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Choosing the best pet for a child - the secrets of an individual approach! What kind of animal to have in an apartment for a child? What about exotics?

Pets are not only entertainment or a toy for a child, but also an important element of education. A kitten, puppy, or hamster instills in a child a sense of responsibility, care, love, affection and many other positive qualities. The only thing parents need to consider when choosing a pet is the child’s preferences and readiness for a new “family member.” Our tips will help you make the right choice.

What should you consider when choosing a pet?

When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to three points: the age and temperament of the child, as well as the age of the animal.

Child's age

Adults must be able to calculate their strength and understand that caring for a newborn and at the same time a puppy or kitten will require a lot of patience and time. Parents almost immediately become mothers and fathers for two “children.” If there is such readiness and desire, then the age of the baby does not matter.

It is recommended to choose small furry animals (for example, hamsters) and birds when choosing a pet when the child is under five years old. At this age, children will not yet be able to fully care for them, and everything will fall on the shoulders of adults.

Children over five years old can already bathe and feed animals, take them for a walk, clean their cages, etc.

Baby's temperament

For a calm and uncommunicative child, it is recommended to get a parrot, preferably a talking one. A kitten or fish would be more suitable for a hyperactive child. These animals will have a calming effect on the baby. But a dog is a universal animal that will suit a toddler with any temperament and character.

Pet age

Children, in a fit of feelings and emotions, usually grab a puppy or kitten tightly and hug it to themselves, sometimes kiss it, pull its paws, ears or tail. How an adult dog will react to such caresses is unknown. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to purchase an animal for a child at the age of three to four months.

When choosing a pet, you first need to decide what you need it for.

Choosing a dog

A dog is an animal that will happily greet apartment residents returning from work or school. You can play with her, run around, cuddle her and pet her. A dog is not only a reliable guard, but also a loyal friend.

This living creature is essentially the same as a child who requires a lot of attention. Among the numerous breeds, it is necessary to choose a non-aggressive and, in a sense, predictable dog. These include German shepherds, collies, Labradors and simple mongrels. By the way, the latter are the most faithful, devoted and obedient.

When choosing a dog, you need to know:

  • It will take time or money to train her to keep the child safe.
  • You can expect considerable financial costs to provide your pet with the necessary food, vaccinations and medical services.
  • You will have to walk your dog several times daily.
  • During walks, the dog will play with people and other animals.

Choosing a cat

This pet does not require as much attention as a dog. There is no need to walk her - you can train her to use the toilet at home. Special food is also not necessary - you can accustom it to regular food. But such animals are not amenable to 100% training; they can scratch anyone, regardless of age and family ties. This is why you should not get a cat if the family has a child under three years old.

If we talk about choosing a breed, then it is best to choose a Persian cat or a completely outbred one. But you shouldn’t get a Siamese cat, she is very wayward and vindictive, she won’t tolerate insults even from a child.

All these rodents live in cages; they need to constantly change the bedding and take care of the timely replenishment of food and water. They easily come into contact with people. Children can play with them, stroke them, hold them in their hands. True, if handled roughly, the animals can release their claws and scratch painfully, and sometimes even bite.

One of the “disadvantages” of such animals is their short life. If a baby becomes attached to an animal, then one day he will have to endure the bitterness of loss.

Aquarium fish

These pets have their pros and cons for keeping them at home.

  • Easy care.
  • They are the decoration of the room.
  • They have a calming and calming effect.
  • The fish cannot be touched or played with, which is very important for kids.

Canaries or parrots

You need to choose a small bird (not a large breed of parrot) so that it cannot peck the child painfully. Caring for the feathered resident consists of daily feeding, replacing drinking water and cleaning the cage. Songbirds such as canaries will delight you with their songs, and parrots can become interesting “interlocutors.” The good thing is that birds have a long lifespan and the baby will not have to suffer due to separation from his pet.

domestic rabbit

The rabbit is an affectionate and harmless animal. Children love to play with it, pet it and take care of it. Rabbits require a lot of attention, and daily attention. The child will have to be taught:

  • Pour fresh and clean water several times a day.
  • Make sure there is always fresh greenery in the cage.
  • Take your rabbit out for walks during the warmer months.
  • Brush your animal's fur regularly.
  • Handle your pet carefully to avoid accidental injury.

Other pets

You can find a turtle at home. But this animal is unlikely to retain the child’s interest in itself for long, since most of the time turtles sleep, and besides, they do not speak. You can't run with a turtle; it doesn't have soft fur. Most children find this pet boring and too calm.

Achatina are huge snails that are kept in aquariums. Such a pet is fashionable, that’s all. They move almost imperceptibly, measuredly and calmly. Caring for them consists of washing the aquarium (once every two weeks) and feeding. Snails prefer to eat fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves.

The ferret is considered a very funny and trainable animal. As a pet, he is restless and mischievous. The big drawback of this pet is its unpleasant aroma, which can rarely be overcome.

In some families you can find spiders, lizards and even snakes as pets. It is not recommended to keep such pets in a home with children. Children's reactions can be different and unpredictable. The child may become frightened and even have a nervous breakdown. In addition, among such representatives there are also poisonous specimens, and this is a real danger.

Your child has been asking to buy a cat or dog for a long time - don’t refuse him. Prepare your baby for such an acquisition, explain what will change in the baby’s usual daily routine with the arrival of a pet. When purchasing, consider not only the desire of the child, but also his character, age and temperament.

Choosing a pet for a child (video)

Large and small, smooth and shaggy animals for children are their favorites, friends, and educators. Pets bring a special atmosphere of warmth and love to the family, and even treat their owners. When choosing a pet for a child, you need to take into account the age, temperament and habits of the little owner.

The role of animals in a child's life

Psychologists believe that the role of pets in a child’s life is difficult to overestimate. The pet teaches its little owner to take his responsibilities responsibly and to find mutual understanding with a living creature. Children who have a pet at home are more careful and sensitive to other people's desires and experiences, since they have to “listen” to their pet and learn to understand it.

What can a pet teach a child?

When looking for an answer to the question of what kind of pet to get for a child, you should first find out what positive effect the parents want to get from the presence of a pet. Almost every pet requires self-discipline from the owner; caring for a pet is daily work. From the age of 3-4, you can entrust your child with caring for a pet - for example, a baby can monitor the presence of water in the drinking bowl, and by the age of 14-15, a teenager can already fully care for a pet.

Pets for children are assistants in social adaptation. For a timid and shy owner, a pet can become a real psychotherapist who will listen and sympathize. In a group of peers, there may be a child who has the same pet at home, which will allow them to start a friendship. A pet will also promote intellectual development - tactile contact will develop neural connections, observing an animal will improve memory.

The many emotions that a pet gives to a small owner also contribute to moral education - the child learns to empathize, feel sorry, and correctly treat those who are smaller and weaker. And finally, pets for children are trainers that develop reaction and dexterity. It is especially useful in this regard to have a dog - daily walks with a playful pet will make the child stronger and, as a result, healthier.

Pet for a child – who to choose?

Pets for children are chosen taking into account many factors. The first thing to consider is the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction. If you take an animal for a child, which will then have to be placed with another family, this will be stressful for the baby, so it is advisable to communicate with the pet in advance and do tests. Suitable animals for children from 1 year to 5-6 years are small pets that do not require serious care (rodents, fish, turtles). For older children, you can buy a cat or dog that needs to be walked, trained, cut, and combed.

Dogs for children

– the most favorite pets for children. Children are often willing to promise anything to get a puppy. It is not recommended to buy a dog for a child under 6-7 years old, but even such an owner will have to help care for the pet. You can completely entrust a child with an animal only if he is responsible and independent, which is often achieved by the age of 13-14. The choice of dog breed depends on the age and character of the child. Large dogs are not suitable for children under 10 years of age; active breeds are best purchased for active children.

A dog is the best animal for children:

Cats for children

Cats are favorite pets for children, although these furry pets can be considered more of a family member. Caring for an ordinary cat is not difficult - the main thing is to keep the toilet clean and feed it on time. Some breeds require combing, others need to be trimmed and have their claws covered with special pads. Distinguished by their independence and high intelligence, cats can stand up for themselves and avoid unwanted influence. Therefore, medium-sized breeds with an easy-going and calm character are more suitable for children:

Birds for children

Birds are interesting pets for calm, observant and patient children. Some birds respond well to training and learn to imitate human speech or reproduce simple melodies, while others are very beautiful. Caring for birds is not difficult, however, they can wake up their owner early. Feathered pets for children – who to get:

  • canaries - they chirp pleasantly, you can teach a certain melody;

  • budgerigars are active, playful, quickly get used to their owner and become friends with him, and are good at learning onomatopoeia;

  • lovebirds - parrots who love to climb and fly, become very attached to their owner and get bored if there is a lack of attention.

Fishes for children

When wondering what kind of pet is best to get for a child, you should not forget about fish, which are very interesting to watch. The life of the little inhabitants of the aquarium, unfolding before the baby’s eyes, will develop his horizons and stimulate interest in studying nature. What kind of fish is best for a child?

  • the cockerel is a very beautiful fish that does not require serious care, large space and constant aeration of the water, which is important if the aquarium is in a child’s bedroom;

  • guppy is an unpretentious fish, very easy to care for, which does not need a large aquarium;

  • Barbs are attractive, easy to care for, active fish;

  • Neons are small schooling fish, nimble and interesting to watch;

  • Diamond cichlazomas are a large, beautiful fish that swims slowly and steadily, but is somewhat aggressive;

  • goldfish are unpretentious, colorful fish that are interesting to watch.

Rodents for children

Rodents are often brought in when it is impossible to take a cat or dog into the house. Small furry animals are convenient because they take up little space and spend most of their time in a cage. A child from 5-6 years old can take care of such a pet; a younger owner should be taught to be careful in dealing with the animal. Animals for children from one to three years are not advisable, because the child will not be able to handle the pet correctly. Which rodents are most suitable for children:

  • guinea pigs are clean, odorless pets if well cared for, not expensive to care for, not aggressive, and can be easily tamed with constant communication with the owner;

  • rabbits are well trained, tamed, but do not like to be cuddled too much;

  • hamsters are cute and funny pets, easy to care for, but they live only 2-3 years and are nocturnal;

  • rats are very smart, easy to care for (if they are poorly cared for there is a strong smell), but they do not live long and often get sick;

  • gerbils are tiny cute animals, sociable and very active.

Exotic pets

When thinking about what kind of pet to get their child in their apartment, many parents try to choose an unusual, exotic animal. There are very few real exotics left now - in a pet store you can buy a wide variety of pets, which many did not know about 10-15 years ago. The most suitable exotic animals for children:

  • degu (Chilean squirrel) is a very smart, active and friendly animal, leads a diurnal lifestyle, is easily tamed and easy to care for, but requires special nutrition due to its predisposition to diabetes;

  • chinchillas are very beautiful fluffy animals, with proper care they live up to 20 years, but, like degus, they are prone to diabetes;

  • Madagascar hissing cockroaches are unpretentious pets, but only for those who are not afraid of them;

  • The tarantula is another animal for everyone; there are many varieties that differ in size and color;

  • Sugar Flying Squirrel - a very cute tiny flying squirrel that becomes very attached to its owners;

  • The bearded dragon is an interesting, sedentary pet, not picky about food, but requiring special conditions.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Often in many families the question arises of what kind of animal to get for a child. You need to approach it very carefully due to the high responsibility towards the new member of your family and towards the child as well. The baby will be responsible for his pet, learn to take care of him, and will not feel lonely. Many years of research by psychologists boil down to the need for pets for the development of a child.

Children and pets

A lot of information in medicine, psychology, and valeology can be collected about the benefits of keeping animals in families with small children. However, a common question is what kind of animal to get for a baby and how comfortable it will be for a new pet to adapt to a home environment that is suitable for a person.

Definitely, a pet will bring new rules into the life of a family, sometimes requiring increased care, which is commensurate with the care of a child. Therefore, parents need to adequately assess their capabilities. After all, no one really wants the animal to suffer, experiencing discomfort and ignoring its own needs. An equally important point is the availability of free space in the apartment. A large animal will need to be provided with a place to sleep and spend time. And it shouldn't be a children's bedroom or kitchen.

The baby will become attached to the pet, become involved in caring for it, walking it, and feeding it. Therefore, the life expectancy of the animal will also be important. When keeping small rodents, for example, hamsters or rats, you should take into account that they do not live long - the average life expectancy of such a rodent is 2-4 years at best. The death of a pet will be a serious shock for a small child. When getting a large dog, you need to take into account its needs for long walks, training and feeding habits.

A pet will become a friend for a child if the baby is responsible for part of the care of the animal. Therefore, to all of the above we add the age of the child. The most popular animal that people bring into their homes is the cat. One Chinese philosopher from the time of Confucius said: “A cat entered a man’s house and remained there as its owner, but a dog will always live under its owner’s house.” Of course, in today's interpretation the situation is somewhat different. People bring large dogs into their apartments in high-rise buildings, which have to endure living conditions that are not designed to support them.

Owning an animal that is too small for a child who is not yet three years old is dangerous, as the child can injure the pet, causing it damage that is incompatible with life. This applies to birds, which are often kept outside of cages, rodents, very small dogs of decorative breeds, and kittens. A small child will not be able to resist the desire to touch the pet. Often kids are so happy about kittens that they grab them by the fragile necks and strangle them. A serious psychotraumatic situation arises.

An animal that is too large can harm a baby in the same way, without calculating its strength in joint games.

Today it is fashionable to keep ferrets, chinchillas, exotic insects, snakes, chameleons, reptiles and amphibians at home. Some of them come to our home from the wild, retaining instincts that help them survive in a very harsh environment. Such animals are accustomed to defending themselves at the slightest hint of an attack on their life. They are mainly nocturnal, often making characteristic sounds. Before you choose such a pet, you should thoroughly prepare for all the possible nuances of keeping it.

Features of keeping pets

Some specifics in the care and maintenance of various animals should determine what kind of pet to get for a child. Children are also very different.

It is advisable to consult with your child about who he wants to have. First, you should have a conversation about what responsibility the family that takes the animal into the house will bear, who will clean up after it, feed it, walk it, and train it. The child should know that the pet will require increased attention and additional financial expenses, that sometimes it may need medical care, and this is an additional responsibility. He must understand that the animal will not be his personal toy, which he can get rid of after he has had enough of playing.

When choosing rodents, you should take into account the nuances of their content, namely:

  • smell;
  • the need for daily cleaning of the cage;
  • temperature conditions (chinchillas can die from the heat);
  • features of the diet;
  • frequent bathing (rats love to swim).

In terms of nutrition, rodents are quite unpretentious. Many of them love to bathe, however, this does not mean that they will stop exuding their natural odors. Recently, the ferret has gained popularity as a pet. Paying tribute to fashion, few people think about the fact that keeping such an animal in a residential area is not easy. Living in an apartment, the ferret's immunity weakens, its hormonal levels change, which leads to illness.

Parents are often faced with the question of what kind of animal they can get for a child with allergies. And it is quite appropriate. When taking into the home a pet that will involuntarily provoke asthmatic attacks or skin irritations in the baby, parents will be faced with a difficult choice - either the health of the child or an exotic animal. Sooner or later, the question will arise of transferring such an animal to a new family, which will traumatize both the animal and the child who is accustomed to it. Therefore, it is better to consult with specialists about which animal to give to a child with allergies.

Snails, Madagascar cockroaches, newts, Sphynx cats, short-haired dogs, and spiders usually do not cause adverse reactions. If your baby asks to get an exotic animal, for example, a tarantula or tarantula, don’t panic. Many adults are skeptical about these types of animals in their apartment, and this is in vain. Today in any supermarket you can buy a fairly safe terrarium in which the animal will feel comfortable without creating a threat to others. Of course, such animals can be adopted by an already grown child.

Which animal is better to have for a child?

All animals have the ability to broaden their horizons, having a beneficial effect on the human brain centers. This is important to consider for those parents who have children with speech problems and more. For example, birds will help the baby overcome diction defects; parents will note that their child’s attention and memory are improving. Cats are able to endow a person with grace, sophistication, and increase alertness and sharpness of visual functions. A dog will teach you to love, trust others, not be afraid to move quickly, and be dexterous. While walking the dog, the child will feel a genuine sense of responsibility for his faithful friend. The following dog breeds are simply ideal for children:

  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Scottish Sheepdog (collie);
  • boxer;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • husky;
  • pug;
  • Spitz;
  • Dalmatian;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • bulldog;
  • chihuahua;
  • chow-chow;
  • German Shepherd;
  • kurtshaar;
  • pointer.

Some families do a very noble thing by adopting an animal into their home from a shelter rather than purchasing from an elite club. Such an animal will be incredibly happy to be in a loving family, giving love and showing daily gratitude to its new owners. Also, such an act of parents will have a beneficial effect on the child’s worldview.

Decorative rabbits have proven themselves to be excellent. They easily take root at home, are quite unpretentious in food, and can even reproduce. The rabbit loves to play with humans. However, this is a rather fragile animal, so children who are too young should not have one.

An aquarium with fish will bring special exoticism and additional comfort to your home. By the way, in modern pet markets it is already possible to buy an aquarium without fish for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Fish food can cause serious choking attacks, so this exotic food is not suitable for everyone.

Which animal should I buy for my child, taking into account his age?

The age of the baby plays a primary role when choosing a pet. If the baby was born in a family where there is already a pet, then the new family member (child) should be taught the rules of life in such an environment. Some pets have the ability to be jealous of their owners towards new family members, guests, and random passers-by. Dogs usually behave this way. Therefore, it is very important that friendly contact be established between the dog and the baby. Sometimes this cannot be achieved.

It is common to have a pet in families with children who have already reached at least three years of age. After three years, the baby can gradually become involved in caring for the animal, although the main care still falls on the shoulders of the parents. At this age, a pet can help improve the quality of the baby’s development, and this is also important. After all, parents are always pleased when their child develops progressively from such an early age.

Age 3-5 years. At this age, most of the care for the pet is entrusted to the parents. Aquarium fish, parrots, canaries, rabbits, and cats are ideal for this age.

You should definitely consult with your child before purchasing a pet. It is advisable to tell your child in detail about the details of keeping, behavior, and taming a particular pet. Children at this age are very spontaneous; they are often unprepared for proper communication with an animal. Often, kittens can be pulled by their tails, and fish can be caught with their hands in an aquarium. Parents are obliged to prevent such situations by having a preliminary conversation.

Age 5-9 years. During these years, parents can already entrust most of the animal care to their grown-up child. As before, all details of care must be carried out under the close supervision of adults. For example, brushing the dog or feeding the fish. Dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and chinchillas adapt well with such children.

Age from 10 years. Children at this age are already quite independent; if their parents work, they are able to take care of themselves when returning from school. Confidently attend sports training and extracurricular activities. Of course, such a child can be entrusted with caring for a large dog. In principle, at this age, a child already has the right to choose which pet is best to have.

Choosing an animal depending on the child’s temperament

The temperament of every living creature has a very important impact on those around them. People with the wrong type of temperament do not always get along easily. Animals are no exception. Therefore, when deciding which pet to get for your child, you should rely on your baby’s temperament.

Children with a predominant choleric temperament will be happy in the company of a dog. If the child is still small, you should not get a dog that is too large.

Cholerics, and even for adults, dachshunds, spaniels, spitz, and poodles are ideal. The child will be able to walk such a small dog independently, easily handling the leash. Due to its low body weight, a small dog will not drag its young owner anywhere, unlike pets of large breeds.

Phlegmatic children Rodents, birds and cats will be welcome. The child will enthusiastically watch them and feed them as needed. If you decide to get a dog for a phlegmatic person, you can recommend a pug or chihuahua, retriever or collie. Dogs of these breeds are not vindictive, they love to play, completely surrendering to the person.

For melancholic people Aquarium fish, exotic insects, reptiles, cats, dogs are ideal. The melancholic type of temperament determines the weaknesses of the nervous system. A pet for a melancholic person should become a real life partner, be playful, perky, and active. Dogs can provide this. Even while walking the dog, a melancholic child will begin to feel more confident in society.

Sanguines Any pet will be welcome. Thanks to the mobility of their temperament, they get along with any animal. These could be rats, hamsters, birds, cats and dogs.

Each family decides for itself which pet is best for a child. It is advisable to take into account the specifics of your baby, especially health problems. The child must understand that he will have to take responsibility for someone else’s life very seriously. If the pet gets sick, the baby should also take part in its healing.

Some animals, such as dogs, require a lot of attention every day throughout their lives. These are essentially the same children. Therefore, when getting a dog, you need to rely, first of all, on your strength, which should be enough to care for your child and pet.

If the parents work and the child attends kindergarten or school, you need to remember that walking the dog should be done by the hour. An animal locked in an apartment for a long time every day needs long walks, attention, and training.

Before buying a pet, it is recommended to give your child appropriate tasks to care for his room. It’s good when a child, expecting a new family member, rushes to help his grandmother with shopping at the store and preparing food for the whole family. This will have a very beneficial effect on the baby’s development and will guarantee conscientious care for the pet in the future. If children break their promises and do not listen to adults, it makes sense to postpone buying an animal.

A pet will develop in a child a wide range of important qualities, skills and mental reactions that will be indispensable in adult life. These are responsibility, attention, memory, patience, hard work, caring for others, trust, the ability to have fun, communication. Children who grew up in families with pets easily adapt to society, know how to make friends, love, quickly establish contacts, develop well, often ahead of their peers.

During preschool age, most children dream of having their own pet. They “order” a furry friend from Santa Claus, ask relatives for a birthday present, and try to take home every kitten or puppy they meet on the street. At some point, parents decide to encourage the baby’s desire, but immediately wonder what kind of pet to choose for a preschool child so that he can cope with the care and care of the pet.

Making informed choices

Parents and children must understand that a pet is not a toy, but a living creature that requires no less attention than all other family members. You need to create comfortable conditions for him, and not only arrange his own corner, but also provide the necessary care. Naturally, responsibility will have to be distributed among family members, because... A preschooler is unlikely to be able to “raise” a pet on his own.

When it comes to choosing a pet, the following options are possible:

  • Cats. They are not very demanding in terms of care - they are quite clean and wash themselves; they do not require daily walking. However, cats have a capricious nature, especially when it comes to certain specific breeds, such as Siamese or British cats. The child must be explained the rules of behavior when interacting with these pets and demonstrate them by example. In general, cats get along quite well with preschoolers - they allow themselves to be petted and participate in joint games.
  • Dogs. These are friendly, active and very smart pets that almost all children dream of. Naturally, dogs show their best qualities only after training, so it is very important to take your new pet to training sessions with dog handlers. In addition, dogs need to be walked daily, which can quickly get boring for a little animal lover. Be prepared for the fact that most of the care of the pet will fall on the shoulders of the parents.
  • Rodents. If a child asks to get an animal, but cats and dogs, for one reason or another, do not seem to be the most rational option, you can opt for domestic rodents. A hamster, guinea pig, pet rat, rabbit - all these animals are quite suitable for families with preschool children. The best option, however, would be a guinea pig - a friendly, intelligent and unpretentious rodent. You can also get a rat, but not everyone likes their appearance. Hamsters often bite and are predominantly nocturnal. As for rabbits, they require a large cage and careful care, which preschoolers may not be able to provide.
  • Fishes. It would seem that a child of any age can cope with such pets without any problems. However, caring for an aquarium cannot be called simple - you need to monitor the cleanliness of the water, feed the fish on time, provide the necessary aeration and lighting. If you decide to have an aquarium for a preschooler, it is better to buy one or several unpretentious goldfish and place them in a small aquarium.
  • Birds. Birds are unlikely to be the preferred pet option for children. They are difficult to play with, and cage care must be regular. The birds themselves are also not entirely comfortable in families with small children - the kids are very active and noisy, which makes the birds worry and worry. If the child himself wants to have a bird, the choice should be made on budgies, because... they are the least whimsical.
  • Reptiles. Some children show increased interest in “exotic” pets, such as snakes, lizards, and turtles. Not all parents agree to such an unusual neighborhood, especially considering the need to create certain living conditions for reptiles. Caring for such pets requires responsibility not only from children, but also from other family members.

There are a few more tips on choosing pets that you will probably find useful:

  • Any, even the most seemingly unpretentious pet requires regular and careful care. Children of preschool age are unlikely to cope with all the responsibilities, so adult help will be simply necessary. If you cannot provide your pet with proper attention, you should not have one.
  • Children often bring home stray animals, often emaciated and requiring the help of a veterinarian. Do not scold the baby or drive away the unexpected “guest”. Try to help the animal as much as possible, and then place it in good and caring hands. This behavior will teach the child to empathize and help smaller brothers.
  • Before bringing your pet home, be sure to find out if your baby is allergic to animal fur and saliva.

When choosing a pet, you need to take into account a number of other important factors: the average life expectancy of the animal, the availability of free time for adults, the area of ​​the apartment, financial capabilities and the individual characteristics of the child. And remember that pets become full-fledged members of the family, so their appearance should be a conscious decision made jointly.

Does your family have a pet? How responsible is the child in caring for him? Which animal do you think is best for families with preschoolers?

Children love animals very much and on every holiday, in addition to dolls and cars, they always ask their parents for an animal as a gift - a puppy, a kitten, a mouse, a snake, depending on their interests. The negative response of parents and the attempt to replace the animal with a robotic toy is absolutely understandable. When a baby constantly gets everything around him dirty and requires constant parental supervision, it seems that the appearance of a four-legged friend in the family will “drive” the adults crazy and will require twice as much attention. To avoid chaos due to the simultaneous presence of a child and an animal in the house, you need to consider many important points when choosing a pet.

Children who grew up among an abundance of different animals differ from their peers in their compassion and ability to come to the rescue. Psychologists say that the influence of an animal on a child cannot be replaced by anything, and communication with animals has a very beneficial effect on the baby. Those children who have raised a four-legged friend on their own learn to have a good attitude towards their younger ones. Practice confirms this. A child, communicating with his pet, becomes more disciplined, more manageable, and develops self-control and responsibility. The influence of pets on children, the benefits of pets for children are undeniable. But it is worth remembering that pets in the bright life of a small child are not toys, but full-fledged members of the family.

Why do children love pets so much? Children's curiosity knows no bounds, and of course any inhabitants of the fauna are very interesting to kids, as part of our big world.

0-3 years

Why do children need animals at this age? If before the birth of the baby there were no animals in the family, then you need to seriously think about whether and what animal to give to such a small child. Of course, being in the same room with animals will bring its advantages: reducing the risk of allergies, the ability to communicate with animals, and developing intelligence. But responsibility for the animal’s comfortable stay in the house will be borne by adults and only them. Due to his age, the child will not be able to take good care of the animal. Therefore, only the parents decide which animal to give him at this age. After all, in fact, it will be more of a gift for them than for the baby.

Babies carefully look at fish or listen to birds. They can be observed from afar, they almost never cause allergies, and they can be left alone for a long time. From the age of 1-1.5 years, a child, upon an adult’s reminder, will be able to feed such pets.

At such a young age, it is important to take into account not so much the interests of the baby as the desires and capabilities of the parents.

The biggest mistake adults make when choosing an animal for a child is buying a puppy or kitten. You should not do this if you are not prepared for the main disadvantages of these animals, which, combined with the difficult time spent with a newborn, will make life completely unbearable:

  1. Significant time expenditure on walks and education. A small puppy requires up to 6 long walks a day and constant attention.
  2. Possible aggression on the part of the animal towards the child. It’s sad, but almost always such cases end the same way - the dog or cat is given into the wrong hands. To avoid this, only proper education and suppression of unwanted behavior from the very first day the animal appears in your home will help.
  3. The appearance of a small four-legged animal always causes a large number of expenses; it is worth assessing the possibilities of the family budget in advance and providing the animal with everything necessary for a quality life.
  4. Minor flaws are fur and noise. They are decided by the right choice of breed. For example, the sphinx and xolo are hairless animals, and bessenges cannot bark.

3-6 years

Animals are very important to children at this age. But it is unlikely that the child will be able to be fully responsible for the animal he chooses. Most likely, caring for the pet will fall on the shoulders of the parents, but it is worth gradually training the child and transferring some of the responsibilities into his hands. Over time, parents will have only one function - control over quality and proper care. And this is sometimes more difficult than doing it yourself.

At the age of 5 years, almost all children require a pet: a hamster, turtle, snake, puppy, etc. The child's choice is based on his life experience. Perhaps he loves cartoons where the main character is a puppy or a character from his favorite book walks with a parrot on his shoulder. Therefore, if the child’s desire for the parents is impossible for one reason or another (a poisonous spider, a huge bullmastiff, a fictional animal), you should not directly tell the child that he is crazy or does not think about the future. You should try to gently influence his choice by offering, for example, a game on the computer about the animal you approve of.

6-18 years

During these years, the child is able to weigh all the pros and cons of animals and choose the one he sees fit. The parents’ task is to convey to him in advance the idea that he will have to take full care of the animal. Of course, he will easily agree, so it is necessary not just to say this phrase, but after preparing and reading about the animal’s lifestyle, list a specific list of daily actions that the child will do.

What if he still refuses to take care of his new friend? Parents should discuss this issue among themselves and warn the child. Perhaps dad loves dogs and is not averse to taking everything upon himself if the baby is not ready. Or the grandmother has been dreaming of a kitten for a long time and if the relationship between the kids does not work out, she will happily shelter the fluffy one.

No matter how much a child asks for a lion cub and no matter how much he promises to look after it, do not have it in your home. It is worth refusing to keep potentially dangerous animals in your apartment: wild, poisonous, untamed. Parents should decide in advance what animal they are willing to have for their child in their apartment. In limited living space, it is better not to have large or very active animals. With its behavior and size, such an animal will bring too much discomfort into a person’s life, but many fanciers put up with this. Therefore, the final decision on which animal to have in an apartment for a child remains with the adult.

It is better to select animals in specialized nurseries, assessing the condition of adult animals and taking into account reviews of the nursery owners. Try to purchase a healthy animal from responsible breeders. But it’s unlikely that any parent managed to avoid the tears of a child shed over a little kitten near the entrance. Children often save animals, you shouldn’t scold them for this, this quality is worthy of admiration.


The most common pet in the apartment. An adult cat is well suited for a child of any age. They love affection, so they lie patiently while the baby pets them, although his caresses are too inept and even a little painful. The cat is quite independent and can live for several days without a person, so it is a good choice for families who travel frequently. A cat is a good pet for the soul, it does not have any useful functions, because in our time the need to catch mice has long gone. If parents are embarrassed by wool in the house, they should avoid breeds such as Persians, Maine Coons, British and Scottish. These are animals with a very voluminous undercoat, which requires a lot of time to comb out. Also, the British are distinguished by a rather bad character; these are the cats that do not allow children near them and often scratch them. A good choice for a baby would be the Canadian Sphynx. These mischievous creatures are very sociable; the kitten will frolic and play, happily receive strokes and sleep with the owner. But this breed is suitable for people who are not prone to allergies, because contrary to the popular belief that allergies are caused by wool, the saliva and skin secretions of the animal are much more dangerous - in the Sphynx they are especially intense.

Costs of keeping a pet: about 1500 per month (food, litter, toys)


Dogs are wonderful animals for small children; it’s not for nothing that they are called man’s best friend. When choosing a breed, you should take into account the area of ​​the apartment, because a large dog will greatly disturb the residents. Perfect for children and apartment living: Yorkshire terriers, Jack Russells, Pekingese. When walking with a dog of this size, a 5-6 year old child will no longer need the help of a parent; they can even go to the toilet in the house and easily get accustomed to a special dog litter box. But it’s unlikely to be possible without walking at all. In order to avoid unwanted behavior in the apartment (destruction, gnawing, barking), the dog needs to be given a large amount of activity outside. Also, small breeds require constant communication with the owner. A good tip would be to visit people in advance who already own the chosen breed and get to know it better. Find out the pros and cons of living with such a dog, check yourself and your child for an allergic reaction.

Costs of keeping a pet: from 1000 per month for a small dog (food, diapers, toys)


Parrots are also a great choice for a child. A bright bird gives the apartment a special atmosphere. The cheerful trills and chirps will amuse even an infant, and a grown-up baby will be delighted by the parrot. A cage, sippy cups, and toys will cost a significant amount, but this is only the first purchase. In the future, keeping the bird will cost about 300 rubles a month for the purchase of grain mixture, treats and updating toys. It is worth considering with special attention the purchase of large birds (macaws, cockatoos, grays), due to the presence of a heavy beak they are dangerous for injury. Taking care of small parrots is easy - they are unpretentious, and even a three-year-old can handle it. Once a week it is necessary to clean the cage, change food and water 2 times a day, and periodically let the bird fly. Birds live up to 10 years, which means they will not cause moral trauma to a child by their death.


Perfect for those who value silence in the house. If parents do not have experience keeping fish, it is worth starting with a small aquarium. Experts advise not to take containers that are too small, but to choose aquariums from 60 liters. Water in such volumes does not bloom and does not require frequent replacement. Watching fish in an aquarium is a real pleasure even for a newborn. Choose fish of medium size and bright color, make sure that the selected fish are unpretentious and do not require any special temperatures and water parameters. From about a year old, a child will be able to feed the fish on his own, take food prepared in advance by his parents and throw it into the aquarium. Adults will only need to control the frequency of feeding. Overfeeding is much more dangerous for fish than underfeeding. Purchase of an aquarium and the equipment necessary for it, as well as the fish and plants themselves - from 10,000 rubles and more, depending on the manufacturer. Further maintenance of the fish takes up a very small part of the budget: about 100-200 rubles per month.

Mice, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc.

Rodents are often found in the apartments of Russian families. The undeniable advantages of these animals: small size, absence of loud sounds, low cost of maintenance. But there are two significant disadvantages. Firstly, the pungent smell. It cannot be avoided, no matter how hard the adults try and no matter how often they wash the cage. Secondly, the short life of a pet. The average life of a hamster is 2 years. Children's attitude towards animals is very reverent and by the time the animal dies the baby is still too attached. This comes as a huge blow. You should not deceive the child, you should tell the truth, console the baby and offer to get a new pet. You shouldn't get a ferret or a rat - they can bite. Rodents do not require special care, the budget for their maintenance does not eat up the lion's share of the budget and costs about 300 Russian rubles.

How to understand that an animal is not suitable for a child?

After purchasing a pet, you need to wait some time for the animal to get used to the new place and for the child to learn how to perform the necessary manipulations. Don't make hasty conclusions, wait until life gets back on track. And then evaluate whether the chosen animal is suitable for your family? It is worth paying attention to the following signs.


The only case when you don’t need to wait, but take action right away. You shouldn’t wait until an adult or child gets to your pet and the animal becomes attached to you. The best solution would be to return the animal to the nursery or, if the first option is not possible, to hand it over to good hands. Signs of an allergy may include:

  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • snot, itchy skin;
  • itchy scalp;
  • sneezing and coughing.

It is enough to follow a few simple rules to avoid such an unsuccessful attempt to make a little friend.

  1. For a child prone to allergies, you should choose non-allergic animals
  2. It’s best to find a place where you can chat with him before buying a pet: go on a visit, visit a touching zoo


Aggressive behavior at the first stage of life is not a reason to get rid of an animal. The child should be taught to avoid cruelty to the pet, not to hurt him, not to violate his boundaries, and do not allow the child to torture the animal. If a child hurts animals, teach him compassion and care. It is also necessary to properly raise a dog or cat from the very first day of its stay and teach it not to growl and bite, but to simply move away from a climbing child. With this approach, when the dog grows up, it will become a wonderful playmate and protector, not a threat.

Problems like: smell, presence of wool on furniture, lack of time - can be solved. If a situation seems hopeless, you should turn to specialists for help. Most often, an adult is to blame for difficulties, so getting rid of a pet is the most extreme measure. Under no circumstances should you resort to cruel measures - giving the animal to strangers, throwing it away in populated areas, euthanizing it. A child looking at such an attitude is unlikely to learn anything good - most likely, betrayal, avoidance of solving a problem, murder will become a natural way out of a difficult situation for him.