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Helicobacter pylori igm is negative and igg is positive. What is Helicobacter pylori and how to get tested? IgG to Helicobacter pylori - what is the norm?

Often, stomach disease is closely related to the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the gastrointestinal tract. What is the pathogenic microorganism called Helicobacter pylori? How to detect it, destroy it and cure peptic ulcer forever?

Helicobacter pylori bacterium - what is the danger?

At the end of the 20th century, Austrian researchers discovered a spiral-shaped gram-negative bacterium living in the pylorus of the stomach, which they gave the name Helicobacter pylori (“heliko” - helical, “pylori” - pyloric part of the stomach) .

After conducting many experiments, they suggested that this particular microorganism is the “culprit” for the formation of ulcers. In 2005, the connection between Helicobacter and the appearance of erosions on the gastric mucosa recognized by the whole world - its “discoverers” received the international Nobel Prize.

A pathogenic microbe can enter a healthy human body through contact with a bacterial carrier through:

  • saliva - when kissing or using shared utensils;
  • mucus - when using personal hygiene items.

Statistics show that more than 50% of the world's population is infected with this microbe , however, not in every body it begins its harmful activity - it all depends on the state of the person’s immune system and his lifestyle.

Bactria has several features due to which it easily adapts to survival in the human body and provokes the development of pathological processes:

  1. Successfully withstands the highly acidic stomach environment – using the existing flagella, the microorganism hides in the mucus, which protects the inner surface of the stomach from acid. In addition, the bacterium secretes a significant amount of urease, which neutralizes the gastric environment around it. Thanks to this, Helicobacter pylori can exist on the gastric walls in complete comfort and safety for a long time.
  2. Destruction of mucosal cells – as bacteria multiply, the human body becomes increasingly poisoned by its waste products. First of all Pthe alogical process occurs in the mucous membranes of the stomach - foci of inflammation and erosion appear on them , gastritis, peptic ulcers and other pathologies of the digestive system develop.

Modern researchers have proven for certain that Helicobacter pylori infection is the cause of malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract.

That is why early detection and timely elimination of this gastric infectious process is of great importance. The most effective method for diagnosing Helicobacteriosis is a laboratory blood test to determine the level of specific immunoglobulins to H. pylori.

Who should take a blood test for Helicobacter pylori?

The study is recommended by practicing therapists and gastroenterologists if the patient is suspected of having atrophic gastritis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, peptic ulcer, or malignant neoplasms.

How to properly prepare for a blood test for Helicobacter pylori?

The study is carried out in a competent laboratory center, the biological material is plasma devoid of fibrinogen. The selection is made from the ulnar vein in the morning: from 8.00 to 12.00.

To obtain accurate results, the patient must fulfill certain conditions:

  1. Two days before collecting biomaterial, avoid taking medications and drinking alcohol.
  2. Refrain from visiting the gym or sauna.
  3. Limit psycho-emotional and nutritional stress (abstain from spicy and fatty foods).
  4. On the eve of the analysis, have dinner no later than 19.00.
  5. In the morning it is forbidden to smoke, have breakfast, drink tea, coffee, juice.

Test method for Helicobacter pylori

The study is performed by an experienced qualified laboratory technician using serological technique of enzyme immunoassay. Its essence is to identify a specific immune complex “antibody-antigen” in the studied biomaterial sample and determine the concentration of immunoglobulins (specific proteins formed when foreign immunogens are introduced into the body) to Helicobacter pylori antigens.

The method is based on the principles of analytical chemistry - detection of the formed immune reaction is carried out using a specific colored reagent , which is used as a marker that registers the analyzer signal.

Interpretation of the results of a blood test for Helicobacter pylori

The human body begins the synthesis of immunoglobulins immediately after the penetration of a harmful microorganism into it. The immune system reacts to Helicobacter pylori with immunoglobulins (Ig) of classes A, M and G – these specific proteins appear at various stages of infection.

Indicate the stages of Helicobacter pylori infection:

  • permissible concentration of immune antibodies in the blood -<0,9 Ед/л;
  • a titer of 0.9 to 1.1 U/l is considered a “doubtful result” and is observed in the early period of infection (less than 10 days);
  • immunoglobulin concentration >1.1 U/l – “positive result”.
Result IgM IgA IgG
Positive Early stage of infection Helicobacter pylori infection 1. Chronic Helicobacteriosis.

2. The presence of a small amount of residual antibodies after antibacterial therapy.

Negative No Helicobacter pylori infection 1.Early period of infection.

2.H. pylori is absent in the body.

3. The period of convalescence after antibacterial therapy.

1. There are no Helicobacteria in the body.

2. Recent infection.

The interpretation of the results is carried out by a qualified specialist! Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are not acceptable!

Deviations from the norm in the results of a blood test for Helicobacter pylori: when should you retake the test?

Doubtful research data require a repeat serological test – a similar result is possible in the following cases:

  • digestive tract;
  • the presence of Helicobacterium bacteria in the body, but due to certain circumstances the immune system did not have time to respond to it;
  • recovery of the patient, but specific antibodies are still present in the circulating blood.

If the test result is positive, to provide an accurate picture of the pathology, the attending physician prescribes comprehensive examination, including:

  • breath test to detect urease activity of Helicobacter pylori;
  • stool examination confirming the presence of bacteria;
  • instrumental examination of the digestive organs.

Where can you take a blood test for Helicobacter pylori in the Urals Federal District: approximate cost

Helicobacter pylori analysis in a clinic, private clinic or laboratory. Here are some of them.

Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic spiral-shaped bacterium. Its difference is its resistance to the aggressive effects of gastric juice. After entering the body, it settles in the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to inflammatory reactions. The toxins released by the bacterium have a negative effect. It can be detected simply by taking a blood test.

In Russia, the prevalence of the bacterium is very high. In some regions, up to 90% of the population is infected. This is due to neglect of hygiene rules.

Indications for the study

Diagnosis is carried out when a person complains of discomfort and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms indicating the presence of bacteria include:

  • regular heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • painful sensations while eating or on an empty stomach;
  • the body's rejection of meat.

Discomfort may also occur after eating, even when eating a small amount of food. The patient feels as if the food is not being digested at all.

Sometimes serious disturbances in the functioning of the stomach occur, when a person cannot eat or drink due to severe pain. This process may be accompanied by severe vomiting. A blood test is given for bacteria in situations where mucus appears in the stool.

The concept of a test for the presence of antibody levels to infection

Shows the amount of antibodies that are produced to the bacteria. Each type of microorganism produces its own type of immunoglobulin.

Antibodies to H. pylori are produced in quantities sufficient for diagnosis within up to a month. They indicate the presence of infection and the stage of development of the pathology.

Venous blood is examined. In addition to the symptoms described above, the test can also be prescribed for people who have had contact with infected patients.

If the blood test shows a large number of antibodies, then diagnosis is carried out using the Western Blot method. This is a specific diagnosis that allows you to obtain differentiated information about antibodies. To obtain an accurate determination of the amount of antibodies, protein electrophoresis of the bacterial extract is used.

Carrying out the method for determining pathogenic microflora is possible in any medical institution. A referral for it can be obtained from a general practitioner, a gastroenterologist and an immunologist.

Advantages of the method

The main advantage of the study is the high accuracy of the results. On average, it is 85-95%. The benefits are:

  • inexpensive cost of the analysis;
  • accessibility;
  • no need for serious preparation;
  • the ability to track deviations from the norm and dynamics of morbidity;
  • detection of bacteria within a short period of time after infection.


The results may be affected by medications taken. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss their use with your doctor in advance. During the collection of venous blood, some patients experience discomfort, even to the point of fainting.

Blood tests are time consuming as doctors can take up to a week to analyze the results. The disadvantages include the appearance of a false negative result, if the microbe first entered the body, the immune system has not yet responded properly.

Sometimes doctors talk about false positive results, when antibodies persist until the bacteria are completely destroyed. Most often this affects older people.


Immediately before the study, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, fatty foods, and physical activity.

Biomaterial should be donated before breakfast. If it is impossible to tolerate, the doctor may allow you to take a few sips of clean water.

It is given before the start of medication use, not earlier than two weeks after the therapy. If a blood test is performed for monitoring, the drugs and doses used are immediately indicated.

How to submit biomaterial and deadlines

Blood is taken from a vein in the morning. It is placed in a test tube with a substance that promotes blood clotting. This allows the whey to be removed. The separated plasma is analyzed for the presence of antibodies.

The procedure is safe and painless. Therefore, there are no contraindications to its use. Typically, blood collection occurs in the following steps:

  1. The patient is seated on the couch, his hand rests on the pillow.
  2. Above the level of the elbow, the arm is bandaged with a tourniquet or a cuff is used.
  3. Blood collection takes less than a minute.


The cost of the service depends on which medical center the test is performed at. In public medical institutions it can be completed free of charge with a medical insurance policy.

Results are usually ready in 7-8 days. the cost of the study is from 600 rubles.

Results of a blood test for Helicobacter pylori, interpretation of the norm

There are different methods for the quantitative and qualitative determination of immunoglobulins in bacteria. A qualitative indicator indicates the presence or absence of antibodies without quantitative assessment.

If the patient is healthy, there are no antibodies. Quantity indicators are based on threshold values. They mean the norm with which the data obtained is compared.

Standards in laboratories differ in numerical indicators and are assessed in different units. But the form with the analysis results contains numbers to determine the norm and deviation.

It is taken into account that immunoglobulin titers below the threshold indicate a negative test result, and above - a positive one.

Reference values:

Immunoglobulin typeWhat does it showNormal concentration units/ml
AIndicates an early stage of infection. May indicate severe inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This immunoglobulin is also found in people who do not take care of their health.Up to 0.9
GConfirms the presence of bacteria in the body. Most often it can be detected in the blood 3-4 weeks after infection.Up to 0.9
MSpeaks of an early stage of the disease. Such immunoglobulins are rarely detected, since patients consult a doctor when the disease has reached a more severe stage.Up to 30

Sometimes indicators appear that are assessed as questionable. Then, to clarify the diagnosis, a blood test is given after 14-20 days.

If there is no immunoglobulin LgG in the blood, below normal, this indicates that there is no bacteria in the body or the infection has just occurred. If there is pain in the stomach, the studies are repeated.

At high rates, the risk of development is high. After the start of treatment, antibodies quickly disappear.

In the presence of immunoglobulin LgM, which is present in normal values, this indicates the absence of a disease caused by bacteria. At high rates, we can assume an early stage of infection.

Initiated treatment, as a rule, leads to complete recovery, since the bacteria have not yet had time to significantly destroy the mucous membrane.

The absence of LgA in the blood may indicate that the person was recently infected, the correct antibacterial therapy was carried out, and the person is at the recovery stage.

To determine more accurate indicators, it is used to detect bacterial DNA samples. This type of research is considered reliable. The blood test can be positive or negative.

Contraindications for ELISA

No contraindications to the study were identified.

Sometimes the place where the blood is taken changes if there is an affected area in the elbow area. Temporary restrictions include nervous overexcitation of the patient, convulsions, damage to the skin or subcutaneous fat, phlebitis of the punctured vein.

Video about a blood test for Helicobacter pylori:

One of the common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is inflammation of the mucous membrane, which over time leads to diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. The cause of the disease is an infection, Helicobacter pylori, the presence of which can only be detected by taking a blood test for Helicobacter pylori.

Helicobacter pylori bacterium

Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) is a spiral-shaped bacterium that grows in the mucous membrane that lines the entire inside of the human stomach.

H. pylori survives in the harsh, acidic environment through a special enzyme called urease. It is he who converts the chemical urea into ammonia. The production of ammonia around H. pylori neutralizes the acidity, making it more gentle.

Due to the peculiar spiral shape, it is easier for the cells to penetrate deeper into the mucous layer, the environment of which has a lower acid level compared to the stomach itself. In addition, the spiral shape allows it to burrow into the mucous layer, which has a less acidic environment compared to the internal space of the stomach.

The bacterium can also attach to the cells that line the inside of the stomach and remain there for many years.

Here a reasonable question arises: why doesn’t the immune system attack the bacterium? The problem is compounded by the fact that immune cells, which usually recognize and attack any “enemy object”, cannot reach the stomach lining.

H. pylori has coexisted with humanity for many thousands of years, and infection is common. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACDC) estimates that approximately two-thirds of the world's population is exposed to the bacterium, with infection rates much higher in developing countries than in developed countries.

Although H. pylori infection does not cause disease in most infected people, it is a major risk factor for the development of peptic ulcers and upper small intestinal pathology.

Causes of infection

Researchers believe the bacterium is spread through contaminated food and water, as well as through direct contact through the oral mucosa. In most cases, the bacterium enters the body during childhood. Infection is most likely in areas with poor sanitation.

The main causes of infection are:

  • failure to comply with basic sanitary standards;
  • eating unwashed vegetables and foods;
  • insufficient heat treatment of products;
  • contact of mucous membranes with an infected person (kiss).

The risk group includes persons:

  • over the age of 50;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • with excessive overeating;
  • alcohol abusers;
  • with a hereditary predisposition;
  • living in areas with poor sanitation.

Diagnosis of the disease: what is the difficulty?

Despite the fact that the bacterium was discovered in 1875, it has still not been fully studied.

In the scientific world today there is a lot of discussion about the reasons for its appearance and methods of transmission. But health experts are unanimous on one thing. It is this microorganism that is responsible for inflammation of the mucous membrane, which, in turn, leads to gastritis and ulcers.

The prevalence of the infection indicates the need to urgently take action. Research shows that every fifth person between the ages of 20 and 60 is a carrier of the virus. However, not in each of the presented cases it is worth waiting for the development of an ulcer. This largely depends on the person’s immune system, the type of bacteria, blood type, and scientists have yet to obtain detailed answers to these questions.

The difficulty in diagnosing the disease lies in the fact that none of the tests alone can indicate the presence of bacteria in the human body. You can carry this virus all your life, get tested for other diseases, but still not know about the existence of the disease.

And only a specific test can reveal the presence of a microorganism inside.

Main symptoms of the disease

Despite the fact that direct evidence of infection can only be obtained from the result of a special test, there are a number of symptoms that indicate infection.

Among them are:

  • inflammation, swelling of the gastric mucosa;
  • dull pain in the right hypochondrium (the effect is especially intensified after eating);
  • sharp pain at night “on an empty stomach”;
  • the appearance of discomfort when taking medications that reduce acidity levels (antacids);
  • weight loss;
  • lack of hunger;
  • bloating, swelling of the abdomen;
  • unpleasant burning sensation;
  • diarrhea (acute or frequent);
  • nausea for no apparent reason.

These symptoms can manifest themselves complexly and individually, so diagnosing infection based only on these signs is very difficult.

Determining the presence of bacteria in the body is also complicated by the fact that the symptoms of infection are very similar to diseases such as cancer, gastritis, cholecystitis, esophagitis and others. In each of these diseases, similar manifestations are observed in the form of heaviness, belching, nausea, changes in the nature of bowel movements, etc.

This explains the need to test for the presence of H. Pylori in the blood, which will prevent the development of many diseases.

Much attention to this issue should be paid to parents of young children. You can often find a phenomenon where a mother licks a fallen or dirty pacifier, and then offers it to her baby. If infected with a bacterium, this action immediately jeopardizes the child's health.

But even cure does not free you from the threat of re-infection. If there are infected people in the family, then by kissing or touching from the same utensils, the infection can be transmitted.

An alarming signal about infection of a child’s body with H. Pylori is:

  • lethargy of the child;
  • unreasonable refusal to eat for more than 2-3 days;
  • decreased appetite;
  • complaints of discomfort in the stomach;
  • feeling of abdominal distension;
  • belching after eating or after 2-3 hours.

Conducting the survey: methods and results

The key form of diagnosis to identify bacteria is a blood test for Helicobacter pylori. The test checks for the presence of infectious cells (antibodies) that indicate infection.

Additional types of examination are:

  • stool sampling;
  • endoscopy;
  • breath test.

Analysis of the organic matter of feces allows the laboratory to detect the presence of abnormal bacteria.

H. pylori can also be diagnosed by examining cells from the stomach wall taken during an endoscopy or gastroscopy. During a gastroscopy, a small flexible tube is passed through the mouth, down the esophagus and into the stomach, allowing the doctor to examine the esophagus, duodenum and stomach.

The specialist takes a small section of the gastric mucosa. The material is then sent to a laboratory, where experts check for the presence of H. pylori bacteria cells. Gastroscopy is usually performed under light sedation, which minimizes the level of discomfort during the procedure.

The presence of H. pylori can also be diagnosed more easily through breath testing. The breath test uses the ability of H. pylori to produce an enzyme called urease, which is not normally found in the human stomach.

A patient undergoing a breath test must simply swallow a capsule or drink a liquid containing a small amount of radioactive material and, after 10 minutes, burst the balloon.

The balloon is then sealed and its contents are later tested in a laboratory. If H. pylori is present in the stomach, the contents of the capsule will deviate from the established norm. The carbon content means that H. pylori has begun producing an enzyme that reduces acidity levels.

This test is safe. The amount of radioactivity in the capsule used for the test is extremely low, about the same dose that the average person receives in 12 hours of everyday life. A breath test is often used after antibiotic therapy to confirm that the drugs have killed the bacteria.

Another option is to measure ammonia levels in your exhaled breath. The patient is asked to exhale into a container containing a gas spectrometer. The container is hermetically sealed and after 30 minutes, after taking a special solution (urea), the test is repeated.

This breath test can be done by drawing air through a tube. The patient is given 200 ml of water with lemon juice to drink and after 10 minutes the first test is performed.

After this, you need to drink 100 ml of urea containing the carbohydrate isotope. After half an hour, air is taken again. The data from the test tube is sent to the laboratory, and the result will be ready within a day.

The advantage of this method is its high information content, non-invasiveness, and safety.

In each specific case, the specialist determines the feasibility of conducting one or another type of examination.

There is also a simpler urease test that can be performed outside the laboratory.

Blood analysis

Today, testing for the presence of bacteria through blood sampling is one of the most reliable. Prescribed by a doctor for visible symptoms of infection.

Method number 1. ELISA

One of the most common and effective diagnostic methods is a blood test for H. Pylori antibodies. When infected, the level of bacteria increases sharply.

Such diagnostics, in addition to determining the fact of infection, allows:

  • determine the amount of antibodies;
  • assess protein structural changes;
  • identify DNA cells that are involved in inflammation.

The method for quantitative determination of antibodies in biomaterial is called ELISA. During laboratory tests, specialists study blood serum and determine the concentration of bacterial cells. If the reaction is positive, the expert gives a conclusion about the presence of Helicobacter in the body.

The value of the indicator determines the degree of immune response to the presence of antibodies.

This method has its advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • universality (each clinic has a laboratory that allows you to perform the test using this method);
  • ELISA helps detect the presence of antibodies at the earliest stages of infection.

The disadvantage is that with antibiotic therapy, repeated analysis will not give an accurate result. In addition, with a low level of immune protection, the method may show a false result.

If the patient is not infected, the test results will be marked “Negative”.

To ensure a clear picture of the analysis, the day before it is necessary to adhere to a diet and completely exclude alcohol, fried foods, pickles, and smoked foods from the diet.

The procedure is carried out by collecting biomaterial from a vein. The test is scheduled for the morning, since the stomach should be empty.

If such procedures are difficult to tolerate, doctors recommend eating chocolate or drinking sweet tea immediately after the analysis. This will raise your blood glucose levels and restore your strength.

Method number 2. Immunoglobulin testing

This test consists of studying specific proteins that come into contact with pathogenic cells.

The production of such proteins does not occur immediately in the body.

The detection of three types of proteins (M, A, G) in the biomaterial allows the specialist to assert that the pylori bacterium is present in the body.

Moreover, each individual type of specific proteins indicates a different stage of infection. So, first of all, type M begins to develop.

The detection of only this group of cells suggests an early stage of infection. As a rule, such a result is obtained only if the patient has expressed a desire to check himself for the risk of infection. At this stage, the disease does not yet show symptoms.

But the presence of cells of group A, G already indicates the development of the disease and the presence of an inflammatory process in the stomach. This indicator indicates high activity of the bacterium and should be an alarming signal for immediate treatment.

Detection of group G simply indicates the presence of bacteria, but cannot indicate the timing of infection. Thus, this type can still persist in the blood after antibacterial therapy and remain there for up to 21-28 days.

The advantage of immunoglobulin analysis is:

  • determining the duration of infection;
  • identification of bacteria;
  • analysis of the development of the inflammatory process;
  • determining the effectiveness of therapy.

Compared to the previous ELISA test, this analysis is more effective and shows infection in 95% of cases.

However, this method also has its own flaws.

The diagnostic method does not allow one to determine the acute form from the passive one, which does not always indicate to the doctor the need to treat with antibiotics. Therefore, experts insist on comprehensive diagnostics, which includes a number of tests. The result is noted for each group of cells. A positive response exclusively for group A indicates an early stage of infection and high activity.

For groups M and G – on the development of the inflammatory process. If the reading is negative, there is no bacteria. The presence of only M group cells also indicates recent infection.

If the analysis reveals the presence of protein in all three forms, then for the doctor this is a signal for immediate treatment. Since the disease is in an active form.

Decoding tests: what is the norm?

Decoding the result of an ELISA laboratory test is solely within the competence of the doctor.

Below is the information for your reference.


Like any other bacteria, H. Pylori can be removed from the body with antibiotics. After passing tests and confirming the presence of a pathogenic organism, the doctor prescribes a course lasting from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the degree of concentration and other factors. In addition to antibiotics, an inhibitor is prescribed - a medicine that suppresses stomach acid.

Today, an antibacterial course is the most effective method to completely destroy the location of H. Pylori inside the body. None of the home methods can compare with such treatment and should be used only in combination to enhance the effectiveness of therapy. To reduce acidity in the stomach and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, you can take an infusion of flax seeds.

Flax seed infusion is an excellent folk remedy

The tincture is taken before the main meal and acts on the principle of enveloping the mucous membrane, which protects it from the destructive effects of toxins.

Another popular method of getting rid of infection is drinking potato juice. The starch contained in the liquid acts on the same principle. It has a calming and protective effect on the walls of the stomach. Also, if you have a peptic ulcer, this method will help reduce the burning sensation and relieve pain.

Also, doctors do not prevent the use of various herbal infusions (chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort). The dry collection must be mixed in equal parts, pour boiling water over it and leave for 7-8 hours. After this, take a decoction of 30 ml before the main meal.

Find out which ones you need to take for gastritis of the stomach.

Also during this period, it is extremely important to follow a gentle diet, which completely excludes fatty and fried foods, spicy snacks, dry snacks, and alcohol.

The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved with an integrated approach and the combination of modern medications along with folk remedies and diet.


To prevent primary or re-infection with this pathogenic organism, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • wash your hands before every meal;
  • do not eat raw vegetables and fruits from the garden or from the store;
  • It is necessary to carry out heat treatment of products;
  • do not take food or drink from someone else’s container;
  • Use only a personal toothbrush.

Diagnostics is very important; it reliably establishes the presence or absence of bacteria in the human body and allows you to decide on treatment tactics if the pathogen has been identified. It is equally important to be able to interpret the results of the surveys.

A transcript is a conclusion issued by a doctor after an examination, the result of the manipulations performed.

If the doctor says that they are negative, this means that no bacteria were found in the body. The patient is healthy. Conversely, a positive result indicates infection.

Each research method has its own specific norms and limits by which the presence or absence of a pathogenic microorganism is assessed; some tests can reveal the degree of infection and the stage of activity of the bacterium.

How to understand the medical reports of the examination? Let's decipher the results of each diagnostic method for H. pylori.

Test norm for Helicobacter pylori

This bacterium should not exist in the body of both adults and children. Therefore, the norm for any test for this microbe is a negative result:

  • The absence of the bacterium itself when examining smears of the gastric mucosa under a microscope. The eye of a diagnostician under multiple magnification does not reveal S-shaped microbes with flagella at the end of the body.
  • The indicator in the test system will not turn crimson when conducting a urease test. After the mucosal biopsy is placed in the express kit environment, nothing will happen: the color of the indicator will remain the original (light yellow or another as stated by the manufacturer). This is the norm. In the absence of bacteria, there is no one to decompose the urea, turning it into ammonia and carbon dioxide. The environment to which the indicator is sensitive does not become alkalized.
  • Less than 1% of the labeled 13C isotope in exhaled air is detected at . This means that Helicobacter enzymes do not work and do not break down the urea drunk for the study. And if enzymes are not detected, we can conclude that the microorganism itself is absent.
  • There is no growth of colonies on nutrient media when carrying out the bacteriological method. An important component of the success of this analysis is compliance with all modes of growing the microbe: oxygen in the environment should be no more than 5%, a special blood substrate is used, and an optimal temperature is maintained. If small round bacterial colonies do not appear on the medium over the course of five days, we can conclude that there was no microbe in the biopsy sample under study.
  • The absence of antibodies to the pathogen during an enzyme immunoassay of blood or their low titer of 1:5 or less. If the titer is elevated, Helicobacter is present in the stomach. Antibodies or immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) are specific proteins of the immune system produced to protect against microbes and increase the body's resistance.

If the test for Helicobacter pylori is positive - what does this mean?

A positive test result means the presence of infection in the body. The exception is a positive result for the antibody titer, which can occur when performing blood ELISA immediately after eradication of the bacterium.

That's the problem:

Even if it is successful and the bacteria is no longer in the stomach, antibodies or immunoglobulins to it remain for some time and can give a false positive result.

In all other cases, a positive test means the presence of a microbe in the stomach: asymptomatic carriage or disease.

Interpretation of cytological examination for Helicobacter

The study of bacteria under a microscope from smears of the gastric mucosa is called cytological. To visualize the microbe, smears are stained with a special dye and then examined under magnification.

If the doctor observes the entire bacterium in the smears, he gives a conclusion about a positive test result. The patient is infected.

  • + if he sees up to 20 microbes in his field of vision
  • ++ up to 50 microorganisms
  • +++ more than 50 bacteria in the smear

If the doctor in the cytological report made a mark of one plus, this means Helicobacter is a weakly positive result: the bacterium is present, but the contamination of the gastric mucosa is not significant. Three pluses indicate significant bacterial activity, there are a lot of them and the inflammation process is pronounced.

Decoding the urease test

The results of a rapid test for the bacterial enzyme urease are also based on a quantitative principle. The doctor gives a positive assessment when the indicator color changes; the speed and degree of its manifestation is expressed by pluses: from one (+) to three (+++).

The absence of color or its appearance after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriosis. The test results are normal. When there is a lot of urease secreted by H. pylori, it very quickly breaks down urea and forms ammonia, which alkalizes the express panel environment.

The indicator actively reacts to changes in the environment and turns crimson. The absence of color or its appearance after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriosis. The test results are normal.

The more advantages there are in the urease test, the higher the infection rate:

  • Helicobacter 3 plus

If crimson coloring is observed within a few minutes of an hour, the doctor will mark three pluses (+++). This means significant infection with the microbe.

  • Helicobacter 2 plus

If, during a urease test, the indicator strip turns crimson within 2 hours, this means that a person’s infection with this pathogen is moderate (two pluses)

  • Helicobacter 1 plus

A change in the color of the indicator up to 24 hours is assessed as one plus (+), which indicates an insignificant content of bacteria in the mucous biopsy and is regarded as a weakly positive result.

The absence of color or its appearance after a day means that the patient does not suffer from helicobacteriosis. The results are normal.

AT to Helicobacter pylori - what is it

Antibodies or immunoglobulins are specific protein compounds that circulate in human blood. They are produced by the immune system in response to infection entering the body.

Antibodies are produced not only against a specific pathogen, but also against many other agents of a viral and bacterial nature.

An increase in the number of antibodies - their titer indicates a developing infectious process. Immunoglobulins can also persist for some time after the bacteria are destroyed.

There are several classes of antibodies:

Helicobacter pylori IgG - quantitative interpretation of the analysis

Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (anti Helicobacter pylori in English literature), belonging to the immunoglobulin G class, appear in the blood not immediately after infection with the microbe, but after 3-4 weeks.

Antibodies are detected by enzyme immunoassay when taking venous blood. Normally, IgG is absent, or its titer does not exceed 1:5. If these protein fractions are not present, we can say that the infection is not present in the body.

High titers and large amounts of IgG may indicate the following conditions:

  • Presence of bacteria in the stomach
  • Condition after treatment

Even after the pathogen has completely disappeared from the body after therapy, immunoglobulins can circulate in the blood for a long time. It is recommended that a repeat ELISA test with AT determination be carried out a month after the end of treatment.

A negative test can give false positive results: the antibody titer increases with a slight delay of about a month from the moment of infection.

A person can become infected with this pathogen, but during ELISA the titer will be low - this may mean that the infection occurred recently, for up to 3 weeks.

IgG to Helicobacter pylori - what is the norm?

The norms and titers of IgG, their quantitative characteristics depend on the determination methods and reagents of a particular laboratory. The norm is the absence of IgG in a blood test using enzyme immunoassay, or its titer is 1:5 or lower.

When diagnosing Helicobacter pylori, you should not rely only on high titers of antibodies. They can circulate in the blood for some time after treatment, and also “lag” in the timing of their appearance during pathogen invasion.

The ELISA method and determination of antibody titer serves rather as an auxiliary method that complements more accurate ones: cytological and urease tests.

Helicobacter pylori titer 1:20 – what does this mean?

A titer to class G immunoglobulins of 1:20 indicates a positive test result – there is an infection in the body. This is a fairly high figure. It is believed that numbers from 1:20 and above indicate significant activity of the inflammatory process, which requires treatment.

A decrease in titer after treatment is a good prognostic indicator of eradication therapy.

Helicobacter pylori IgM and IgA - what is it?

Class M immunoglobulins are protein fractions that react earliest to bacterial infection and appear in the blood earlier than others.

A positive test for IgM occurs when the titers of this antibody fraction increase. This occurs during infection. IgA is detected in the blood if the Helicobacter pylori process is sufficiently active and the gastric mucosa is extremely inflamed.

Normally, in a healthy body, immunoglobulins of these classes are either absent or contained in insignificant quantities that have no diagnostic significance.

Synonyms: Antibody H.pylori IgG, Helicobacter pylori antibodies IgG


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  • Description
  • Decoding
  • Why Lab4U?

Period of execution

The analysis will be ready within 1 day, excluding Sunday (except for the day of taking the biomaterial). You will receive the results by email. mail immediately when ready.

Completion time: 2 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday (except for the day of taking biomaterial)

Preparing for analysis

In advance

Do not take a blood test immediately after radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, or physical procedures.

The day before

24 hours before blood collection:

Limit fatty and fried foods, do not drink alcohol.

Avoid heavy physical activity.

For at least 4 hours before donating blood, do not eat food, drink only clean, still water.

On the day of delivery

Do not smoke 60 minutes before blood collection.

Be in a calm state for 15-30 minutes before taking blood.

Analysis information

Antibodies to H. pylori IgG are detected in patients with duodenitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Many people develop antibodies to H. pylori even in the absence of clinical manifestations, especially in elderly patients. The serological method is the most sensitive; it is impossible to make a differential diagnosis between colonization of the gastric mucosa and the presence of the disease in an active form, without taking into account other data.

Research method - Chemiluminescent immunoassay

Material for research - Blood serum

Composition and results

Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG

In 1983, Warren and Marshall described bacteria that infect the gastric mucosa and are often found in chronic gastritis. The same authors compared these bacteria with bacteria of the genus Campylobacter. However, the correlation between colonization of the gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori bacteria and the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as chronic gastritis, has been proven only recently. Colonization with H. pylori is chronic and leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. When elimination of H. pylori is achieved, there is a tendency for mucosal inflammation to decrease. With secondary infection, the inflammatory process sharply intensifies and gastrointestinal symptoms appear.

The absence of gastrointestinal symptoms when H. pylori is detected only indicates colonization of the gastric mucosa by these bacteria, but not the development of infection. Recently, through various studies, it has been shown that H. pylori is the etiological factor in the development of chronic gastritis and ulcers in most cases. H. pylori infection has also been shown to be one of the causes of gastric cancer.

The standard procedure for detecting H. pylori involves performing an endoscopic biopsy and identifying this microorganism through histological examination. The resulting tissue is subjected to histological examination, Gram staining, and analysis for the presence of the urease enzyme, which is produced by these bacteria. To conduct these studies, biopsy material is required from various parts of the gastric mucosa, and it is impossible to avoid a procedure that is quite traumatic for the patient.

Each of the methods listed above has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are other ways to detect H. pylori: a reaction to the presence of urea in exhaled air (using radioactive isotopes), as well as serological methods (analysis for Helicobacter pylori - determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori).

Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG (Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG, Helicobacter pylori antibody IgG) as a result of the analysis are detected in patients with duodenitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Many people have antibodies to Helicobacter pylori even in the absence of clinical manifestations, especially in elderly patients. Thus, although the serological method is the most sensitive, it is impossible to make a differential diagnosis between colonization of the gastric mucosa and the presence of the disease in an active form without taking into account other data. The price of this test at LAB4U is low and we recommend taking a blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori.

To do this, place an order online, select a convenient appointment time and pay for the study. After this, come for a Helicobacter pylori test at a partner online laboratory medical center. Pre-registration will save you from waiting in line. As soon as the blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori is ready, we will send the result to your email.

Interpretation of the results of the study "Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG"

Interpretation of test results is for informational purposes only, is not a diagnosis and does not replace medical advice. Reference values ​​may differ from those indicated depending on the equipment used, the actual values ​​will be indicated on the results form.

Determination of IgG antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in a blood test for Helicobacter pylori is the most widely used test method for suspected Helicobacter pylori infection. Determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori according to International Clinical Guidelines must be carried out in all patients presenting gastroenterological complaints.

A positive test result for Helicobacter pylori indicates infection with Helicobacter pylori.

A negative test result indicates the absence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

If a questionable result is obtained in the analysis for Helicobacter pylori, it must be repeated after 10 - 14 days.

This study is also indicated for assessing the effectiveness of eradication, if 30–40 days after treatment the titer of IgG antibodies decreased by 20% or more, it can be considered that eradication occurred as a result of treatment if the titer value increases, does not change, or its decrease is less than 20%, then this must be regarded as a lack of eradication. Eradication can be assessed at a later date after the end of treatment - after 9-12 weeks; in such cases, the titer of IgG antibodies to Helicobacter pylori when eradication is achieved should decrease by 50% or more.

Unit of measurement: U/ml

Reference values:

  • < 0,9 Ед/мл – результат отрицательный
  • 0.9 – 1.1 U/ml – the result is doubtful
  • ≥1.1 U/ml – positive result

Lab4U is an online medical laboratory whose goal is to make tests convenient and accessible so that you can take care of your health. To do this, we eliminated all costs for cashiers, administrators, rent, etc., directing the money to the use of modern equipment and reagents from the world's best manufacturers. The laboratory has implemented the TrakCare LAB system, which automates laboratory tests and minimizes the influence of the human factor

So, why without a doubt Lab4U?

  • It is convenient for you to select assigned analyzes from the catalog or in the end-to-end search line; you always have at hand an accurate and understandable description of preparation for analysis and interpretation of results
  • Lab4U instantly generates a list of suitable medical centers for you, all you have to do is choose the day and time, near your home, office, kindergarten or along the way
  • You can order tests for any family member in a few clicks, entering them once into your personal account, quickly and conveniently receiving the results by email
  • Analyzes are up to 50% more profitable than the average market price, so you can use the saved budget for additional regular studies or other important expenses
  • Lab4U always works online with every client 7 days a week, this means that your every question and request is seen by managers, it is due to this that Lab4U is constantly improving its service
  • An archive of previously obtained results is conveniently stored in your personal account, you can easily compare the dynamics
  • For advanced users, we have created and are constantly improving a mobile application

We have been working since 2012 in 24 cities of Russia and have already completed more than 400,000 analyzes (data as of August 2017)

The Lab4U team is doing everything to make this unpleasant procedure simple, convenient, accessible and understandable. Make Lab4U your permanent laboratory