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Guessing what awaits me at work. What day of the week is best to get a job? Unfavorable periods for employment

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

The layout provides answers to questions regarding health, work and relationships. The explanatory map complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main map provides. Select a question type from the list below.

The Lenormand “Scales of Justice” card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune telling, you can even find out how the court case (if there is one) will end or a conflict based on a dispute or discussion. The layout gives advice on how to behave if the situation is resolved in your favor or in favor of your opponent. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Talent Card” allows you to find out what you are most predisposed to, what hidden talents you have. Fortune telling uses your birth date to calculate your talent chart numerology. Only the cards of the major arcana are used in the decryption. Our online fortune telling automatically calculates the sum of all your birth numbers - all you have to do is indicate your date of birth.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

The Job Change tarot card spread is suitable for those occasions. when the questioner must decide to change jobs. This fortune telling allows you to find out the pros and cons of your current job, as well as what awaits you in your new one, what speaks in favor of changing your job, and what speaks in favor of keeping it. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Simple. but the useful Promotion Tarot card spread will come in handy for those expecting or seeking a promotion. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how you can speed up your career growth, under what circumstances it will happen, what needs to be done to get the desired position.

The “Loss” tarot card spread is intended for those who are looking for a lost or stolen item, a missing animal, or even a missing person. This fortune telling will show where the wanted item is located, who may have stolen it, whether there is a possibility of returning the loss, how it can be returned and what the outcome of the search will be.

The “Trip” Tarot card layout is intended for those people who are soon going on a trip, business trip, tourist trip or any other trip. Fortune telling will show you the events that will happen to you on the way and upon arrival, whether your plans and hopes will come true and how this journey will end for you.

I had a conflict with my boss at work, what are my prospects? retirement age

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I worked in a store, I was transferred to a chest, I asked the director to transfer me back to the store, he said let’s see, the question is, will they transfer me to my previous place of work?

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I recently changed my job. The management at my old job has changed and they are inviting me to come back. Should I return or stay at my new job? Cards: Judgment, Horseman of Cups, Eight of Swords.

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Hello! I currently work as an administrator in a chain of pastry cafes. I'm not very happy about the promotion. I really, really want change. Will it be possible to change your occupation to a more profitable and promising one?! An acquaintance also wants to help with this.... in general, are there any chances for changes in the workers? Anastasia 07/31/96 4:30

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Good day. Today I was forced to sign a dismissal agreement by agreement of the parties. The management is not great, but the social package and stability plus the team is good. I held on as best I could. I'm terribly worried whether I will be able to find a decent job in the near future. Please help me with the interpretation. Past Five of Wands. The present empress. Future Ace of Swords. Thank you in advance.

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Good evening. There is some negativity towards me at work, I can’t understand the reason. The year got off to a bad start. Question: Do they want to replace me with another employee? Thank you.

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I forgot to write the schedule. The answer is the following. 1.You have been dealt a card - the Ten of Wands. 2. You got a card - the King of Wands. 3. You got a card - the Eight of Swords. Thank you.

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I asked the question whether I should stay at this job, I’ve been fed breakfast for 2 weeks now, everything that has happened is yes... the past -7 cups - that’s right, in the present I’m a jester, and in the future I’m an empress, but why bring it to the point of a jester? If possible get away from them

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New job, fourth month. The situation is difficult for me, personal relationships are not working out, I make a lot of mistakes (I note that, in my opinion, these mistakes are not as bad as the noise that arises. I compare it with the assessment of the work of colleagues) the salary does not live up to expectations. I asked what awaits me at this job. Answer: in the past the jack of cups, now the emperor, in the future a star. This is a good deal, isn't it? or did I ask the question incorrectly? the description seems too optimistic given the current situation

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In the past, mistakes were made on your part due to an incorrect assessment of the situation, but now there is a process of alignment, streamlining, organizing the process and adaptation. The future promises you development and favorable results from today’s work on the situation and on yourself.
It is important to follow this path to the end, not to give up and not to despair.
Good luck!

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If you get three Cards: the Five of Wands, the Moon and the Star - how will things work out at work?

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Hello, can I stay at this job, do I need to change it, I got 7 swords, 6 denarii, 2 cups

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Not a single question arises in our heads just like that) if it comes to you, then life is giving you hints on where to move next, what to do. Open your heart and listen) and regarding the cards in the layout: perhaps the question arose due to the fact that at your work they don’t really like honest relationships. There may be gossip behind your back, or they pass off your successes as their own, or they pass off their mistakes as yours. 6 denarii tells us that now the situation will level out, and your work will be appreciated, perhaps they will appreciate your experience and recommend you as a mentor for a new employee. In the future, in this work, you will have an excellent team and very close relationships between colleagues, but you should not expect money, a career or new projects. It’s even possible to have an affair with a colleague

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Greetings tarot readers! An outside opinion is needed. There are 2 people, presumably both are magical. There is a conflict between them. We need to find out what everyone is like as a practitioner at the moment. In general, the Devil became the significator of the situation. Further on the guy - Jester, PAGE OF PENTACLES, ACE OF PENTACLES, girl - ACE OF SWORDS, DEATH, TEMPERANCE. The guy is rumored to be practicing the World Championships, the girl is unknown for sure. Not really a question about work, but almost

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If I needed a magician’s help in solving a situation, then of course the girl would give such an answer. She is able to clearly see the situation and correct it. A guy in magic is more for the excitement and money. If you want to learn magic, go to a guy

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Please help me decipher the cards. What awaits me at work? First Queen of Wands, this is the past
Present-Queen of Swords
The future is 9 of cups.

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Hello. Help me fight. I have long wanted to start my own business (retrain for another profession). Dropped out: Priest, Five Denariev, Judgment. Thank you in advance.

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You need a good teacher in this matter (or complete good courses that are rated in your chosen environment). Don’t waste money on your studies; you may have to save money and limit yourself in some way. But the efforts will pay off, it's worth it. First of all, you will like it. You will do “your” business. Perhaps this will become a family business in the future.

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Hello! I'm tired of incomprehensible intrigues at work and it seems they will never end!!! Explain in simple terms what will happen. Please. Thank you.
You got a card - Three of Cups.

Present, now at work, in working relationships:
Herald card, Jack of WandsYou are dealt a card - Jack of Wands.

Near future at work, in work relationships:
card Horseman of WandsYou are dealt a card - Horseman of Wands.

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Hello. Please tell me whether I should change my job or not, and whether I can keep my job. Thank you

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Hello, tell me about the drawn cards, please. The manager at work changes, a new one comes. I asked how my relationship with him would develop? Sun-3 of Wands-Strength
Thank you in advance!

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Hello! I feel so bad that I wasn’t getting a job. Again, my colleagues complained about me. I’m so nervous, I can’t control myself, I swear right away, I raise my voice. I’m always in construction somewhere, for a month or 3 months, I work and they immediately fire me. It’s like there’s always a black streak. Today they called to give me another chance. Will they definitely get you a job or what? Please tell me

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Dear Raya, your condition is determined by your behavior in your social environment. You feel bad because you think - “I’m somehow not like that, I’m bad, I don’t know how to communicate.” It is quite possible that you lack communication skills, but this does not mean at all that you are bad or have a bad streak in life. A sober assessment of the current situation, awareness of your feelings and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with colleagues will help you. Coming to a new team, a person goes through a period of adaptation. This period lasts differently for everyone. During this period, people study each other. Due to the lack of information about a person and the motives of his behavior, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible. So don’t worry, the situation is completely fixable, and one might say it is common in modern working conditions. I am a psychologist, you can write to me, I will try to help you. On a voluntary basis.

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Forget-me-not, hello. I have a similar situation. I need help. I will be glad to receive your response.

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Hello. I haven't been in for a long time...
Priest-5 of Swords-Lovers.

Intrigue, blow... While I was on vacation. I found out by chance..What are the prospects? Is it worth "sorting things out"? Briefly, while I was on vacation, they started looking for a replacement for me. Personally, I didn’t even think about leaving. I found out by chance, because... I received a subscription letter.

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Employment is a very complex process, which is influenced by the location of the planets, the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac, the Lunar day and aspects, and many other things.

We will look at a general mechanism that will allow you to choose the right moment to submit documents, successfully pass an interview and get the desired position.

The emotional state of any person is affected by changes in the phase of the Moon and many other astrological processes. It can be noted that, for example, on a full moon, people are irritable, prone to aggression and conflicts, and those who suffer from vascular diseases may experience unpleasant physical sensations. And in the first and last days of the Lunar cycle, a person usually feels a loss of strength, lacks confidence in his abilities, and is easily manipulated and deceived. Such factors have a negative impact on any relationship, including relations with the employer. In this article I will describe the most favorable conditions for employment from an astrological point of view.

4 and 7 Lunar days are the time when you need to say out loud what you want, focus on your professional merits and talk about a high fee. These days, everything you say has great power and influences your interlocutor. Lunar days 10 and 11 are favorable for joining a large corporation with growth prospects. Your place will be stable, your career will take off, your financial results will grow rapidly. Lunar days 17 and 21 are effective for independent people who develop creative directions and are ready for responsibility and risky steps. During this period, it is good to open your own business, radically change your field of activity and realize your creative potential.

Favorable position of the moon for employment

Now we will look at the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac, which contributes to the achievement of career goals and successful employment. The Moon in Leo is a good period for achieving global career goals. You can get a job with competitors, try your hand at leadership positions, and seek investment in your ideas. Employment these days is advisable if you need a permanent job, career prospects and long-term security. The Moon in Virgo is a good period for hiring mid-level employees: accounting, management, team work. This is the right time for those who are ready to work disciplinedly for the benefit of the company, grow intellectually and master new knowledge. The Moon in Taurus is an effective time for employment in blue-collar jobs: employees of factories and factories, farm workers, auto mechanics, plumbers - all these specialists will achieve good results and decent wages. The Moon in Scorpio is suitable for those who want to get rich quickly and are considering temporary options for cooperation. The Moon in Sagittarius is suitable for those who want to realize their ambitions first, and working conditions and pay are only in the background. The Moon in Capricorn is an effective time for those who want fame and achievements in a narrow professional field of activity. The Moon in Aquarius is an effective period for employing creative individuals: musicians, poets, writers, advertisers. The Moon in Pisces is an effective period for employing people who tend to make money through spiritual processes: psychologists, spiritual trainers, esoteric consultants.

Unfavorable periods for employment

Now we will look at periods that should be strictly avoided during interviews, employment and taking on new job responsibilities. 1st and 2nd Lunar days are instability and disappointment, as well as unjustified hopes and the inability to cope with set goals. 9 and 19 Lunar days are a period of deception and destruction of illusions, which can lead to losses of finances and time. 29 Lunar day is a period when you will encounter injustice, which will lead to losses and difficulties in future employment. The full moon is the most unfavorable and difficult period for employment. You will have to constantly fight and put out all your strength and knowledge, which will ultimately lead to an unfair loss of your job and a lack of finances. I recommend looking through your work book, remembering all the dates of interviews and employment in order to confirm the algorithm described above. After analyzing your life experience using the proposed algorithm, you will be convinced that the development of work situations occurred along a given path. Using the knowledge gained, you will be able to avoid difficulties and mistakes, find a decent job to realize your professional knowledge and receive a decent salary. You can also consult with an astrologer to view important details: the natal chart, aspects, the influence of planets on your horoscope at the moment - then your success will increase many times over, and you will be able to achieve your goals without any special obstacles.

There are few people in our country who can live without working. Some cannot live without work, because they really will not have anything to live on. Others will die of boredom if they don’t jump up every morning and run to work. Pensioners would like to work, but no one will hire them; there is not enough work for young people. But, be that as it may, a person needs a job. It is needed precisely for self-realization and self-affirmation. Needed for constant communication with a large number of people.

Everyone needs a job. And for those who have just graduated from school and are taking their first steps into adulthood. And for those who have already lived a little and want to achieve something. In our difficult, crisis times, getting a good job is one of the most ardent desires of the majority of the working population. Wanting to know their job prospects, people turn to Tarot cards to get a clear answer.

The very concept of “unemployed” appeared in our country relatively recently. Apparently life was bad for people in those days when there was an advertisement on every pole offering a job, and they had a choice. At that time, only those who did not want to work were unemployed. For everyone else, the chances of getting a job were excellent. It may not have been a highly paid job, but it was there. Now, when a person needs a job, he has to deal with such a thing as being in demand. Yes, you have a profession that is needed in private business, which means you have a job. If you don't have the right profession, stay at home. It is enough to go to any site where online fortune telling is performed.

Features of the “Getting a Job” layout

The scenario for getting a job considers such important aspects for you as the existence of the possibility of getting a job in general in a given region. Then your decision to apply for a job is reviewed.

Several cards from the layout will tell you about the possible conditions of the proposed job and salary. The Tarot card layout does not oblige you to anything. You will only receive a certain direction in which to move in your search for work. You will get the opportunity to learn about how your relationships with co-workers might develop, as well as other nuances of your stay at a new job. One of the issues no less important than employment itself is the question of possible earnings. Cards can answer this question too. The scenario will consider the prospects for your career growth and income generation.

To increase your chances of getting a prestigious job, you need to dress and prepare for the interview in accordance with the nature of the planet that rules the day of the week on which you are meeting with the employer and find out if the employer will be a representative of the fair half of humanity.


Even though this is the most difficult day of the week, you have every chance of getting a job. To do this, you need to choose light-colored clothes, speak in a quiet, calm voice and not make sudden movements. This day is ruled by the Moon - the planet of the water element, which includes not bright, blurred tones. Therefore, bright clothes on Monday will only irritate others. On the contrary, you need to look like a person who understands people well. Considering that the Moon is responsible for home, family, upbringing, caring, on this day it is easy to get a job related to home improvement, raising children, medicine and charity, or any other that emphasizes.


This day is ruled by Mars, a hot planet prone to quick action. Therefore, Tuesday is not the best day to look for a job. If, after all, the interview falls on Tuesday, preferably dress in red. Talk about yourself quickly, but without long, intimate stories. Show your enthusiasm, zeal for work and willingness to take on any task. It is best to look for a military job on Tuesday, because Mars is the planet of war.


The patron of this day is Mercury - the planet of youth and thought processes. If you are young, smart and well-spoken, a good job is guaranteed for you. When going to an interview, choose a light clothing style. Mercury is the patron of trade, therefore, it will be easiest to get a job as a seller or sales agent.


This day of the week is ideal for finding a promising job where you can make a good career. Jupiter, ruling this day, is responsible for expanding the sphere of influence and large-scale projects. The option of finding work related to foreign countries is not excluded. Dress style on Thursday does not play a big role, unlike knowledge and desire to work. Show that you are ready for long-term cooperation and constant self-education.


Appearance on Friday is key. After all, this day is patronized by Venus. Given that Venus is a feminine planet, men are much less likely to get a job on Friday than women. On this day it is easy to get a job in a design studio, beauty salon or flower shop. People of creative professions can also try their luck.


If the interview is scheduled for Saturday, be careful about your speech. Saturn, ruling this day of the week, loves everything strict. It is advisable to choose clothes in a classic style. This is a good day to get a management position or a job related to real estate.