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Tosa Inu is a Japanese fighting dog. Description of the Tosa Inu breed. History of the breed

Tosa Inu bred in Japan, in Kochi Prefecture, in the mid-19th century. Fans of dog fighting wanted to develop a Japanese breed of fighting dogs capable of fighting to the death, steadfastly and silently, to match the samurai.

The basis was taken from local mastiff dogs, probable descendants of the ancient Molossian dogs. By crossing them with breeds such as bull terriers, mastiffs and bulldogs, the Tosa Inu dog breed, capable of relentless attack and prolonged combat.

Until now, breeders around the world cannot fully determine what breeds of dogs participated in the creation of this rare dog, the Japanese still keep this secret to this day, so it is almost impossible to take this dog out of Japan!

Another name for this breed is “Sumo dog” or “ Japanese Mastiff Tosa Inu". This is what they call heavyweight wrestlers in Japan, whose weight significantly exceeds 100 kg. In fights between such giants, the main task of the wrestler is to stay on his feet. Touching the ground with another part of the body is regarded as a defeat. Dog fighting in Japan is based on approximately the same principles.

Tosa Inu breed originally intended only for samurai and was supposed to raise their fighting spirit to unattainable heights before a battle with the enemy. Let us recall that since the 11th century, samurai were the imperial palace guards.

Tosa Inu - possessing a famous code of honor containing the following main requirements: mercy towards the weak, disregard for danger, unconditional loyalty to the emperor and high physical endurance.

In accordance with the rules of sumo, even in a dog fight, it was necessary to pin the opponent to the ground and hold him firmly in this position, in no case allowing him to rise to his feet. The fights took place in a special octagonal ring, 36 meters in diameter and surrounded by bamboo fencing.

The dogs fought one on one. Spectators distinguished them by their collars of different colors. The competition time was set in advance and ranged from 5 to 20 minutes, but could be extended to half an hour.

If one of the dogs was wounded, the fight immediately stopped; A dog that intentionally bites an opponent is necessarily disqualified. During the competition it was not allowed to bark, squeal in fear or move more than three steps away from the opponent. The winner was given the title "Yokosuma", which means "ring champion". Then it was crowned with a kind of hemp wreath entwined with ribbons with religious symbols and emblems.

Japanese dog fights cannot be compared with American competitions, where dogs fight for life and death. Not only bites are prohibited here, but even sound influence on the enemy. The winner is the one who was able to knock the opponent to the ground at least once within a set time and keep him in this position. If none of the dogs succeeded in this, victory was awarded to the one that, at the end of the fight, retained greater fighting ardor. As experts note, Japanese Tosa Inu calm, like a samurai, ready for a fight, which she enters with maximum concentration and without hesitation. Defeat, according to Tos, is either injury or death, so in ordinary fights they are separated as soon as the superiority of one of the dogs is revealed.

Tosa-ken, Tosa-token, Japanese mastiff) is one of these rather rare and sought-after breeds - a majestic, large, massive animal, bred specifically to participate in dog fighting, so it was classified as “dangerous”. In some countries (England, Ireland, Denmark) this breed of dog is prohibited by law. According to experts, with the right approach to raising and training a pet, the Tosa Inu is no more dangerous than representatives of other large breeds. The dog will faithfully serve its owner without showing any signs of aggression.

Tosa Inu (Tosa Inu, Sumo dog, Japanese fighting dog, Tosa-ken, Tosa-token, Japanese mastiff)

The first mention of the Japanese mastiff dates back to the beginning of the 11th century. Tosa Inu as an independent breed was registered at the end of the 19th century in Japan, Kochi Prefecture, located on the island of Shikoku. The goal of selection was to get a fearless dog capable of fighting to the death.

Initially, local mastiff breeds were taken for breeding. During the selection process, the blood of a mastiff and St. Bernard was presumably added to them, from which size and qualities such as endurance were passed on; bulldog, bull terrier - zeal and stubbornness, bloodhound - characteristic appearance, folds on the muzzle. The result was a samurai dog - hardy, capable of a long, merciless attack. There is still debate about which breeds were involved in its creation; the Japanese prefer to keep this information secret.

The Tosa Inu dog breed in the Land of the Rising Sun is considered a national treasure. During dog fights, the animals fought silently, pushing each other according to the rules of Sumo wrestling, beloved by local residents, hence one of the names of the breed. During the fight between the dogs, it was necessary to press the opponent to the ground, hold him down, and not allow him to get to his feet. Barking, squealing, and shedding of blood were not allowed in the arena. An animal that bit an opponent was subject to lifelong disqualification. The duration of the competition was 30-40 minutes; only males took part in the fight. The winner received the title “Ring Champion” - “Yokosuma”.

Japanese Mastiff (video)

Gallery: Japanese Mastiff (25 photos)

Characteristics of exterior and temperament

Tosa Inu is a muscular, very active, flexible dog. The height at the withers for males is at least 60 cm, for females - 55 cm. The weight of an adult animal is in the range of 40-77 kg.


  1. The coat is short, lying close to the body. The color can be brindle, fawn, apricot, red, black, black and brindle, black and tan. The fur is darker around the eyes and on the muzzle. Small white markings are often noted on the chest and legs.
  2. The head is large and wide. The muzzle is square, the neck is muscular. The corners of the mouth are strongly pronounced - jowls. The skin on the forehead, cheeks, and neck is gathered into folds.
  3. The nose is large and black.
  4. The eyes are small and dark brown.
  5. The ears are triangular in shape, hanging, the tip reaches the cheeks.
  6. Legs are proportional and muscular. The claws are dark brown or black.
  7. The tail is thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip.

Tosa Inu is not a fan of barking over trifles. This is an innate quality that has been preserved in representatives of the breed since the days of dog fighting, where animals were selected that did not make a sound in the ring. The Japanese Mastiff is distinguished by the following character traits:

  • absolute fearlessness;
  • excellent security qualities;
  • high learning ability;
  • calmness, endurance;
  • friendliness towards the host's family members.

The disadvantages include:

  • aggressiveness towards other dogs;
  • excessive wariness of strangers;
  • tendency to aggression due to lack of attention.

Tosa Inu is not recommended to be kept in a home with other dogs of the same sex, similar in size and temperament. You should also not have such a pet if there are small children or family members in the house who do not understand that animals should not be hurt.

The Japanese Mastiff is best suited for keeping in a private house or cottage, where there is enough space for it in the yard. The pet will diligently guard its possessions. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to put it on a chain - the animal can become embittered and aggressive. Tosa must live in a house with the owner and his family, periodically walking in the yard and controlling his territory. Since the dog needs increased physical activity, walking outside the fenced yard is also necessary. The owner can, for example, ride a bicycle, and the pet will be happy to run alongside.

Training is an important stage in the process of raising a dog. It starts from puppyhood, gradually, as soon as the pet gets used to the new home, using rewards in the form of praise and treats. Since such breeds, as a rule, mature late, there is no need to rush or be particularly zealous. At the same time, the owner should immediately show the pet his leadership qualities in order to avoid problems in the dog’s behavior in the future.

Tosa Inu puppies are very curious and will chew on anything they find when they get bored. Therefore, in order to protect your belongings and prevent injury to your pet, you need to pay enough attention to it and provide it with your favorite toys.

The Tosa Inu dog does not require any special care for its coat. During the shedding period, it is recommended to remove dead hair by cleaning and combing your pet. The dog should be washed as it gets dirty using pet shampoos. Representatives of the Tosa breed, due to their physiological characteristics, are characterized by increased drooling, especially in hot weather.

Tosa Inu puppies (video)

Pet health

Tosa Inu is a dog that is resistant to diseases. Due to its massive build, this breed may develop elbow dysplasia, a disease that causes their destruction and is characterized by pain and lameness. To avoid this, it is recommended to purchase a puppy only from trusted breeders or in specialized nurseries, where producers with dysplasia are not allowed to breed, since experts believe that this is a hereditary disease. X-ray examinations should be carried out regularly (at least once a year) to detect the disease at an early stage.

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Description of the Tosa Inu breed

Breed tosa inu was developed in Japan. The Japanese loved to entertain themselves with fighting spectacles, which is why this breed was bred. And everything suited Japanese viewers until the end of the 19th century, because until that time Japan was closed by the state.

But after the borders opened, all kinds of goods began to be imported, including. At the very first battles with fighters from other countries, the dogs of Japan suffered a crushing defeat.

Further competitions showed that there are people better equipped to win, but the Japanese fighters are weak in this matter. Narrow-faced, light dogs were not able to defeat foreign pit dogs with their wide, dead grip and low pain threshold.

But the Japanese did not retreat. They began to work hard on selection, leaving behind such qualities as the desire to win, perseverance, courage and fearlessness. As a result, the dog has changed so much that if you look photo of tosa inu Now and at the beginning of breeding work, it is difficult to find common ground.

Now seen with a large, square muzzle and a strong, powerful body. Short hair does not hide the relief of pumped up muscles, and large bones give the animal a very serious appearance. The height of a male should start from 60 cm, and that of a female from 55 cm. Weight ranges from 35 to 61 and above.

Tosa Inu - dog with fur of fawn, black, apricot brindle or red. It happens that puppies appear that have white spots on their chests or paws that are not too large.

This is acceptable and is not considered a marriage. But the nose must be black, and the eyes only dark brown; violation of these standards is not permissible. In 1997, the breed was registered in the FCI.

In the photo there is a black Tosa Inu

Having received a completely new one, which began to win dog fights, the Japanese immediately took all measures to prevent the export of their property abroad. They were afraid that descendants Japanese fighting Tosa Inu surpass their parents in battles.

By the way, you shouldn’t judge the Japanese too much for their penchant for dog fighting. Here the fighting is more of a ritual than a bloody spectacle. It is not allowed to injure dogs, much less kill them. The loser is the dog that first beeped or stepped beyond the outlined line. No more is required.

It is worth saying that after the development of the new Tosa Inu breed, the Japanese began to use dogs for other purposes (fighting). Dogs began to be bought to guard houses, to live in the house, and simply to have a pet nearby.

Features of the Tosa Inu breed

The bred breed had both bright spring characteristics and attractive character traits. Realizing that the animal had too many physical capabilities, the breeders paid special attention to the stability of the animal’s psyche. Therefore, the Tosa Inu is characterized by balance. These are calm dogs, confident in themselves.

Of course, fighting required endurance, and this dog is an example of this very endurance. Also, a fighting dog is characterized by a lightning-fast reaction, fearlessness and perseverance. Japanese Mastiff Tosa Inu will not turn its tail towards danger and will not leave its owner.

It is worth saying that he has increased intelligence. She has a thirst for learning, she quickly grasps all the knowledge that a competent owner gives her. Perhaps it is precisely because of its high intelligence that the dog clearly distinguishes between friends and strangers, which is why it distrusts strangers.

In the photo there is a brindle Tosa Inu

However, you should not relax with this animal. The owner of such a pet should not neglect training and exercise, this can be simply dangerous.

With improper upbringing and maintenance, instead of an obedient and well-mannered pet, you can get an animal that will establish its own rules, keep not only neighbors, but also the owners themselves at bay, and therefore cause a lot of inconvenience and create serious problems.

And Tosa Inu has the makings of this. After all, these smart girls can independently make decisions in certain situations, due to their power, they constantly seek confirmation of this and try to dominate, but they do not immediately develop respect and trust for a person, this requires time and proper communication with the dog.

However, it has long been known that even a responsible and conscientious person should take it, and with the right attitude, a dog can make a wonderful companion.

Before you take tosa inu puppy, you should weigh your strengths. This dog is not recommended for beginners in dog breeding, elderly people and, of course, children.

Such people may not be able to cope with the physical strength of the dog and its psychological characteristics. After all, a cute plop at the owner’s feet can in an instant turn into an angry beast that not everyone can handle.

Care and nutrition of Tosa Inu

An unpretentious dog only needs a bowl of food, a drink, and a bed. It would seem that’s all. However, a responsible owner knows that any animal requires some care. This is, for example, compliance with hygiene procedures. It is necessary to examine the dog's eyes and ears and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

These requirements apply to all owners. But what is mandatory for a Tosa Inu is socialization. If in the future there is no desire to dangle on a leash with a powerful pet after every mongrel or cat, from puppyhood you should introduce him to his brothers.

Any attempts to dominate must be stopped. It must be remembered that the dog was bred for fighting, and if the puppy’s ridiculous attacks look funny and touching, then in a couple of months such attacks can lead to serious troubles.

Tosa Inu price

It’s worth saying right away that prices for puppies vary. However, you should not look for completely gift offers. This is fraught with the fact that the dog will be acquired not healthy, with a dubious pedigree, and most importantly, with the wrong psyche. But the undermined psyche of a powerful, strong fighting breed is a real disaster and a hidden threat for the owners.

Price Tosa Inu dogs in nurseries it is not prohibitive - it can be bought for 22-30 thousand. If such a sum seems exorbitant, it is worth thinking about whether you need to buy a puppy at all, because raising and feeding it will require no less money.

It is necessary to choose a friend for many years responsibly and, of course, you should not buy an uncontrollable animal for your house instead of a devoted pet because of 10-15 thousand.

Tosa Inu (Japanese mastiff) is one of the dog breeds that came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun. This breed will be an excellent alternative to aggressive dogs, such as Rottweilers. Japanese Tosa Inu also have excellent physical characteristics, but have a more docile nature.

The Tosa Inu breed appeared as a result of crossing Shikoku-ken fighting dogs (the breed existed only in Japan) and pit dogs brought to the country.

As a result of painstaking selection work, dogs with excellent fighting qualities were obtained, but completely different in appearance. The place of the “light” dog was taken by heavy mastiffs with a square head, ears pressed to the cheekbones and short hair.

The breeding work took several decades and was crowned with success. Tosa Inu once again became invincible fighters in dog fighting.

No one knows the exact data about which breeds took part in the breeding of the Tosa Inu - the information is completely classified. There are suggestions that bulldogs, English mastiffs, as well as pointers and bloodhounds were used. Hypotheses are based on the external similarity of the breeds.

The IFC breed is recognized - the current description of the breed (standard) was established in 1997.

Breed standard, appearance, photographs

The standard describes the Tosa Inu as a robust, short-haired dog with a wide bone structure, a large head and powerful jaws. The dog is silent and calm, but in case of danger it can bark loudly.

The weight of an adult animal is 31–61 kilograms and depends on gender and proportions.

Minimum permissible height at the withers (according to the standard):

  • males – 60.5 cm;
  • female – 54.5 cm.

Photo. Tosa Inu dog

Tosa Inu dog in the photo

The IFC standard describes the dog as follows:
  • Head. Round, but against the backdrop of a powerful body it looks proportional;
  • Teeth. With a scissor bite, powerful, close tightly;
  • Nose. Black with a large lobe;
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped, set close, slightly recessed. The look is friendly and attentive. The iris is brown, preferably a dark shade;
  • Ears. Triangular in shape, drooping, small in size. The tips touch the cheekbones;
  • Body. Powerful, square shape. The neck is muscular. The back is almost straight with well-defined withers and a strong loin. The stomach is tucked;
  • Limbs. Well developed, muscular;
  • Tail. Of normal length, thick at the base, tapering slightly towards the tip.

Color and coat type

The Tosa Inu is characterized by short, thick hair that lies tightly over the entire surface of the body. The length is uniform. The exception is the tail, muzzle and ears. Here the length of the awn is somewhat shorter.

The preferred color is a rich red shade. But the standard also recognizes other colors in the range of red and brown. Let's say fawn and black. The standard allows a dark mask on the face, brindle and (small) white markings on the chest and paws.

Who is the Tosa Inu breed suitable for?

The Tosa Inu dog breed is not recommended for beginners. The owner must be a person of strong character, ready for any difficulties.

The Tosa Inu dog breed is not recommended for beginners.

The external calm of the Japanese mastiff is a deceptive impression. If a good reason appears, he instantly turns into an evil monster. For this reason, a child or an elderly person cannot be trusted to walk a dog.

If close contact is established between the dog and the owner, the animal becomes attached to the person for life. It must be remembered that Tosa Inu “look closely” at the owner for a long time before recognizing him as their master.

Tosa Inu is a Japanese fighting dog breed and you shouldn’t forget about it. At the genetic level, the animal contains very aggressive traits - viciousness, courage, the ability to make decisions independently. Tosa Inu are cruel, but this character trait can be successfully controlled.

Important. Dogs of this breed are excellent watchdogs. They very rarely bark, preferring to work immediately to capture.

Japanese Mastiffs can live in homes with children, since they do not pose a threat to family members if raised properly. Fights can happen with other domestic dogs. Tosa Inu are friendly towards cats and small rodents, but only if they grow up together.

Character traits

Tosa Inu are characterized as completely fearless and courageous dogs. Although the original purpose of the breed is fighting, the dogs have proven themselves well as companion dogs.

But, having decided to get a Tosa Inu, you should not forget about the strong character of the dog. These animals will only obey a psychologically and physically strong owner who is able to dominate and control the dog without showing weakness.

But at the same time, the Tosa Inu is a balanced and self-controlled dog. You should not expect unmotivated aggression from him: the dog treats strangers with caution, but will not immediately attack. But we must remember that the dog’s complacent appearance is deceptive. He is always ready to attack and will do so at the slightest threat.

Tosa Inu are considered to be difficult dogs to train. This is explained by his fighting character, but this is not so. The dog is quite smart, and thanks to its attachment to its owner, it is well trained.

Training should evoke positive emotions in the dog and be associated with joy.

The key to successful training is the strength of character of the dog owner. The dog must follow the command received the first time.

To achieve what you want, professional dog handlers recommend using the following methods:

  • reward with a treat;
  • when training, or lightly press on the croup, forcing the dog to follow the order;
  • encouragement in the form of affection after a successfully executed command;
  • Joint training with an already trained dog gives good results: imitation is a good and, most importantly, effective way.

Training should evoke positive emotions in the dog and be associated with joy. If you are not sure that raising a dog on your own will bring the desired result, then it is better to contact a professional instructor.

Taking into account the significant size of the dog, training a puppy should be started as early as possible. After the baby moves to a new place, he is given several days to get used to it. And after that you can start training.

During the first month, the dog should master the commands “Fu” and “. A muzzle is also very important.

A Tosa Inu dog must be trained to carry ammunition.

Dogs of this breed - even as puppies - give the impression of a slow animal. But that's not true. Before obeying the owner, the dog will assess the situation and, if he considers it necessary, will carry out the order.

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Despite its impressive size, the Tosa Inu can live in a city apartment. Since there is no personal walking area, the dog must be taken for a walk at least three times a day. It is very important to provide your pet with free range, i.e. without a leash. To do this, it is best to travel outside the city, where no one and nothing will distract the dog.

Tosa Inu are quite hardy and can tolerate heat well, but as already mentioned, they are not at all adapted to frost. Therefore, when going outside in winter, the dog needs to be dressed in a warm blanket or overalls. At other times of the year, the dog can walk without clothes.

Basic rules of care

Tosa Inu care is simple:

The Tosa Inu's short coat does not cause much discomfort.
  • the dog needs to be washed (no more than 2–3 times a year) using a special shampoo;
  • comb periodically;
  • clean your ears.

You need to accustom your puppy to these procedures from a very young age - immediately after moving to a new place of residence. Then in adulthood there will be no difficulties.

Due to the fact that dogs have short hair, problems will not arise during shedding. Brushing with a rubber brush completely removes all dead hair. You need to brush your dog even outside the shedding period - once a week is enough.

Washing your dog frequently is not recommended. If such a need arises, then a specialized shampoo designed for short-haired dogs is used to cleanse the coat. You can choose a detergent for deep cleaning. Balms for hair care are used extremely rarely.

The dog needs to periodically shorten its nails as they grow, without cutting them at the root. The dog needs to brush its teeth periodically. Here you can use both the manual method and take the dog for an ultrasound procedure. Lotions or drops are used to clean the ears.

Feeding Tosa Inu: creating a diet

A dog's nutrition depends on its age. Puppies aged two to three months need to be fed every 3.5 hours. The diet must include kefir and calcined cottage cheese. Your puppy's food should contain plenty of vitamin D and A, as well as protein and calcium. They play an important role in the formation of the skeleton.

It is important that the foods are high in calories and easily digestible. A veterinarian will help you create the “correct” menu based on the dog’s examination data.

The intervals between feedings should be increased gradually as the dog grows older, and by the age of eight months the dog should be switched to two meals a day.

The powerful Tosa Inu needs a complete and balanced high-protein diet.

The diet of an adult animal looks something like this:

  • Fresh meat (beef) – 200…250 grams.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products – 150 milliliters.
  • Porridge – 100 grams.
  • Vegetables – 10 grams.

In addition, the menu should include:

  • raw yolk - twice a week;
  • boiled sea fish - twice a week;
  • boiled offal and cartilage - three times a week.

Important! You cannot feed your dog before training!

You need to create a diet based on the dog’s physical activity:

  • With significant daily loads, meals should contain a high percentage of fat.
  • If the dog remains active for less than 4 hours, then the food should be rich in carbohydrates.
  • The diet of older dogs should include vitamins, salts and minerals. The protein content should be minimal.

As for the diet of an adult dog, it will look like this:

  • A physically active dog should be fed twice a day;
  • If the dog is inactive, then one feeding is enough.

Health and life expectancy of the Tosa Inu

The average life expectancy of a Tosa Inu is 11…13 years. This is a very good indicator, given the enormous size of the animal. Complex hereditary diseases are not typical for the breed, but an incorrectly selected diet can be the cause of the disease.

The average life expectancy of a Tosa Inu is 11-13 years.

The following pathologies are typical for Tosa Inu:

  • . An age-related disease characterized by joint damage. The hip and elbow joints are most often affected. A slowdown in metabolic processes causes slow restoration of cartilage tissue. Without adequate therapy, the cartilage tissue is completely worn out, and then the bone surface is involved in the pathological process.
  • . As a rule, certain foods, dust, pollen, etc. can act as provocateurs.
  • Eye pathologies.
  • . A condition in which stones form in the kidneys, ureter, or bladder. The problem is most often solved conservatively. In advanced cases, surgery is performed.
  • Heart failure. If the dog does not have congenital pathologies, then most often the Tosa Inu suffers from cardiomyopathy. The disease is characterized by a slow course and the absence of characteristic symptoms. The consequences are severe and the most difficult thing is oxygen starvation of the organs.

How to choose and where to buy a Tosa Inu puppy

There are no nurseries in Russia that breed Tosa Inu.

Photo. Tosa Inu puppies

Little Tosa Inu puppies in the photo

Representatives of the breed are extremely rare in the country, which is explained by two facts:
  • High cost of a puppy. The price of a dog ranges from $1000 – $2000. Show-class dogs (participating in exhibitions) will cost even more.
  • Difficulty in purchasing. The export of dogs from Japan is completely prohibited today, but Tosa Inu kennels exist in other countries.

Tosa Inu dog breed, she's the same Japanese fighting dog And Japanese mastiff, one of the few fighting games that were developed in Japan. These dogs have excellent watchdog qualities, a memorable appearance and an interesting origin story.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Japanese fighting dog Tosa Inu are the Nihon Inu breed, which was bred in Japan in ancient times. They were used as guards, wild boar hunters, and, of course, in dog fights. It was not difficult for them to win a duel with Japanese dogs, and the Nihon Inus were very popular.

But soon Japan began to open up to Western countries. More and more people flocked to Japanese towns and settled there. The indigenous people instilled in the newcomers a love of dog fighting, which they later regretted. It is worth noting that the dogs brought from the West were much larger than the samurai dogs, and the latter began to lose more and more often. Of course, this did not please breeders and dog owners, and then the Japanese decided to develop a more powerful and powerful breed by crossing their native Nihon Inu and dogs of Western breeds.

The island of Shikoku was chosen as the place for breeding the new breed. The breeders immediately got to work. The process was complex and time-consuming. The genes of many breeds were grafted onto the Nihon Inu and an incredible amount of crossbreeding and experimentation was carried out before the desired breed was developed.

For the first experiments, bull terriers and bulldogs were chosen for the reason that they most often, if they did not win fights, then turned out to be the most persistent in them and tried to hold out to the end, no matter what. Mastiffs were used to breed a fairly large dog, and Great Danes were used to give the future breed agility. They also helped strengthen the dog’s gene for impressive height and weight. The attraction of pointers to this was justified by the fact that they are quite trainable, quite obedient, and their sense of smell is above all praise.

The final step was to add the bloodhound gene. As a result of all these manipulations and the enormous work of Japanese breeders, the legendary Tosa Inu were bred. The inventors did not expect the incredible result they achieved. The dog turned out to be very strong and absolutely fearless.

Despite the fact that the new breed immediately won universal love, it did not become a popular pet. But why? The whole point is that the breeders, wanting, if not to multiply, then at least to strengthen everything that they had achieved, began to jealously protect the breed, and its few representatives remained with people who trade in dog fighting.

During World War II, in Japan, as in all other countries of the world, there was a catastrophic shortage of food, and keeping such large dogs as the Tosa Inu was out of the question. For this reason, almost all representatives of the breed died, and it almost completely disappeared from the face of the earth. However, after the war, with the help of Korean and Taiwanese breeders who had these dogs, the Tosa Inu breed was restored.

Gallery: Japanese Tosa Inu Mastiff (25 photos)


Dogs of this breed, as mentioned earlier, are very strong and powerful.

Their height at the withers can reach about seventy-five centimeters, and their weight varies from sixty to seventy kilograms.

Previously, there were larger dogs, whose weight could reach as much as a hundred kilograms, but by now there are no such large representatives of the breed left.

It should also be noted that the size of females is much smaller than that of cables. For this and several other reasons, females do not take part in fights.

Breeders highlight the following characteristic features of Tosa Inu:

  • the head is quite large, the skin on it is wrinkled;
  • muzzle of medium length;
  • black nose;
  • ears droop;
  • torso with well-developed muscles, wide chest;
  • legs are long and strong;
  • short hair is quite thick;
  • the color can be very diverse from red to black, but the red representatives of the breed are considered to be of the highest quality, and also the most popular are single-colored animals;
  • spots in color can only be in the chest area, and if they are also present on the head, then the dog is considered defective.

On average, if a dog is properly cared for, it can live up to twelve years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Tosa Inu character

Before getting a Tosa Inu, you need to carefully familiarize yourself not only with the intricacies of caring for them, but also with their character traits.

Tosa Inu have the following advantages:

  • They are fairly balanced and are not prone to sudden mood swings.
  • Tosa Inu quickly become attached to their owner.
  • Like all fighting dogs, they are very hardy.
  • It is easy to train due to its developed intelligence.
  • They are wonderful guards and will not let a stranger near you or your home.
  • They have excellent reactions.
  • They will not let you be offended and will protect the owner to the end, thanks to their fearlessness.

Despite all his attractive sides in character, Tosa Inu have a number of disadvantages.

  • They may not listen to their owner due to their tendency to make independent decisions.
  • If you have a new family member in your home, keep in mind that it will take a long time for your dog to get used to him.
  • Often, if representatives of this breed sense something bad, they can be quite dangerous.
  • If you have a rather pliable character, then you are not recommended to purchase this breed, because as soon as the dogs recognize you as a gentle person, they will strive to be the main one in the house.

For whom do Tosa Inus make wonderful pets?

If you have never had a large dog and have not trained animals, then do not get a representative of this breed.

They will not listen to a person who does not have strong character and experience in raising puppies.

Neither a child nor an elderly person will be able to cope with such a task as raising this dog. She can be calm and balanced, but after a minute, in the presence of an aggressor or danger, the Tosa Inu turns into a ferocious beast that is incredibly difficult to control. However, if you have the necessary experience, are ready for the upcoming difficulties and give the dog everything that is required of you, then it will quickly become attached to its owner and become a loyal friend and ally for many years.

Due to the fact that these dogs have been trained for decades to participate in dog fighting, they can become excellent guards due to their fearlessness and strength. However, Tosa Inu can be very angry and cruel, but if you learn to control your pet's mood, then things will get better.

The most difficult thing will be to determine when the dog is angry. Because this breed does not bark or growl when dissatisfied; they immediately, completely unexpectedly, rush at the offender.

If you have raised a puppy in a family since childhood, next to your children, then you should not be afraid. They are very careful with those they know well. But if there are also dogs living in your house, then certain problems may arise related to finding out who is in charge in the house. Don't allow dogs to do anything like this, including building their own hierarchy, because you should be the dominant person in the house. They get along well with cats and other small animals if you bring them together gradually and with caution.

In conclusion, we can say that if for other breeds the formation of guarding qualities is important, then in training and communicating with the Tosa Inu this will not be necessary, since the dog is already endowed with everything by nature. For many, it will be more important and more difficult for the owner to make the Tosa Inu a peace-loving and affectionate dog that will become a loyal friend and protector in cases where this is required. Keep in mind that naturally strong dogs require long-term training not only to realize their potential, but also to avoid problems with health and the nervous system.

First, as previously stated, dogs need to be walked frequently, at least twice a day. You should follow certain precautions that will protect not only your dog, but also the people around it from unpleasant consequences. Do not take your pet outside without a leash and muzzle, because at any moment your calm pet can turn into a ferocious predator.

Unlike training, caring for the breed is extremely simple and does not require experience. If you use a special hair brush about twice a week, your pet will always be very beautiful and well-groomed. If necessary, the animal is washed, but this procedure should not be carried out often.

Attention must be paid to the dog's eyes and claws. If you do not have the necessary experience to trim your pet's claws, then contact a professional who can carry out the procedure quickly and painlessly.

The health of Japanese samurai is very good, just like themselves. But nevertheless, all vaccinations must be done on time. If your dog is susceptible to any disease, then, of course, you should contact a specialist, however, you should not worry too much, because the dog will easily overcome the disease.

Think a few more times before purchasing a Tosa Inu, even if you are already confident in your decision. You may simply not have enough time for such careful care that your dog requires. Puppies are quite expensive, and if this amount seems almost unaffordable to you and you had difficulty getting it, then give up this breed right away, because caring for it may require even more money.

It should be noted that puppies grow slowly, and caring for them in the first days of life is especially difficult. They are very playful and playful and require quite a large space for their comfort. The ideal place for a Tosa Inu would be a country house. However, if the dog lives in an apartment, then you will have to walk it for about an hour in the morning and evening. If you refuse to do this, the dog will not only become depressed, but will also become very aggressive towards everyone around him.

Representatives of this breed do not tolerate cold and dampness well. For this reason, it is impossible to keep them in enclosures all year round. The heat can be tolerated tolerably, but at this time salivation begins to be particularly strong.

What to feed

Feeding the dog directly related to her age. Only a professional can create the right diet for your pet, because this aspect of life is very important for the Tosa Inu, because by nature they are fighting dogs, for which balanced And proper nutrition simply necessary.

Don't overfeed your dog, because an increase, or, conversely, too little food, can have a detrimental effect on the condition of your pet’s bones and joints. If your pet not only gets a good walk, but also gets heavy and prolonged physical activity, then his daily menu needs to include food that is rich in fats. If the dog is not engaged in vigorous activity, then its food should contain a large amount of carbohydrates.

Also, Tosa Inu puppies should receive a sufficient amount of protein, calcium, vitamins A and D. All foods should be easily digestible and have enough calories so that the dog does not have digestive problems and is full of strength and energy.

The diet of an adult dog is as follows: a dog that is engaged in physical activity receives food twice a day, and dogs that are not particularly active during the day receive one serving. Also, you should not give more than one serving to your dog in the summer. Experts recommend feeding the Tosa Inu after eight o'clock in the evening if it is active during the day. If the dog exercises at night, then it should eat food in the first half of the day.

With proper care and training, Tosa Inu puppies will be not only for you excellent defenders, but also wonderful comrades!