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Vladislav translated from Greek means. Vladislav (Vlad) - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

In this article, we examined in detail the meaning of the name Vladislav, found out what it means and how the boy’s fate will turn out in all areas of life.

The origin of the name Vladislav from the Old Russian form Volodislav explains its meaning. Translated it means “ illustrious», « owner of fame" If we take into account his Polish roots, then the name can be translated as “good ruler.” It is believed that the name comes from the German Waldemar - famous.

Initially, it was believed that the name was pagan, but at one time Stefan Vladislav 1 was canonized, which means that the name acquired official church status. They call it boys of different nationalities, but it cannot be said that it is very common. Name day – October 7th.

Boys can be affectionately called Vlad, Vladya, Vladyusha, Vladik, Vladusha, Vladya, Vladushka, Slavka, Slavik, Slavochka, Vladka, Slavushka.

Vlad's talismans are jasper, topaz and carnelian. Topaz gives the owner success in life, good nature, the ability to empathize, and establishes mutual understanding. Wearing it enhances intellectual abilities and prolongs life.

Topaz in Christianity is a symbol of the apocalypse. A blue talisman improves mood and relieves stress, a yellow stone helps in creative pursuits, a pink stone symbolizes openness, honor and dignity of a person.

Jasper is a talisman against troubles and misfortunes, gives fidelity and courage. This is a symbol of fortitude; it is used in the decoration of temples. The Greeks used jasper jewelry to create amulets against evil spirits. This is the only stone that can neutralize harmful energy.

Carnelian is a talisman that brings happiness in love, unites souls and sharpens the intellect. This is a stone for speakers, gives courage, and protects against immoral acts. It gives energy and relieves fatigue. This is the optimal remedy for melancholy. It gives success and wealth to people who are not afraid of work.

Vladik's lucky colors are blue and its shades, and brown. He is patronized by Jupiter and Mercury, the element is water. The name Vladislav is perfect for boys born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo.

The totem animal is the hare. Only at first glance does he seem cowardly and timid. In fact, the hare personifies ingenuity, rebirth, and intuition. The hare's foot is an excellent talisman against evil forces.

Plants for Vladik are cloves and linden. The fragrant, strong tree represents softness and femininity, and the clove is a symbol of high spirituality, understanding, eternal love and sensuality. According to legend, this flower bloomed during the birth of Jesus. Bronze jewelry serves as protection from everything bad.

Name meaning

The meaning of the name Vladislav depends on the time of year the baby is born. Winter gives the character tactfulness, the ability to avoid conflict situations, find the good and easily solve problems. A man with this name is friends with everyone and has amazing charm.

Vesenny Vlad is handsome and intelligent, he is capable of action and easily achieves his goals.

Vladyusha, born in summer, is very kind and selfless, faithful and reliable. He knows how to make friends and appreciates harmony and openness in people. Autumn gives a man confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to hear with his heart. He always gets his way, no matter the circumstances.


Vlad's character can be defined as difficult. These are choleric people who react sharply to injustice, love the truth and always defend the rights of offended people. But at the same time, it is difficult for them to show aggression, respond sharply or be rude. He approaches his troubles philosophically and tries to analyze what is happening in order to find the right solution.

A man’s self-criticism is a little too high; flattery will not win his favor.

Vladik is quite touchy, but he easily moves away and forgets insults. Worries about loved ones, knows how to listen and hear. Character flaws include pride, but it is precisely this quality that does not allow him to stop in his improvement. He practically does not trust intuition, being guided by reason.


Vladik’s life cannot be called easy, he is a rather secretive person, he doesn’t let anyone into his soul. He is easy to offend, but there is no talk of inflated self-esteem. He chooses his environment thoroughly and is picky about his connections. Such natural qualities as responsiveness, kindness, and sensitivity help him.

The ability to get his way makes a man with this name a true leader who is respected and listened to. He is able to achieve his goal even where other people retreat.

At the same time, no one can accuse him of hypocrisy or lies. It cannot be said that fate favors him in everything, but determination helps him get everything what you need for a fulfilling life.


Vladislav has a subtle mental organization, therefore he does not tolerate lies and pretense. He prefers to communicate with soft and gentle women, and does not accept harshness and rudeness. Such ladies repel him. Has a negative attitude towards representatives of the fair sex who smoke or drink alcohol.

Vlad, one might say, is a monogamous man; he chooses a woman for life for a very long time and carefully. He never looks for adventures on the side, because he considers it low and unworthy. But this is after he makes his decision and gets married. He can have open relationships with several women at once.

Vladik always pays attention to appearance; he receives aesthetic pleasure when communicating with a well-groomed and beautiful woman. It is important for him that his wife is successful with men, but he will never allow him to flirt with his wife. Vladislav is the owner, he is quite jealous.

It is worth noting that Vladislav also allows arranged marriage. The material well-being of the family is very important to him, so there may not be great love for a woman. This is a faithful spouse; he rarely initiates a breakup. He can be called a homebody, Vlad loves to spend time with his family, helps his wife around the house, knows how to cook, and is not at all shy about it.

A woman must understand that Vladislav is a born leader, this quality is also manifested in the family. If a woman constantly scandalizes and blames her husband, he will seek consolation on the side, despite his principles. He is not a dictator at home, but his opinion should always be first and foremost. He adores children, and they reciprocate his feelings. Growing children treat their father with respect and value his opinion.


Curiosity, flexibility, the desire to learn new things and constantly grow and improve are the qualities of a leader. Vladislav is always ready for new achievements.

This is an excellent worker, hardworking, responsible, efficient, he is able to prove himself in almost any industry. But it is important for him to enjoy his work, and this is possible if Vlad connects his life with activities that he likes.

Vladyusha will have success in the creative field; a man can become an excellent musician or artist, photographer or teacher, writer or artist. He moves quickly up the career ladder, is always collected and ready to make a quick and correct decision. These qualities are highly valued by managers. Having become a boss, Vladislav does not lose his qualities; he is respected by his subordinates and colleagues for fair decisions and objectivity. A man with this name will have success in business.

The meaning of the name Vladislav: The boy's name means "lord of glory." This affects the character and fate of Vladislav.

Origin of the name Vladislav: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of name: Vlad, Vladik, Vadik, Ladya, Slava.

What does the name Vladislav mean: The name Vladislav consists of two roots: “vlad” (to own) and “slav” (glory). Thus, the name Vladislav is translated as “lord of glory.” Another meaning of the name Vladislav is “owner of glory.” A guy with this name is an excellent example of resilience, seriousness, and implemented plans. However, he also has a negative side to his character - Slava is arrogant. If you follow the golden mean in communicating with the owner of such a name, then this quality practically does not manifest itself.

Patronymic name Vladislav: Vladislavovich, Vladislavich, Vladislavovna, Vladislavna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vladislav celebrates his name day once a year: October 7 (September 24) - St. Vladislav suffered for the Orthodox faith (XV century).

Signs: If the birch tree leaves have not fallen before Vladislav, the snow will fall late. On this day, the barn keeper is honored: he sits in the barn and keeps order so that a fire does not start. You can appease him with pies and a black rooster buried under the threshold of the barn.


  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • Treasured plant - carnation
  • Patron - hare
  • Talisman stone - topaz

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

Positive features: The name Vladislav gives seriousness, diplomacy, poise, perseverance, and endurance. He does not stoop to arguments and rarely raises his voice. A man with this name looks at everything from his own point of view, does not open his soul to everyone, does not share his innermost thoughts, but is always open with close people, knows how to find an approach to a person, and become his ideological inspirer. Vlad does not like bosses or any kind of power over himself. He knows how to maintain his independence without entering into open confrontation.

Negative features: The name Vladislav brings secrecy, cynicism, arrogance. Vladislav suppresses his negative emotions, which find an outlet in a sarcastic attitude towards reality. A guy with this name can be uncontrollable in his desires, can relax, and consciously lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Character of the name Vladislav: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vladislav? He is proud, ambitious, and most of all he cares about his dignity, although he himself is not averse to making fun of others.

As a child, a child with the wonderful name Vladislav is a very impressionable boy, loves to communicate with his mother, is polite with girls, and a caring, tactful attitude towards women will remain with him for the rest of his life. During his school years, he was secretly in love with the most beautiful girl in the class. As a child, his natural talent manifests itself in various fields of art - music, drawing, literature. Vlad's parents must take care of the development of natural abilities in time, otherwise they will all remain just entertainment. But in any case, Vladislav will have an innate sense of beauty.

Outwardly, Slava is charm itself, but behind his outward attractiveness sometimes not very attractive traits are hidden: he can show some cruelty towards animals, has a tendency to rely on others, and, if successful, take all the laurels for himself. He has a highly developed sense of self-esteem, but he himself is not averse to irony, even making fun of someone.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: a man named Vladislav does not like to deviate from his intended goal. He can realize himself in politics, diplomacy, jurisprudence, and in any leadership job. Slava’s analytical mind and creative talent make her eligible for recognition in the field of art.

He often takes it upon himself to categorically judge everything, even what he doesn’t understand. He has a developed sense of beauty and is tactful towards women. Finds his calling in music and painting. Vladislav is suited to areas of activity that require a sympathetic and kind soul - medicine, pedagogy.

Business and career: Slava will not lose his dignity in the struggle for ranks and profits, but at the same time he knows how to avoid a difficult situation.

Vladislav is a very decent person, hardworking and responsible. He does not accept injustice, but he cannot always defend the truth. In addition to the artistic profession, he can be successful in business and in leadership work. Attaches great importance to politics.

Vladislav and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Vlad's marriage with Alisa, Bronislava, Wanda, Danuta, Inga, Karolina, Laima, Regina, Sati, Fedora, Cheslava is favorable. The name Vladislav is also combined with Jadwiga. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Alevtina, Victoria, Evdokia, Claudia, Lolita, Roxana, Sarah, Fevura, Thekla.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vladislav promise happiness in love? Slava knows how to attract a beautiful and intelligent woman to himself and completely subjugate her to his will. He compensates her for such “lack of freedom” with care, guardianship and love, although outwardly he will seem restrained.

He is attracted to sensitive and gentle women, and has a sharply negative attitude towards drinkers and smokers. Slava helps his wife, loves his children, prefers to receive guests at home rather than run to parties. A guy with this name is often monogamous. Loyalty is of particular importance to him. Keeping her married does not require much effort from him.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Vladislav from a medical point of view. Slava is hardworking, painfully susceptible to injustice, but cannot always defend the truth, because by nature he is not persistent enough, failures can lead him to despair, turning into apathy and even depression. His enthusiasm flares up easily and fades very quickly.

Vlad is attracted to sensitive and gentle, weak women who need protection. Vladislav chooses a wife for a long time, but one for the rest of his life. In the absence of sexual harmony with his wife, he seeks satisfaction with other women. He doesn’t get divorced because he always marries for convenience.

He is a homebody by nature, loves the comfort of home and children. Helps his wife with housework. He can't stand it when a woman smells of tobacco or alcohol. He is prone to improvisation and has good organizational skills. A guy named Vladislav strives to choose a profession that does not require work from bell to bell. He can make a brilliant speaker. As a rule, bearers of this name reach considerable heights in life if they are not ruined by addiction to alcohol. This vice becomes a source of family feuds and troubles, poisoning the lives of household members.

The fate of Vladislav in history

What does the name Vladislav mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vladislav Jagiello, or Jagiello (1350-1434) - Grand Duke of Lithuania, from 1386 - King of Poland. The founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty, Vladislav, commanded the Polish-Lithuanian-Russian army at the Battle of Grunwald in 1410 against the Order of the Crusaders. On July 15, 1410, in one of the largest battles in the history of medieval Europe - at Grunwald - Vladislav Jagiello commanded the combined Polish-Lithuanian, Russian and Czech troops against the Teutonic knights and dealt a crushing blow to the order.
  2. Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak (b. 1952) - Russian athlete, famous goalkeeper of the national ice hockey team, multiple champion of the country, Europe, the world, and the Olympic Games.
  3. Vladislav Galkin is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009).
  4. Vladislav Illich-Svitych is a Soviet comparative linguist.
  5. Vladislav Dukhin - paratrooper, junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  6. Vladislav Surkov - real name - Aslambek Dudayev; Russian statesman, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia.
  7. Vladislav Dolonin - military man, Hero of Russia.
  8. Vladislav Piavko is a Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR.
  9. Wladyslaw Szpilman is a Polish pianist and composer.
  10. Vladislav Zaremba - (1833 - 1902) Ukrainian composer.
  11. Vladislav Syrokormlya is the pseudonym of the Polish poet Ludwik Kondratowicz.
  12. Vladislav Vančura is a Czech writer, director, screenwriter.
  13. Vladislav Khodasevich is a Russian poet and critic.

Vladislav in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In Belarusian it is translated as Uladzislaў, in Bulgarian: Laslo, in Italian: Ladislao, in Latvian: Vladislavs, in German: Wladislaus, Ladislaus, in Czech: Vladislav.

The meaning of the name Vladislav is clear to a speaker of any Slavic language without translation. However, it is worth at least briefly explaining its origin.

Indeed, this name has two Slavic roots - “slav” (glory) and “vlad” (to own). But, for example, Wikipedia traces the origin of the word “Vladislav” from the Polish language, where it sounded like “Wolodislav”. For the Poles, in turn, the name Vladislav originated from the Czech Republic. The name is translated from Old Church Slavonic as “possessing glory,” however, it is sometimes translated from Polish as “glorious ruler” or “worthy ruler.”

Some historians of names trace the origin of the name entirely to the German language, considering it a “tracing paper,” that is, a literal translation of the German “Waldemar.” This name also consists of two roots, which are translated as “king” or “lord” and “famous” or “glorious”.

The boy named Vladislav can be diminutively called Vadeya or Slava, Vladik or Rook. The shortened name Vlad is very popular, which in some cases can be independent.

In Russian, the name goes well with different patronymics, but there is an exception - if the dad’s name is Rostislav or Mstislav, then such a combination of name and patronymic will be very difficult to pronounce. Patronymics formed from short names - Olegovich, Igorevich, Petrovich - are much more suitable for him.

Balance and responsibility

What does the name Vladislav mean not only for its owner, but also for the people around him? What to expect from a boy and an adult man in communication, in relation to business, in the family aspect? To understand this, let's look at the following points:

  • What determines the character of a child, teenager, adult?
  • How does this affect the choice of life path?
  • What is the compatibility of Vladislav with female names?
  • When to celebrate name day?

The meaning of the name Vladislav for how his character is formed turns out to be very important from childhood. The boy is distinguished by a strong attachment to his mother, at the same time he grows up as a completely independent child and does not try to “hold on to his mother’s skirt.” Rather, the child's attitude towards his mother can be called tender deference and great respect.

Creativity is of great importance for Vladislav in childhood - little Vladik loves to draw, read, memorize poetry, and sings well. His open character makes it easy to communicate with him not only to older family members, but also to peers. Vladya is a good friend who will always come to the aid of a friend, and his friends really appreciate his kind attitude towards them.

His persistent and hardworking character means that Slavik studies well at school, but he is not a “crammer” at all - it is not repeated repetition that helps him remember and assimilate information, but his developed mind and vivid imagination. This child is appreciated not only by school teachers, but also by his classmates - after all, he is tactful and well-mannered.

In adolescence and adolescence, Vladislav’s character becomes even more independent and independent. And if Vladik asked for help, it means he really really needs it.

As he grows up, Vladislav's character becomes very ambitious - and fate gives him tasks of the appropriate level. He loves when everyone's attention is focused on his thoughts and achievements. He achieves great heights in his career using exclusively honest methods.

He always sets a very high bar for himself - his fate and career develop favorably when he has the opportunity to solve complex problems. Vlads make good leaders in almost any field. But at the same time, few people will know what is in Vlad’s soul - he rarely shares his experiences, and then only with those closest to him, and this right must still be earned.

Craving for beauty

The name Vladislav gives its owner a special relationship with the fair sex. Women with a tough character and a masculine worldview are not able to attract his tactful and sophisticated nature. Vlad, on the contrary, has good compatibility with fragile and tender girls, towards whom you need to show real masculine behavior - to protect and protect.

Of great importance for Vladislav is the absence of bad habits in his chosen one. And if fate brings him together with “the one,” he remains faithful to her all his life. How can one understand what Vlad’s compatibility is with the owners of different female names, which of them is his destiny, and from whom a man should stay away?

Name experts write that Vladislav has high compatibility with or Inga, and he should not start a relationship with or Lolita. However, these names are not found very often. And if we take, for example, such popular female names as Anastasia or Yulia, what should we do with them?

Vlad and are a completely suitable couple, they have good compatibility, and it’s as if a proverb was invented about them about cute people who only have fun when they scold. They can “let off steam,” sort things out, and five minutes later they’re hugging and smiling sweetly at each other. Yulia and Vladislav very rarely get seriously angry with each other, and solve complex problems shoulder to shoulder.

The compatibility of the names Vladislav and is of a different order. It is based on the fact that Nastenka may turn out to be exactly the princess who needs to be protected and protected. If Vlad fell in love with a girl named Anastasia, he will protect and pamper her, but this should not be abused - the compatibility of this couple has its limits.

Before the wedding, Vladislav can have more than one affair, even at the same time, but once he finds his legal wife, he settles down. He considers betrayal to be something so unworthy that he is unlikely to commit it even if given the opportunity.

When baptized in Orthodoxy, a child can be named Vladislav - according to the church calendar, his name day falls on October 7. In Orthodoxy, this day is revered as the day of remembrance of the holy Serbian king. If parents want to give their son the full secular name Vlad, then at baptism he will still be called Vladislav. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Name meaning

Vladislav (Vlad) is the owner of a complex and rather contradictory character. He is firm in his decisions, strong in spirit, open and ready to cope with any troubles. At the same time, Vladislav does not know how to trust people; he often withdraws into himself, which prevents him from building friendly and personal relationships. This kind of ambivalence is typical for many people and is a way of adapting to life’s adversities, while for Vlad it is a way of life.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Winter Vladislav - This is a tactful, attentive, simple-minded and diplomatic nature that never openly conflicts, preferring to maintain friendly relations with everyone. The straightforwardness of this man often leads to the fact that those around him are offended, although not for long, because the winter Vladislav has charm and incredible charm. His chosen one must be sincere, fair and feminine.

Spring Vladislav gallant, handsome, intelligent and pedantic. He approaches any issue with the utmost responsibility, which helps him achieve a lot in life. This amorous man knows how to conquer women, so his “archive” contains many broken women’s hearts. Spring Vladislav will give his heart only to a woman who is ideal in all respects, who will be a good housewife, a wonderful life partner, and a tender lover.

Letniy Vladislav is a good-natured, sympathetic and absolutely selfless man who will never betray. He is loved and respected by his friends, adored by his relatives and appreciated by his colleagues. For summer Vladislav, it is important to live in harmony with himself, because only in this case does he feel truly happy. His woman must, first of all, be open and spiritually developed, while appearance and economic skills for this man are classified as “secondary”.

Autumn Vladislav has an overly developed sense of self-esteem, he knows his own worth very well, so his life often resembles a steep ladder, which must be climbed confidently and quickly if you want to achieve something. Only a wise and patient woman who knows how to love with all her heart and demand nothing in return can understand and accept such an ambitious and somewhat selfish man.

Stone - talisman

The stones that protect Vladislav are topaz, jasper and carnelian.


This stone enhances spiritual potential, increases creativity and mental abilities, gives wisdom, and brings love, success and prosperity to life. In addition, topaz helps to establish contacts and establish mutual understanding between people; it encourages compassion, good nature and empathy.

Residents of India revere topaz as one of the nine sacred stones that help sharpen the intellect and also prolong life.

Shamans from Africa use topaz in rituals to establish contact with the kingdom of the dead.

In the Christian tradition, topaz is considered the stone of the apocalypse (this stone is the basis of one of the 12 gates of the New Jerusalem).

Blue Topaz sharpens perception of reality, calms and promotes creative self-expression.

Blue Topaz destroys families built on lies and deception, since it can bring any untruth “to the surface.”

Golden Topaz fills with vital energy, brings material well-being to life and contributes to the realization of plans.

Green Topaz helps get rid of bad thoughts.

Yellow Topaz awakens creative search in a person, sharpens memory, eliminates insomnia and irritability.

Brown Topaz gives self-confidence and enhances determination.

Pink topaz - a stone of openness, honor, dignity and selflessness.

White Topaz Great for sharpening attention.


This stone, which improves a person and protects him from various troubles and diseases, symbolizes fidelity, devotion, honor, courage, modesty and dignity.

Jasper is a symbol of fortitude and closeness to the Heavenly powers, so it is not surprising that this stone is often used in the decoration of temples to this day.

In Ancient Greece, this stone was used as protection against nightmares, damage and the evil eye.

Black Jasper neutralizes witchcraft spells and protects against death.

Red Jasper protects from injury and all kinds of accidents, fills with energy, but at the same time increases aggressiveness in a person. This stone also reflects negative attacks from ill-wishers.

Gray Jasper strengthens the family and promotes the establishment of trusting relationships between spouses, eliminates negativity, gives self-confidence and calms.

Yellow Jasper strengthens friendship.

Green Jasper protects against serious diseases.

White Jasper enhances the gift of clairvoyance, sharpens intuition, helps to make the right decisions in the most difficult situations. This is a stone of kindness, warmth, care.

Blue Jasper helps to harmonize the inner and outer worlds, restores the aura.

Variegated Jasper , in which a certain color does not predominate, gives new useful connections, and also teaches new knowledge.

Pink Jasper provides material well-being, bestows love.

Brown Jasper relieves fears, calms the nervous system, prolongs life, promotes inner peace and balance.

Interesting fact! Jasper is considered the only stone that can neutralize all negative energy potential, as well as harmful electromagnetic radiation.


This is a talisman stone that brings happiness in love, so wedding decorations were often made from it, promoting the rapprochement of two souls, and also protecting against immoral acts.

Carnelian enhances eloquence, elevates mood, and sharpens the intellect.

It is believed that this stone is capable of defeating evil forces, giving courage and courage, and also protecting its owner from evil. In addition, carnelian helped hardworking and talented people get rich.

Carnelian, which gives energy, is a noble stone that relieves fatigue and neutralizes melancholy.





Vladislav’s element is Water (you can read about this element in the article).


Animal - symbol

Vladislav's totem animal is a hare, symbolizing rebirth, ingenuity, speed, agility and intuition. In addition, since ancient times this particular animal has been considered the personification of timidity, life wisdom and fertility. But at the same time, the hare is a symbol of seduction and overt sexuality.

From time immemorial, the hare's foot and head have been used as a powerful talisman to protect against witches, although the hare itself often acts as a servant or ally of the witch.


Plants that favor Vladislav are linden and cloves.


This fragrant tree symbolizes femininity, softness and tenderness. Linden leaves, which are heart-shaped, are associated with warmth.

The Western Slavs revered the linden as a parent tree, as it was used in the manufacture of clothing, shoes and household utensils. Thus, the linden tree accompanied a person throughout his life.


In the Christian tradition, the carnation symbolizes spirituality and understanding of higher love, which does not require anything in return. According to legend, it was the carnation that bloomed on the birthday of Jesus Christ.

pink carnation - a symbol of motherhood.

White carnation - the personification of pure and sublime love.

red carnation symbolizes sensuality.

yellow carnation - a sign of neglect or refusal.


Vladislav's metal is bronze, symbolizing fortitude, power, strength, courage and courage. Our ancestors also believed that this metal was able to protect its owner from any negative impact.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Name translation

From the ancient Slavic language the name Vladislav is translated as “possessing glory”, “glorified”.

History of the name

The name Vladislav, which is the Old Russian form of the name Volodislav, is formed from the words “vlad” (to own), as well as “slav” (glory).

According to another version, the name Vladislav has Polish roots and is translated as “good ruler.”

Finally, some linguists believe that Vladislav is a tracing of the German name Waldemar, consisting of two roots: thus, walta is translated as “reign”, and mari is translated as “famous”.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Vladislav: Vladya, Vladik, Vadya, Vlad, Vladulya, Vladushka, Ladya, Vadya, Slava, Vladka, Slavik, Slavunya, Slavusya, Vladislavka, Vladislavchik, Vladis, Valdis, as well as Vladyusha, Vladushka and Vladusya.

The legend of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Vladislav of Serbia, who ascended the throne in 1230, was the son of King Stephen of Serbia. Vladislav was crowned king by Saint Sava, the founder of the independent Serbian Church. The first thing Vladislav did after ascending the throne was to build a new monastery in a village called Mileshevo.

When the Monk Sava died, Vladislav did everything possible to transport the relics of St. Sava from the Bulgarian city of Tarnovo to Mileshevo. When this happened, it turned out that the saint’s relics had miraculous healing powers.

The seven-year reign of Vladislav of Serbia saw both ups and downs, but despite this, Vladislav himself was always distinguished by kindness, selflessness and mercy. The prince died and was buried in the monastery in Mileshevo.

The secret of the name Vladislav

Patrons of the name

Vladislav's patron is Prince Vladislav of Serbia.

Interesting fact! The name Vladislav originally belonged to the pagans. But after Stefan Vladislav I was canonized, this name acquired full church status.

Angel's Day (name day)

Famous people

Famous actors named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Strzhelchik;
  • Vladislav Galkin;
  • Vladislav Dvorzhetsky;
  • Vladislav Vetrov;
  • Vladislav Abashin;
  • Vladislav Demchenko.

Famous composers named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Shpilman;
  • Vladislav Zaremba;
  • Vladislav Uspensky.

Famous journalists named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Listyev;
  • Vladislav Starkov.

Famous athletes named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Tretyak - Soviet hockey player, goalkeeper;
  • Vladislav Radimov is a Russian football player.

Famous directors named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Starevich;
  • Vladislav Vanchura.

Famous writers and poets named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Syrokormlya;
  • Vladislav Khodasevich;
  • Vladislav Bronevsky;
  • Vladislav Reymont;
  • Vladislav Aristov.

The meaning of the name Vladislav

For a child

Vlad is a very impressionable boy who dotes on his mother (looking ahead, I would like to note that he carries a careful and tactful attitude towards the fair sex throughout his life). At the same time, his attachment to his mother does not lead to the fact that he subsequently grows up to be a “mama’s boy” or “henpecked”.

Vladislav has an innate sense of beauty, which his parents should develop in him (he draws beautifully, has been versed in music since childhood, and loves to read).

Vladislav's sophistication, his childlike independence and good nature appeal to both children and adults. This boy captivates with his openness and selflessness; he will never leave a friend in trouble, so his peers value his goodwill, and even more so his friendship. And, of course, among girls this little gentleman and gentleman enjoys special attention.

A good memory, a developed mind, hard work, perseverance and patience help Vladislav to perfectly assimilate new information, so the school curriculum is given to him without any problems. The teachers “know no harm” with this smart student who shows great promise.

For a teenager

Young Vladislav is smart, diligent and attentive. He is not tempted by the search for easy ways to solve complex problems. On the contrary, he is ready to spend a lot of effort and time to independently find a way out of this or that situation. But if he fails to cope with the task on his own, then Vlad will not hesitate to ask for help.

Those around him mistakenly believe that the open and sincere Vlad is a simpleton who can be forced to impose his opinion. Believe me, this is far from true, since nothing will make this strong-willed young man change his mind or decision.

From a young age, Vladislav is very self-critical, so flattery cannot win his friendship. This young man has an overly developed sense of justice, he is honest and decent, therefore he comes out of any situation with his head held high and a sense of self-esteem.

But, as they say, there are no ideal people in the world, and Vlad is no exception. Thus, among the negative traits of his character we can name the following: callousness (even cruelty), stubbornness, vanity. And one more thing: often the irony of Vladislav’s statements and his straightforwardness hurt those around him, but he rarely cares about this.

It is important for Vlad to be interesting, because it is in communication that he opens up, becomes relaxed and feels “at ease.” He generally does not tolerate loneliness well, which has a depressing effect on him.

For a man

An adult Vladislav is responsible, decisive, ambitious and non-conflicting (he would rather walk away from a conversation than defend his opinion until his voice becomes hoarse).

Behind his irony and mockery, this man hides a vulnerable soul into which he prefers not to let anyone in. Even the closest people are not always able to understand Vlad’s train of thought, who surrounds himself with an aura of some mystery and enigma.

Vladislav is a true leader, whose character includes fortitude, strength of character, patience, and diplomacy. It is not surprising that he achieves a lot in life, and no one dares to reproach Vlad for hypocrisy, lies or non-compliance with moral and ethical standards established in society. So, Vlad will definitely achieve success where others simply give up.

It should be noted that Vlad’s natural sensitivity, his kindness and responsiveness are qualities that both help and hinder him. Undoubtedly, such people have many friends, but there are also many who want to take advantage of kindness for their own selfish purposes. For this reason, in order to avoid disappointment, Vladislav should approach the choice of his environment as responsibly and selectively as possible.

One cannot help but mention Vlad’s inflated self-esteem, who can rarely objectively assess his capabilities. In addition, Vladislav is envious and touchy.

Description of the name Vladislav


Vladislav tries to adhere to the moral standards that exist in society. But if his principles prevent him from making his way in the world of big business, then Vlad can sacrifice them (albeit only slightly).


Vlad has excellent health, but it is still necessary to pay special attention to the digestive tract.

A daily routine and good nutrition will help Vladislav avoid digestive problems.


Vladislav’s refined nature does not accept rudeness and rudeness, therefore harsh women with a masculine character do not attract him at all, but, on the contrary, repel him. In addition, he has a sharply negative attitude towards those representatives of the fair sex who have bad habits (abuse alcohol or smoke).

Vlad will fall in love with a sensitive, gentle, sincere and even defenseless woman, whom he will gladly protect from the vicissitudes of fate.

He will groom and cherish his chosen one, because this monogamous man chooses his life partner very carefully. Vlad will not look for “adventures on the side,” because he considers such behavior low and unprincipled for a family man (although before marriage, Vladislav may have relationships with several women at once).


In addition to a calm and balanced character, an important factor when choosing a life partner for Vlad is the woman’s appearance. The fact is that this vain man gets real pleasure from the fact that his beautiful wife is liked by others and enjoys the attention of other men. But jealous Vlad will not allow you to flirt or make advances with your soulmate.

For a long time, Vladislav does not dare to part with his bachelor lifestyle, because it is difficult for him to come to terms with the restriction of freedom and the obligations that he will have to take upon himself by entering a new life called “family.”

It is interesting that Vlad can marry not only for love, but also for convenience, since the material well-being of the family is extremely important to him. But no matter what motives this man is guided by when choosing his companion, he will never initiate a divorce.

Family relationships

Vladislav is the dream of any woman who strives to create a strong, reliable and harmonious marriage. Vlad is a real homebody who loves to spend evenings at home with his beloved family, while noisy parties are absolutely not interesting to him. He helps his wife run the household, not considering it shameful or shameful.

It is also important that Vladislav belongs to the category of faithful husbands who do not even think about cheating. But his beloved woman must remember that scandals and insults can still cause Vlad to seek solace on the side.

The owner of this name also shows his leadership qualities in family life, but you cannot call him a domestic dictator or tyrant: he knows how to put everything “into order” and lead his household to the conclusion that it is his solution to this or that issue that is correct.

Vlad is strongly attached to his children, who love him and value his affection and respect.


Vladislav early learns all the delights of intimate life, and initially he treats sex as a biological necessity, so his youthful relationships seem disordered. With age, Vlad becomes more selective in terms of choosing a partner, who should have not only an attractive appearance, but also intelligence.

Diversity in the intimate sphere is the guarantee that Vlad will give himself entirely to one single woman. If you want to lose this man once and for all, then it is enough to let him understand that he is only a tool for obtaining pleasure.

Mind (intelligence)

Vlad has a flexible and curious mind, ready for new discoveries and achievements.


Hardworking, efficient and responsible, Vladislav belongs to that small category of people who can excel in any profession and industry, be it engineering, construction, construction, or sports. However, the owner of this name will be able to get true pleasure if he realizes his creative abilities (Vlad will make an excellent musician, artist, writer, performer, photographer, psychologist or teacher).

Vlad quickly climbs the career ladder thanks to his leadership qualities, composure, thoughtfulness, practicality and ability to make informed decisions.

It must be said that as a performer, Vlad is persistent and obliging, while as a boss he is demanding, but at the same time fair and objective, for which he is respected by his colleagues and management.


Vladislav knows how to see the whole picture as a whole, which helps him become a successful businessman whose business is simply doomed to success. He is purposeful, ambitious, diligent and hardworking, and if he is also passionate about what he loves, then he is unlikely to find his equal in business.


Vladislav is a very talented man with a developed sense of beauty, so he is well versed in music, literature and painting. In addition, this man gets real pleasure from communicating with interesting and educated people.

Character type

Vladislav is predominantly choleric, about whose character traits you can read in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life.”


Responsive, kind and vulnerable, Vladislav is extremely sensitive to any injustice, but he is not always able to defend the truth, because this often requires showing harshness and rudeness, which are not characteristic of the owner of this name.

He approaches any trouble philosophically, although he tries to analyze the situation in order to extract the maximum benefit from it.

Despite his touchiness, Vlad is able not only to understand, but also to forgive his offender, especially if he is a loved one. And in general, Vladislav knows how to listen, empathize and sympathize. And even though his advice often lacks everyday practicality, it is always sincere.

One of Vlad's shortcomings is pride (he always strives to be first, so he never ceases to improve himself, while forgetting about proper rest).


Vlad is used to relying solely on his sharp mind, so he does not use his intuition, which is well developed, at all.

Horoscope named after Vladislav

Vladislav - Aries

This man seems to be woven from contradictions: he longs to be the center of attention, but at the same time withdraws into himself, finding himself in a noisy company; he wants to create a strong family, but avoids long-term relationships. Vladislav-Aries is very difficult to understand, because his mood, desires and thoughts change hourly. This man's ideal woman should be patient, calm and ready for the fact that for the sake of love she will have to sacrifice her desires.

Vladislav - Taurus

This is the owner of an analytical mind and a vivid imagination, which helps Vladislav-Taurus take leaps and bounds towards his goal. In addition, this man is used to clearly calculating all his actions; he is pragmatic and reasonable, although he is capable of spontaneous actions. The woman of the charming and courteous Vladislav-Taurus, who must have a strong and strong-willed character, can be sure that his words will never diverge from his deeds.

Vladislav - Gemini

One can only envy Vladislav-Gemini’s restraint and thoughtfulness. His actions are always balanced and thoughtful, while this man hides his feelings and emotions behind an impenetrable mask of coldness and restraint. Only a loving, faithful, gentle and sensitive woman will be able to discern in the stern and tough Vladislav-Gemini a man with a broad soul and a big heart, capable of sincerely and passionately loving.

Vladislav - Cancer

This is a vulnerable and distrustful man who lacks self-confidence. Vladislav-Cancer enthusiastically takes on several things at once, but any obstacle that stands in his way leads to him giving up.

In his beloved woman, Vladislav-Cancer subconsciously looks for a mother and protector who will support him in difficult times, comfort him, protect him and instill faith in himself. But not every woman will be able to devote her life to “raising” her husband.

Vladislav - Leo

Passions are constantly raging in this temperamental and impulsive man; he is simply oversaturated with emotions that do not always have positive energy, which is why Vladislav-Leo is at risk of nervous exhaustion. Moreover, this man is very vain and ambitious, he is used to being surrounded by the best. So Vladislav-Leo’s chosen one must be an ideal (and even unearthly) woman, otherwise he will not appreciate the thriftiness, affection, or care of his companion.

Vladislav - Virgo

This is a person with a rather complex character, who is driven exclusively by selfish motives: thus, in any situation, Vladislav-Virgo will think about himself and the benefits that he can derive. This position will help him reach certain heights, but on the way to his triumph he will lose both friends and love. By the way, Vladislav-Virgo often marries for convenience, since he considers feelings and sentiments a useless waste of mental resources.

Vladislav - Libra

This is a man with a fine mental organization who needs privacy. Vladislav-Libra is used to analyzing everything and looking for the meaning of life in everything. But he is not capable of decisive action, because he is afraid of making a mistake and causing pain to others. In matters of love, Vladislav-Libra is also shy, timid and withdrawn, which prevents him from building relationships. A sensual woman who can become his friend first and foremost will understand this man.

Vladislav - Scorpio

This seductive, charming and observant man is truly cunning: he carefully studies people and then uses their own shortcomings against them. It is not surprising that people are afraid of Vladislav the Scorpio, but he has no friends at all. In relationships with women, he is capricious, harsh and even rude. Vladislav-Scorpio loves to conquer women, but having achieved what he wants, he, without a twinge of conscience, “says goodbye” to his chosen one, leaving her alone with a broken heart.

Vladislav - Sagittarius

This is a person of mood who moves from causeless sadness to unbridled joy. Today Vladislav-Sagittarius looks into the future with optimism and hope, and tomorrow he is overcome by real depression. In general, this man has difficulty making contact with people. In relationships with the opposite sex, he is also unpredictable, so his partner will have to be patient, which will help her put up with attacks of his jealousy or, on the contrary, complete indifference.

Vladislav - Capricorn

Calm, pragmatic and cold-blooded, Vladislav-Capricorn rarely opens up to people (on the contrary, he tries to stay away from others). And all for the reason that often his views on life do not coincide with the opinions of the majority, while Vladislav-Capricorn is not going to prove anything to anyone. This man is a monogamous man, so he has one love for the rest of his life.

Vladislav - Aquarius

This man has a refined nature, striving for the sublime. His element is philosophy, solving various mysteries and self-knowledge. Vladislav-Aquarius eagerly takes on new things, and the more complex they are, the better. He is attracted to strong women who do not give up without a fight and who must be persistently pursued. In general, the life of Vladislav-Aquarius is an eternal struggle, from which he often emerges victorious.

Vladislav - Pisces

Self-examination, a tendency to self-sacrifice, self-irony and self-criticism are inherent in Vladislav, born under the sign of Pisces. This man with an extremely developed imagination makes life difficult for himself, although he may well live calmly and quietly. A gentle, soft and sensitive woman who will surround Vladislav-Pisces with care and love can bring peace and tranquility into his life.

Compatibility of the name Vladislav with female names

Vladislav and Olga

This is a union of adventurers who love risks and expect thrills from life.

Vladislav and Natalya

In this tandem, Natasha strives to be the center of everyone's attention, which does not please the shy, but at the same time jealous Vladislav, who wants to live calmly and amicably. He wants to start a family, while she is not ready for this yet.

Vladislav and Marina

Love of freedom and independence prevent Vladislav and Marina from building a long-term and happy relationship, the basis of which will be trust. Often one of the partners is not ready to compromise, which violates the family idyll and destroys this union.

Vladislav and Maria

Emotional and impulsive Vladislav finds it difficult to find a common language with the hot-tempered and temperamental Maria, who expects new sensations from marriage. For Vlad, family means daily work on himself and relationships.

Vladislav and Svetlana

Vlad and Svetlana have a lot in common: goals, interests, and sexual compatibility. If both treat each other with care, preserve and protect their feelings, then they will be able to create a strong union.

Vladislav and Christina

They say about Vlad and Christina that they are residents of different planets, so when their paths cross, a real feeling rarely flares up between them, which can survive all life’s hardships.

Vladislav and Victoria

In this amazing couple, Vlad and Vika feel truly happy, since their relationship is one of stability, self-development, common interests, and the energy of both partners who do not quarrel over trifles.

Vladislav and Ksenia

For Ksenia and Vladislav, family happiness is calm, regularity and stability.

They slowly, but at the same time very confidently move towards their goal, hand in hand overcoming all troubles.

Vladislav and Yana

In the couple of Yana and Vladislav, love reigns, which nothing can destroy. This couple is strong in mutual understanding and trust, so it is easy for them to go through life together. This union is blessed from above for a long and happy life.

Vladislav and Nadezhda

Affection, care and tenderness - these are the components on which the union of Vladislav and Nadezhda is based, and in this tandem the man often acts as a comforter to his vulnerable companion, who reacts sharply to any criticism.

Vladislav and Alina

Vlad wants simple family happiness, the components of which are a delicious dinner, a smart wife, home comfort and beautiful children. But Alina, first of all, wants to build a successful career, which could destroy this union.

Vladislav and Daria

Both partners cannot stand loneliness, so creating a family is an ideal solution for them, allowing them to surround themselves with loved ones and care. And in general, Vlad and Daria are a very interesting union in which there is no place for misunderstanding and boredom.

Vladislav and Alena

This impeccable relationship is “blessed from above,” so quarrels rarely arise between Vlad and Alena, not to mention serious scandals that could lead to the breakup of the couple.

Vladislav and Alexandra

This is a short-term and fragile alliance in which Vlad and Alexandra cannot (and do not want) to put up with each other’s shortcomings, which is why quarrels and scandals constantly break out between them. Most often, it is the woman who initiates the breakup of the relationship.

Vladislav and Valeria

In this couple, the temperamental Valeria does not know how to control her emotions, so conflicts arise “out of nowhere” and develop into a fabulous scandal. Vlad is not satisfied with such family relationships, and he leaves.

Vladislav and Irina

Open and sincere, Vladislav appreciates in his Irina a cheerful disposition and a wonderful sense of humor. If quarrels happen between them, they quickly forget about them, and certainly do not harbor resentment against each other.

Vladislav and Veronica

Pride and stubbornness prevent Veronica from building a harmonious family life, in which wife and husband are one whole. Being a leader, Vlad is also in no hurry to give up his position. As a result, there is a constant destructive struggle for power in the family.

The meaning of the name Vladislav, as a rule, conquers mothers of long-awaited sons. An impressionable baby prefers at an early age to share his experiences with his mother, who must learn to listen to him without imposing her opinion.

The bad mood of the person closest to him cannot leave him indifferent; the baby will make every effort to cheer up or distract his mother. Quite often, attempts are successful; the traditional way of consolation is to reproduce previously heard adult discussions about life; from the lips of a baby this sounds especially touching.

This male name indicates an early manifestation of a special attitude towards the opposite sex. Already in elementary school he shows interest in girls; mutual sympathy is important to him. He often makes friends with classmates, under no circumstances will he allow himself to show signs practiced by most boys: pulling his pigtail, calling him names, etc.

Nature has rewarded him with tact and a special manner of behavior that cannot go unnoticed. Belongs to the category of people for whom feelings have special meaning, at a young age he falls in love with the most beautiful classmate.

In the classroom he takes a confident position, shines with knowledge, but treats his studies without fanaticism, and is engaged in self-education. At the same time, he quite often ends up in stories that require parental intervention: fights, making a fire. As a child, he treats his studies responsibly without missing an opportunity to play pranks. Attaches importance to statements addressed to him, without hesitation, he will rush to defend his honor with his fists.

Having studied the meaning of the name Vladislav for a child, parents can prepare in advance for the fact that it is necessary to systematically attend clubs or sections; the boy has various abilities that need to be developed.

For many, the meaning of the name Vladislav for a boy is associated with a nature passionate about art: music, literature. Even if his profession is not related to beauty, his hobby will accompany him throughout his life.

With age, the young man continues to amaze those around him with his intelligence, decency and special manner of behavior; the interpretation of the name reveals the traits of a real man.


The ability to communicate with the opposite sex is laid down from early childhood, which means the manifestation of unique ingenuity in the courtship process. For a young man, the upbringing of a woman is important; rude people will not attract attention under any circumstances. He does not accept women who abuse smoking and alcohol; everything about the chosen one should be perfect: appearance, upbringing. Aroma is of particular importance to him; he is often given perfume that has a special effect on his mood.

An intelligent young man feels confident in any society, even if the chosen one is from a wealthier family. Casual relationships do not correspond to the inner world of a young man; when communicating with women he behaves quite reservedly, his behavior is often mistaken for indifference.

In adulthood, the principles of communication with the opposite sex remain unchanged. He is not in a hurry to get married; he must be convinced of his choice, since he is sure that marriage should be for life.


As a rule, he enters into a marriage of convenience, but his ability to treat women allows him to create a happy family. The wife must learn to show respect and interest in all endeavors, otherwise she will have to come to terms with her husband’s infidelity.

For his part, he does not forgive betrayals; for him, his wife is, first of all, the keeper of the hearth, and this means that he considers it her role to fill the house with comfort.

An exemplary father prefers to spend all his free time with his family and enjoys learning new games with his children. He is a categorical opponent of severity, and even more so of cruelty towards a child.

Holidays are of particular importance, she prepares for special events in advance, strives to surprise every family member, and for this she tries to predict her deepest desires.

Business and career

Choosing a profession will not cause difficulties for a young person; quite often the dream of a certain activity arises in early childhood and accompanies throughout life. Persistence and integrity are traits that allow you to achieve success in business; business partners value cooperation.

A leader by nature confidently moves up the career ladder, which means he quickly becomes a boss. Character traits are associated with diplomatic work, the ability to confidently negotiate, knowledge of foreign languages ​​- an exhaustive list of requirements for this profession.

The ability to plan, perseverance and determination allow you to achieve success in professional sports.

Origin of the name Vladislav

The pagan Slavic origin of the name Vladislav will allow believers to make a decision regarding the choice for their child. The etymology allows us to create a fairly clear picture of “one with glory” or “a good ruler.” History indicates a version of Polish origin.

Having received an answer to the question of where it came from, in order to form a more accurate idea of ​​the personality, you should ask whose name of famous people you choose; using a specific example, it is much easier to understand the character traits. The secret of the name allows you to choose the appropriate talisman and determine the lucky number.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

It can be said with confidence that Vladislav’s character cannot be classified as simple; it has its pros and cons. “On my own mind” is the most common conclusion when meeting for the first time about a fairly reserved and well-mannered person.

The characteristics of the name Vladislav reveal a strong personality, capable of serious actions. Politeness and restraint in conflict situations are disarming; the ability to make decisions without unnecessary emotions allows you to achieve success both in business and in your personal life. You can rely on this person.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: topaz.
  • Name day: October 7 (September 24).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name: Virgo.

Famous people

Vladislav Yurievich Surkov is a major statesman.
Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak is a legendary hockey player.

In different languages

It’s not at all difficult to guess how it is translated: “to own glory.” An accurate translation of the name Vladislav will be required when searching for information in foreign sources, if another version of the interpretation is important to you.

  • in Chinese - Fu la ji si la fu
  • in Japanese - wu-ra-ji-su-ra-fu

Name forms

  • Full name: Vladislav.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vladya, Vladik, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vlad, Vladulya, Slava, Slavik.
  • Declension of the name - Vladislav, Vladislav.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vladislav.