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The safest and most effective ways to whiten teeth without pain are modern methods in dentistry. Teeth whitening methods in dentistry Teeth whitening procedure in dentistry

- This is a common procedure among patients in dental clinics. Of course, not at all times a snow-white smile was a symbol of beauty and success. For example, in the Middle Ages, the aristocracy preferred to show off rotten teeth, in the Roman Empire they wore gold dentures, and the beauties of Ancient China specially made their teeth black.

When performing different techniques, both professional and non-professional teeth whitening, special whitening gels are used. The active substances used here are: hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

The composition may also include drugs such as fluoride, amorphous calcium phosphate, potassium nitrate, which is necessary for the treatment of minor enamel damage. In addition, these preparations make it possible to give tooth enamel a glossy shine and brightness at the end of the whitening procedure. In some cases, this gel may also include special components that have a soothing effect on the gums and teeth.

How is the teeth whitening procedure performed?

Before choosing a whitening procedure that is right for you, you must visit a specialist. First of all, it is important to understand what caused the change in tooth color. The specialist also examines the gums, determines the general condition of the teeth, and takes x-rays. Before the whitening procedure, professional oral cleaning and remineralization therapy should be performed.

The whitening procedure is performed by a dental hygienist. In this case, the specialist uses a concentrated gel, which acts under the influence of a laser, light, or is activated by itself. The duration of the procedure directly depends on the technique used, but the patient should visit the dental hygienist’s office again to obtain a lasting effect.

To whiten teeth at home, dentistry selects a special whitening gel, and trays are made individually for each patient. The procedure is carried out at home in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

The whitening agent is applied to the trays, which in turn are placed on the teeth. Mouthguards should be worn once or twice a day. The whitening course can last two to four weeks.

Teeth Whitening: Pros and Cons

Speaking about the effectiveness of the whitening procedure, it is difficult to predict exactly what result will be obtained. Unfortunately, the same product can give a completely different shade in different patients. It is believed that a good effect is obtained in patients with teeth with natural yellowness. But owners of teeth with a grayish tint will most likely be upset by the result.

The acquired effect can last from six months to several years. If you want to enjoy a snow-white smile for as long as possible, avoid coloring products, use special toothpastes and rinses, and regularly have your teeth professionally cleaned. But over time, the procedure will have to be repeated again.

After whitening, many patients complain of severe tooth sensitivity. In this case, remineralizing therapy should be carried out before and after using special drugs.

A snow-white smile always attracts the attention of others and is a person’s calling card. However, a very small percentage of people have naturally white teeth. That is why many are looking for a way to whiten tooth enamel. Modern dentistry uses a large number of methods for cleaning teeth. There are types of both home and professional in-office dental whitening. Choosing the right procedure for yourself is quite difficult. In this article we will describe the main methods of whitening tooth enamel and contraindications to them.

Types of teeth whitening

Today there are many dental techniques, each of which differs in the following parameters:

  • composition and reagents used;
  • frequency and number of procedures;
  • whitening speed;
  • degree of patient involvement.

Modern preparations are offered for the procedures, the manufacturers of which promise safe and high-quality whitening with their help. Professional lightening is performed using modern equipment and is in great demand.

Methods of in-office dental whitening

With the help of professional cleaning of tooth enamel, you can achieve excellent results and long lasting effects. At the same time, during the procedures, tooth enamel is spared.

All dental in-office whitening is divided into several methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • photobleaching.

Mechanical bleaching

The basis of dental mechanical cleaning is professional oral hygiene. With this procedure you can get a very pronounced visual effect, although dentists do not consider it whitening.

During the mechanical procedure, dental deposits in the form of plaque and stones are removed. As a result, the patient returns to the natural color of the tooth enamel. And if he has naturally white enamel, then a Hollywood smile is guaranteed.

Many people who drink coffee, red wine, cola and smoke have long forgotten what their natural enamel looks like. In these cases resort to chemicals, hydrogen peroxide, various pencils and strips are impractical. The first thing you need to do in the dental office is oral hygiene.

During mechanical cleansing, the impact occurs on deposits that are on the surface of the teeth. That is why this procedure is completely safe for enamel.

But there are cases when, after dental removal of plaque and stones, the cervical area of ​​the teeth becomes open. As a result, teeth begin to react to hot and cold. Previously, dental stones saved them from all these irritants. In this case, you need to contact a periodontist who will fluoridate the sensitive enamel and prescribe treatment.

Among mechanical lightening methods, the most common is dental ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

Ultrasonic whitening procedure

With the help of ultrasonic devices, both supragingival and subgingival stones are easily removed. Ultrasound can even clean the tooth enamel of a smoker, which neither professional brushes nor special toothpastes can handle.

How does ultrasound work?

At the end of a special tip, due to ultrasonic vibrations, plaque and stones are destroyed. Separating from the enamel, they do not injure the tissue. At the same time, water gets onto the teeth through the tip, which is necessary for the effectiveness and safety of the procedure. Water prevents them from overheating and, due to the movements of the tip, creates vortex flows. With their help, the detachment of plaque and stones improves.

Air-Flow technology

The method of restoring tooth enamel is carried out using the Air-Flow device, inside which there are water-air channels and sodium bicarbonate, used as an abrasive. During the procedure, a stream of water, air and baking soda is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel under high pressure, which are mixed closer to the end of the device. The working part of the device is installed in a special connector, and water mixed with soda is released under high pressure, cleaning the enamel surface from any, even the hardest, deposits in seconds.

The released jet easily penetrates into the most inaccessible places. With its help, you can clean the area above the gum and under various artificial structures, the spaces between the teeth. Literally in 30–40 minutes the enamel will acquire its natural natural color.

Air-Flow technology has one big drawback - it does not remove tartar from teeth. In addition, prolonged exposure to the jet on one area can lead to increased sensitivity after the procedure.

Chemical bleaching

The procedure for restoring the whiteness of enamel using chemicals involves the use of special gels, which contain highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Gels can be used independently or as an adjunct to photobleaching and laser cleansing.

Due to the high concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the dental chemical procedure has a good whitening effect. In one visit you can achieve pronounced whiteness of tooth enamel. You can bleach it 5–7 tones at once.

The disadvantage of chemical lightening is the damage it causes to the enamel. It is restored by fluoridation and remineralization of teeth.

The use of chemicals requires consultation with a dentist and preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the presence of various artificial restorations.


This whitening method involves the use of a special lamp, which serves as a catalyst, and gels with active ingredients. Under the influence of the lamp, oxygen is released from the gel, which breaks down the pigments in the enamel. As a result, the teeth become lighter.

Stages of the procedure:

Photo whitening copes well with yellow teeth, and Gray plaque almost does not remove. In some cases, increased tooth sensitivity is observed after the procedure. In this case, the dentist prescribes the use of remineralizing pastes.

Home teeth whitening

At home, you can use both mechanical and chemical means of lightening tooth enamel.

To dental home whitening methods relate:

Contraindications to dental whitening

No matter how much you would like to, whitening tooth enamel using dental procedures is not possible for everyone. Teeth whitening contraindicated in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gum disease;
  • exposure of tooth roots;
  • caries;
  • rapid wear of the dentition;
  • wearing braces;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 14 years of age.

The obvious advantage of whitening is obtaining quick aesthetic results as a snow-white smile. The disadvantages of the procedure include the possibility of increased tooth sensitivity and thinning of the enamel. In addition, to maintain white teeth after dental whitening, it is not recommended to smoke, drink coffee, tea and red wine, or consume coloring products. Not every patient will decide on such restrictions. Therefore, those who want to have white teeth should first weigh the pros and cons, and only then choose the best dental teeth whitening for themselves.

Modern medicine operates with the concept professional whitening teeth - we are talking about a procedure that takes place not in a beauty salon, but in a dentist’s office and under the strict guidance of doctors.

Turn your smile snow-white with the help of a professional or, as it is also called, office whitening is possible at once. The procedure is carried out most gentle on tooth enamel: using either bleaching agents or activating effects.

Types of teeth whitening in a dental clinic

Dental lightening procedures are usually divided into into several types:

  1. It's directly office and home. First are carried out in clinics, and second also available at home.
  2. From the point of view of the effect on enamel, there are: mechanical and chemical bleaching. At first form, the white color returns due to the removal of tartar and plaque from the enamel. Second This type involves the removal of pigmented particles using chemically active substances.

In-office photo whitening Zoom

Refers to office chemical lightening, considered one of the first professional techniques, which have spread in Russia.

Zoom technology uses a gel that contains: hydrogen peroxide.

The whitening agent is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for more dramatic results. Under the influence of rays, the gel releases oxygen and dental tissues, along with the pigments they contain, are oxidized.

The gel also contains calcium phosphate, it settles in the places where the pigment was removed, preserving the integrity of the enamel.

Procedure time - 1,5 hour.

Professional laser treatment in dentistry

It is carried out only in the dentist's office. The technology is very similar to photobleaching.

A special whitening gel is applied to the front surface of the teeth, but with a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

The doctor activates it using a laser beam - it takes 1-2 minutes per tooth, Accordingly, the entire procedure takes about half an hour.

Important! Laser use is considered more secure, since targeted exposure, unlike an ultraviolet lamp, makes the process controlled. Whitening occurs locally, which eliminates the possibility of thermal damage to the gums.

air flow

It is a soft polishing of enamel using special sandblasting machine, which applies an abrasive substance to the surface of the teeth.

Photo 1. This is how tooth enamel is cleaned using Air flow technology: it helps bring teeth to their natural shade.

The whitening effect is achieved due to pressure and solid particles, acting mechanically.

The procedure is completely painless for the client, does not injure the gums and does not damage the enamel. However, unlike the same laser whitening, lightening is available in one procedure no more than than by 1-2 tones, Accordingly, to achieve the desired result, as a rule, it is required 2-4 sessions.

Reference! If the enamel has a yellowish tint, then due to the Air flow procedure they will disappear from the surface of the teeth. all kinds of pollution, but the tone itself will not change.


It is an alternative to mechanical if the cause of the change in enamel color is darkening of dentin.

It is carried out using a special whitening gel with a high concentration of active substances; a catalyst - the same laser or ultraviolet lamp - is not used.

The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes.

The doctor covers the gums with a protective film (rubber dam) or covers with special composition, and apply bleach to the teeth. If the desired effect is not achieved, you can repeat the procedure, but no more than once per session.

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Is it safe to have the procedure done at the dentist?

The procedure involves carrying it out under the strict guidance of a professional and in accordance with established safety rules. Only in the clinic will the client be able to advise, properly prepare for whitening and carry it out in such a way as to achieve desired result.

Each described procedure has advantages and disadvantages, as well as a number of contraindications, the presence of which does not allow it to be carried out.

Pros and cons of photobleaching

  1. The result is noticeable after the procedure is completed.
  2. Enough one session.
  3. Uniform impact on teeth.
  4. Whitening 8-10 tones at once.
  1. Sitting in the dentist's chair at least an hour.
  2. May occur sensitivity teeth during the procedure and after.
  3. Availability chips and cracks, caries, gum disease are a contraindication to the procedure.


  1. Instantaneous result.
  2. During lightening, the patient does not feel discomfort.
  3. Saved oral acid balance, the enamel is strengthened.
  4. Lightening occurs immediately for 12 tones.
  5. The process takes no more than 20 minutes(laser processing).
  1. Maybe uneven teeth whitening due to point impact.
  2. High price procedures.

air flow

  1. Almost complete absence contraindications.
  2. Quick effect.
  3. Economical.
  4. Gentle mechanical impact.
  1. Does not change the tone of tooth enamel, but only cleanses it of pollution.
  2. Lightening is achieved by 2-4 tones.


  1. Fast and noticeable results.
  2. Uniform impact on teeth.
  3. Acceptable price.
  4. Procedure simple and painless.
  5. Whitening by 5-7 tones.
  1. Emergence sensitivity teeth during and after the procedure.
  2. The need for several sessions.

What is the difference between a clinical procedure and whitening in salons and beauty studios?

Teeth whitening services are offered not only by dental clinics, but also by beauty salons.

Despite the fact that both medicine and cosmetology use the same whitening methods, dramatic differences still exist.

Clinical lightening is carried out using mechanical and chemical effects, Quite high doses of bleaches and prolonged exposure to activators are used. This leads to the fact that it is possible to achieve lightening in one session up to 10-15 tones.

However, such procedures require serious protection measures, professionalism doctor, have many contraindications and should only be performed in a dental office. Already during the consultation with the doctor, the client learns that during the procedure, quite often they are put on the eyes. protective glasses, the gums close, and a cream.

Attention! Such measures are associated with danger of the reagents used for whitening.

Cosmetic procedures are more gentle, for example, lightening with hydrogen peroxide in beauty salons is carried out at a concentration 10—12% , and in dental offices with concentration in 35-38%.

They will suit people with sensitive enamel, After all, with such bleaching, hypersensitivity reactions are extremely rare; they can also become a trial lightening procedure.

Unlike clinical procedures, cosmetic procedures can be transferred to home conditions and do not require such safety measures.

The main difference between whitening at a doctor and in a beauty salon is the intensity and gentleness of the processes. Yes, lightening ten tones in the clinic you can achieve in one procedure, in private business enterprises - for 2-3.

How does the procedure work on damaged teeth?

Traditionally, before whitening, the dentist suggests that the patient eliminate diseases and damage to the teeth, since some of them are contraindications. But if this is not possible, apply gentle lightening methods that will not affect damaged enamel.

In particular, the dentist may offer photobleaching with shorter duration point laser and Air flow. The main thing is that the dental cavity is first examined by a doctor, then whitening will not affect damaged teeth.


Pathology occurs when the expectant mother or child up to one year took tetracycline antibiotics.

This medication can affect the color of the baby’s tooth enamel, however, even such a nuisance can actually be eliminated with the help of a whitening procedure, although only in a dental office.

First, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and perform professional cleaning patient's teeth.

Before whitening, the enamel is strengthened using remineralizing substances. Then a method for eliminating the cosmetic effect is determined. In addition to the whitening itself, it is possible to create veneers.

Lightening of tetracycline teeth should be carried out in a medical office, and not in a beauty salon, since the staining with such pathology can be quite intense. Only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment method.

In practice, it is most often used Zoom technology, if the teeth are colored evenly, and laser in the case when individual areas on the patient’s teeth are colored.

If a person needs whitening by 20 or more tones, then the procedure is divided into a period of outpatient and home treatment.

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For fluorosis

Damage to enamel that has cosmetic consequences due to prolonged exposure to the body fluoride, is called fluorosis.

The pathology is treated comprehensively and, of course, the doctor pays attention to cosmetic elimination negative visual effects. To lighten teeth, chemical, photo-bleaching and laser treatment are used.

Fluorosis is a disease, so standard types of whitening are always supplemented restorative procedures. Before lightening fluorous teeth, the patient undergoes a course of drugs with a high content of phosphorus and calcium, and immediately after the teeth are remineralized, that is, a composition with phosphorus and calcium is applied to the treated surface.

If the disease has a pronounced destructive and erosive forms, then traditional whitening methods are ineffective, the doctor may suggest the patient to use frontal dental onlays, do veneers or lumineers(made from ceramics or porcelain).

With wedge-shaped defect

Wedge-shaped dental defect is tissue damage in the cervical area. It is extremely difficult to detect in a timely manner, however, it can be cured if correctly identified the cause of the development of pathology.

For example, hormonal disorders should be corrected by an endocrinologist, defects associated with malocclusion by a gastroenterologist.

Only after this is it possible to whiten your teeth. The presence of a wedge-shaped defect is contraindication to bleaching.

In the future, the patient with restored enamel can choose any whitening method, which the doctor will advise him. However, if clinical interventions in the oral cavity have recently been performed, you can start with the mildest ones.

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There are very few people who would not like to have a beautiful smile, but nature, unfortunately, gives snow-white teeth to only a lucky few. Most people have to whiten their teeth. Moreover, not so long ago, most teeth whitening procedures were completely unsafe for health. Only thanks to the development of technology and dentistry as an independent branch of medicine, today it is possible to whiten teeth not only very quickly, but also without significant risk to health.

Why do teeth become dark?

Look at children's teeth. They are naturally snow-white in most cases, but darken over time. Why? Reasons why tooth enamel color changes, so many:

  • Consumption of products containing pigments that can stain enamel.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Various diseases: caries, fluorosis, persistent plaque.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  • Age-related changes.

Whitening methods

Whiten teeth today can be done in different ways, which can be divided into the following groups:


Today, the majority of people understand perfectly well that they can achieve high-quality teeth whitening get it only from professionals, and therefore turn to dental clinics. There they have at their disposal the latest equipment and technologies of modern dentistry, as well as the safest methods of professional whitening.

It’s worth saying right away that the term “photobleaching” does not accurately reflect the essence of the procedure. The fact is that light cannot in any way affect the enamel. In this procedure, it is needed as an activator of a chemical reaction. The main work of teeth whitening is performed by special illuminating reagents.

The main component of the gel used for photobleaching is hydrogen peroxide. It is this that, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, turns into an active form of oxygen, which can penetrate the enamel and change its color.

Photobleaching takes place in several stages and, as a rule, the duration does not exceed 1 hour.

The efficiency of photobleaching is quite high. In one visit to the dentist you can Lighten teeth 8 shades and the effect will last quite a long time, but only if the person’s teeth naturally had yellowish enamel. If the enamel is naturally grayish, then the maximum result is a couple of tones.

Photo-whitening gives the best result if the patient has yellow teeth due to excessive coffee consumption and smoking.

This procedure will have a minimal effect in the case where the patient’s teeth have changed color due to taking medications and an excess of fluoride in the water consumed.

Also, do not forget that approximately 5% of the population of our planet has a special composition of tooth enamel. Even modern dentistry cannot cope with the discoloration of such teeth.

Although the photobleaching technology is different high degree of security, still do not forget about possible side effects:

  • Increased sensitivity of teeth after the procedure for several days.
  • Possible allergy to the components of the whitening gel.
  • Irritation of mucous membranes.

How much does photobleaching cost? Prices for such procedures vary depending on the gel used, equipment, city and status of the dental clinic. In Moscow, the price for Beyond cold whitening is on average 11,900 rubles.

This type of changing the color of tooth enamel, in contrast to classic photo-whitening, can help not only those whose teeth are naturally yellowish, but also patients with naturally grayish enamel. Technologies of modern dentistry make it possible to do this fast, efficient and safe.

Experts believe that this is the most gentle type of treatment on enamel. In addition, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure.

The laser whitening procedure is as follows:

  1. The surface of the teeth is cleaned of plaque and tartar, after which Smartbleach gel is applied to them. It is based on the same hydrogen peroxide.
  2. The gel is activated when exposed to a laser. In this case, each tooth is treated with its own beam. The minimum duration of exposure is 2 minutes.
  3. During laser treatment of teeth, the gel is split into its component parts, releasing active oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and neutralizes coloring pigments.

The entire procedure takes on average no more than half an hour. At the same time, in one pass you can lighten the enamel by 7 tones at once.

Laser whitening technologies in dentistry are constantly being improved. Just a few years ago, equipment was used that generated lasers with wavelengths of 488 and 514 nm, which is why the procedure took longer and required more sessions to achieve the desired result. Today, thanks to infrared and diode lasers with a wavelength of 810 nm, the duration of the procedure has been reduced to a minimum. Moreover, new lasers allow for more uniform enamel lightening.

The main disadvantage of laser whitening is the high cost of the procedure. How much does laser teeth whitening cost? In Moscow, obtaining the desired shade of tooth enamel using a laser will cost an average of 25,400 rubles. Expensive, but the price is fully paid for by the time it takes to maintain the achieved effect - 4 years.


This is another type of photo teeth whitening that can be considered completely safe. This technology is based on the same gel with hydrogen peroxide. Its activation on the surface of the teeth is carried out using a special lamp emitting in the ultraviolet spectrum.

This type of whitening gained its popularity due to its very high efficiency and long-term preservation of the achieved effect. In addition, this procedure uses drugs and equipment from one manufacturer, which reduces the risk of complications. Finally, although Zoom technology is professional, it can be used at home. True, the effectiveness of such whitening will be slightly lower than if it were carried out in a clinic. However, it is very convenient for many people.

In Moscow, for the Zoom whitening procedure using the Philips Zoom 3 system, they ask for 25,000 rubles. The high cost of whitening is due to the need to make impressions of the jaw and make a special mouth guard.

As you can see, the cost of Zoom is comparable to laser whitening. Therefore, the choice of one or another type of tooth enamel lightening falls entirely on the shoulders of the patients.

Chemical bleaching

This type of tooth enamel whitening can be done both in the clinic and at home. Moreover, in the latter case, it will still be considered professional if carried out under the supervision of a dentist.

In dentistry, despite the fact that the wrong approach to the procedure can cause harm to teeth, chemical methods of teeth whitening are viewed positively because they provide a guaranteed positive result.

The most popular chemical teeth whitening system is Opalescence system .


This is a gentle chemical whitening technology developed by the American company Ultradent. Despite the gentle effect, such whitening allows you to cope with the whitening of teeth affected by fluorosis, darkened due to the use of tetracycline, and discolored due to age. Opalescence technology is also often used before installing dentures or veneers.

The advantages of such teeth whitening include the stability of the achieved effect, relative safety, and low cost. With comparable results, Opalescence is an order of magnitude lower than Zoom whitening. In Moscow, prices for this procedure are 7,000 rubles.

Mechanical bleaching

This method of teeth whitening is considered the oldest. At its core, this is simply professional dental hygiene. There are specialists in dentistry who do not consider mechanical bleaching to be bleaching, even though the effect of the procedure is quite pronounced.

Mechanical removal of dark plaque from teeth is simple exposes the underlying enamel. That is, no destruction of the pigment darkening the enamel occurs.

The most effective and popular method of physical teeth whitening is Air-Flow.

Air-Flow Teeth Whitening Method

This method of mechanical cleaning of enamel has been used in dentistry for a very long time. It replaced traditional mechanical cleaning using dental instruments, which was not effective enough and was traumatic.

The very name of the technology reveals the whole essence of whitening. Air-Flow is essentially a sandblasting machine in which instead of sand and air, a healing mixture is mixed from purified water and special abrasive. This treatment solution is applied to the teeth under high pressure, resulting in fast and effective whitening.

An important point of Air-Flow is the absence of painful sensations both during and after cleaning. After the procedure, a special protective varnish is applied to the surface of the teeth to protect the enamel and consolidate the achieved effect.

It should be understood that such a procedure allows you to lighten your teeth, but will not make them snow-white. The enamel after Air-Flow will simply receive the shade given to it by nature: yellowish or grayish. That is, to lighten the enamel you will have to resort to chemical or photobleaching.

So why do so many people choose Air-Flow? The answer is simple - price. How much does it cost to treat one tooth using Air-Flow technology? In Moscow for cleaning one tooth using this technology on average they ask for 150 rubles. What is most interesting is that people who have used Air-Flow in the future, as a rule, do not resort to more expensive methods of teeth whitening, since they are completely satisfied with the results obtained.

The Internet makes many patients believe the myth about the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide purchased at the pharmacy, soda, activated carbon and other simple methods. Following such dubious advice is not only pointless, but also fraught with dangerous consequences - burns of the oral cavity, damage to the enamel and increased sensitivity of the teeth. In fact, there are only two types of professional whitening – in-office and at-home.

In-office bleaching

This term in dentistry means teeth whitening under the supervision of a doctor using gels based on hydrogen peroxide or urea, as well as catalysts in the form of ultraviolet light or a laser beam. The chemical composition affects only 20% of the organic substances contained in hard dental tissue (dentine) and does not cause any harm to the teeth. The final result of the procedure depends on the initial shade of the teeth, determined according to the VITA scale. In most cases, it is possible to achieve a lightening of 5 to 10 tones. Let's look at the features of each type of teeth whitening in the clinic.


Gels and varnishes

The teeth are coated with a whitening agent with remineralizing components using a brush or brush. As a rule, the solution does not require rinsing and is used regularly for two weeks. Teeth become 1–2 shades whiter. Purchase costs will range from 300 to 1,000 rubles. One example of such products is the Blanx whitening pencil.

Whitening pastes

Toothpastes, rinses, brushes and flosses with a whitening effect in rare cases “increase” whiteness by a maximum of 1 tone. Experts recommend using such products to maintain the results of professional whitening. The simplest whitening paste can be bought at an affordable price - from 150 rubles. Low-abrasion toothpaste with a brightening effect, Extreme Whitening Swissdent, will cost more.

Pros and cons of types of teeth whitening

Find out the advantages and disadvantages of different types and methods of teeth whitening.


  • Instant results.
  • Uniform impact.
  • The duration of the session is no more than an hour.
  • Whitening by 8 – 10 tones.
  • The occurrence of tooth sensitivity during and after the procedure.

Laser whitening

  • Instant results.
  • No discomfort during the procedure.
  • Maintaining the acid balance of the oral cavity.
  • Strengthening enamel.
  • Whitening by 12 tones.
  • The duration of the session is more than an hour.
  • Uneven teeth whitening.
  • High price.