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Tiger zodiac sign. Tiger sign - Chinese horoscope

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 11:11 pm

Main, best, aggressive- the main characteristics of a person born in the year of the Tiger. They are pioneers and activists, champions of justice and disciplined workers, innovators and consummate strategists. Tigers are lucky, they manage to achieve everything at once. However, they can also lose everything overnight.

Without obeying anyone themselves, people of this zodiac sign subjugate everyone with ordinary magnetism. However, the riskiness of their plans and undertakings becomes clear much later. At the same moment, those around them begin to see that they themselves have fallen into this trap and in any other situation would not get involved in such a thing.

At the same time, for the Tigers themselves everything is very simple - it is difficult for them to distinguish an ordinary adventure from a risky plan that can lead to success

A person born in the year of the Tiger is equally likely to become both an outstanding scientist and a criminal. He simply cannot imagine life without risk and adventurism. Tiger always tries to play big. He enjoys the rush of adrenaline at the moment when he realizes that he either hit a big jackpot or lost everything he put on the line.

Adventurer male Tiger

The charm and attractiveness of Tigers does not make them excellent friends and interlocutors. Harsh in their statements, rude and cynical, they push people away from them. The directness of their statements very often develops into rudeness, unwillingness to obey into mania, so problems at work and in the family cannot be avoided. If the Tiger loves, then he puts so much effort into winning the object of his attention that he involuntarily pushes him away.

In their careers, these are people for whom nothing will ever go smoothly. Sharp ascents give way to dizzying descents, but things will never go as planned. The situation is the same with finances. A tiger will never save for a rainy day. As soon as he sees an adventure from which he can profit, he will throw all his money into it. This is what leads to the fact that a person of this zodiac sign can suddenly become either bankrupt or a millionaire.

In love, Tigers are fickle and flighty. It is their amorousness that prevents them from building a serious relationship.

At the same time, they always have short-term romances. All their lives they are looking for a person who can understand them and accept them unconditionally.

What is the year of birth of the Tiger according to the eastern horoscope?

When the year of the Tiger comes, it comes third cycle of the Chinese horoscope. According to legend, 12 animals were the first to swim down the river to the call of Buddha and became the zodiac signs of the eastern calendar. It was the Tiger who was third.

2022 is the year of the Water Tiger

In the Chinese horoscope, each zodiac sign is associated with a specific element, of which there are only 5. It turns out that the next, for example, the year of the wooden Tiger, comes in 60 years. There are 5 types of Tigers in total:

Next 2022 will pass under the sign of the Water Tiger.

Tiger Guy active, active, noble, passionate and charming. It can be very difficult to resist his masculine charm and charisma. He is capable of elegant gestures of love, he instantly wins over his thirst for adventure and the ability to captivate his interlocutor. He can achieve a lot, he just has to put in the effort and be careful.

Most men of this zodiac sign come across as balanced, sympathetic, generous and calm

However, this is a serious misconception. Tigers are aggressive, rebels by nature and indisputable leaders. They are capable of leading the masses. However, Tigers are consistent and honest with others. They will never extricate themselves and promise, knowing in advance that they cannot help the person in any way.

Rebel and warrior Tiger guy

The Tiger man is attentive to those around him and is probably the first person who will come to the rescue in difficult times. Very often he tends to idealize the situation, assessing everything as he himself would like to see. However, sooner or later an epiphany comes, accompanied by a number of problems. However, even in the event of a catastrophe, he will not admit defeat, and in such a state it is advisable to avoid him. The only saving grace is that the Tiger man is an optimist by nature and having experienced failure, he gets down to business again with the same passion.

The Tiger man is a classic example of what a successful person should be. He is confident, persistent, always adheres to the principle of leading and never obeying. He able to throw himself into work, forgetting about everything that makes him practically omnipotent. If a fiasco happens in his life, he goes into his lair and licks his wounds for a long time. The tasks that the Tiger man sets for himself seem almost unrealistic to others.

If you have chosen a Tiger man as your partner, be prepared for the fact that you will have to obey and look at everything through his eyes

Characteristics of a Tiger woman according to the eastern calendar

The Tiger Girl is the dream of every man. She is bright, beautiful, intelligent, sensual, passionate, self-confident. She will always be the center of attention of any company, because he does not allow even a shadow of doubt about his own attractiveness. Those around her admire her, learn optimism and self-confidence.

Passionate and confident Tiger girl

Women of this zodiac sign are simply can't stand boredom. They immediately try to change the situation, work and even the man. They are sassy, ​​impressionable, charming and sexy. They resist everything, including the rules established in society. They put their whole soul into their chosen business, their own family.

Tiger Woman makes money easily. However, she can just as easily squander a fortune while having fun and relaxing. She is very sociable and loves to be the center of attention, especially in a male group. The Tiger woman cannot “breathe” in the state of love. She is in love with everything she does and everyone she interacts with.

The Tigress lady can shock those around her with her straightforwardness and frankness. She never thinks about what is okay to talk about and what is undesirable, blurting out into a person’s eyes everything that has accumulated in her soul. It is inherent use any methods to achieve what you want. She is able to keep up with several jobs and manage a couple of projects, which is greatly appreciated by her superiors.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Tiger according to the eastern horoscope

The best partner for Tiger People is the Horse. These are smart, insightful and kind people who are able to recognize the primacy of Tigers in relationships. Dragons fit very well. The fire element will help both become more cautious in life and more careful in expressing their own aggressiveness. A prudent and self-confident Dragon, combined with an unrestrained Tiger fighter, will achieve unprecedented heights.

Tigers get along well with Dogs. They always agree to play supporting roles.

Excellent compatibility between Tiger and Dog according to the eastern horoscope

And it is advisable for Tigers not to have anything in common with Snakes. He will not appreciate her wisdom and the competition for the right to supremacy in the family will never stop. Tigers have a pretty good relationship with Monkeys. An alliance with a Bull is a dangerous combat, in which the latter has more advantages. The tiger has to use all his resourcefulness and intelligence in order to maintain the right of primacy in the pair.

Compatibility in love of a Tiger woman according to the eastern horoscope

In love The Rabbit is not the most interesting and worthy partner for the Tiger. Both are independent and proud, never consider their partner’s opinion, and cannot understand each other. Love between them can flare up from the first second, but marriage is simply impossible.

The Rooster also cannot boast of being a worthy partner for the Tiger. Too proud and ambitious, he will always try to outshine the Tiger in society and everyday life, to impose your opinion and arrange another fight in the struggle for primacy.

People born in the year of the Goat should avoid marriage with a Tiger.

This union will not bring anything good to anyone. However, if the Goat understands that it is easier to obey, then the relationship will work out well.

Balanced and calm The Pig will greatly appreciate the strength and inner potential of the Tiger. The main thing is that the latter does not overdo it in expressing fiery feelings.

Compatibility table of the Tiger with other signs of the eastern horoscope:

Moderate compatibilityMinimum Compatibility
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Tiger according to the Western horoscope?

Tiger corresponds to the zodiac sign Aquarius according to the Western horoscope. It is noteworthy that people of this sign born at night are especially lucky in life. Tiger's lucky colors are white and red. The main amber talismans, lucky number 7.

In the East, people consider the Tiger to be a magnificent embodiment of the Earth element and a talisman-protector for any person.

The Western horoscope zodiac sign Aquarius corresponds to the year of the Tiger

Children born in the year of the Tiger: habits and character traits of little Tiger Cubs

Tiger Child sociable, playful, funny, pleasant to talk to. He, like all children, can grow up obedient or not. But in this case, his behavior depends on the upbringing of his parents. A child born under this zodiac sign simply cannot stand boredom, he always has many plans and the most important tasks, so it is almost impossible to see him while sitting still watching cartoons.

Tiger children cannot stand lies and never lie themselves.

He will be very upset if he discovers that his parents were hiding important information from him that he should have known. He will not hide his anger behind a guise of indifference and will definitely express all his dissatisfaction to the offenders in the eyes.

The Tiger Child is very curious and easy to learn. But, if at school a particular subject seems uninteresting to him, he will never strive to learn it, indulging in his own dreams and illusions while the teacher explains the material. His ideal is an interesting teacher who cares about the opinions and knowledge of his students. Only in this case will the baby be happy to “gnaw on the granite of science.”

Tiger Child according to the eastern horoscope

In upbringing, parents should pay special attention to explaining to their child that competition and the struggle for power are not always and everywhere the right solution. You need to teach your child to be careful and careful.

Celebrities-Tigers according to the eastern horoscope

In their careers, as in life, Tigers are unpredictable. Driven by indestructible self-confidence, they are able to move mountains. It is easy for them to infect others with enthusiasm and force them to follow them. Very often, people born under this zodiac sign choose professions that involve risk. They are excellent stockbrokers, excellent pilots, flight attendants, artists and military leaders.

Famous men born in the year of the Tiger:

  • Dmitry Donskoy;
  • Ivan groznyj;
  • Yuri Andropov;
  • Tom Beringer;
  • Tom Cruise;
  • Marco Polo;
  • Rudolf Nureyev;
  • Steve Wonder;
  • Herbert Wells.

Steve Wonder is a famous man born in the year of the Tiger

Famous women born in the year of the Tiger:

  • Elizabeth II;
  • Marilyn Monroe;
  • Agatha Christie;
  • Demmy Moor;
  • Isadora Duncan.

Marilyn Monroe is a star woman born under the sign of the Tiger

So, in conclusion, it must be said that people born under the Tiger zodiac sign deserve respect. Their irrepressible energy and potential allow you to achieve all sorts of heights in a career. However, in their personal lives, they should be careful in their statements and restrain their violent nature in order to maintain a good relationship as a couple.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Tiger is a strong personality. He often has power, so he demands respect and attention. The life of people born under the third sign of the Chinese calendar, the sign of the Tiger, will be eventful and eventful.

Who is a Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope?

Anyone born under the sign of the Tiger according to the eastern horoscope is usually brave and daring, active and proactive. Luck is with him. In the East, it is believed that the Tiger will help protect the house from thieves, fire and evil spirits. The tiger prefers to live for today, and every time he takes on any task, he completely immerses himself in it and brings it to the end.

He doesn't know what indecision is. Typhoid is noble towards others and considers it unacceptable for himself to look for roundabout ways and achieve results by any means. Instead, the Tiger relies on his own abilities, he finds an original solution to the problem, in a word, he always goes his own way.

He knows how to impress people, and throughout his life he relies solely on himself and his knowledge, which helps him achieve significant success. However, there is no worse enemy for the Tiger than himself. Only the Tiger can harm himself.

He often behaves rashly. He is characterized by haste, the Tiger often takes unnecessary risks, goes ahead and commits actions without thinking about the consequences. From time to time he behaves too impulsively.

The Tiger's horoscope suggests that he is so determined to fight and achieve his goals that he does not always pay attention to some details of the matter, and this often turns into failure: his plans remain unfulfilled or completely collapse.

If he had paid more attention to organizing his business, he would have achieved significant success in life. The tiger hates being given orders and instructions; he himself strives to be a leader in order to command. He doesn't pay much attention to the advice of others. The tiger prefers to be the master of his own destiny, makes his own decisions, and always chooses his own path. His stubbornness and authoritarianism, often turning into self-confidence, can play a cruel joke on him.

Career and success of the Tiger according to the horoscope

The Tigers are full of ideas. Energetic and dedicated, the Tiger is sure to impress an employer. He is quick-witted, determined, and willing to work hard. He does not shy away from responsibility, loves to be in the center of events and can become a leader or top manager. The tiger is able to influence people.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Tiger is an integral person and behaves nobly towards others. However, the Tiger is unyielding and will not be afraid to be in opposition if it decides that it is necessary. In rare cases, a tiger can even take a risk if necessary, and, as a rule, this risk will be justified. But it happens that the Tiger makes a mistake, and he has to learn from his own mistakes, and not from others.

While deeply experiencing failures, he will, nevertheless, benefit from even an unfavorable situation, and after a while, thanks to his efforts and fighting spirit, the Tiger will return to its previous positions and challenge fate with a new challenge. As one Chinese proverb says: “If you get up after you fall, you will succeed.” Undoubtedly, the Tiger, having received a blow, will be able to rise after it.

In his youth, the Tiger will try his hand at different areas. Having started this or that work with great enthusiasm, over time he may feel that this work no longer interests him, and he decides to do something else. At an early stage of its activity, the tiger will lack stability. He often changes jobs.

The Tiger's horoscope warns: he does not like being given orders and instructions, and this is what he should pay attention to at the beginning of his career. The young Tiger often believes that he is knowledgeable enough, but others (particularly his superiors) do not always agree with this.

At work, the Tiger simply needs self-expression, and if it seems to him that he is being limited, or he feels that no one needs his ideas and talent, he will refuse to obey. An upset and disappointed Tiger will be difficult to work with. For this reason, some Tigers choose jobs where they do not have superiors. Sometimes the Tiger may even lose his place due to his character.

Money and wealth of the Tiger

The tiger is very proactive and talented, he has every opportunity to make good money. However, he likes to live for today, and his penchant for risky ventures and rash decisions can lead the Tiger to bankruptcy or significantly reduce his income. In addition, he loves to spend money and is generous towards others.

The Tiger often easily spends what he earns without thinking about the future. As a result of this, at least one period will arise in the Tiger's life when he will lose his wealth and will be in dire need of money due to his frivolity and wrong decisions. But in this case, the Tiger will learn this lesson and try to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

In all matters related to money, the Tiger should think several times before he makes a decision. If he dreams of a comfortable old age, then he needs to constantly save his money or develop a strategy that will allow him to increase his income over the years. In addition, it would be useful if Tiger constantly monitored his expenses. Sometimes he succumbs to temptation and easily spends money, without thinking that it could be spent more usefully.

If the Tiger wants to successfully resolve his financial issues, then he must control his expenses and also save some money for the future. He should not invest his money in stocks, play on the stock exchange, in a word, he should not invest money where there is a high risk of losing it. The Tiger should listen to advice and thoroughly check the information about the company in which he is investing money.

If he is not vigilant, he will eventually discover that some of the schemes he developed for the purpose of making a profit do not work. The tiger must do everything so as not to regret his haste later.

The Tiger can have a lot of money and very little. But if he is careful and uses the opportunity wisely, he will ultimately be able to achieve prosperity. The tiger is often favored by fortune, but he should not rely only on it all the time.

Love and relationships of the Tiger according to the horoscope

The tiger is a passionate and romantic nature. If he falls in love, he will give his soul and heart for the sake of his loved one. He literally revels in this feeling and gives all of himself without reserve. A Tiger in love is a happy person. He makes friends easily because he is very sociable. He will have many fans and countless novels.

At the beginning of the novel, the Tiger usually receives special pleasure and often hopes that everything will continue to be fine. He is usually optimistic, full of hope and expects something special. True, sometimes the Tiger's expectations are not met, and his heart is broken.

But it happens that the Tiger cannot get used to his loved one: the relationship does not work out the way he expected. Then he begins the search for his new half again. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Tiger will have many love affairs in his life, and therefore there will be not only moments of joy and pleasure, but also moments of bitterness and disappointment.

If the Tiger finds a partner with whom he would like to connect his life, he prefers to get married right away, even when he is young. The tiger will do everything for this person: he will fulfill his obligations, he will be a generous and supportive companion. In response to this, he wants his partner to support him and be carried away by his many ideas.

The tiger is not one to sit still. He tries to lead an active lifestyle and expects the same from his partner. Many people who prefer a more calm and quiet lifestyle find that the Tiger's pace of life is too fast. For this reason, the Tiger must make sure that his partner is willing to adapt and live the same lifestyle that he leads.

If this does not happen, then the Tiger may become worried and their relationship will end. To prevent this from happening, he should wait a little while getting married and try to get to know his partner better. If the Tiger is not in a hurry to get married, then he will have a better chance of maintaining a long-term relationship with his partner.

Tiger compatibility horoscope

Tiger - Rat

The Tiger believes that the lively and sociable Rat is pleasant company, and they get along very well with each other. Everything will be fine in the relationship between parents and children. The Tiger will try to do everything so that the Rat develops and does what interests it. Parents born under the sign of the Tiger admire the resourcefulness and responsiveness of the Rat.

Tiger - Bull

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Tiger and the Ox have completely different lifestyles. It will be difficult for them to be together, and their relationship will become complex and unpredictable. The relationship between parents and children will not be easy. The tiger admires and supports his conscientious and intelligent child. But the Ox prefers to lead a quiet life; he is uncomfortable next to such active and sociable parents.

Tiger - Tiger

When two Tigers come into contact with each other, the fact that they are both emotional and decisive natures takes a toll on their relationship as a result. Each of them wants to become a leader, it will not be easy for them to work together. There will be both happy times and difficult times in the relationship between parents and children.

Tiger - Rabbit

Despite the fact that Tiger and Rabbit differ from each other in many ways, the former respects the friendly Rabbit, and the relationship between them is often built on mutual benefit. Everything will work out well in the relationship between parents and children.

Tiger - Dragon

The energetic and sociable Tiger enjoys being in the company of the Dragon. Most likely, there will be moments in their lives when their views on life and independent characters collide, but this will not make them stop respecting each other. The relationship between parents and children will be excellent.

Tiger - Snake

The Tiger is such an open and sociable nature that it will be quite difficult for him with the reserved and reserved Snake. According to the horoscope, their relationship will be difficult. In the relationship between parents and children, not everything will work out as smoothly as we would like. The tiger will take care of its child.

Tiger - Horse

The Tiger admires the Horse, its liveliness and sociability, they have so much in common that their relationship will be wonderful. The relationship between parents and children is excellent. The Tiger rejoices that the Horse has an indomitable spirit and strong character.

Tiger - Goat

The Tiger treats the friendly and calm Goat normally. Their relationship can become good. Not everything will be simple in the relationship between parents and children. The goat often manages to outwit its parents. She loves them with tender love, but strives for peace and quiet, which cannot be said about the Tiger, who is often overly emotional

Tiger - Monkey

The Tiger may be attracted to the Monkey for a while, since she is quite interesting and cute, but they have little in common. The independent nature of both the Tiger and the Monkey will eventually reveal itself. Everything will be fine in the relationship between parents and children. The tiger admires his child's resourcefulness and enterprise.

Tiger - Rooster

Although Titra admires many things about the Rooster, it should still be noted that both have complex personalities, and this will lead to problems for them. The Tiger's relationship with the Rooster will be difficult. The relationship between parents and children will also be difficult.

Tiger - Dog

The Tiger loves and respects the Dog, and they understand and get along well with each other. Everything will work out fine in the relationship between parents and children. A dog will learn a lot from its parents. The Tiger will be able to win the Dog’s trust and help her develop a sense of self-esteem.

Tiger - Pig

According to the horoscope, the Pig is a good company for the Tiger, and since they have many common interests, their relationship will be good. Everything will work out just fine in the relationship between parents and children. The pig will grow and develop well under the supervision of caring parents. In their family, a lot will be based on trust.

Tiger child according to the Chinese horoscope - what is he like?

The tiger is guaranteed a life rich in various events and adventures. At every stage of his life, the Tiger will want to do a lot, therefore, he will have to study hard. Over time, he will become very experienced and wise in life. The energetic character of the baby will influence the formation of the Tiger: almost everything that happens will interest him.

He will begin to carry out various experiments and will soon learn a lot. According to the horoscope, the Tiger is a capable student, but often his wildness, violent nature and intemperance negatively affect his life. Unpleasant situations may arise for him.

In addition, the Tiger is not used to following generally accepted rules and instructions. The young Tiger often does not listen to anyone and conflicts with others. Today his life is full of joy and fun, but tomorrow everything can change dramatically. If the young Tiger is more restrained and obedient, and is able to follow generally accepted rules, he will greatly facilitate his existence in this world.

Since the Tiger leads an active lifestyle, accidents sometimes occur to him, and he does not always live to old age. But those of them who still manage to do this prefer to do something less life-threatening. They may be happy to become interested in what their loved ones are doing.

A mature Tiger can sometimes regret that he did not have time to accomplish something in his life. But most often he prefers to pay attention to what he managed to do. A tiger manages to do more in his life than many others. His life is often full of adventures.

The desire for power and rebellion are the main qualities characteristic of people born in the year Tiger. They are fearless in any of their endeavors. The beaten path is not their path; in any case, they are looking for more original moves, which in the end will most likely quickly bring a sweet feeling of victory and satisfaction.

Tigers are rebels. This quality is especially manifested in any dispute where Tigers passionately defend their point of view. Because of this quality, people born in the year of the Tiger are often called arrogant. Indeed, when communicating, the Tiger often displays even harsh notes and this offends. However, in reality, Tigers have no thoughts of insulting and humiliating someone, they are simply so truthful that they do not know how to pretend and too often openly tell everything as it is.

Tigers strive for leadership. This applies to both work and family haven. Among the bosses, there is a significant majority of Tigers, and all because Tigers do not know how to obey. And besides, their ebullient energy every second generates new ideas, which they strive to give “life” to as quickly as possible. They strive, but do not always finish what they start, since this same ebullient energy does not allow them to stay in one place and on one thing for a long time.

The tiger is able to captivate with his ideas, he easily leads people along with him. He passionate, loves arguments and competition, and fair competition. Most Tigers are passionate about dangerous sports, since adrenaline for them is the main engine of life.

Tiger Man

Charming and strong personality. Moreover, this power comes from within. Tiger men are leaders in company, loyal friends and passionate lovers. Power is what they strive for. Tiger men are especially popular with women because they are charming, seductive, and know what to say. They can boast of a collection of passionate novels, and only a woman who looks weak and feminine on the outside, but is spiritually strong on the inside, can “lasso” the Tiger. With such a woman, the Tiger Man changes radically - he becomes faithful, caring and even romantic.

The Tiger man treats his personality with dignity, wherever he is, he behaves confidently and independently.

Tiger Woman

Beautiful, charming, sexy - all this is about the Tigress woman. She is easy to communicate with and comfortable to live with. She knows how to make the right impression. To do this, she uses all the known feminine tricks, and also uses her inherent magnetism.

The Tiger woman has many friends and is respected in her work team. If she is not in a leadership position (although she is gradually striving for it with success), then even in the position of an ordinary worker she behaves in such a way that people listen to her.

The Tiger woman is not domineering, not a materialist, but her inner strength seems to force everyone to obey. By marrying a Tiger woman, you can be sure that next to you is a person who will understand, listen, warm, caress and feed you delicious food. The Tiger woman is the best housewife and caring mother.

She is a supporter of honesty and truthfulness. The Tiger woman is fair herself and demands the same from others.

She loves adventure, the routine and dullness of life - this is not for a tigress. Every day is bright and memorable. She dresses beautifully, but does not chase fashion; she has her own unique style.

She is persistent and tries to achieve everything in life on her own. Fortune often pampers her with her attentions, including in terms of cash receipts. Money is not of fundamental importance for the Tigress, although this may be because she most often does not urgently need it.

Despite all the positive qualities of the Tiger woman, there is still something in her that significantly poisons her life - this is the love of criticizing everyone and everything. If she learns to control herself in this regard, then her life will become even more beautiful.

Tiger by zodiac sign

Tigers are brave and lucky. And luck does not leave the Tigers, despite the zodiacal features of a particular Constellation, the signs of which form various additional combinations.


These are people with inexhaustible energy. Their activity is enviable. Their weakness is that they are impatient and do not accept refusals. They want everything to happen at once. If someone or something gets in the way of their goal, they become enraged.

They are clever have amazing intuition, thanks to which luck is often on their side. Tigers-Aries are engaged only in what will bring “fruit” in the form of either material enrichment or spiritual growth. “No prospects” is not about them. They work like an energizer battery; they work until the end.

In love they are passionate and fickle. It is not easy to conquer them, but it is impossible to forget the connection with them.


Good-natured individuals with a sense of humor. It's easy to communicate with them. Tiger-Taurus makes friends easily, you can always rely on him. This type of activity suits him, where there is no rush and fuss, since only in a calm (peaceful) environment the best qualities of the Tiger-Taurus are manifested.

At work, he will cope well with the role of a leader, although such individuals also make excellent performers. Money is handled carelessly, which is why Tiger-Taurus often ends up broke. However, they are lucky in life, and there is always an opportunity to get rich financially.

In the family, Tiger-Taurus takes the place of master and master. But living with such a gentleman is a pleasure; he does everything for the happiness of his family. The only negative is their predictability. It is unlikely that you will expect an unexpected holiday from Tigers-Taurus. However, it all depends on the individual.

Tiger Gemini

Peculiar people with contradictory characters. They strive to do everything quickly and efficiently. If an idea appears, they immediately try to implement it, but do not forget to prepare well for the jump. They know how to wait, and when a favorable moment comes, they realize the available opportunities with lightning speed. However, having reached the goal, the Gemini Tigers immediately lose interest in it and again “give birth” to new ideas. And so on ad infinitum. They are confident, sociable, and usually talk loudly.

The peculiarity of the Gemini Tigers is their ability to do several things in a short period of time. They are valued at work for this quality.

In love, Tiger-Gemini is a player and a talented actor. He can be passionate, gentle, romantic, indifferent... You can create a relationship with him if your partner lives at the same frantic pace of life.

The weakness of the Gemini Tigers is their stubbornness and pride. They are owners, this manifests itself both in relationships with family and friends.


Anxiety and fears are frequent companions of Tigers-Cancers. They are thirsty for new knowledge, want to grow spiritually and move up the career ladder, however inner experiences too often become a stumbling block on their way.

Tiger-Cancer tries not to show his inner world to others, hides his emotions deep inside. This is not always good, since driven emotions, especially negative ones, affect both health and mental state.

But they, like no one else, manage to inspire people, motivate and instill hope in them. They are self-sufficient individuals who prefer to be alone. However, only in pleasant communication they manage to fully relax.

In love, Tigers-Cancers treat their companion tenderly and are attached to the hearth. However, they can get carried away on the side, but this hobby does not take them far and the Tiger-Cancer returns to its “hut”.


Two predatory cats in one person. However, in reality these people are filled with love and warmth. They have enormous creative potential. To achieve success in life, it is important to understand what activities the Tiger-Leo is most attracted to.

They even too kind, but also very touchy. They need people to behave in the same courteous manner towards them. If this does not happen, disappointment comes. Tiger-Leo can be furious, and when furious they are dangerous.

He expects adoration from his relationship with his partner. She is in no hurry to start a family, because she is afraid that monotony will follow. Loves children and zealously protects them.


These people friendly, positive, with a sense of humor, capable of compassion. They love order. This applies to both order in the house and order in your own thoughts. Tiger-Virgos love to work, but at the same time they do not forget about family.

They need a field of activity where their patience and subtle sense of humor will be useful. In love they are tender and romantic. Attentive but jealous partners. They are frank and open with friends.

They need to learn to get proper rest, as even 30 minutes of lack of sleep leads to nervousness and grouchiness.


Pleasant people in all respects. Tigers-Libra quickly and easily adapt to any place and in any business. They punctual, well-mannered, polite. They don’t like to mix work and personal life, so, as a rule, they don’t have friends at work.

Tigers-Libra can be called domestic. They take every opportunity to spend time with their family and friends. They are sincerely surprised by the concept of “workaholic” and do not understand how they can completely devote themselves to work, forgetting about their relatives. However, Tigers-Libra are in no hurry to start a family, preferring to start playing enough on the love front.

If we talk about professions, then acting is best suited for Tigers-Libra. This activity has everything to satisfy the desires of Libra born in the year of the Tiger: the sympathy of others, their attention, the possibility of reincarnation, and new impressions.


The emotions in these people are overflowing. These are strong people who go towards their goal, no matter what. Tiger-Scorpio skillfully deals with obstacles, as it accurately calculates every step.

They do not know how to live a boring and monotonous life. Adventure and a sense of danger - that's what they need for complete happiness. Tiger-Scorpio is looking for a corresponding job. It's easy to make friends with them because they are always open to meeting new people. They become loyal and reliable friends for many years.

They do not have problems with money, as they competently keep track of their income and expenses. They love to give gifts. The downside to their character is their jealousy, because of which they often lose control of themselves.


Sensitive natures. They love to communicate and be the center of attention. They tend to think through and analyze not only their steps, but also their words, for fear of hurting their interlocutor. Tiger-Sagittarius is intelligent and will not stoop to rudeness and insults.

They are talented. In their professional activities, it is not difficult for them to find something that will bring both moral satisfaction and financial wealth.

In love, they prefer to be in the shadow of their loved one, while remaining attentive to their partner. In a word, in a Tiger-Sagittarius relationship, it is very convenient.

If we talk about shortcomings, then this is, first of all, irritability, which Tigers-Sagittarius try to suppress, but sooner or later the “volcano” of emotions begins to erupt one way or another. And this is where there is no time for intelligence. Everyone gets it.


Honesty comes first for them. They are always direct and open. At the same time, they easily meet each other and make useful connections in society. When communicating with them, you get the impression that they know everything and about everything, they communicate so captivatingly, and very easily switch from one topic to another in a conversation.

They approach work more “coldly” than all other Tigers. Tiger-Capricorn prefers to do everything that is required of him and forget about it. They are gourmets and love exotic dishes. They prefer to relax by watching a good movie or reading a book.

Tiger-Capricorn is freedom-loving and starts a family late. Relationships can last a very long time, but sensing the danger of losing freedom, the Tiger-Capricorn will disappear in English.


It is almost impossible to impose anything on them; they have their own opinion on everything. Self-sufficient and independent. Outwardly they are charming and gentle, but inside they have crushing power. Tiger-Aquarius does not forgive offenses. He takes revenge for betrayal, and takes revenge in a sophisticated way.

However, Tigers-Aquarius are attractive personalities. Communicating with them, one gets the impression that they are in the clouds and far from reality. When they talk about “free artists”, they mean the Tigers-Aquarius. However, he will never give up earthly pleasures, especially since with his talents, he can easily achieve what he wants.

There is sheer charm in a relationship with your Tiger-Aquarius soul mate. Tries to please her partner in everything.


Outwardly calm, but with their own inner intensity of passions. At first glance, Tiger-Pisces seem two-faced. However, having managed to understand this person, you will find a true friend and a reliable life partner.

The Tiger adds confidence and determination to Pisces, and Pisces skillfully use this. In their professional activities, they are more suited to working with people, as they are good at establishing contacts. Tigers-Pisces, like no one else, know how to separate work and home, that is, it is not difficult for them to leave all work matters at work and, conversely, not to bring home problems into the office walls.

For the most part these are positive people. Tiger-Pisces prefer to cry and suffer at home, alone. However, everything that is in their souls, they will express into their eyes.

The disadvantages include their slowness, due to which profitable opportunities often disappear from under their noses.

Years of the Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Lucky numbers: 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45, 54
Equivalent Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Sign element: Forest
Green color
Yin/Yang: Yang
Sign compatibility:
Good: Horse, Dragon, Dog
Medium: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger, Pig, Sheep
Bad: Rooster, Snake, Monkey

"The third animal that came to the Buddha was the noble Tiger"

Those born in the year of the Tiger according to the eastern horoscope are by nature charismatic leaders and rebels. They break all the rules and live by their own laws, preferring to act according to the dictates of their hearts. Often, instead of following the path trodden by others, they prefer to discover unknown and more risky, but at the same time more promising paths, and quite often this pays off. Tigers are quite difficult to ignore - they have a magnetic character that attracts attention, and their independent and truly regal appearance inspires respect. Although Tigers are violent and active by nature, if other people recognize their superiority, they soften and begin to act for the benefit of society.

It is quite easy to recognize the Tiger - by his impetuous movements, open and decisive face and bright charisma. Thanks to interesting ideas and sincere and passionate words, he easily inspires those around him and pushes them to a variety of feats. The Tiger often turns out to be the inspirer of various events; he is an excellent organizer and easily copes with large crowds of people. Tigers love when their life is full of challenges, unexpected events and situations, they enjoy unpredictable and risky adventures, they love to travel and meet new and interesting people. While many people would choose to retreat, the Tiger is not afraid to bravely explore something new and different.

Although the Tiger is always brave and is not afraid of dangers, nevertheless, his character is not as invulnerable as it seems from the outside. It is often difficult for the Tiger to determine whether the game is worth the candle before getting involved in the next venture. His whole life is full of the unknown and, one might say, a dangerous adventure, and therefore most of his ideas are quite unconventional and risky. The tiger often puts everything on one card, and in the end either gets everything or is left with nothing. However, even in such a situation, the Tiger is not very upset, because from his point of view this is the norm of life. Sometimes the Tiger's addiction to adrenaline contributes to his passion for dangerous sports, and sometimes pushes him to commit crimes.

The impulsiveness and impetuosity of the Tiger is also manifested in the fact that thoughts and ideas often come to his mind, he instantly lights up with them, but after a while he gets distracted and completely forgets about them. The tiger itself suffers greatly from an impetuous and rebellious character, this is especially acute in relationships and love. Often, with his sincere passion and stormy pressure, the Tiger frightens his chosen one or chosen one, and suffers defeat on the love front, which greatly affects his self-esteem and self-confidence. But if this does not happen, then the Tiger’s family life will be full of deep feelings and passion, which will be the envy of many.

Also, despite the Tiger’s natural charm, his relationships with others are usually far from ideal. Often his directness and sincerity in his statements borders on harshness and can seriously offend his interlocutor, and his rebellion and inability to obey creates many problems and difficulties, both in his personal life and at work. Being honest and truthful by nature, the Tiger believes that others have the same qualities, and many take advantage of his gullibility for their own selfish interests.

But, despite his gullibility, the Tiger is a rather dangerous enemy, and rarely anyone is able to go against him; they sincerely value him and try not to anger him again. Tigers can be very sharp and hot-tempered, capable of making any sacrifice for the good of the cause, but, unfortunately, very often they find themselves in conflict situations. They are selfish in small things, but nevertheless, they are capable of selfless and generous actions that not everyone could do.

The purposefulness and optimism of Tigers is often admired, but it is quite difficult for those close to them to share their enthusiasm - although they can be brave and generous, at the same time, Tigers can be extremely stubborn and selfish. However, to their credit, despite the disagreements and quarrels, the friendship with the Tiger remains stable no matter what. As for love, here Tigers also love thrills and experiences; a calm and measured life seems too bland for them. Nevertheless, they are faithful and devoted, but they demand the same from their partner.

Tigers really need personal experience, which only comes with age. Until then, they will constantly get involved in various troubles, behaving recklessly and aggressively. Tigers usually trust their instincts, preferring to take action rather than carefully plan everything in advance.

The tiger is a knight by nature, bold, courageous, and courageous. Although he often enters into battle thoughtlessly and is capable of causing a lot of trouble, he does so solely from the most sincere motives. His unusual and extraordinary ideas, actions and deeds can often even change the course of history, and many great personalities were born under this sign.

Eastern Tiger, Chinese horoscope, compatibility and characteristics.

Years born under the eastern sign of Tiger: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The tiger is considered a wonderful sign. It symbolizes the power of the earth and the protection of human life. For the ancient Chinese, the Tiger personified the third zodiac sign, i.e. roughly corresponded to Gemini. People felt mixed feelings towards this creature: deep reverence and superstitious fear at the same time. The Chinese were terribly afraid to meet him somewhere - moreover, they preferred not to mention his name once again, calling the tiger “big reptile”, “king of the mountain”, etc. The ominous legend about werewolf people who periodically turned into tigers.
Despite its menacing and fearsome appearance, the Tiger brought benefits to people, which consisted in the fact that the animal drove away and then ate wild pigs - destroyers of agricultural crops. Indomitable energy and a large supply of vitality made the tiger a representative of the masculine principle (Yang). However, there were also animals that represented the feminine principle, i.e. Yin - they became albino tigers. In addition, unusual animals were associated with the west and autumn.
The tiger was credited with the ability to ward off demons. It is no coincidence that sculptures depicting these animals adorned a large number of tombstones in Asian countries. For the same purpose, tigers were painted on doorposts.
Tiger - a sign of energy, courage, fortitude. People born under it are distinguished by a strong will. They are born rebels.
Tigers are people with original views on life and a sharp, lively mind, which, as it often seems to others, is never in a relaxed state. People born in these years often come up with innovative ideas; they are full of enthusiasm and desire to bring their grandiose plans to life. With the same speed, restless Tigers lose interest in their own projects. People of this sign often act impulsively, and then they have to repent of it. But Tigers are very lucky, and therefore their frivolity rarely leads to bad consequences. And yet, thoughtless behavior can lead to the edge of the abyss. Prudence and following good, smart advice are the main things people born in these years need to achieve success.
The subject of the Tiger's special attention is his reputation and image. This person knows well how to make a good impression, and he actively uses this as he strives to be a public favorite. In this case, both attractive appearance and courteous “cat” manners are used. At the same time, the Tiger is an open and very honest person, although often too straightforward. He cannot stand attempts to put pressure on him and will fight for his positions to the end, even if the situation develops into a conflict. It is no coincidence that among the Tigers there are more bosses (or at least aspiring to such positions) than subordinates: these people love to lead. Defending some fundamental, great idea, Tigers may well sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. But when it comes to some little things, people of this sign are very selfish. However, in all their manifestations, they remain extremely revered people, and even their sworn enemies respect them.
Tigers love competition, but only fair competition. They engage in activities that awaken curiosity and imagination in them very willingly, even if they involve some kind of risk. Tigers love adventure so much that sometimes it goes beyond reason.
Those born during these years are characterized by the ability to earn good money. But they are not always able to spend them rationally and wisely. Being born leaders, Tigers are capable of achieving success in any field. What gives them special pleasure is the thought that they achieved everything without anyone’s help. And yet, the most successful of them are state rulers, military leaders (Charles de Gaulle, Ho Chi Minh, Dwight Eisenhower, Alexander II, Elizabeth II (of England)), and business leaders. In second position are the spheres of science (here we can recall Karl Marx) and art (Niccolò Paganini, Marilyn Monroe, Isadora Duncan, Agatha Christie, Jodie Foster).

There are the following varieties of Tiger:
Metal Tiger (1950, 2010, 2070)
Water Tiger (1902, 1962, 2022)
Wooden Tiger (1914, 1974, 2034)
Fire Tiger (1926, 1986, 2046)
Earth Tiger (1938, 1998, 2058)
Tiger: love and marriage
Activity, brightness, passion - this is all about the nature of the Tiger. Being in a constant struggle with the world, they can bring the spirit of struggle into personal relationships. The Tiger, who has nevertheless created a family, comes in very handy with his innate brilliant organizational skills.

Tiger woman
These individuals striving for independence are accustomed to waging war on everything ordinary and familiar, and therefore their life before marriage is usually full of adventures, and not all of them have a happy ending.
The greatest masculine virtue, in the opinion of the Tiger woman, is self-confidence and determination, which is not surprising: by nature she is a real revolutionary. The principles according to which women occupy secondary positions in everything seem outdated and unacceptable to her. They love with all the ardor and passion of their nature, and they are ready to tear traitors to pieces.
Women born in the year of the Tiger can experience very deep feelings and remain devoted for the rest of their lives. However, a man must awaken all this in his beloved.
As for family life, the Tiger woman will not get hung up on a cozy home life, although she does a good job with the housework. They throw exciting parties and generally do a great job hosting guests. In communicating with household members, Tigresses are generous, magnanimous and caring.
Tiger mothers have excellent innate teaching abilities, so their children will receive an excellent upbringing, although they will enjoy complete freedom.

Tiger man
These people-fighters are distinguished by their temper, sharpness, perseverance, stubbornness, and love of risk. They do not trust anyone, sometimes they show themselves as too petty people and are always immersed in some kind of conflict.
Men born this year do not show a particular passion for money, and yet they are quite capable of amassing a decent fortune.
The tiger gives the impression of a militant, explosive person. At the same time, he has an emotional, sensitive nature; his feelings can be very deep. However, the consequence of his passion in many cases is unhappy love: even sincere, real relationships may not be able to withstand his new hobbies.