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Sinusitis: treatment with antibiotics - which ones help well and a list of the best. Principles of effective antibacterial therapy for sinusitis in adults and children. Sinusitis treatment with which antibiotics

Modern doctors prefer to prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis. Many people are afraid to take them, considering such potent drugs to be harmful to the body. But the harm of antibacterial agents lies only in their incorrect or excessive use, and it is not comparable to the consequences and complications that can arise if sinusitis is not treated correctly.

Antibiotics are an unconditional asset of modern medicine. Powerful antibacterial agents of the latest generation destroy pathogens in a matter of hours and days, thereby improving the patient’s condition. And in the case of such serious diseases as pneumonia, sepsis, etc., only thanks to antibiotics can a person’s life be saved.

In one form or another, antibiotics are widely used for outpatient and inpatient treatment of bacterial infections in adults and children. These drugs fight the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely remove its symptoms and return the person to normal life.

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is one of the components of complex therapy. It is prescribed and carried out only according to indications, simultaneously with physiotherapy, the use of pharmacological, homeopathic drugs and folk remedies in order to eliminate certain symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In no case should the patient prescribe antibacterial drugs to himself; taking them may be ineffective and even lead to aggravation of the disease and the appearance of its complications.

To prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis, the attending physician analyzes the patient’s symptoms and refers him for examinations in order to:

  • confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses;
  • identify its causes;
  • determine the specific type of sinusitis;
  • determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

To do this, the patient will need to take a clinical blood test, undergo an ultrasound or x-ray examination, take a bacteriological culture from the nose and, possibly, undergo a puncture.

Modern antibiotics used to treat sinusitis can be in tablets, capsules, injections, or solutions that are dripped or sprayed into the nose.

The question of how long to treat sinusitis is decided only by a doctor. It is a mistake to assume that you can stop taking them as soon as the symptoms of the disease disappear or the temperature subsides. A latent infection may remain in the maxillary sinuses, due to which the disease can recur or become chronic.

When antibacterial agents for sinusitis are not needed

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can occur for a number of reasons, but always has very similar symptoms. Even if the temperature has risen to 37 degrees, your head hurts, your nose is blocked or mucus has poured out of it, you should not immediately grab antibacterial tablets or drops. Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is not undertaken if:

  • it is allergic in nature;
  • it is caused by a virus or fungus (even if there is a fever);
  • the nose has a congenital pathology or is injured, while the addition of a bacterial infection has not occurred;
  • it is caused by bacteria, but the disease is mild, the temperature is not elevated or slightly elevated, there are no signs of intoxication, there is good reason to assume that the body can cope with the infection itself.

What are the direct indications for taking antibiotics for sinusitis?

It is necessary to immediately treat sinusitis with antibacterial agents of natural or synthetic origin if the patient has symptoms of a serious bacterial infection:

  1. Temperature. It can rise sharply to 38 degrees or higher in the first days of the disease, if pathogenic bacteria multiplying in the sinuses provoked inflammation, or after a few days, when the bacterial infection is secondary. This temperature persists and is difficult to break and does not last long.
  2. Stuffy nose. By the nature of congestion, one can distinguish sinusitis from a runny nose. When the maxillary sinuses are inflamed, it is very difficult to blow out thick and dense mucus; the nose, as a rule, is blocked on both sides and is almost completely unable to breathe.
  3. Copious discharge from the nasal passages. Mucus or pus may come out through the nose, depending on the type of sinusitis.
  4. Severe pain in the maxillary sinuses. It intensifies in the evening, and also when moving the head down, up and to the sides.
  5. Signs of intoxication. The patient may complain of chills, muscle pain, loss of appetite, lethargy, etc.

How antibiotics can be taken is decided by the doctor in each specific case, based on the severity of the patient’s sinusitis. He may prescribe local antibacterial agents - nasal drops, if the disease has just begun. At home, it is usually prescribed to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with antibiotics in tablets, capsules, syrups or suspensions. In the hospital, these drugs are injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

Local antibacterial agents for sinusitis

Topical antibiotics, nasal drops, sprays or aerosols, are used to treat catarrhal sinusitis. With this type of illness, the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees, clear, serous, yellowish and greenish mucus with a neutral odor is released from the nasal passages, the general condition of the patient can be described as satisfactory.

To use antibiotic drops, the nose must first be prepared. In order for the active substance to reach the mucous membrane and be well absorbed, the nasal passages must be rinsed. To do this, you can use saline solution, sea water, another pharmaceutical drug or traditional medicine, for example, a decoction of herbs. Next, vasoconstrictor drops prescribed by the doctor (Nazol, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, etc.) are instilled into the nose.

In order for the antibacterial drops to get as deep as possible into the nose and into the inflamed maxillary sinuses, the head must be thrown back during instillation.

The most effective local antibiotics for sinusitis are Bioparox and Isofra nasal drops and Polydex spray. The doctor will tell you which medications to use.

If antibiotic drops do not help, you need to choose a stronger drug and start taking it orally.

Antibiotics taken orally to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

If the patient’s temperature is above 38 degrees, nasal breathing is impaired, there is reason to assume that sinusitis becomes purulent, antibacterial drops alone will be ineffective. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics in capsules or tablets for adults, syrups or suspensions for children. The best antibiotic for sinusitis is the drug to which pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive. A bacterial culture and analysis of an antibiotic history will help determine it (the doctor finds out what antibacterial drugs the patient was treated with previously).

For sinusitis, you will need to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, the active substance of which is:

  • cefixime (the trade name of the drug can be: Pancef, Suprax, Ceforal
  • amoxicillin (Amoxicillin, Hiconcil, etc.);
  • amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav, Augmentin, etc.);
  • azithromycin (Azithromycin, Zitrolide, Sumamed, Ecomed, others);
  • erythromycin (Erythromycin);
  • ofloxacin (Ofloxacin, Zanotsin, Ofloxin, others);
  • ciprofloxacin (Ciprofloxacin, Tsipromed; Ecotsifol, others).

Sometimes the course of antibiotic therapy needs to be adjusted. If on the second or third day of taking the antibiotic the temperature does not drop, the condition does not improve or worsens, the drug should be replaced.

Antibacterial drugs should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding or reducing the dose, following the recommendations for food intake. To maintain optimal concentrations of the drug in the blood, you need to respect the timing of taking antibiotics.

As soon as the titer of pathogenic microbes decreases, the temperature begins to subside and the symptoms of the disease subside. After this, it is recommended to take the antibacterial drug for another day or two to consolidate the result.

Drops and oral antibiotics can be used to treat sinusitis.

During sinusitis, there is no need to avoid treatment with antibacterial agents. Modern drugs have minimal negative effects on the body if taken correctly. But you will be able to recover quickly and for sure.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the paranasal maxillary sinuses, which can be acute or chronic. The maxillary (maxillary, maxillary) sinuses become inflamed more often than the others (frontal, sphenoidal). Why is this happening? The answer lies in the anatomical features of the structure of the skull skeleton. The canal leading to the sinus is wider and shorter, in contrast to other paths to the frontal and sphenoid sinus. This contributes to the rapid penetration of infection into the sinus through the nasal passages.

Can sinusitis be cured with antibiotics? If the etiology of the inflammatory process is associated with bacteria, then this group of drugs will help to quickly and effectively cure the disease. But there are specific features of prescribing such drugs. You need to choose which antibiotic is best to use in each individual case.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults will have a positive effect only if the cause of the disease is bacterial flora. Viral and fungal sinusitis are sometimes complicated by the development of a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotics are also indicated.

The correct method for making a diagnosis would be to culture nasal secretions on a nutrient medium to determine the etiological factor. If such a method has been carried out, then laboratory assistants can facilitate the task of selecting a group of drugs by conducting a test for the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults may also indicate the etiology of the disease. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the color of the nasal discharge. If the snot is transparent and mucous in nature, then these are signs of a viral or fungal etiology of the disease. If the snot is yellow or greenish in color and has the consistency of pus-like masses, then this is definitely a bacterial flora.

It is important to know that treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is effective only if the bacterial flora is established; drugs do not act on other etiological factors. Use will only aggravate the condition, since antibiotics have a pronounced side effect on the body in the form of weakening of local and general immunity.

Symptoms and treatment depend entirely on the degree of development of the disease.

Choosing an antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis

What antibiotics should I take for sinusitis? The modern pharmaceutical market has a huge number of drugs. Antibacterial agents come in many forms of administration. Antibiotics are divided into groups based on the active substance. The choice of drug depends on the causative agent of the disease, since certain components are sensitive to different representatives of the pathogenic environment.

Additionally, there are lines of antibacterial therapy.

  1. The first line is the most commonly used antibiotics. The most common types of bacteria are sensitive to them. The medicine has the smallest range of side effects.
  2. The second is more effective, reserve groups, which are appointed when the first line is ineffective.
  3. The third line is the most powerful products with a wide range of sensitivity to microorganisms. Antibiotics of this series are more expensive, less safe and not always available.

Why can’t you immediately take third-line drugs, because they will definitely kill the bacteria? Viruses and bacteria very quickly adapt to changes in environmental conditions and drug exposure. Nowadays, many modified bacteria, depending on the nature of their origin, do not respond to those antibacterial drugs that previously killed them instantly.

Forms of drugs

The pharmaceutical market offers many forms of antibacterial drugs for local and systemic use.

The choice of drug depends on the severity and neglect of the process. If the disease has just begun, it is advisable to use local forms of antibiotics:

  • nasal sprays - "Polydex";
  • inhalers - “Bioparox”;
  • ointments - “Levomekol”;
  • drops - "Isofra".

Inhaler "Bioparox"

They are equally effective. The choice of form mainly depends on the patient's personal preferences. To achieve the maximum effect from using a topical medication for sinusitis, you must first rinse the nasal passages with saline solution.

Systemic drugs are presented in the form:

  • tablets and capsules - “Doxycycline”, “Amoxicillin”, “Azithromycin”;
  • ampoules with solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration - “Gentamicin”, “Ceftriaxone”;
  • suspension - "Cefodox".

Suspension "Cefodox"

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of advanced and complicated forms of sinusitis. It is advisable to carry out complex therapy using local and systemic antibiotics. The complex effect will allow you to reduce the dose of drugs, which will reduce the risk of side effects.

It is difficult to say how long sinusitis can be treated with antibiotics. Since everything depends on the course of the disease and the chosen drug. The average course of treatment with any antibacterial drug is 5-10 days.

Drug groups

Representatives of the group are based on natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic active ingredients.

Natural antibiotics have a predominantly bactericidal effect, but also have a weak bacteriostatic effect. Bactericidal action implies the death of bacteria that persist in the body. And the bacteriostatic effect is a block to the development and reproduction of bacteria.

The group has a bactericidal effect due to the beta-lactam ring. The substance is introduced into the cell genome, which allows blocking the synthesis of peptidoglycan, the main component of the cell wall. If its own defense fails, the bacterium quickly dies in the hostile environment of the macroorganism.

Previously, penicillins were used in large doses, since the enzyme neutralized most of the drug without producing the desired effect. Protected penicillins are now being produced. The additional link is most often clavulanic acid, but penicillins with sulbactam and tazobactam are also found.


  • natural penicillins: “Benzylpenicillin”, “Phenoxymethylpenicillin”;
  • semisynthetic penicillins (more resistant to penicillinases - bacterial adaptation factors): “Oxacillin”;
  • aminopenicillins: “Amoxicillin”;
  • carboxypenicillins: “Carbpenicillin”;
  • ureidopenicillins: Azlocillin, Mezlocillin;
  • protected penicillins: Amoxiclav.

Cephalosporins are an effective group of drugs against sinusitis

This is the most popular group of drugs against sinusitis, since they are representatives of the first line of therapy, but are quite effective against all bacteria. Cephalosporins are more sensitive to gram-negative flora, but this does not reduce their effectiveness against other groups of bacterial environments.

The drugs can be prescribed in 2 forms: tablets or intravenous/intramuscular administration.

The group has already 5 generations. But the 4th and 5th generations are used to treat hospital-acquired infections and complex bacterial diseases in people with immunodeficiency. These generations have a pronounced sensitivity to gram-negative flora.

The best antibiotic for sinusitis is Ceftriaxone. It is found directly in the form of powder for injection. An analogue in the form of a suspension is “Cefixime”. For sinusitis, it is better for adults to use the drug in the form of intramuscular injections. This form of administration has a longer lasting effect (due to gradual resorption). The medicine immediately enters the systemic bloodstream and does not have direct contact with the gastrointestinal tract, so side effects are minimally expressed.

Effective antibiotic "Ceftriaxone"

Cephalosporins have a similar structure to penicillins. They are based on a beta-lactam ring. Therefore, a history of an allergic reaction to penicillins is a relative contraindication to taking cephalosporins.


This is the least toxic antimicrobial group of drugs prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis in adults.

Macrolides have a dual effect: bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Since the medicine has a more pronounced bacteriostatic effect, the antibiotic allows the immune system of the macroorganism to independently kill foreign bacteria. The drug is sensitive to acid-fast species, gram-positive and gram-negative environments, as well as some protozoan microorganisms.

Antibiotic therapy for sinusitis with this group of drugs has good results and statistics.

An effective antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis from the macrolide group is Azithromycin. It is available in different dosages, the use of which should be correlated not with the severity of the condition, but with the weight of the patient.

Antibiotic from the macrolide group - Azithromycin

For sinusitis, drinking macrolides once a day is enough, since the half-life and circulation of the substance in the blood is 24 hours. You can take the drugs in a shorter course compared to other groups of antibiotics, which has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

Known drug names:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Summamed";
  • "Macropen";
  • "Zitrox";
  • "Clarithromycin";
  • "Zomax".


In the treatment of sinusitis in adults, systemic forms of aminoglycosides are not prescribed, as they have significant side effects. The group is the second line of therapy.

But nasal forms, when applied locally, have a positive effect with a minimal amount of side effects.

Aminoglycosides have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects to an equal extent. Representatives of systemic forms: “Gentamicin”, “Streptomycin”.

Local antibacterial drugs

Aminoglycosides are more effective for sinusitis in the form of nasal sprays:

  • neomycin is part of the nasal spray "Polydex";
  • Framycetin is included in the Isofra spray.

It contains the polypeptide antibacterial substance fusafungin. It is usually used in the form of inhalation through the mouth, but there is a special nozzle for inhalation into the nose for sinusitis. The drug has pronounced bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, Bioparox copes well with respiratory tract infections of fungal etiology.

Ointment "Levomekol"- a cheap and effective drug in its use. It contains 2 active components: the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The antibacterial drug has a cytostatic effect, and methyluracil promotes the regeneration of damaged mucosa.

Rules for the use of antibiotics

In order for an antibacterial drug for sinusitis to have maximum effect with a minimum set of side effects, you must strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and some rules:

  1. The dose is prescribed only by a doctor.
  2. During the course of antibiotics, it is advisable to be under the supervision of a specialist.
  3. Complete the entire course of antibiotic therapy following the prescribed regimen.
  4. Do not combine medications with plasmapheresis, dialysis, medicinal sorbents, or antacids.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol.
  6. Take the medicine at the same time with a tolerance of 30 minutes.
  7. Take tablets only after meals, with a glass of cool boiled water.

It is important to use topical medications correctly. Using drops, sprays and inhalers does not cause any particular difficulties, since everything is described in the instructions. But applying ointment has its own nuances:

  1. Before the procedure, rinse the nasal passages and sinuses with saline solution (to reduce swelling and mechanical cleaning) using a dolphin bottle or a large syringe.
  2. Soak a piece of sterile cotton wool with ointment.
  3. Insert the soaked tampon into the left nostril and lie on your left side. Lie down for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

Advantages and disadvantages of treating sinusitis with antibiotics

The advantages of antibiotics in the fight against maxillary sinusitis lie in the purpose of their use. If the body cannot cope with foreign agents on its own, then it should be helped. Therefore, the medicine should be aimed at the etiological part of the treatment. Antibacterial therapy promotes:

  • reducing the body's effort to fight infection;
  • resolution of the disease in a shorter time;
  • reducing the risk of complications.

Disadvantage of antibiotic use- side effects and possible contraindications for use.

Side effects of antibiotics

Antibiotic treatment provokes intestinal dysbiosis, vaginosis. The drug does not have a selective effect, but has a detrimental effect on all bacteria in the macroorganism. Solution to the problem: parallel intake of probiotics.

The medicine has an ulcerogenic effect (ulceration). Failure to comply with the rules for taking tablet forms (in relation to nutrition) often leads to relapses of ulcers and the development of gastritis. The antibiotic is a powerful factor of aggression for the protective system of the gastric mucosa.

Side effects of antibiotics: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea

Common side effects include:

  • nausea during the course;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

No matter what antibiotics are used for sinusitis, they always have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. Therefore, uncontrolled use of drugs can lead to chronic renal failure or drug-induced hepatitis.

Quite often the body reacts to taking medications in the form of an allergy:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • tracheo- and laryngospasm;
  • hives;

To avoid a severe allergic reaction, it is recommended to administer the first dose in fractions using the Bezredko method.

Contraindications to the use of antibiotics

Each group of antibacterial drugs has its own administration characteristics. It is prohibited to take systemic and local antibiotics for people:

  • with individual intolerance to constituent substances;
  • pregnant women;
  • with decompensated liver and kidney functions;
  • during lactation.

You should carefully study the instructions, since each group has its own number of contraindications.

List of effective antibiotics for sinusitis

The best representatives of antibiotics for sinusitis today are 2-3 generation cephalosporins, macrolides and protected penicillins. Consider the list of frequently purchased and recommended systemic drugs with an inexpensive cost:

  • “Ceftriaxone” - cost 30-50 rubles, 10-20 UAH for 1 bottle with a capacity of 1 g;
  • “Azithromycin” - cost 100-300 rubles, 30-100 UAH per pack of 3, 10 tablets;
  • “Macropen” - price 250-400 rubles, 107-120 UAH for 1 bottle of 115 ml;
  • “Flemoxin Solutab” - cost 200-500 rubles, 80-180 UAH for 20 tablets;
  • “Cifran” (ciprofloxacin) - cost 400-500 rubles, 240-280 UAH for 10 tablets;
  • “Amoxiclav” - cost 250-800 rubles, 100-355 UAH for 12 tablets.

Local preparations:

  • “Levomekol” - ointment costing 70-110 rubles, 20-40 UAH;
  • “Bioparox” - inhaler, price 300-350 rubles, 100-110 UAH;
  • “Polydex” - nasal drops, price 300-400 rubles, 130-160 UAH.

The choice of which antibiotic to use for sinusitis is best left to the doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective and will only worsen the severity of the condition.

In the last century, the use of a special group of drugs – antibiotics – was very popular. They began to be used to treat all ailments of an infectious nature. A whole era of antibiotics had arrived - they were not difficult to purchase at any pharmacy, so patients practically determined their own course of treatment. Consequently, incorrectly selected drugs caused a side effect in the form of allergies, as well as the body's resistance to the effects of the antibiotic.

New times have presented drugs that are based on plant materials and can very quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. On the contrary, not all groups of antibiotics are able to resist pathogenic viruses that provoke diseases such as herpes, some types of influenza and the most common - sinusitis. Therefore, it is advisable to understand which antibiotics are effective in eliminating sinusitis and its consequences.

When the nasal sinuses (more accurately called maxillary sinuses) become inflamed, an unpleasant illness such as sinusitis occurs. Very often it acts as a complication of a simple runny nose.

It is not at all difficult to identify the first symptoms in an adult. The first symptoms that should become the driving force behind an urgent trip to the doctor are characterized by:

  1. When a person experiences a pressing and bursting feeling in the nasal sinuses.
  2. After which mucous discharge may appear. In the absence of therapy, the inflammatory process intensifies and this can be understood by the green tint of the mucous discharge. If yellowish discharge appears, you should sound the alarm, as this indicates the beginning of a purulent process.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses begins to worry, which can intensify in the evening and radiate to the head. Also, the pain becomes much stronger when bending over.
  4. The patient feels a loss of strength, and the temperature rises significantly. But for chronic sinusitis (if the patient has started the disease or chosen the wrong therapy), then an increase in temperature is not typical.

How is the diagnosis confirmed?

To determine the disease, radiography is used; it is thanks to it that the presence of purulent contents in the nasal sinuses is determined. The most outdated method of treatment is puncture. The procedure is not pleasant and scary for almost every adult. Fortunately, this technique is a thing of the past and is extremely rarely used due to dangerous consequences and extreme pain.

It is important! Remember that the doctor must send the patient for a smear, which will determine the type of microorganism that caused sinusitis. As a result, you can select an effective antibiotic as accurately as possible to quickly cope with the infection.

Antibiotics: when are they needed?

The first alarming symptoms are expressed in the form of copious purulent discharge, severe pain that radiates to the head and fever. If sinusitis has not progressed to the purulent stage, then you can get by with home treatment, which involves washing the sinuses with a special solution, instilling drops, and herbal inhalations.

Before you start taking antibiotics, you should determine which pathogen caused the inflammatory process. As already mentioned, this can be done through a smear. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself and select antibiotics at random - this can lead to irreparable consequences. When the type of pathogenic microorganisms or virus is known, it is not difficult for a specialist to select the correct effective group of antibiotics.

Note! There are a number of cases when taking antibiotics will be completely useless. First of all, for allergic reactions. Against their background, sinusitis can easily begin to develop. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics will be inappropriate and ineffective. A similar result can be expected when the causative agent of sinusitis is a fungal infection.

Without knowing the clinical picture of the disease, you cannot ignore going to a specialist and confirming the diagnosis, followed by diagnostics for the correct selection of medications.

How are antibiotics taken correctly?

For successful treatment, the right drug is not enough. After all, the result of recovery directly depends on the patient’s actions - how he follows the doctor’s instructions, whether he interrupts the use of antibiotics, or whether he uses additional self-prescribed drugs that can block the action of the antibiotic.

So, depending on the complexity of the disease, the specialist prescribes an antibiotic in the form of injections, oral administration, or topical application. With moderate severity of sinusitis, tablets of antibiotics are generally used. More severe damage requires mandatory intravenous administration, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. Once relief occurs, the patient will be switched to oral medications.

When taking antibiotics, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the doctor.
  2. Take the drug strictly on time.
  3. Do not interrupt the prescribed course of antibiotics unless side effects are observed.
  4. Do not take additional medications that have not been approved by your doctor.
  5. Under no circumstances should you take alcohol or drugs at the same time.
  6. When purchasing a drug, pay attention to the expiration date.
  7. Additionally, to improve overall well-being, the doctor may prescribe thinning agents and anti-edema medications. Don't ignore them.
  8. You cannot use self-selected nasal drops in parallel with antibiotics. The entire course of treatment is drawn up by a doctor.

Reference! On average, a course of treatment in tablet form lasts from one week to fourteen days. If this period is exceeded, the patient may experience intestinal dysbiosis. Consequently, beneficial microorganisms will be destroyed.

What antibiotics are used to eliminate sinusitis?

After establishing the diagnosis and subsequent identification of the causative agent, the specialist can choose an antibiotic from the main groups that are the most effective for eliminating sinusitis:

  1. Penicillin. It is considered the most common antibiotic that is used for manifestations of sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. They are in second place after penicillin. Prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the penicillin group.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. It is a synthetic antibiotic. It can quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogen - bacteria, since the latter have not yet developed immunity to it.
  4. Cephalosporins. When there is no result from other drugs, this type of antibiotic is prescribed, which perfectly eliminates any inflammatory process.

Attention! If the patient does not feel any relief already on the second or third day of taking the antibacterial drug, then this is evidence that the antibiotic was incorrectly selected and is not able to eliminate the pathogen. In addition, you need to take into account possible allergic consequences and the individual characteristics of the body.

Video - Sinusitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Treatment of sinusitis

Despite the fact that the symptoms of sinusitis caused by pathogenic bacteria are similar to the symptoms of sinusitis caused by a virus, the treatment is still significantly different. Experts do not immediately turn to antibiotics, but only as a last resort, when the effect of local drugs is absent or profuse purulent green or yellow discharge from the sinuses has begun.

Viral sinusitis is treated in a special way. After all, penicillin macrolides are not able to eliminate the virus. The patient will feel improvement with this type of sinusitis only when the virus goes into an inactive phase.

On the contrary, inflammation of a bacterial nature can be triggered by several types of pathogenic bacteria:

  1. Enterobacteria.
  2. Streptococci.
  3. Staphylococci.
  4. Moraxella.

When a patient does not have purulent drainage from the nasal sinuses, there is no elevated temperature, but there is severe swelling, then allergic sinusitis is diagnosed. In this case, the effects of antibiotics are powerless.

Tablet form of antibiotics against sinusitis

Antibiotics can be found in the form of capsules and tablets - this is a fairly convenient and most preferred form of drug release by patients. There are several of the most effective antibiotics in tablet form, which cope well with the disease and its consequences.

Antibiotic nameImageBrief description of the action
Macropen A representative of one of the main groups of antibiotics – macrolides. The effect on pathogenic viruses occurs due to the active substance – midecamycin. Most often used for sinusitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae, as well as pneumococci. For adults, it is recommended to take the drug three times a day for two weeks.
Augmentin Thanks to its complex composition, this drug has rightfully received the status of a third-generation antibiotic. The main effect is due to clavulanic acid. That's just the duration of treatment with this remedy should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, there may be a manifestation of side effects: vomiting, and in the intestine - dysbacteriosis
Sumamed A modern antibiotic from the group of macrolides, which is actively used in the treatment of sinusitis. Since the drug is potent, doctors prescribe it to take no more than five days. The frequency of intake is limited to once a day for half an hour before meals.
Flemoxin Solutab This is a representative of a number of penicillin antibiotics. The main difference of the drug is resistance to the effects of gastric juice
Amoxiclav An antibiotic of semi-synthetic penicillins, which is prescribed for many viral ailments - bronchitis, sinusitis. The main effect of the drug is the ability to destroy the walls of pathogenic bacteria. Please note that it is used exclusively for the treatment of sinusitis in adults.
Zitrolide This is a drug of the macrolide group, which has a high antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to take once a day a couple of hours before meals. Please note that it is only available with a prescription.

Attention! If the antibiotic does not show results in the form of improvement in well-being within 48 hours, then you should not take it longer; it is ineffective against sinusitis.

Intramuscular and intravenous types of antibiotics

When a patient experiences intoxication of the body, the use of injections is indicated, since antibiotics in this form are highly bioavailable. So, the following drugs are considered the most effective:

Antibiotic nameImageMain action
Ceftriaxone Since the drug is designated as a derivative of the penicillin group, it is usually used for most infectious diseases. This is a clear representative of third-generation antibiotics and the only salvation for exacerbation of purulent sinusitis. It can be purchased in powder form from which the injection is prepared. It is allowed to administer both intravenously and intramuscularly. Please note that this antibiotic is prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women
Cefazolin Represents the cephalosporin group of semisynthetic antibiotics. Upon administration of the drug, its concentration in the blood will remain for twelve hours. The antibiotic should be used with caution, as side effects may occur, namely, stomach upset, and in some cases allergies

Local preparations

The early stages of sinusitis are not so difficult to eliminate with the help of a special spray or drops. But even in this form antibiotics are produced.

Antibiotic nameImageThe essence of the action
Isofra One of the best alternatives to injections and tablets. It is recommended to use at least four times a day for one week. First, before using the spray, the nostrils are cleared of purulent mucus (this can be done through saline rinsing)
Polydexa with phenylephrine Antibiotic in the form of a spray, which has excellent vasoconstrictive and antibacterial effects. It must be used three times a day, and if necessary – five times. The duration of the course is one week. The active ingredients of the drug are polymyxin and neomycin.

How to treat sinusitis in children with antibiotics?

Most often, children can suffer from complications after rhinitis, which manifest themselves in the form of sinusitis. At the same time, an allergic reaction is clearly manifested in children, so doctors prescribe anti-allergic drops without fail. In some cases, the use of antibiotics is not necessary.

Attention! When using a spray or drops, the child should not feel a burning sensation. If such discomfort is present, it is recommended to use sea water.

Antibiotic nameImageMain action

Bacterial sinusitis requires the use of antibiotics. Unlike other medicines, they destroy the main cause of the disease, and the person recovers faster. To understand which antibiotics are the best, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

Only an otolaryngologist should select an antibiotic and dosage regimen, taking into account the course of the disease and the results of diagnostic studies.

Antibacterial medications are prescribed if sinusitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the area of ​​the eye sockets and frontal lobes;
  • feeling of pressure in the nose and forehead;
  • increased body temperature (a symptom characteristic of acute sinusitis);
  • copious discharge of purulent fluid from the nasal passages;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • headaches that do not go away even after taking strong painkillers;
  • unpleasant sensations in any part of the head when tilting to the side or to the side.

At the first signs of sinusitis, you should consult a doctor. If the pathology is not treated, dangerous and unpredictable complications can develop that can affect the brain. Antibacterial therapy is indicated when other treatment methods have not brought the desired result. Antibiotics for sinusitis are most effective 7 days after the onset of the disease.

What antibiotics are effective for sinusitis?

To avoid complications with sinusitis, treatment with antibacterial medications should not be ignored. A specialist knows which antibiotic is more effective.

Protected aminopenicillins

A group of synthetic medications that contain an additional substance that destroys bacteria. Once in the body, they begin to actively fight infection.

Effective protected penicillins against sinusitis:

  • Unazin, Sulacillin, Ampisid, Sultasin - ampicillin sulbactamates;
  • Amoxiclav, Flemoclav, Augmentin, Rapiclav - amoxicillin clavulanate.

Similar penicillins are widely used. They act in a targeted manner, destroying only pathogenic pathogens without destroying healthy cells. Can be taken for sinusitis in adults and children. But long-term use can provoke allergies and microflora disorders.


Macrolides are antibiotics that are often prescribed if the infection cannot be defeated with other antibacterial agents. Their pharmacological action is due to the ability to penetrate into microbial cells, disrupting protein synthesis.

Macrolides include the following drugs:

  • Macropen;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Zitrolide;
  • Josamycin;
  • Clarithromycin.

Medicines of the macrolide group are considered the safest for the human body among all antibacterial agents. But despite this, they can still cause some side effects from systems and organs, such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. They should be prescribed with caution for liver and kidney diseases.


The structure of cephalosporins is similar to penicillin, but they are more resistant to pathogenic microorganisms. There are 5 generations of antibiotics in this group, which have their own spectrum of action.

Effective cephalosporins of different generations:

  • Cefuroxime;
  • Cefixime;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Zinnat;
  • Cefutil;
  • Cedex and others.

These antibacterial drugs are used to treat sinusitis of any form. Doctors prefer third-generation cephalosporins. They should be used with extreme caution by patients prone to allergic reactions.


Medicines in this group are completely synthetic. They have a wide bacterial spectrum, therefore they have a pronounced and rapid bactericidal effect on almost all pathogens of sinusitis.

Fluoroquinolones are divided into 4 generations. Common drugs of the group:

  • Tarivid;
  • Abaktal;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Ecocyfol;
  • Normax;
  • Levostar;
  • Respara;
  • Moxin;
  • Fact.

Due to their artificial origin, they are highly toxic. Often lead to allergic reactions and severe side effects from the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they are contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

Pros and cons of antibiotics for sinusitis

An effective antibiotic for sinusitis is prescribed taking into account the result of a nasal smear analysis. To avoid negative consequences, when selecting a drug, the doctor takes into account its advantages and disadvantages.

Ceftriaxone for sinusitis

Ceftriaxone is a cephalosporin antibiotic and is a 3rd generation drug. It has a powerful effect against most pathogenic microorganisms. It is often chosen for the treatment of not only sinusitis, but also other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

High efficiency is the main advantage of the medicine. Under the influence of Cefritaxone, the proliferation of bacteria is stopped. A positive result for sinusitis (complicated course) will be achieved faster if Ceftriaxone is administered intravenously.

The main disadvantages of Cefritaxone lie in the large number of side effects. Doctors often observe:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hepatitis;
  • interstitial nephritis.

It is strictly prohibited to take during pregnancy and lactation.

Augmentin (Amoxiclav) for sinusitis

This medicine has a powerful bactericidal effect and can be taken not only by adults, but also by children. A dosage is selected for each age category of patients, which is an undeniable advantage of the medicine.

Augmentin is a safe and modern antibiotic that has proven itself in the treatment of sinusitis. Today, the drug is considered the most effective against most pathogens, so it easily copes with their resistance.

Another advantage is its selective bactericidal effect. During treatment with Augmentin, only the pathogens of the disease are destroyed, healthy cells and tissues are not affected. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to take the medicine 2 times a day.

All the disadvantages of the drug lie in possible side effects. Often during treatment, nausea and heartburn appear, and damage to the kidneys and liver is observed.

A common analogue of Augmentin is Amoxiclav with an identical composition.

Sumamed for sinusitis

Sumamed belongs to the group of macrolide drugs. The medicine is valued all over the world for its high quality and effectiveness in the treatment of complex bacterial infections.

The main advantage is a wide spectrum of action. The drug is effective against most bacteria. By acting gently, Sumamed stops the development of colonies of pathogens. Another advantage is the short course of therapy. This drug accumulates well in the body and acts for a long time.

Sumamed has a low risk of side effects compared to other antibiotics. Only 10% of patients report disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Allergies rarely occur during treatment.

The main disadvantage of the drug is associated with its contraindications. Sumamed should not be taken by children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with certain chronic diseases.

Macropen for sinusitis

Macropen belongs to the latest generation of macrolides. The drug is low-toxic and effective against many pathogens of sinusitis.

The ability to quickly penetrate blood cells is the advantage of this antibiotic. The therapeutic effect occurs 1 hour after administration. But the elimination period is short, so take the drug 3 times a day.

The risk of side effects is minimal. In rare cases, patients complain of headache, nausea, urticaria, and insomnia. But even with a long course of treatment, undesirable consequences develop only in 4% of cases.

Disadvantages include restrictions on use. Thus, Macropen should not be taken for liver and kidney diseases.

Flemoxin Solutab for sinusitis

The drug Flemoxin Solutab belongs to the group of penicillins. The undeniable advantage of the drug is its resistance to gastric juice and high efficiency. This fact guarantees that the antibiotic will not cause significant harm to the body. The gastrointestinal tract suffers little from its effects.

The maximum concentration in the blood is reached quickly, so the therapeutic effect occurs immediately.

The disadvantages of this antibacterial agent include a contraindication to the use of elderly people, patients with renal insufficiency.

Isofra for sinusitis

Isofra refers to topical products, which are produced in the form of a spray. The antibiotic of the aminoglycoside series-framycetin is the active substance of the drug. After application, the antibiotic is concentrated in the mucous membranes, providing a therapeutic effect there. It has minimal absorption, i.e. practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Against the background of treatment, side effects do not appear, which makes it possible to prescribe the drug to children older than 1 year. Ease of use is also one of the advantages of the tool. The desired dosage can be obtained with one click by spraying into the sinuses.

The disadvantage of Isofra is the narrowness of the spectrum of action. The active substance of the drug is not able to affect many bacteria. Therefore, it is advisable to treat sinusitis with a spray for 7-10 days. If a positive result is not achieved, then other antibacterial agents should be resorted to.

Dioxidin for sinusitis

Dioxidine is an antibiotic with a wide range of uses. The causative agents of sinusitis cannot withstand the effects of the drug and die. It is produced in the form of a solution in ampoules, which is instilled into the nasal cavity. It has long and effectively been used to treat infectious diseases of the ENT organs.

The main advantage is topical application, which leads to rapid sanitation of the nasal mucosa. The relatively low price (about 50 rubles) is the second advantage.

Dioxidine is considered a toxic agent. The active ingredient can enter the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa, causing undesirable consequences. The medication should not be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

With the help of Dioxidin, sinusitis cannot be completely cured. Therefore, it should be used in complex antibacterial therapy.

For effective treatment, an antibiotic must be prescribed by a doctor. Recovery depends on the patient's compliance with all recommendations. These include the following:

  • do not reduce (increase) the dosage selected by the doctor;
  • You need to take the medicine strictly on time;
  • if the dynamics are positive, the course of treatment cannot be interrupted;
  • no need to take additional medications without consulting a specialist;
  • It is prohibited to consume alcohol and drugs during treatment;
  • for preventive purposes, the use of prebiotics is indicated, which protect the intestinal microflora;
  • You cannot choose antibiotics on your own.

What happens if you don't take antibiotics?

If sinusitis is not treated, complications may develop that threaten a person’s life. Dangerous consequences include:

  • meningitis;
  • abscess;
  • loss of smell;
  • inflammatory process in the facial nerve;
  • spread of infection through the respiratory system;
  • inflammation of the orbit.

Possible side effects after taking

Antibacterial therapy can not only relieve sinusitis, but also lead to a number of side effects. With adequate selection of the drug and dosage, undesirable consequences can be avoided. But the doctor is still obliged to warn the patient about the following side effects:

  • swelling of the throat and face;
  • redness of the skin or rashes on the skin;
  • discomfort in the nasal cavity (after using Isofra or Polydex);
  • labored breathing;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

If any symptom occurs, you should seek medical help; you should not self-medicate.

Sinusitis is a very common inflammatory disease of the maxillary sinuses. For its successful treatment, complex therapy is required, which often includes antibacterial agents.

Why take antibacterial drugs for sinusitis?

Antibiotics for sinusitis are prescribed if it is caused by a bacterial infection. Usually with this type of sinusitis the following are observed:

  • severe headaches and facial pain;
  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • temperature increase;
  • stuffy ears;
  • loss of smell;
  • toothache.

If no measures are taken, bacteria rapidly multiply in the accumulated purulent secretion and can infect neighboring organs and tissues. The task of antibiotics is to eliminate pathogens, localize the inflammatory process and restore sterility of the nasal sinuses.

When should antibiotics not be used for sinusitis?

The most important thing when choosing therapy for sinusitis is to determine its causative agent or cause. Antibiotics are not always effective in treating this disease. In some cases, they can only worsen the disease and delay recovery. in such cases:

  • sinusitis of an allergic nature;
  • sinusitis caused by fungal infection;
  • viral nature of sinusitis.

For this reason, it is forbidden to self-medicate, because the wrong choice of drug can lead to negative consequences.

How to choose the best antibiotic?

According to all the rules, the choice of an antibacterial drug should be based on a bacteriological study. However, in the acute course of the disease, immediate medication is necessary, so it is most often prescribed empirically. This takes into account data on the pathogens that most often cause diseases in a particular area. After bacteriological analysis, it is possible to replace the drug taking into account the established sensitivity.

Antibiotics for chronic sinusitis are prescribed only after the sensitivity of the pathogens has been established. Indeed, in some cases, a drug with a narrower spectrum of action may be more effective than a drug with a broad spectrum.

Thus, the best antibiotic for sinusitis is the one whose action covers the pathogenic microflora that provoked the disease. In addition, its tolerability by the patient should be taken into account. After all, if a drug copes well with microbes, but causes allergies or severe side effects in the patient, then it certainly cannot be called the best.

Groups of antibiotics

You cannot decide on your own which antibiotics to take for sinusitis. This issue should only be dealt with by the attending physician. There are rules for the order in which antibiotics are prescribed. Preference is always given to the weakest drug, which has a smaller spectrum of action and fewer side effects. If it does not have the desired effect, it is replaced with a more effective one. After all, having started treatment with the strongest antibiotic, if microorganisms develop resistance to it, several antibacterial agents will have to be used to treat the disease or supplement therapy with sulfonamide and other antimicrobial drugs.

You can treat sinusitis with the following groups of antibiotics:

  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • tetracyclines.

Applicable release forms

Antibacterial agents are available in several dosage forms. Typically, adults are prescribed antibiotics for sinusitis in tablets, and children - in suspension forms. In particularly severe cases, treatment may be prescribed. After the condition improves, the injections are gradually replaced with tablets.

In addition to drugs for systemic use, there are also local remedies - sprays, solutions, drops. They are often not the basis of treatment, but are included in complex therapy as auxiliary means.


Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics usually begins with drugs of this group. Penicillins have a bactericidal effect based on blocking the synthesis of bacterial cell components, which leads to its death.

These antibacterial agents are active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Penicillins are destroyed by beta-lactamases, which are produced by some pathogenic microbes. To eliminate this drawback, clavulanic acid has been introduced into the composition of newer penicillin drugs. It inhibits beta-lactamases, thus protecting antibiotics and expanding their capabilities.

List of most commonly used drugs:

  • Amoxicillin (Ospamox, Amoxil, Flemoxin Solutab);
  • Augmentin (Amoxiclav, Bactoclav, Panclave, Medoclav, Flemoclav Solutab).


Antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis from this group also belong to the first line. They are prescribed when penicillins are insufficiently effective.

Cephalosporins have a bactericidal effect. Its mechanism is similar to that of penicillins - they disrupt the formation of the cell wall of microbes, which ultimately leads to their death. A significant disadvantage of this group of drugs is the impossibility of their use in the presence of an allergy to the penicillin series of antibiotics. This is explained by the similarity of the chemical structure.

Cephalosporins are often prescribed for parenteral administration during severe sinusitis. Such drugs include:

  • Cefotaxime (Talcef, Cephabol, Liforan);
  • Ceftriaxone (Loraxone, Tercef);
  • Cefazolin (Cefezol, Totacef).

Other drugs are taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules:

  • Cefixime (Pancef, Suprax Solutab, Cefspan);
  • Cefuroxime (Zinnat, Aksetin, Zinacef, Ketocef);
  • Cephalexin (Ospexin, Solexin).


What antibiotics should be used to treat sinusitis in the presence of hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins or if they are ineffective? In such cases, macrolides are used. These antibacterial drugs have a bacteriostatic effect by disrupting protein synthesis on the ribosomes of the bacterial cell. Their action is noted against most gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, as well as some intracellular microorganisms.

In addition to the bacteriostatic effect, macrolides also exhibit some anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

List of representatives of macrolides:

  • Azithromycin (Summamed, Azitro Sandoz, Zitrolide, Azitral);
  • Clarithromycin (Klacid, Clarbakt, Claritsin, Fromilid);
  • Macropen;
  • Roxithromycin (Roxid, Rulid, RoxyHexal).


Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics of this group is carried out in exceptional cases when no other antibacterial agent is effective. These drugs have a bactericidal effect by disrupting bacterial DNA synthesis. Due to their negative impact on the osteoarticular system during its formation, drugs in this group are not used in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years.


  • Ofloxacin (Zoflox, Zanotsin);
  • Levofloxacin (Levotek, Leflobact, Tavanic);
  • Lomefloxacin (Loflox, Lomacin).


Medicines of this group, and in fact only Tetracycline, are practically not used for sinusitis. Only in exceptional cases with confirmed sensitivity of pathogenic microbes.

Today, in the treatment of sinusitis, local antibacterial agents in the form of sprays are often prescribed, namely Polydex and Isofra.

Isofra contains the aminoglycoside antibiotic framycetin. It fights well against most bacteria that cause diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract.

Polydex contains 2 antibacterial agents at once - neomycin and polymyxin. Their effectiveness is enhanced by the glucocortecosteroid dexamethasone, which also has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. It also contains the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine.

Thus, bacterial sinusitis and the use of antibiotics are inextricably linked. But choosing the best drug on your own is categorically not recommended.