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The use of aromatic oils at home. Medicinal properties of essential oils. By the nature of the impact

Aroma oils (or essential oils) are liquids that have a strong smell and taste, an oily structure, and light color shades. They are able to volatilize, therefore they do not leave traces of fat on the skin, they practically do not dissolve in water. Their active properties are more pronounced at room temperature.

The aromatic properties of oils are due to the action of a mixture of a number of individual compounds that are isolated at the level of chemical composition. In addition, the quality depends on the storage conditions of the product.

The source of essential oils with strong physiological and pharmacological properties are only plants. Oils perform important physiological functions for plants:

  • due to aromatic and terpenoid compounds, they activate metabolic processes;
  • evaporating, they create a heat-resistant “cushion” around the plant, regulating the process of heat transfer;
  • promote pollination of plants, attracting insects with the aroma;
  • protect against disease and destruction by animals.

Plants containing essential oils are widely distributed in nature. Their useful properties have found application in many areas of human life.

Localization of oils in various parts of the plant

Depending on the species, essential oils are located differently in the body of the plant. Most often, roots, leaves, buds, flowers, rhizomes, and fruits are processed to obtain oil.

There may also be a different percentage of the final product in the raw material (from thousandths to 20% of the total mass). It can be dispersed throughout the cells, be in the cell sap, or accumulate in special formations, which can be glandular spots, receptacles of oils, tubules with an oily substance.

How to receive

Useful properties of essential oils, their active use have led to the fact that the raw material base is depleted. World production today is adjusted to the production of such products as turpentine, followed by oils of lemon, orange, mint.

When these substances are isolated from plant materials, their ability to dissolve in certain organic compounds, fats and alcohols is used.

Essential oils, whose properties and applications are very diverse, are produced by the following methods:

  • Distillation with water. One of the oldest ways to get oil from a plant. Its essence is that two immiscible liquids are heated together. The mixture boils faster than if the liquids were heated separately. The resulting vapors of water with oil enter the refrigerator, where they condense and are collected in a receiver. For this method, simple equipment is taken, the yield of the final product is small, its quality is average.
  • Steam distillation. This is a complex process using a distillation apparatus. The product of such distillation is mainly used in various fields of medicine, in the manufacture of perfumery products and in the food industry. Both fresh and dried plants are used.
  • Cold pressing. This method is well suited for obtaining oil from the peel of various fruits. The raw materials are first sent under the press (product yield 70%), then they are crushed and the process is completed by distillation (the remaining 30%).
  • Maceration or enfleurage. The essence of the method is that oil is removed from raw materials by sorbents, which are solid fat or activated carbon. Then, through complex chemical reactions, the oil is separated from the sorbent.
  • Extraction with selective solvents. The prepared raw material is mixed with the extractant, which is then distilled off in special devices. The result is a "tar" (perfume). This is how cloves, hops, lavender, chamomile, ginger and other plants are processed.

Each type of oil then finds its use.

Aromatic oils, depending on the composition, can have different effects and be used for different purposes.

There are many types of oils. This information is based on their properties:

  • Cleansing: Geranium, Lemongrass, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Rosemary, Tuberose, Lemon, Sage
  • Excitement: bergamot, geranium, cardamom, bigardia, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, jasmine, mandarin, rose
  • Tone: basil, clove, bay, lemon, nutmeg, lemon balm, mint, palmarosa, rosemary, cinnamon, citronella, sage, thyme, fir, ginger.
  • Relaxation: valerian, lavender, oregano, frankincense, juniper, myrrh, chamomile, jasmine.
  • Harmony: geranium, oregano, jasmine, marjoram, orange, mimosa, mandarin, rose, sandalwood.
  • Strengthening: angelica, lemon balm, lavender, basil, nutmeg, cajuput, mint, verbena, rosemary, cedar, lemon, vetiver.
  • Freshness: fir, mint, immortelle, lavender, orange, mandarin, lemon.
  • Stimulus: immortelle, black pepper, coriander, lavender, clove, nutmeg, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, verbena, hyssop, juniper, lemon.
  • Peace: dill, jasmine, geranium, chamomile, vanilla, lemon balm, bigardia.

This shows that any essential oil can manifest itself in different ways. When composing aroma compositions, substances with opposite properties cannot be mixed.

Chemical composition

The composition of essential oils is very complex. There are elements that are included in the work of all systems of the human body. The chemical names of many elements are sometimes completely unfamiliar, but the benefits of their effects are obvious.

Esters contain aromatic mixtures, aldehydes, terpenoids, terpenes; saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons are allocated; organic acids, esters, alcohols are present; there are amines, oxides, organic sulfides, phenols, heterocyclic compounds.

The composition is also affected by the type and chemotype of the plant, weather conditions during the period of growth and collection, conditions for keeping and transporting raw materials, the method of producing oil and storing it.

Plants that provide raw materials for aromatic oils mainly grow in the tropics and in temperate climates. One type of plant, grown in different conditions, may contain oil of different characteristics. It can be liquid and solid. Its main characteristic is that it does not mix with water.

According to the structure and chemical composition, concretes, absolutes, resinoids, lipsticks are distinguished.

Basic properties

One of the most valuable properties of essential oils is their biological activity. At the same time, the range of effects of the product is very wide.

The information below shows some examples of the use of essential oils.

The fight against microbes and bacteria, purification and disinfection:

  • eucalyptus;
  • poplar;
  • carnation;
  • pine;

At the same time, leaves, buds and rhizomes are used to produce essential oil.

Fight against inflammatory processes:

  • camphor;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • yarrow;
  • elecampane.

In the course are flowers and rhizomes.

Removal of spasms:

  • peppermint;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • coriander;
  • dill.

Leaves, flowers, fruits, as well as seeds are used.

  • wild rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • elecampane;
  • thyme;
  • oregano.

It is worth using shoots, fruits and rhizomes.

The ability to remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs:

  • wild rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • elecampane;
  • thyme;
  • oregano.

Use shoots, fruits and rhizomes.

Ability to calm the nervous system:

  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • lavender.

The rhizome and flowers are used to make oil.

Cleansing the kidneys and bladder:

  • birch;
  • juniper.

Oil is made from leaves, buds, and fruits.

Chamomile is used to rejuvenate body cells. Flowers are used to produce oil.

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to determine what effect an essential oil can have on the human body. Its action is manifested in:

  • increased blood flow to the affected area;
  • activation of the secretion of the pancreas, glands of the stomach and gallbladder;
  • vasodilatation of the kidney filtration system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • destruction of bacteria.

When using essential oils, you need to be careful. An overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences. Oils are used especially carefully in the treatment of gynecological diseases and in pregnant women. In addition, for mixing oils in complex treatment, it is desirable to choose agents that are close to each other in action.


Essential oils are used very widely. They are able to treat, are the prevention of many diseases, are used for hair and skin care. A special place belongs to aromatherapy with the use of essential agents.

Pictures on packages with bottles of essential oils attract attention with the unusualness of the plants depicted on them. But every oil has its uses. You need to know about this before purchasing a vial of this miraculous remedy.

The most commonly used oils are conifers, citrus, mint, ylang-ylang, various turpentine.

In the food industry, essential oils are used to make various additives that have a strong taste and nutritional value.

In the medical industry, esters are added to preparations and medicines.

In perfumery production, the use of aromatic oils is used as components of many cosmetics and perfumes.

Rules for use in complex treatment

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on human health. It is not able to completely replace drugs, but it can enhance their effect in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. There are a number of rules, the observance of which will give a positive result.

Aromatic oils should be applied with care to the skin and especially to the mucous membranes. Applied in pure form, they can leave a burn, so it is better to dilute them. For the base, you can take olive oil, salt, honey. The exceptions are lavender and tea tree. Means from these plants are safe for the skin.

Apply the oil strictly according to the instructions. Excess can lead to allergies or burns. It is advisable to carry out the first sessions of aromatherapy with a smaller dose of oil in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Before including a new remedy in complex treatment, it is necessary to do a test to exclude allergic manifestations.

For an aroma lamp, you need to take hot water, place it over a candle, then add an essential agent (1-3 drops). The room must be closed, the session lasts no more than 20 minutes.

The reaction of the body to aroma sessions will be an indicator of such treatment. The aroma must be pleasant, otherwise there will be no improvement.

Methods for Using Essential Oils

Due to their therapeutic and preventive properties, various types of aroma oils are widely used to improve health and preserve the beauty of the face, hands, hair.

The following methods are available for using this tool:

  • Cold inhalations. The aroma is carefully inhaled for 5 minutes. Breathing should be even, slow, deep, eyes closed.
  • Aromavanna. Fill the bath with warm (not hot, otherwise the esters will evaporate quickly) water, stir the aromatic oil in it and enjoy the procedure until the water cools down.
  • Massage with aroma oils. They must first be diluted in the base. It is desirable to combine such massage with aromatherapy. The result of the procedure will be an improvement in breathing, blood circulation, lymph flow, and the functioning of internal organs.
  • Essential oils can be introduced as an additional component in ready-made creams, as well as masks for the face, hair, hands. They are added before using a cosmetic product to enhance its effect.

Any way to use the ether will bring pleasure and improve health.

Safety Precautions When Using Essential Oils

Aromatic oils have a very strong effect, so they must be handled very carefully. There are a number of rules for use in various areas of human life.

When using essential oils for medicinal purposes, one must remember that their ingestion is fraught with severe poisoning. The eyes can also be affected if the oil gets on the mucous membrane. It is necessary to purchase oils only in places authorized for the sale of such goods, it is also necessary to carefully read the instructions and follow them.

In industry, aromatic oils are used for the manufacture of various products. In enterprises, they are available in large volumes. Remembering that oil can quickly evaporate and ignite at low temperatures, you must strictly observe safety precautions when working with it.

Inside, aromatic oils can only be taken as part of food (drinks, pastries, etc.), and some medicines also have them in their composition (validol, etc.).

In everyday life, essential oils are actively used as part of such aromatic products as sticks, amulets, incense burners, candles and others. When burned, they may form carcinogens. Accumulating in the body, they can cause considerable harm to health. Therefore, do not abuse such sessions of aromatherapy.

How to store

All essential oils are highly volatile, so the product container must be kept tightly closed to prevent evaporation. In addition, the air, in contact with the oil, causes a chemical reaction in it: the oil becomes rancid, its color changes and unpleasant odor notes appear.

The shelf life of oils is different: from a year to several years. Moreover, the opened bottle is stored less.

If all these requirements are met, the oil will bring considerable benefits.

Video: The history of aromatherapy and its mechanisms of action

Today, mankind knows many plants used for the production of essential oils, the properties and use of which are placed in an extensive table.Often these are medicinal herbs, bones and other parts of the testes.We will tell you about the most useful of these gifts of nature.

Essential oils - properties

Ethereal collection is created based on the plant. It is dissolved in alcohol, or a liquid containing alcohol or vegetable oil.

The basis for a pure essential product is salt, dairy products, bee honey.

The properties of essential fluids depend not only on the plant itself, but also on its growing conditions, production method and the part used in the solution. These fees have different uses as well as occasions for use.

The effect can be completely different:

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Antispasmodic
  3. Regenerating
  4. Calming
  5. Exciting

The positive effect of their use can be observed after a few procedures. But we should not forget about the harm that essential drugs can cause to the body, especially if you do not take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer or doctor.

Table of the most popular essential oils

aromatic oil Impact on physical health Effect on state of mind
Azalea oil

Fights inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; contributes to the solution of dermatological problemsReduces anxiety and fights symptoms of depression
Bergamot oil

It has antiseptic properties, improves the work of the cardiovascular system; treats diseases of the scalpUplifts mood and adds self-confidence
grapefruit oil

Normalizes the digestive tract, improves immunityInvigorates and at the same time fights depression, helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety
Ginger oil

It is a natural pain reliever, resists the spread of viral diseasesIncreases sexual desire, eliminates premenstrual syndrome
Cedar oil

Perfectly copes with various types of skin diseases: dermatitis, seborrhea, etc.Activates energy resources, stabilizes the state of mind
lavender oil

Perfectly copes with various types of skin diseases: dandruff, dermatitis, etc.It has calming properties, is widely used for tantrums, feelings of panic and fear.
lemon oil

Removes toxins and toxins, brightens the skinRelieves headaches and dizziness, fights depression
rosemary oil

Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory propertiesCombats insomnia and headaches, used to soothe young children


  1. It has a rejuvenating, revitalizing, brightening and toning effect. Able to eliminate acne, itching. Smoothes wrinkles and removes flabbiness. The anti-cellulite effect is also pronounced.
  2. Sandalwood is an excellent treatment for oil-free, dry and chapped skin.
  3. It also stabilizes peace of mind, helps to get rid of the desire to commit a rash act, and has a calming effect after stress. Sandalwood is used in meditation, in the treatment of a runny nose or sore throat.


  1. It is necessary for moisturizing, smoothing, strengthening the skin. Increases its elasticity and firmness. Helps smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Rose removes stress and fatigue. Eliminates inflammation, irritation, scars, peeling.


  1. It has pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic and deodorizing properties. Stimulates the body, increasing resistance to various infections.
  2. It is also an excellent tool to combat depression, stress, hyperexcitability.

anise essential oil


  1. It is an excellent antiseptic, deodorant, antidepressant. Soothes and refreshes.
  2. Contributes to the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Orange also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. Promotes stimulation and regeneration of skin cells.

The smell of orange is necessary for:

  1. Bringing the nervous system into tone
  2. Removal of depression
  3. Increasing efficiency
  4. Mood stabilization
  5. Dealing with sadness and anxiety
  6. Increasing optimism and self-confidence

essential oil of orange


  1. It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. And basil tones and refreshes the whole body as a whole.


  1. It has soothing, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing properties.
  2. Bergamot is necessary to normalize the secretion of the glands, especially when applied to oily areas of the skin. It has a narrowing and brightening effect.


  1. It is considered a powerful antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Carnation has a beneficial effect on the skin, restores strength after overwork, both physical and nervous.

Essential oil of clove


  1. It perfectly cleanses, tones and refreshes the skin. Excellent antiseptic. Effective in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Grapefruit is also needed to strengthen the nervous system, fight irritation and fear.

Ylang Ylang

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional level: relieves tension, feelings of anxiety.
  2. Slows down the aging process, stimulates regeneration. Ylang-ylan g gives elasticity, tenderness and velvety to the skin. Cleans pores, removes toxins.


  1. It relieves insomnia, tearfulness, overexcitation. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Lavender is one of the best rejuvenation and skin care products.


  1. It promotes mental alertness. Soothes. Juniper refreshes the skin, improves its firmness and elasticity.

neroli essential oil


  1. The extract of this plant promotes rejuvenation and revitalization of mature skin, smoothing wrinkles.
  2. It has regenerative, soothing and antiseptic properties. Neroli is needed to increase elasticity and firm the skin.


  1. It increases the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and even smoothes existing ones!


  1. It has a stimulating, restorative and antiseptic effect.
  2. Effective in the fight against stress, depression, irritability, neuroses and mental disorders. Mint helps to normalize sleep.


  1. It has a positive effect on the emotional level: it calms, causes a surge of vivacity, optimism.
  2. Differs in the antiseptic, deodorizing, antitoxic action. Patchouli has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

patchouli essential oil


  1. It relieves the symptoms of physical and mental fatigue, apathy, helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Rosemary has a restorative and healing effect on the entire body.

Tea tree

  1. Its extract stimulates mental activity. Helps improve concentration.
  2. Restores the body after stress, depression. Takes away anxiety. Tea tree is used for purulent lesions of the skin, acne.

Clary sage

  1. It has a deodorizing and tonic effect. Clary sage is also considered to be an excellent antiseptic.


  1. It has a tonic effect, increases activity and endurance. Fir effective in combating stress and fatigue. Stimulates the immune system.

Eucalyptus essential oil


  1. It is necessary to restore psycho-emotional balance. Eucalyptus has a pronounced antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-allergic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. It has an antiallergic and analgesic effect. It is used for colds. Chamomile better than many oils calms the nervous system, stabilizes sleep and removes irritability.


  1. It is considered an indispensable assistant in the fight against acclimatization. Melissa also removes the effects of depression, melancholy, helps treat insomnia and irritability.

carrot seeds

  1. They improve the complexion, tone and rejuvenate the skin, giving it elasticity. Remove pigment age spots and imperfections caused by eczema, psoriasis. Carrot seeds increase the level of resistance to respiratory diseases.


  1. It stimulates blood circulation, rejuvenates the skin. Nutmeg helps fight fungal diseases, stimulate the digestive tract.

Essential oil of nutmeg


  1. It has healing properties on the emotional and physical levels: it provides the formation of positive emotions, a surge of energy and strength, and increases the ability to concentrate. Lemon also has a positive effect in the fight against depression.

The use of essential oils

For cosmetic and medical purposes, natural essential oils are not used, regardless of their properties. They should be used together with the base, which is most often used: wax, honey, milk, transport oils or creams.

When compiling a cosmetic product, it is important to take into account the compatibility of essential oils, their properties and use in accordance with the etherol volatility table.

Tip: Do not apply liquid to clean skin. Be sure to use the base. Oil is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with a tendency to allergies.

aromatic bath

One of the most common applications of oils that have a tonic (verbena and juniper), soothing (sandalwood, geranium) and wellness (pine, lemon) effect is an aromatic bath.

Essential oils are used in bath procedures along with salt in accordance with several rules:

  1. Before the procedure, you should swim in advance, as essential oils are better absorbed into clean skin.
  2. Water should be in the temperature range of 36–38 ºС
  3. The best base for the extract is sea salt, which itself has numerous beneficial properties.
  4. Do not use any other cosmetics while bathing
  5. The duration of the bath should not exceed 5-25 minutes
  6. Bathe in water with plant extracts should be no more than three times a week
  7. It is not recommended to rinse and dry after the procedure.

Apply oils correctly


Another way to use essential oils, according to their properties, is inhalation. Thyme, ginger - from the flu; eucalyptus, pine, thuja - treat bronchitis; orange, calendula - stomatitis; oregano, tea tree - cleanse the face.

For cold inhalation, pour a few drops on a cloth or napkin and inhale the aroma for 5-10 minutes.

To make a hot inhalation, use an inhaler or add drops to a bowl of hot water, lean over the container and cover your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is the same as with cold inhalation.

Advice: inhalation should not be carried out with asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Other effective methods for using oils are:

  1. Compress
  2. Massage
  3. Aroma lamps and stones
  4. Mixing with decorative cosmetics
  5. Aroma pendants

In the endless sea of ​​aromas, useful properties, you can easily get lost. When I started getting acquainted with aromatherapy, it seemed to me a very complex science.

I offer you a guide: a list of medicinal properties of essential oils. I hope with its help it will be easier for you to choose essential oils in accordance with your desires and expectations.

Essential oils: properties, combination, contraindications, use


Properties: bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorant, diuretic, strong aphrodisiac,.
Combined with patchouli, lavender, cloves, citrus fruits, cumin, dill, fennel, coriander, rosewood, cedar., contraindications.
Contraindications: pregnancy, sensitive skin.


  • Stimulation of intestinal motility, help with colic, bloating (flatulence), heaviness in the stomach, getting rid of constipation.
  • Cosmetics: especially recommended for aging skin, gives it elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance in the epidermis, eliminates cellulite, treats skin diseases, relieves scabies and lice.
  • Sexual problems: is an aphrodisiac, enhances reproductive function.
  • Relieves headaches, relieves hangovers, stimulates appetite.
  • Cold: antipyretic, expectorant, warming.


Properties: antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorizing, regenerating, sedative.
Combined with geranium, ylang-ylang, clary sage, citrus, lavender, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, frankincense, juniper, geranium, rose, neroli, petitgrain.
Contraindications: increases, allergy to citrus fruits.


  • Effective for acute respiratory infections, flu, cough.
  • Removes toxins, normalizes the work of the stomach, stimulates appetite, relieves constipation.
  • Choleretic, diuretic, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  • Suitable for any skin type, normalizes sebaceous secretion, has a whitening effect, gives skin turgor, removes toxins, is effective for cellulite, dandruff, an excellent tool in the fight against cellulite.
  • Treats periodontal disease, stomatitis, disinfects the oral cavity.
  • Relieves pain: headache, articular, menstrual syndrome, neuralgia.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improves blood supply to organs, normalizes blood pressure.


Properties: antibacterial, softening, refreshing, stimulating.
Combined with bergamot, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, sage, geranium, neroli, sandalwood, limette.
Contraindications: pregnancy, individual intolerance, blood clotting above normal.


  • Cold: expectorant, antitussive, treats runny nose, restores the sense of smell.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: normalizes digestion, eliminates colic, spasms, flatulence. Mild choleretic, cleanses the intestines.
  • Suitable for any skin type, strengthens hair, removes warts.
  • Eliminates headache, dilates blood vessels. Stimulates menstruation. Improves lactation.

There are references to the use of essential oils of lavender, myrrh and other plants. In Egypt, oils were used for embalming, medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Incense helped relieve neuralgia, tension, overwork, stress, neuroses, migraines and headaches. Until now, these oils are used for different purposes, the main thing is to choose the right type of ether.


Different species have different effects on the body. Based on this, they are divided into:

  • cleansing;
  • tonic;
  • exciting;
  • strengthening;
  • soothing;
  • refreshing;
  • relaxing;
  • harmonizing.

Some have multiple effects at once. For example, when using rosemary oil, a cleansing, tonic effect is obtained.

Esters and their properties

To get rid of a variety of ailments, as well as to normalize the work of all organs and systems, to restore external and internal beauty, aromatherapy helps essential oils. The table will help you figure out which oil is used and for what purposes:

Each type has several characteristics at once. This should be taken into account when using ether. You can combine different oils, thereby improving the properties of each of them. To understand which oils and how to combine, you should know what individual properties they have and what therapeutic effect they have:

Oil Cosmetology Health Calamus oil ● diaphoretic; ● spasmolytic; ● antiseptic; ● wound healing; ● anticonvulsant action. ● restores strength; ● relieves fatigue; ● resistance to stress.Azalea ● antiseptic; ● anti-inflammatory; ● antispasmodic; ● analgesic; ● antipruritic; ● antifungal; ● antiviral. ● eliminates mental arousal.Cassia oil ● antiseptic; ● kills pathogenic microflora, including fungi; ● rejuvenates. ● excites; ● relieves mental stress.Anise ● relieves spasms; ● improves immunity; ● soothes. ● removes tearfulness, overexcitement; ● increases mental activity; ● relieves chronic fatigue; ● calms; ● relieves depression.Orange ● anti-cellulite action; ● accelerates wound healing; ● removes toxins; ● appetite normalizes, which is important for diets. ● normalization of metabolism; ● soothes; ● relieves nervous tension.Basil oil ● disinfects; ● has an antimicrobial effect; ● removes toxins; ● relieves spasms; ● normalizes the digestive tract. ● improves memory; ● lowers cholesterol; ● reduces cholesterol; ● has an expectorant effect.Valerian oil ● removes dry skin; ● relieves inflammation; ● removes hyperemia of the skin. ● antidepressant; ● fights migraines; ● relieves headaches; ● normalizes heart rhythms.Ylang-ylang ● rejuvenates; ● removes fine wrinkles. ● relieves spasms; ● anesthetizes; ● normalizes blood pressure.Camphor ● anti-inflammatory; ● improves skin tone; ● disinfects. ● tones; ● soothes.Cypress ● relieves inflammation; ● relieves irritation; ● removes dandruff; ● returns natural beauty and health to hair. ● fights stress; ● improves sleep; ● relieves pain; ● treats warts and other dermatological diseases.Kirotsa ● excites; ● increases sensitivity; ● anti-cellulite agent; ● digestion is normalized. ● removes itching; ● normalizes the mental state; ● relieves spasms; ● normalizes the menstrual cycle; ● fights headaches; ● normalizes stool.Tea tree oil ● soothes; ● improves blood circulation of the skin; ● relieves inflammation, irritation; ● removes swelling; ● helps to rejuvenate the skin. ● fights weakness; ● relieves stress; ● helps acclimatize; ● improves immunity; ● antimicrobial action; ● antitumor.

Using any essential oils, their properties and application will be similar. So, the ether can not be applied to the skin, mucous membranes immediately from the bottle. Before using any product, it is necessary to pour it into a separate container and add the base to it. Commonly used honey, sea salt, water. Some esters are used in their pure form, such as tea tree oil and lavender. Other oils can cause skin burns. Do not exceed the dosage, as this can cause the onset of allergies.

Before using any oil, an allergy test should be performed. It is carried out on the hand, by applying a small amount of ether to it. Then half an hour is expected. If during this time no changes occur in the form of hyperemia, itching, then the substance can be used. Otherwise, you will have to abandon the oil, choosing another with a similar effect.

For beginners, it is important to understand that you need to start using any type of oil with small amounts. Most often, the dosage is reduced in half. If after several applications there is no allergy, then the dose can be brought to normal. It cannot be exceeded. Even experienced people who have been doing aromatherapy for more than one year never exceed the dosage, because even one extra drop of a substance can cause burns and irritation. Therefore, do not take risks, but use the substance only according to the instructions.

Usage Methods

All known essential oils properties and applications (table above) are used for inhalation, aroma baths, massage. Some oils can be consumed internally. All types of esters are used to prepare masks, scrubs, peeling products, creams.

For cold inhalation, a small amount of oil is applied to a cloth or tissue and the vapors are inhaled. Duration of inhalation is not more than ten minutes. During the procedure, you need to breathe evenly, deeply, slowly.

Before using the bath ether, it is recommended to mix it with any foundation. It can be any oil, such as almond or olive oil. You can use emulsifiers in the form of sea salt, honey, foam as a base. The water in the bath should not be too hot, as this contributes to the volatilization of the beneficial properties of the esters. As a result, instead of a useful procedure, it turns out that a simple bath was taken.

For aromatherapy, hot water is first poured, then a candle is lowered into it and lit. Then oil is added. The number of drops should be strictly according to the instructions. During aromatherapy, all windows and doors in the room must be closed. This is necessary so that oil vapors accumulate in the room.

When applying oils for massage, the esters are pre-mixed with the base. It can be pure baby cream, honey, olive or nut oil, and other options. Massage with ethers not only helps to heal the skin and improve blood flow, but also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

A few drops of oils can be added to ready-made masks, creams, ointments. This is done before applying the substance to the skin. Thanks to the esters, the properties of masks and creams are enhanced, as well as the susceptibility of skin cells to useful components.

All known essential oils have only useful properties. They allow you to take care not only of the skin, but also of the hair. Unique formulations are used for all hair types, as well as for the treatment of scalp problems. Esters help regulate hair loss, improve their quality, accelerate growth, remove greasiness, and also remove dandruff, dryness and more.

Esters can be used both individually and in combination with several different types. They can be added to shampoos or masks. Properly selected oils will make hair care a pleasant procedure, after which the desired effect is quickly achieved.

How to choose hair oils

Mask Recipes

For normal hair, you can make the following masks:

  • a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil is taken and mixed with five drops of chamomile oil. The composition is applied evenly over the entire length of the hair. Washes off after half an hour.
  • Almond oil is mixed with sage, rosemary ether. The composition is rubbed into the head and left for an hour.

For oily hair types, the following masks are used:

  • 30 grams of jajoba oil is mixed with two drops of cedar oil and the same amount of lavender. Everything is mixed up. The composition is applied to the head for half an hour. Then everything is washed away.
  • Honey, cream and burdock oil are taken in equal parts, mixed. Two drops of rosemary ether and the same amount of lavender are introduced into the mass. The finished mask is rubbed into the head for a third of an hour.

For dry hair, the following mask is ideal: twenty grams of sesame oil is mixed with a drop of sage ether. Everything is mixed and applied to the scalp. Such a tool will help normalize the skin, as well as restore the strength of the hair.

Hello, my dear readers and guests! I have been using essential oils for over 10 years. I love them and use them often.

But, my knowledge of essential oils until the last moment was very limited to a single general lecture at the institute and a guide to their use.

In addition, I very often see that many people generally misunderstand what essential oils are and often confuse them with ordinary base oils, as well as use them incorrectly and thoughtlessly.

Therefore, I decided for myself and for those who might be interested to understand this topic in more detail.

So, what are essential oils, how they are obtained and how they are useful, read on...

From this article you will learn:

To help myself, I took an excellent textbook "Fundamentals of Cosmetic Chemistry" edited by Samuilova and Puchkova.

Perhaps for some this material will seem like a boring lecture, but after reading it once, you will significantly enrich your knowledge of essential oils, which will certainly help you in the future when using them.

Essential oils are natural aromatic volatile substances contained in plants and giving them their smell.

However, only 150-200 species have found application in medicine and cosmetology, of which approximately 80% are tropical and subtropical plants.

Essential oils protect plants from insect pests, attract insect pollinators to them, and also endow it with medicinal properties.

Where are essential oils found?

Essential oils are a certain secret of the special glands of plants, which can be located in their different parts:

  • In flowers - rose, narcissus, jasmine, lily, acacia, violet, azalea
  • In leaves and stems - lavender, basil, mint, sage, geranium, wormwood, etc.
  • In seeds - anise, coriander, cumin, fennel, dill
  • In the roots - calamus, iris, vetiver, etc.

Methods for obtaining essential oils

There are several ways to obtain essential oils, which I will now try to describe briefly, but very clearly.

  • Steam distillation

This is one of the most common ways to obtain essential oils.

This method is based on the law of partial pressure, according to which two immiscible liquids heated together boil at a temperature below the boiling point of each liquid separately.

Water vapor from the steam generator passes through the plant material and entrains the essential oil, which condenses in the refrigerator and is collected in the receiver.

  • Extraction method

The crushed vegetable raw materials are filled with a liquid in which essential oils are easily soluble, and left in it for a long time.

Thus, they leave the plant and concentrate in the solvent.

Alcohols and liquefied gases can be used as solvents.

Essential oils obtained by extraction methods are not pure, therefore they have a hard, waxy consistency and are called concretes.

Then, essential oils are separated from concretes, with the help of alcohol and cooling, which are called absolute.

  • Enfleurage or absorption

This is a very laborious way to obtain essential oils and is used only for certain types of flowers (jasmine, tuberose).

With this method, the esters are extracted with a thin layer of fat (the raw material is clamped between glass plates lubricated with grease), and then extracted from the collected fat with alcohol.

Less than a kg of essential oil is obtained from 1 ton of flowers.

  • Maceration or infusion

This is the process of obtaining essential oils using hot vegetable oil.

The raw materials are immersed in heated oil for 2 days, and then the essential oils are separated from the vegetable oil with alcohol.

This is how essential oils of jasmine, violets, acacia, roses are obtained.

  • Pressing

By pressing, essential oils are obtained from coarse raw materials in which there are a lot of them, such as citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, lemongrass)

Chemical composition of essential oils

The properties of essential oils depend on their chemical composition. They can include, imagine, from several tens to hundreds of components.

They are divided into two groups:

  1. macrocomponents
  2. microcomponents

The aroma and physiological activity of essential oils are determined precisely by macrocomponents.

There are plants that contain only 2-3 macrocomponents. For example, peppermint oil contains 85% menthol, clove oil contains 85% eugenol.

The chemical composition of essential oils is mainly represented by a group of terpenes and their oxygen derivatives - terpenoids. They have a high and diverse biological activity.

The main components of essential oils and their effect on the human body

So, consider the main components of esters:

  • Monoterpenes
  1. Present in almost every essential oil:
  2. LIMONEN is found in citrus oils: lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, lemongrass.
  3. PINEN is found in essential oils of coniferous plants: fir, pine, spruce.
  4. Sabinene - juniper oil.
  5. 60% monoterpenes contains frankincense essential oil

Monoterpenes have strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant, fungicidal, antiseptic and bactericidal actions, stimulate the adrenal glands, relieve muscle pain. Monoterpenes can be toxic.

  • Monoterpene alcohols

Linolol, Citronellol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Borneol, Menthol, Nerol, Terpeneol, Vetiverol

Monoterpene alcohols contain: lavender, coriander, geranium, rose, mint oils.

Monoterpene alcohols have antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral properties. Able to anesthetize when applied topically. Not toxic.

  • Esters of monoterpenes

Linolyl acetate, bornyl acetate, geranyl acetate, etc.

They have a calming and anti-spasmodic effect.

  • Phenols

The best known are thymol (thyme oil), eugenol (clove oil), safrole, anethole. This also includes the oil of anise, fennel, basil, dill.

They have a very high bactericidal activity, are able to relieve spasms, locally anesthetize. But at the same time, they are toxic and irritate the skin.

  • Terpene aldehydes

Cetral, neral, geranial, cinnamaldehyde. Containing oils of lemon balm, verbena, lemon, lemon eucalyptus.

They have antiviral and sedative activity.

  • Ketones

Some of the best known ketones are camphor, sage and hyssop essential oils.

They have wound healing properties, are useful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, they are mucolytics, good antiseptics.

In large doses, they are toxic, disrupt liver function, and are dangerous for pregnant women.

Especially toxic oils are tansy, wormwood, sage, camphor.

Less toxic oils of yarrow, rosemary, cedar, immortelle... Non-toxic jasmine, peppermint oil.

  • Furanocoumarins

Bright representatives are bergamot and tangerine essential oils.

Very phototoxic, actively absorb UV rays and cause burns. Requires careful handling.

  • Sesquiterpenes

Contains chamomile oil, carrot seed oil, santal oil, vetiver.

They have a tonic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bacteriostatic action.

Physical properties of essential oils

According to their physical properties, essential oils:

  • Essential oils are colorless liquids with a specific smell and taste with a density of 0.8 to 1
  • Most are lighter than water.
  • They are insoluble in water, but give them a taste and smell.
  • Soluble in fatty and mineral acids, alcohol, ether and organic solvents, as well as in natural products (cream, honey, milk, butter).
  • Letuchi. Flammable and flammable.
  • They have a pungent or spicy taste.

How do essential oils work on the human body?

Let us consider in more detail the main effects of the use of essential oils on a person and his body.

Essential oils affect the human body mainly through olfactory receptors, providing a psycho-emotional effect (some smells can excite, others soothe) and through the bloodstream, affecting organs and tissues.

As we have already found out, the chemical composition of essential oils provides their pharmacological effect.

The main benefits of essential oils are:

  • Antiseptic action

Most essential oils have this property, due to the content of phytoncides in their composition.

They are able to act on gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, enterobacteria, bacilli, vibrios, many types of fungi and viruses.

These properties are possessed by such oils as: cinnamon, sage, mint, caraway, anise, eucalyptus, sandalwood, lemon, lavender, pine, fir, tea tree.

They can be used for various skin diseases and skin problems, hair loss, oral infections, frostbite, burns, dandruff, wounds and cuts, irritations, bites.

  • Anti-inflammatory action

Essential oils can reduce vascular permeability and stabilize cell membranes, increase blood circulation.

These actions are especially evident in the healing of wounds and skin lesions, inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles, with excess weight and edema, muscle cramps.

Essential oils of lavender, laurel, basil, fennel, geranium, etc. have good anti-inflammatory activity.

  • Spasmolytic action

Some essential oils can have antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effects.

These include essential oils of arnica, laurel, frankincense, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, pine, dill, fennel, etc.

Can be used for headaches, insomnia, migraines, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, fatigue...

  • Bronchodilator action

Such essential oils in small doses can increase the secretory function of the bronchi and be used for bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, runny nose.

Most often they do inhalation. This oil is anise, thyme, eucalyptus, etc.

Of course, all essential oils differ in the degree of impact, and before using, you need to look at each oil more specifically.

Essential oils also contain phytohormones, vitamins, antioxidants, pheromones, regulate the psycho-emotional state and spiritual comfort, which makes them very useful for use in cosmetology and various body rejuvenation processes.

You can buy real essential oils of the highest quality Here

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

photo@ duskbabe