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Enterofuril instructions for children syrup dosage. Enterofuril suspension, oral suspension

Enterofuril for children is considered a very effective remedy, which belongs to the category of intestinal antiseptics. The drug helps to cope with bacteria and pathogenic flora, as well as eliminate infectious diarrhea. For treatment to be effective, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions for use of Enterofuril for children.

Enterofuril is an antidiarrheal agent that has antimicrobial characteristics. 100 mg capsules and a suspension for children are available for sale. Children under 7 years of age are prescribed the medicine in liquid form. The drug is not given to newborn babies. The product can be taken by children older than 1 month.

The active ingredient of the drug is nifuroxazide. The concentration of the active ingredient in the suspension is 200 mg per 5 ml. Additional elements include sucrose, ethanol, citric acid and other components.

Enterofuril suspension is a thick yellowish liquid. It has a pleasant banana taste and smell. The medicine is placed in a 90 ml bottle and a cardboard box, which contains instructions and a measuring spoon.

After opening, the drug can be stored for a maximum of 1 week. Moreover, temperature indicators should be within 15-30 degrees. Many parents are interested in how much the substance costs. The cost may vary - on average it is 400 rubles.

Mechanism of action

Enterofuril syrup is an antimicrobial agent that has a broad spectrum of action and is used to combat infectious lesions of the digestive system. The medicine Enterofuril for children is produced by the company Bosnalek.

The principle of action of the substance is based on the destruction of bacterial cells. The drug helps cope with streptococci, salmonella, clostridia, yersinia and other infectious agents. The drug does not disturb the beneficial microflora, therefore, after its use, dysbacteriosis does not develop.

On a note. After internal use, Enterofuril is almost not absorbed from the digestive tract. Antibacterial activity is manifested only in the intestinal lumen. The drug is completely excreted in the feces.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug include the following:

  1. Acute and chronic form of diarrhea, which is associated with pathogenic bacteria. The exception is cases of helminthic infestation.
  2. Acute intestinal infection.
  3. Chronic diarrhea in people suffering from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the epithelium of the large intestine.

The drug is also actively used for diarrhea of ​​unknown origin. The disease can be acute or protracted.

Mode of application

Many parents are interested in how to take Enterofuril. The duration of therapy and the volume of the drug should be selected by the doctor - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

Children over 7 years old can use Enterofuril in capsules or in the form of a suspension. Young patients are prescribed exclusively a liquid form of the drug. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on food intake, so it can be taken before or after meals.

When choosing the dosage of Enterofuril for children, you should focus on the following parameters:

  1. Children over 7 years old are prescribed 200 mg of the drug. It must be taken 4 times a day, with a break of 8 hours. The maximum permissible daily volume should be 800 mg.
  2. Patients 2-7 years old are prescribed 1 scoop of suspension, which corresponds to 200 ml. The drug must be taken three times a day.
  3. Children from 7 months to 2 years are prescribed 100 ml. The drug is taken 4 times a day.
  4. Enterofuril is prescribed to infants 1-6 months old in a volume of 100 mg 2-3 times a day.

Treatment should not last more than 7 days.

The drug is often used for vomiting in children. This symptom may be a consequence of overheating, intestinal infection, or stress. Enterofuril is often prescribed for poisoning. In some situations, it is difficult to immediately determine the causes of vomiting.

In this case, you should call a doctor. Before his arrival, you need to rinse the stomach and give the baby a sorbent - for example, Smecta. A couple of hours after the vomiting stops, the patient can take Enterofuril. The need for subsequent use of the substance will be determined by your pediatrician.

If you have rotavirus, it is useless to use the drug. A virus leads to the development of this disease, while Enterofuril copes only with bacteria. In such a situation, you need to give special probiotics - for example, Bactisubtil or Enterol. Sorbents are also great help - Polysorb, Smecta, etc.

special instructions

When using Enterofuril for diarrhea, you need to give your child plenty to drink. This will help avoid dehydration. It is also necessary to take rehydration aids. Excessive consumption of the solution will activate the process of removing toxins from the body. The simplest and most accessible recipe:

  • Table salt - 3g;
  • sugar - 18g;
  • water - 1l.

It is important to consider that acute dehydration in infants can be fatal.

It is forbidden to take the drug simultaneously with sorbents. These include, in particular, Smecta and Polysorb. These substances will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy. The product can be used during breastfeeding.

Compatibility with other drugs

The instructions for Enterofuril for children indicate that the drug can be safely combined with other substances, including antibiotics. For complex intestinal infections, a whole range of drugs is prescribed. At the same time, the harmful effect on the microflora is reduced, since Enterofuril helps to normalize it.

On a note. The use of medication is often combined with prebiotics. Thanks to this, it is possible to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria and restore its microflora. This helps to achieve normal digestion of food and get rid of abdominal discomfort..

Side effects and overdose

An overdose of the drug is excluded, since the active component does not enter the systemic circulation. If you accidentally exceed the volume of the product, you need to monitor the baby’s condition.

If appetite is maintained, the skin is of normal color and there are no signs of intoxication, no measures are required. If in doubt, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps a specialist will advise you to do a gastric lavage.

Side effects occur extremely rarely, but sometimes allergic reactions to aromatic additives in the suspension appear. They appear as rashes on the skin. In particularly difficult situations, there is a risk of anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. Dr. Komarovsky claims that these conditions are life-threatening, so you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes the use of Enterofuril causes nausea and vomiting. These symptoms disappear after stopping the medication. There is no need to adjust the dosage in this situation, as this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.


  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (a hereditary type of disease associated with a gene mutation on the chromosome);
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption (impaired absorption of monosaccharides);
  • less than 1 month old.

Enterofuril is an effective antidiarrheal drug that is perfect for children. To achieve good results, you need to take the drug as prescribed by your pediatrician, strictly following the instructions.

Enterofuril is a popular antibacterial drug used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as diarrhea and stomach upsets caused by bacterial infections. Diarrhea is especially dangerous for children because it removes fluid and minerals from the body and leads to dehydration.

Operating principle

The product has a high degree of safety, effectiveness and has a minimal number of side effects. The drug is based on nifuroxazide, a substance classified as a derivative of 5-nitrofuran. This is a broad-spectrum bactericidal drug. When it enters the intestines, the active substance penetrates the bacteria and interferes with their vital activity. In low and medium concentrations, the substance has a bacteriostatic effect, disrupting the synthesis of the dehydrogenase enzyme in microorganisms. Thanks to this, the synthesis of certain proteins stops, and microbes stop multiplying. In high concentrations, the substance destroys the cell membranes of bacteria, and they die. The substance also has the ability to suppress the production of toxins by bacteria and stimulate the activity of phagocytes - special cells of the immune system that fight infection.

A positive feature of the product is that it acts extremely selectively, attacking only harmful microorganisms and does not affect beneficial microflora. This medicine compares favorably with many antibiotics, which create total terror in the intestines, destroying all bacteria - both good and bad. But the saprophytic intestinal microflora plays an important role in the digestion process. As a result, it is difficult to restore it by taking probiotic drugs.

The list of microorganisms that Enterofuril affects is quite impressive. Among them there are both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria:

  • Staphylococcus
  • Streptococci
  • Salmonella
  • Shigella
  • E. coli
  • Vibrio cholerae
  • Clostridia
  • Klebsiella
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Campylobacter
  • Bacteria of the genus Edwardsiella
  • Citrobacter
  • Yersinia enterocolitica

Moreover, practice shows that bacteria are unable to develop resistance to the drug.

Enterofuril has several indications for use. The main one is the treatment of bacterial gastrointestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea. The drug can also be used in cases of chronic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract of bacterial etiology of unknown origin.

Another advantage of Enterofuril is that it practically does not penetrate into the blood and carries out its activity exclusively in the intestines. The medicine is excreted from the body along with feces.

Several other advantages of the product directly follow from this feature. Firstly, the drug does not penetrate the placental barrier and also does not enter breast milk. Secondly, Enterofuril is suitable for use in children in the treatment of intestinal infections and dysbiosis. Only children under 1 month should not take Enterofuril. It is not advisable to give the drug in capsule form to children under 7 years of age. For this case, there is a special suspension for children.


Enterofuril is supplied in two dosage forms - suspension and capsules. The contents of the capsules are yellow powder. Suspension is a liquid, also colored yellow.

Enterofuril has several analogues containing the same active ingredient. These include:

  • Ecofuril
  • Ersefuril
  • Nifuroxazide
  • Stopdiar
  • Lekor

Suspension Enterofuril

Enterofuril suspension (syrup) is intended for use by children. The suspension is sold in bottles equipped with a plastic measuring spoon to make the drug convenient to give to children.

Suspension composition:

  • nifuroxazide
  • sucrose - 1000 mg
  • sodium hydroxide
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • ethanol
  • carbomer
  • lemon acid
  • banana flavoring

Enterofuril capsules

You can usually find Enterofuril 200 mg capsules, but there are also capsules with a dosage of 100 mg.

Composition of capsules:

  • active substance - nifuroxazide
  • sucrose
  • corn starch
  • magnesium stearate

Capsule shell:

  • titanium dioxide
  • quinoline yellow dye
  • Azorubine dye
  • crimson dye
  • gelatin

Instructions for use

Before using Enterofuril, you should read the instructions for use.

The usual dosage when using capsules is 200 mg per day in 4 doses.

Treatment must be continued until diarrhea disappears. The last dose is taken no later than 12 hours after the last stool. The treatment period should not exceed a week.

Instructions for use for children

Children 3-7 years old should be given 200 mg capsules 3 times a day, over 7 years old - 4 times a day.

In the case of using Enterofuril for children in the form of a suspension, the instructions state that a child at 1-6 months should be given 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day, at 7-24 months - 2.5 ml 3 times a day, at 3- 7 years – 5 ml 3 times a day. A child over 7 years old can receive adult doses - 5 ml 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Please note that the capsules and syrup contain sucrose, so the drug is not suitable for patients with diabetes.

Contraindications to the drug include both individual intolerance to the active substance and excipients, and signs of helminthic infestation in the patient.

Side effects are rare. First of all, these are allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Nausea, vomiting, and headache are also rare.

Overdose of the drug is also a rare occurrence. However, if this happens, you should rinse your stomach and take sorbents.

Due to the lack of absorption into the blood, Enterofuril does not interact with other medications. The exception is alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs, so taking them at the same time as medication is not recommended. Also, you should not swallow sorbents like Smecta or activated carbon at the same time as the course of treatment, as they neutralize the effect of the drug.

Some people wonder: is it possible to take enterofuril for viral infections, for example, rotavirus infection? This is not recommended, since the medicine only acts on bacteria and is powerless against viruses.

How to take Enterofuril during pregnancy

Although Enterofuril does not penetrate the fetus’s body, doctors still prescribe Enterofuril during pregnancy with caution, since there is not yet sufficient data indicating its complete safety. If there is a need to take the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Children often suffer from intestinal disorders. To eliminate diarrhea and restore microflora, doctors suggest parents buy Enterofuril for children. The drug is released in capsule and liquid form, but the instructions for its use instruct the youngest patients to give syrup. For medicinal purposes, the product can be given to babies from the second month of life.

Why is Enterofuril prescribed?

The instructions for the use of Enterofuril name several main conditions:

  1. standard diarrhea - acute and chronic;
  2. diarrhea due to intestinal infection in the tract without signs of helminthic infestation;
  3. chronic diarrhea associated with inflammation of the mucous tissues of the colon;
  4. diarrhea caused by abuse of antimicrobial agents or poisoning by poor-quality food;
  5. diarrhea of ​​unknown nature (acute and prolonged).

Useful composition of the drug

Enterofuril suspension is a thick yellow liquid with a banana smell. It is packaged in dark glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml. The medicine is bottled in an amount of 90 ml. Each cardboard box contains instructions for using the medication and a measuring spoon to make it easier to use.

The suspension is based on nifuroxazide. For every 5 ml of syrup there are 200 mg of substance. Additional components of the medicine are:

  • water;
  • ethanol;
  • sucrose;
  • carbomer;
  • lemon acid;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • banana flavor;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The antidiarrheal effect of the children's drug Enterofuril is due to nifuroxazide. The substance acts specifically without being transported to tissues and organs, so its use during diarrhea does not cause systemic reactions. For intestinal pathologies of a viral nature, the drug reduces the risk of bacterial superinfection. Its breakdown products leave the body along with feces.

Nifuroxazide actively fights gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including streptococcus, enterobacter, proteus, salmonella, shigella, Pfeiffer bacillus, Klebsiella and staphylococcus, E. coli.

The suspension is taken orally, that is, orally from a measuring spoon. The drug has no connection with food consumption. Whether to give Enterofuril to the baby after or before meals is up to the parents to decide (whichever is more convenient). But pediatricians recommend giving the baby syrup an hour after finishing feeding, so that the delicate stomach does not suffer from chemical components.

As soon as the suspension is in the mother’s hand, it must be shaken thoroughly. How much liquid to measure is indicated in the instructions for use:

  1. Babies in the 1st half of life are given 3 rubles of syrup. per day with a dosage of 2.5 ml;
  2. in the age range from 7 months. up to 2 years Enterofuril for children is measured in the same amount, but children take it 4 times. per day;
  3. children 3 – 7 years old are treated with syrup three times a day with a single dosage of 5 ml;
  4. after 7 years, the suspension is given up to 4 rubles. per day with a measure of 5 ml.

After taking the first dosage of the drug and the next one, at least 8 hours should pass. The doctor decides how many days treatment with Enterofuril will last. The maximum duration of the course is one week.

Enterofuril capsules for children

An alternative to using the liquid form of the drug is taking capsules. They are included in therapeutic antidiarrheal regimens for children after 2 years of age. A sick child is given 3 rubles per capsule. per day with an interval of 8 hours.

A printout on the use of Enterofuril suggests giving primary schoolchildren and teenagers 4 capsules per day. The time between medication doses for this category of patients is reduced to 6 hours.

Side effects and contraindications

The gastrointestinal tract reacts with negative effects to the use of Enterofuril. Children usually complain of abdominal pain and nausea. Possible increased diarrhea. Symptoms do not require discontinuation of the drug or dose reduction. They disappear on their own.

In isolated cases, the child’s body may react with signs of allergies. A simple rash, elements of urticaria, angioedema and anaphylactic shock are considered dangerous conditions. When they appear, therapy is stopped.

There are several contraindications to the use of Enterofuril:

  • prematurity;
  • age up to 1 month;
  • enzymatic deficiency of substances that break down sucrose;
  • hypersensitivity to nifuroxazide, its derivatives and auxiliary components.

What is Enterofuril replaced with?

If the medicine does not help within 7 days, the regimen is reviewed and analogues are selected. According to the criterion of the main active substance, syrup is replaced with drugs such as:

  1. Lekor;
  2. Ersefuril;
  3. Stopdiar;
  4. Ecofuril;
  5. Nifuroxazide from different manufacturers.

Drugs similar to Enterofuril in terms of their mechanism of action are:

  • Allylchep (oral drops);
  • Levoridone (suspension for internal use and tablets);
  • Salmonella bacteriophage (syrup, rectal suppositories, solutions, tablets).

Enterofuril is a drug that belongs to the group of intestinal antiseptics. It destroys bacteria and pathogenic flora, eliminating diarrhea of ​​infectious origin.

Unlike sorbents, which only remove bacteria, viruses and their metabolic products from the body, Enterofuril has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, destroying them and preventing further reproduction.

Enterofuril is prescribed for children for intestinal infections of bacterial origin, accompanied by diarrhea and intoxication.

Let's carefully study the instructions for using Enterofuril suspension for children: what is the dosage of the drug, the price, indications and contraindications, what parents say in their reviews of the children's medicine.

Description and composition

The active ingredient of the drug is nifuroxazide. 5 ml of suspension contains 200 mg of nifuroxazide. This dosage is enough to relieve acute diarrhea and provide a bactericidal and antibacterial effect.

Many mothers are afraid to give their child Enterofuril, since it contains (in suspension) alcohol is present(96%) and strong banana flavor.

These substances really do not benefit the child, but subject to therapeutic doses and recommendations for use the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body and does not affect the baby’s health. This is an effective medicine for treating young children.

The drug in the form of a suspension is thick yellow syrup with a bright banana scent.

The suspension is bottled in dark medical glass bottles with a volume of 90 ml. The kit contains a measuring spoon and instructions for use.

When is it appointed?

Enterofuril is a strong antimicrobial agent, therefore you cannot prescribe it yourself, especially if the child is under 12 months old.

Only the pediatrician who is seeing the child or an infectious disease specialist in the hospital should determine the possibility of use.

Indications for use of the suspension:

  • ACI (acute intestinal infections);
  • diarrhea of ​​a chronic or acute type with signs of an infectious disease (in the absence of symptoms);
  • chronic infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, accompanied by heartburn, dyspeptic disorders, bloating and stool instability.

Up to 3 years of age, therapy with Enterofuril should be accompanied by plenty of fluids. and taking rehydration agents (Regidron, Trisol) necessary to restore the water-salt balance.

When not to use

The suspension should not be given to newborns (up to 1 month of life), infants born prematurely or with low birth weight.

Given the presence of sucrose and citric acid in the composition, treatment with the drug is prohibited for the following diagnoses:

  • fruit sugar intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption (a genetic disease characterized by impaired transport of glucose and galactose through the intestinal wall);
  • deficiency of sucrose and isomaltase.

The final decision on the need and possibility of treatment with Enterofuril must be made by the doctor., taking into account the characteristics of the child’s condition and his development.

Important information for parents to note: how and with what to treat?

Do you know what Epstein-Barr virus infection is in children? Symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment.

How the drug works

Enterofuril is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It destroys pathogenic flora, consisting of bacteria and microbes, and is effective in almost 100% of any age.

The active component of the drug is active against most bacteria:

The medicine has a detrimental effect only on pathogenic microorganisms without affecting the beneficial microflora or disturbing it.

The likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis is excluded. Additional probiotic intake is also not required.

The active substance of the suspension exhibits therapeutic activity only in the intestines, without being absorbed by the mucous membranes and entering the systemic bloodstream.

This property allows the drug to be used to treat intestinal infections even in infants, starting from one month of age.


The dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the child and the severity of diarrhea syndrome. Standard therapeutic doses:

  • from 1 to 6 months - 2.5 ml (2-3 times a day);
  • from 6 months to 2 years – 2.5 ml (4 times a day);
  • from 2 to 7 years – 5 ml (3 times a day);
  • over 7 years old – 5 ml (4 times a day).

Duration of treatment - no less than 2 days and no more than 7 days. Most pediatricians advise discontinuing Enterofuril if diarrhea has not occurred for 12 consecutive hours.

How to use

You can measure the dose of the suspension using a measuring spoon, which is included in the package with the drug.

You can give Enterofuril regardless of food intake. The medicine has a rich banana taste, so even small children drink it with pleasure.

special instructions

To avoid dehydration, it is necessary to combine Enterofuril therapy with rehydration agents.

Dehydration (in acute form) in infancy can lead to the death of a child!

Do not take the product simultaneously with sorbents( , ), since they will reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Taking the drug can be combined with.

Interaction with other substances

Enterofuril is compatible with any medications and chemicals, except sorbents. If taken simultaneously, the effectiveness of the therapy will decrease.

Side effects and overdose

Overdose of the drug is almost impossible, since the active substance is not absorbed into the blood. If the recommended dose is accidentally exceeded, it is necessary to monitor the child.

If his appetite has not changed, his skin has a normal shade, there are no symptoms of poisoning, no measures need to be taken.

If you have doubts about the baby's condition, it is better to take him to the hospital and show your doctor - you may need gastric lavage.

Side effects during treatment are rare, but they are still possible. Most often, children experience an allergic reaction to the banana flavoring included in the suspension.

It manifests itself rash, red spots. In severe cases, angioedema and anaphylactic shock may develop.

These conditions are life-threatening, so you must immediately call an ambulance.

Informative information about how to help an infant with constipation. Find out more!

Price in Russian pharmacies

How much does Enterofuril suspension cost for children? The cost in Moscow pharmacies is 346 rubles.

In the regions of Russia the price fluctuates from 320 to 390 rubles per package.

Storage and release from pharmacies

Enterofuril is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Shelf life – 3 years within the expiration date in a closed bottle. Storage temperature – no higher than 30 degrees.

After opening the package, the medicine must be use within 14 days. After this period, the drug and packaging must be disposed of.

Is it possible to Enterofuril for a baby?

The antimicrobial drug Enterofuril, used in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections that are accompanied by acute and chronic conditions of diarrhea, is approved for use for any category of patients, including infants. The only exceptions are children in the first days of life up to one month of age and those newborns who were premature.

Instructions for use of the drug Enterofuril can familiarize the patient with all the necessary information on its use in treatment, indications for use and precautions for its use. Contains instructions and special information on how to use the drug to treat diseases in infants.

Please read this manual carefully before deciding to use it.

Composition, form, packaging

Being an antidiarrheal drug and intestinal antiseptic, Enterofuril is available in the form of capsules and suspensions for oral administration.

Enterofuril suspension

Enterofuril suspension has a thick consistency and is yellow in color and smells like banana. Its active substance is nifuroxazide in the required concentration. The required amount of substances was taken as auxiliary components: sucrose, sodium hydroxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethanol 96%, carbomer, citric acid, banana flavor and distilled water.

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in cardboard packs containing a darkened glass bottle with a volume of 100 milliliters.

Enterofuril capsules

Capsules Enterofuril size No. 2 are yellow in color and contain yellow powder. The capsule is hard, opaque, gelatinous. Its active substance is nifuroxazide in the required concentration. The required amount of substances was taken as auxiliary components: corn starch, sucrose, powdered cellulose, magnesium stearate. The shell consists of the following substances in the required quantity: titanium dioxide C.I. 77891 (E171), quinoline yellow C.I. 47005 (E104), orange, yellow C.I. 15987 (E110), azorubine C.I. 14720 (E122), cosinyl red C.I. 16255 (E124), gelatin.

You can buy such capsules at the pharmacy in a cardboard box containing three blisters with a dozen capsules each.

Enterofuril capsules size No. 0 have a yellow color and the contents are yellow powder with possible small inclusions, the mass of which is compressed. The capsule is hard, opaque, gelatinous. Its active substance is nifuroxazide in the required concentration. The required amount of substances was taken as auxiliary components: corn starch, sucrose, powdered cellulose, magnesium stearate. The shell consists of the following substances in the required quantity: titanium dioxide C.I. 77891 (E171), quinoline yellow C.I. 47005 (E104), azorubine C.I. 14720 (E122), cosinyl red C.I. 16255 (E124), gelatin.

Capsules are sold in a cardboard box containing two or four blisters of eight capsules each.

Storage period and conditions

Enterofuril in the form of a suspension can be stored for three years, and in the form of capsules for five years. The safety of the drug is guaranteed by compliance with the temperature regime, which should not exceed 30 degrees. In addition, Enterofuril suspension should not be frozen.

Children should not be allowed into the storage area.


Enterofuril does not disturb the balance of normal intestinal flora.


Adsorption after taking the drug practically does not occur and its antibacterial effect occurs exclusively in the intestinal lumen. Excretion is carried out entirely with feces, the speed of which entirely depends on intestinal motility and the dose of the drug taken.

Enterofuril indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of those patients who need treatment for acute or chronic infectious diarrhea. In this case, there should be no signs of helminthic infestation.

Indications Enterofuril for infants

  • With diarrhea;
  • During attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • For pain in the abdominal area.


The use of the drug Enterofuril is contraindicated for premature babies and those younger than one month. Also, the prescription of the drug is undesirable for those patients who have a high sensitivity to substances that are derivatives of the active component of the drug.

Enterofuril instructions for use

Treatment with the drug is prescribed for a week.

  • for adults and children from seven years old, 200 milligrams are prescribed; reception four times a day; the daily dose should not exceed 800 milligrams;
  • for children from two to seven years old, a daily dose of 600 milligrams is prescribed (200 milligrams three times)
  • For children under two years of age, only a suspension is prescribed. For accurate dosing, it is recommended to use the included measuring spoon.
  • from seven months to two years, a single dose of 100 milligrams (half a scoop) is prescribed in four doses;
  • from one month to six months, a single dose of 100 milligrams (half a measuring spoon) is prescribed in three doses;

Shake the bottle well before using the suspension.

Enterofuril during pregnancy

Enterofuril for infants and older children

After the child has reached one month of age, if treatment with Enterofuril is necessary, a study should first be carried out for the quantitative presence of enzymes capable of breaking down fructose.

Until the age of two, Enterofuril is allowed to be prescribed only in the form of a suspension, which must be shaken well before each dose. After two years of age, treatment can be prescribed for a child using the drug in capsules.

Eating does not affect the time of use of the drug.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug Enterofril does not cause side effects during treatment. Allergy may occur.


There has not been a single case in which specific symptoms of Enterofuril overdose appeared. But still, if excessive use of the drug is detected, emergency medical care should be provided to the victim.

Drug interactions

There are no descriptions of drug interactions between the drug Enterofuril and other medications.

Additional instructions

The use of the drug Enterofuril categorically excludes the use of alcohol.

Antidiarrheal therapy using this drug should be carried out in combination with rehydration, the need for which is determined by the patient’s condition and the degree of dehydration of his body.

Enterofuril analogues

Analogues of the drug Enterofuril are available in any of its dosage forms:

Suspension: Nifuroxazide-Richter, Stopdiar;

Capsules: Ersefuril, Ecofuril;

Enterofuril price

The cost of the drug in its various forms also has some differences. So, a bottle of suspension can be purchased on average for 382 rubles, and the drug in capsule form costs 262 rubles per package.

Enterofuril reviews for children

Parents of children willingly share reviews about the drug and many of them agree on its effectiveness and speed. There are quite a lot of comments about the drug, so we will give only some of the latest reviews that most fully reflect the overall assessment of the drug.

Vasilisa: We were prescribed Enterofuril for diarrhea when we were still just babies for two and a half months. The drug coped well with the intestinal infection, which never returned. Now we have already grown to one year and two months.

Nina: Last summer my daughter was poisoned and could not digest any food, even breast milk came out immediately with vomiting. Enterofuril helped almost immediately, stopping the attacks of nausea, and then relieved the high fever. We are very pleased with the treatment.

Lyudmila: The drug helps very quickly, but is recommended as a seven-day course of treatment. My son was prescribed this to treat diarrhea. Enterofuril acts as an antibiotic, but you don’t have to worry about the intestinal microflora - it doesn’t spoil it.