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Discharge from the urethra in men. Various causes of discharge in men

Discharge from the urethra in men is in most cases considered physiological. However, in order not to miss the development of the pathological process, special attention should be paid to their character, consistency and smell. This need is explained by the fact that the causes of white discharge and itching in women and men can be a fairly large number of factors. In order to understand what should cause alarm, first of all, you need to have information about the properties of secretions in the normal state of the body.

Functioning of the body at the physiological level

Discharge from the urethra in men may be evidence of normal physiological processes. Their specificity depends on what caused their appearance, for example:

  • Sexual arousal is manifested by the appearance of transparent mucous discharge from the urethral glands on the head of the penis.
  • Sexual relations or emission are accompanied by the appearance of sperm.
  • Defecational prostatorrhea is formed as a result of close contact of the walls of the rectum and the prostate gland. It is characterized by the appearance of discharge from the urethra during the act of defecation.
  • When urinating, in some cases, a small amount of secretion may also be released. This condition is called mictional prostatorrhea.

Important! It must be remembered that men constantly have a physiological secretion called smegma. It looks like a white thick lubricant that helps reduce friction between the foreskin and the head of the penis.

It must be remembered that the appearance of urethral discharge does not always indicate the formation of inflammatory processes. In most cases, these symptoms are temporary. If the white discharge does not lead to discomfort, pain, impairment of the functional ability of the genital organ, and it is odorless, there is no reason to worry.

Symptoms that should cause concern

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the male body, pathological changes become immediately noticeable. If there is a change in the color or consistency of discharge from the urethral canal and its presence for a long time, it is imperative to consult a doctor for advice. Requires special attention:

  • the color of the secreted liquid is gray, yellow or greenish;
  • the presence of blood in the urine of men;
  • curd;
  • pain, which is especially intense when urinating.

Quite often, discharge from the urethra in men is evidence of the presence of the disease. The difficulty of diagnosing them in a timely manner and seeking help lies in the fact that quite often men mistake them for physiological ones.

Important! It must be remembered that discharge, including white discharge, can be a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes of pathological secretion

Discharges that lead to discomfort confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the urethra or urethra. The reasons for their appearance may be:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious.

Infectious causes in medical practice are usually divided into:

  • Specific. This group includes diseases whose transmission is sexual. Most often these are gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  • Nonspecific. This group includes the negative impact of bacteria, viruses and fungi on the male body.

Non-infectious factors that contribute to the appearance of pathological secretions can be:

  • allergic reactions;
  • mechanical injuries to the urethral mucosa;
  • irritant effect on the urethra of chemicals;
  • injuries;
  • narrowing of the urethra.

Please note that male discharge can be of a different nature and vary in color, smell and transparency. The intensity of these signs will indicate the nature of the inflammatory process and the degree of its progression.

In any case, the discharge consists of fluid, mucus and cells. They can be:

  • Cloudy - are evidence of the predominance of cells in the secretion.
  • Gray, thick consistency - their composition is dominated by epithelial cells.
  • Yellow or greenish (purulent).

It must be remembered that various pathological conditions may be accompanied by discharge of a different nature, which changes with their progression.

Well, now we will look in more detail at the question of what white discharge in men may indicate.


If a man has a white mucopurulent discharge, this is evidence of the presence of non-gonococcal urethritis. However, it must be remembered that a similar secretion can also accompany diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Additionally, a person may complain of a feeling of stinging, pain and itching.

White foamy discharge with blood from the penis indicates trichomoniasis. This pathological condition is accompanied by:

  • aching pain in the pelvic area;
  • discomfort in the groin;
  • the appearance of heaviness;
  • feeling of pain when urinating;
  • burning.

The appearance of a white color may also indicate an inflammatory process that is localized in the prostate. This pathological condition will be accompanied by:

  • a feeling of heaviness when urinating;
  • frequent and intermittent urination;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation in the perineum and urethra;
  • the appearance of discomfort when performing an act of defecation;
  • disorders of a sexual nature, which will be manifested by decreased sexual desire, deterioration of erectile function, and rapid ejaculation.

It is necessary to emphasize that prostatitis, having become chronic, can lead to the development of persistent erectile dysfunction and loss of the ability to procreate.

Quite often, white discharge in men may indicate thrush. She will be bothered by:

  • discomfort when performing the act of urination;
  • hyperemia and burning of the glans penis;
  • the appearance of white deposits or even small elements of a rash on the head of the penis;
  • swelling and dryness of the surface of the head;
  • an unpleasant odor reminiscent of sour bread or yeast.

With thrush, a curd-like discharge may also be present. This symptom is accompanied by the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse.

It is considered dangerous because it can spread and involve in the pathological process the skin that is localized around the anus, and in advanced cases, even the skin between the fingers and under the armpits.

Male candidiasis can cause a large number of unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations and disrupt sexual life. When thrush becomes chronic, the formation of inflammatory processes in various internal organs can be observed. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help when the above symptoms appear.

Please note that even if only white discharge from the urethra is observed, without the presence of accompanying symptoms, in no case can a diagnosis be made based on their nature; it is necessary to take into account the results of the studies. It is forbidden to self-medicate, because this may not only not lead to improvement, but also cause a deterioration in the general condition and the formation of complications.


When a man complains about the appearance of nonspecific discharge, the doctor must conduct the following studies to clarify the cause, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment in the future:

  • Clinical examination of the genital area. This examination is carried out to determine the presence of deformations, signs of injury, manifestations of an inflammatory process, discharge and rash elements.
  • Palpation examination of the inguinal lymph nodes. Their size, the presence of pain during palpation, adhesion to surrounding tissues and skin, consistency, and the presence of ulcerative processes are determined. Particular attention should also be paid to the temperature of the lymph nodes in relation to the surrounding tissues.
  • Digital examination of the prostate gland. Prostate adenoma will be indicated by almost equally increased size of its lobes and strands of dense consistency.

Important: Characteristic signs of a malignant neoplasm are considered to be uneven growth and consistency of the lobes of the prostate gland; when it is palpated from the urethra, blood exudate with the presence of clots may appear.

  • through the rectum, which is carried out to obtain secretions for microscopic examination. In this case, you need to remember the mandatory condition - you are prohibited from urinating for 1-2 hours before the massage.
  • Microscopic examination of smears. This study allows us to detect the presence of blood cells, epithelium, sperm, fatty inclusions, and pathogens of diseases such as gonorrhea, candidiasis, and gardenellosis in the secretions.

An increase in the number of leukocytes will confirm the presence of acute or exacerbation of chronic urethritis.

An excessive number of eosinophils will indicate an allergic origin of urethritis, and red blood cells will indicate severe inflammatory processes, tumors, trauma and even urolithiasis.

An increase in the number of epithelial cells will confirm chronic urethritis or urethral leukoplakia.

In order for the smear to provide as much information as possible and be reliable, it must be taken no earlier than three days after completing a course of local treatment with antibacterial drugs, antifungals or disinfectants. If the antibiotics were taken systemically, then tests should be carried out no earlier than three weeks after the end of therapy. On the day of collecting biological material, you must refrain from sexual intercourse, washing the glans penis and not urinating for at least 2-3 hours before taking a smear.

  • Blood to determine glucose levels.
  • Detailed analysis of the morning urine sample.
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland, bladder and kidneys.
  • CT scan.
  • Urography.

It should be noted that the most informative examination in this case is considered to be taking urethral smears.

Important: If there are signs of a severe genital inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs that have a wide spectrum of action even before receiving test results.

Features of treatment

As already noted, under no circumstances carry out treatment on your own, listening to the advice of acquaintances, friends and relatives. With the problems described in this article and similar ones, you need to contact a qualified specialist, namely a urologist. It is he who will be able to carry out a complete examination of the patient, help make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

When diagnosing diseases of urological origin, treatment will consist of the following:

  • antibiotics;
  • antimycotic drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • infusions, drops and tablets made on the basis of medicinal herbs.

A urologist can refer a person to a dermatovenerologist, especially when diagnosing diseases that are sexually transmitted and are accompanied by discharge, including white discharge. The peculiarity of the treatment of these pathological conditions is that not only the man, but also his wife or sexual partner should undergo therapy. This need is explained by the fact that this will help eliminate the risk of re-infection.

To summarize, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the discharge of white fluid from the urethra in men may indicate the presence of dangerous diseases, including prostatitis. The danger lies in the fact that, in addition to bringing a lot of unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, they can pose a danger to sexual partners, become chronic, and also become a cause of impotence and infertility.

Therefore, if such pathological symptoms appear, in order to preserve your health and the health of a loved one, you need to seek help from medical professionals as quickly as possible. After all, this is the greatest gift that nature has given to man.

Urethral discharge in men and women is the periodic appearance of mucus or liquid from the urethra, which may have a different color.

What are the types of discharge from the urethra?

Normal discharge from the urethra in men appears due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the urethra is moistened from time to time. In various pathologies, if the discharge is abundant, then a person notices it very easily. In addition, such a symptom is usually accompanied by periodic unpleasant sensations. But much more often, the discharge in men is not so noticeable. They mainly appear in the morning, and also after there has been a long break in urination.

Normally, discharge from the urethra appears in a state sexual arousal . Grayish matter is secreted urethral glands. It is also normal for men to have discharge after sexual intercourse during ejaculation and during nocturnal emissions. Such physiological secretions are transparent and odorless. Under other circumstances, the appearance of specific discharge indicates an infection or an inflammatory process occurring in the genitourinary system.

The discharge that appears from the urethra in men and women can have a different color, consistency, and smell. To determine how much the discharge differs from the norm, it is necessary to refrain from urinating for at least three hours, and then make massage movements that allow you to obtain the discharge and evaluate it. The color, transparency and consistency of the discharge is determined by its composition: mucus, liquid, cells. Accordingly, the more cells the discharge contains, the more turbid it will be. The predominance of epithelium in the discharge makes it grayish and thick. If there is a large amount of discharge, it will be yellowish or greenish in color.

Why does discharge appear from the urethra?

Doctors define two types of discharge from the urethra, the nature of which is non-infectious. Such secretions are called spermatorrhea And hemorrhea .

At hemorrhea discharge appears from the urethra, which contains an admixture of blood. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed after medical procedures in which minor injuries could occur. This is the use of a catheter, examinations, etc. With hematorrhea, a man also experiences swelling of the urethra or prostate.

At spermatorrhea white discharge appears from the urethra, due to the fact that the man’s sperm does not come out during sexual intercourse. The reason for this phenomenon is insufficient muscle tone urethral sphincters and sexual dysfunction. Sometimes such discharge is provoked by dysfunction of the central nervous system.

If a man develops an inflammatory process, then the discharge has a different character. They may indicate various diseases that are sexually transmitted. So, when mucous, purulent masses are released from the urethra, when the discharge is small, transparent, when there is no discharge.

Discharge immediately after urination or during defecation may appear if prostate secretions stagnate in the excretory ducts of the prostate. This phenomenon is called prostatorrhea and may indicate the development of chronic.

If a man notices the appearance of pathological discharge from the urethral canal, then this may indicate other diseases. Pathological discharge in men, in addition to the diseases described, may indicate the development orchitis , prostatitis , epididymitis .

If pathological discharge from the urethral canal occurs, you must immediately contact a venereologist and urologist. The latter applies to both men and women. It is especially important to pay attention to urethral discharge during pregnancy, as this may be a symptom. This is an inflammatory process of the walls of the urethra, which most often develops in men, but women also suffer from this disease. With urethritis, in addition to discharge, there is pain and burning during urination. The discharge sometimes has an unpleasant odor and contains blood. In acute urethritis, body temperature may rise and symptoms may appear.

As a rule, urethritis develops after severe hypothermia, unprotected sexual intercourse, as a result of injuries and injuries. The disease especially often affects those with weakened immunity.

Bloody discharge from the urethra, which appears without prior injury, should especially alert a person. After all, the release of blood from the urethra can signal the appearance of a neoplasm and its oncological nature. This symptom is more often observed in older men. Bloody discharge is a reason to urgently consult a doctor and carry out all prescribed tests. Sometimes blood gets into the discharge when there is a high blood pressure .

Any cloudy discharge should be cause for concern, especially if it continues for several days in a row. It is important to note that purulent discharge from the urethra is sometimes not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations. However, the discharge of pus is usually a symptom of inflammation.

- the most likely reason that women experience urethral discharge during pregnancy. However, this disease can provoke discharge from the urethra in women even if the body’s defenses are reduced.

Discharge from the urethra in men, which appears as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, can become a symptom by which the doctor will determine what kind of disease is developing.

White discharge from the urethra in men, which has a cheesy consistency, appears due to candidiasis . In men, this disease is rare, but can still develop against the background of reduced immunity, improper treatment with antibiotics, etc. It is important to note that from women in whom candidiasis occurs quite often, a healthy man does not become infected. Therefore, with such signs, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

How to get rid of discharge from the urethra?

If you have discharge from the urethra, it is important to undergo a full diagnosis and determine the cause of this phenomenon. Initially, a microscopic examination of the secretions should be carried out to determine a number of bacteria, fungi. Those pathogens that cannot be seen under a microscope are determined by plating on a nutrient medium. As a rule, treatment is not carried out until the results of such a study are received, but in case of acute manifestations and the risk of complications, sometimes an appointment is immediately prescribed antibiotics wide spectrum of action. However, you should never choose medications for treatment on your own, since the wrong dosage and duration of treatment can cause the disease to become chronic. As a rule, the course of treatment continues until 7 days y. In addition to antibiotics, treatment of diseases that provoke urethral discharge includes taking immunomodulator drugs , which help strengthen the patient’s body’s defenses.

A special diet is also practiced: salty, smoked, spicy foods, which provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, are excluded from the patient’s diet. You should give up alcohol and lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible. For diseases that are sexually transmitted, it is important to avoid sexual intercourse for a certain period of time.

The causes of urethral discharge in men are quite varied, which makes it impossible to independently determine the nature of the disease or pathological process. If you notice a secretion or other liquid being released, you should definitely consult a doctor for research and confirmation of the diagnosis. Depending on what contributed to the appearance of the discharge, appropriate therapy will be prescribed.

What is normal urethral discharge?

Urethral discharge in men is the release of fluids through the urethral canal. It is worth noting that the following are connected to the urethra:

  • prostate ducts;
  • vas deferens;
  • ducts of the urethral glands;
  • ducts of the bulbourethral glands.

A man's penis regularly secretes certain fluids. Moreover, this is a physiological norm. But allocations must meet certain criteria. If the characteristics are violated, this indicates the presence of diseases, certain complications or pathological processes relating to the genitourinary system.

  1. Urine. It has a high degree of transparency, and the color varies from golden to straw. It has practically no smell. There are no impurities in the urine;
  2. Secretion from the prostate. It is viscous in consistency with a whitish tint. The smell is specific, reminiscent of sperm;
  3. Ejaculate. Or sperm. In fact, we are talking about a mixture of sperm, urethral and bulbourethral secretions, which mix and acquire a gray-white tint with a mucous consistency;
  4. Smegma. It is a white lubricant that comes out of the preputial gland. The initial color may gradually change to greenish or yellowish. It is worth noting that smegma is constantly released from the urethra. It accumulates under the inner layers of the penis, as well as in the venereal grooves of the genital organs. Natural lubrication includes fat and bacterial residues. With their help, friction between the head and the foreskin is reduced;
  5. Urethrorrhea. This is a colorless and practically odorless secretion, produced by the urethral and bulbourethral glands. This lubricant is formed during arousal;
  6. Wet dream. It is an uncontrolled release of sperm that is not caused by sex. It often occurs in the morning, since testosterone increases significantly during this period. It is normal in boys during puberty. In an adult man, a wet dream can occur if sex is absent or occurs very rarely;
  7. Prostatorrhea. Fluid that comes out in small amounts through the urethral canal. It is a mucous liquid containing semen and prostate secretions. The color is transparent, but there are grayish-white inclusions. If there is an increase in volume and cloudiness, you should consult a doctor, since there is a suspicion of the development of prostatitis.

Pathological processes

Urethral discharge in men may have different causes. The male body is susceptible to various diseases, some of which in one way or another affect the excretory system.

If you notice uncharacteristic white discharge from the urethra, unpleasant odors or other changes, you should definitely visit a urologist or andrologist. These specialists will conduct the necessary tests, examinations and make a diagnosis. Discharges may indicate the development of serious diseases, so abnormal fluids should not be ignored.

Pathology may be indicated by various signs that distinguish them from normal discharge. Use the following criteria to distinguish them.

  1. Volume. Intense, slight or even moderate discharge may indicate the presence of diseases or disorders in the body of men;
  2. Color and transparency. Clear discharge from the urethra is not always the norm. However, the main concerns should be caused by liquids that have become cloudy, turned from transparent to white, or acquired an uncharacteristic shade (yellow, green, etc.);
  3. Impurities. The presence of blood, pus, or unusual lumps is a sign of problems;
  4. Consistency. Depending on the pathology, fluids may become thin, too thick, or viscous;
  5. Smell. Unpleasant odors of urethral secretion should prompt you to contact a specialist;
  6. Appearance. Some normal discharge is regular, while others occur infrequently. If there is a deviation from the norm of regularity of education, measures should be taken.

The characteristics of fluids released from the urethra are influenced by many factors. Any changes that you have not previously observed potentially act as a signal of developing diseases or their transition from acute to chronic. Therefore, you should be careful and monitor the condition of the genitourinary system.

All pathological discharges can be divided into three groups, depending on the causes of the disease:

  • diseases without the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • nonspecific inflammatory phenomena.

Nonspecific causes

Nonspecific inflammatory processes arise due to the harmful effects of the microflora of the male body. Although it is considered opportunistic, under certain circumstances the microflora can cause harm. This manifests itself in the form of a number of diseases.

  1. Nonspecific urethritis. He's non-gonorrheal. With this disease, urethral fluid comes out in small quantities. They can be noticed by changes in the urine, since mucopurulent impurities are formed in it. There is a burning sensation and itching during urination. As the disease develops, inflammation of the bladder, ureter and kidneys begins, causing the discharge to combine with blood impurities;
  2. Candidiasis. This is a fungal disease that occurs when the immune system is weakened due to exposure to antibiotics, chemotherapy or other types of aggressive treatment. The discharge has a cheesy structure and a sour smell. In parallel with this, pain occurs in the groin, pubis and lower back, as well as a burning sensation during ejaculation and urination;
  3. Balanoposthitis. In the area of ​​the foreskin, where inflammation occurs, pus accumulates, and mucous impurities are possible. This disease is characterized by redness and swelling of the foreskin, as well as pain on the head of the penis;
  4. Gardnerellosis. The discharge has a fishy smell, a small amount, and a yellowish or greenish tint. The disease is caused by ordinary dysbacteriosis;
  5. Prostatitis. With this disease, upon completion of the urination process, a cloudy liquid comes out along with the urine. Moreover, large volumes are observed in the acute period, but if prostatitis becomes chronic, then the secretion turns out to be white and more scanty.

STDs (sexual diseases)

Here we are talking about diseases that are sexually transmitted and can provoke the appearance of unusual fluids from the urethral canal.

Considering the characteristics of the discharge, assumptions can be made regarding possible diseases. But a doctor must accurately confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  1. Slimy consistency. Such liquids have a transparent color and a viscous structure. The volume is often small. Accompanies diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mycplasmosis;
  2. Mucus mixed with pus. Liquids are white or translucent in color. Characteristic during periods of exacerbation of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis;
  3. Purulent fluid. It has an unpleasant odor and often accompanies gonorrhea. The discharge is yellowish or greenish with a sticky and thick consistency.

Discharge without inflammatory processes

Discharges coming out through the urethra in men may have nothing to do with inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

  1. Hematorrhea. The discharge is distinguished by the presence of blood impurities. Fluid may appear due to injury to the urethral canal, release of stones and sand, and inflammation of the glomeruli. If the urethral canal was damaged by the catheter as a result of taking samples, then the discharge will be minor and will go away quickly. For more serious reasons, discharge is accompanied by increased pressure, swelling and protein in the liquid;
  2. Brown discharge. The appearance of fluid from the urethra, which contains admixtures of mucus or blood, as well as pus, indicates the likelihood of a malignant tumor of the prostate, urethra or bladder. Also, brown discharge occurs during tissue renewal after wounds on the mucous membrane;
  3. Prostatorrhea. The discharge that comes out through the urethra is the secretion of the prostate gland. Such fluids are formed if a man is diagnosed with prostate adenoma, neurogenic bladder or chronic prostatitis;
  4. Spermatorrhoea. The discharge is a semen-based fluid. This is not caused by masturbation or orgasm. The reasons for the release of fluid are diseases of the nervous system, long-term inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, spinal injuries, etc. The fluid comes out because the tone of the vas deferens decreases.

Every man in his life has encountered such a phenomenon as discharge from the urethra. They can be clear or yellowish, white or bloody, with or without an odor, abundant or minimal, and are not always a cause for concern. This is why it is so difficult to track the onset of the disease in time - if a person is not used to monitoring his health, he may not notice that the process has crossed the border of the norm and has become pathological.

To prevent this from happening and the patient does not have to deal with the consequences of a completely advanced disease, every man should know which discharge from the urethra is normal and which should cause concern.

Normal urethral discharge

A healthy male body cannot do without secretions. It is characterized by:

  • Smegma is a secretion of the sebaceous glands located on the head and foreskin, necessary to reduce friction. The secretion of smegma is usually weak, reaches a peak during puberty, and stops completely in old age. Smegma needs to be washed off in time - in the first hour it remains light white and odorless. Over time, it darkens, becomes yellowish or greenish, and begins to smell unpleasant. If you do not wash it off for a long time, it leads to irritation and can even cause an inflammatory process.
  • Libidinal urethrorrhea is a secretion of the urethral glands necessary to ensure the survival of sperm in a hostile environment. Secretion of urethrorrhea begins in a state of sexual arousal, its intensity depends on the strength of arousal, the duration of the period of abstinence and the physiological characteristics of the body. Usually transparent and odorless. If it enters the female body, it can cause pregnancy. In rare cases, it can be released during any attempt to strain - for example, during defecation or at the end of urination, which indicates either illness or structural pathologies, but, as a rule, does not bring any particular inconvenience to the man.
  • Sperm is a secretion of the seminal glands necessary for conception. Secretion depends on the physiological characteristics of the body, the duration of the period of abstinence and the age of the man. As a rule, white, practically odorless, viscous. It can be released not only as a result of sexual contact, but also arbitrarily during puberty or prolonged abstinence. Sometimes involuntary ejaculation, not associated with sexual intercourse, is a symptom of brain damage or pathologies of the vas deferens.

Normal discharge also includes urine, which, in the presence of pathologies, may become cloudy, diluted with impurities, or acquire an unpleasant odor.

Pathological discharge

Pathological discharge from the urethra can occur for various reasons. Some of them should not cause concern - others are much more serious and require a mandatory visit to the doctor.

In any case, discharge in men occurs in most cases due to the inflammatory process and is divided into:

  • infectious, which manifest themselves after pathogens enter the body:
  • nonspecific, pathogens can cause diseases not only of the genital organs - this group includes the well-known candidiasis;
  • specific pathogens attack the reproductive system - this group includes gonorrhea and syphilis.
  • non-infectious, which appear after:
  • the onset of an inflammatory process in any other part of the body;
  • entry into the urethra of a chemical reagent that caused a reaction;
  • mechanical trauma to the urethra;
  • allergies that may appear spontaneously;
  • development of a malignant or benign tumor;
  • severe decrease in immunity;
  • severe hypothermia.

Depending on what exactly caused the discharge from the urethra in men, treatment is prescribed. It is impractical to make a diagnosis at home, but you can, based on the color and characteristics of the discharge, determine how quickly a visit to the doctor should be.


Minor transparent discharge in itself is not a pathology - during excitement it is completely normal. You should be concerned if: fluid begins to be produced in larger quantities than before, for no apparent reason, it has an unpleasant odor, it becomes cloudy, a burning sensation appears during or after urination.

The cause may be anaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.


They can appear with different frequency and intensity, and indicate a wide variety of diseases. Candidiasis is the most common of them, it should be suspected if: an unpleasant sourish odor appears, similar to the smell of sour yeast, white discharge from the urethra in men not only flows, but also coats the head, itching and burning appears throughout the penis, which worsens from pressure from clothing and during sexual intercourse;

In addition to candidiasis, white discharge and, in particular, white urine often become a symptom of prostatitis, which is dangerous for the development of complete sexual dysfunction and is accompanied by: pain during defecation, intermittency of urination, itching and pain in the penis, problems with potency.

The cause of white discharge from the urethra in men is also often chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.


Usually this discharge is yellow or greenish in color, has an unpleasant odor, and is sticky. Their appearance indicates that the body is seriously ill and cannot cope with the infection. Gonorrhea is often accompanied by: itching and pain in the penis area, frequent urge to urinate, which does not bring relief.

Purulent discharge can be observed constantly or at irregular intervals.


Blood often appears mixed in the urine, but sometimes it can ooze out on its own. This problem can be caused by: mechanical trauma to the urethra, which can occur during non-standard sexual practices or careless medical intervention, the presence of stones - leaving the bladder, they can injure the urethra, infections or urethritis, in which bleeding begins at the slightest irritation, including urination, the formation of malignant tumors, in which the outflow is dark brown blood with lumps.

In some cases, sperm may be mixed with the blood - this condition is called hematospermia. It is often accompanied by:

  • pain during ejaculation;
  • problems with urination;
  • swelling of the testicles and scrotum;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • temperature increase.

Hematospermia occurs due to too active or too passive sexual life, pelvic varicose veins, neoplasms or gallstones.

Establishing diagnosis

To find out exactly how dangerous the discharge is and whether it is worth preventing it from being discharged, you should consult a general practitioner, who will refer the patient to a urologist who can conduct an examination and prescribe all the necessary tests.

As a rule, to identify the cause of the discharge, they act sequentially, in several stages:

  • Collection of complaints and medical history. At this stage, the doctor finds out what worries the patient, whether he has already had diseases of the genital tract and whether he has any chronic diseases.
  • Examination of the perineum and penis. At this stage, the doctor examines the external part of the genitals, checking for discharge, irritation, or skin diseases.
  • Palpation of lymph nodes. At this stage, the doctor feels the lymph nodes in the patient's groin, checking to see if they are enlarged, hot, or ulcerated underneath.
  • Palpation of the prostate. At this stage, the doctor feels the prostate through the patient's rectum, checking whether it is enlarged, excessively hard, or excessively soft.
  • Collection of material for smear and culture. At this stage, the doctor collects material for a study that will show the presence of fungi and harmful bacteria in the body.
  • Collection of material for a general blood test. At this stage, the patient must go to the laboratory on an empty stomach and donate blood for analysis, as a result of which it will be possible to determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.

If, based on the results of all six stages, the doctor is unsure of the diagnosis - or is sure that it needs to be examined more precisely - the patient may be sent for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs or urography. and find out how experts recommend treating...

One of the alarming symptoms indicating various problems with women's health is clear mucus (like snot) in the urine. Its presence in some cases is completely normal, but may also indicate inflammatory processes.

Why does mucus appear in urine?

Causes of mucus in urine in women - in inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is released when epithelial cells begin to be rejected from the inside of the urinary tract. It occurs as a result of injury to the tissues of the organ walls after the passage of stones and sand or as a result of a bacterial infection. May be the cause of mucus in urine autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease or a long process of urine retention, which provokes an increase in the work of the cells responsible for the secretion of mucus.

Were unusual inclusions discovered during laboratory tests? In this case, the problems lie both in internal inflammatory processes and in poor hygiene and improper collection of tests. Before collecting urine, you need to wash yourself and insert a tampon into the vagina. If this is not done, vaginal mucus will get into the urine, and correct diagnosis will become impossible.

Cystitis, pyelonephritis or urolithiasis?

If you collected urine correctly for analysis, but mucus was found in it, this could be:

For cystitis, a woman is prescribed antibacterial drugs and proper drinking regimen. Folk remedies are also used, but with severe inflammation they will not bring quick relief. For kidney stones, surgical treatment is usually prescribed; antispasmodics and painkillers will help alleviate the condition during severe attacks of urolithiasis. Preparations that dissolve salts have low effectiveness.

White mucus from the vagina - normal or pathological?

Moderate vaginal discharge is normal. The question is when to sound the alarm.

Mucus discharge in women is like snot, produced by glands of the cervix. If everything is in order, they have no odor, do not cause any unpleasant sensations and are released in moderate quantities, that is, not abundantly. The amount of mucous secretions depends on the phase of the cycle; this process is controlled by hormones produced in the ovaries.

In the first phase of the cycle there is a lot of transparent liquid mucus, and in the second it is transparent and viscous. Does it seem to you that the mucus is not as good as it should be, or there is too much of it? Perhaps there is cause for concern, since it is produced not only by the cervix, but also by the cervical canal and vagina. You should be wary if:

  • an unpleasant burning sensation and itching appeared in the vagina;
  • when urinating, there is a pulling or pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge is too abundant;
  • clear mucous discharge gives way to thick white or yellow discharge.

Causes of clear vaginal mucus

Transparent mucus from the vagina in large quantities may begin to be released for the following reasons:

Thus, the causes of abnormal mucus discharge may vary. Therefore, you need to take a smear and see what exactly is wrong.

Symptoms of the disease

Vaginal discharge in itself is normal; the alarm should be sounded if it has changed its usual characteristics. The presence and progression of the inflammatory process is indicated by:

If at the same time a woman experiences discomfort, she is bothered by itching of the genitals, or increased moisture in the skin in the intimate area, she should consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps everything is fine, or you are faced with a banal thrush, but caution does not hurt.

What to do?

If you are concerned about unusual, too abundant, unclear color or mucous discharge in the urine, you first need to find out the cause of this condition. You should not start treatment on your own, as this can only worsen the situation. In addition, you need to find out whether the problem is with the urinary tract or reproductive system.

The main methods of treating mucous discharge:

  • douching;
  • use of vaginal suppositories;
  • antibiotic therapy.

Self-medication in this case is dangerous, since you can muffle the symptoms and decide that everything is fine, and the disease will progress inside the body.

Urinalysis: in what cases and how to take it correctly

If you suspect an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, your doctor will refer you for a urine test. Its results allow:

  • identify pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • assess the general condition of the body;
  • control the course of the disease;
  • diagnose diabetes mellitus;
  • analyze the consequences of intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning.

Even a healthy person who is not worried about anything should regularly undergo a general urine test. And if something bothers you, then you definitely need to do it. To accurately find out the levels of mucus in your urine, buy a special container at the pharmacy, and before collecting the analysis, wash your genitals (it’s best just with warm water, without soap). The day before the test, do not consume foods with coloring elements - greens, beets, carrots. Avoid taking medications, alcohol and coffee. It is very undesirable to take a urine test during your period. Have you collected the material in a container? Try to get it to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Mucus in urine during pregnancy

From the second trimester, foreign impurities may appear in the urine. This is due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the kidneys, uterus and other organs, the bladder does not empty normally, and mucus accumulates in it. What should I do and should I do it at all? The doctor will be able to tell you this after the examination.

Testing for STDs: to take it or not

Mucusy, snot-like discharge in the middle of the cycle is normal. But if their consistency or color worries you, it would be better to take a smear to check for major STDs. Snot-like discharge from the genitals is characteristic of the following diseases:

A treatment regimen for gynecological diseases that cause the appearance of profuse snot-like discharge is prescribed by a venereologist or gynecologist - taking into account the causative agent of the infection, diagnosis, and clinical manifestations. For fungal infections, antifungal drugs and general-spectrum restoratives are prescribed; for genital herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed. The most difficult and lengthy treatment is the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases; both partners must undergo it. During menopause, heavy discharge is usually caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Preventive measures

The main preventive measures are careful attention to your health, proper hygiene, balanced nutrition, sex with a regular partner. Once every six months, take a general clinical urine test and visit a gynecologist for a smooth examination.