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A person always lies. Those who deceive a lot try to seem like honest people. Pathological lying as an addiction

Where do lies come from? From understatement and omissions, from the desire to please or please. It grows out of pity and ambition. Does not depend on the status, gender and age of a person. It exists, among other things, due to the fact that people are often afraid to face the truth. It is not for nothing that a catchphrase from a poem by A.S. became a catchphrase. Pushkin: “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!.. I’m glad to be deceived myself!” On the other hand, the liar himself pursues personal goals. Let's try to figure out why people lie to each other.

Lies as defense

People often lie to each other in small ways. Everyone has heard how, when answering a call, a minibus passenger deceives the interlocutor, lying about where he is now. This is most often not so much a selfish lie as a means to avoid a situation of psychological discomfort. Anticipating the reaction of the interlocutor, the liar simplifies his life.

The second option for defensive lies is cowardice. Children have a fear of punishment, a desire not to lose entertainment. A more complex form - panic fear occurs if a child is afraid of overly tough parents and lies to protect himself from physical and emotional abuse. or relatives, before the authorities, the traffic police inspector, and so on. At times, they try to neutralize the sources of fear with the help of lies, not realizing that if the fact is revealed, the consequences will be much more serious.


This type of lie is often used by parents, teachers and close adults, trying to disguise their ignorance of the issue or reluctance to talk to their child about sensitive topics. At first glance, she is innocent, but still smacks of falsehood. Feeling this and subsequently understanding it, the child receives his first lessons in lying.

Disguise is also a “white lie.” Hiding the truth about the disease from a doomed person.

Lying as a character trait

Some accentuations of individual characters, regardless of position in the family and society, tend to attract increased attention. Exaggerating their own importance, describing their advantages and material wealth, or inventing scandalous stories allow them to be at the center of a certain social circle. Arouse and maintain interest in yourself. Hysterical and demonstrative accentuation of character takes over the personality so much that often a person believes in his own inventions.

People with weak character are prone to lying. Due to the lack of the ability to keep their word and strictly follow instructions, they often resort to deception as a way to avoid trouble.

Lying is a habit

This option is possible if, in childhood, friends or parents reacted with approval to any of the child’s fantasies, without recognizing the catch. Praise, a reward received several times for lying, develops a desire to repeat the experiment again. Observing others confirms that all people lie to each other. The conclusion that there is nothing wrong with lying, but rather the norm, helps you accept the situation, whitewash yourself and leave this habit for life.

Lying to gain material wealth

Some people are ready to flatter, ingratiate themselves, and exaggerate their skills and strengths, for example, in order to obtain a certain position or financial gain. At the same time, they not only whitewash themselves, but also denigrate others. Individuals with a disturbed value system are capable of lying for the sake of their own self-interest.

Sign of a hidden disease

Psychologists and psychotherapists, understanding the reasons why people lie to each other, have come to the conclusion that the tendency to deceit is constant. The liar’s loved ones should pay attention to this alarming signal.

“If you lie once, who will believe you?” - we have heard since childhood. Life often confirms this rule. Like the other: “Everything secret becomes clear.” It is not the fear of punishment, rejection, isolation that should force a person to live honestly, but internal moral convictions. A lie is not a good thing, but a destructive evil for any person. It should be destroyed, first of all, within yourself.

Sometimes in life there are people who constantly lie. Sometimes for no reason. And sometimes, for some, as it seems to us, compelling reasons, we ourselves are the ones who have time. How do psychologists explain lying? We all come from a cloudless childhood. The answer to the question of why people lie must be looked for there. After all, we carry many complexes into adulthood from our wonderful childhood years.

Why do people lie to each other

The instinct of survival is embedded in human psychology, so we always try to survive at any cost, get out of any situation, stay alive, preserve our property, etc. This is why people lie - in a global sense. And it most often begins in childhood, when the child is afraid of punishment or parental displeasure.

Why do children lie? The first reason may be the child’s desire to meet the ideals of his parents. Then, on a subconscious level, he begins to exaggerate his successes, and a process of constant deception occurs imperceptibly. So this habit begins to accompany a person throughout his life. Then he deceives not only his parents, but everyone who is nearby.

The second reason comes from childhood – parents’ encouragement of children’s fantasies. From the beginning, it seems that this is all innocent, but it is not noticeable that such favor of parents towards children's fairy tales blurs the line with adult life. Fantasies become deception, people lie from childhood, out of habit, in order to embellish the facts.

There is another option from childhood - copying the behavior of your parents. Adults themselves do not notice when they tell lies to neighbors, relatives, and friends, and children are present. And kids, like carbon copies, absorb the behavior of adults. At the same time, they think that if adults can deceive, then why can’t we.

Sometimes a person begins to deceive people as an adult. If a child simply fantasized, initially without any benefit for himself, then an adult always engages in deception for his own benefit.

A man lies at work. Often, many employees of a bank, various financial organizations, and firms have to deceive clients so that the company can earn more money. People lie because they are forced to do so. This is how their mentors teach them. For example, managers who issue loans or promote often not very good products with dubious ingredients. Top management does not think that a family that has taken out a loan at exorbitant interest rates will have nothing to repay it with and will have no money left for food.

A person begins to lie in order to appear more attractive to everyone. He says that he has the most expensive things and everything of the best quality. When the truth is revealed, it is unpleasant. With such a pathological liar, any desire to communicate disappears.

A life-saving lie with good intentions. Sometimes people lie because in some rare cases it is better not to tell the truth. For example: if such truth could cause irreparable harm to someone. To do this, you need to think through all the pros and cons if it comes out. Sometimes you have to resort to deception in order to help someone with something.

Why do men lie to women?

Women and girls will probably be able to come up with many versions on this topic “why do people lie”, however, this question is still asked very often. Let's consider the most common versions from a psychological point of view.

Men lie to make themselves look better. First of all, they do this in order to show themselves better than they really are.

They want to act in front of women as “ideal”, kind, courageous, affectionate, always able to come to the aid of the weaker sex. But this is how it all looks only before the wedding, when they want to please their chosen one.

And it should be noted that such embellishment of oneself still works. Probably, many have encountered a situation where before the wedding he said that he loves children very much, is ready to play with them all the time, and then it turns out that he does not need children at all and even gets in the way. But he won your attention and love in just this way.

Then men begin to lie to hide their affections on the side. It is inconvenient for him to tell his soul mate, with whom he is legally married, that he has stopped loving her, or maybe he simply lacks strong emotions, and he is looking for them on the side. In such a situation, a man should not resort to deception and betrayal of his family, but simply muster up the courage and talk to his soulmate.

Sometimes people lie to avoid conflict. Sometimes it is useful to tell a lie and this will not lead to a conflict situation. In some cases, the truth can “kill” and destroy all relationships. Lying in the name of peace can be justified, so men lie for the sake of peace.

Why do men lie about buying accessories for their hobbies? Yes, because we women do not always approve of it. It is sometimes difficult for a woman to allocate a certain amount of money from the family budget for hunting or fishing accessories. And men are children. But the older they get, the more expensive the toys they buy become. They want to buy this or that thing, but they are forced to hide it from the woman.

A habit from childhood that has carried into adulthood. The parents constantly inspired the boy that he should be the best in everything, and in return he learned to deceive them, telling lies about his successes.

The problem of why people lie must be seen in gender relations, and first of all, we must understand what exactly pushed a man to deceive. Every woman is able to make relationships pure and honest by understanding her man. There is no need to put the stronger sex in an uncomfortable position, and then he will not start lying and inventing “fairy tales” for the female sex.

Hearing a lie is always very unpleasant, especially when you know that they are lying to you. Let's take a closer look at how girls lie.

Why do girls and women lie?

Almost all women think that with their sexuality they can distract a man from something or anyone. So be on the lookout, if your beloved is trying to take the topic in a different direction and at the same time shows her sexuality to everyone, then it is quite possible that she is lying to you.

The girl doesn’t want to accept gifts from you, what could this mean? Either she no longer feels anything for you, or she did something very bad and that is why she is uncomfortable accepting gifts from you. This happens because she feels guilty towards you, because you treat her so well.

If your chosen one begins to get angry just because you ask her about something, then there’s definitely something fishy here and the woman is lying. After all, you are really very dear to her, she definitely won’t want you to worry and worry once again. But if your girlfriend is angry just because you ask her questions, then you should wonder if she is lying to you at the moment.

Coughing and hesitating may also indicate that the girl is lying to you. No, of course, hesitations during a conversation do not mean anything, but if her tone of voice suddenly suddenly begins to change, then the matter is apparently not clear.

A woman's lips can also serve as a barometer of lies for you. If you ask her a question, and in response to your question she purses her lips into a tube, as if she wants to kiss you, then you should not be happy about it. After all, in fact, this may indicate that the woman is lying and your questions are making her very nervous. In this case, there is no need to stop the conversation, continue, and maybe very soon you will be able to bring her to clean water.

Eyes, they say, are the mirror of the soul, and this is true, because it is by the eyes of your beloved that you can understand whether she is lying to you or not. If during your conversation her eyes dart, she tries not to look you straight in the eyes, it means she is ashamed of her action or she is hiding something from you. You can also understand that a girl (woman) is lying by her gestures; if she begins to carefully rub her eyes, it means that she is definitely trying to avoid answering, and this conversation is not pleasant for her.

Here are 5 main reasons that will help you find out why people lie to their loved ones! Advice and analysis from a psychologist here.

There is not a single person who has never lied in his life.

A person lies, but those around him or even himself suffer.

People, often or rarely turning to lies, forget that the main component of any relationship is trust.

Lies destroy trust between people and, accordingly, relationships!

Why do people lie?

The circumstances are such that in the modern world it is impossible to live without lies:

  • impossible to get a job,
  • impossible ,
  • It is impossible to place a child in kindergarten.

Lies have become constant in all areas of life, and this is actually bad. But the worst lies are lies between close people...

5 reasons: Why do people lie?

Lying has become the norm for some people.

People who lie are afraid to tell the truth and that is their problem. They live with this fear; for them, instead of fighting it, it is better to lie.

Psychologists identify five main reasons that push many people to lie to loved ones and others.

Reason #1 – lying for profit

People often lie not because of malice, but because of self-doubt and because they doubt that they can take care of themselves.

An example of such a lie could be children lying to their parents, for example, in order to get a lot of pocket money.

Advice from a psychologist:

  • you need to put the liar in such conditions when he is forced;
  • it is necessary to make it clear that he is an adult and is capable of taking care of himself;
  • You can give an example from your own life or from the lives of people you know - how you can get out of this situation on your own.

By provoking such a situation, you will not only teach your loved one to tell you the truth, but also teach him to take care of himself, teach him to become an adult and independent!

Reason #2 – lying for self-defense

An example of such a lie would be a husband lying to his wife about his stay or pastime.

It often happens in life when a man defends himself from a woman through deception.

In this way, the husband protects himself from the flow of his wife’s nerves, because the wife always tries to keep everyone under her control.

Advice from a psychologist:

  • a wife does not need to put her husband in a framework!
    There is no need to build relationships from the position of mother-son (I was in such a role... it would not lead to anything good..);
  • a woman should give more freedom to her beloved.
    Let your man spend his time the way he wants;
  • you need to treat a man’s words with understanding.

But in this example, it is important for a woman to understand why a man is forced to lie to you.

Is it convenient and profitable for him to lie to you?

Reason #3 – white lies

This is a kind of noble lie.

For example, a husband lies to his pregnant wife so that she does not worry again.

Many men believe that it is better not to say anything than to lie... many lie for the sake of good!

Advice from a psychologist:

  • a woman needs to respect her husband’s lies;
  • It makes sense to think about whether you need this truth now?

Reason #4 – pathological lies

Some men and women, children and young men begin to lie only because they lack the attention of others.

And with their lies they put themselves on a pedestal, as it seems to them.

At first, of course, they are on a pedestal, they are given a lot of attention, but over time this lie becomes obvious.

Usually the person is lying about that, which he actually doesn’t have!

Many men lie about sex and thereby try.

Many women lie and begin to believe what they say.

Advice from a psychologist:

  • if there is such a pathological liar in your environment (at work, at school, at college), then there is no need to mock him. You need to tell him correctly and point out the truth.

Reason #5 – lying for control purposes

This type of lie is typical of a mother-in-law who is competing for her son's attention or trying to control her son's life, love, and relationships.

Advice from a psychologist:

  • the daughter-in-law needs to improve relations with her mother-in-law;
  • you need to show her that her opinion is important to you!

how to recognize a liar and how lying affects our health:

Whatever the reason for lying (lying for salvation, in one’s own interests), it still destroys trust.

And without trust it is impossible to build strong relationships.

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All without exception. Only some people do this extremely rarely and in special circumstances (for good, as they say), while others practice deception every day and hourly. Gradually, this behavior becomes a habit and becomes a way of life. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a big lie or a small one, the main thing is that lies are constantly being told. And this is very sad. A fox man cannot be completely happy a priori.

"Do not lie to me!" - this is what those who have forgotten how to trust and build strong, sincere relationships say to each other. In fact, such a manifestation as a lie is always reciprocal. If you deceive a person, get ready for the fact that your relationship with him will completely deteriorate, and he will also begin to hide an important component of his life from you. The article will tell you why a person lies, what are the reasons and consequences of this phenomenon.

Defense reaction

Sometimes a person is forced to provide false information about himself. And she does this not at all to offend another, but simply cannot express her individuality in a certain environment. This happens because the so-called defense reaction is triggered. That is, during the conversation, a person’s internal mechanisms turn on, and he begins to tell lies. Why do people lie in this case? The answer is simple: in order not to seem stupid, make a positive impression. Sometimes a person feels so tense among his peers, colleagues and even relatives that he has to invent various stories in order to skillfully hide the truth about himself. He just thinks she's unattractive.

What could this behavior lead to? To aggravate the situation, to the fact that the person will soon not be able to do without the help of lies. Deception will become a necessary tool of communication. Is it necessary to say that any lie undermines human relationships and deprives them of trust?


She always accompanies any liar. Why a person lies is not difficult to understand. He lacks the courage to express himself as clearly and directly in communication as his heart desires. If a person constantly lies, then he should understand the reasons for what is happening and talk frankly with himself. As a rule, behind the deliberate concealment of individual circumstances of life lies the intention to find happiness and become a complete person. Only the path to achieve it was chosen completely wrong. You cannot find friends if you are a cold and selfish person who thinks only about himself.

Insecure people often provoke others to quarrel and publicly notice their weaknesses and shortcomings. In fact, by doing so they emphasize their own weakness and signify their inability to find inner harmony in the soul. If such behavior is assigned to an individual, then she risks being left completely alone for a long time. Big lies lead to inevitable isolation. Who enjoys communicating with someone who constantly puts others down, ridicules and gossips?

The desire to appear stronger

Sometimes people lie to avoid forming a false opinion about themselves. They simply do not want to be considered weak and weak-willed. Therefore, in any difficult situation, they care, rather, not about resolving it, but about ensuring that no one thinks badly of them. The desire to impress is dictated by an internal fear of shame, and therefore they begin to demonstratively spread lies around themselves. Deception becomes their way of interacting with others. If a person constantly communicates like this, then soon he himself will no longer be able to distinguish truth from fiction, and will become entangled in his own made-up stories. You cannot demand from a person: “Don’t lie to me!” This is the choice of everyone.

Fear of judgment

When a friend or relative deceives you, not in all cases you will be able to notice it and take the necessary measures to neutralize this phenomenon. The first question that arises is: “Why does a person lie?” He must be very afraid that by telling the truth, he will show himself not at his best, demonstrating weakness and uncertainty. For many so-called strong people, this is like death. The fear of condemnation sits deep in their subconscious and often guides all conscious actions. Such a person is unlikely to allow himself anything extra, even if she really wants it.

If a person gets used to deceiving in society in order to make the right impression, then gradually his action becomes automatic. And now the person lies simply because it is more convenient than telling the truth. Tell me, why bother explaining something to your interlocutor when you can use the usual form of communication and demonstrate your imaginary worth?

Ignorance of your individuality

Each of us is, of course, unique and unrepeatable. Everyone has individual abilities, talents, and goals in life. Only those who do not know their true essence are forced to rush through life in search of consolation and reassurance. Therefore, one has to resort to lies in order to prevent the realization of one’s own worthlessness.

This person does not try to look for his own individual path, but prefers to adapt to the opinions of others. It is impossible to achieve much with this approach. Yes, work colleagues, friends, acquaintances may be satisfied, but their own dreams and aspirations will be lost forever.

Distrust of others

This is perhaps the most serious reason why a person lies. When a person cannot openly express his thoughts because he is afraid of being misunderstood or ridiculed, a very serious problem arises. A person begins to hide his best aspirations and goals and does not realize his brightest dreams in life. Sincerity becomes impossible. So a situation arises when a person is simply forced to use deception in communication, even if it is disgusting to him. Of course, such an interaction can by no means be called truthful.

If a person gets used to constantly putting on a mask, then over time he begins to dissemble in front of himself. How does this happen? Self-deception is most often expressed in justifying one’s own mistakes.

How can you tell if a person is lying?

There are several characteristic signs that allow you to determine that your interlocutor is telling a lie. Firstly, he carefully hides his eyes from you. There is an unpleasant moment in a conversation when it seems as if he doesn’t hear you or doesn’t understand you. Secondly, the person starts fiddling with some piece of clothing to hide his excitement. He can endlessly straighten his hair or glance at his watch as if he is late for something. Thirdly, a liar always gives himself away by touching his own nose during a conversation. Why is he doing this? This is where the unconscious comes into play.

Thus, a lie leads to the breakdown of all existing relationships and does not allow a person to live happily.

How often do we tell lies? Someone will say: I never lie or do it very rarely. Will you trust this man? We don't. By nature, people are pathological liars, who on average (according to American data) lie 11 times a week, and even more when talking with new acquaintances - up to three times every 10 minutes. Most often, this is a completely harmless deception, consisting of a simple formula: exaggerate a little (everything is just fine with me), keep silent about something (how are things at work, in your personal life, etc.), deviate a millimeter from the truth (these I bought the shoes on sale). Agree, situations happen to everyone every day when it is easier to lie than to tell the truth. But why do people lie? Read our article.

From the very beginning…

Lies originate in a person in childhood. From about three to four years old, a child begins to understand that absolutely no one can read his thoughts, so slowly but surely he begins to make attempts to tell lies. At the very beginning, these attempts are cute, funny and innocent, however, according to psychologists, the older the child becomes, the more consciously he lies. But why?

The answer is simple. Often a child tells lies out of fear of being punished. However, parents are also to blame for children's lies. For example, at home a mother speaks unkindly about her colleague, but when she comes to visit her, she shows a completely different attitude. Of course, the child will think: since mommy does this, it means it’s right. And there is nothing surprising here.

There are also liars, and there are dreamers.

Let us note that it is necessary to establish a clear boundary between them. A liar can come up with a whole strategy that will allow him to clearly disguise, for example, his terrible act, while a dreamer himself believes in his completely harmless inventions (my dad is an astronaut, or I have a kitten at home). Children love to invent, however, this energy must be directed in a peaceful direction: “If you want to invent, invent, but not just, but in such a way that you get interesting stories.” It is necessary to encourage the child to write down his fantasies, and perhaps someday he will become a great writer, and not a pathological liar.

Why do adults lie?

Adults have many more reasons to lie than children, but they do it consciously, for their own good.

Scientists from the Higher School of Social Psychology in Warsaw are confident that, first of all, deception helps people adapt to something new and become more self-confident, writes the Polish popular science monthly Focus.pl.

“We want to be respected and loved. When value is compromised, we tend to distort reality to fit an ideal. This is one of the main reasons why we lie. We don't want to cause inconvenience to others. The desire to be honest gives way to the desire to be nice and polite: altruistic lies predominate in everyday life,” notes Andrei Sazhinska, a fellow at the Graduate School of Social Psychology in Warsaw.

Psychologist Elena Asvoinova-Travina identifies several more reasons why a person may tell a lie, including the desire to get rid of problems, politeness, professional lies, and a natural quality of a person.

According to the expert, the most obvious reason for lying is the desire to get rid of problems. For example, you tell your boss that you are late for work because a pipe burst at your house. So you waited for hours for the plumber, and when he finally showed up, you waited for him to fix everything. After such explanations, as a rule, the boss will be more lenient, because he does not even suspect that the real reason for being late is that you simply overslept.

Politeness is another explanation for lying. This often happens: when you are visiting, you are treated to something that the hostess thinks is very tasty. However, when you try this dish, you want to spit it out immediately. But what does your friend actually see: you are happily chewing a piece of this “tastiest” food and smiling sweetly back at her.

“Perhaps a small polite lie is the only type of lie, the existence of which, to a certain extent, should be recognized as a necessity; without it, any human relationship risks collapsing. Moreover, the inability to tell such lies may be a manifestation of a mental disorder - for example, Asperger's syndrome (one of the five common developmental disorders, characterized by serious difficulties in social interaction. - Note edit.),” says Asvoinova-Travina.

Lies can be professional, especially among politicians and advertisers. After all, neither one nor the other sphere of activity can exist without lies.

“The range of lies in advertising can be very wide - from the claim that this or that cream helps get rid of wrinkles, to hints that owning such and such a phone or car makes you a successful person,” the psychologist notes.

With political untruths, everything is much more complicated. As Otto von Bismarck said: “Politicians lie most before elections, during war and after a hunt.” And that's exactly how it is.

“Pre-election lies can safely be put on a par with advertising: everyone has long known that the pre-election promises of politicians must be divided into at least three. As for lying during difficult situations in the country and in the world (such as wars), then it is absolutely impossible to do without lying. Such a lie should not consist in distortion of facts, but in a “dosage” of information: something can provoke panic, something the enemy can take advantage of,” Asvoinova-Travina is sure.

And finally, lying is a natural quality of a person. Suffice it to recall the comedy with Jim Carrey “Liar, Liar”.

The main character's son, blowing out the candles on the cake, made a wish that his father would not lie for at least one day. After this, the brilliant lawyer and incorrigible liar Fletcher Reed begins to have huge problems, because he does not know what it is to tell the truth.

Most people will think: “This is only possible in films.” However, it is not. In psychiatry there is even such a phenomenon - mythomania - a set of symptoms of various mental illnesses, in particular personality disorders, when a person can constantly lie and invent fables. Such behavior is often characteristic of people with hysterical (demonstrative) accentuation of character, says Asvoinova-Travina.

Adults lie for fun

If you walk into the Bridge Inn bar in the English town of Santon Bridge on the third Thursday of November and meet a man with false teeth who claims that the year is 2098, then do not rush to immediately classify him as abnormal. He just came to the annual World Liar Championship.

The founder of this competition is landowner Will Ritson. In the 19th century he owned the Bridge Inn, where he often entertained guests with incredible tales: how a dog gave birth to winged puppies or how a turnip grew to the size of a barn. Every year it is in his honor that the current championship is held, says the British BBC.

It is worth noting that the rules of the competition are quite simple. Each participant is given five minutes to tell the audience their fictional story. The judges' scores, and therefore the participant's chances of becoming the best among liars, will depend on how convincingly and seriously the participant tells the public the biggest lie.

Please note that the rules strictly prohibit using hints, reading from a piece of paper, and telling jokes. Also, politicians and lawyers cannot participate in the championship - according to the organizers, they have “too many false practices.”

Interestingly, in the entire history of the competition, John Graham, or Johnny Liar, was recognized as the most successful liar. This man won the title of “The Biggest Liar in the World” seven times between 1994 and 2008.

“Becoming a winner is unforgettable. I’ve been participating in this competition for 20 years now and I’m still as happy as I was for the first time. I've always loved making people laugh and I've always told stories, so it's second nature to me,” says Graham.

Those who win the World Liar Championship are awarded not only the winning cup, but also a cash reward.

How to determine if a person is lying to you without a lie detector

And yet, how can you understand that a person is lying? Experts identify a number of features in the theory of lies; they are still actively used by the heroes of the famous TV series “Lie to Me,” in which the talented Tim Roth plays the main role. It is precisely by these signs that with a high degree of probability, without a lie detector, one can identify a liar.

  1. The liar chooses his words very carefully, afraid to give himself away.
  2. Pauses in conversation say the same thing.
  3. Unconsciously, the voice intonation increases.
  4. As L.N. said Tolstoy: “The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. Lies are always complex, elaborate and verbose.” And indeed, a liar uses a lot of unnecessary words in his speech. It turns out that this is a kind of defense that covers up lies.
  5. You will be surprised, but the eyes can tell much more than the movements of the body and the timbre of the voice. If a person calmly tells you this or that event and at the same time looks confidently into your eyes, then most likely he is not deceiving you. A liar, as a rule, looks away to the side; in his eyes you can see doubt, cunning, or even fear.
  6. Facial expressions are also important. It is directly connected to the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotionality. Only a professional liar can control his facial expression: where necessary, he will smile or wrinkle his eyebrows.
  7. The effect of surprise. It is necessary to suddenly ask the interlocutor a leading question. A liar will be confused, but one who tells the truth will answer.

All these and many other methods will help you understand whether a person is telling the truth or not. It may take considerable effort to expose the liar. On the other hand, is it really necessary to do this? Considering that each of us lies regularly, innocent deception can sometimes go unnoticed.

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