may die due to a car accident, and another from severe cancer.

Deadly hexes are aggressive magical attacks, and only people with very strong energy can carry them out. The more energy the sorcerer puts into the corruption, the faster you will get the desired result, and the more difficult it will be for the victim to get rid of, even a timely diagnosed, negative program.

Other signs of death

Such damage is considered the strongest and most dangerous. It manifests itself in the form of deterioration of health, progression of any dangerous diseases, fatigue, weakened immunity. All this leads to the fact that new, more terrible diseases begin to cling to poor health. Performance begins to decline, love and intimate activity disappears.

But the signs of damage caused by death entail not only a gradual deterioration in health. Most often, events and incidents begin to occur that lead to the death of a person, or a sharp exacerbation of serious diseases, such as heart disease, can lead to a heart attack or stroke. To avoid this, you should not only consult a doctor, but also periodically clean it from damage.

Since they are removed only at the initial stages of their action, it is very important to be able to timely determine the presence of damage on a person and begin work to eliminate it.

Any damage to physical destruction is characterized by the following signs:

  • Due to the negative energy impact, a person begins to get sick often, and every day he gets worse and worse. If the victim previously suffered from any chronic disease, it will definitely worsen.
  • Doctors shrug their shoulders and cannot determine what is wrong with the patient and how to treat him.
  • Medicines, even the most effective ones, do not help
  • In the life of a spoiled person, dangerous situations often arise, for example, a person gets into accidents several times within a month, and so on constantly.

Features of the Killing Curse

Damage to the complete physical destruction of a person has a particularly strong energy program that even a talented novice magician cannot inflict on the victim. Therefore, removing mortal damage is not an easy task.

The onset of the effects of most death spells, even the most powerful ones, is noticed only a few months after the ritual, and the final result is achieved within a year.

Ways to remove damage to death

Death damage is the rarest and most terrible type of damage. Its goal is to cause the greatest possible damage to human health, leading to death.

Only a highly qualified magician can cause such damage; it is not possible for an ordinary person to perform such a ritual. But finding someone who can perform such a ritual is very difficult; not every magician will undertake this.

Is it possible to remove damage to death?

If the damage to death was caused according to all the rules, then the result will not take long to arrive, as a rule, it is only a few weeks. But determining and removing damage to death is not only realistic, but also not very difficult. It is removed using the same methods as any other. And to remove it, you don’t have to look for some non-existent object.

How to remove damage to death

There are several ways to remove such damage, the most common is reprimand. But it will need to be carried out more than once, because the damage is not simple. Damage can also be redeemed for any precious thing, for example, gold. Removing damage to death can be done using a reset or removal.

When ordering any method, you should know that the removal of damage is carried out only using ritual methods. Ordinary correction of a person’s biological field will not help here.

You can remove any damage with the help of ordinary prayers and holy water, but it is possible to remove damage to death only with the help of a professional; this cannot be done at home.

What to do if damage is diagnosed?

Diagnosing such a diagnosis is not yet a reason to panic. You should calm down and catch the thought that you are still alive, which means there is still time to fix everything and carry out the ritual of removing damage to death.

First, you should contact another specialist, and not tell him what you were told. If such damage really exists, not a single magician will miss it. This means that if at least one out of ten specialists said that there is no damage, then there really is no damage. Diagnosis of damage is very quick and immediate.

It is possible to determine damage to death at home. To do this, an ordinary chicken egg is broken into a glass of water and placed on the crown of the head for five minutes. If the water is clear, then everything is fine. If there is a small cobweb in the glass, then there is damage, but it is normal and very weak. But if dark spots and bubbles appear on the egg, then you should think about it. The damage is strong and possibly even death.

Corruption loves fear very much, and if it is absent in a person, and the heart is filled with courage, then any evil here is already powerless.

What is damage to death? The induced negative program can worsen the victim’s well-being and make her life unbearable. People learn about how to spoil death for various reasons. Some seek revenge, others are looking for ways to free themselves from resentment. The result of the curse depends on how and why the damage was caused.

How to remove damage to death? First of all, a man or woman needs to be aware of what a curse is and where it manifests itself. The first signs of damage to death will help you avoid serious consequences in the future. How do you know that damage to death is working and destroying life?

How does damage to death work?

What is damage to death? You don't need to be a magician to know how dangerous a negative attitude is to any living creature. The work of damage to death is not always noticeable to the common man. If it systematically destroys life, it is difficult to imagine it as the root cause of all troubles. Damage to death is the result of human hatred and anger. It is precisely this kind of influence that can harm the darlings of fate. There are many dangers in the death spell that bring a living creature to the grave.

If a man or woman is cursed to death, every day of delay costs them health and well-being. Such a curse affects both physical goods and the psychological state of the victim. Damage to death is a misfortune that a person does not expect and does not know how to deal with. It is not necessary to know how to cast such an evil eye, but to combat the induced negativity you will need internal strength and magic.

Who can bring a curse to ruin

Damage to quick death is caused only by the interested party. If a person, without sparing himself, inflicts a curse, he will be penalized for the risky undertaking. The enemy can also order a black evil eye for illness and constant failures.

Special magical rituals will allow you to find out who can cause damage to death using a photo or thing of the victim. If you manage to find the enemy, you will be able to protect yourself and your own family.

Signs of damage to death

If damage is caused to death, every day the person weakens and she can no longer see the cause of suffering. If life has become worse, it is worth considering the possible “symptoms” of the curse. The symptom of severe cemetery damage to death is often noticed by the victim’s loved ones, who do not understand the changes in their loved one, friend or spouse.

It is not easy to conjure a strong black evil eye; the customer puts his own strength and feelings into the black magic. The current program under the icon of Cyprian, a Voodoo doll for death, a runic bet for death - a person’s reaction depends on the type of evil eye. Simple signs of the presence of strong negativity in the house will help you see a curse at home:

  • inside a person there appears a constant malaise, a painful state;
  • a premonition of trouble in a person, constant causeless fear and nervousness;
  • the husband or wife develops an obsessive state (fear in a person develops into panic);
  • a person feels pressure (moral);
  • symptoms appear without illness, and chronic ailments sharply worsen;
  • The first thing that suffers from damage is the human psyche, and then the body.

A ritual is read for death, which attracts death day after day. These could be health problems or stress that a person cannot withstand. If the work is not done, the person cannot return to his former life. Destructive situations arise around her.

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova and her book (a collection of advice and rituals) offers many rituals for home diagnostics. The first signs of a death curse prompt disturbing thoughts, and the ritual performed will make it clear how serious the situation is. An experienced witch or magician will immediately recognize an evil eye cast on death, and will be able to roll out the negative with an egg or remove it through special magical attributes.

Diagnosis of damage

To accurately diagnose a curse, faith in magic is required. Without trust in the forces to which a person calls, it will not be possible to free oneself from the shackles of corruption. To quickly diagnose a house (living space) or the victim’s body, you will need an ordinary church candle. A church candle will indicate damage, which foreshadows death. For the ritual you will need a simple chicken egg and holy water. All the necessary attributes are easy to find.

Rituals to remove negativity are not performed without diagnosis. Removing a deadly curse on death is dangerous for a person who does not suffer from the curse. There is no point in risking your own safety. Water and a candle must be brought from the church, and then charged with the words of the Lord’s Prayer. Magic diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

  1. To find deadly damage you need to clean the house. To do this, a large amount of salt is diluted in holy water. The floors and furniture in the house are washed with a concentrated saline solution. To remove the evil eye, such cleaning will also be useful.
  2. After cleaning, you need to light one candle and walk around the whole house with it. While the fire is burning, the Lord's Prayer is read. The words of prayer should sound sincere and calm. If there is a lining in the house through which damage has been caused, the candle fire will indicate the place where the dangerous package is hidden. It is necessary to monitor how the candle burns in different rooms of the house. If the wax begins to smoke, there is damage.
  3. After praying against negativity, you need to cast a spell on the potential victim. For the second part of the ritual you need an egg and a glass of holy water. The victim should lie down, and the assistant (if the person is completely weak), under the words of a special prayer-appeal to the Mother of God, “roll” the egg over the victim’s body. After the procedure, the egg is broken into a glass of water. If the yolk is normal and without spots (clumps or spots), then there is no need to worry about spoilage.

You can carry out the diagnosis yourself, without resorting to the help of experienced magicians. Anyone who is often sick and, despite all efforts, cannot achieve fulfillment in life should do such a check. To confirm guesses, Tarot cards are often used to predict incoming negativity.

The most powerful damage done to death carries a very powerful charge of negativity, its duration of action is minimal, and the person will die quickly and terribly. Even a simple domestic injury can cause brazen death. If severe damage was caused to the cemetery by an interested customer, its signs will be immediately noticed by the victims’ relatives. A person’s will is literally suppressed, he loses all interest in life. A strong negative program does not go away on its own, so you need to remove it yourself.

Ritual to “see damage”

Unpleasant symptoms can lead to the most unexpected thoughts. If a person cannot get rid of persistent health problems, you can perform rituals that will either dispel doubts or allow you to deal with the problem using completely different methods. The ritual is carried out at home in a comfortable environment for the victim. Using simple attributes you can see damage:

  • salt;
  • matches;
  • a glass of holy water.

The ritual of “seeing damage” works unconditionally; it can be performed by both an experienced magician and a beginner. Using a new matchbox, damage is diagnosed from a photo (at a great distance). Different types of negativity work in different ways, so the symptoms of a curse do not always manifest themselves in dramatic changes in the victim’s behavior. You can perform the ritual with matches for preventive purposes.

Photo rituals are carried out completely alone without witnesses or assistants. The victim's photo must be one of the last ones to get an accurate result. As soon as the sun sets, salt water is diluted in a vessel, and a conspiracy is read on the photo or victim:

“Bring me fire, bring me ashes, where my life goes (name of the person in the photo).”

Three matches are lit and thrown into the water, but this will not help you understand how they managed to bring negativity on you or at what time, and will not help you remove it, only determine the program. If they drown, there is no need to look for damage, it is already working and destroying the victim. With the help of pop-up matches, a person can calm down - there is no effect on him. An experienced magician or a beginner performs the ritual of “seeing damage” on men’s days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

How to find the customer of the damage

Who caused damage to death? The name of the customer will help the victim free himself. Without the name of the customer, the magician will remove the damage, but it is not worth the risk of performing rituals at random. Strong magic will allow you not only to determine the name of the customer (the conspirator or the customer who was able to create a curse through the sorcerer), but also the types of negativity that affect a person.

Damage to death from a photo or personal item leaves traces after the spell is cast. These are unique pointers to the enemy. On a person who was able to make damage to death. You can find out who dared to do the trouble instantly if you perform simple rituals at home. An experienced magician and a novice magician can perform a ritual with wax. Such rituals are especially useful for women, because they do not carry any terrible consequences for the expectant mother:

  1. The rituals are performed at home with a small handful of cemetery soil. In the future, if necessary, the conspirator will use it to remove the damage. You should not take a lot of cemetery soil; for the spell to identify the enemy, you only need one handful.
  2. At home, you need to pour holy water into a glass of water. You need to pour cemetery soil around the glass. It is not so important how much land the conspirator prepares; this must be done carefully (everything that the cemetery stores is dead; when visiting a cemetery, a person must be careful and as collected as possible).
  3. You need to melt a little wax from a church candle in a water bath. Strong diagnostics using simple paraffin will not work.
  4. Saying the words of the spell, the person carefully pours the wax into the water:

“I am strong, like the earth that lives in the cemetery, I am not looking for consequences, but I want to know the truth. Just as I pour out wax, I want to know the name of the enemy.”

You need to get rid of the cemetery land, which will show and remove the curse, immediately, in the shortest possible time. This must be done carefully, and it is better to carry out rituals with attributes that were taken from the cemetery, on the street. There is no need to draw hasty conclusions. To prevent the consequences from affecting the victim of the curse, it is necessary to install protection before performing the ritual. Rituals, even for diagnosis, are not carried out without preparation.

By the shape of the wax one can judge who cast the evil eye and when. If the figure looks like a letter or is associated by the conspirator with certain things or professions, it will be easier to find the culprit of the trouble. Whatever types of curse the victim did not care about, whatever the consequences of the damage may manifest themselves, further cleansing rituals will help save them from the curse. If the enemy managed to cause damage to death, he should return such a gift.

Universal conspiracy against damage to death

Casting the evil eye (the enemy managed to cast a spell) no one gets away with. To no one ever. Before casting a spell (black witchcraft) on another person, you need to think about who will emerge victorious from such a situation. If the victims on whom it is possible to induce negativity die, the customer will soon experience many troubles. If you curse someone with knives, a photograph or a doll, then you need to wait for retaliatory actions. If you don’t waste time, so as not to cause even more problems (several dangerous symptoms appear at once), you can free yourself from damage yourself, and also inflict it on your enemy in the form of a return gift (return).

You can’t help yourself just with words, especially if the damage to death done in a photograph works. Through witchcraft, black magic is destroyed, with the words of a spell, a curse is destroyed. This universal ritual is performed on a child, but such cleaning will also be useful for an adult. The text with magic words must be learned by heart (even if it is in Latin). A person is obliged to help himself not only with words, but also with actions. When the time comes, no one will be able to hide from damage.

What is needed for the ritual

The enemy never has enough suffering in another person. Any victim can punish his mistress himself or through a magician. For a wife, such rituals are the easiest way to destroy her rival on her own. Magic is like throwing boomerangs, like a twist in fate in which everything is returned to the sender. Simple attributes will help you release the black magic “bunny” back:

  • knives;
  • Holy water;
  • pectoral cross.

The ritual is carried out exactly 7 days in a row. You can do it yourself; this magic works even for beginners. As soon as signs of the curse appear, the victim must go to church. You need to go to the shrine yourself, otherwise the magic will not work. If the enemy managed to cause damage (someone offended the enemy and received damage for his own actions), the mortal danger can only be stopped during the day in the temple.

The conspirator takes a knife with him to the temple and spends the entire service. If the enemy managed to curse an entire family (to curse all family members to death), the plot should be read to all household members:

“Salvation comes, the pain subsides. Salvation comes, negativity disappears. Salvation comes, the enemy with a black soul gets what he deserves. Let both the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit hear our words. Let them help and save. Amen".

“I cut off trouble, I cut off pain. Just as the wind is heard in the distance, so I fade away from the black field. From grief. From the devil. I cut off everything that is easy for my fate. So be it, Amen."

When inflicting damage on death, the enemy should be more careful, because his negativity will soon return, and it will not be possible to protect against the return.

Spell of damage

To prevent the consequences of damage to death from affecting your loved one, you need to try hard. The disease will go away if you follow the very simple advice of experienced magicians. If it is not necessary for a strong death curse on a person to be returned to the customer, an additional ritual is performed on the one who dared to decide the fate of another person.

The black evil eye is a disease, it is an effective seal that stands on everything good in a person. Any inexperienced person can do damage (everyone can use the help of the white ritual, so you need to put a block on the curse).

Preparation for the ceremony

The ritual is carried out in a church (in an ordinary church or temple). Only in a place among the shrines will a ritual of deadly damage be carried out. If you cast an evil eye on a family in the church, it will work for a very long time. They remove damage to death on days when the Moon is waning, but they cast negativity on the growing month. Damage to death taken in a photograph is not carried out on major Orthodox holidays.

To bring trouble in the temple near the icon close to the soul, a special conspiracy is read:

“Black icons became, life blossomed into black stripes for the servant of God (name of the victim). He will not be nice, he will not be lucky, just like a candle burns out, his life leaves him. Amen".

“I want to bring you trouble, I want to break your life, like branches break from the wind, like stones near the shore are covered with water. You don’t know happiness, you don’t know salvation, just like a candle never burns out, so you suffer from misfortune. Let it be so. Amen".


Damage to death is a type of magic that is used only in extreme cases. If a person has offended or behaved dishonestly, it is not worth risking your health to inflict a retaliatory curse. Damage to death can make both the customer, the victim, and the people who are close to the cursed person feel bad. Removing such influence from oneself is the primary task of both men and women.

Both adults and children need magical protection, so immediate protection is placed before the liberation ritual. The protection does not remove the black evil eye, but it protects from the consequences of damage to death. Every person can get rid of trouble. From damage to death, which will bring the victim to the grave. The cleaning result will be visible immediately, even if it is carried out from a photograph and from a distance. Selected video instructions will help beginners understand the rituals.

Removing damage to death is a labor-intensive ritual of cleansing a person’s energy field and eliminating a curse imposed by a sorcerer. There are rituals that can cope with even the strongest witchcraft.

In the article:

The first signs of damage to death

To eliminate any witchcraft influence, you need to make sure that the negative program is present. It is easy to determine the presence of damage to death.

From the moment the ritual is performed, the victim’s behavior changes. Symptoms of damage to death are the same for all victims:

  • severe weakness;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • bad feeling;
  • the development of diseases that cannot be cured;
  • when taking medications regularly, the person does not get better;
  • "black streak" in life.

Victims of damage to death more often than others find themselves in life-threatening situations. If a person has had several accidents in a short period of time, broken limbs, received numerous injuries, been attacked or beaten, a terrible curse is presumably imposed.

Pay attention to what happens to the victim. If a person nearly drowns several times, death will occur due to asphyxia.

Features of magical influence

Damage to death is one of the most powerful witchcraft effects that require knowledge. Beginners rarely dare to undertake such rituals.

Therefore, if symptoms appeared, I performed a ritual professional. Otherwise, the ritual simply would not have worked.

Features of damage to death:

  • symptoms appear fairly quickly;
  • death after 4–12 months;
  • large expenditures of energy for the sorcerer;
  • if the damage is removed, the magician runs the risk of suffering greatly (even death);
  • in some rituals they choose what a person will die from.

Damage to death is not the most effective way to get even with an ill-wisher. To perform the ritual, you need to be sure that the damage will not be removed and the magician will not be identified, otherwise the sorcerer risks falling into a hole dug for another.

After the ritual, a powerful negative program, determined to destroy and kill. When the victim is released, damage does not disappear without a trace. It can easily return to the person who activated it and cause fatal damage.

Secondary symptoms

Before preparing to eliminate damage, you need to be sure that there is a curse. To begin with, pay attention to the behavior of pets.

Cats and dogs sense the presence of negative energy in the home. If pets behave strangely, show unreasonable aggression towards a person, or become frightened in his presence, this is a sign of a magical attack.

One of the easy ways. Take a full container of clean water and place 3 matches on the surface that have burned to the end. If 2 drown, there is nothing to fear. If 3, this indicates the presence of a strong magical influence.

Ritual with wax

For the ceremony, they are armed with three wax church candles and holy water. Before the ritual, take a couple of sips and pour it into a dish. One candle is completely melted, and the remaining two are simply set on fire.

The dish is raised above the person, wax is poured onto the surface of the water and allowed to harden. Then they begin to interpret the drawing:

  • The bubbles are located one next to the other - the patient has an evil eye.
  • Large balls of wax - damage to death.
  • Deep depressions and zigzags indicate severe damage.
  • Along the edges there are many mounds forming chains - a curse.
  • Figures with sharp ends - witchcraft influence is exerted.
  • Crosses, a figure in the form of a coffin - damage to death.
  • The letters on the surface of the wax are the initials of the sorcerer who cast the curse.
  • The numbers are the duration of the magical effect.
  • Holes are the lining of the house.
  • Figures in the form of body parts and objects - personal belongings have been damaged.

How to remove damage to death

Deadly witchcraft requires great power of the magician, so simple rituals will not help. If a person is not sure that he can perform the ritual correctly, they turn to an experienced magician.

Ritual for the waning moon

You can remove damage to death yourself on the 17th–20th lunar day. Most black rites are performed in the cemetery, eliminating the negative impact there.

At midnight they come to the site of the ritual and find 3 graves with the name of the spoiled one. A candle is placed on each one and a treat is placed. They apologize to the deceased for the inconvenience caused and read a prayer for the burial of their own death before God’s time (the text is in the church).

A few coins are left at each grave - payment for the ritual. At the exit they say:

And they go away. On the way home, it is forbidden to speak and turn around, even if someone calls. For three days after the ceremony, they visit the temple, each time placing Savior 3 candles each.

Ritual of deliverance with a scarf

Preparation for the ritual will take 3 days. Initially, they go to the store and buy a white scarf. The new thing is worn for three days before the ceremony, trying to charge the scarf with its own energy (more contact with hair and skin). After three days, they wrap the cloth in a sheet of paper and go to the cemetery. Having entered the passage, turn to the east and say:

I brought my death to you, the dead. You must sleep soundly and guard my death, put it in a coffin, and lock it with strong locks. Where they brought it to me from is where I return it. Hold the mortal curse and don’t let go.

The package is unwrapped and the contents are thrown forward. After the ceremony they return home without saying a word. Wash your hands and feet thoroughly. For the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to cook, clean, or talk.

Reprimand with prayers

You can remove damage to death using. You will need:

  • black matter;
  • 12 wax candles purchased from church.

The fabric is laid out on the stand, 12 candles are placed in a circle. Set them on fire one by one, read the text "Our Father" 6 times. Hands are kept on the stomach. When the ritual is completed, the candles are extinguished with the left palm.

The attributes of the ritual are thrown at a deserted intersection of paths, whispering:

Whoever lit a candle for God’s servant (God’s servant) performed the funeral service for himself. Amen!

Turn their backs to the intersection and say:

I remember all the evil spirits, all the candles and crosses!

Upon returning home, they step over the threshold with their right foot and wash their hands and feet. After reading 6 times "Our Father", go to bed. In the morning they visit the temple, light 6 candles for the health of their enemies. At the exit from the temple, 6 alms are left for the poor. For a week they do not allow strangers into the house and do not talk to people on the threshold.

Removing damage to death during Holy Week

, made for death, follows in Holy Week. The ritual is long and capacious. From the first day of the ceremony, the patient observes strict fasting for 7 days.

During the second week, patients are told "Our Father" 3 times a day (continue fasting). During the third week, a person continues to say a prayer daily and be sure to drink the charmed water:

Water flowed from a little bottle through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a witch, from a heretic, from a heretic, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy, thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (at this point in the conspiracy you need to baptize the water, and continue to say the witchcraft spell): and in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Elijah the prophet with his golden rod defeats demons with holy fire-flame and Jordanian water. With passionate fire I challenge you - I expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the uterus (if the patient is a woman), from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, outlived, exuded, from the fingers and joints. You should not be here, you should not drink red blood from the begotten, prayer-baptized servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

How to protect yourself and your family

It will help you evade witchcraft interference. For the ritual, they take a large iron bottle and fill it with cutting objects (crushed glass, screws, needles), and fill it with salty liquid. While the container is filling, repeat:

I went out into an open field and met there 7 demons with half-spirits, black, evil and unsociable. Run, you demons with half-spirits, to unkind people, keep them on a short leash. So that I remain safe and sound from their hands along the road: in the house, and in the forest, and in strangers, and in relatives, on land, on water, at a feast, at dinner, and at a wedding, and in trouble. My plot is long and my word is strong. Let it be so.