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Phytoestrogens: drugs for old age? Natural estrogens for women Phytoestrogens for women

The female body goes through three key stages in life: puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, and withering. Each of these processes is provided by the sex hormone estrogen. Under its influence, a woman acquires rounded shapes, the girl’s menstrual cycle is established, and the normal functioning of the reproductive system is ensured.

To maintain female beauty, youth, and health, the level of the sex hormone estrogen must be normal. If there is a certain imbalance, HRT is prescribed.

The ovaries are responsible for the synthesis of this hormone. Physiologically it is stipulated that after 30-40 years this process gradually slows down. At about 45 years of age, a woman begins to notice a change in the cyclicity of menstruation, the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as sudden sensations of heat (hot flashes), weight gain, and increased blood pressure. This condition is called menopause. After 50 years, estrogen becomes negligible, the ovaries atrophy - menopause occurs.

The level of estrogen in a woman of childbearing age depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. It is in the range of 57-476 pg/ml.

Balance of estrogen in the body

Estrogens take part in a large number of different chemical and physiological processes. Three different states are possible:

  • Hypoestrogenism is an insufficient amount of the hormone. It is most characteristic of menopause, although it also occurs at an earlier age, being a pathological condition.
  • Normal - all hormones are in normal proportions. The body functions without failures, a woman rarely suffers from diseases characteristic of imbalance.
  • Hyperestrogenism is estrogen in excess of normal. An excess of the hormone is the same pathology as a deficiency. Under its influence, estrogen-dependent diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and malignant neoplasms can develop.

Honey. preparations with phytoestrogens for women

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin, contained in varying concentrations in foods and herbs. They got their name due to their molecular structure and mass, similar to natural human hormones. This causes phytoestrogens to interact with the same receptors. Only their strength is up to 1000 times less.

Preparations with phytoestrogens are not medicines; medicine classifies them as dietary supplements. Therefore, in case of severe disorders, one cannot rely on them.

If a woman has hypoestrogenism, taking homeopathic remedies can slightly improve the situation. At normal levels, phytoestrogens compete with estrogens, taking their place, which leads to an imbalance.

Are phytoestrogens drugs?

To clarify the issue of taking a herbal analogue of the female hormone, several fundamental issues should be clarified:

  • phytoestrogens are not hormones, and preparations based on them are steroid substances;
  • regardless of the form of release, these are food additives (dietary supplements), not medicines;
  • can have a complex or local effect;
  • Effectiveness appears only when taken internally, therefore they do not have any effect in various skin serums.

Only the attending physician can choose the best drug. The choice is based on the examination result, clinical picture, and previous therapy.

Depending on the release form, pharmacies sell tablets, capsules, and suppositories. Vitamins with phytoestrogens are also available for menopausal women. They may contain extracts and concentrates of various herbs. The most common are red clover, oregano, black cohosh, soybean and many more.

The effectiveness of drugs containing phytoestrogens

Recently, many women prefer taking phytoestrogens, considering them more effective and safe than drugs based on synthetic estrogens for replacement therapy. There is also a tendency to independently select dietary supplements, which occurs on the advice of friends and Internet users. Remember, although phytoestrogens are not drugs, they can cause significant harm to the body.

Phytoestrogens in oral form, when taken uncontrolled, can cause significant harm to women's health.

Most often, drugs with phytoestrogens are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, primarily hot flashes and headaches. But low levels of human estrogen are dangerous for other, less noticeable problems. Among the main ones:

  • Increased blood pressure. In the process of hormonal imbalance, changes in the digestive system, and a slowdown in metabolism, the formation of cholesterol plaques occurs.
  • Development of cardiovascular diseases. Poor absorption of minerals (potassium, magnesium) provokes a weakening of the activity of this system. As a result, women over 50 years of age are more likely to have heart attacks and strokes, and the mortality rate from these pathologies increases.
  • Thinning of bone tissue as a result of low calcium levels in the body. There is not enough female hormone for its complete absorption. The result is osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Taking herbal non-steroidal analogues is not able to solve the above problems, because to obtain the same amount of hormonal substances it is necessary to increase their concentration by 5000 times. This is impossible to do for a number of reasons, including side effects.

Phytoestrogens can be used as an additional remedy for HRT.

Rating of side effects of taking drugs with phytoestrogens

  • Allergic reactions. This is one of the largest groups of complications. Before you start taking it, you should study the composition in detail. The body can react both to plants growing in our latitudes and to plants that are uncharacteristic for us.
  • Toxic effect. Many herbs contain potent essential oils that accumulate in the liver after long-term use or overdose.
  • Can cause bleeding and miscarriages.

The presence of acute and chronic diseases is also a contraindication. Take care of your health and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for initial self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to see a specialist and make an appointment.

Age-related changes begin to occur in the female body after 40 years. The accompanying symptoms are just around the corner: hot flashes, irritability, headaches and poor health.

In order to alleviate the condition of the fair sex, experts prescribe herbal medications for menopause. In this publication we will take a closer look at what phytoestrogens are for women after 40 years of age.

It is characterized by the end of childbearing age and the gradual cessation of ovarian hormonal function. In the female body, the amount of sex hormones gradually decreases. As a result, the symptoms of menopause begin to appear and accompanying processes occur: calcium is washed out of the bones, the level of “bad” cholesterol increases, fat metabolism changes and immunity decreases.

To normalize hormonal balance and alleviate a woman’s condition, doctors prescribe phytohormones during menopause.

Phytohormones are natural substances that are found in some plants and are identical in composition to human sex hormones. Plant estrogens especially help improve the well-being of women during menopause. After all, estrogen is the main female sex hormone.

When its level decreases in the female body, menopausal symptoms begin to appear: accompanied by increased sweating, excessive nervousness and irritability, various sleep disorders and dizziness and headaches. By taking phytoestrogens in the form of drugs during menopause, a woman gets rid of all these unpleasant manifestations and improves the quality of her life.

Despite the fact that phytoestrogens for women are herbal preparations, they cannot be selected for yourself. Such remedies should only be prescribed by a specialist after conducting the necessary examination.

Every female body is unique. What is ideal for a friend or neighbor can harm the lady’s health. For women over 50 years old, the gynecologist prescribes a remedy for the symptoms of menopause and vitamins.

Who should take phytoestrogens?

Herbal preparations for menopause are classified as dietary supplements. They do not harm the female body. Therefore, many ladies prefer to take herbal remedies during menopause. When menopause is difficult for a woman to endure, natural estrogens - phytoestrogens - can significantly alleviate her condition.

There are the following indications for the use of phytoestrogens during menopause in women:

  • onset of early menopause - before 40 years of age;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • the lady suffers from hypertension;
  • manifestations of menopause worry long before the onset of menopause (normally 50 years);
  • high likelihood of developing osteoporosis or cardiovascular diseases.

Phytoestrogens are necessarily prescribed to women who have been put into artificial menopause before undergoing surgery to remove the ovaries. Natural phytohormones help improve the condition of a woman who has undergone radiotherapy.

For endometriosis, plant estrogens and vitamins are prescribed in addition to drug treatment to strengthen the woman's immunity.

What is the effect of taking phytohormones?

Studies have shown that regular use of phytoestrogens for women during menopause brings double benefits. Firstly, unpleasant menopausal symptoms are effectively removed. Secondly, the development of complications and diseases is prevented.

In particular:

  • manifestations of hot flashes accompanied by increased sweating are eliminated;
  • sleep disturbances are eliminated, and insomnia also disappears;
  • ladies get rid of headaches and dizziness;
  • the psycho-emotional state of women improves (nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, touchiness, etc.);
  • blood pressure stabilizes (pressure surges are eliminated);
  • Osteoporosis is prevented (drugs help increase calcium levels in bone tissue);
  • the work of the heart muscle is normalized;
  • tumor growth stops;
  • immunity increases.

Thus, phytoestrogens during menopause relieve the female body from the negative manifestations of this period. A tangible result will be noticeable only after taking the product for two weeks.

Contraindications to the use of drugs

All herbal preparations have the following standard contraindications for use:

  1. Allergy to some component of the medicine.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.

Women suffering from alcoholism should not take medications containing alcoholic infusions of herbs. Medicines containing cohosh plant extract are strictly contraindicated for women suffering from lactose intolerance.

Side effects of natural medicines

Just about phytoestrogens.

Despite the fact that phytoestrogens have a very gentle effect on the body during menopause, in some cases, the following side effects are possible:

  • sudden weight gain;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of yellowness on the whites of the eyes and skin;
  • darkening of urine.

The last two manifestations show that the use of the drug negatively affects the functioning of the liver. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the drug and contact your doctor. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist will select another natural remedy.

It is important to know that failure to comply with the dosage of herbal preparations leads to disruption of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

List of the best drugs

We provide a list of the most effective phytoestrogens for women over 40. Preparations containing them are very popular. Medicines are available in different forms - tablets, capsules, drops. Phytoestrogens in tablets are the most common dosage form.

List of drugs containing natural phytohormones:

  1. Klimadinon - available in the form of drops. The active substance is an extract of the black cohosh plant.
    Effectively removes hot flashes, eliminates increased nervousness, irritability, insomnia and other sleep disorders. The first tangible results from the use of the drug are observed after a week of taking the medicine.
  2. Klimaxan is a homeopathic remedy containing phytoestrogen - black cohosh.
    Prescribed for frequent and severe hot flashes, increased irritability, migraines and other disorders of the vegetative-vascular system.
  3. Remens - homeopathic drops and sublingual tablets containing phytoestrogens from the plants of black cohosh and Sanguinaria canadensis.
    Very good at eliminating hot flashes, increased sweating, dizziness, headaches, including migraines. The drug stabilizes surges in blood pressure and prevents the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Prevents gaining extra pounds of weight.
  4. Feminal is a capsule drug containing phytoestrogen - red clover extract.
    Helps reduce the frequency of hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, headaches, and breast tenderness.
  5. Inoclim is a herbal preparation in capsules.
    It contains phytoestrogen - soybean extract. The action of the product is aimed at eliminating attacks of rapid heartbeat, as well as hot flashes and increased sweating.

Bottom line

Preparations containing phytoestrogens, despite their natural origin and mild effect on the body, should only be prescribed by a specialist. After all, without an examination, it is unknown what level of sex hormones is in a woman’s body, as well as what vitamins and microelements she lacks.

The use of herbal preparations during menopause gives a good therapeutic effect. Moreover, such drugs are well tolerated by the female body and cause almost no side effects. Therefore, they are very popular among mature ladies. We wish you good health!

According to modern clinical guidelines, menopausal disorders are the basis for prescribing estrogen replacement therapy. This tactic is aimed not only at correcting the uncomfortable psycho-vegetative disorders of early menopause. Taking estrogen is also a prevention of late metabolic complications of the postmenopausal period.

But many women refuse to use hormonal drugs or have certain contraindications for their use. In this case, drugs containing phytoestrogens are used.

What are phytoestrogens?

The term is used in relation to non-hormonal substances of plant origin, which in the human body can have an estrogen-like effect. But they still have a different, non-steroidal structure and cannot fully imitate the effects of natural hormones. And in some situations, their effect is completely antiestrogenic. Therefore, this name is not entirely correct, but continues to be actively used in everyday life and in official medicine.

This group of biologically active compounds is heterogeneous in structure. It includes quite a lot of substances that are somewhat similar to the 17-beta-estradiol molecule. The most common of them are:

  • isoflavones (daidzein, biochanin A, genistein, formononetin and more than 500 substances);
  • coumestans (the most significant is coumestrol);
  • lignans;
  • non-steroidal (triterpenoid) and steroid-like (steroidal) saponins;
  • phytosterols;
  • resorcylic acid lactones.

Phytoestrogens were isolated from plants in 1926. But they began to be actively and widely used in medicine only in the last 15-20 years. Previously, they were obtained from homemade decoctions and infusions. This made dosing difficult and was accompanied by a fairly high risk of side effects due to excess consumption. Currently, dietary supplements with standardized doses are used for therapeutic purposes, which makes the result of therapy more predictable.

Operating principle

The biological effects of estrogens entering a woman’s body are caused by several mechanisms. Traditionally, the main one is considered to be reversible binding to receptors located in estrogen-sensitive tissues. The targets for estrogen and its plant “simulator” are the ovaries, endometrium, mammary glands, glandular structures of the cervix, vagina, urethra and vulva, and bone tissue. According to the feedback principle, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is also involved.

But the reactions that arise in response are still not complete and sufficient to completely imitate the action of endogenous (own, internal) ones. After all, the potency of these hormone-like substances is only about 2% of physiological hormones. Therefore, taking herbal remedies is not true hormone replacement therapy. But with their help, you can still somewhat mitigate the symptoms of menopausal estrogen deficiency.

Estrogen-like action is not the only mechanism of action of phytoestrogens. They also have other effects:

  1. Competitive, fairly strong binding to estrogen receptors. And this leads to inhibition of the proliferation of target cells, which is caused by endoestrogens. This mechanism is especially relevant in the premenopausal period, since thanks to it it is possible to reduce the risk of developing mammary glands.
  2. Stimulation of the synthesis in the liver of a special globulin SHBG - a carrier protein that binds sex hormones. This leads to a decrease in their concentration in the blood, which serves to prevent the development of premenopausal tumors and other hormone-dependent pathological conditions in women.

Thus, we cannot talk only about the replacement effect of phytoestrogens. They also have an anti-estrogenic effect, the severity of which depends on the level of a woman’s own endogenous estrogens in the body. This point should be taken into account when prescribing a therapeutic course and its start date.

When is it advisable to take phytoestrogens during menopause?

  1. Mitigation of psychovegetative manifestations: hot flashes, sweating, sudden mood swings, neurosis-like reactions, sleep disturbances.
  2. Prevention of osteoporosis, which reduces the risk of developing pathological fractures of the femoral neck and vertebrae.
  3. Reducing the likelihood of the formation of hormone-dependent tumors affecting the glandular tissue of the mammary glands, endometrium and myometrium of the uterus.
  4. Reducing the risk of developing severe systemic atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular complications (angiogenic and cardioprotective effects). This is due to the beneficial effect on the blood lipid profile. But it should be understood that taking phytoestrogens alone cannot minimize the likelihood of stroke and heart attack in a woman. Prevention of these conditions requires an integrated approach. It usually includes following dietary recommendations, taking additional medications, adjusting weight, and maintaining reasonable physical activity.
  5. Improving the condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails), reducing the rate of development of age-related changes in them. This is the so-called anti-aging effect of phytoestrogens. Against the background of their regular use, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis is somewhat enhanced, which helps to improve skin tone. The formation of characteristic age-related pigmentation (age spots) also slows down.
  6. Improving the condition of the mucous membrane of the vulvovaginal area. Phytoestrogenic therapy somewhat activates the work of glandular cells, which slows down the development of atrophic colpitis during menopause. At the same time, the woman’s feeling of vaginal dryness decreases and the quality of sexual life increases.
  7. Relief of urinary incontinence associated with menopause.

The complex action of phytoestrogens makes it possible to soften the brightest and most uncomfortable symptoms and at the same time minimize the risks of long-term consequences of postmenopausal estrogen deficiency.

When should treatment begin?

Therapy can be started at any stage of the climacteric syndrome. Most often, they are prescribed when a woman develops uncomfortable psycho-vegetative symptoms in premenopause, when menstruation has not yet completely stopped.

For preventive purposes, phytoestrogens are prescribed already when the first signs of decline in the function of the reproductive system appear - at approximately the age of 40-45 years. Such an early start of therapy allows their anti-aging effect to fully manifest itself, makes the course of menopause more comfortable, and significantly reduces the risks of cardiovascular and oncological diseases in postmenopause. But a later start of therapy is also acceptable.

The course of treatment should be long. You should not expect a quick onset of effect and complete elimination of symptoms. Phytoestrogens are not emergency drugs for vegetative crises, but agents that work for the future. And the full effect of taking them can be expected with daily, long-term systematic use.

It should not be forgotten that the effectiveness of the treatment depends on a number of factors. The most important of them is the composition and activity of intestinal microflora. The fact is that bacteria living in the large intestine partially metabolize phytoestrogens, converting them into a more active and absorbable form. For example, isoflavones are converted into equol under the influence of intestinal microflora.

Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the normal composition of the microflora during this period. To do this, it is advisable to use fermented milk and fiber-rich products, which are natural prebiotics and probiotics. You should avoid unauthorized use of antibiotics, which negatively affect the composition and number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

When are phytoestrogens not used?

Contraindications for menopause are as follows:

  • diagnosed or suspected;
  • cystomas of the uterus and appendages;
  • liver pathology with clinically significant deviations in the biochemical parameters of this organ;
  • severe, decompensated and progressive brain diseases;
  • allergic reactions to any of the components of the herbal medicine or to the plant itself.

Failure to comply with contraindications can cause rapid progression of underlying diseases and increase the cancer risk of existing tumors. Therefore, the treatment regimen must be agreed with your doctor.

Natural Sources of Phytoestrogens

The list of possible natural sources is quite wide. They are found in many plants that are edible or medicinal.

A large number of phytoestrogens are found in clover, licorice, alfalfa, red brush, wild yam, hawthorn, nettle, black cohosh, sage, and yarrow.

Food sources include:

  • soy is the most studied source of isoflavones and coumestans;
  • other legumes, however, the level of active substances in them is lower than in soybeans;
  • nuts are a source of lignans;
  • flax and sesame seeds;
  • fruits, the most phytoestrogens are found in cherries, citrus fruits and apples;
  • vegetables and food herbs: broccoli, spinach, garlic, parsley, cabbage, celery;
  • oils, the most useful: olive, coconut, wheat germ;
  • dairy products and cheeses.

But these food products are still not able to provide a level of hormone-like substances sufficient for the prevention and correction of menopausal symptoms. And their bioavailability is not high enough. For example, for the average woman in the European part of Russia, the food source covers only about 2% of the required amount of phytoestrogens. This figure is significantly higher in eastern countries, where many soybean products are traditionally consumed. But even there, women in menopause can be additionally prescribed medications containing phytoestrogens.

What drugs can be used?

The list of drugs is very wide. They are available in the form of aqueous and alcoholic solutions for oral administration, tablets, capsules, homeopathic granules, cosmetic and vaginal creams.

The most well-known drugs include Qi-klim, Klimadinon, Estrovel, Remens, Klimaxan, Menoril, Fimail, Klimaton, Ovestin, Divina. They contain active substances of different structure, origin and concentration.

The selection of the drug, its dosage and dosage regimen for menopause must be done under the supervision of a doctor. After all, irrationally conducted therapy using phytoestrogens can aggravate hormonal imbalance by enabling the antiestrogenic effect of these substances. And this is fraught with an increased risk of developing tumors and the appearance of other hormone-dependent conditions.

Estrogens are hormones that support the functioning of the entire female body. After 40 years, estrogen secretion decreases and hormonal levels change. In an organism deprived of hormonal support, the functioning of all organs is disrupted. Not all women tolerate this period well; sometimes they require hormone replacement therapy. Phytoestrogens for women after 40 can improve the condition.

Mechanism of action of phytohormones

The world learned about phytoestrogens almost a hundred years ago, but only in recent decades has their effect been appreciated. It all started with a study of the characteristics of menopause in women after 40 years in Europe and South Asia. Researchers were interested in the fact that Asian women tolerate menopause well, while in European women it is often accompanied by menopausal syndrome .

A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. The phytoestrogens it contains suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary gland. Taking the medicine leads to the elimination of the main manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Take a tablet 2 times a day for a month.

(Evalar, Russia)

A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Indications for use are the same as for Klimadinon.

Remens(Richard Bittner, Austria)

A homeopathic medicine containing three plants containing phytohormones. Regulates the activity of the neuroendocrine system, eliminates menopausal symptoms. Take the drug 1 sublingual tablet or 10 drops three times a day for six months.

(Regena Nye Cosmetics, Germany)

Price tag: from 6950 rub.

Dietary supplement based on dry extract of hop cones and aqueous extract of red clover, also contains vitamins and minerals. The product effectively eliminates mild and moderate climacteric syndrome.

(Laboratory Innotec International, France)

Price: from 855 rub.

Dietary supplement from soybeans containing genistin and daidzin. It acts selectively and has an estrogen-like effect.

(Jadran, Croatia)

Dietary supplement with red clover extract. It helps well with hot flashes, irritability and changes in blood pressure during menopause. Take 1 capsule per day with meals for a month.

Doppelhertz active Menopause(Queisser Pharma, Germany)

Dietary supplement based on soy isoflavoids. Also contains a complex of vitamins and calcium. Take the drug 1 tablet per day with meals for a month or more.


Some foods also contain phytohormones. A woman's consumption of such products is the best and safest way to restore hormonal balance.

The most phytohormones are found in legumes and cereals: soybeans, beans, lentils, wheat, oats, barley. Bean dishes can be alternated with oat and wheat porridges.

There are fewer phytohormones in vegetables; they are found in all types of cabbage (especially cauliflower and broccoli), potatoes, carrots, garlic, asparagus, and garden herbs (especially parsley).

Apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates, and green tea are rich in phytohormones.

Phytoestrogens are natural biologically active substances that can, to some extent, replace female sex hormones and have a beneficial effect on the female body. But we should not forget that the hormonal system has a complex structure and may not always respond adequately to the intake of such substances. That's why even dietary supplements with phytohormones should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

Have you ever heard of phytoestrogens? Every woman who is passionate about her own appearance has probably come across this name in the compositions of anti-aging creams and various dietary supplements aimed at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Looking at such a wide spectrum of action, many representatives of the fair sex have a question - what are phytoestrogens and what natural products contain them. Let's talk about everything in order.

The effect of estrogens on the female body

To understand the effect of phytoestrogens on the female body, first of all, you need to know about the function of female sex hormones. It is no secret that the main hormones for the fairer sex are estrogens, namely estradiol, estrone and estriol.

While the girl is fresh and young, estradiol maintains the elegance of her figure, grace and blooming appearance of her skin. However, with age, when the female body approaches menopause, and the ovaries cease to perform their main function, the synthesis of this hormone slows down significantly, giving the dominant position to another hormone - estrone. However, the actions of these hormones are completely different! While a woman has a normal monthly cycle, the synthesized estrone is converted into estradiol, which means that the woman does not experience health problems. She is full of strength, she has a beautiful figure and gorgeous skin, strong bones and excellent immunity. But as soon as menopause approaches, and the balance of hormones shifts towards estrone, everything changes dramatically, not for the better.

Estrone does not protect the female body from future changes. On the contrary, it has a negative impact on the condition of the fair sex: it weakens bone tissue, increases blood pressure, disrupts the hair structure, worsens the condition of the skin and does not have the best effect on a woman’s mental state. In addition, estrone inhibits metabolic processes, causing excess body weight gain. But what’s even more dangerous is that high levels of this hormone can cause cancer, causing uterine cancer or breast cancer.

From all of the above, a simple and understandable conclusion can be drawn. As long as the ovaries are actively producing estradiol, the woman feels well and does not experience problems with excess weight. But as soon as the endocrine glands stop synthesizing these necessary substances, and they are replaced by estrone, which is synthesized not only by the ovaries, but also by adipose tissue, the woman begins to gain weight and experience serious health problems.

The value of phytoestrogens for the female body

This is where the time comes to talk about phytoestrogens. These natural non-steroidal compounds, which are present in some plants, are very similar in structure to estradiol, which means they can have similar effects when ingested. True, unlike natural female hormones, the effect of phytoestrogens is 500–1000 times weaker. But this in no way detracts from their benefits for the female body, especially during menopause. If you ensure regular replenishment of these non-steroidal substances in the body, the concentration of phytoestrogens increases significantly, which will help avoid severe symptoms of menopause.

To understand all the benefits of phytoestrogens for women, here are some interesting facts.

1. First of all, let's say that plants need phytoestrogens in order to protect stems, leaves and fruits from aging, as well as to prevent the negative effects of sunlight on them. In this regard, eating foods with phytoestrogens slows down the aging process and, most importantly, “turns on” mechanisms that allow you to remain slim and fit even in adulthood.

2. The penetration of the substances in question into the body allows you to slow down the formation of pigmentation on the skin, and therefore remove the first signs of aging. In addition, phytoestrogens enhance collagen synthesis in the skin, perfectly nourishing the epidermis and retaining moisture in it. Thus, by ensuring the intake of these non-steroidal compounds into the body, your skin will remain young for a long time, and you will not worry about the appearance of aging wrinkles.

3. After forty years, it becomes very difficult to fight excess weight. However, if you ensure an uninterrupted supply of phytoestrogens to the body, you don’t have to worry about your figure. And even if you need to take measures to lose weight, losing excess weight will be much easier than without the support of these substances that are important for a woman. Remember, the condition of your figure directly depends on estradiol deficiency!

4. By regularly consuming foods with phytoestrogens, a woman gains much-needed protection from ultraviolet rays, which means she reduces the likelihood of developing breast cancer and other cancers.

5. Phytoestrogens are not hormones, which means you shouldn’t worry that consuming foods with these substances can cause hormonal imbalance. Such substances are very similar to hormones in their structure, due to which they manage to influence estrogen receptors. All this confirms the safety of phytoestrogens entering the body.

6. For estrogen-like effects to occur, the substances in question must be exposed to intestinal bacteria. This suggests that you can benefit from consuming phytoestrogens only if the gastrointestinal tract is functioning properly, while dysbiosis and various chronic stomach diseases significantly weaken this effect on the body.

7. In the USA and European countries, medicine strongly recommends that women who have crossed the 40-year mark eat foods rich in phytoestrogens. With regular intake of these biologically active substances, they act as a substitute for female hormones, due to which the aging process slows down by 3 times! The bottom line is that phytoestrogens activate receptors in the heart, muscles, skin and other organs that are influenced by estradiol, which means that even after the level of female sex hormones in the blood decreases, the body continues to work in “youth mode”.

8. Regular consumption of foods with phytoestrogens makes menopause easier for women. Numerous surveys of the fairer sex confirm that under the influence of these hormone-like substances, hot flashes disappear in women, sweating and irritability go away, sleep improves and mood improves. Moreover, the positive effect of such therapy can be noticed after just a month of constant intake of suitable products.

9. It’s worth saying a few words about estrogen receptors. Today, two types are known: α-receptors, which are localized in the female genital organs, and β-receptors, which are present in all organs. The special effect of phytoestrogens on β-receptors helps prevent the development of such serious diseases as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and malignant neoplasms.

10. No less interesting is the connection between phytoestrogens and α-receptors. This connection interferes with the contact of estriol with receptors, which is of great benefit in the fight against PMS, mastopathy, hormonal-dependent and malignant tumors.

11. It is important to say that phytoestrogens are powerful antioxidants, which means they can prevent cell malignancy and the development of oncology. The antitumor activity of these substances is confirmed by statistics. The number of female cancer patients in Japan is 10 times lower than in Europe and the USA, and all because for many years the health care of the Land of the Rising Sun has recommended adding foods with phytoestrogens to women’s diets.

12. It should be mentioned that the substances discussed in this article act as antiandrogens, which means they reduce the effect of so-called “male” hormones on the body. That is, they prevent the appearance of acne and prevent the development of hirsutism - male pattern hair growth.

13. An important feature of phytoestrogens is that these substances remove cholesterol from the blood, thereby preventing vascular diseases, in particular atherosclerosis and heart problems. In addition, these non-steroidal substances perfectly thin the blood, which means they prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of varicose veins.

14. Phytoestrogens prevent the absorption of glucose by the intestinal walls, which is useful not only for obese people, but also for people suffering from diabetes.

Products containing phytoestrogens

To replenish the body with these active substances, you need to diversify your diet with broccoli and asparagus, sprouted wheat, spinach and flax seeds, soybeans, beans, lentils and peas. They are found in garlic and parsley, grapes and red wine. And also in nuts and seeds, whole grains - wheat, rye and oats, in spices such as turmeric and ginger, fruits - cherries, raspberries and apricots, etc.

Among the medicinal herbs, the most phytoestrogens contain boron uterus and linden blossom, oregano and licorice, mistletoe and St. John's wort, ginseng and alfalfa, raspberry leaves and chamomile flowers.

It remains only to recall that the rejuvenating effect of phytoestrogens and the ability of these substances to have a beneficial effect on organs and tissues begins with a daily dose of 50 mg. I wish you health and longevity!