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Varicose veins of the labia: causes, symptoms, treatment. Causes of swelling of the labia during pregnancy

Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy are recorded in 20% of expectant mothers. The disease is characterized by an increase in diameter and thinning of the walls of the venous vessels of the external genitalia, and the formation of nodes on them. In most cases, spontaneous healing occurs after delivery. But sometimes the damage to the veins during pregnancy is so great that without timely intervention, varicose veins can cause not only discomfort, but also complications during pregnancy and childbirth.


The main signs of the pathological process:

  1. Deformation of the labia majora. Dilated vessels during pregnancy appear in the form of tortuous cords, nodes or clusters of bluish color.
  2. Irritation and dry skin, discomfort, itching, burning, pain in the affected area.
  3. Pain during sexual intercourse, movement, urination.
  4. The formation of spider veins on the surface of the skin during pregnancy.
  5. Referred pain in the sacrum and perineum.
  6. Problems of a psychological nature.

The pathological process during pregnancy begins with the appearance of a small nodule on the surface of the labia. Then the number of formations increases, they merge into nodes, and the veins swell.


Most often, varicose veins of the labia develop during pregnancy, when the female body is weakened due to additional stress and hormonal changes. During this period, chronic diseases worsen. Dilated veins of the labia may be a complication of varicose veins of the lower extremities or only a harbinger of its development.

Progesterone, the level of which begins to increase from the first trimester of pregnancy, reduces the tone of the muscle cells of the vascular wall. The condition is aggravated by an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the venous vessels of the pelvis, which prevents the normal outflow of blood.

Illness during pregnancy is also caused by extra pounds, which increase the load on the legs and pelvic floor muscles.

In this case, the subcutaneous muscles of the lower extremities and groin area, unprotected by muscles, are especially vulnerable.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman also has a negative effect on the veins. The load leads to overstretching of the walls.

The key factor influencing the state of the circulatory system during pregnancy is heredity, which determines the density of the vascular wall, its elasticity and the condition of the valve apparatus, as well as congenital abnormalities of the structure of blood vessels.

A sedentary lifestyle, heavy lifting, advanced inflammation of the genitourinary system, the use of hormones, chronic constipation, increased intra-abdominal pressure, increased blood viscosity due to hypotension, and endocrine disorders contribute to the development of pathology.


Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy are treated with conservative methods. It is important to eliminate the causes that aggravate the condition. It is worth changing your lifestyle, controlling weight, balancing physical activity, and treating chronic diseases.

The disease in pregnant women is treated with moderate physical activity. Active work of skeletal muscles helps improve blood outflow and the functioning of the valve apparatus of venous vessels. During pregnancy, intense walking, swimming, and water aerobics will be useful.

In case of severe disease, the disease is treated with the use of general and local venotonic drugs. Systemic effects are exerted by angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors: Hesperidin in combination with Diosmin, Troxerutin, etc. Oral use of drugs during pregnancy is impossible without medical supervision.

Severe varicose veins of the labia are treated promptly, without waiting for delivery. For this purpose, during pregnancy, classic phlebectomy, radiofrequency or laser coagulation of the affected veins is used.

Folk remedies

Varicose veins in the groin area are treated with folk remedies. They help stop the pathological process by strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The following remedies are popular during pregnancy:

  1. Decoction of hop cones. 1 tbsp. l. The cones are crushed, poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is taken 1 glass before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Infusion from Antonovka apples. 3 chopped apples are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Then the apples are mashed directly into the infusion. Take 50 ml in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed, with 1 tsp. honey The product thins the blood. If you are allergic to honey and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you should avoid it.
  3. Every day you can drink 1 glass of water with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.
  4. Infusion of stinging nettle. The drug is taken for six months. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs should be poured into 1 glass of water, brought to a boil, cooled, and strained. The resulting infusion is divided into 3 servings and taken throughout the day before meals.
  5. Horse chestnut tincture. 50 g of inflorescences must be poured into 1 liter of vodka, left for 14 days, shaking the container regularly, the finished product must be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Take tincture 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for 7 days, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the course of treatment again.

The use of folk remedies orally during pregnancy is permissible only in the absence of individual intolerance to the components and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Sitz baths

Varicose veins in the groin area can also be treated with sitz baths. Procedures during pregnancy can be performed 2 times a week. For this purpose, tonic infusions of hop cones, chamomile flowers, hazelnut leaves, marsh grass, birch leaves, and meadow clover flowers are used. The components can be used in turn or as part of a mixture.

To prepare a bath, 200 g of crushed raw materials are poured into 2 liters of boiling water and heated for 10 minutes in a water bath, and then left to steep in a thermos for an hour. The strained infusion is added to the bath. The water temperature should not exceed +38°C, the duration of the procedure should not be more than 15 minutes. There should be enough water to cover the legs and body up to the lower back.

Cold compresses

Herbal infusions during pregnancy are used as cold compresses on the affected area. The most popular means are:

  1. An infusion of hop cones or horse chestnut leaves and flowers. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials need to be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, strain and cool. Soak gauze or cotton cloth with the prepared infusion and apply it to the dilated veins for 20 minutes.
  2. Oil infusion of chamomile flowers. 1 cup of flowers should be poured with 500 ml of vegetable oil and left for 30 days, then squeezed and strained. The oil is rubbed into the affected area in the morning and evening. You can also use an oil infusion of horse chestnut fruits: 50 g of the crushed core of the fruit is poured with 1 glass of vegetable oil.
  3. Infusion of calendula flowers. 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of boiling water and left in a thermos for 1 hour, cooled and filtered.
  4. Cabbage and blackberry leaves, previously scalded with boiling water and cooled, are used as a compress.

Ointment for external use

For local treatment of varicose veins of the external labia during pregnancy, ointments and gels containing venotonics and anticoagulants are used: Troxerutin, Heparin, ginkgo biloba preparations (Detralex, Lyoton-gel, etc.). The ointment is applied 2-3 times a day to the dilated veins with light movements, without rubbing or pressing on the vessels.

External remedies relieve swelling during pregnancy, reduce pain and burning.


If varicose veins are not treated during pregnancy, the pathological process develops, the area and extent of damage increases, and the woman’s quality of life greatly deteriorates. There is a risk of bleeding, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.

Varicose veins under the skin of the labia increases the risk of perineal ruptures and bleeding during natural delivery. Lack of treatment for the disease during pregnancy leads to the spread of varicose veins to the legs and pelvic organs. In 10% of cases, the pathology persists after childbirth.

Preventive measures

A pregnant woman needs moderate physical activity to strengthen her muscles. During rest, the legs and pelvis should be elevated, which promotes the outflow of venous blood. You cannot stand or sit for a long time, as this provokes venous congestion. Self-massage is also useful during pregnancy.

Diet plays an important role in the prevention of varicose veins. It is important that the weekly weight gain of a pregnant woman does not exceed 300 g. The diet should be enriched with foods that help strengthen the walls of venous vessels, reduce blood viscosity, and prevent edema. Nutrition during pregnancy should be fractional, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Proper nutrition will benefit not only the expectant mother, but also the child.

This may seem strange to some, but during pregnancy, changes also occur to a woman’s genitals, in particular the labia. And this is quite normal and natural. Change is even one of . True, a gynecologist is more likely to notice such a symptom, unless the woman herself specifically checks the situation, which also often happens. And many people note darkening (cyanosis and purplishness) of these organs already 10-12 days after conception. But too noticeable changes in the labia, which often cause discomfort, pain and even itching for a pregnant woman, occur in the middle and second half of the term.

With the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the pelvic organs significantly increases, which is provided by nature to facilitate childbirth. Each organ undergoes certain changes. The labia minora and majora, along with other organs, increase in size (as if they swell) and become more elastic. The skin in this area (as well as around the nipples and along the midline of the abdomen) usually changes color to a darker color.

However, changes in the labia may have slightly different causes. The growing fetus puts pressure on the arteries with its weight, which impairs blood circulation. This may cause swelling of the labia, but usually the situation is not dangerous. It can also lead to varicose veins of the labia, which is quite common during pregnancy. Women note that veins appear on their lips or seals appear. There is no need to worry about this: after pregnancy (and often even before childbirth), the woman’s condition improves, and the problem disappears on its own. Varicose veins of the labia, as a rule, are not an indication for cesarean section, as many people think about it. In any case, the doctor decides on the method of delivery closer to the birth.

To alleviate your condition with varicose veins, you should walk more and also rest, lying on your side. Sitting and standing increase venous congestion and pain. Choose special compression garments without seams for yourself. Consult your doctor - he may prescribe you some medications, for example, ointment. Do not be alarmed, but sometimes in such conditions it is possible to develop acute varicothrombophlebitis and rupture of altered veins, fraught with massive bleeding. However, in the vast majority of cases, all unpleasant phenomena disappear immediately after childbirth. And attentive obstetricians warn expectant mothers about the possible appearance of the mentioned signs in advance.

So if you are experiencing something similar, there is two news for you. The bad news is that you have to endure it. And the good news is that there is nothing wrong with enlargement and soreness of the labia during pregnancy, and everything will disappear without a trace after childbirth.

And today we will talk about the dangers, what to do and how to treat vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy.


Varicose veins of the genital organs (including during pregnancy) can form due to congenital or acquired weakness of the vascular walls and valve insufficiency. Factors that greatly increase the risk of varicose veins include:

long-term static stress, for example, due to work;

  • hard physical labor;
  • obesity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • use of hormonal contraception;
  • a large number of pregnancies and births;

There is a connection between varicose veins in the groin and hormonal changes during pregnancy in a woman’s body, for example, with an increase in estrogen or progesterone. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of perineal varicose veins during pregnancy.

The following video will tell you about the dangers that various types of varicose veins pose during pregnancy:

Symptoms of varicose veins on the labia during pregnancy

Varicose veins of the labia are well recognized even when examined by the woman herself, since its main symptoms are an increased size of the labia and a noticeable dilatation of the veins. In this case, the veins can form a whole conglomerate of nodes, accompanied by the appearance of ties and spider veins.

Also with varicose veins it is noted:

  1. itching and dryness of the skin in the affected areas;
  2. aching pain radiating to the sacrum and perineum;
  3. swelling;
  4. urinary disorders;
  5. feeling of heaviness and fullness;

The last two symptoms often disappear towards the end of pregnancy or after childbirth.

CT photo of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy


Varicose veins in an intimate place, on the labia during pregnancy can be diagnosed directly at an appointment with a phlebologist. The doctor examines the veins, checks the condition of the labia and collects anamnesis. To confirm the analysis, patients are prescribed an ultrasound, which allows one to visualize the state of the patient’s venous system.

To detect pathologies and concomitant diseases, the patient will be prescribed other tests: blood tests, Doppler sonography, and others. Read on to find out what to do if you have varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy.


Inguinal varicose veins of the labia must be treated urgently, since it threatens negative consequences for the mother. First, patients are prescribed therapeutic treatment. If it does not help and the disease progresses, the patient undergoes surgery to restore the normal state of the venous system.

Experts will talk about treatment methods for varicose veins of the labia in the following video:

In a therapeutic way

The therapeutic method of treatment is aimed at stopping the reverse flow of blood and relieving pain symptoms. For this purpose, venotonic drugs and angioplatelet agents are prescribed, which prevent thrombus formation.

Drug therapy must be combined with wearing compression stockings, physical therapy and visiting a massage therapist.


Surgical intervention for varicose veins of the labia is based on phlebosclerosing techniques. Microthermocoagulation is widely used.

However, foam sclerotherapy remains the more common method. During the procedure, a sclerosant is injected into the vein, causing it to stop functioning and blood to flow through healthy veins.

Disease prevention

Measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy are focused on strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions, as well as the need to:

  1. take a shower daily;
  2. wear comfortable underwear;
  3. take venotonic drugs as prescribed by the doctor;
  4. wear compression stockings;
  5. limit physical activity, while performing simple exercises to keep fit;
  6. monitor your diet by adding more fiber to your diet;

You should also consult your doctor about the possibility of having sex, especially in late pregnancy.

Varicose veins of the labia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Varicose veins are a disease that primarily affects the vessels of the legs and is manifested by rapid fatigue, swelling and pain. Violation leads to the development of varicose veins of the genital organs. Varicose veins of the labia are a painful pathology that interferes with having a full sex life, playing active sports, and brings a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

Typically, varicose veins of the labia develop in women in the last trimester of pregnancy. It often becomes its harbinger. The cause of the pathology in this case is increased pressure on the uterus and pelvic floor. The veins located in the external genitalia become enlarged and pathologically change. The disease lasts until childbirth and causes discomfort and fear in expectant mothers.

In most cases, the symptoms of varicose veins disappear on their own immediately after the birth of the child. But it happens that without timely treatment, varicose veins become a problem during pregnancy and childbirth. Only a doctor can help stop further progression of the disease by prescribing the correct treatment. Thanks to this, pregnant women do not refuse natural childbirth. Pathologically altered and dilated veins can be restored.


Pregnancy is the main cause of varicose veins of the labia. During this important period for every woman, the body experiences serious stress. Significant weight gain, hormonal imbalance, physical inactivity, physical overexertion, venous dysfunction, vascular hypotension are factors that contribute to impaired venous circulation in the body of expectant mothers. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins, which leads to impaired blood outflow, increased blood volume and increased load on the body's vessels. Veins are not as dense and elastic as arteries. That is why they are affected in the first place. In women, the perineum swells, the veins of the labia “pop out” and become denser.

The reasons for the development of the disease in a woman who has not given birth are the following:

  • Excess body weight
  • Long-term hormone therapy
  • Heredity,
  • Weakness of the vascular wall,
  • Insufficiency of the valvular apparatus of the veins,
  • Hard physical labor
  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs,
  • Standing work
  • Physical inactivity,
  • Constipation,
  • Prolonged exposure to heat, especially staying in a bathhouse or sauna.


In women suffering from varicose veins of the labia, the external genitalia swell, the veins swell and often form entire conglomerates of nodes. Strains and spider veins appear on the mucous membrane and skin. Irritated and dry skin of the perineum itches, goes numb or hurts, there is a feeling of burning, bloating and discomfort, and dysuric disorders appear. These unpleasant and painful sensations intensify during sexual intercourse, after physical activity and visiting the toilet. Aching pain usually radiates to the sacrum and perineum. The woman’s psychological state worsens, her mood decreases, and increased irritability appears.

Specialists visually detect deformation of the veins, which are an aesthetically unpleasant sight. First, a small nodule appears on the labia, which does not manifest itself clinically. Gradually, there are many nodules, they increase in size and interfere with normal sitting, walking, and sexual activity. Venous nodules, cords and lumps grow and can be felt during palpation. The affected dry skin of the perineum becomes pigmented. In the last stages of pregnancy, the pain becomes excruciating, and obvious signs of varicose veins are most noticeable. In severe cases, patients walk and sit with great difficulty.

If clinical signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to conduct additional studies and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You can detect varicose veins in the perineum yourself by feeling the external genitalia. Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins of the labia are carried out by gynecologists, phlebologists and vascular surgeons. The doctor examines the woman, listens to complaints and collects anamnesis. Additional diagnostic methods include: clinical blood test, coagulogram, ultrasound. Ultrasound examination allows you to see the condition of the venous wall and confirm the diagnosis of the disease.


Treatment of pregnant women is a difficult and very responsible process. Pregnant women can completely get rid of varicose veins only after childbirth. Effective and correct therapy will help reduce the severity of the clinical symptoms of the disease and stop the further development of the pathological process. Suitable and safe medications prescribed by a doctor will significantly improve the condition of the veins, making them less noticeable and painful.

For pregnant women suffering from varicose veins of the labia, experts give the following recommendations:

  1. Do not lift objects that weigh more than 3 kg,
  2. Provide optimal (moderate) physical activity,
  3. Control your weight
  4. Regulate bowel function
  5. Visit the pool
  6. Do not take hot baths, use showers,
  7. Wear comfortable underwear
  8. Maintain personal hygiene rules,
  9. Rest in a special position: lying on your left side with your knees bent and pressed to your stomach.

Conservative treatment consists of wearing, using anesthetic creams and taking medications. It is aimed at stopping the reverse flow of blood and relieving pain symptoms.

  • Patients are prescribed in the form of tablets, gels and ointments - “Troxerutin”, “Detralex”, “Lioton”, “Venoruton”, “Eskuzan”.
  • , preventing thrombus formation - “Trental”, “Curantil”, “Venolife”, “Aspirin”.
  • Wearing compression underwear helps reduce congestion, accelerates blood circulation, eliminates the manifestations of pathology and improves the well-being of a pregnant woman.
  • Vitamin therapy - taking vitamin C, which thins the blood and improves blood circulation, as well as vitamin E, which improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Therapeutic exercises will help reduce pain. To do this, you need to get on all fours and lower your head onto the pillow so that your pelvis is higher than your head. This position promotes blood flow.
  • If the cause of varicose veins of the labia is not pregnancy, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Patients are prescribed antiplatelet agents, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • - a medicinal way to get rid of varicose veins of the labia. This is an injection technique that allows the changed veins to completely disappear. The area affected by varicose veins is cooled with air, and then a special solution is injected into the vein, which narrows it and pushes blood through, stopping blood flow and preventing blood clots. The affected vessel stops functioning, and the blood flows through healthy veins. After the injection, apply bilateral compression to the affected area for 5 - 7 minutes.

Sclerotherapy is the most effective and generally painless method of treating genital varicose veins, carried out on an outpatient basis and bringing high-quality results. Also possible labiaplasty and microthermocoagulation. But these methods are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

If varicose veins of the labia do not go away after the baby is born, but continues to progress, they proceed to surgical intervention. The main types of operations for varicose veins are classical, radiofrequency and deformed veins.


Measures to prevent the development of varicose veins of the labia:

Varicose veins of the labia are currently a completely curable disease. With the help of modern medicine, you can quickly and painlessly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and possible cosmetic defects. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the disease in time. Otherwise, varicose veins of the labia can cause a lot of trouble, especially for pregnant women. It is enough to follow all the recommendations and instructions of a specialist. Self-diagnosis and self-medication always ends in failure!

Varicose veins of the genital organs in women, lecture (video)

This may seem strange to some, but during pregnancy, changes also occur to a woman’s genitals, in particular the labia. And this is quite normal and natural. Change is even one of the. True, a gynecologist is more likely to notice such a symptom, unless the woman herself specifically checks the situation, which also often happens. And many people note darkening (cyanosis and purplishness) of these organs already 10-12 days after conception. But too noticeable changes in the labia, which often cause discomfort, pain and even itching for a pregnant woman, occur in the middle and second half of the term.

With the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the pelvic organs significantly increases, which is provided by nature to facilitate childbirth. Each organ undergoes certain changes. The labia minora and majora, along with other organs, increase in size (as if they swell) and become more elastic. The skin in this area (as well as around the nipples and along the midline of the abdomen) usually changes color to a darker color.

However, changes in the labia may have slightly different causes. The growing fetus puts pressure on the arteries with its weight, which impairs blood circulation. This may cause swelling of the labia, but usually the situation is not dangerous. It can also lead to varicose veins of the labia, which is quite common during pregnancy. Women note that veins appear on their lips or seals appear. There is no need to worry about this: after pregnancy (and often even before childbirth), the woman’s condition improves, and the problem disappears on its own. Varicose veins of the labia, as a rule, are not an indication for cesarean section, as many people think about it. In any case, the doctor decides on the method of delivery closer to the birth.

To alleviate your condition with varicose veins, you should walk more and also rest, lying on your side. Sitting and standing increase venous congestion and pain. Choose special compression garments without seams for yourself. Consult your doctor - he may prescribe you some medications, for example, ointment. Do not be alarmed, but sometimes in such conditions it is possible to develop acute varicothrombophlebitis and rupture of altered veins, fraught with massive bleeding. However, in the vast majority of cases, all unpleasant phenomena disappear immediately after childbirth. And attentive obstetricians warn expectant mothers about the possible appearance of the mentioned signs in advance.

So if you are experiencing something similar, there is two news for you. The bad news is that you have to endure it. And the good news is that there is nothing wrong with enlargement and soreness of the labia during pregnancy, and everything will disappear without a trace after childbirth.

Especially for- Elena Kichak