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Vaccination against polio for children: how “dead” drugs are injected, and what restrictions must be observed when injecting “live” ones. Schedule of childhood vaccinations against polio in Russia - vaccination and revaccination schemes Scheme of vaccination against polio for a child

  • BCG
  • Bathing
  • The temperature has risen
  • Not long ago, polio was a serious problem worldwide, causing epidemics with frequent deaths. The beginning of vaccination against the virus that causes this disease has helped reduce the incidence, which is why doctors call vaccination against polio one of the most important in childhood.

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    Why is polio dangerous?

    Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. With it, the virus that causes this infection attacks the child’s spinal cord, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

    In severe cases of infection, death may occur as a result of exposure to the respiratory center. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

    It is also dangerous for children that there is polio virus carriage. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

    Types of vaccines

    The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

    1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
    2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Because of the method of administration (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

    For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

    The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

    The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:

    • Pentaxim;
    • Tetraxim;
    • Infanrix Hexa;
    • Tetrakok 05.


    IPV is not administered when:

    • Acute infections.
    • High temperature.
    • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
    • Skin rash.
    • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

    OPV is not given if the child has:

    • Immunodeficiency.
    • HIV infection.
    • Acute illness.
    • Oncopathology.
    • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

    • The polio vaccine is highly effective. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
    • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.

    Disadvantages of such vaccinations:

    • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
    • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

    Adverse reactions

    The most common adverse reactions to IPV administration, occurring in 5-7% of children, are changes in the injection site. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

    Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

    The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

    • Nausea.
    • Abnormal stool.
    • Allergic skin rashes.
    • Increased body temperature.

    Possible complications

    When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

    Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Is there a fever after vaccination?

    Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

    How many vaccinations are given against polio?

    In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

    The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

    OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children's nervous system with the frequent development of paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in the exceptional reliability of preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

    Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood of timely diagnosis of the disease. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

    Polio is called “spinal palsy.” The causative agent is poliovirus, which infects neurons. As a result of the destruction of nerve cells, paresis and muscle paralysis occur. Vaccination against polio for a child is protection against this terrible disease.

    Poliomyelitis translated from ancient Greek means: “polios” - gray and “myelos” - spinal cord. And the ending “it” means inflammation. This acute infectious disease is severe, and it is very easy to become infected. Young children from six months to five years old are most often affected. The peak incidence is observed in the summer-autumn period. The causative agent poliovirus (Poliovirus hominis) belongs to the picornavirus family, the enterovirus group (entering the body through the intestines) and has three types (strains): I, II and III. The most common causative agent of polio is strain I.

    What you need to know about the disease

    When deciding whether to vaccinate your newborn child against polio, remember that the virus is very stable in the external environment. It remains in water for up to 100 days, and is released from the patient’s intestines for up to five to six months. The virus is not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, but dies at high temperature, UV irradiation and drying. It is resistant to antibiotics. Infection occurs through the air or through infected objects of the patient (bed, clothing, hands, food, dishes). Insects (flies) can also be carriers of the virus.

    Once in the body, the virus penetrates the lymph nodes of the small intestine, then into the blood. From the bloodstream, the virus can penetrate the neurons of the spinal cord, where it multiplies. By releasing toxic products, it causes the death of neurons.

    Poliomyelitis is often asymptomatic. But in some cases, after the completion of the incubation period (3-30 days), signs of the disease appear. There are three main clinical forms of pathology with manifest clinical signs.

    1. Abortive. It is characterized by nonspecific symptoms: cough, runny nose, weakness, fever, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines. At first glance, the disease does not cause much concern. But taking into account that the virus spreads very easily, such a patient can infect a large number of children.
    2. Meningeal. The name indicates the localization of the pathological process, inflammation of the soft membrane of the brain. The virus infects neurons in the spinal cord. This leads to a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, which causes a disruption in their contraction. The child experiences paresis (limited muscle movement) and paralysis (lack of muscle contraction). In this form, dysfunction of the respiratory muscles is especially dangerous, which can lead to suffocation and death.
    3. Bulbarnaya. The nerve cells of the medulla oblongata are affected. Inflammation of the facial nerve is observed, which leads to dysfunction of the facial muscles.

    In Russia, immunization against polio began in 1961. Before this, the number of cases per year was almost 22 thousand; since 1962, 110-140 cases have been registered annually. In our country, vaccination against polio is possible in all regions.

    What vaccines are used to inoculate against polio?

    Eliminating a cause is always better than fighting its effect. Therefore, to protect against this terrible disease, children are vaccinated against polio in all countries. There are two types of vaccines used for vaccination.

    1. Inactivated polio vaccine, IPV (IPV). This inactivated polio vaccine is used from three months. Double vaccination provides 91% protection, and triple vaccination provides 99-100% protection for the three types of virus. The drug contains a virus inactivated by formaldehyde and is administered intramuscularly three times, causing the formation of immunity against polio. The vaccine contains an inactive virus that cannot cause disease. The vaccine activates humoral immunity, that is, the synthesis of antibodies-immunoglobulins. A vaccinated child is protected from the disease, but can be a “carrier” of the virus to others.
    2. Inactive or “live” polio vaccine, OPV. The virus was obtained after cultivation on monkey kidney cells at low temperatures. It can multiply in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, but has lost the ability to multiply in nerve cells. One dose of a “live” attenuated vaccine is 50% effective against three strains of the virus, and three doses are 94-97% effective. The vaccine is inexpensive and effective, and these are its advantages. But it is extremely rare that a weakened virus is modified and can cause disease, which is its disadvantage. The drug activates humoral immunity (synthesis of antibodies) and tissue immunity. The vaccine is used from six months, and the vaccinated child is not a carrier of the virus.

    Both vaccines can be “monovalent” or “trivalent,” meaning they contain one or three strains of the polio virus. If there is an outbreak of polio in an area, then the most commonly used vaccine is a “monivalent” vaccine against the strain of the virus that causes the disease.

    In addition to viruses, vaccines include antibiotics to suppress bacteria: neomycin, polymycin, streptomycin. Therefore, it is not advisable to administer vaccines to children who are allergic to these medications, or they should be used together with antiallergic medications.

    According to the vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation, the first two vaccinations are given by IPV, and the third and revaccinations are given by OPV. Many parents wonder whether the polio vaccine is dangerous. It is extremely rare that a strain of the “live vaccine” virus can cause illness in some children. This type of polio can only occur in children who have not previously been vaccinated with IPV. The frequency of occurrence is 1:1000000.

    What is used in Russia

    A “live” vaccine is produced in the Russian Federation, and inactivated virus preparations are purchased abroad. The following mono-vaccines are used in Russia:

    • Oral polio (type I, II and III);
    • "Imovax Polio";
    • "Poliorix".

    And also combined:

    • "Infanrix Penta";
    • "Infanrix Hexa";
    • "Pentaxim";
    • "Tetraxim";
    • "Tetrakok".

    Some countries only use IPV, but this protection is solely for the child himself. At the same time, he is a “carrier” of the virus, which can be risky for others. Most countries use IPV and OPV together because with this approach, by activating their immunity against polio, the vaccinated child is not a “carrier” of the virus.

    Contraindications for IPV

    These include allergies to antibiotics: streptomycin, neomycin, polymyxin. And:

    • acute infections;
    • chronic diseases (during exacerbation);
    • allergic reactions as side effects to the vaccine drug.

    In order to properly prepare for vaccination and eliminate its negative consequences, three days before vaccination and three days after it, you cannot introduce new foods into the child’s diet, especially for children prone to allergies (citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, honey).

    Contraindications for OPV

    • pathologies of the nervous system;
    • neurological complications after the first administration of the vaccine;
    • tumors;
    • immunodeficiency states;
    • acute infections.

    And also in cases where suppressive medications are prescribed.

    OPV is given only to healthy children whose health status has been assessed by a pediatrician and confirmed by the results of blood and urine tests.


    Vaccination against polio for children is carried out with two types of vaccines according to the schedule presented in the table.

    Table - Scheme of administration of IPV and OPV to children

    Child's ageIPVOPV
    3 months+ -
    4.5 months+ -
    6 months- +
    Repeated vaccination (re-vaccination)
    18 months- +
    20 months- +
    14 years- +

    The first two injections of IPV are usually carried out with Imovax Polio or Poliorix. Bivak Polio is often chosen for OPV revaccination.

    "Imovax Polio" (IPV)

    The package contains instructions, a syringe with a needle and a bottle of transparent suspension. The breakdown of the composition is as follows:

    • inactivated strains of polio virus (D-antigen)- Type I (40 units), Type II (8 units), Type III (32 units);
    • Excipients- preservatives, nutrient medium 199 (Hanks), containing a mixture of amino acids, vitamins, nucleotides.

    The drug is administered intramuscularly into the shoulder/thigh. There is no need to specially treat the injection site; you can bathe the child and wet the injection site. But when bathing your baby, do not steam him or use a sponge on the injection site. This vaccine can be injected at the same time as other drugs, but with different syringes and in different places. Exception: BCG and BCG-M.

    Only IPV immunization is given to children for whom the “live vaccine” OPV is contraindicated. The vaccine is also recommended for people with immunodeficiencies.

    Post-vaccination period

    Children usually tolerate the injection of the drug well, and negative reactions are rare. But some may experience an increased reaction to the vaccine, which is characterized by:

    • pain at the injection site;
    • swelling and redness of the injection site;
    • low-grade fever (37.2-37.6°C);
    • drowsiness and lethargy;
    • agitation and irritability;
    • Rarely, infants may have short-term seizures;
    • anaphylactic reaction (extremely rare).

    All these side effects disappear within two to three days and do not require special treatment. If the reaction is inadequate, then you need to call a doctor. If the temperature after polio vaccination rises to 39-39.5°C, then this is most likely the body’s response to the addition of infection.

    For premature babies (28 weeks) and children with an “immature” respiratory system, mandatory vaccination is recommended because they are at increased risk. But after vaccination, medical supervision of such babies is necessary not only for half an hour after the injection, but also in the next two to three days, in order to prevent undesirable consequences of the vaccination in time.

    "Bivak Polio" (OPV)

    According to the instructions, a single dose of the vaccine (0.2 ml: four drops) contains strains of the polio virus (D-antigen):

    • Type I;
    • Type II;
    • III type.

    The drug solution is placed in a 5 ml bottle (25 doses). Using a sterile pipette (or a disposable syringe), draw the solution from the bottle and drop four drops into your mouth.

    OPV can be administered with other vaccines that are included in the vaccination schedule. Exception: BCG and other oral vaccines (Rotatec).

    If the intervals between the first, second and third vaccinations have been increased, in this case the interval between the third and fourth vaccinations (re-vaccination) is reduced to three months. If the interval between vaccinations increases, immunization does not start again. Violation of the vaccination schedule leads to weakened immunity against poliovirus.

    Post-vaccination period

    Children generally tolerate the vaccine well, but extremely rarely side effects may occur:

    • allergy to the components of the drug;
    • bowel dysfunction.

    A child who has received the OPV vaccine must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene for two months (separate bed, clothes, dishes, potty) so that the poliovirus released from his body does not infect others (children, relatives).

    Unscheduled immunization

    It may be required in two cases.

    1. When leaving for a country with a “bad” endemic situation. Or after returning from such a country. The vaccination is done once, OPV is used. It is advisable to immunize a month before departure to develop immunity.
    2. The child was vaccinated with a monovaccine. If a child is vaccinated against only one strain of the virus, and there is an outbreak of another strain in the region where he lives, then he is vaccinated against the strain that caused polio in the region.

    Facts for it

    In order not to worry about the consequences of immunization, parents should study reviews of polio vaccination from pediatricians. Domestic vaccines in children's clinics are free. Foreign drugs are paid, but their qualitative composition is purer, and after such a polio vaccination, complications are less likely to occur.

    There is no wild strain of poliovirus in Russia, as mass and individual vaccination is carried out annually. This is information for those who are against vaccinations. But in many countries (Tajikistan, India, countries of the Middle East) there are foci of polio. Russians travel to the territory of these countries. We also receive tourists from there. Therefore, there is no guarantee that a child will not be infected by a “carrier” of the virus (in transport, kindergarten, school, store).

    Interesting fact. If you plan to live for a long time, for example, in the USA (work, study), you will not be able to do this without information about vaccinations against polio in your medical record. Consider this before refusing to vaccinate your child against polio.

    Polio (from the Greek polios - “gray”, referring to the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord; from the Greek myelos - “spinal cord”) is a severe infectious disease that is caused by polio viruses of types 1, 2, 3. It is characterized by damage to the nervous system (mainly the gray matter of the spinal cord), which leads to paralysis, as well as inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa and nasopharynx, occurring under the “mask” of an acute respiratory infection or intestinal infection.

    Epidemic outbreaks are most often associated with polio virus type 1. Epidemics of polio have occurred throughout human history. In the 50s of the 20th century, two American scientists, Sabin and Salk, were the first to create vaccines against this disease. The first researcher proposed a product containing weakened live polio viruses in this capacity, the second one developed a vaccine from killed viruses of the disease. Thanks to vaccination, the dangerous disease was defeated.

    However, in some regions of the world, so-called wild polio viruses still circulate in nature, and unvaccinated people can get sick. The disease is transmitted from person to person by talking, sneezing, or through contaminated objects, food, or water. The source of infection is a sick person. Due to its high contagiousness, the infection spreads quickly, but a polio outbreak is suspected when the first case of paralysis is noted. The incubation period of the disease (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms) lasts 7-14 days (can range from 3 to 35 days). Viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx or intestines, multiply there, then penetrate the blood and reach the nerve cells of the brain, but most often the spinal cord, and destroy them. This determines the appearance of paralysis.

    Forms of polio in children

    Virus carriage

    If the virus does not spread beyond the nasopharynx and intestines, then the disease does not manifest itself clinically in the infected person. However, the infected person himself is a source of infection for others.

    Non-paralytic forms

    This is a relatively favorable variant of the course of the disease. If the virus manages to penetrate the blood, the disease proceeds as follows: acute respiratory infections(with fever, malaise, runny nose, sore and red throat, loss of appetite) or acute intestinal infection(with frequent, loose stools). Another form is emergence serous meningitis(lesions of the membranes of the brain). Fever, headache, vomiting, tension in the neck muscles appear, as a result of which it is impossible to bring the chin closer to the chest (symptoms indicating the involvement of the meninges in the inflammatory process), twitching and muscle pain.

    Paralytic form

    This is the most severe manifestation of polio. In this case, the disease begins acutely, with high fever, malaise, refusal to eat, in half of the cases symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose) and intestines (loose stools) appear, and after 1-3 days symptoms of damage to the nervous system appear ( headache, pain in limbs, back). Patients are drowsy, reluctant to change body position due to pain, and experience muscle twitching. This is the pre-paralysis period, which lasts 1-6 days. Then the temperature drops and paralysis develops. This happens very quickly, within 1-3 days or even several hours. One limb may be paralyzed, but much more often both arms and legs are immobilized. Damage to the respiratory muscles is also possible, which leads to breathing problems. In rare cases, paralysis of the facial muscles occurs. The paralytic period lasts up to 2 weeks, and then the recovery period gradually begins, which lasts up to 1 year. In most cases, complete recovery does not occur, the limb remains shortened, atrophy (disorder of tissue nutrition) and muscle changes persist. It is worth noting that paralysis occurs in only 1% of those infected.

    Diagnosis of polio in children

    The diagnosis of polio is established on the basis of the characteristic external manifestations of the disease and epidemiological prerequisites: for example, the presence of infected or sick people in the patient’s environment, as well as in the summer. The fact is that on hot days people (and especially children) swim a lot, and you can become infected with the virus by swallowing water from an open reservoir. In addition, laboratory test data (for example, isolation of the virus from the nasopharyngeal mucus, feces and blood of the patient, examination of the cerebrospinal fluid) allow diagnosing polio. But these studies are expensive and are not carried out in every hospital, much less in every clinic. To carry out such analyses, a network of centers for laboratory diagnostics of polio has been created, where material from the patient is delivered for study.

    Vaccination against polio for a child

    Considering that polio is a viral infection and there is no specific therapy that specifically targets these viruses, the only effective means of preventing the disease is vaccination.

    Two drugs are used for vaccination against polio: oral (from Latin oris mouth, pertaining to the mouth) live polio vaccine (OPV), containing weakened modified live polio viruses, the solution of which is dripped into the mouth, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) ), containing killed wild polio viruses, which is administered by injection. Both vaccines contain 3 types of polio virus. That is, they protect against all existing “variations” of this infection. True, IPV is not yet produced in our country. But there is a foreign vaccine IMOVAX POLIO, which can be used for grafting. In addition, IPV is part of the vaccine TETRACOK(combined vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio). Both of these drugs are used commercially at the request of parents. Polio vaccines can be administered simultaneously with immunoglobulin and any other vaccines except BCG.

    Since January 1, 2008, the first and second vaccinations against polio are carried out with an inactivated vaccine (IPV). The third vaccination is carried out with live vaccines to prevent polio (6 months).

    Polio vaccination schedule

    First vaccination with inactivated polio vaccine - 3 months.

    The second vaccination is carried out with an inactivated polio vaccine - 4.5 months.

    The third vaccination is carried out with live vaccines to prevent polio - 6 months.

    First revaccination - 18 months.

    Second revaccination - 20 months.

    Third revaccination - 14 years.

    List of vaccines registered in the Russian Federation for the prevention of polio

    Vaccine name

    Vaccine purpose

    Type of vaccine

    Manufacturer country

    Oral polio vaccine types 1,2,3

    Imovax polio

    Vaccine to prevent polio



    Vaccine for the prevention of polio, inactivated


    Infanrix Penta

    Vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough (acellular), diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated)


    Infanrix Hexa

    Vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough (acellular), diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglotitis, etc.).



    Vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus, adsorbed, whooping cough (acellular), polio (inactivated)



    Adsorbed vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus, whooping cough (acellular), polio, invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglotitis, etc.).


    Oral polio vaccine - a pink liquid substance with a bitter-salty taste.

    Method of administration: instillation into the mouth, for children - onto the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, for older children - onto the surface of the palatine tonsils, where immunity begins to form. There are no taste buds in these places, and the child will not feel the unpleasant taste of the vaccine. Otherwise, excessive salivation will occur, the baby will swallow the drug, it will enter the stomach with saliva and be destroyed there. The vaccine will be ineffective. OPV is instilled from a disposable plastic dropper or using a disposable syringe (without a needle). Dose depends on the concentration of the drug: 4 drops or 2 drops. If the baby burps after receiving the vaccine, the procedure is repeated. After repeated regurgitation, the vaccine is no longer administered, and the next dose is given after a month and a half. Within an hour after the administration of OPV, you should not feed or water the child.

    Body reaction

    After OPV administration, vaccine reactions (local or general) are usually absent. In extremely rare cases, low-grade fever (up to 37.5 degrees C) may appear 5-14 days after vaccination. In young children, frequent bowel movements are occasionally observed, which persist for 1-2 days after vaccination and go away without treatment. These reactions are not complications. If stool abnormalities are pronounced (there is mucus, greens, streaks of blood in the stool, etc.) and continue for a long time, this may be a manifestation of an intestinal infection, which coincidentally coincided with vaccination.

    How does vaccination work?

    The oral live polio vaccine is stored in the intestines for a long time (up to 1 month) and, like all live vaccines, forms in the body of the vaccinated person an immunity almost identical to that which occurs after suffering the infection itself. In this case, antibodies (protective proteins) are synthesized in the blood and on the intestinal mucosa (so-called secretory immunity), which do not allow the “wild” virus to enter the body. In addition, specific protective cells are formed that are able to recognize polio viruses in the body and destroy them. Another property is also important: while the vaccine virus lives in the intestines, it does not allow the “wild” polio virus to enter there. Therefore, in regions where there is polio, newborn children are vaccinated with a live vaccine right in the maternity hospital to protect the baby in the first month of life from infection. This type of vaccination does not create long-term immunity, which is why it is called “zero”. The first vaccination dose is administered to the child at 2 months and they continue to be vaccinated according to the full schedule. The live polio vaccine has another unexpected property - it stimulates the synthesis of interferon (an antiviral substance) in the body. Therefore, indirectly, such a vaccination can protect against influenza and other viral respiratory infections.

    Complications from live polio vaccine

    The only serious, but fortunately very rare complication of OPV vaccination is vaccine-associated polio (VAP) ) . This disease can develop during the first, less often during the second, and extremely rarely during the third administration of a live vaccine, in cases where it was vaccinated to a child with congenital immunodeficiency or to an AIDS patient in the stage of immunodeficiency. Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract also predispose to the occurrence of VAP. In other cases, this complication does not develop. Persons who have had vaccine-associated polio should continue to be vaccinated, but only with inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).

    Inactivated polio vaccine Available in liquid form, packaged in syringe doses of 0.5 ml.

    Method of administration: injection. Children under 18 months. - subcutaneously in the subscapular region (possibly in the shoulder) or intramuscularly in the thigh, for older children - in the shoulder. No restrictions on eating or drinking times are required.

    Body reaction

    After the introduction of IPV, 5-7% of vaccinated people may have local vaccine reactions (which is not a complication of vaccination) in the form of swelling and redness not exceeding 8 cm in diameter. In 1-4% of cases, general vaccine reactions are observed in the form of a short-term low rise in temperature and restlessness of the child on the first or second day after vaccination.

    How does vaccination work?

    When inactivated polio vaccine is administered, the vaccinated person develops antibodies in the blood. However, they practically do not form on the intestinal mucosa. Protective cells capable of recognizing and destroying polio viruses along with the pathogen in the body are not synthesized, as is the case with OPV vaccination. This is a significant disadvantage of IPV. However, when using an inactivated vaccine, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis never occurs and it can be safely administered to children with immunodeficiency.


    A side effect of IPV can, in very rare cases, be an allergic rash.

    ATTENTION! Persons who have had polio must continue to be vaccinated in the future, since a second illness may be caused by a different type of virus.

    Unvaccinated people, be careful!

    People who have not been vaccinated against polio (regardless of age) and who also suffer from immunodeficiency can become infected by a vaccinated child and develop vaccine-associated polio (VAP). Cases have been described in which vaccinated children infected parents with AIDS, in the stage of immunodeficiency, as well as relatives with primary immunodeficiency or those who receive medications that suppress the immune system (for the treatment of cancer). To prevent such situations, it is recommended to vaccinate your child inactivated polio vaccine , and also wash your hands after washing the baby and do not kiss the vaccinated person on the lips. Vaccination against polio, like any other vaccination, if done on time and according to the rules, will help the fragile baby resist a serious and dangerous disease. This means it will make the child stronger, strengthen his body and relieve parents from many problems and trials that the family of a seriously ill child usually has to endure.

    Paralysis (from the Greek paralysis to relax) is a disorder of motor functions in the form of a complete absence of voluntary movements, due to a disruption in the transmission of nerve signals to the corresponding muscles.

    Immunoglobulin is a drug made from the blood of a person who has been ill or vaccinated against a particular infection and has developed antibodies- protective proteins against infectious agents.

    Article “Vaccinations: on the issue of safety” (No. 4, 2004)

    Keep a vaccination calendar using ours, write down the real dates of your child’s vaccinations, and receive notifications about upcoming vaccinations by email!

    Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by a virus (there are 3 types). The central nervous system is damaged, which often ends in paralysis. If the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted, then death.

    Today the problem has been resolved on a global scale, but only thanks to mass vaccination. Dangerous areas remain in Africa and Asia (by the way, Ukraine recently fired, which came as a shock to Europe). In countries where the health care system is practically undeveloped, international organizations work, but they cannot provide full coverage of the territory.

    Since the disease cannot be properly treated, the only option left is vaccination.

    1. Complete immunity for the rest of your life, provided you complete the full course;
    2. Passive vaccination. The introduced strain of the virus is excreted orally for another 30 days, so those around them become infected with the weakened infection, developing immunity in themselves;
    3. Safety. The percentage of complications is negligible, however, despite this, the vaccine is constantly being improved. The goal of scientists is to eliminate the side effect altogether;
    4. Availability. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for free distribution of the drug in the required quantities for complete vaccination of the population. This has been the case since the times of the USSR, and remains so to this day.

    Types of vaccines and principle of action

    Today in the world there are 2 types of vaccines that contain all 3 viruses.

    OPV – live oral polio vaccine

    Developed in 1955 by an American scientist. This is a red, bitter liquid consisting of a live but very weakened polio virus. It is administered by instillation into the oral cavity (the root of the tongue in younger children, between the lip and gum in older children).

    Depending on the concentration of a particular ampoule (manufacturers may vary this indicator), you need from 2 to 4 drops. Helped defeat the disease on an entire continent in a fairly short time.

    • The virus enters the intestines and begins to multiply;
    • The immune system reacts to this process by producing antibodies on the intestinal mucosa and blood;
    • After about 30 days, active shedding of the virus occurs through the oral route. Others become infected (passive vaccination). At the same time, the chances of a vaccinated person contracting a wild virus are reduced to zero. This is actively used in problem areas, using zero vaccination immediately after birth. It will not give immunity, but it will protect the child from illness until the first vaccination;
    • A weakened virus cannot create problems for the immune system, so it is defeated. Next time, the immune cells formed in this way will work faster and more efficiently.

    IPV – inactive polio vaccine

    Developed in the same America, but a little earlier - in 1950. This is an injection liquid containing a certain amount of killed viruses of three types. Packaged in disposable syringes (one dose per syringe). Inserted into the thigh or shoulder. It is safer, but does not provide a passive effect.

    1. Killed pathogens are introduced into the blood;
    2. The body reacts to them accordingly - antibodies are produced;
    3. There is no synthesis of immune cells in the intestines.

    This type of vaccine is approved for children with HIV, as it cannot cause even a mild form of the disease.

    Cavinton: what it is prescribed for and how it works can be found in our publication.

    In this article, you will learn how you can relieve swelling in your feet.

    Polio vaccination schedule for children

    In our country there is a regulatory document - the national vaccination calendar, which describes in detail the procedure for compulsory vaccination of the population. It is compiled according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but each government can slightly vary the timing and type of vaccines, so the schedule of different countries may vary significantly. Let's look at a few examples.


    Our order is as follows:

    The first two times an inactive vaccine is administered, which is absolutely safe for the child. Then, to develop lasting immunity, a weakened virus acts on the prepared body.

    But not everyone is allowed a live vaccination, so there is a polio vaccination schedule using only killed “infection”:

    The production of live vaccines exists in our country, but IPV is completely imported. Therefore, Ministry of Health officials are in no hurry to follow new trends - using exclusively dead virus, since this will turn out to be quite expensive on a national scale.

    At the same time, it has even been scientifically proven that children vaccinated exclusively with IPV develop stable immunity in the same way as when using OPV.


    In our neighbors, the level of medicine is considered one of the best among the countries of the former Union, but the polio vaccination calendar is focused on the United States. IPV is used exclusively:

    No cases of the disease have been recorded during the entire period of independence, so conclusions about the effectiveness of the system suggest themselves.


    This country is taken as an example of good European medicine. So, the schedule (used exclusively by IPV):

    • 2 months;
    • 3 months;
    • 4 months;
    • From 11 to 14 months;
    • From 15 to 23 months. This revaccination is not mandatory and is prescribed if necessary according to the decision of the family doctor;
    • From 9 to 14 years old;
    • From 15 to 17 years old.

    The vaccine was developed in this country, so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with their calendar (only IPV is used):

    However, there are no age restrictions for late arrivals. There is only one rule - children under 18 years of age must be vaccinated 4 times.

    Reaction to polio vaccination

    Complications are extremely rare here; much more often, the child’s body demonstrates a normal reaction, which many parents attribute to complications. What can a child have after vaccination?

    • No reaction;
    • Increased temperature (up to 38 degrees) 3 days and up to 14 days after instillation;
    • Stool upset for a couple of days;
    • 1 case in two and a half million cases of infection with the disease.
    • No reaction;
    • Local allergic reaction at the injection site;
    • Decreased activity and appetite for several days.

    Hence the conclusion: the IPV vaccine is safer and guarantees complete immunity.

    The myth that OPV provides stronger immunity has long been debunked, and our officials support it due to economic feasibility (this applies to almost all CIS countries).

    What to do if vaccination dates are missed?

    There are many reasons why you can skip the polio vaccine. For example, the most common:

    • The child was ill or recovering from an illness;
    • Progressive allergic manifestations (acute period);
    • The local clinic simply did not have the vaccine (this is rare, but it also happens);
    • Negligence of medical workers or parents, and many others.

    There is no point in giving in to panic in such cases, nothing terrible happened. There is a certain procedure:

    • Missed first vaccination:
      • For children under 6 years old, it is done twice with a break of a month;
      • After 6 years – once;
    • If the second vaccination is missed, then it is simply given later and that’s it;
    • The third and fourth also do not require any additional funds; the doctor shifts the schedule.

    The basic rule is that the total number should be 5 IPVs under 14 years of age or 4 OPVs with two IPVs. Unscheduled revaccination is possible in the event of a disease outbreak, as was done in Ukraine, where everyone under 12 years of age was vaccinated in 2 months, despite the schedule.

    Contraindications to vaccination

    • The child has HIV or there are such patients in his immediate environment. Weak immunity can cause the disease itself, which has practically no cure;
    • A course of chemotherapy or similar drugs is being administered. In this case, the period is shifted to 6 months after the end of treatment;
    • Presence of a pregnant woman in the family;
    • There are infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections, influenza, others) or the acute phase of a chronic illness. Vaccination is allowed after recovery;
    • Intolerance to several types of antibiotics:
      • Streptomycin;
      • Neomycin;
      • Polymyxin B;
    • Manifestation of side effects after previous vaccination (high temperature, allergies, severe digestive upset).
    • The presence in the family of a newborn (or adult) who has not even been vaccinated with IPV. This contraindication applies to cases of routine OPV vaccination. Parents should strictly monitor this.

    There is no need to be afraid of the polio vaccine; problems with it are extremely rare, but the disease itself is one of the most severe on the planet.

    The doctor's interesting explanations about the polio vaccine are in the next video.

    Schedule of childhood vaccinations against polio in Russia - vaccination and revaccination schemes

    Immunization of the population, especially children, reduces morbidity and prevents many serious pathologies. Poliomyelitis is a dangerous disease that can be fatal, which is why it is so important to vaccinate children. In what cases should vaccination be postponed? What medications are there? Is there a risk of complications, and what to do if the time for the next vaccination was missed? Let's figure it out together.

    Does my child need a polio vaccine?

    Poliomyelitis is a dangerous acute viral disease. There are three types of viruses that cause the disease. Transmission of polio occurs by droplets or fecal-oral transmission. Pathogens enter the patient's body through personal contact with a carrier or patient, through food, drink or shared utensils.

    The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it affects the patient’s brain and spinal cord. The patient's muscles atrophy, paresis or paralysis develop, and sometimes meningitis occurs. In rare cases, the pathological process has an unclear clinical picture without severe symptoms and severe consequences.

    The causative agents of the disease survive well in the external environment, remaining viable for several months. It is possible to develop immunity to polio naturally only by surviving this dangerous disease. However, a person who has had the disease can still become infected again if another type of the causative virus enters his body.

    The only effective way to prevent polio remains the formation of artificial immunity through routine vaccination. There is no need to be afraid of complications during immunization - they occur infrequently, and the pediatrician will select the optimal vaccination regimen.

    In what cases is vaccination contraindicated?

    Despite the fact that the polio vaccine is considered quite safe and prevents infection with a dangerous disease, there is a list of contraindications to vaccination. Conditions in which immunization of a child should not be performed or should be delayed include:

    • neurological disorders noted during previous vaccinations;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • immunosuppressive conditions;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • severe allergy to vaccine components;
    • exacerbation of chronic pathology or acute disease (in case of mild ARVI, immunization can be carried out after normalization of body temperature; in all other cases, the vaccine is given 4 weeks after complete recovery).

    Types of vaccines and their principle of action

    There are several types of drugs for immunization against polio. In terms of their composition, they differ into complex products containing several viral strains for simultaneous administration, and monovaccines that develop immunity only to polio.

    The pediatrician selects the appropriate drug for vaccination of a particular child, based on the individual characteristics of the body and medical history.

    How to decipher the abbreviation OPV? This is the oral polio vaccine. It was developed in the middle of the last century in the USA. Externally, the drug looks like a reddish transparent liquid and has a bitter aftertaste. Contains a live pathogen virus in a weakened state.

    The vaccine is simply dropped into the mouth. Depending on the concentration, use 2-4 drops: for adults - on the palatine tonsil, for children under 1 year - under the root of the tongue. After administration of the drug, you must refrain from eating for 1 hour. During this time, you should also not drink any liquid, including water.

    The oral polio vaccine contains chicken protein, so people of any age who suffer from hypersensitivity to this component are vaccinated only with an inactivated vaccine. There is no chicken protein among its components, and administration is considered safer.

    The inactivated polio vaccine, or IPV, was developed 5 years earlier than its counterpart. The IPV drug is released immediately in a disposable syringe, which contains one dose of the vaccine. When comparing IPV and oral polio vaccines, there are several key differences.

    Pentaxim is a foreign vaccine against 5 diseases, the list of which includes polio

    Complex drugs

    A complex vaccine, unlike a single drug, contains strains of several viruses that cause different diseases. This option is more convenient because one injection builds immunity in children against several diseases at once. The French drug Pentaxim is considered the best in Europe. In addition to the polio virus, the vaccine also contains Haemophilus influenzae and DPT.

    Schedule of childhood polio vaccinations in Russia

    The timing of immunization of the population in Russia is determined by the national vaccination calendar. In accordance with it, to ensure stable immunity to polio, children are vaccinated in several stages. For the first vaccination, the IPV vaccine is considered optimal, while OPV is used for revaccination.

    In our country, two immunization schemes are used. The first involves the use of OPV and IPV. The second is chosen for babies for whom the administration of a live vaccine is contraindicated. Depending on the chosen regimen, the timing of vaccination differs somewhat, as does the volume of vaccine administered.

    The use of drugs containing exclusively killed viruses is currently popular in European countries. It is considered safer and less likely to cause side effects. Parents can discuss the choice of regimen with their pediatrician even in the absence of contraindications to the administration of OPV.

    What is the reaction to polio vaccines?

    In the vast majority of cases, immunization against polio is well tolerated by children. If an individual reaction of the body occurs, this is considered a variant of the norm and usually does not require special treatment. When an inactivated vaccine is administered, a child may exhibit anxiety, loss of appetite, a slight rise in temperature, and swelling at the injection site. Reaction to OPV:

    1. slight diarrhea within 48 hours after vaccination (rare);
    2. temperature rise to 37.5 in the second week after immunization.

    An increase in temperature after vaccination is a normal reaction of the body

    It is extremely rare that vaccination leads to the development of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). The complication occurs after the first use of the oral vaccine, and in extremely rare cases, after revaccination. The risk group includes children suffering from AIDS or HIV, with diagnosed developmental defects, and with critically low immunity.

    It should be taken into account that a baby vaccinated with an oral vaccine releases the polio virus into the environment within 8-9 weeks after vaccination. A person who takes immunosuppressive drugs or suffers from HIV or AIDS, if in contact with a vaccinated child during this period, runs the risk of becoming infected with VAPP.

    Recommended deadlines are missed for various reasons. In most cases, this occurs due to acute diseases, including acute respiratory viral infections, transmitted by the child. Also, the baby is often vaccinated according to an individual schedule that does not coincide with the generally accepted vaccination calendar.

    The minimum interval between procedures provided for by the standard schedule is 45 days, but changing it upward is quite acceptable. In this case, the baby’s immunity continues to develop.

    If one of the vaccinations was not given within the period prescribed by the national calendar, there will be no need to start immunization all over again. When the child’s health allows him to continue immunization, he will be given the next vaccination in order. IPV and OPV are interchangeable drugs. If one vaccine cannot be used, the doctor will recommend another.

    The risks of side effects as a result of the vaccination, which many parents fear, in this case are much lower than the likelihood of the baby contracting polio with associated complications. Refusal to immunize automatically places the child at risk for a dangerous disease.

    Vaccination against polio

    The polio vaccine is a reliable way to prevent severe neurological infection. Poliomyelitis is a viral infection that leads to the development of paralysis, which causes disability for life. There are no drugs that effectively treat the polio virus. Therefore, the risk of disease can only be reduced through vaccination.

    The polio vaccine has been used around the world since 1955, which has allowed many countries to get rid of this disease completely. The virus is no longer circulating in the Americas and Western Pacific regions. Today, only some countries in Asia and Africa remain a source of infection (especially India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Afghanistan).

    Polio vaccination schedule

    Every country on Earth has its own polio vaccination schedule. This is due to varying degrees of risk of encountering the virus, starting from birth. In countries where cases of polio are still regularly reported, the vaccine is given on the first day of life.

    In Russia, the vaccine administration schedule is as follows: at 3, 4.5 and 6 months (these three injections are called vaccination), then at 1.5 years, 20 months and 14 years (these three injections are called revaccination). This regimen is used when administering an oral vaccine or when using oral and inactivated vaccines in combination.

    If only an inactivated vaccine is used as a vaccination, the schedule is as follows: 3, 4.5 and 6 months (vaccination), then at 1.5 years and after 5 years (re-vaccination).

    If for some reason the vaccine administration schedule is disrupted (for example, due to a child’s illness), then the timing of vaccine administration is slightly shifted. The child receives the necessary dose upon recovery and then as planned according to the calendar.

    Types of vaccines

    There are two types of vaccines: live oral Sebin vaccine (OPV) and Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Both contain all three naturally occurring types of poliovirus (1, 2, 3). OPV is produced in Russia, IPV is produced in other countries, but is approved for use in the Russian Federation (Imovax-polio). In addition, IPV is part of the Tetracok combination vaccine registered in Russia (simultaneous prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio).

    Live oral polio vaccine

    It was created by Dr. Sebin in 1955. It contains a significantly weakened but live polio virus. It is a red liquid with a bitter aftertaste. It is administered by instilling 2 (4) drops through the mouth (depending on the concentration of the drug) through a special dropper pipette: in children under one year of age - try to get to the root of the tongue (less risk of regurgitation, since the root of the tongue does not contain taste endings), in older children age - on the palatine tonsil. If the child nevertheless burps, then it is necessary to re-drop the same dose. You can neither eat nor drink for an hour after instillation. The vaccine strain of the virus, entering the lymphoid tissue (in the area of ​​the root of the tongue and palatine tonsil) and then into the intestines, begins to multiply there. The immune system responds by synthesizing antibodies, which form the body’s defenses. Immunity is formed similar to that which is formed during the disease with “real” polio. When the body encounters the real polio virus, the existing antibodies are activated, and the disease does not develop (and if it does develop, it will be in a mild form, without paralysis).

    In addition, children vaccinated with OPV shed the vaccine strain of the virus into the environment (when sneezing, coughing, or in feces) for almost two months. The weakened virus spreads among other children, as if additionally “vaccinating” them. The circulation of such a strain of the virus displaces the wild one (original from nature). It is thanks to this property of the live vaccine that the virus was eradicated on several continents.

    Reaction to live oral vaccine

    The following reactions may occur in response to OPV administration:

    • temperature rise to 37.5°C from 5 to 14 days after vaccination;
    • increased frequency and loosening of stools within 1-2 days after vaccination.

    These reactions are observed quite rarely and are the norm(!). That is, this is not a complication that developed in response to the vaccine, but simply a reaction of the body that goes away on its own and does not require therapeutic measures.

    A complication of OPV administration is the development of vaccine-associated polio. This is possible if the child was vaccinated incorrectly, for example, was not completely healthy at the time of vaccination or has serious immunity disorders, diseases of the stomach and intestines, or developmental defects. In this case, entry into the body of a live (albeit weakened) virus causes the development of typical polio, including a possible paralytic form. The risk is greater with the first dose, and the risk decreases with subsequent doses. It should be noted that this is a very rare complication (1 case in 1 million vaccinations).

    Another complication may be the development of an allergic reaction.

    Inactivated polio vaccine

    This vaccine was created by Salk in 1950 by neutralizing the virus with formaldehyde. That is, this vaccine contains a killed virus. It is available in the form of a disposable syringe containing 0.5 ml. Injected intramuscularly into the thigh or shoulder. There are no special instructions for behavior after the injection; you can eat and drink immediately. Its administration ensures the formation of antibodies in the blood, but does not in any way affect the natural strain of the virus (after vaccination, no one multiplies in the body, since the virus is introduced killed, a competitor of “real” polio is not released into the environment).

    It should be noted that both types of vaccine create effective and durable immunity against polio. There are simply some features that become the reason for using one or another type of vaccine.

    Reaction to inactivated vaccine

    The following is considered a normal reaction to the introduction of IPV:

    • redness and slight swelling at the injection site (no more than 8 cm in diameter);
    • fever in the first two days after vaccination, general anxiety, loss of appetite.

    If an allergic reaction develops in response to IPV, this is considered a complication.

    In general, IPV is safer than OPV, since it cannot cause the development of vaccine-associated polio, and has a precise dosage (it is impossible to regurgitate, like drops with OPV).

    Contraindications to polio vaccination are:

    • acute infectious and non-infectious diseases at the time of vaccination (in such cases, vaccination is performed 2-4 weeks after recovery. After mild acute respiratory viral infections, in consultation with the doctor, vaccination can be performed immediately after the temperature has returned to normal);
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases (done during the period of achieving remission);
    • severe reactions (fever more than 40°C, swelling and redness more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or post-vaccination complications (allergic reactions, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis) to the administration of a previous dose of the same vaccine;
    • pregnancy;
    • contraindications for OPV are primary immunodeficiency conditions (for example, HIV), tumors, immunosuppressive therapy (taking corticosteroids or cytostatics), the presence of patients with immunodeficiency in the family. IPV vaccination is indicated for such children. IPV is also done to children whose mothers are pregnant again;
    • contraindication for IPV is a history of allergic reactions to drugs such as Neomycin, Streptomycin, Polymyxin B.

    In Russia, the following vaccination regimen is often used: the first two injections at 3 and 4.5 months are carried out with IPV, and the subsequent ones with OPV. Thus, the risk of developing vaccine-associated polio is reduced, because the live vaccine enters the body with already existing immunity.

    The problem of vaccine prevention of polio has not lost its significance today. Cases of this disease continue to be reported. In recent years, many parents have refused vaccinations altogether, which can have serious consequences. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? You should compare the possible risks: getting a complication from the vaccine or getting a serious infection? Everyone chooses for themselves, weighing all the pros and cons. The main thing is, before making a choice, make sure that you are sufficiently aware of this issue.

    What you need to know about the polio vaccine. Family doctor A. I. Baktyshev tells.

    Vaccination against polio

    The polio virus can still lead to epidemics in some countries today. A vaccine was created several decades ago, but vaccinations did not completely eradicate the infection. To achieve this, immunization of the population in each country must be at least 95%, which is unrealistic, especially in developing countries with low living standards.

    When is the polio vaccine given? Who should be vaccinated? How safe is it and what complications await a child after vaccination? In what case can an unscheduled vaccination be done?

    Why are polio vaccinations given?

    Poliomyelitis is one of the most ancient human diseases, which can affect even disability; in 1% of cases, the virus penetrates the central nervous system and leads to destructive irreversible cell damage.

    Who should be immunized against polio? Everyone gets vaccinated, it doesn’t matter at what age the vaccination is done. If a person is not vaccinated, he is at high risk of infection and further spread of the infection.

    At what age is the first polio vaccine given? They try to do it as early as possible. The first injection is given to a child at the age of 3 months. Why so early?

    1. The polio virus is spread throughout the globe.
    2. Immediately after birth, the child retains the mother’s immunity for a very short time, but it is unstable, only five days.
    3. A sick person releases the virus into the environment throughout the entire period of illness, during full recovery and for a long time after it. Vaccination prevents others from becoming infected.
    4. The virus spreads easily through sewage water and food.
    5. The virus can be transmitted by insects.
    6. The disease occurs more often in children than in adults due to the lack of immunity.

    The long incubation period and many complications after infection have led to the fact that in all countries, vaccination against polio is the only effective measure to prevent the disease.

    Polio vaccination schedule

    The polio immunization schedule was developed many years ago and has seen few changes over the past decades.

    1. A child is first exposed to the polio vaccine at the age of three months.
    2. After 45 days, the next vaccine is administered.
    3. At six months the child receives the third vaccination. And if a non-live inactivated vaccine is used before this time, then during this period it is allowed to be vaccinated with OPV (this is a live vaccine in the form of drops that is administered orally).
    4. Revaccination against polio is prescribed at one and a half years, the next at 20 months, then at 14 years.

    When a child graduates from school, he must be fully vaccinated against this dangerous viral disease. With this polio vaccination schedule, every baby is protected from the first months of life.

    Unscheduled polio vaccination

    But there are other situations when a person is additionally vaccinated or unscheduled vaccinations against polio.

    1. If there is no information about whether the child has been vaccinated, he is considered unvaccinated. In this case, a child under three years of age is given the vaccine three times at an interval of one month and revaccinated twice. If the age is from three to six years, then the child is vaccinated three times and revaccinated once. And up to 17 years of age, a full course of vaccination is carried out.
    2. Unscheduled vaccination against polio is done if a person has arrived from a country with unfavorable epidemic indicators or is going there. Vaccination with OPV vaccine is given once. Travelers are recommended to get vaccinated 4 weeks before departure so that the body can provide a full immune response in a timely manner.
    3. Another reason for unscheduled vaccination is an outbreak of a certain type of virus, if the person was vaccinated with a monovaccine against a different strain of polio.

    In total, a person normally receives a polio vaccine about six times in their lifetime. How does the body react and what consequences can a person feel from being vaccinated against this viral disease?

    Side effects of the polio vaccine

    What kind of reaction can a child have to the polio vaccine? Apart from allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as a rule, there are no other reactions to the vaccine. Children and adults tolerate vaccination well.

    But unlike the body’s reaction, complications from vaccination do occur. Although they happen rarely, such situations are still possible.

    1. Intestinal dysfunction or stool disorder. It happens when young children are vaccinated against polio. The child may experience loose stools for several days. If the condition persists for more than three to four days and the baby is not eating well, does not sleep and is restless, you must inform the doctor about this. It is important to distinguish whether this complication was due to the vaccine or whether the child contracted an intestinal infection before the administration of the drug.
    2. The most unpleasant side effects of the polio vaccine include VAPP, or vaccine-associated polio. In rare cases, it can be caused by the live OPV vaccine. This complication may appear from 4 to 13 days after vaccination. Various manifestations of the disease are observed in one case per million, and the paralytic form develops in one case per million. In this case, a person develops all the symptoms of polio: fever rises, paralysis appears, pain in the back and muscles occurs, decreased tendon reflexes, weakness, headaches.

    How to deal with complications and reactions to the polio vaccine?

    1. The usual allergic reaction in the form of urticaria to the vaccine is eliminated by prescribing antiallergic drugs.
    2. More serious complications from vaccination, such as intestinal dysfunction or urticaria throughout the body, require observation and more effective treatment in a hospital.
    3. If VAPP occurs, then the treatment is the same as for the development of ordinary natural polio; in order to avoid irreversible consequences, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of doctors in an infectious diseases hospital.

    When is the best time to reschedule the vaccine?

    Unfortunately, doctors at the clinic do not always have a free minute to fully examine the baby, make all the necessary notes and correctly instruct the mother about behavior before and after vaccination. It's a shame, because some of the problems could have been avoided. Often, the child’s parents have to figure out on their own what to do correctly before and after vaccination. So, we will describe common errors that can be circumvented.

    1. Fever after polio vaccination is, in most cases, not a reaction to the vaccine, but a coincidence of circumstances when a child became infected with ARVI before or immediately after vaccination. To prevent this from happening, do not visit crowded places before and after vaccination for several days.
    2. It is best to take a blood and urine test the day before vaccination to avoid administering the drug during the onset of the disease - the tests can determine the presence of infection. But you need to go to the doctor to get the form without your child, so as not to meet sick children.
    3. It is not recommended to introduce new foods into the diet before or after immunization. Exotic and allergenic foods, unhealthy foods (sweet foods, chips, carbonated colored drinks), which often lead to allergic rashes on the body, are especially prohibited, and an additional irritant - vaccination, will contribute to this.
    4. An examination by a doctor before vaccination is required; an experienced pediatrician will already be able to determine at this stage whether the child can now be vaccinated or not.
    5. The most common question is: is it possible to go for a walk after being vaccinated against polio? Doctors do not restrict children in this regard; walks in the fresh air are necessary and useful even after the introduction of the vaccine; the main thing is that loved ones do not run with the baby to the shops, or go with him, for example, to the pool or other similar places with large crowds of people.
    6. Swimming after vaccination is not prohibited and, on the contrary, evening exercise is necessary for the child, because this often calms children down. Here you need to remember one rule - do not overdo it, 10–15 minutes is enough.

    There is nothing special in behavior before and after vaccination, so it is important for parents to be patient and not forget simple but effective recommendations.

    Contraindications to polio vaccination

    Even after suffering from polio, it is necessary to be vaccinated against it, since a person could only have had one of three types of viral infection. In addition to the simple reluctance of the adult himself or the child’s parents to immunize, there is also a certain list of contraindications. In what cases should a vaccine really not be administered, and when can it only be postponed for a while?

    Real contraindications for polio vaccination include the following conditions.

    1. Pregnancy.
    2. A complication of a previous vaccination, if after the administration of the drug various neurological manifestations developed.
    3. Any acute infectious disease or chronic in the acute stage.
    4. Immunodeficiency states.
    5. Intolerance to antibacterial drugs included in the vaccine (neomycin, streptomycin).

    Is it possible to get the polio vaccine if you have a runny nose? It is necessary to understand the cause of rhinitis. If this is a symptom of ARVI - no, vaccination is temporarily postponed until complete recovery. If your runny nose is allergic or a reaction to changing weather conditions, you can get vaccinated.

    Types of polio vaccines

    There are two main types of polio vaccines: IPV (injectable form) and OPV (oral droplets). Previously, oral polio vaccine (OPV) was preferred. Is this polio vaccine dangerous? - it has the following features:

    • this is a weakened live virus that under normal conditions does not cause disease;
    • The OPV vaccine contains antibiotics, they prevent bacteria from developing;
    • it is in the form of droplets, it is swallowed (administered through the mouth);
    • The vaccine is trivalent, that is, it protects against all strains of polio;
    • in one case out of 75 thousand immunized people, OPV vaccination can cause a paralytic form of polio;
    • in response to an oral vaccine, not only humoral immunity is produced (with the help of the immune system), but also tissue immunity.

    IPV is a vaccine with an inactivated virus, that is, killed by formaldehyde. It does not lead to the development of vaccine-associated polio.

    In addition, vaccinations can be single-component, that is, against one type of virus, or three-component, thanks to which they are vaccinated against all three strains of the disease at once. To make the task a little easier for doctors, in recent years, manufacturing companies have regularly supplemented vaccines with many components. You can simultaneously vaccinate your child against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough and other equally dangerous infections.

    What polio vaccines are available now? - the names of the drugs are as follows:

    • “Oral polio vaccine”;
    • "Imovax Polio";
    • "Poliorix";
    • "Infanrix IPV" is an imported analogue of DTP;
    • "Tetrakok", which also contains protection against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough;
    • “Pentaxim”, unlike the previous one, is also supplemented with a substance that protects against diseases caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b - HIB (meningitis, pneumonia, otitis media, septicemia, etc.).

    Which polio vaccine is best? There is no ideal vaccine for everyone; each one is selected based on the situation and the body’s reaction. The clinic provides free vaccinations with domestic vaccines. Other drugs are administered according to the wishes and capabilities of the parents. If parents are really interested in the health of the child, they should consult in advance with the attending physician or infectious disease specialist about possible options and which vaccines have fewer complications.

    To summarize, we note that polio is a terrible disease, the occurrence of which can only be prevented by timely vaccination. Vaccination against this viral infection is generally easily tolerated even by young children. In addition, modern IPV vaccines are currently used for vaccination, which eliminate the possibility of such a serious complication as VAPP - vaccine-associated polio.

    How to properly vaccinate and revaccinate polio

    Poliomyelitis is one of the most dangerous viral infections that threatens young children and adults who were not vaccinated in childhood. It is transmitted through unwashed hands, water, food; multiplies in the intestines, and from there enters the lymph nodes and blood.

    Only 10% of those who are ill recover completely, 10% of patients die, and the rest become disabled for life. Polio often leaves behind:

    • atrophy of the muscles of the limbs (a person who has recovered from the disease “shrinks out” an arm or leg);
    • paraplegia;
    • curvature of the spine and bones;
    • damage to the facial nerve and other neurological disorders.

    The Russian Federation is considered a “poliomyelitis-free country.” However, the disease enters Russia with migrants from Africa or Central Asia, where epidemic outbreaks of polio occur. This means that Russians will not be able to abandon the polio immunization program any time soon.

    Babies begin to be vaccinated from the third month of life. In clinics, children are immunized according to a 3-month schedule. – 4.5 months. – 6 months – 18 months – 20 months, in paid vaccination centers the schemes are slightly different. If a child has always been given only a live vaccine, he will be given a revaccination at 14 years old, and if he lives in a “disadvantaged” region, he will be advised to repeat it every five years.

    Vaccines for vaccinations and revaccinations

    Immunization against polio is carried out with two types of vaccines: inactivated (with a killed virus) and live, which contains a weakened active polyvirus. Vaccinations and revaccinations are done either with one of them, or using them in turn.

    Live oral vaccine (French Polio Sabin Vero or domestically produced OPV) is dark pink drops that are dripped into the baby’s mouth. They taste bitter and salty, so for infants they are injected on the root of the tongue, and for older children - on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. In these places there are accumulations of immune (lymphoid) tissue, but there are no taste buds. Sometimes the vaccine is given to babies with sugar or sugar syrup.

    The usual dose is from 2 to 4 drops, depending on the dosage of the vaccine preparation. If the baby spits out drops or burps, the vaccine is given again. But if the child burps a second time, the vaccine is stopped. The next dose will be given to the baby only after a month and a half.

    Inactivated vaccine, or IPV, is part of the French Tetracoq, Imovax Polio, Pentaxym. It is injected: into the thigh or under the shoulder blade for children, and into the shoulder for older children. Both vaccines protect against all three known types of infection.

    Vaccination and revaccination schedules

    In public clinics, vaccination is carried out according to the scheme “2 IPV (first, second vaccinations) - 3 OPV (third vaccination and both revaccinations).” The first three doses are given at intervals of one and a half months. Revaccination is done a year after the third dose and again after 2 months. In general, up to three years of age, a child receives 5 doses of polio vaccine.

    In babies with low immunity and certain intestinal diseases, weakened live polioviruses can cause polio. An inactivated vaccine is safe, but it builds immunity in the same way. If you start vaccinations with a course of IPV, then when the time comes for OPV, the immune system will be ready to meet live polioviruses. Therefore, the state program provides for combined immunization against polio.

    Depending on the wishes of the parents, the baby’s contraindications and life circumstances, it can be carried out according to other schemes. Such vaccinations are given for a fee at vaccination centers:

    1. Only IPV (injections). The first, second and third doses are administered at intervals of 1.5 months, and a revaccination is given a year after the third vaccination. Unlike the standard regimen, a child under three years of age receives not 5, but 4 doses of polio vaccine. The fifth vaccination, that is, the second revaccination, in this case is carried out after 5 years, but it is possible earlier: upon admission to a nursery, kindergarten or before school. After such a regimen, there is no need to revaccinate a child at 14 years of age.
    2. Only OPV (drops). The first three vaccines are given at an interval of 1.5 months, revaccinations are given one year after the third dose and again after 2 months. Subsequently, revaccination is repeated at 14 years of age.

    The IPV-only regimen is much more expensive than the OPV-only regimen. However, a course of IPV forms stable immunity in almost all children, if the vaccination schedule is not violated. The inactivated vaccine can be administered to weakened children and is easier to dose. In addition, after the injection, the vaccine will completely enter the bloodstream - but the baby may spit out the drops or have an upset stomach and they will not have time to work.

    Sometimes, before kindergarten or school, parents are required to receive the 5th vaccination (OPV), even if the baby was vaccinated at a paid center according to the “IPV only” scheme. After such a course, he does not need a fifth vaccination, but according to the requirements of the Russian vaccination calendar, he does! What to do? Will a dose of a live vaccine harm a preschooler if he was vaccinated only with an inactivated one?

    For children who were subjected to “only IPV” only at the request of their parents, it would be a good idea to have their immunity checked. If the child is healthy, then IPV has already prepared his body to meet the virus, and OPV will only strengthen intestinal immunity. Children with previous contraindications to OPV need to be examined, and not rush to “get vaccinated because the kindergarten said so.”

    Violation of schedule

    The scheme 3 - 4.5 - 6 - 18 - 20 does not mean that vaccinations are done every day, although the more accurately the deadlines are observed, the better. Vaccination may be delayed due to a cold or even a more serious illness; the mother cannot always come to the clinic on time. There is nothing wrong with this, but the doctor must write out an individual immunization schedule for the baby.

    The basic rule for vaccination and revaccination of “latecomers” is to start the course as early as possible, so that there is approximately a month and a half between doses. This interval can be greater, but in no case should it be less!

    The interval between the third vaccination and the first revaccination (between the third and fourth doses) is one year, and when the schedule is very wrong - 6-9 months. For such children, three primary vaccinations are “counted” and revaccinations begin three months after the third dose. This is done so that by the age of 7 the child receives all 5 (according to the clinic scheme) doses of polio vaccine.

    Polio vaccination schedule

    The danger of the viral infectious disease polio is that, firstly, no drugs have been created to date to cure the patient, and secondly, the infection causes irreversible destructive changes in the central nervous system with the development of lifelong spinal paralysis.

    There are no age barriers to the disease, but the greatest danger threatens children in the first 6 years of life. A child can become infected not only by not washing their hands before eating, but also through water or food contaminated with viruses. Poliovirus is characterized by sufficient stability in the external environment and preservation of its pathogenic properties for up to 4 months.

    The virus is widespread throughout the world. In underdeveloped countries, outbreaks with fatal outcomes of the disease are recorded. The only way to avoid the development of the disease is vaccination against polio. If 95% of the population were immunized in each country, then this insidious disease could be completely eliminated, but this is unrealistic.

    Each country has developed its own polio vaccination schedule. When compiling it, the probability of a child becoming infected with the virus from the moment of birth is taken into account. In some countries where the incidence of polio is constantly recorded, newborns are vaccinated against polio from the first day of life.

    Who should be vaccinated?

    The vaccine can be given to a person of any age. Persons who have not received polio vaccination are at high risk of becoming infected, developing the disease, and further spreading the infection.

    The best option is to vaccinate children in the first six months of life according to the vaccination schedule. But if for any reason the vaccination schedule was violated, then immunization against polio is carried out according to an individual scheme.

    Preparations for vaccine prevention of polio

    There are 2 types of polio vaccines used in the Russian Federation - inactivated (IPV) for injection, consisting of killed viruses, and a live vaccine made from weakened viruses for administration by mouth in drops.

    Experts believe that the immunity developed after receiving a live vaccine is more reliable, since it combines both humoral and local (tissue) immunity.

    However, when OPV vaccinations are given, there is a risk of complications in the child - the development of vaccine-associated polio (VAP), which can also lead to disability due to spinal paralysis, spinal column deformities, and muscle atrophy.

    In addition, if a child is vaccinated with a live vaccine, he can release the virus and infect surrounding children and adults. Given these negative qualities of the live vaccine, European countries do not produce it or use it for immunization.

    Russian polio vaccination schedule

    The vaccination schedule for immunization against polio for children in the Russian Federation underwent changes in 2011 due to the danger of introducing the infection from Tajikistan, where an outbreak was registered. According to these changes, vaccination against polio is carried out with the combined use of inactivated and live vaccines.

    Since 2002, only inactivated vaccine was administered to children in the Russian Federation due to the fact that polio was not registered in European countries.

    The Russian calendar of preventive routine vaccinations against polio regulates the following timing of vaccination and revaccination:

    • vaccinate babies from 3 months. life with an interval of 1.5 months. three times: at 3 and 4.5 months. inactivated vaccine, and at 6 months. - alive;
    • Revaccination is given to children at 18 and 20 months. and teenagers 14 years old.

    The use of a live vaccine after 2 injections of an inactivated vaccine poses a lesser risk of developing VAP, since by this time the body has already developed antibodies that can provide protection against the vaccine strain of poliovirus.

    But, since there are contraindications for the administration of a live vaccine, in such cases children should be vaccinated only with an inactivated vaccine.

    Such contraindications are:

    • immunodeficiency state of the child. caused by any reason;
    • treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system of the child himself or his family members;
    • the presence of HIV infection in family members or cancer with treatment with immunosuppressants;
    • presence of pregnant women in the family.

    Vaccination scheme for children when using only an inactivated drug: vaccination is carried out at the same time - at 3 - 4.5 - 6 months, and only two revaccinations - at 18 months. and 6 years old.

    Types of vaccines for immunization of infants

    Immunization of a child against polio can only be done with an inactivated vaccine and at the request of the parents. The only difference will be that the combined immunization regimen using two vaccines is free of charge. And if only IPV is used at the request of parents, then they will have to pay for the vaccination.

    Compliance with the polio vaccination schedule for children helps them develop lasting immunity against this neuroinfection. But in some cases, additional vaccinations are carried out when they are given regardless of the vaccination calendar.

    Outside the schedule, immunization against polio is provided in the following cases:

    1. In the absence of information about vaccinations performed. Children under 3 years of age are vaccinated three times at monthly intervals and then revaccinated twice. At the age of 3-6 years, the child is vaccinated 3 times, and revaccinated 1 time.
    2. Additionally, persons arriving from a country with an unfavorable polio situation are vaccinated once. Persons planning to travel to a disadvantaged region are also vaccinated outside of the schedule. The vaccine is administered to them a month before the trip to obtain a full immune response.
    3. Unscheduled immunization is also carried out when there is a threat of an outbreak of the disease in the area of ​​residence: children of preschool, primary school age and adults vaccinated with a monovaccine.

    The strength of immunity can be checked in the laboratory by determining the titer of specific antibodies in the blood serum of a vaccinated child or an adult.

    By vaccinating their child in accordance with the polio vaccination schedule, parents ensure their protection from dangerous diseases. You should not rely on materials in the media (sometimes not supported by reliable facts), and refuse professional vaccinations.

    Vaccination against polio can protect a child, and then an adult, from a severe infection that often leads to disability. Science has not yet invented effective methods for treating this “infection,” and the source of infection is growing at lightning speed, consuming entire countries, and not so long ago even continents.

    Why is the polio vaccine necessary?

    Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by a virus (there are 3 types). The central nervous system is damaged, which often ends in paralysis. If the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted, then death.

    Today the problem has been resolved on a global scale, but only thanks to mass vaccination. Dangerous areas remain in Africa and Asia (by the way, Ukraine recently fired, which came as a shock to Europe). In countries where the health care system is practically undeveloped, international organizations work, but they cannot provide full coverage of the territory.

    Since the disease cannot be properly treated, the only option left is vaccination.

    Modern vaccinations guarantee the development of immunity in a person to all three types of the virus, while the risk of serious complications after vaccination is minimized.

    Benefits of vaccination:

    1. Complete immunity for the rest of your life, provided you complete the full course;
    2. Passive vaccination. The introduced strain of the virus is excreted orally for another 30 days, so those around them become infected with the weakened infection, developing immunity in themselves;
    3. Safety. The percentage of complications is negligible, however, despite this, the vaccine is constantly being improved. The goal of scientists is to eliminate the side effect altogether;
    4. Availability. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for free distribution of the drug in the required quantities for complete vaccination of the population. This has been the case since the times of the USSR, and remains so to this day.

    Types of vaccines and principle of action

    Today in the world there are 2 types of vaccines that contain all 3 viruses.

    OPV – live oral polio vaccine

    Developed in 1955 by an American scientist. This is a red, bitter liquid consisting of a live but very weakened polio virus. It is administered by instillation into the oral cavity (the root of the tongue in younger children, between the lip and gum in older children).

    Depending on the concentration of a particular ampoule (manufacturers may vary this indicator), you need from 2 to 4 drops. Helped defeat the disease on an entire continent in a fairly short time.

    Operating principle:

    • The virus enters the intestines and begins to multiply;
    • The immune system reacts to this process by producing antibodies on the intestinal mucosa and blood;
    • After about 30 days, active shedding of the virus occurs through the oral route. Others become infected (passive vaccination). At the same time, the chances of a vaccinated person contracting a wild virus are reduced to zero. This is actively used in problem areas, using zero vaccination immediately after birth. It will not give immunity, but it will protect the child from illness until the first vaccination;
    • A weakened virus cannot create problems for the immune system, so it is defeated. Next time, the immune cells formed in this way will work faster and more efficiently.

    IPV – inactive polio vaccine

    Developed in the same America, but a little earlier - in 1950. This is an injection liquid containing a certain amount of killed viruses of three types. Packaged in disposable syringes (one dose per syringe). Inserted into the thigh or shoulder. It is safer, but does not provide a passive effect.

    Operating principle:

    1. Killed pathogens are introduced into the blood;
    2. The body reacts to them accordingly - antibodies are produced;
    3. There is no synthesis of immune cells in the intestines.

    This type of vaccine is approved for children with HIV, as it cannot cause even a mild form of the disease.

    Polio vaccination schedule for children

    In our country there is a regulatory document - the national vaccination calendar, which describes in detail the procedure for compulsory vaccination of the population. It is compiled according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but each government can slightly vary the timing and type of vaccines, so the schedule of different countries may vary significantly. Let's look at a few examples.


    Our order is as follows:

    • 3 months of age – IPV;
    • 4.5 months – IPV;
    • 6 months – OPV;
    • 18 months – OPV;
    • 20 months – OPV;
    • 14 years old – OPV.

    The first two times an inactive vaccine is administered, which is absolutely safe for the child. Then, to develop lasting immunity, a weakened virus acts on the prepared body.

    But not everyone is allowed a live vaccination, so there is a polio vaccination schedule using only killed “infection”:

    • 3 months;
    • 4.5 months;
    • 6 months;
    • 18 months;
    • 6 years.

    The production of live vaccines exists in our country, but IPV is completely imported. Therefore, Ministry of Health officials are in no hurry to follow new trends - using exclusively dead virus, since this will turn out to be quite expensive on a national scale.

    At the same time, it has even been scientifically proven that children vaccinated exclusively with IPV develop stable immunity in the same way as when using OPV.


    In our neighbors, the level of medicine is considered one of the best among the countries of the former Union, but the polio vaccination calendar is focused on the United States. IPV is used exclusively:

    • 3 months;
    • 4 months;
    • 5 months;
    • 7 years.

    No cases of the disease have been recorded during the entire period of independence, so conclusions about the effectiveness of the system suggest themselves.


    This country is taken as an example of good European medicine. So, the schedule (used exclusively by IPV):

    • 2 months;
    • 3 months;
    • 4 months;
    • From 11 to 14 months;
    • From 15 to 23 months. This revaccination is not mandatory and is prescribed if necessary according to the decision of the family doctor;
    • From 9 to 14 years old;
    • From 15 to 17 years old.


    The vaccine was developed in this country, so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with their calendar (only IPV is used):

    • 2 months;
    • 4 months;
    • From 6 to 18 months according to the doctor’s decision;
    • From 4 to 6 years;

    However, there are no age restrictions for late arrivals. There is only one rule - children under 18 years of age must be vaccinated 4 times.

    Reaction to polio vaccination

    Complications are extremely rare here; much more often, the child’s body demonstrates a normal reaction, which many parents attribute to complications.
    What can a child have after vaccination?

    After OPV:

    • No reaction;
    • Increased temperature (up to 38 degrees) 3 days and up to 14 days after instillation;
    • Stool upset for a couple of days;
    • 1 case in two and a half million cases of infection with the disease.

    After IPV:

    • No reaction;
    • Local allergic reaction at the injection site;
    • Decreased activity and appetite for several days.

    Hence the conclusion: the IPV vaccine is safer and guarantees complete immunity.

    OPV is appropriate during disease outbreaks, as it allows others to be vaccinated (who often do not even know about it) and not become infected with the wild virus for 30 days.

    The myth that OPV provides stronger immunity has long been debunked, and our officials support it due to economic feasibility (this applies to almost all CIS countries).

    What to do if vaccination dates are missed?

    There are many reasons why you can skip the polio vaccine. For example, the most common:

    • The child was ill or recovering from an illness;
    • Progressive allergic manifestations (acute period);
    • The local clinic simply did not have the vaccine (this is rare, but it also happens);
    • Negligence of medical workers or parents, and many others.

    There is no point in giving in to panic in such cases, nothing terrible happened. There is a certain procedure:

    • Missed first vaccination:
      • For children under 6 years old, it is done twice with a break of a month;
      • After 6 years – once;
    • If the second vaccination is missed, then it is simply given later and that’s it;
    • The third and fourth also do not require any additional funds; the doctor shifts the schedule.

    The basic rule is that the total number should be 5 IPVs under 14 years of age or 4 OPVs with two IPVs. Unscheduled revaccination is possible in the event of a disease outbreak, as was done in Ukraine, where everyone under 12 years of age was vaccinated in 2 months, despite the schedule.

    Contraindications to vaccination

    • The child has HIV or there are such patients in his immediate environment. Weak immunity can cause the disease itself, which has practically no cure;
    • A course of chemotherapy or similar drugs is being administered. In this case, the period is shifted to 6 months after the end of treatment;
    • Presence of a pregnant woman in the family;
    • There are infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections, influenza, others) or the acute phase of a chronic illness. Vaccination is allowed after recovery;
    • Intolerance to several types of antibiotics:
      • Streptomycin;
      • Neomycin;
      • Polymyxin B;
    • Manifestation of side effects after previous vaccination (high temperature, allergies, severe digestive upset).
    • The presence in the family of a newborn (or adult) who has not even been vaccinated with IPV. This contraindication applies to cases of routine OPV vaccination. Parents should strictly monitor this.

    There is no need to be afraid of the polio vaccine; problems with it are extremely rare, but the disease itself is one of the most severe on the planet.

    The doctor's interesting explanations about the polio vaccine are in the next video.