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English toy terrier. Origin and description of the English Toy Terrier breed. Description of appearance

English Toy Terrier black and tan- small (“toy” - toy, English.) a smooth-haired breed of dog, black and fawn in color, a bit like a small Doberman Pinscher. The English Toy is on the list of endangered English breeds, and dog handlers are fighting to preserve it. The English Kennel Club is making great efforts to increase the popularity of the breed and preserve a viable gene pool; they even opened a special stud book in which a North American Toy Manchester Terrier can be registered as an English Toy Terrier if it has undergone appropriate assessment and selection. However, many owners of English Toy Terriers in England are against this decision, while others agree with it, counting on it as a way to preserve the breed. In general, with English Toy Terrier breed, And Other similar (and not so similar) breeds: Manchester Terrier, Old English Black and Tan Terrier, Welsh Terrier - are associated with significant confusion. In particular, people tend to classify all these breeds as one, or distort the names of the breeds by combining them. This approach is not correct, since these breeds are officially recognized as different, and each have their own standards.

History of the English Toy Terrier breed

The breed, before appearing before us in the form in which we know it now, has come a long and difficult path. The breed was developed from the Old English Black and Tan Terrier, and its history is closely intertwined with that of another, larger breed, the Manchester Terrier. The ancestors of the English Toy were used to hunt burrowing animals, and then, when such terrible diseases as plague and other deadly infections carried by rodents began to spread in England, English Toy Terriers began to be used as rat hunters. Around this time, “rat fights” were popular in Victorian England, in which various terriers took part. The essence of the competition was that a dog was placed in a pen filled with rats, and fans made bets on which dog would kill all the rats in its pen the fastest, or how long it would take to kill all the rats. The ban on this entertainment coincided with the creation of the English Kennel Club, with the development of which dog show rings (exhibitions) began to appear and become more popular. And then the terriers quietly migrated from the fighting rings to the exterior ones.

At the first general breed dog shows, Black and Tan Terriers were separated by weight, and in 1920 they were officially divided into two breeds: the larger Manchester Terrier and the miniature Black and Tan Terrier. The name of the breed "English Toy Terrier" was adopted in 1962.

Black and tan terriers, both large and small, were taken to America and Canada, where they developed almost in isolation from European populations of black and tan terriers. In North America, both breeds successfully existed separately, but in 1958, when, due to the decline in the number of Standard Manchester Terriers, the American Kennel Club was forced to combine them into one breed with two varieties (Standard Manchester Terrier and Toy Manchester Terrier). All this has led to even greater confusion with the names of breeds, for example, and now you can often hear versions that the English Toy Terrier and Manchester Terrier are just two names of the same breed.

Features of the English Toy Terrier breed, suitability and care.

The English Toy Terrier, with its large, pointed ears, looks a bit like a bat. A very energetic and cheerful bat :). These little dogs are always on the move and poke their noses everywhere, however, their small stature, even in a small city apartment, allows them to realize their desires. This dog is an excellent companion, especially if you lead an active lifestyle. He will also be an excellent companion in sports, and even long runs and walks. Despite its miniature stature, the English toy also has security qualities: it zealously protects its home, and if it is unable to cope with the intruder on its own, it will definitely set off an “alarm” and notify the owner with a ringing bark. These dogs are very attached to the owner, and love the family in which they live, they do not like to be left alone, therefore, they will accompany you around the house. They are not inclined to show aggression without a reason, they love to play with children, and are generally quite tolerant of children.

The little unpretentious toy does not need special care. The coat of these dogs is short and shiny, and to fully care for it, it is enough to periodically bathe the pet and comb (or rather, massage) it with a stiff brush made of natural bristles, or a special mitten coated with rubber. Another advantage of the English Toy Terrier is the almost complete absence of unpleasant odor from the dog.

Raising a puppy will not be difficult for you, because toys are quite smart and quick-witted, although it is important to remember that the puppy needs enough time to adapt and get used to the owner and the environment. Therefore, if in the first days of your Toy puppy’s birth a puddle formed on the floor, or he “chewed” your shoes, you should not immediately punish him. Just remove the object of his pranks or carelessness. It is important to teach your puppy order without scaring him, and by earning trust. Full training of the English Toy is somewhat complicated by the fact that these kids are quite stubborn and willful. In general, methods of violence, coercion and humiliation are not suitable for raising a terrier.

When walking in cold and rainy weather, dress your pet, otherwise, despite the fairly good health of the English Toy Terrier, he may catch a cold. In general, the health of a baby toy depends entirely on its owner. It is important to provide your dog with a balanced diet to avoid eye and dental diseases, which all terriers are susceptible to. Some hereditary diseases are also found in toy terriers. For example, excessive fragility of bones (and as a result, fractures), knee dislocations and Perthes disease (destruction of the surface of the femoral head). Hereditary diseases of organs and organ systems also occur. Therefore, if you are not ready to devote a large amount of time to treating your dog, before adopting a puppy, familiarize yourself with the medical indicators of its parents.

Nutrition of the English Toy Terrier. Feeding the puppy.

There are no serious peculiarities in the diet of the English Toy Terrier. The main requirement is that it must be balanced, containing sources of animal protein (meat), carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, bicarbonates, etc. It is important to immediately decide what you will feed your dog: dry food or natural products. Canned food can be mixed with regular foods, but it is highly not recommended to combine dry food with natural food! Ready-made food is good because it already contains all the necessary substances (of course, we are talking about expensive and high-quality food).

Be sure to monitor the amount of food your pet consumes. Too much food leads to obesity, but nutrition should not be insufficient. Small puppies, according to the advice of experts, are fed 6 times a day, an adult dog eats 2 times a day.

Here is an approximate diet for a puppy aged 1.5 to 2 months:

    1st feeding: raw meat (very finely chopped beef, but not minced meat);

    2nd feeding: cottage cheese diluted with milk or kefir;

    3rd feeding: cottage cheese with milk or kefir;

    4th feeding: milk porridge (well-boiled buckwheat, rice or rolled oats, pre-ground in a coffee grinder, with two or three grains of salt);

    5th feeding: milk porridge;

    6th feeding: raw meat.

It is advisable to maintain approximately equal intervals between feedings; a break of about 8 hours is taken at night.

From 2 to 3 months, the baby is transferred to five meals a day, slightly increasing the portions. Don't worry if the puppy eats well and only manages to eat 4 times a day. Milk porridge can be gradually replaced with more meat food (porridge with meat, for example), but raw meat and cottage cheese must still be given to the puppy.

From 3 to 5 months, the puppy can be fed three to four times a day, gradually introducing stewed vegetables and fish into its diet, and then raw vegetables and fruits. After each meal, the puppy can be given milk, if the puppy is well-fed, then in small quantities.

From 5 to 9 months, the puppy is fed three times a day.

After 9 months, the Toy is transferred to two meals a day; also, from this age, milk can be completely excluded from the diet, but cottage cheese and fermented milk products must be given to the dog for life.

Food should be warm or at room temperature (not hot).

Fresh, clean water should always be available to the dog.

The salt in any dog's food should be 10 times less than in human food.

It is better to add boiled beef and chicken to porridge, because if you give him meat in its pure form, the dog will most likely refuse all other foods. Be sure to remove bones from meat, but cartilage is even useful. In general, a toy is very easy to spoil in terms of nutrition. Therefore, you should not follow his lead if he refuses to eat for no apparent reason. Sometimes, a dog may not eat because it is upset, jealous, offended, or nervous - in this case, every owner knows better how to calm his pet.

You should not give your dog sweets and sugar (despite the fact that toy dogs are perfectly capable of begging), any bones, egg whites, white bread, pasta. Black bread can be given in the form of finely chopped dried pieces.

Pork, lamb, any sausages, sausages, etc. should be excluded from the Toy Terrier's diet. The diet must include buckwheat, rice and rolled oats; other cereals are undesirable. Vegetables can be given both stewed and raw; for example, stewed carrots with a small amount of vegetable oil are very useful, and the Toychik will most likely really like pieces of fresh cabbage.

Once a week you can give your puppy a quarter of a boiled egg yolk. Once every 2 weeks - half a clove of garlic (finely chopped or crushed).

A puppy should be accustomed to any food from childhood. From all this, over time, taking into account the dog’s tastes, you can create a menu that will be more or less monotonous (by no means does it mean that it is devoid of necessary elements). The dog will not suffer from this, you will understand this by its energy, cheerful eyes and shiny coat.

FCI breed standard No. 13 (02/02/1998)




FCI CLASSIFICATION: Group 3. Terriers.

Section 4. Indoor decorative terriers.

No performance tests.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Harmonious, elegant and compact, smooth, dry build.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Indoor decorative dog with the characteristics of a terrier. Agile, remembering that historically he had to not disgrace himself in a fight with a rat. Never overly annoying.

CRANIAL BOX: Elongated, narrow, wedge-shaped, without sharp contours of the zygomatic muscles, well filled under the eyes. The skull is flat.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Slight.


Nose: Black.

Muzzle: The muzzle tapers slightly to give the impression of being wedge-shaped both in profile and when viewed from the front. Although there may be an illusion of underbite; any hint of a tapered look is undesirable.

Lips: Closed.

Jaws and Teeth: The upper and lower jaws are kept close to each other. The jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular and completely scissor bite, i.e. The upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and stand perpendicular to the jaws. Teeth are straight and healthy.

Cheekbones: Without sharp contours of the zygomatic muscles.

EYES: Dark to black, without light iris. Small, almond-shaped, obliquely cut and shiny.

EARS: Flame-shaped, candle-shaped, with slightly pointed ends, set high on the back of the skull and relatively close together. A guide for size can be obtained by bending the ear forward - it should not reach the eye. From the age of nine months, the ears should be erect. The entire inside of the ear should be facing forward. The ear tissue is thin.

NECK: Long, graceful, slightly arched. The contours of the neck with an elegant slope flow smoothly into the shoulders. A chin is undesirable.

BODY: Compact, head and limbs are related to create correct balance.

Topline: Slightly sloping from the withers to the back.

Back (withers to forelock): Very slightly arched behind the shoulders to the loin and then falling to the base of the tail.

Pakha: With pronounced undermining.

Chest: Narrow and deep, with well arched ribs.

TAIL: Thick at the base, tapering towards the end. Set on low and not falling below the hock. A cheerfully raised tail is undesirable if it is shown excessively.


FRONT: Legs drop straight down from shoulders, providing a straight front. Thin bone is highly desirable.

Shoulders: Sloping.

Elbows: Close to the chest.

HINDQUARTER: The rounded loin flows into a gently rounded croup, resulting in a well arched stifle. The appearance of a drooping belly is undesirable.

Hocks: Short; turned neither in nor out.

FEET: Graceful, compact, arched; fingers not fused; with pitch-black claws, the two middle toes on the front paws are slightly longer than the others; The hind legs are like those of a cat. Russian paws are undesirable.

MOVEMENT: Ideal movement of the forelimbs is akin to a sweeping trot; a prancing step is undesirable; shuffling is equally undesirable. The movements of the hind limbs are smooth, light, precise, with a push; should be smooth, which serves as an indicator of true health.

COAT: Thick, dense and shiny. A thick short coat is required.

Black and tan. Ebony black, tan is similar to the deeply rich color of fresh chestnut. The colors do not mix with each other, but sharply join, forming clear and distinct boundaries of color separation. Forelegs with tan marks up to the wrists in front. Then the scorch marks extend to the inside and back of the front legs to the place under the elbows; a thin black mark is drawn on each finger (hatching), and a clearly defined black mark (thumb mark) in the center of each metacarpus, as well as on the chin. The tan marks on the hind legs are well marked on the front and inside, separated by a black stripe in the middle of the lower leg. Pronounced tan on the outside of the hind legs (pants) is undesirable. Muzzle with pronounced tan. The nose is black, the black extends along the bridge of the nose, curving under the eyes to the base of the throat. A spot of sunburn above each eye and a small mark on each cheekbone. The lower jaw and throat are reddish-brown, the border of the lips is black. The fur on the inside of the ear is reddish-brown (tan behind the ears is undesirable). There is some tan on each side of the front chest. The anus and the lower part of the tail at the base are tan. White hair forming a mark anywhere is completely unacceptable.


Ideal weight is 2.7 – 3.6 kg (6-8 lbs). The ideal shoulder height is 25.5 – 30.5 cm (10-12 inches).

DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or defect depending on the degree of severity.

NOTE: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

The English Toy Terrier is a wonderful dog that gets along with children and adults. The breed can be seen in paintings of the 16th century, but the description of the breed only happened in the 19th century.

  • This type of dog has become widespread today. A perky dog ​​with persistent ears and a characteristic coloring can be found on walks in a park, alley or small yard.

The Manchester Toy Terrier and the smaller breed of Black and Tan Terrier are directly related to the origin of the breed. Italian Greyhounds also took part in the breeding process, from which the special arched shape of the back was passed on. English whippits - they give the terriers a boost of energy.

Some sources contain information that Manchester and English toy terriers belong to the same breed name. However, this is an incorrect statement. These breeds are different.

To avoid confusion, in 1962 the Fédération Cynologique Internationale adopted different standards for the two breeds.

The ancestors of this breed were distinguished by their agility. Used for catching rats, hunting rabbits and foxes. The British even tried to organize competitions among purebred rat catchers, from which high incomes were earned.

The English Toy Terrier was no less a favorite breed among the noble ladies of Victorian England. Her miniature form, flexible disposition and open heart attracted the attention of eminent persons.

  • Later, the fashion for the English Toy Terrier reached France and Germany. Today, dogs of this breed are still recognized companions with a lively temperament.

Description of the breed

The English Toy Terrier is a well-built dog. Miniature purebred individuals reach a height of 25-30 cm.

The weight of dogs is 3-4 kg.
Wool. The body of the English Toy Terrier is covered with short, smooth hair that is glossy and shiny.
The head has a narrow wedge-shaped shape with a flattened crown.
The terrier's eyes are small and almond-shaped.
Ears. The ears have a special emphasis on the head. They are shaped like a candle flame with pointed tips.
The dog's tail tapers towards the end, reaching the hock joints.
The English Toy Terrier's chest is narrow and deep.
The color of this breed is black with a bright fawn insert.
Dogs of the English Toy Terrier breed are very temperamental, active and quite noisy. At the same time, there is no excessive nervousness in them. They are playful and friendly with people.

Terrier color

Moreover, only a single color of the breed is allowed, which has a strictly defined shape. Coat colors blend together without blurring or admixtures of other shades. The boundaries of color are clearly visible. The shade is better known as ebony or ebony black (rich, ripe chestnut).

Color characteristics:
Limbs. The characteristic scorch marks are clearly visible on the terrier’s limbs.

The front legs are fawn in color from the front to the wrists. Then it moves symmetrically to the hind legs. On the inside and back between the elbows. Hatching can be seen on the dog's toes. Subtle marks appear, including a spot on the thumb.

Muzzle. Burn marks also appear on the dog’s face. The nose lobe has a black spot; it stretches along the back of the nose, curves under the eyes and goes to the base of the throat. There is a small spot of tan under each eye and on the cheekbones. The lower jaw and throat of the terrier are reddish-brown in color. The labial border is black. In the inner part of the ear the fur is brownish-red. However, there is no tan behind the ears.
The dog's chest has a small amount of fawn coloring on the front. The lower part of the tail with the transition to the anus is also tan.

In other parts of the English Toy Terrier's body, light color is unacceptable, especially if it concerns white markings.

Breed care

Due to its commitment to its owner, the English Toy Terrier breed is quite suitable for home keeping. An apartment, or even a small room, is suitable for an animal to live in. This breed of dog needs several walks a day, which will replace full-fledged games and pranks in a large space.

The English Toy Terrier loves an active lifestyle. Therefore, having escaped into the open air, he tries to enjoy it to the fullest. Although the diminutive activist loves to take the initiative, he is difficult to train. This is explained by his free disposition and explosive character.

The terrier does not require special care from its owner. This dog has short hair. Therefore, shedding occurs easily. To maintain its well-groomed appearance, bathing with shampoo is necessary.

After bathing procedures, your pet’s coat will be shiny and silky again. What is characteristic of this dog breed is the absence of a strong odor. This fact is an undeniable advantage.

Female English Terriers give birth to puppies without the help of veterinarians. This process occurs easily and painlessly. Typically, a litter consists of 3-5 puppies.

When deciding to get a similar breed of dog, you should take into account that the pet will need the attention and love of its owners. Otherwise, he will look for ways to attract attention by organizing pogroms at home.

The dogs themselves completely disappear into their household. Once attached, their heart will love for a lifetime. At the same time, terriers treat new people with caution. In case of the slightest hostility, they bark at the stranger.

Breed conservation

The main goal of breeding the English Toy Terrier breed was to create an affectionate and responsive animal. However, the experiments carried out almost led to the extinction of this breed of small dogs. Although the rescue of the breed was successful, the health of the terriers was undermined. They have a number of hereditary diseases of the main organs and systems.

Currently, the English Toy Terrier is included in the list of small English breeds. The English Kennel Club carries out a number of activities to recreate the population of this species. His goal is to increase the vitality of the breed.

One of these activities is to conduct a selection among Manchester Toy Terriers of similar type. For this purpose, the club has a specially opened stud book. Its relatives are being registered as the English Toy Terrier breed.

Some owners of the standardized English breed are against such techniques, however, others consider this method to be an excellent solution to problems in preserving the species.

If you live in an apartment and there is no way to keep a large dog, then you can buy a small one. This is the English Toy Terrier.

Dogs are the most intelligent and loyal creatures on earth. The dog will be your faithful companion throughout its life. Thanks to the variety of breeds, every person will find their own special four-legged friend who will make life brighter and much more fun.

Origin story

The breed began to be bred in England around the middle of the 19th century. The ancestors of these four-legged babies are black and tan terriers.

At the moment it has ceased to exist.

After the London exhibition in 1863, people decided to breed the smallest dog.

And they succeeded, because the current dog has such miniature parameters that it can fit into the pocket of the owner’s coat.

Small dogs of this breed instantly won the hearts of English aristocrats of that time. But soon the breed was on the verge of extinction, as experiments with reduction led to numerous canine diseases.

They even say that the English Toy Terrier was originally created specifically for catching rats. It is impossible to call dogs of this breed “Manchester”, as this is the name their ancestors bore.

By the way, interesting information: the Guinness Book of Records records a toy terrier weighing only 681g. Just imagine this little one.

Description of appearance

The English Toy Terrier has a miniature build. The elegant appearance of the dog truly resembles the nobility of past centuries.

The terrier has a long and narrow muzzle, erect ears, and dark eyes. All contours of the muzzle are smooth, without convex parts. The jaw closes tightly. The ears have pointed tips and are set high but close. The chest is deep and narrow. The tail is set low.

The ideal height at the withers is approximately 30 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 4 kg.

The coat of dogs of this breed is thick and smooth. The color is only black and tan. Black and red spots on the face, front legs and neck are also allowed.

Pet character

A hyperactive dog will never let you get bored. Cheerful and brave, he is always ready to play tug of war with you, run around you in circles and amuse you with his funny appearance.

An agile and intelligent pet is easy to train. And their quick reaction allows them to catch both cats and rats.

Despite the fact that the English Toy Terrier is very attached to its owner and gets along well with children, it needs early socialization so that in the future they can live without problems with other pets, including cats.

If the terrier senses danger for the owner, he will rush into battle with the offender, even despite his miniature size. Such a small but brave dog, just like their ancestor - the Manchester Terrier.

Caring for the appearance of a small pet of this breed will not be a problem. You can clean the coat with a stiff brush, bathe the dog in warm water using a special shampoo, and also dry it well, preventing the dog from freezing and catching a cold. Since toy terriers are very clean, there should not be any specific smell from them.

In winter, it is necessary to walk your pet in warm clothes for small dogs, otherwise the miniature lump will quickly freeze. This is not surprising, given the parameters of the dog.
In summer, gatherings in the sun should not be allowed, as black fur can lead to overheating, which is very bad for the dog.

It is recommended to find a good place to walk your dog. There should be no broken glass, cigarette butts or other debris. The English Toy Terrier, like its ancestor the Manchester Terrier, does not like to sit on a leash often; it must be released so that the dog can run around as much as possible.

Due to their miniature size, dogs are susceptible to many diseases. If you notice something wrong with your pet, immediately call a veterinarian.

Feeding rules

There are no special rules. It is worth feeding the English Toy Terrier in the same way as other dogs. That is, healthy and balanced food. For representatives of this breed, both homemade food and commercial ready-made food are suitable.

It is not difficult to guess that the dog eats food in small quantities. But it is not recommended to overfeed your pet. The dog’s digestion follows a routine and is ready to digest a particular type of food without any disturbances. That is, it is not necessary to buy your dog something new to eat every time.

Health and life

Hereditary diseases that your pet may be susceptible to:

  • Glaucoma,
  • cataract,
  • lens luxation,
  • retinal atrophy,
  • hypothyroidism,
  • Peters disease.

Due to the short hair, a dog of this breed can easily overheat or, conversely, freeze. Brittle bones are easy to break. The pet will need constant and careful monitoring. They usually live 10-13 years.

Education and training

The English Toy Terrier must be taught basic training and trained from a very early age. You cannot hit the dog, shout, scare, trying to force the terrier to do something. A cunning stubborn person may understand everything, but will do everything differently to spite you.

Regular walks and outdoor games will help you bond with your English Toy Terrier. In bad weather, you should not take your pet outside. Indoor toys and a litter box are quite capable of replacing the outdoors.

If all the rules are followed and thanks to proper care, the toy terrier will become an excellent companion for your life.

Origin:Great Britain
Dimensions:Height 25-30 cm, weight 2.5-3.6 kg
Character:Friendly, temperamental, noisy
Where used:Hunter, companion
Lives:10-13 years
Color:Black with tan markings

Today, the English Toy Terrier dog breed is considered endangered. Dog handlers are doing everything possible to preserve this species. Today we invite you to familiarize yourself with a detailed description of this breed and its characteristics.

Origin story

This variety is relatively young. The first representatives of the English Toy Terrier breed were bred in Foggy Albion in the 19th century. These small animals were bred specifically to hunt foxes and rats. Over the years, representatives of this breed have often been confused with Manchester Terriers because they have a similar appearance. Until 1920, these two breeds at various dog events differed from each other only in weight (video author - Andrew Kolosov).

Today, many breeders consider English Toy Terrier dogs to be smaller copies of Manchester dogs. Over the course of many years, this variety was bred and developed according to different principles in Europe, America and Canada.

A little later, when the number of pets with red tan on their coats began to decline, the need arose to actively breed dogs. As a result, breeders have encountered a lot of confusion in this regard. But after some time, when the issue of confusion was resolved, in 1962 the English Toy Terrier was recognized as a separate breed with its own standard.

Breed characteristics

Dogs of the English breed are born hunters, small in size and quite cheerful in temperament. Such animals get along well in apartments without any problems, getting along well with all residents. At the same time, they can show aggression towards smaller pets. Since by nature the English Toy Terrier is primarily a hunter, instinct can awaken at any moment. Especially if rodents or rabbits live in the house. Let's take a brief look at the appearance characteristics.


According to the description of the official standard approved by the International Canine Federation, this dog is a small hunter with large ears. The ears are triangular, always erect, and their shape can resemble the fire of a burning candle. The eyes themselves resemble small almonds; they are set high. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, characterized by an elongated nose.

As for the physique, the body of the pets is quite small, the paws are quite thin. Despite the fact that the limbs are thin, they are relatively hardy, because hunters always run a lot. The tail of these dogs is wide at the base, it tapers towards the end, the tail is allowed or can be docked. The chest of representatives of this species is quite narrow and deep, their posture is presented in the form of a curved line.

The English Toy Terrier is a miniature animal, with a maximum height of 25 cm and a maximum weight of 3.6 kg. Basically, everything about this animal is small, except for its rather huge ears. These dogs are also characterized by short fur. Let us note right away that it will not be able to warm the dog in the cold, which is why many dog ​​breeders use dog clothing to protect their animals.

These animals are characterized by a brown color; they only have a black nose. According to the official standard, the English Toy Terrier can have only one color. It must be black with red-brown markings. If the color is characterized by spots and the boundaries of the markings are unclear, then this can be regarded as a defect. Accordingly, because of this nuance, the dog may not be allowed to compete (the author of the video is Irina Kiselman).


The English Toy Terrier dog breed is characterized by a cheerful temperament. If the dog senses danger, he can bark loudly, which, by the way, is not always justified. The breeder should pay maximum attention to issues of education and training. Otherwise, the animal will grow up ill-mannered and may become too aggressive.

A pet Toy Terrier of the English variety will always be wary of strangers, while recognizing the owner's friends and relatives. As a rule, dogs of this species become attached to people, as well as family members, but recognize only one owner. If a dog grew up with a child or another pet, then he will always get along with them.

Despite their good-natured nature, toy terriers are characterized by outbursts of aggression. Even if the dog’s opponent is an animal several times larger, the English Terrier will bark loudly and try to engage in battle with the enemy. Of course, the owner should not allow this to happen, otherwise it could turn out very sadly for the terrier’s health.

Conditions for keeping


As for grooming, dogs of this breed shed quite a bit. Therefore, the breeder will need to brush the dog at least three times a week. In normal times, grooming does not require such frequent procedures. Brushes and rubber gloves can be used as cleaning tools. The pet itself is well suited for living in an apartment, since it is oversized in size.

As reviews from the owners show, these animals do not emit unpleasant odors; therefore, there is no need to bathe them often. To maintain a healthy pet, you should carry out bathing procedures from time to time. It is enough to do this once every few months.

Of course, as is the case with other animals, toy terriers need to constantly clean their ears of dirt accumulated there. You should also regularly examine your eyes and remove mucus from them. Once every two weeks will be enough to trim the nails. In addition, the dog must be provided with regular walks in the fresh air. But as we said earlier, in winter, toy terriers do not tolerate cold well, so the animal needs to purchase a winter sweater in advance (the author of the video is About Dogs. Our Favorite Pets).


As for nutrition, this point is also important in terms of keeping dogs of this breed. The owner has several options - either choose natural food, or give preference to ready-made balanced food.

As for natural food, such a diet should include:

  1. Meat - it should be lean and make up the majority of the daily diet - about 75%. It is better to exclude pork and lamb, and give preference to chicken and beef.
  2. The diet may also include meat by-products, but it is often not necessary to give them to the dog. Once or twice a week will be enough.
  3. It is advisable to add vegetables to your diet daily.
  4. A dog should eat no more than three grams of fish oil per week.
  5. Don't forget about the source of carbohydrates - porridge, which is also necessary.

Of course, the animal should always have clean water in its bowl. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not eat food from the table. It is unacceptable to give toy terriers smoked meat or sausage, as well as fish. Any confectionery and sweets should be excluded. You should also not give your dog flour products, including bakery products.

If you decide to feed your dog prepared food, then this is also a good choice. The main thing is that the food is balanced and premium. Low-quality food can lead to stomach problems, so it is better not to buy cheap food.