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How to write a change to an order. Basis for the order. Approval of the new staffing table

If necessary, it is quite acceptable to make changes to a previously issued order, provided that there are good reasons for this, primarily legal ones. We will talk about the most typical situations that entail the need to make changes to previously issued orders, and how to resolve them conflict-free and legally competent in this article.


As in the case of orders to cancel previously issued personnel orders, the need to amend their content is due to the occurrence of appropriate changes in the circumstances that previously served as the reason for issuing the order, the content of which is subject to correction. In the general case, these are circumstances, the occurrence of which makes a previously issued order (any of its paragraph or paragraphs) legally and (or) factually inaccurate. The most common cases of occurrence of such circumstances should be considered:

  • changes in legislation, regulatory legal acts, local acts of the enterprise (including those related to changes in the structure of the document, its renaming, etc.);
  • changes in the personal circumstances (personal data) of the employees of the enterprise, in respect of which the relevant orders (paragraphs of orders) on personnel were previously issued;
  • changes in the circumstances of time, place, etc., which are essential for the proper performance by the relevant employees of the work assigned to them (labor function);
  • other similar circumstances requiring changes to the content of previously issued personnel orders, if such changes are essential for the proper execution of the order.

Thus, the functional purpose of the order to amend the previously issued personnel order is:

    in documenting the fact of making justified (primarily in legal terms) changes to the relevant management decision by adopting a new management decision (in this case, an order for personnel);

    cancellation of the order (point, points of the order) for personnel, in the content of which any inconsistency was revealed.


  • about the order (point, points of the order) for personnel subject to (subject to) change - its date, number, name (number or numbers of the corresponding points of the order);
  • on the basis for making an appropriate change to the order (paragraph, paragraphs of the order) for personnel with a brief statement of the circumstances that served as the reason for issuing the order to make changes;
  • on instructions given to officials (structural divisions) of the enterprise on actions to be taken in connection with the introduction of changes to the previous order (paragraph, paragraphs of the order) on personnel and the issuance of a new one;
  • on the order (paragraph, paragraphs of the order) for personnel subject to cancellation in connection with the entry into force of the relevant order (paragraph, paragraphs of the order) for personnel containing changes - its date, number, name (number or numbers of the corresponding paragraphs of the order);
  • measures to ensure control over the execution of the order (if required).

Drawing up a draft order on amendments to a previously issued order (paragraph, paragraphs of the order) for personnel is carried out on sheets of writing paper in A4 format in compliance with the requirements of GOST R6.30-2003.

  • Business name;
  • name of the document type;
  • document date;
  • registration number of the document;
  • place of compilation or publication of the document;
  • title to the text;
  • document text;
  • signature;
  • document approval visas (if the content of the document requires approval);
  • mark about the performer;
  • identifier of the electronic copy of the document.
  • Examples of some orders on amendments to previously issued orders (point, points of orders) for personnel are discussed below.

The main situations that necessitate changes in personnel orders

Example 1

Citizen Osorgin O.O. turned to the employer with an application for employment as a truck driver. The checking of Osorgin's documents - due to the absence of the full-time head of the personnel department - was carried out by an employee temporarily replacing him, inattentively.

An employment contract was concluded with Osorgin, and an order was issued on his employment as a driver. Immediately after that (during the process of issuing a personal card in the form No. T-2), it was revealed that Osorgin did not have a document confirming that he had the special knowledge necessary for working as a driver - a driver's license.

The head of the personnel department informed the head of the enterprise about this, having previously received written consent from Osorgin to be hired as a watchman - for a vacant position, the execution of which does not require special knowledge.

In this regard, the head of the enterprise in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation issued an order to amend the previously issued order on the admission of Osorgin O.O. to work. An example of this order is given in Appendix 1.

Example 2

Russian laboratory assistant A.A. in connection with the forthcoming admission to an educational institution of higher professional education, which has state accreditation, he applied to the employer with a request to grant him leave without pay for the time of passing the entrance examinations, attaching to the written application a call confirming the fact of admission to these tests. The head of the enterprise, having considered the application, in a resolution addressed to the head of the personnel department, ordered that the Russian be granted leave "in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation." Due to the vagueness of the wording and insufficient control over the quality of the preparation of the draft order by the head of the personnel department, the duration of the vacation was erroneously set in the content of the document - 10 calendar days - provided for in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for passing entrance examinations to educational institutions of secondary vocational education, while for the case in question a vacation of 15 calendar days is provided.

An order with an incorrect wording was announced to the employee, while the reasons for setting the duration of the vacation at 10 days were not properly explained to Russian by the representative of the personnel department. Immediately after the employee left on vacation, the immediate supervisor of Russky, in the process of maintaining documentation on labor accounting, drew attention to the fact that his subordinate was granted leave of lesser duration than prescribed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and turned to the head of the personnel department for clarification.

The head of the personnel department, assessing the situation, turned to the head of the enterprise with a reasoned petition to amend the previously issued order. Based on the memorandum of the head of the personnel department, the head of the enterprise, guided by Part 2 of Art. 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, issued an order to amend the previously issued order - to provide Russian A.A. leave without pay for 15 calendar days, making it the duty of the head of the personnel department to promptly inform the employee about this. An example of such an order is given in Appendix 2.

Example 3

Cashier Nevzorova N.N. - a working old-age pensioner - applied to her employer for leave without pay. Her application was granted, and the head of the enterprise issued an appropriate order.

Immediately after this, Nevzorova, due to personal circumstances, applied to the employer with a request to change the period of leave without pay, in order to immediately use the annual paid leave due to her in accordance with the vacation schedule for the current working year.

In this regard, the head of the enterprise in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation issued an order amending the previously issued order to grant Nevzorova N.N. leave without pay. An example of this order is given in Appendix 3.

Example 4

Chief power engineer Mikhailovsky M.M. in accordance with the business trip plan, he was supposed to leave for Irkutsk for an interregional seminar on the exchange of experience, about which the head of the enterprise issued an appropriate order. Immediately after that, the enterprise was informed by the host that the place of the seminar was changed and the seminar would be held at the same time, but in Novosibirsk, on the basis of another organization.

In this regard, the head of the enterprise in accordance with Art. 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation issued an order to amend the previously issued order on the direction of Mikhailovsky M.M. on a business trip. An example of this order is given in Appendix 4.

Example 5

Deputy Head of the Production Department Ryabov A.P. made absenteeism, in connection with which the head of the enterprise notified the employee of the decision to dismiss him under subp. "a" paragraph 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An order was issued to this effect. However, Ryabov turned to the employer with a statement about the termination of the employment contract on his own initiative.

Taking into account Ryabov's impeccable (before misconduct) work, the head of the enterprise decided to satisfy the employee's application and issued an order to amend the previously issued order on his dismissal. An example of this order is given in Appendix 5.

Open Joint Stock Company "Vega"


07/14/2004 No. 1008-k


On amendments to clause 4

order dated 10.07.2004 No. 1001-k

Due to the fact that in paragraph 4 of the order on personnel dated 10.07.2004 No. 1001-k, the duration of the workshop No. 3 provided to the laboratory assistant A.A. Russky was incorrectly indicated. leave without pay (as admitted to passing entrance examinations to an educational institution of higher professional education),


1. Amend paragraph 4 of the order on personnel dated July 10, 2004 No. 1001-k - in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The said paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

To provide from 12.07.2004 to the laboratory assistant of shop No. 3 Russky A.A. leave without pay 15 calendar days as admitted to passing entrance examinations to an educational institution of higher professional education.

2. Recognize invalid in the previous edition of paragraph 4 of the order on personnel dated 10.07.2004 No. 1001-k.

3. Head of the personnel department Shorina O.V. ensure prompt informing of Russian A.A. on changing the duration of leave granted to him without pay, as well as making changes to the personal card of Russian A.A., other personnel records.

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on acting. Deputy General Director for Human Resources Karpov L.M.

Base: 1. Statement of Russian A.A. dated 04.07.2004.

2. Memorandum of the head of the personnel department dated 13.07.2004.

And about. CEO Erdman F.H. Erdman

Acquainted by: Russian A.A. ______________ "___" ________ 200__

Shorina O.V. ______________ "___" ________ 200__

Karpov L.M. ______________ "___" ________ 200__

Strikethroughs and corrections in orders are unacceptable; in 2019, changes to the order are made differently. Read about how to make changes and additions correctly, download sample documents

Read our article:

How to make changes to an order

It is not uncommon for enterprises to make changes to a previously issued order. Circumstances are different - working conditions and legislation change, employees come and go, mistakes made come up. In this regard, the documents become irrelevant or at least inaccurate.

Strikethroughs and corrections in the old version of the order are unacceptable; in 2018, changes to the order are made differently. The head decides that the revision is necessary, issues a new order, which describes which items from the old one are subject to adjustment. Drawing up an order can be entrusted to a responsible person - a secretary, personnel officer, lawyer, but only the director endorses it.

Corrections to the current order can be made an unlimited number of times. But in the event that all of its paragraphs or most of them are hopelessly outdated, it would be wiser to cancel it and publish a new one, if necessary. If there is a need to edit the order that corrects the original order, this will also become a reason for cancellation, otherwise the workflow at the enterprise will be significantly complicated.

Step 6. Specify the date from which the above changes come into force.

Step 7. If necessary, appoint persons responsible for the execution of the order.

Step 8. Approval with the personal signature of the head of the organization. Also if required. Confirm with the seal of the institution.

Step 9. In the order registration book, in the “note” column, make a note opposite the old order - that the new (specify details) has been amended, and opposite the new - that it changes some points of the old. It is extremely important to remember to do this, in order to avoid confusion and in order to make it easier to find the necessary information in the future.

Step 10. Acquaint all employees concerned with the newly issued order against signature.

How to make an addition to the order

If the current order does not require corrections, but only needs to be supplemented with some information, an order is issued to amend the order.

Direct edits to the signed document are not allowed. The new paper will be called "On Amendments to the Order dated ... No. ...", and its structure will be similar to the corrective order. Most often, additions are required if, due to inattention, some part of the information was omitted or the list of mentioned persons was supplemented over time.

Recall that if during the year many additions were issued to the order, then it would be advisable to completely cancel it and draw up a new document at the beginning of next year - corrected and supplemented.

The cancellation procedure is formalized in a similar way - by issuing a new order, in which the last paragraph of the administrative part reads: "The order dated ... No. ... "O ..." is considered invalid." After that, not only the canceled order itself becomes invalid, but also all subsequent ones that corrected or supplemented it.

During the course of business activities, an entity may change one or more factors surrounding it. For example, new legislative acts will come into force, responsible persons for certain operations will change, employees will come and go. Because of this, it becomes necessary to make changes to the orders in force for the enterprise. To do this, an order is drawn up to amend the order.

Usually, orders issued at the enterprise determine the procedure of actions necessary under the specified conditions, or fix some facts. At the same time, such orders can be either simple, which determine the relationship of the employer with a certain employee, or complex, which determine the interaction of many employees among themselves and with the enterprise.

The latter types of orders include:

  • Order on the assignment of the duties of an employee on vacation to other employees;
  • Inventory order;
  • Order on document flow between departments;
  • Order on sending employees for a medical examination
  • and others.

At the same time, due to changed surrounding circumstances, such an order may partially lose its significance or legal force.

However, the general essence of the document remains unchanged. In this case, an order for changes in another order is issued. In the case when, due to changes, the force of the document is lost entirely, then it is better to issue an order to cancel the order.

Important! The law establishes that it is forbidden to enter any changes into the text of an already existing document, to make corrections there. To make any changes to it, even at first glance the most insignificant, you need to issue an appropriate order.

The implementation of one of the following actions is regarded as making changes to the administrative document:

  • Replacement of words, sentences in any part of the order or annexes to it;
  • Exclusion of words or sentences from any part of the order or annexes to it;
  • Exclusion or determination as invalid of any part of the document;
  • Supplementing any part of the order with words or sentences, introducing new parts into the document;
  • Statement of the parts available in the order in a new edition.

What orders can be changed

The law does not contain direct prohibitions on changing any orders. Thus, any administrative documents in which there are inaccuracies, or due to changes in surrounding circumstances, any part has become irrelevant should be subject to changes.

These can be the following groups of orders:

  • Regarding the working conditions of employees;
  • Concerning the local acts issued at the enterprise;
  • On the appointment of responsible persons for any actions;
  • Regulating relations between employees and the employer;
  • Due to personnel changes.

You can also make changes to any part of the order itself - you can edit the base of the document, the main administrative part and the conclusion.

What are the grounds for making changes?

In the event of a change in external or internal factors in the work of a business entity, as a result of which any part of the current order no longer corresponds to reality, the responsible person must issue an official or memorandum addressed to his immediate superior or immediately the head of the company.

It must indicate the factor that had an impact, as well as the recommended action. For example, in connection with the dismissal of an employee or going on vacation (based on a vacation order), the duties assigned to him must be transferred to another employee. Sometimes changes to an order are requested due to an error in the original document.

Attention! If changes are requested due to any events in the life of the employee (for example, in connection with marriage, the surname was changed), then a copy of the supporting document must also be attached.

Further, when issuing an order to make changes, its text indicates the reason-justification that prompted the release of it (for example, in connection with a change in the name of an employee), as well as the basis - details of a legislative act, a memorandum, data on another document, etc. .

How to make changes to an order

Making changes to the current order takes place in several stages.

First, the responsible person draws up an official or memorandum with a message stating that due to changes in any factor, part of the current order has become untrue. The head considers the document received by him and decides whether to issue changes to the current order, or, under certain conditions, cancel it altogether and issue a new order.

In the first case, he instructs the responsible person to prepare the document. It must necessarily contain the basis for making changes, as well as a list of necessary amendments, indicating the place in the old order to be corrected, the old and new wordings of the text.

The issued order, like any other order, is signed by the head of the company. Further, the document must be registered in a special order book. The date and number of the order, its summary is entered there.

Important! If any employees are mentioned in the new order, then they must be provided with a document for review and signing. It should be stored in the archive along with the order to which the new order makes changes.

If the changes are made in connection with the change of the employee, then he must be sent for familiarization both the text of the original order and the new order. In this case, an indication of this action can be made in a separate paragraph of the new document.

With what frequency can you make

There is no indication in the law how many times or how often the regulations in force at the enterprise can be changed. Based on this, if necessary, it can be produced every week or even every day.

However, it must be understood that frequent changes to the same document are not practical. The responsible employee must constantly spend his time preparing a new version of the order.

And any responsible persons are mentioned in it, then you will need to bypass them every time, or invite them to the personnel department so that they familiarize themselves with the new version and put their signature.

Attention! If it is expected that the number of changes to the existing order will be significant, it would be most expedient to immediately cancel the effect of the existing order and release its new version, taking into account all the innovations.

Sample order for amending an order

How to draw up an order to amend an order

For such orders, the law does not establish any mandatory form or a unified form. As a rule, it is issued using the letterhead of the organization. If the order is drawn up in free form, then in the upper part of it you need to put down the full name of the company, its registration codes (TIN, KPP, etc.), location address.

Also, the date and place of compilation must be put down on a new line.

Then a brief summary of the order is written on a new line. This line must necessarily include the date number and the name of the order to which changes are made.

The next step is the introductory part of the order. It should include data on why it is necessary to make changes to an existing document.

Then the word “I order” is written down, after which the actions that need to be performed are listed in points:

  • Items of the old order that are invalidated, or a new statement of their wording;
  • Data that must be entered in a previously executed document to expand the scope of its activities;
  • Actions to be taken by responsible persons after registration of all the listed changes;
  • The list of employees who are affected by the changes, or they will be responsible for their implementation.

Attention! Next, you need to list the documents that serve as the basis for issuing this order. These include memos, owner decisions, copies of marriage certificates, etc.

The order is endorsed by the head of the company. Next, you need to list all those employees who are mentioned in the order. They must familiarize themselves with it and put their signature in front of the surname.

An order to amend a company's travel regulations is most often issued if there are few adjustments and they need to be approved. Then it is not necessary to develop a new provision, it is enough to make an order to amend the existing one. The form and sample of the order to amend the position on business trips in the year - in our article.

After the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595 on the abolition of travel certificates comes into force on January 8, 2014, companies will need to amend their travel regulations.

The company has the right to decide how to amend the travel policy. approve a new one or make changes to an existing one. If there are not so many changes, you can use the second option, besides, it is more convenient. There are several dangerous details that must be filled in carefully. For example, it's safer to write in an updated policy that it goes into effect on January 8, even if the company changes it later. It was from this date that the list of documents that confirm the period of the business trip has changed. And the company has no right to delay the entry into force of a government decree.

There is still an important point: it is necessary to make changes to the regulation, even if the company plans to continue to use the canceled documents (certificate, job assignment, report). But the company has no right to refuse new documents, for example, a job assignment. The obligation to draw up these documents must be prescribed in the travel regulations. An example will show how to arrange everything correctly.

  • Download the order to amend the travel regulations
  • Order to amend the regulations on business trips. Sample Fill

    An example of the wording of an order to amend the vacation schedule

    During the year, appropriate changes may be made to the approved vacation schedule in case of their transfer. Changes to the vacation schedule are possible at the initiative of both the employee himself and the head of the organization. Management-initiated leave transfers can only be carried out if the interests of production require it, but such transfers of vacations cannot be applied systematically.

    The order to postpone the vacation is issued with the written consent of the employee. In addition, the transfer of vacation must be agreed with the trade union committee or other body authorized by the labor collective for representation. Part of the vacation, which is 24 calendar days, must be used before the end of the current year.

    At the time of the start of the vacation, the employee was temporarily disabled;

    The period of annual leave coincides with leave for study, performance of public or state duties, for the period of performance of which he must be released from the performance of basic work duties;

    Basic leave coincides with maternity leave.

    Amendments to the administrative documents of organizations

    Administrative documents are created in the activities of each organization, and often there comes a time when, for a variety of reasons, the administrative documents issued by it lose their relevance and need to be changed. Depending on how significant the necessary changes are, one can either recognize such documents as invalid and issue new ones on the same issues instead, or make the required corrections to the documents.


    chief expert-methodologist of the consulting group Termika

    The system of administrative documentation includes resolutions and decisions issued by the governing bodies acting on the basis of the principle of collegiality. as well as orders, directives and instructions issued in the conditions of sole decision-making.

    Any of the following actions are considered to be changes to the administrative document:

  • replacement of words, numbers in the title, text of the document or in its annexes;
  • exclusion of words, numbers, sentences from the title, text of the document or annexes to it;
  • exclusion or invalidation of the structural units of the document (paragraphs, paragraphs, etc.);
  • addition of the title, structural units of the document (points, paragraphs, etc.) or annexes to it in the form of words, numbers, sentences; addition of the document with structural units (points, paragraphs, etc.);
  • presentation in the new edition of the title of the document, its structural units (paragraphs, paragraphs, etc.) or annexes to it, etc.
  • Thus, making changes to the document is not only replacing individual words, numbers or whole sentences in it with others, but also excluding any elements from the document without replacement, as well as adding new elements.

    The procedure for amending the administrative document

    The procedure for introducing changes to administrative documents and the rules for their execution should be determined by the regulatory and methodological documents of the organization, the development of which should be guided by the requirements established by federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the procedure for introducing and formalizing amendments to regulatory legal acts. When developing their own regulatory and methodological documents, organizations can use, for example:

    Regulations of the Government of Moscow (approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 21, 2006 No. 112-PP);

    The main rule that should be remembered when there is a need to change the administrative document: making any, even the most minor, corrections directly to the text of the signed document is not allowed. Amendments to the administrative documents of the organization are possible only by issuing relevant documents.

    As a rule, changes to an administrative document are made by a document of the same type, i.e., changes are made to an order by an order, to an order by an order, etc.

    The same is done in the case when changes are made not to the administrative document itself, but to the instruction, regulation, list, etc. approved by it.

    Changes to the administrative document can be made in two ways:

    1. A separate document may be specially issued for these purposes.

    2. An administrative document issued on any issue may include provisions on making changes to previously issued documents.

    The first method, as a rule, is used if multiple changes are made to the document, or if several documents related to the same issue of the organization's activities need to be changed at once. For example:

    Enlarge Document

    In the case when the need to make changes to a previously issued document is due to the issuance of a new administrative document, provisions for making changes can be included directly in the document being developed. For example:

    Enlarge Document

    For regulatory legal acts, the legislation establishes a procedure in accordance with which the development of a draft document on amendments is carried out directly by the body (structural unit) that prepared the document to be changed, or in agreement with this body (structural unit). Such a provision is contained, in particular, in the Regulations of the Government of Moscow (clause 3.2.1).

    The use of a similar approach to the preparation of draft documents on amendments to the administrative documents of the organization, despite the absence of such requirements in the legislation, also seems appropriate.

    Drawing up a heading for the text of the document on making a change

    In accordance with GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated February 27, 1998 No. 28) the heading of an official document is the details of the document, briefly stating its content. Based on this definition, the title of the document devoted to making changes to the documents of the organization should reflect this fact. When formulating the title, it is recommended to be guided by the same rules that are established by law for regulatory legal acts:

    Regardless of the specific content of the document, i.e., regardless of what kind of changes it makes to previously published documents of the organization (replaces words or numbers; excludes words, numbers, sentences; sets out in a new edition any structural units of the document, etc.) etc.), the heading should begin with the words About amendments to. (or On amendments to ... if there is only one change), after which it is necessary to indicate the type of document to which changes are made, its date and registration number, for example:

    In the case when the document being developed recognizes as invalid one or two structural units of a previously issued document and does not make any other changes, the heading begins with the words About invalidation. (or On invalidation.), after which these structural units are indicated;

    In order to increase the information content in the title of the document on making changes, the title of the document being changed can also be indicated;

    If changes are made to two documents, they are listed in the title in chronological order, for example:

    If the document being developed makes changes to three or more documents, the heading should be formulated in a generalized way, for example:

    On amendments to certain orders in connection with the approval of the Internal Labor Regulations

    The above recommendations should be observed when compiling headings for the text of documents created solely to make changes to previously published documents of the organization. In the case when making changes is not the main purpose of issuing an administrative document and only some of its provisions are devoted to this issue, the heading should express the main content of the document being created. There is no need to include in the header information that the document also makes changes to any documents.

    Read about the requirements for the structure and content of the change document in the next issue of the journal.

    Local normative act - a document containing labor law norms that the employer accepts within its competence in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, agreements (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Local regulations include, in particular:

  • Regulations on wages;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • Regulations on bonuses;
  • staffing;
  • job descriptions;
  • Orders and instructions having a normative content;
  • Acts defining the procedure for attestation of employees;
  • shift schedules;
  • The order to amend local regulations refers to orders for the main activities of the organization and is signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

    Document execution

    Labor legislation does not provide for a unified form of this order. Personnel specialists draw up an order to introduce changes (additions) to local regulations arbitrarily.

    Drafting a document

    A sample order for amendments to local regulations must contain.

  • grounds for changing local regulations;
  • list of amendable local regulations;
  • date of entry into force of changes in local regulations.
  • The form of the order to amend the local regulations is signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person. Interested persons are acquainted with the order under the signature.

    Document storage

    An order to amend local regulations is recorded in the journal of orders (instructions) and is stored in the organization permanently, as a document on the main activity in accordance with Art. 19 of the "List of standard managerial, archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage" dated August 25

    How to make changes to an order

    Good afternoon. Please tell me how to make changes to orders. The employee quit, he was a member of the commission, now a new one needs to be included in his place.

    Example: Order No. ____ dated ____

    on amendments to the orders of LLC Yablochko

    To change the order of Yablochko LLC No. 01 (1252) dated 11.01. in connection with the dismissal of the deputy. Director for General Affairs Petrova I. G. approve Vasina V.V. and about. deputy Director for General Affairs, authorized to sign the waybills on behalf of the "Customer", the form of a temporary pass to enter the IEI USC RA (Appendix No. 1 "Signature Sample".

    To change the order of Yabloko LLC No. 07 (1252) dated 11.01. in connection with the dismissal of a member of the commission, deputy. Director for General Affairs Petrova I.G. consider a member of the commission for the inventory of fixed assets, inventories and cash at the box office LLC Yabloko Vasina V.V. and about. deputy director of general affairs.

    Head __________ signature

    The regulatory document reflecting the structure of the organization, its staffing and number, in accordance with its charter, is the staffing table. Changes in the staffing table can only be made on the basis of an order to amend the staffing table.

    Order to amend the staffing table

    The decision to make changes to the staffing table is made by the employer (head of the organization or individual entrepreneur). This decision must be fixed. The legislation does not provide for a unified form of the said order. Therefore, the employer has the right to develop it independently. The signing of the order to change the staffing table is carried out by the head or other authorized person of the organization.

    Changes may relate to the following provisions of the staffing table:

    • exclusion of a vacant position or several positions, divisions due to any organizational changes in the work of the employer;
    • introduction of new positions if a decision is made to expand production or increase the volume of services provided or work performed;
    • downsizing of the employer;
    • changes in the salaries of employees;
    • renaming of departments and positions.

    The employer may also decide on other grounds for changing the staffing table.

    Please note that the employer has an obligation to monthly provide information about the availability of vacant positions (clause 3 of article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991 N 1032-1). Such information is provided to the employment service authorities.

    The table below contains information about the possible reasons for making changes, as well as the main steps that an employer needs to go through when deciding to make changes to the staffing table.

    Grounds for making changes to the staffing table The procedure (procedure) for making changes to the staffing table The obligation to familiarize employees of the organization or individual entrepreneur with changes to the staffing table
    1. Supplementing the staffing table by introducing new positions and structural units Creation of an order (draft order) on the introduction of new staff units, which contains the following information:
    • names of newly introduced structural units, positions;
    • the number of new staff positions;
    • the newly established salary (surcharges, allowances).
    not provided
    2. Exclusion of vacancies Creation of an order (draft order) on the exclusion of staff units, which contains the following information:
    • the date from which the changes are made;
    • the name of the excluded positions;
    • the number of excluded staff positions.
    not provided, as these positions are not occupied
    3. Downsizing
    • Notification of employees about the intention to carry out a reduction;
    • Creation of an order to exclude specific staff positions or to approve a new staffing table, which will not include reduced positions
    Written notification of employees at least 2 months before the date of entry into force of the new staffing table / changes made to it (part 2 of article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the offer of vacant positions to dismissed employees (part 3 of article 81, article 82, and 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)).
    It follows from the above norm that the changes made cannot enter into force earlier than 2 months from the date of notification.
    4. Change in salaries of employees Changing the salaries prescribed in the staffing table leads to a change in the terms of employment contracts in terms of establishing the amount of remuneration (paragraph 5, part 2, article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 3 of the "Staffing" section of the Instructions for the use and filling out primary accounting forms documentation on accounting for labor and its payment, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1). And such a change at the initiative of the employer is possible only if there has been a change in any organizational or technological working conditions (part 1 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    Before making such changes, the employer is obliged to take a number of measures, namely to notify employees of:
    • future changes in the provisions of employment contracts. Form of notification - written;
    • the reasons that caused the need for such changes (clause 2, article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    After making a decision to change salaries and duly notifying employees, the employer has the right to change salaries on the basis of an order to amend the staffing table.
    The notice period is no later than 2 months before the changes being introduced.
    If the employee refuses to work in the changed conditions, then the labor legislation prescribes the employer the obligation to offer him another job he has (part 3 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And this must be done in writing. If there is no such work or the employee does not agree with the proposed options, then the employment contract with the employee is terminated (clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    5. Renaming positions and divisions Creation of an order (draft order) on renaming positions and departments, which contains the following information:
    • the date from which the changes are made;
    • the name of the renamed positions;
    The notice period is no later than 2 months before the changes being introduced.
    The notification form is written.
    If the employee does not agree with the proposed conditions, the employer is obliged to offer another available job.
    If there is no such job or the employee does not agree to work on the proposed conditions or to work in an existing position, then the employment contract with the employee is terminated (