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Cancer zodiac sign child communication. Child Cancer: character, talents and secrets of education. Most of all she loves things like

The Cancer boy is a vulnerable soul, subject to frequent doubts. Parents should know what a fragile vessel is in their hands. A child generously endowed with intuition is able to subtly sense the mood of the people around him. He needs love and understanding, Cancer is too insecure a person. A timid, shy boy impresses with his modest behavior and prefers to hide his true emotions.

Cancer boy is a mysterious person; the influence of the Moon determines the child’s frequent mood swings. The baby cannot explain the reason for his tears, he is simply waiting for consolation. She especially needs maternal care and feels safe while at home. He does not need noisy companies and recognition from society, the main thing is his native walls and loved ones nearby. In a comfortable home environment, he can relax and forget about his fears.

Character of a Cancer boy

In the Cancer horoscope, the element of Water is clearly expressed, which is responsible for emotionality and sensitivity. The boy stands out among children for his qualities: dreaminess, slowness, isolation. Parents may be concerned about his detachment from the outside world; it is believed that the child should move a lot. The Cancer boy has a calm character and carefully keeps his secrets: his thoughts are a secret to the people around him.

Cancer is a great visionary and dreamer, in his imagination he draws amazing pictures of an imaginary world. The boy loves to read, he likes to watch the people around him. He will not do uninteresting things in the company of friends; he would rather sit on the sidelines and think about his personal problems. The boy is not distinguished by his acumen and practicality, although he has a good memory and insight. Recommended professions: psychologist, artist, writer, actor, teacher, historian.


Cancer has the unique gift of seeing the real picture of what is happening. Well-developed intuition allows him to subtly sense the mental state of people. Cancer boy is able to foresee the future; he starts from his own feelings, and does not listen to the arguments of reason. A very young child easily grasps the essence of the matter; parents do not have to waste time explaining to him the rules of behavior. Excessive insight is sometimes harmful to the health of a receptive guy. He is constantly in tension, trying to understand his feelings. The result is a nervous breakdown, prolonged depression.


Cancer's excessive sensitivity and emotionality is explained by the influence of the Moon. Trying to look like a real man, the boy hides his inner feelings; he wants to seem like a strong and confident person. Parents should explain to their son that his increased sensitivity is a virtue. The ability to sympathize and subtly understand people's moods is a rare talent. The boy may sometimes become too capricious and whiny, but he knows how to truly love his parents and friends. He is insanely devoted to his family and cannot fully exist outside the walls of his home.


Cancer lives in accordance with its internal rhythm. Since childhood, he has been tormented by fears and self-doubt; the boy takes failures too painfully. For all troubles he always blames only himself, mercilessly criticizes the slightest weaknesses and minor mistakes. Tries to foresee possible negative consequences in order to protect himself from worries. Does not strive to make close acquaintances, thinks for a long time before taking any action. The very cautious Cancer often misses profitable opportunities due to his indecisiveness and numerous fears.

Kindness and responsiveness

Cancer is a soft, vulnerable person who can sincerely empathize. He subtly senses the spiritual mood of loved ones, so he can help them. A distrustful and secretive child sometimes shows wisdom worthy of an adult. Cancer is very attached to his family; a warm family atmosphere is important to him. At the same time, he can break off the strongest relationships if he encounters betrayal. The wound may be so deep that he is unlikely to forgive the offender. In this case, the Cancer boy will fully demonstrate his negative qualities: detachment, cruelty, vindictiveness.

How to raise a Cancer boy

In infancy, Cancer does not cause any trouble; he grows up as a quiet baby. He plays with himself enthusiastically and calmly examines the surrounding objects. The only difficulty is internal fears. A child who is too shy and impressionable can torment his parents with crying. It is necessary to protect his peace: turn on quiet music, read good fairy tales. The mother plays a significant role in raising a child; she is able to establish emotional contact with her son. The boy has no desire to play with other kids; he likes to spend time at home surrounded by loved ones.

During his school years, Cancer studies diligently; his favorite subject is history. The boy has an excellent memory and easily remembers dates and facts. He is fascinated by the atmosphere of the past, he is happy to plunge into the unknown world of bygone times. For a comfortable state of mind, the boy needs to establish contact with teachers and students. Parents should help him open up; it is worth inviting friends to visit as often as possible. Cancer feels best at home; it is easier for him to communicate with classmates in his own territory.

During adolescence, it is necessary to protect the mental state of Cancer. He rushes around too much, trying to determine his path in life. He is overcome by doubts and fears, which can result in nervous tension. Parents must constantly tell him about their love. If you show restraint and patience, the boy may either become too withdrawn into himself or get carried away with idle pastime.

Raising a Cancer boy requires enormous, all-consuming love. A timid man with a beautiful soul is a mystery that his parents have to solve. The boy does not need to be scolded or criticized; he himself knows his weak points better than other people. The indecisive Cancer needs constant support; it is necessary to convince him every minute that he is a talented, intelligent, most wonderful son in the world.

The horoscope of a Cancer child is such that for him the mother is the most important person in the entire Universe. This is a whiny and emotional little man, the world scares him a little, he is always suspicious of strangers, and sometimes he is afraid of his peers.

Every crustacean wants his childhood to last as long as possible. He is a creature with a subtle, delicate psyche (this is equally true for Cancer girls and Cancer boys), and you should not shout at him, because he withdraws into himself even more.

As the children's horoscope assures, the Cancer baby tries to be pleasant and good for everyone. He does not create big educational problems, because by nature he is a polite and obedient person. The Cancer child loves a regimented lifestyle. He takes care of his clothes, toys, and becomes attached to the people who care for him. He does not like changes and unpredictable situations, he takes everything very seriously. Intuitively senses the mood in the house, perceives the world more with the heart than with the mind. He has an incredibly rich imagination: sometimes Cancer children come up with amazing stories that they tell others under the guise of real experience.

Small crustaceans often lack faith in themselves. If your child is a Cancer boy, then he probably does not or will not like competition and sports, and sometimes plays with girls. Cancer child-girl loves to have her head in the clouds, take care of younger children and pets. All representatives of this zodiac sign enjoy listening to stories about family traditions. They begin to read historical novels, poems, and fairy tales early, and music has an almost magical effect on them. These are beloved grandchildren and granddaughters, and, by the way, often children of Cancer according to the zodiac sign inherit their character and talents from their grandparents.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Cancer-child: characteristics of the school period

Cancer schoolchildren rarely have to be forced; most often, studying comes quite easily to them. They do, however, lack ambition and hard work, which is a shame because they are all-around talented little angels. For schoolchildren of the Cancer sign, contact with the teacher is very important. If they fall in love with the teacher, they will quickly begin to “bloom” and demonstrate to the world their many talents: artistic (dramatic art, music), literary, linguistic, surprising them with the best memory among their zodiac counterparts. These children very often study well only in order to please their mother and beloved teacher with their results and achievements.

If we are talking about the Zodiac sign Cancer, the children's horoscope advises parents to choose a school very carefully and avoid those that have a reputation for institutions with a not very high level of discipline.

During puberty, some Cancer children begin to become very interested in politics, social activities, and if they have oratory talent, then they stand out from the general background quite early. Despite their delicate psyche, in adult life people of this zodiac constellation occupy responsible and prestigious positions, so Cancers should be provided with a high-quality education.

There is a huge responsibility on your shoulders. Little Cancers cannot endure, like other children, conflicts in the family, and the greatest damage that can be caused to them is childhood with mentally immature parents. Psychoanalysts' offices are full of patients of this constellation, because the first years of life shape the psyche, life, and horoscope of Cancer to a greater extent than is the case with other signs of the Zodiac.

Parents should be friends, treat their children gently, politely and weigh every word they say. Moms and dads should always be supportive, advise, and provide moral assistance, because excessive severity and reprimands only increase problems.

Child Cancer boy in adulthood will always look for partners similar to their mothers. But the grown-up Cancer girl, yesterday’s child, quite early begins to be interested in novels and flirting, adolescence experiences a stormy period, and the chosen ones of her heart are very rarely (most often not without reason) liked by her parents. The number of early pregnancies in the Cancer zodiac sign is record-breaking, so it is necessary to closely monitor the girls. With age, Cancer teenagers of both sexes become more independent, intelligent and responsible.

  • What number does the zodiac sign start from? June 22 - July 23
  • Cancer - fourth Zodiac sign. The image is of claws trying to close.
  • Cancer is a cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the element Water.
  • Manager- Moon, in exaltation - Jupiter and Neptune, in fall - Mars, in exile - Saturn.

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

The children's horoscope according to the zodiac signs for Cancer characterizes them with the words - I feel. They are characterized by a violent manifestation of feelings literally from the cradle. At the same time, emotionality, which prevails over intelligence, makes such children easily vulnerable.

The mood of such a baby changes more often than you change his diapers... This reveals the intolerance, variability and instability of character characteristic of all Cancers.

It is very funny to watch a Cancer child: in one minute dozens of expressions change on his face. Such children, as a rule, are charming, attractive, attentive and kind, but at the same time they are secretive and withdrawn, and have an extremely delicate nervous system.

The horoscope of Cancer children indicates a rich imagination and a bright, vivid imagination. From a very early age, they exhibit extraordinary visual, auditory, gustatory and other memories. Children are able to surprise their parents in the future by remembering all their toys, what they were fed, what songs they sang, what stories they told and who told them.

The character of a child according to his zodiac sign is most often calm. The baby can remain alone for a long time, play on his own, and does not bother his parents too much with questions and inquiries. Rich imagination and dreaminess do not let them get bored. Sometimes a Cancer child invents friends for himself and can tell his parents about these fictional “characters”: what they did, how they played and even what they thought.

A children's horoscope based on zodiac signs and year of birth advises not to be scared, and also not to prohibit your child from playing. On the contrary, it is better for parents to try to believe in the fiction and get involved in the game. This will help you get closer to your Cancer child and gain his trust. Cancer children are often very friendly with their grandparents, attached to them, and are more willing to spend time with them than with their peers. In general, a craving for stronger people is noticed in them from childhood and remains until the end of their lives.

Cancer children often fantasize and sometimes it is difficult to guess where fiction begins and truth ends, or vice versa. Another characteristic of a Cancer child is that they are very prone to exaggeration and sensationalism. Even when talking about the most ordinary everyday events, they embellish them so much that other children may call them liars. But this is not a lie, but only a unique vision of the world, enriched by the receptivity, dreaminess, sentimentality and imagination of little Cancer.

Children willingly read books about heroes and outstanding people, about historical events and travels. Kids seem to put themselves in the shoes of heroes and travelers. Such reading early replaces fairy tales for them. They themselves love to travel a lot, and also have an early penchant for love affairs and romantic adventures.

Raising a Cancer child by zodiac sign

For little Cancer, much more than for children of other Signs, the emotional atmosphere in the home and family is important. Parents should be extremely attentive to their baby. Feeling insufficient love and attention or disapproval from loved ones, he may withdraw into himself, which will give rise to complexes.

Cancer children are very timid and cry often. But this is not whims, but another manifestation of their subtle emotional nature. They suffer greatly from a cold attitude, even from simple inattention; they cannot do without love and tenderness, therefore they are very attached to their mothers. In addition, such children are fearful. They should not be scolded for this, but rather, caressed and consoled, explained that their fears are false, and loved ones are always there, ready to protect and help in difficult times.

However, it is necessary to ensure that little Cancer’s self-pity does not develop into constant whining and gloominess, so that fears do not turn into anger, suspicion and cruelty.

When paying special attention to a Cancer child, we must also remember that too much care can lead to the fact that, as an adult, such a person will be weak-willed, dependent and defenseless. That is why, in raising a Cancer child, the children's horoscope according to zodiac signs and year of birth advises adhering to the “golden mean”: alternating affection and tenderness with moderate severity and exactingness. Although there may be a little more affection and care.

The children's horoscope for the zodiac sign Cancer characterizes them as fickle. Therefore, all matters with them should be resolved as quickly as possible, brought to completion without any delays. They easily change their opinions and decisions. The best way to achieve what they want is to give them the opportunity to feel that they came to some decision on their own, of their own free will.

The parents of a Cancer child should not forget about this even for a minute, building communication with their child on a constant interest in his affairs. This will pay off handsomely in the future. Having become adults, Cancer children do not forget their father’s home and do not leave their parents. Perhaps these are the most attentive of the entire horoscope for children according to the zodiac signs.

Professions and studies of a Cancer child by zodiac sign

From an early age, in the horoscope of these children according to their zodiac signs, there is a craving for the world of art. This is due to the emotionality and rich imagination of Cancers. They are extremely sensitive to poetry and music. Throughout their lives, such people retain a passion for literature, theater and cinema.

Many of them subsequently become musicians, actors or representatives of other creative professions. At school, children show special interest in the humanities, especially history, and they remember all the dates so well and describe the events of bygone days so vividly that they amaze teachers and parents. It seems that they themselves were present at the storming of the Winter Palace or at the defeat of Napoleon in burning Moscow.

A Cancer child, as a rule, shows an interest in money very early, and this is not just begging for money from his parents for some of his needs. Boys are attracted to the world of business; they strive to earn money themselves as early as possible. Therefore, professions for a Cancer child are suitable from the field of trade, sales, import or export. In general, in their children's horoscope, there are so many things connected by zodiac sign and year of birth that a representative of the “cancerous tribe” can be found in almost all areas. The only thing is that there are few Cancers in the military industry, since they do not like violence and submission.

Cancer girls are more interested in household chores and expenses. For such children, the practical still takes precedence over the idealistic. Their ambition is very strong, as is their desire for independence and independence.

However, in all their aspirations they are characterized by restraint and prudence, expediency and purposefulness. You can’t accuse them of being too assertive or aggressive. Cancer children, as a rule, have a phlegmatic temperament; their actions are not striking.

At the same time, they seem to have no independent motives; they need an incentive from the outside for some actions, manifestations of activity and will: praise, encouragement, approval. One of the main characteristics of a Cancer child is indecisiveness, which sometimes hinders them both during their school years and later.

They do not like exams, endure all sorts of tests with difficulty and always achieve their goals with great difficulty. Often this kind of detachment from reality, “having your head in the clouds,” irritates those around you. But one should not demand too much from a Cancer child, because daydreaming is a characteristic of his nature.

Famous Cancer personalities

: Henry VIII.

: P. Lumumba.

Scientists: G. Leibniz, W. Messerschmitt.

Artists: A. Akhmatova, L. Pirandello, P. Rubens, J. Rousseau, J. Sand, E. Remarque, A. de Saint-Exupéry.

State and political leaders: P. Pestel,

P. Nakhimov, Nicholas I, Yu. Caesar, D. Garibaldi, D. Chamberlain, K. Zetkin, J. Pompidou.

Public and religious figures: J. Calvin, T. Gyatso.

// from 08/11/2018

Horoscopes are gaining more and more popularity in the world. Many people make all important decisions only after adjusting them in accordance with their personal horoscope. There are several types of them: oriental, zodiac, floral, druid. Many mistakes could be avoided if a person consulted the horoscope more often, and not only his own. This is especially true when it comes to raising children.

Every child, even a very small one, is already a personality, different from the other. What is good for one baby is completely unacceptable for another. Therefore, it is very important to study the characteristics of your child. Let's consider the behavior of those born under

A long-awaited event has happened in your life: you have given birth to a girl. Cancer children (girls), what are they? First, let's give a general description of this sign.

Zodiac sign - Cancer

The constellation is the smallest in the starry sky. It comes into effect from June 21 to July 22. Wisdom and selfless love are the special features of this sign.

Positive traits include: gentleness, tenderness, nobility, loyalty, generosity, especially with loved ones. Moreover, this applies not only to money, but also to the expression of feelings.

Negative traits: tendency to depression, melancholy, excessive touchiness, vulnerability, some immaturity, isolation.

The constellation is under the protection of the elements of water. Water signs are creative and purposeful people; they have well-developed intuition and a rich inner world. But almost all representatives of this element are characterized by a certain tearfulness and rapid changes of mood.

A large number of extraordinary women were born under this constellation. We offer you the top five most famous women under the patronage

Top 5 Famous Cancer Women

In fifth place in our ranking is Evgenia Loza. The girl dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, and she succeeded. True, she had to change more than one profession before she became one. What did she do, from gymnastics to playing with wooden spoons! Today, Evgenia Loza is one of the popular and recognizable Russian actresses.

In fourth place is Gina Lollobrigida, a world-famous Italian actress. Now she practically never films, lives in her villa and gardens. About 600 different birds live here.

Princess Diana takes third place. Having become a member of the English royal family, this girl won not only the hearts of her subjects, but also many hearts of other people throughout the world. Beauty and femininity are primarily associated with the name of this beautiful lady with a tragic fate, who only dreamed of loving and being loved.

In second place is George Sand, a 19th century French writer. Her famous novel "Consuelo" was popular not only in France, but also in many countries around the world, including Russia. The talent was highly appreciated by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Nekrasov and Ivan Turgenev.

The first place rightfully belongs to the most famous and beloved Russian poetess Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. It was she who “taught women to speak.” In addition, her work has received worldwide recognition. She holds an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Oxford University.

Cancer children (girls): character traits

Among a whole constellation of bright and talented names, your girl was lucky to be born. Let's consider the features of her character. These children can be either noisy fidgets or slow, quiet ones. Everything will depend on the atmosphere in which your baby will live. They are very gentle and sensitive. If you create a friendly, friendly environment in the house, the child will develop very quickly and successfully.

Remember that this girl is very easy to offend. The biggest punishment for her will be your silence, no physical influence. The inner world of this child is very fragile, protect it.

How to raise a Cancer child (girl)

More delicacy and caution in communicating with her! A Cancer child (girl) is a very vulnerable person, always remember this. If she is worried about something insignificant in your opinion, do not laugh at it under any circumstances. Otherwise, you risk getting a child who won’t tell you anything for a long time.

Strictness in education is certainly necessary, but it must be justified. You cannot overprotect a child and follow his lead, allowing everything he wants, only for fear of upsetting him. If you don’t allow something today, you shouldn’t allow it tomorrow just because the baby is crying.

Whatever your girl does, try to control yourself and not raise your voice at her. Suffice it to say that she upset you greatly. She really needs your approval. Talk more often about how smart and talented she is. Under no circumstances should you say rude and offensive words to your child; they will unsettle him for a long time.

Let the girl have some kind of permanent task that she will tell you about. Perhaps you can assign her to watering flowers or sweeping the floor, and when she gets older, to go to the store and do some shopping. Be sure to monitor the completion of assignments and reward for success.

Reading books every night, time allocated for joint activities (drawing, sculpting, appliqué), gentle hugs and kisses will help you find a common language and create trust in an adult. If you see the good and the good in your child, he will grow up like that. And vice versa, emphasize his shortcomings and constantly point out his mistakes - raise a squeezed, complex person who can’t do anything.

If you take into account the characteristics of your daughter when raising her, then in the future she will grow up to be a wonderful mother and a faithful wife. And the gratitude of your future son-in-law will have no limits.

Things Parents of Cancer Girls Shouldn't Do

1. Force you to communicate with unpleasant people.

2. Force anyone to do any housework according to orders.

3. Force them to talk about all the events that happened during the day. When the child has a desire to do this, he will share it with you.

4. Constantly decide everything for the child and not give him the opportunity to choose.

What does a Cancer baby need?

What does a cancer child especially need?

1. In unconditional parental love.

2. Even if a girl fails to do something, she must be praised for her perseverance and told that next time she will definitely succeed.

3. Cancer children (girls) need careful and respectful treatment.

4. enough time for games. The Cancer child (girl) loves to play with dolls, give her this opportunity. Moreover, if she wants to do this at school, in middle school, let her play, nothing bad will happen. Under no circumstances should you laugh or tease her about this.

5. These children must have their own personal space in which they can be alone, calm down and think.

6. In small and big surprises, holidays, home parties.


Don't send them to school too early. Cancer children (girls), as a rule, mature a little later than their peers. The optimal age to start studying is no older than 7 years.

When doing homework, parents should be especially patient, otherwise the child will have difficulty mastering the material covered.

The most important thing is for the child to find contact with teachers. If this does not happen, he will become withdrawn, and the desire to learn will be minimal. Your child's academic performance will depend on this.

A good memory can be the key to excellent study. The greatest interest will be in subjects related to the ability to invent and imagine something, such as history, literature, social studies, and geography.

A cancer child (girl) will not ask the teacher any unnecessary questions. The characteristics of this sign allow us to conclude that studying, if all recommendations are followed, will be given to her without much difficulty.

Choice of profession

Due to their vulnerability and emotionality, these girls should choose quiet professions. What does it mean? Any work related to documents, nature, or garden is suitable for them. They make excellent clerks, secretaries, flower growers, foresters, zoologists, ecologists and veterinarians.

Thanks to well-developed intuition, you can choose a job related to business. It is advisable that this be a small office; Cancer feels uncomfortable in large teams.

They also make good psychologists, especially children's psychologists. The ability to connect with children and a pronounced maternal instinct makes these women excellent kindergarten teachers and teachers, especially in primary schools.

The role of a subordinate will be much more preferable and comfortable for Cancers than the role of a leader. As performers they are very responsible and careful.


Cancer children (girls) are susceptible to colds and nervous diseases. The nerves of these children should be protected much earlier than their birth. The expectant mother should not worry and should talk to her future baby more often, read to him, and sing songs.

Girls love sweets very much. If they are not limited, there may be problems with excess weight. The increased emotionality of these children affects their appetite. If a Cancer girl is upset, you should not feed her right away. Give her some time to calm down, as all her worries affect the functioning of her digestive organs. You should only eat in a pleasant, calm state.

Particular attention should be paid to mental balance, since Cancer children and girls are considered emotionally easily excitable. According to the eastern horoscope, they also have their own characteristics.

Eastern horoscope and Cancer (zodiac sign)

A child (girl) can be different in character; the year of birth leaves its mark on it. Let's consider the characteristics of the sign according to the eastern horoscope.

In the East, every year is represented by some kind of animal, there are twelve of them in total. The cycle starts with a rat and ends with a pig.

Cancer child born in the year of the Rat- and a beautiful girl, she has many fans. She loves gifts and attention very much. The impulsiveness of a rat can greatly influence the emotionality of a crayfish. Frequent mood swings: sometimes tears, sometimes unbridled joy. This is a very domestic child who needs the warmth and understanding of loved ones, and also necessarily his own corner in the house where he can be alone.

Ox-Cancer child (girl)- a very purposeful and bright personality, but to help her show all her talents, you need to support and encourage her in every possible way. Soft and affectionate, she can be very tough and angry. Does not tolerate any criticism or comments addressed to him. The fear of being offended or misunderstood makes the Cancer girl, born introverted and vulnerable.

Cancer-tiger- a contradictory combination. On the one hand, there is a soft and vulnerable cancer, on the other, a brave and determined tiger. They are not sure of anything, they question everything. Surround your baby with beautiful toys; she has an innate sense of beauty.

Cancer-rabbit (cat). A wonderful combination, one of the most harmonious. Dear, kind girls. They always have a lot of friends who often come to visit. They are self-confident, but prone to depression, especially when something doesn’t go the way these sweet girls planned. A rich inner world and highly artistic taste from early childhood distinguish these children among their peers.

Cancer-dragon (girl). Charming and friendly, they love to fly in the clouds and live in the world of their fantasies, do not destroy them. But it’s still worth helping such children make real plans and bring them to life. Very responsible and attentive.

Cancer child born in the year of the Snake charming and confident. He has his own style. The snake cancer's tendency to depression is significantly mitigated.

Cancer girl born in the year of the Horse will be very cheerful and sociable. The vulnerability of cancer can be softened by instilling in the child that he will succeed. Sometimes it will be very difficult to understand what your child is really experiencing because they are very good at controlling themselves.

Cancer child born in the year of the Goat will delight you with his excellent grades. Whatever he undertakes, he will carry through to the end, and he will try to do everything perfectly.

Cancer child (girl), born in the year of the Monkey. Very sensitive and unpredictable, at the same time affectionate and attentive girls. A Cancer-Monkey child (girl) will not always be able to make decisions on her own, help her by instilling confidence in her abilities.

Cancer-Rooster. These children can be very selfish and irritable, so try to gently correct shortcomings in their behavior.

Girls born in the year of the dog very compassionate and devoted to the family, but can be capricious, though only when their family peace is disturbed.

Cancer child (pig) loves to be the center of attention more than anyone else. His easy disposition does not allow him to fall into depression, which is characteristic of crayfish.

This is how they are - Cancer children (girls). You already know how to raise such children. The main thing is to remember one thing: any child, no matter what zodiac sign he is born under, needs your love and understanding. And then peace and trust, care and tenderness will reign in the family.

Sometimes Cancer-child it is impossible to understand what he wants, what he is offended by, what influenced his mood. This happens because he reacts sharply to everything that surrounds him, is very sensitive to little things that others may simply not notice.

If little attention is paid to this child, if it seems to him that he is not loved, he plunges into deep melancholy, this is very painful for him. Cancer-child you can’t help but notice it, you can’t brush it aside. He is sincerely happy when he is loved, and notices if he is treated without sympathy, without understanding. Moreover, in no case should you treat him cruelly - he may become embittered and become cruel himself.

You need to know what you have Cancer-child rich imagination, he can imagine something that did not happen, invent for himself an insult, grief and believe in it. Therefore, the main concern of parents is to be sensitive, to deliberately surround him with positive emotions, to give him the feeling that he is beautiful, wonderful, loved, to be patient and gentle with him, and never tire of making him truly happy.

He will respond with the same sincere feeling, he will give those around him his wonderful laughter - contagious and cheerful, he will radiate warmth and joy, he will be sweet and gentle. And it will become easy with him: he will stop being capricious, his timidity or touchiness will go away, he will not refuse to obey.

This child is attentive and caring, especially towards those who are sick in the family. He is compassionate and loves animals.

Cancer child, despite his vulnerability and sensitivity, he strives for independence, he is inclined to contrast his way of thinking with the generally accepted, he has a lot of his own, individual, he does not want to obey, succumb to someone's influence, the general mood. Such disobedience to the “crowd” sets him apart from his peers and can often alienate him from them. Unsure of himself, he may feel lonely in the children's group, he will have a hard time worrying in his heart that he is not understood, because the opinion of others means a lot to him. It is difficult for him to fit into the team.

Therefore, he seeks peace of mind, protection, love in the family. He is especially attached to his mother. Everything that happens in the house touches him, he needs peace, harmony between family members, he needs to see a safe haven in his home. He deeply worries about quarrels between adults and family troubles; he feels discomfort in his soul, becomes unsure of himself, not feeling reliable support in his family.

The success of this child at school is greatly influenced by the personality of the teacher and his ability to interest him in his subject. Cancers love history, geography, literature. Their rich imagination helps them vividly imagine and understand what happened centuries ago, compare events, and merge them together. Their excellent memory gives them a phenomenal ability to remember dates and facts for a lifetime.

They themselves love to fantasize, compose fairy tales, and write poetry. They may develop a great interest in photography, the stage, music, drawing - in a word, creativity.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden is no less attractive for them. They love the earth, love nature, they are not indifferent to their fate, they are fierce defenders of nature, the first among those who plant trees on the school grounds or plant a flowerbed at the entrance to their house.

Cancer child thrifty, he early comes to the decision to earn money himself, and will look for a job where he would have such an opportunity, even before he is of age.

Parents need to be attentive to the health of Cancer children, especially take care that they do not have stomach ailments, feed them only fresh food, avoid canned food and foods harmful to children, and do not overfeed them. We must remember that the mood of Cancers is very dependent on their timely and healthy nutrition.