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Service dog breeds. Working dog breeds with photos Belgian Shepherd - a breed of long-haired working dogs

Working breeds- this is a group of dogs capable of working in guard, search and similar types of services, serving in the police, being a shepherd or sled dog. These include large, strong and hardy species that have innate guard qualities and require long walks and good physical training.

They have a well-developed instinct to guard the owner himself, his home and territory.

By their nature, they are angry, but not aggressive, they are suspicious of strangers and strangers, but at the same time they are easy to train.

For many years, herding breeds were used for domestic work, working in pastures where they protected flocks of sheep and cattle from predators.

  1. Sled breeds serve as a means of transport for people living in the Far North (the average load per dog is 40-50 kg, the speed of the sled is up to 15 km/h).
  2. Guards and detectives often used to search and capture criminals, to protect state borders, to serve in the army (signal dog, mine detection or sanitary work), to work at the airport to detect illegal drugs, and can guard military, industrial or economic facilities.
  3. Sports group - These are short-haired species with a kind and flexible character, not suitable for guard or guard duty. But their capabilities are often used to search for drugs, weapons, and to work in the rescue service.

Service dogs work as guides and assistants for blind people and people with disabilities.

The owner of a service dog must be aware of all responsibility for the pet and its maintenance. Any large breed, especially one living in a city apartment, must undergo early socialization, learn commands and be trainable. Otherwise, the owner exposes himself and the people around him to danger and various troubles. A large and strong dog needs good physical training and maintaining shape; for this, it needs long active walks (at least 2 times a day), the ability to run without a leash in an open space.

An important role in maintaining a working breed is played by proper balanced nutrition, vitamins and minerals.

    A sled dog, a draft horse, running across the snowy plains of the North. The Malamute is able to survive at temperatures of 70 degrees below zero. Bred to work in a harness, in a team with other dogs. The breed is used for hunting and transporting heavy loads on ice and snow. This is a large, strong and hardy breed, capable of performing a variety of jobs. Many owners use them in the sport of skijoring (towing a skier with dogs).

    A security guard, watchman and reliable friend, will always come to the aid and protection of the owner. He has restless energy and activity, which simply needs to be channeled into a peaceful direction: running, swimming, long walks. Needs training and education from puppyhood. With good upbringing, this is an excellent companion, an intelligent and affectionate pet, capable of doing any work and participating in various types of dog sports.

    An amazing service breed, which is divided into 4 subspecies: Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinau and Laekenois. These dogs are different in appearance, but in character and temperament they are the same. They are smart, balanced and sociable. They are gentle towards children, devoted to their owner, graceful, have a good sense of smell, and will serve as a good watchman and security guard. They are easy to train and happily follow commands for praise.

    The Bernese Shepherd is a strong, intelligent and kind dog with well-developed muscles. It lends itself well to training, is ready to obey absolutely all family members, without singling out one owner - the leader. The peculiarity is that she guards and protects only those people whom she loves and listens to. Like any large breed, maturation occurs slowly and only by the age of three does the pet become intelligent and mature. Therefore, from an early age you should not encourage their pranks, but rather find the right approach to education.

    A large guard and service breed, it was originally bred to catch and pin prey to the ground without causing harm to it. Perhaps this is why she received the name “gentle giant”. They are good-natured and sweet, they adore children and are ready to kiss them all day long, for them he is their best friend and companion. Their large size and menacing appearance make them excellent guards for their owners. By nature, the Bullmastiff is a kind and gentle dog.

    A universal breed, hunter, companion, service and detection dog. Its compact size, kind, cheerful and playful character make the Airedale an excellent family pet.

    An energetic, very intelligent, persistent and cheerful breed. They have the ability to work in various fields, can serve in the army, protect the owner’s house and property, and play with children. They love to run and frolic and will always find a way to make a person laugh. Of all the terriers, the Airedale Terrier is the largest and is called the “king of terriers.” They were bred to hunt animals running on the ground, they are famous for their versatile abilities, during the war they even worked as messengers and delivered mail to soldiers.

    A noble, intelligent and extremely beautiful dog, infinitely devoted to its owner. Since its appearance, this breed has become an indispensable assistant to humans; it is a shepherd, a guard and a faithful companion. They tend to make independent decisions, carry out difficult tasks assigned by humans, and monitor the animals entrusted to her without causing harm to them. A good and affectionate friend for children.

    A cheerful and affectionate bearded man will bring joy and positivity into your life. He is energetic, active and cheerful. It may be distrustful of outsiders and strangers, but for its owner, the Giant Schnauzer is a loyal friend, protector, and watchman. He loves active, outdoor games, walking a lot and frolicking in open areas. He is easy to train and loves to participate in agility.

    It is called "the dog of the samurai." It was created by nature for people who value the strength of spirit in a pet, the ability to make their own decisions, and boundless devotion to the owner and all members of the family in which they live. Akita Inu is a beautiful, cheerful, active breed, a good watchman and guard. He has a proud, independent disposition, and an explosive temperament with outward calm and meekness.

    The breed is famous for its universal abilities; they can look after the farm, guard the house and surrounding area, can herd sheep or go hunting with a person. It has a lively character, characteristic of companion dogs, and can accompany its owner everywhere, both on walks and on trips. He senses the owner’s mood well; if necessary, he can sit quietly and watch him, but at the first call for a walk he becomes active and cheerful.

German Shepherds are one of the most recognizable dog breeds on our planet. These dogs became widely known thanks to their unique natural intelligence.

People who want to have a well-mannered, intelligent, intelligent and hardy guard dog next to them should definitely opt for the German Shepherd. These dogs are considered the most versatile breed, intended not only for service, but also to be man’s most faithful friend.

German Shepherds have a very interesting history. The ancestors of these magnificent dogs were herding dogs that lived in Germany. The owners who used these dogs on their farms tried from generation to generation to select only the most similar dogs in terms of external characteristics. This is how the core of the breed was formed and the foundations for the exterior of German Shepherds were laid.

However, more attention was paid to the working skills of herding dogs, because they were unpretentious, incredibly efficient and very smart. Gradually, the purpose of German Shepherds as herding dogs partially exhausted itself. People decided that the natural intelligence of these dogs could be directed in another direction, for example, to perform guard and search service.

"German" is a guard and search breed.

Today we know a lot of examples of feats performed by these dogs: they were faithful colleagues of fighters of all types of troops during wars, many times they took the blow to save their owner, they helped search for missing people, they found bombs... all the merits of these dogs simply cannot be counted! Modern German shepherds are “employees” of the police, customs, army and other branches of the military, companions of rescuers.

Now a little about the external characteristics of the breed... “Germans” (as they are popularly called) are large-sized dogs. The height at the withers reaches 65 centimeters, this shepherd weighs from 22 to 40 kilograms. These dogs have a wedge-shaped head. According to the standard, the nose is only allowed to be black. The ears should be erect and medium in size.

The eyes of a German Shepherd are dark in color. These shepherds have a wide chest and a powerful body. The tail is of medium length. The coat is thick, consisting of long guard hairs and short undercoat. The colors allowed for purebred representatives of the breed are black, black, black with red tan (the most common type), as well as partially gray with a mask on the muzzle and a black saddle.

By nature, these German dogs are balanced, self-possessed, able to show incredible calm, even in the most extraordinary situations. They are very reasonable, brave and kind. They always try to please their owner. It is worth mentioning again that German Shepherds are one of the smartest four-legged creatures on earth.

In relation to all members of the family in which the German Shepherd settles, she will behave good-naturedly and with great respect. These dogs get along well in the company of other pets. However, if a stranger appears in the house, the dog will be wary of him. And if one of the family members needs protection from a stranger, the “German” is always ready to selflessly fulfill his official duty.

German Shepherds are wonderful dogs, but there are categories of people who should not have them:

  • Lazy owners. German Shepherds require constant improvement of their skills. To do this, they need training and physical activity. If you are not ready to go out into nature with your dog, walk it often, and generally work with it, then it is better to think about a more “sofa” dog.
  • Unbalanced people. These dogs need strong-willed owners who can support the strong character of the “German”. A person who does not know how to control himself and show patience will not be able to raise a worthy dog.
  • German Shepherds are perfect for those who need a guard dog, a guard dog, or just a four-legged family friend. “Germans” get along with children easily, they do not show aggression and will fit perfectly into any family!

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They use dogs with a certain set of qualities, both physical and psychological. Priority is given to such features as: endurance, strength, guard instinct, large size of the dog. Initially, shepherd dogs, which in our time are the main representatives of service dog breeding, were bred to guard herds on pastures. As a result, dogs of this breed need long walks and training, from which we can conclude that service dogs are hardy, powerful, physically developed dogs.

In Russian service dog breeding there is a separate group of sporting dogs. Since dogs belonging to this group have a good disposition and short hair, they are not suitable for guard duty. But at the same time, these dogs are ideal for detecting drugs and weapons, as well as for rescue service.

The group of shepherd dogs in the service breeds category is the largest. The popularity of shepherd dogs around the world makes a difference not only in origin, but also in the physical and psychological qualities of dogs of this breed.

Among the shepherd dogs, there are 2 main groups: Asian (Komondor, Iberian, etc.) - angry, strong, larger; and European (, French, Dutch, etc.) - with a lively temperament, medium size. A breed that combines the characteristics of both groups is,.

Such varieties of shepherd dogs as: South Russian, Central Asian, Caucasian are not intended for keeping in apartments. Limited space makes dogs of these breeds feel unwell and even get sick. Also, you should not choose such dogs if the future owner is learning the basics of dog breeding for the first time. You need to be physically developed in order to cope with such a dog. A service dog, if not properly trained, becomes uncontrollable and aggressive.

Miniature Schnauzers and Miniature Schnauzers are classified as sporting (or sporting and working) dogs. The exact origin of schnauzers is not known. They are believed to have originated from the wire-haired hunting dog, which was found throughout Europe in various forms. The birthplace of this breed is Germany. In the 19th century, specialized literature described “Bavarian wolfhounds,” which were representatives of the large form of schnauzers. This breed got its name due to the beard and mustache on its face. There are 3 varieties of this breed, which differ in size. Of all the schnauzers, the Giant Schnauzer is classified as a service dog.

Schnauzers are close to the Pinscher breed of dogs. Except that pinschers are of ancient origin and are carriers of short hair. Pinschers are decorative dogs that differ from each other in purpose, color and size. However, the miniature pinscher is also considered an excellent watchdog. The German Pinscher is the ancestor of this group of dogs. External features of this breed: short, coarse hair, brown and tan color, average build. most popular in Russia. Friedrich Louis Dobermann developed this breed in the mid-19th century, thanks to the inbreeding of such breeds as: German Shepherd, Great Dane and Rottweiler.

Schnauzers and pinschers are active, curious, temperamental dogs. Training is not easy. But by putting effort into training, you can acquire a real companion, friend, colleague.

Terriers are classified as burrowing hunting dogs. The homeland of this group of dogs is England. At this point in time, there are 35 types of terriers. External differences are united by their similarity in temperament and character. These dogs are active, lively, and require increased attention. Terriers are used as service, decorative and hunting dogs. The Airedale Terrier is a true service breed. There is no exact information about the origin of this dog, but there is an opinion that the Otterhound, Bull Terrier, Retriever, Scotch Terrier, Welsh Terrier, Gordon Setter and others took part in the selection of Airedale Terriers. This breed is widespread in civil and military service. In addition, it is an excellent hunter, companion and friend.

Smaller terriers (for example, the Irish Terrier) are also used as service dogs.

The dog breed does not belong to the terrier group. These dogs began to be called so due to the presence of a square muzzle and rough hair, characteristic of the terrier group. The Black Terrier was bred in Russia, in the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel, by crossing a Giant Schnauzer and an Airedale Terrier. This dog is unpretentious, hardy, and adapts well to climatic conditions. The negative qualities of the Black Terrier are a tendency to diseases of the skeletal system.

Mastiff, Newfoundland, and very conditionally can be classified as service dog breeding dogs. These dogs are giants with powerful bones, with a height at the withers of 70 cm, with pronounced and developed muscles, with a massive, heavy head. The Tibetan Mastiff is the most ancient representative among giant dogs. The Romans also used the Tibetan Mastiff in battles. Back then, these dogs had enormous ferocity, which they lost over time. Currently, the distinctive feature of the Tibetan Mastiff is equanimity and calmness. Mastiffs and Great Danes have found their application in sports and in security and guard service. While Newfoundlands and St. Bernards are used in service dog breeding. It should be noted that keeping these dogs requires large expenses, enormous time, care and diligence.

Breeds of service and service-sporting dogs described on our website:

Breed Service
Alaskan Malamute

Riding service


American Pit Bull Terrier

Dog is a bodyguard


Search service


American Staffordshire Terrier

Dog is a bodyguard


Search service


Bull Terrier

The dog is a bodyguard


East European Shepherd Universal breed

Dog is a bodyguard


Search service


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Shepherd's service

Guard duty

Guard service



Shepherd's service

Rescue dog



Search service


Guide dogs

Rescue dog


Dog is a bodyguard

Security guard

Malinois Universal breed
Moscow watchdog

Guard duty

Guard service


German Shepherd Universal breed
German boxer

Dog is a bodyguard

Search service



German dog Dog is a bodyguard
Newfoundland Rescue dog
Giant Schnauzer

Dog is a bodyguard

Search service




Dog is a bodyguard

Search service



Saint Bernard Rescue dog
Siberian Husky

Riding service



Search service


Central asian shepherd dog

Shepherd's service

Guard duty

Guard service


Black Terrier

Dog is a bodyguard

Search service




Dog is a bodyguard

Search service



South Russian Shepherd

Shepherd's service

Guard duty

Guard service


See you soon, friends

Dogs have accompanied humans for many centuries. Over time, they changed and acquired new character and appearance traits. The variety of breeds allows them to be successfully used for different purposes.

Service dogs have become an integral part of law enforcement today. They are actively used for various types of activities. The task of such dogs is to serve humans.


​For many centuries, the selection of pedigree dogs was carried out for specific purposes. A special group of dogs has formed - working. Her breeds were hardy, in good physical condition, easy to train and had a guarding instinct.

They are angry, but not aggressive, and are suspicious of strangers. Working dog breeds can be divided into the following groups:

Buying any pet comes with its own challenges. Service dogs are no exception here. This includes responsibility for your pet, its well-being and health. The animal must be safe for others and therefore the puppy from the first months of life must undergo socialization and initial training. Any large dog needs physical exercise, which means long walks. The correct choice of breed is also important.

German Shepherd and other service dogs

Today in Russia it is official government agencies hire the following breeds:

  1. Group of shepherd dogs - Scottish, German, Caucasian, Central Asian, South Russian.
  2. The rest are black terrier, Moscow watchdog, Airedale terrier, and giant schnauzer.

This choice is dictated by the climatic conditions of the country. Sometimes Rottweilers are hired to serve in the police. In Europe, Dobermans can be used for protection. Bullmastiffs can be found as bodyguards or guard dogs.

What dog comes to mind immediately when you hear the word service? German Shepherd. This is one of the best breeds for police, search, security, etc. It is rightfully one of the three smartest breeds among dogs. German shepherds work in the police, army, customs, and at the border. Thanks to TV series and films, the breed has become popular among ordinary people.

Work on breeding the German Shepherd began in the 19th century. Then the breeders were faced with the task of breeding a dog that could live with its owner in the same room. So a man named Max Emil Frederick got to work. He took as a basis all types of Old Germanic herding breeds. After a couple of decades, his work was crowned with success.

Today, the German Shepherd is easily recognizable by its saddle-back color of red and black. They are ideal for using search or guard skills. Like all service dogs, German Shepherds hardy, obedient, fearless, attentive and energetic. They are actively used in the service for their ability to make independent decisions. In critical situations, the German Shepherd does not wait for a command, it acts. So this can save the life of the owner (for example, if the dog jumps on the criminal at the moment of the shot).

Shepherds are a fairly large group of breeds. Belgian Shepherd differs from its German counterpart in appearance and character. The name of the breed comes from the country where these dogs began to be bred. A distinctive feature of the Belgian Shepherd is high sensitivity to any disapproval of the owner. Since they were originally bred to work in the pastures, Belgian Shepherds are independent and can make decisions without the owner's direct command. They do not particularly like children in the family, but with a correctly constructed hierarchy, they obey. Representatives of this breed do not like other animals

Dobermans were developed in Germany in the last century. It was obtained by crossing Rottweilers and Shepherds. This made it possible to take positive qualities from breeds and develop qualitatively new dogs. It owes its name to the name of the man who bred it - Carlos Dobermann. Today Dobermans work with rescuers, police officers, and bodyguards. Unlike the German Shepherd, this The breed is vicious and requires strict training. They are fierce and fearless, loyal to their master. Over time, breeders softened the breed's aggressiveness.

Today Dobermans are actively used in the search service. As a pet, they have proven themselves to be excellent guards and family protectors. Unlike shepherds, Dobermans do not show autonomy and independence. Their high intelligence and trainability make them excellent pets.

Legacy of the USSR

During the USSR, breeders actively developed new breeds of dogs to suit their needs. One of these legacies is black terrier. A photograph of a representative of the breed shows a black, tall dog with a thick coat. In 1949, the nursery was given a government order to breed a new breed. It had to be resistant to any Russian climate. In addition, new service dogs had to meet the following requirements:

To achieve this, Soviet breeders used interbreeding. A large number of breeds were used - St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds, Airedale Terriers and others. As a result, the black terrier breed was developed. It was a dog of medium height, unpretentious to living conditions, easy to train. The thick, black coat provided ideal protection from frost and made it possible to use dogs of this breed in northern conditions. Today the breed has not lost its popularity and is actively used. It is worth considering that the black terrier cannot sit on a chain, since it is important for him to communicate with the owner.

Another legacy of the USSR - Moscow watchdog. After the war, the country's national economy needed service dog breeds. Therefore, breeders began their work on interbreeding. The main requirement is resistance to the diverse climate of the USSR. This is how the Moscow Watchdog was obtained - by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd Dog and a St. Bernard. Today it is a large dog of a characteristic color with strong paws. Unlike the black terrier, Moscow watchdogs have a phlegmatic, balanced character. The name of the breed comes from the place of breeding - the nursery was located in Moscow.

Representatives of this breed - ideal guards for large areas. They are independent and sociable. It is noteworthy that this is not a dog of one owner, but of the whole family. Its disadvantage is the need for careful care. It is not suitable for apartment keeping or a small enclosure. The Moscow watchdog needs space.

Who to choose for your home?

Working dog breeds are a large group of animals. It includes dogs that are very different in appearance, character, and characteristics. And if one or another representative is always used for work (only Labradors are taken as guide dogs), then which ones should you choose for home keeping?

To do this you need to think carefully what qualities must have a pet, for what purpose they take him and what tasks he will have to comply. So, it is better to choose among certain breeds as a companion, and among others for protection. Don't forget that service dogs require a lot of investment. A lot depends on upbringing and training. If you have no experience in this matter, you will need to hire a dog handler - a training specialist. You need to be prepared to take long walks, spend money on quality food and additional diet (feeding, vitamins, etc.). Only after weighing all the pros and cons can you buy a puppy.

Today, even those dogs that are extremely difficult to train have begun to be included in this category: Chow Chows, Shar Peis and even Afghans. Meanwhile, service dogs are dogs capable of performing guard duty, hardy, strong, well trained, retaining acquired skills throughout their dog life and passing on the ability to train to their descendants. Apparently, the authors of books that classify hunting dogs as service dogs actually do not even have a general understanding of cynology. Therefore, we will begin by listing specific breeds. So...

Service dogs - breeds:

  • Shepherd dogs (all);
  • Dobermans;
  • Molossians (boxers, Rottweilers, mastiffs, bullmastiffs, Bordeaux and ;
  • some terriers (eg Airedale) and schnauzers (Giant Schnauzer).

Today, the attitude of others towards most of them (Rottweilers, mastiffs, etc.) is extremely wary. And this is understandable. The desire to hide behind a strong dog, to feel one’s power and guaranteed safety, sometimes overshadows reason and caution: a person buys a cute puppy in the hope that it will grow up and become his bodyguard. At this moment there is no talk of any serious approach to selection and further mandatory training. It's a pity. Many people know that parents pass on their qualities (not only exterior, but also working) by inheritance, but few bother to inquire about the ancestors of the puppy they are buying. Dogs that are too aggressive or hysterical should not be allowed to be bred at all. But this remains in theory, but in practice it turns out the other way around: fashion dictates demand to the world. Therefore, quite often, unprincipled owners of “service dogs” (and not only) breed their pets, guided by only one goal: to earn money...

Service dogs can be allowed to breed only if they have good exterior grades (for a male dog a grade of “excellent” and not lower is acceptable, and for a female dog the minimum is “very good”, but preferably “excellent”) and the presence of working diplomas indicating the type training and degree. When buying a puppy, ask for certificates from the parents. Breeders are required to provide them. Otherwise, refuse the purchase - it is in your best interests.

When you bring a puppy into your home, keep in mind: proper feeding, regular walks and timely vaccinations will not stop there. Remember: training of service dogs is required. First of all, you need this: an adult, uncontrollable dog is truly dangerous.

Often inexperienced dog breeders ask: when to start training? Some recommend starting from three months, others from six, and some even argue that it is best to start classes after a year. Recommendations like these make me smile. For some reason I imagine a sixteen-year-old teenager who was given an ABC book in his hands for the first time...

Training should begin from the moment the baby appears in the house, with stroking the furry ball, with a gentle pronouncement of its nickname. The puppy gets used to your smell, voice and intonation. Contact is established. This is the initial stage, the starting point. As soon as the baby adapts (usually three days, no more), you can begin to practice the most important command, “Come to me!” Call the puppy, holding a bowl of tasty food in your hands and saying: “Come to me!” And be sure to sit down. This way the puppy will come faster. As soon as you approach, stroke it and praise: “Good!” and give him the food. Never punish your dog after the command “Come!” This is taboo!!! This team must be loved. The dog should “fly” to you with pleasure and joy, knowing that it will be praised, petted, and given something tasty. By punishing the dog only once after this command, you can start a countdown: the dog will stop coming at all.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cover all aspects of training in one article. Moreover, service dogs work in different directions and it is extremely important what you want to achieve from your pet. In addition, in many cases a clear example and an experienced assistant are needed. And an article (or even a book) is not enough here. Beginners need an experienced and knowledgeable instructor. But do not rush to give your dog into unfamiliar hands. Go to classes, see how other dogs work, what approach your chosen instructor has to work and to each dog in particular. After all, here, as with a child, an individual approach is required: you need to feel the dog. The way she feels about you. And she feels it, don’t even doubt it!

Do not agree to boarding houses: the dog may be drilled. But she doesn’t live with the instructor, but with you. Therefore, work on your own, but under the supervision of an instructor coordinating your actions. Everything is like at school: class, homework, checking the completed assignment, again class with the instructor. Usually, an obedience course takes two months (but this is very arbitrary). After completing the course and receiving a certificate, do not give up: the acquired skills may be forgotten, so use the acquired knowledge regularly when walking and playing. Let the puppy grow up, get stronger, and develop. And only then you can think about “higher education” - OKD, ZKS. It’s really better to start these courses after 10 months (and sometimes later), since the stress on the psyche is great and a fragile puppy may well become hysterical.

And a few more words about punishment. Of course, it is used in training. Usually this is a tug on the leash, a lowered voice (displeased intonation). But it is applicable only at the moment of an incorrectly performed (or unwanted) action. Neither before nor after. Only at this very moment. The same applies to life situations. When you come home and see tattered wallpaper or a puddle, or torn shoes, do not punish the dog - it is useless. The dog will understand that you are scolding him, but he will not understand the main thing: why he is being scolded. For the action has already been completed and forgotten. It’s only the owner’s fault that the dog is mischievous: he didn’t hide the wires, didn’t hide the shoes, left for a long time... But dogs are also sad, they also have tears flowing, they know how to love as much as even a person can’t... Do not offend the most loyal creature, look for reasons in your actions. After all, dogs are not responsible for us, but we are responsible for them...