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How to organize the collection of wild plants from Siberia. In search of dream: Finnish chef tells what to collect in the forest, except for mushrooms and berries. Spring shoots of horsetail

When relaxing in nature or walking in the forest, we often have no idea how many edible wild herbs surround us. Even the so-called weeds, which gardeners do not hesitate to remove from their beds, sometimes surpass in value and benefit the cultivated plants that we grow so carefully and carefully.

Why are the beneficial properties of wild herbs so unique and even superior to the value of cultivated plants? The fact is that over many years of survival in natural conditions, wild plants have developed special mechanisms of resistance to adverse environmental factors, pests and diseases. This vitality and endurance is transferred to our body, strengthening and healing it.

Since ancient times, food wild plants have been present in the diet of our ancestors - nettle, quinoa, sorrel, wild garlic, chicory, burdock. For the diet of Siberians and residents of the north of the European part of Russia, these natural gifts are traditional today. During the siege of Leningrad, about 40 types of wild herbs were consumed, adding them to regular food or using them as independent vegetables.

Many wild plants are superior in nutritional value to cultivated ones. For example, nettle contains 8 times more vitamin C than kohlrabi cabbage, the carotene content in nettle is one and a half times higher than in parsley, and the protein content of quinoa is not inferior to spinach. Often the greens of edible wild plants have high medicinal activity, due to which they find their use in herbal medicine and folk medicine.

How can you use edible wild plants?

1. The easiest way is to add green edible herbs to salads. Suitable for this purpose nettle, quinoa, whine, dandelion, plantain, knotweed, cinquefoil, burdock, chickweed, lungwort, hogweed, sorrel, angelica. Wash the greens thoroughly in a container with salted water, rinse and dry on a towel. Some herbs will require additional processing, for example, dandelion is soaked for several hours in salted water to get rid of bitterness, and nettle must be rinsed with boiling water so that it loses its pungent properties.

2. Another affordable and very healthy way to consume fresh wild plants, which has become increasingly popular lately, is green smoothies. They will saturate your body with fiber and chlorophyll, which are so rich in green plant leaves. Use the same wild herbs as for salads. Try different combinations of wild plants, garden herbs and various vegetables and sour fruits - you can create a new cocktail recipe every day!

3. Add wild herbs to first courses (soups, borscht, okroshka) and second courses (porridge, stews, cutlets, pancakes, pie fillings) 5-10 minutes before readiness. Nettle, dandelion, plantain, knotweed, cinquefoil, burdock, horsetail, quinoa, primrose, woodlice, fireweed, lungwort, hogweed, and angelica will be good for this purpose. Plants with a pronounced taste and aroma, such as tansy, shepherd's purse, and wormwood, are added in small quantities as seasonings.

4. Wild plants are indispensable for preparing herbal teas and other drinks (kvass, decoctions, juices, sbitney, etc.). Over the summer, you can prepare and dry a lot of useful herbs, from which in winter you can make tea mixtures with unique taste and aroma - nettle, fireweed (fireweed), wild raspberry leaves, linden blossom, meadow clover, chamomile, etc. are suitable for this purpose. oregano, yarrow, meadowsweet, motherwort. And from the roots of burdock and chicory you can prepare a useful analogue of a coffee drink.

5. The healing power of wild herbs will also be useful for external use - use them for skin and hair care, adding them to various masks and scrubs, and body baths. For example, any green smoothie is a ready-made mask for the face and hair.

Rules for collecting, storing and harvesting wild herbs.

  • The collection of wild edible plants begins in early spring and continues until autumn. You can collect herbs away from roads, landfills, and cities in forested, ecologically favorable areas. It is best to collect in dry, clear weather, in the afternoon, when the plants are dry from dew. Carefully cut the herbs with a knife or scissors, being careful not to damage the root system. Collect only those plants that you know well, adhering to the same rule as when picking mushrooms: “If you're not sure, don't pick!”
  • At what stage of development should useful wild plants be collected? It depends on the purpose of collection and the type of plant: if for greens, it is better before flowering, for drying and storage - during and after flowering, and for edible roots and tubers (for example, chicory, burdock, meadowsweet) it is better to dig up towards the end of summer or in the fall.
  • The collected herbs should be sorted out to remove debris and insects, and rinsed thoroughly in cold water. It is advisable to consume them fresh on the day of collection; in extreme cases, they can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days, wrapped in a wet cloth or paper, and on top in a plastic bag. Avoid direct contact between herbs and plastic packaging.
  • To prepare healthy herbs for the winter, you can use two methods - drying and freezing. It is better to freeze juicy greens, intended for later addition to first and second courses. You can dry herbs and roots in the shade in the open air, or using a temperature-controlled dryer, not higher than 35-40ºС.
  • It is best to store dried herbs in glass jars, tightly closed with lids, at room temperature, hidden from sunlight. In winter, dried herbs can be added to food and made into teas and herbal infusions.

And now - a little more about the most common wild plants.

Knotweed (knotweed) - fresh grass contains a large amount of protein (4.4%), fiber (5.3%), carotene, vitamin K, flavonoids, glycosides and trace elements. It is superior to kohlrabi in terms of vitamin C content.
Young stems and leaves can be used to make salads and soups, and dried for the winter.

Angelica officinalis (angelica) and angelica forest -Angelica officinalis leaves contain large amounts of protein, fat and fiber. All parts of the plant contain organic acids, essential oils, tannins and aromatic substances, but the roots contain much more of them. Angelica contains less aromatic substances and more protein.

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes and roots of angelica officinalis are used, which are harvested in the fall in the first year of plant growth, and can be combined with angelica silica.
The more juicy angelica forest is used in cooking for preparing salads and soups, while angelica officinale is used only as a spicy and aromatic plant.

Fireweed angustifolia (fireweed) -
contains 18.8% protein, 5.9% fat, 16.6% fiber, as well as a large amount of vitamin C, iron, manganese, copper and other trace elements. Young shoots and leaves of fireweed are used for salads, purees and cabbage soup, and fermented and the tops with young leaves dried in a special way - for preparing aromatic Koporye tea.

Stinging nettle - Almost all vitamins, many microelements, organic acids, as well as phytoncides and tannins are found in its leaves, and fatty oil is found in its seeds. There is 2.5 times more vitamin C in this plant than in lemons.
In spring, when the nettle is quite tender, young shoots with leaves are used for salads. The tops of shoots with leaves are suitable for making cabbage soup and puree until late autumn. Dried leaves can be added to various dishes and used for tea collections.

Quinoa and pigweed -
these two herbs are very similar to each other both in appearance and in their medicinal properties. Quinoa and gooseberry leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, essential oils and saponins.
Young leaves, shoots and inflorescences of both plants are eaten and used fresh, pickled, pickled and dried. Salads are prepared from fresh leaves; in addition, they are boiled and mashed. A special delicacy is the sweet-tasting flower balls of the common marigold.

Big burdock - in European countries and Japan this plant is cultivated as a vegetable.Dried burdock roots contain up to 69% carbohydrates (including about 45% inulin polysaccharide, useful in the treatment of diabetes), up to 12% protein, about 7% fiber, up to 0.8% fat-like substances, organic acids and tannins. A large amount of ascorbic acid, essential oils, mucus, and tannins were found in the leaves.

Burdock leaves and stems at a young age are suitable for salads. The roots are used for soups instead of potatoes, boiled, fried, pickled and baked. Flour from the dried roots mixed with cereal or grain flour is used to make flat cakes.

Moistwort (medium chickweed)
- brich in ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin E, saponins, minerals, especially potassium. Improves the activity of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, has a hemostatic and analgesic effect, and is useful for gastrointestinal diseases and various internal inflammatory processes.
Tender greens go into salads, soups and herbal teas.

Dandelion officinalis - The young leaves of this plant are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fat and calcium and by mid-summer contain 17.8% protein, 12.0% fiber, 6.4% fat. Dandelion roots accumulate up to 40% inulin by autumn.
Young dandelion leaves are kept for 30 minutes in cold salted water to remove bitterness, and are used to prepare salads, soups, marinades and seasonings, and roasted roots are used as a coffee substitute. One of the most valuable properties of this plant is considered to be its ability to have a tonic effect, eliminate feeling tired.

Shepherd's Purse
- the leaves contain vitamin C (more than kohlrabi), carotene (more than carrots), as well as various organic acids, fatty and essential oils, tannins and other biologically active substances. A significant amount of oil was found in the seeds.
Young leaves are used as food for salads, soups and purees. Dried leaves and seeds are used as a spice.

Large plantain -
Fresh plantain leaves contain 20% nitrogenous substances, 10% crude fiber, 0.5% fat, flavonoids, citric and oleic acids, seeds contain up to 44% mucilage, about 20% fatty oil.
Plantain leaves can be added to salads, soups and seasonings, and used in herbal teas. Unlike other herbs, this plant does not have a laxative effect on the stomach. Young leaves go well with sorrel, especially in soups made with young greens.

Everything we need is lying under our feet. Or rather, it is growing. Don't be afraid of weeds, each of them contains a huge amount of useful substances. It is still unclear to a beginner how and why to use wild herbs. Therefore, to get acquainted, we chose the safest method - external use of herbs. That is, skin care.

You need to collect herbs as far as possible from roads and factories, this is understandable. There is a best harvest time for each plant. During flowering or in young leaves, of course, there are more active substances, but absolutely nothing bad will happen if you collect it when it is convenient for you.

There are general principles for using raw materials for cosmetic purposes. Just fill the tender leaves and flowers with water and leave. Hard stems and leaves need to be poured with boiling water and left to stand longer. More concentrated solutions have a more intense effect, so for sensitive skin it is better to dilute them and use them with caution. All medications must first be tested for allergies by applying them to the skin on the elbow and waiting for several hours. Or better yet, a day.

Herbal masks and herbal compresses can be done twice a week. The easiest way to preserve a decoction, infusion or fresh raw material is to add alcohol and get a tincture. Tincture with alcohol or vodka is usually indicated for problematic or oily skin. Which is due, first of all, to the properties of the alcohol itself. In all other cases, it is better to freeze them in the freezer to obtain cosmetic ice.


Nettle contains a lot of ascorbic acid, much more than lemon. It stimulates collagen metabolism, helps strengthen tissues, and heals microtraumas well. Carotene saturates with necessary moisture and improves complexion. Retinol ensures cell regeneration and eliminates inflammation. Vikasol eliminates swelling, eliminates foci of inflammation, and treats pimples.

Fresh leaf mask. The leaves are washed, sometimes additionally doused with boiling water to “neutralize” bubbles with formic acid, or simply put through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is applied to the face. It is not recommended to keep the nettle remedy for more than 10 minutes to avoid chemical burns.

Decoction. 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh herbs x 0.5 cups of water. Pour boiling water over the collected plant tops (using rubber gloves) and place on low heat for twenty minutes. Strain and pour into a dark bottle. Use daily after or instead of washing your face, wiping your face with a cotton swab. You can make a herbal hot compress before using a scrub or mask.

Ice. Moisturizes and soothes the epidermis, helps smooth out wrinkles. Before freezing, it is recommended to add nutritious oil or an oil solution of vitamin E to the broth.


Burdock contains many useful elements. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and protects the skin surface from ultraviolet rays. Vitamin C activates collagen synthesis, making the skin smooth and elastic. Folic acid stops the aging process of the skin. Potassium is an effective humectant. Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect. Fatty acids have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Juice from burdock leaves Can be consumed fresh, but its shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than three days.

A decoction of burdock roots. A handful of roots x 0.5 liters of water. Grate fresh burdock roots on a medium grater, add water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and cover the broth with a lid for 30 minutes. Wipe your face with the decoction using a cotton pad twice a day.

Tonic with burdock. 3 tbsp. spoons of dried burdock roots x 1 glass of water, boil, cool, strain, wipe the skin with the resulting liquid two to three times a day.


And there is a lot of useful information here. Venison is a substance that activates regeneration and blood clotting. Citric acid cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, prevents acne, and lightens age spots. Flavonoids increase skin tone and elasticity, strengthen and rejuvenate tissues. Tannins normalize the balance of the sebaceous glands, relieve redness, and eliminate inflammation on the skin. Polysaccharides - thanks to their presence, plantain has a beneficial effect on all skin types: normalizes the condition of combination skin, moisturizes dry skin, dries out oily skin.

Fresh leaves are collected, washed, dried on a towel, and scalded with boiling water. Then scroll through a meat grinder. The resulting cake is squeezed through the fabric. If the juice turns out to be too thick, add the same amount of water and boil for no longer than 3 minutes.

With the help of plantain, you can easily restore a chapped, dry face with flaking skin: for this, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of juice should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. For normal facial skin, these ingredients are taken equally.

Mask. Grind 5-7 fresh plantain leaves in a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.

Frozen herbal juice cubes also have a beneficial effect on oily skin. Cold tones and tightens pores, and plantain relieves inflammation and removes redness.


Silicon, which is abundant in this plant like nowhere else, binds protein molecules in blood vessels and connective tissue. It is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improves cell regeneration and strengthens the vascular wall. The plant is used as an epithelial regenerator. Its phytocompounds are effective against numerous strains of microbes and fungi. Horsetail extract is widely used in anti-age cosmetics.

Steam bath(for aging skin): 1 tbsp. spoon of horsetail x 1 liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Place the container on the table and wait a few minutes for the steam to cool slightly. Cover your head with a towel and, leaning over the pan, steam your face for 3-5 minutes. After the procedure, treat the skin with a nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure for oily skin once every 1–2 weeks, for dry and sensitive skin - no more than once every 1–2 months.

Compress for the skin around the eyes to relieve swelling and fatigue: 1 tbsp. spoon x glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, filter after cooling. Soak cotton pads in the prepared composition and place on closed eyes for 15–20 minutes.

Tonic: the grass is poured with water and left on low heat for 5-7 minutes, after which it is allowed to cool. It is recommended to wipe the face with the prepared product in the morning and evening using a cotton pad, and store the composition in the refrigerator.

Cosmetic ice cubes from the decoction are ideal for oily skin - wipe the face and neck once a day.


The main benefit comes from thujone, which eliminates germs and bacteria. Hydrocarbon saturation gives the grass a fungicidal and bactericidal effect. Flavonoids strengthen blood vessels, increase elasticity and smooth out wrinkles, protect against UV rays. Ascorbic acid heals. Vitamin A restores damaged cells. Carotene improves complexion and moisturizes. Absintin and arsumin have an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is great for oily and combination skin, but those with dry skin should avoid using wormwood.

Decoction. 2 tbsp. spoons of wormwood x 2 cups boiling water, put on low heat in an enamel or glass container. After 10 minutes, remove from heat and strain to remove sediment. You can wash your face and also make compresses for oily skin with acne.

Tincture. Thinly chop the root, put it in a dark glass bottle, pour 150 ml of alcohol. Leave for about a week, shaking vigorously from time to time. Wormwood tincture is almost never used in its pure form, because... has too pronounced drying effect.


Dandelion contains copper, calcium, manganese, boron, zinc, as well as B vitamins, vitamin D, lemon balm and tartaric acids. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant. Vitamin A - neutralizes free radicals that destroy skin elasticity. Potassium - deeply moisturizes the skin. Vitamin E - rejuvenates, improves complexion. Prevents the appearance of age spots and discolors existing ones.

Dandelion juice can whiten skin, freckles, postpartum and age-related pigmentation. It is similar to a high intensity chemical peel. Therefore, you should not expose skin areas recently treated with this product to UV rays. It should be applied to problem areas of the skin 4-5 times a day. After the product has dried, the face must be wiped with serum or kefir. To obtain dandelion juice, grind the plant in a blender or meat grinder, then wrap in gauze and squeeze. Dandelion juice is best taken from young plants that have not yet begun to bloom.

Concentrated dandelion juice should be diluted 1:1 and stored in the cold. It is best to pour it into an ice container and use these cubes. If you add a little alcohol or vodka to freshly squeezed juice, it will be stored much longer.

Dandelion decoction, which is suitable for any skin type, used for daily washing. 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped fresh dandelion leaves x 1 glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling the broth, strain it and use it instead of water for daily washing.

Continuation, the first part of the material about wild plants.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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In Russia, anyone can freely collect mushrooms, berries and other food forest resources for personal use. This right is enshrined in Part 1 of Article 11 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. However, in the last two years the question of the need for changes in this area has begun to be actively raised. The collection of forest resources is not always used for personal purposes. Often this is one of the ways to earn money, and everything collected goes for sale. Of course, citizens do not pay any taxes in such activities, since there is no effective control. It is precisely this situation that the authorities are trying to resolve. There is even a proposal to sell licenses for collecting wild plants worth several thousand rubles.

We'll tell you whether collecting will be made payable, and whether we can expect a law on picking mushrooms and berries in 2019-2020. Will the changes affect only those who collect wild plants for commercial purposes, or will they even have to pay for collecting berries for winter storage?

Changes to the Forest Code

Attempts to amend the Forest Code on the issue of collecting forest resources for commercial purposes have been made more than once. In September 2018, bill No. 548919-7 was introduced into the State Duma, which proposed adding Article 20.1 to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. The authors tried to introduce regulations that, starting in 2019, could regulate the collection of forest food resources for commercial purposes (the bill was popularly called the Wild Plants Law of 2019). As of August 30, 2018, the bill is still being considered by the State Duma, and has not even been adopted in the first reading. Therefore, at the legislative level, the Law on Mushrooms and Berries in Russia (collection for commercial purposes) does not exist.

The authors of the bill did not aim only to introduce a tax on the collection of mushrooms and berries in Russia in 2019-2020. They proposed legislative norms that would take into account both the interests of the state (receiving income from natural resources) and the interests of citizens (receiving legal income from the collection). As part of the bill, it is assumed that special points will be created to purchase collected mushrooms, berries and other forest resources from the population. At the same time, such collection will be subject to tax. This project looks promising, because benefits everyone:

  • the state will be able to fully use natural resources to replenish the budget (according to experts, only 3% of wild plants and mushrooms are used in the country. However, there is a demand for such products in the country and the world, which means that the available resources need to be developed more efficiently).
  • Citizens will be able to collect forest resources for commercial purposes. Today people have to independently engage not only in collecting, but also in selling what they have collected. And this takes time. If forest products cannot be sold, they have to be disposed of. If the law on picking mushrooms and berries in the forest is adopted, then, most likely, ordinary people will also benefit from it. They will pay the tax, but will have more time to collect (they will not have to think about and waste time on selling). Everything collected can be handed over to a specialized point without the risk that the mushrooms and berries will remain unsold.

2019 Initiative

In the summer of 2019, the question arose again that picking mushrooms and berries would become paid in 2019 or 2020. This time, the governor of the Vladimir region S. Orlova came up with such an initiative. She proposed making the collection paid by introducing a license for this type of activity. They even announced approximate amounts of how much a license to pick mushrooms and berries in Russia might cost:

  • for mushrooms – 6,000 rubles;
  • for berries – 4500 rub.

This initiative did not generate support among the population. People immediately started talking about pensioners who pick berries not because of a good life, but to feed themselves. Therefore, they will not be able to pay for the purchase of a license (even in cases where the collected forest resources are sold).

Is it possible to pick mushrooms and berries for free?

Despite existing initiatives, the collection of forest food resources for commercial purposes is not sufficiently regulated at the legislative level. Those who collect mushrooms and berries for personal consumption should not worry about this issue at all. There is no ban on collecting wild plants for personal purposes today. There is no need to pay tax on collected forest resources. This activity is also not subject to licensing.

However, we must remember that it is necessary to follow some rules so as not to harm nature when collecting. When collecting plants, primarily herbs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the information which of them are listed in the Red Book. If you collect such plants, you will have to pay a fine. It can range from 2,500 rubles to 5,000 rubles (Article 8.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Also, during the summer, it is necessary to monitor media reports about the introduction of bans on visiting forests. For fire safety purposes, local authorities may impose such restrictions. Such bans are typical for cities in Siberia and the Far East (in particular, the Khabarovsk Territory). Violators will face a fine ranging from 4,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles (Article 8.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, during such periods you will have to refrain from picking mushrooms and berries.

Thus, citizens who follow the above rules when picking mushrooms and berries in the forests for personal needs should not yet worry about the fact that this activity will be made paid in Russia.

It would seem that after the adoption of laws allowing the collection of dead wood and bow hunting, allowing criminal prosecution for likes and reposts, introducing taxes on and, nothing will surprise Russians! However, the list of bills that have already been dubbed outrageous, ridiculous and violating human rights on social networks is growing every month. And if the ban on criticizing the authorities or disseminating fake news most of all threatens young citizens of the Russian Federation who “dwell” on social networks, then another bill could affect their grandparents!

We are, of course, talking about the developments of the Ministry of Agriculture, which formalize the process of collecting wild plants (i.e. wild berries, mushrooms and more). There are rumors that already in 2020, it will be possible to collect boletus and boletus, blackberry and hawthorn, as well as any other types of edible mushrooms, berries, nuts, medicinal plants and even seeds only with a special license! And since the collection process will be licensed, then the wild plant gatherers will probably be subject to a new tax... But is this so? And will Russians have to pay for every can of chanterelles rolled up?..

Law on control of the collection of berries and mushrooms

The authorities plan to bring the collection of wild plants under control in the near future.

In the summer of 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture again put the collection of wild plants on the agenda. This is because the forest wealth hidden in the thickets is an almost inexhaustible resource with great export potential! Thus, the sale of mushrooms alone, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, can bring in an additional 2 billion rubles! But for this, the circulation of wild plants (from their collection and processing to sale to the consumer) must be taken under strict control.

So far, neither the collection of medicinal plants, nor the decanting of birch sap, nor any work on the procurement of wild food resources is monitored in any way, and there is simply no legal regulation in this area. If the government develops a clear legal procedure regulating the circulation of forest products, its export will begin to bring significant profits to the country! After all, now not only private traders are engaged in collecting berries and mushrooms, but also thousands of hired pickers who hand over the “catch” to entrepreneurs.

According to rough estimates, Russian forests can offer an exploitable reserve of resources in the amount of 7.4 million tons - however, of this immense amount, from 5% to 10% per year is developed and processed. It turns out that an economically attractive industry is “idle” and does not bring any benefit to the country! If we legalize the process of circulation of wild food resources, this will set the vector for the development of small businesses, attract the attention of entrepreneurs to Russian forests and bring profit to hired collectors.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has been appointed as the authorized federal body that will deal with the legal regulation of the collection of wild plants. There are rumors that working with one or another type of wild plant will cost private owners different amounts - for example, mushroom pickers will have to shell out 6,000 rubles from their pockets, and berry lovers – 4,500 rubles! Of course, this caused a wave of indignation on social networks - after all, grandparents who besiege forests during the season do not do it for a good life, but to feed themselves. Will the authorities really deprive them of this opportunity?

Who will have to pay for collecting wild plants?

Alarm clear! Although the news about control over the collection of wild plants is not fake (this process will indeed be taken seriously by the Ministry of Agriculture), ordinary Russians should not panic. The drafters of the new bill emphasized: this is not about introducing restrictions on the collection of food resources! Individuals collecting wild raw materials for their own needs will not be taxed, and no one will license their activities. So if you like to express a bucket or two of birch sap for your children during the season, pick strawberries or roll up a jar of butter, you won’t break the law.

Now you can pick berries and mushrooms for free only for personal needs

It’s another matter if the raw materials are collected not for personal and family use, but for sale. It is the entrepreneurs who interact with berry and mushroom pickers who will become the object of close attention from the state. However, the Ministry of Agriculture insists that such attention will only benefit small businesses: the activities of collectors and procurers will be legitimized, they will be able to pay taxes (which is a rather dubious advantage), and in return receive completely “white” salaries.

All this, according to experts, will make it possible to pump up the market and turn Russian forests into a source of enormous profit - after all, pine nuts alone already bring in $400 million in turnover, not subject to any taxes. As a rule, pickers sell the product to resellers, and then the mushrooms and nuts are sent to foreign factories for processing and sale. At the same time, 90% of the profit ends up in the accounts of foreign companies; legalization will make wild plants profitable for domestic companies.

Evgenia Shalikhmanova (director of the marketing department of NJSC “Euroexpert”) emphasizes: when collecting forest resources in your own interests, for “sunsets” for the winter or seasonal consumption, you will not have to pay anything! But the line separating the collection of mushrooms and berries for one’s own needs or for sale is very thin, and it is quite difficult to establish it legally. Not to mention the fact that many Russians sell the collected raw materials not to generous foreign buyers, but at the nearest market in order to somehow survive. It is likely that the new law will make their life much more difficult...

In accordance with Article 11 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), citizens have the right to freely and freely stay in forests and for own needs carry out procurement and collection of wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, other forest resources suitable for consumption (edible forest resources), as well as non-timber forest resources.
Citizens are required to comply with fire safety rules in forests, sanitary safety rules in forests, reforestation rules and forest care rules.
Citizens are prohibited from harvesting and collecting mushrooms and wild plants, the species of which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the red books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as mushrooms and wild plants that are recognized as narcotic drugs in accordance with Federal Law of January 8, 1998 N 3-FZ " On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances."
The stay of citizens may be prohibited or limited in forests located on defense and security lands, lands of specially protected natural areas, and other lands to which citizen access is prohibited or limited in accordance with federal laws.
The presence of citizens in forests may be limited in order to provision:

Prohibiting or limiting the stay of citizens in forests on grounds not provided for in this article is not permitted.
Persons who are provided with forest plots do not have the right to prevent citizens from accessing these forest plots, as well as the procurement and collection of food and non-timber forest resources located on them, except for the cases provided for in this article. Forest plots provided to citizens and legal entities can be fenced only in cases provided for by the LC RF.
In accordance with Article 34 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation harvesting of food forest resources and collection of medicinal plants constitute a business activity associated with the withdrawal, storage and removal of such forest resources from the forest.
Food forest resources harvested in accordance with this Code include wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, seeds, birch sap and similar forest resources.
Citizens and legal entities procure food forest resources and collect medicinal plants on the basis of forest lease agreements.
The rules for harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants are established by the authorized federal executive body. Currently, there are rules approved by order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated December 5, 2011 N 511, which also classify these activities as business activities carried out on the basis of forest lease agreements.
In accordance with Part 1 of Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in accordance with the procedure established by law.
Those. activity aimed at an indefinite number of actions that form a permanent source of income. Performing single actions (one-time sale of an item on a clothing market) is not considered entrepreneurial activity.
In accordance with the law of the Khabarovsk Territory "On the procedure for the procurement of food forest resources by citizens and their collection of medicinal plants for own needs on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory" dated November 14, 2007 N 158:
Such procurement is carried out by citizens in the quantities necessary for personal consumption.
Citizens must use methods and technologies that prevent depletion of food forest resources and damage to the environment and biological diversity.
Citizens have the right:
1) use tools, equipment and mechanisms (the use of tools that damage wood, impacts with self-propelled equipment and vehicles, pulling with a cable, cutting down trees or bushes and their branches when collecting nuts is prohibited, the use of vibrating devices is allowed in accordance with the requirements of the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation) ;

Citizens are obliged:

2) fulfill other requirements established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.
Methods, periods and terms of collection, maximum permissible volumes of removal of berries and fruits are established by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory.
The law also establishes deadlines and specifics for collecting certain types of harvested objects.
Conclusion. Citizens have the right to collect and harvest food forest resources without registration as an individual entrepreneur and a forest lease agreement only for your own needs.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), participants in relations regulated by civil legislation can be: legal entities as well as citizens.
In accordance with Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to enter into an agreement.
Current legislation does not contain prohibitions on the acquisition of property from citizens by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
The acquisition of property from an individual who is not an entrepreneur is formalized by a purchase and sale agreement. If the contract does not state that the property was transferred to the buyer upon conclusion of the contract, then it is additionally necessary to draw up a document confirming the acceptance and transfer of the property (for example, an acceptance certificate). Instead of a contract and an acceptance certificate, you can draw up one document - a procurement act.
Conclusion. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have the right to purchase from individuals food forest resources harvested for their own needs.

Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Article 11 of the LC RF Stay of citizens in forests
1. Citizens have the right to freely and freely stay in forests and for their own needs to harvest and collect wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, other forest resources suitable for consumption (edible forest resources), as well as non-timber forest resources.
2. Citizens are obliged to comply with fire safety rules in forests, sanitary safety rules in forests, reforestation rules and forest care rules.
3. Citizens are prohibited from harvesting and collecting mushrooms and wild plants, the species of which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the red books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as mushrooms and wild plants that are recognized as narcotic drugs in accordance with Federal Law of January 8, 1998 N 3-FZ "On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances".
4. The stay of citizens may be prohibited or limited in forests located on defense and security lands, lands of specially protected natural areas, and other lands to which citizens’ access is prohibited or limited in accordance with federal laws.
5. The presence of citizens in forests may be limited in order to ensure:
1) fire safety and sanitary safety in forests;
2) the safety of citizens when performing work.
6. Prohibition or restriction of the stay of citizens in forests on grounds not provided for in this article is not permitted.
7. The presence of citizens in forests for hunting purposes is regulated by forest legislation and legislation in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources.
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 N 209-FZ)
8. Persons who are provided with forest plots do not have the right to prevent citizens from accessing these forest plots, as well as the procurement and collection of food and non-timber forest resources located on them, except for the cases provided for in this article. Forest plots provided to citizens and legal entities may be fenced only in cases provided for by this Code.
Article 34 of the LC RF Harvesting of food forest resources and collection of medicinal plants
1. Harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants are business activities associated with the removal, storage and removal of such forest resources from the forest.
2. Food forest resources, harvested in accordance with this Code, include wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, seeds, birch sap and similar forest resources.
3. Citizens and legal entities procure food forest resources and collect medicinal plants on the basis of lease agreements for forest areas.
4. Citizens and legal entities engaged in the procurement of food forest resources and the collection of medicinal plants have the right to place dryers, mushroom farms, warehouses and other temporary buildings on the forest plots provided to them.
5. The rules for harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants are established by the authorized federal executive body.

dated January 29, 1992 No. 65

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/92 N 657, dated 11/08/93 N 1851, dated 05/16/97 N 491)
In order to develop the consumer market, stimulate competition, overcome monopolism in the field of retail trade and create conditions for the rapid development of the trade and intermediary network in the conditions of price liberalization, I decree:
1. Grant enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, as well as citizens the right to carry out trade, intermediary and purchasing activities without special permits with the payment of established payments and fees, with the exception of trade in weapons, ammunition, explosives, poisonous and radioactive substances, drugs, medicines, travel passes tickets and other goods, the sale of which is prohibited or limited by current legislation.
2. Lost power. - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 1997 N 491.
3. To establish that the labor collectives of enterprises that received the rights of a legal entity in accordance with Decree of the President of the RSFSR of November 25, 1991 N 232 “On the commercialization of the activities of trade enterprises in the RSFSR”, as well as to citizens, the sale of property of state and municipal trade and public catering enterprises transferred by him on the basis of lease agreements with the right of subsequent purchase, concluded before July 17, 1991, is carried out no later than 14 days from the date of filing the application.
The State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Management of State Property shall determine, before February 10, 1992, the procedure for the redemption of the specified property.
4. Establish that enterprises and citizens carry out trade (including from hands, trays and vehicles) in places designated by executive authorities, with the exception of the roadways of streets, metro stations, airports, passenger ships and trains, stations, and adjacent territories to buildings of state authorities and administration, preschool and school institutions. Trade enterprises and manufacturers, regardless of their form of ownership, trading from trays and vehicles are required to have a sign indicating the location, profile and forms of organization of their activities. These sellers are responsible for the quality of the goods sold in accordance with current legislation.
5. Local authorities and management:
promote free trade of enterprises and citizens, paying special attention to the equipment of trading places, maintaining public order in them and compliance with sanitary standards and rules;
take measures to organize wholesale markets in cities and regional centers. For these purposes, by February 15, 1992, identify territories for their placement, adapted for parking of freight transport, provided with security and access roads;
ensure the free movement of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided for by Decree of the President of the RSFSR of December 12, 1991 N 269 “On the Single Economic Space of the RSFSR”, prohibit the detention and seizure of any goods transported by transport and other means, as well as the request for any documents for these cargoes, except as provided by current legislation.
6. The Government of the Russian Federation, within three days, prepare for submission to the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation a proposal to introduce progressive taxation of profits of wholesale and retail trade enterprises exceeding 50 percent of the profitability level.
7. The Government of the Russian Federation should bring previously adopted decisions into conformity with this Decree.
8. Control over the implementation of this Decree is entrusted to the executive authorities of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
9. This Decree comes into force from the moment it is signed.

Law of the Khabarovsk Territory
"On the procedure for the procurement of food forest resources by citizens and their collection of medicinal plants for their own needs in the Khabarovsk Territory" dated November 14, 2007 N 158

Article 1

1. Harvesting food forest resources involves the removal (collection) of wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, seeds, tree sap, fern shoots and other forest resources suitable for consumption.
2. Collection of medicinal plants is an activity related to the removal of such plants or their parts.

Article 2

The procurement of food forest resources and the collection of medicinal plants for their own needs is carried out by citizens in the volumes necessary for personal consumption.

Article 3

When harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants for their own needs, citizens must use methods and technologies that prevent depletion of used food forest resources and medicinal plants, causing damage to the environment and biological diversity.

Article 4

When harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants for their own needs, citizens have the right:
1) use inventory, equipment and mechanisms;
2) receive information from forest districts about the availability of forest food resources and medicinal plants intended for harvesting and collection, about the established periods for harvesting and collection, about existing prohibitions and restrictions.

Article 5

When harvesting food forest resources and collecting medicinal plants for their own needs, citizens are obliged to:
1) comply with the collection and procurement deadlines;
2) fulfill other requirements established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation and this law.

Article 6

When harvesting wild berries and fruits, the methods, periods and timing of collection, the maximum permissible volumes of removal of berries and fruits are established by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Article 7

1. Harvesting of nuts is carried out from October to March inclusive by collecting cones and the nuts themselves from a tree, bush or from the ground.
2. When collecting from trees and shrubs, it is necessary to leave on each tree or shrub at least 5 cedar or dwarf cedar cones and at least 15 hazel nuts for seed renewal and for food for wild animals.
3. The use of tools that damage wood, impacts with self-propelled equipment and vehicles, pulling with a cable, cutting down trees or bushes and their branches when collecting nuts is prohibited.
The use of vibrating devices is permitted in accordance with the requirements of the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 8

1. Mushrooms are harvested from May to September inclusive using methods that ensure their subsequent renewal.
2. The fruiting bodies of mushrooms can be cut and twisted.
3. Pulling out mushrooms with mycelium, turning over moss and forest litter when collecting mushrooms, and destroying old and damaged mushrooms is prohibited.

Article 9

1. Birch sap is collected from April to May inclusive from trees with a trunk diameter of 20 cm or more at a height of 1.3 m from the ground.
2. To carry out a closed type of tapping, which ensures the elimination of losses when collecting juice, juice collectors and juice lines must be used in the form of a hermetically connected conical tube and a rubber or polyethylene hose.
3. After completing the collection of sap and dismantling the tapping equipment, it is necessary to close the drilled holes with a wooden plug, garden putty or clay mixed with lime.
4. Tapping of trees in subsequent years is allowed by drilling new holes in the holes of previous years with an interval of 10 cm in one direction or another along the circumference of the tree trunk.

Article 10

1. Harvesting of ferns (bracken, osmunda) is carried out from May to June inclusive. When harvesting ferns, it is allowed to collect young, 20 to 50 cm long, non-coarsened shoots. The shoots should break off at the very base.
2. To maintain the productivity of fern growing areas, it is necessary to leave two or three young, non-coarsened shoots per square meter for bracken, and at least three young, non-coarsened shoots per plant for osmunda, as well as all coarsened shoots.
3. Harvesting bracken fern in areas with less than five shoots per square meter and osmunda fern in areas where less than three plants grow per ten square meters is prohibited.

Article 11

1. Harvesting onions of Okhotsk (ramson) is carried out from April to June inclusive by picking young shoots from 20 to 40 cm long.
2. To maintain the productivity of the onion of Okhotsk growing areas, it is necessary to leave four to five young plants per square meter, as well as all plants with signs of fruiting.
3. Harvesting onions of Okhotsk in growing areas with less than four plants per square meter is prohibited.

Article 12

1. When collecting medicinal plants, it is necessary to leave untouched such a number of plants that can ensure timely restoration of reserves of medicinal raw materials.
2. Healthy, well-developed medicinal plants that are not damaged by insects or diseases are subject to collection.
3. When collecting medicinal raw materials, it is prohibited:
1) collect medicinal plants at a density in growing areas of less than one plant per ten square meters; 2) involve children when collecting poisonous and potent medicinal plants.
4. Methods, terms, and permissible amounts of seizure of medicinal plants for specific types of medicinal plants in the territory of the region are established by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Article 13

This law comes into force ten days after its official publication.

dated April 18, 2008 N 108-pr

In accordance with Article 35 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Khabarovsk Territory of November 14, 2007 N 158 “On the procedure for the procurement of food forest resources by citizens and their collection of medicinal plants for their own needs in the Khabarovsk Territory” the Government of the region decides:
1. Approve the attached:
Methods, periods and terms of collection, maximum permissible volumes of removal from the harvest of berries and fruits when citizens harvest food forest resources for their own needs in the Khabarovsk Territory;
Methods, terms of collection and permissible amounts of seizure of medicinal plants when citizens collect specific types of medicinal plants for their own needs in the Khabarovsk Territory.
2. The Committee on Press, Printing Industry and Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Regional Government (A.A. Sevryukov) publish this resolution in the Pacific Star newspaper.
3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the region - the Minister of Natural Resources of the region G.E. Pocherevin.

Governor, Chairman of the Government of the region V.I. Ishaev


Type of berries and fruits Collection methods Maximum permissible withdrawal amount
of the harvest in the growing area (percent)
Collection periods and dates
1 2 3 4
Raspberries careful hand picking
by pinching off
70 the fruits do not ripen
simultaneously; collection from
05 July to 10 September
(before frost)
Blueberry manually, using
scoop (scallop)
90 from July 25 to August 31
Cowberry manually; using a scoop 80 from August 25 to
September 25
(before frost)
Blueberry manually; using
scoop or others
hand tools
70 from July 15 to August 31
Currant manually 80 depending on the type:
black currant -
from July 15 to August 20;
Red Ribes -
from July 15 to September 30
and later
Rowan manually, with pruning shears or
remove the shields with a knife
70 from August 25 to November 10
Honeysuckle by hand or shaking 90 from June 20 to July 30
Grape by hand or by cutting
bunches with a knife or
pruning shears on a long
pole Not allowed
damage vines and
trees serving
70 from September 1 to October 31
Cranberry manually; using
70 from September 10 to November 15
(before establishing
snow cover)
Schisandra by hand or by cutting
bunches with a knife or
pruning shears on a long
pole Not allowed
damage vines and
trees serving
80 from September 1 to October 31
Actinidia by hand or shaking 60 from August 15 to September 15
Rose hip manually, using
70 from August 20 to September 30
(before frost)

Notes: 1. It is allowed to use scoops with tooth distances:
when harvesting lingonberries - at least 6.2 - 6.5 millimeters;
when collecting blueberries, blueberries, cranberries, rose hips - at least 6.5 - 7 millimeters.
2. Picking berries and fruits must begin from the moment they actually ripen.
3. It is allowed to collect edible berries and fruits from plant species growing in the territory of the region, with the exception of species listed in the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory.


1. Calamus marsh. Harvesting of rhizomes should be carried out from mid-summer and autumn. Harvesting in the spring at the beginning of leaf regrowth is allowed. Rhizomes must be dug up with special devices such as rakes and diggers; on oxbow lakes, where the rhizomes are tightly intertwined, with a pitchfork or shovel. Rhizomes in water can be trimmed with knives and pieces pulled out. It is necessary to leave renewal strips in the harvesting area, as well as small rhizomes and their branches.
2. Aralia Manchurian. Harvesting roots must be carried out in the fall (September - October) and in the spring before the leaves bloom (April - early May). Roots should be dug out with shovels, crowbars and other tools. Harvesting roots from plants less than 1.5 meters in height is prohibited. Digging roots with a diameter of less than one centimeter is not permitted. It is necessary to leave about 50 percent of the roots in the soil where the plant is dug up. It is recommended to plant a root cutting 10 centimeters long and 1 - 3 centimeters thick. On slopes steeper than 35 degrees, harvesting Manchurian aralia is not allowed. Harvesting roots with a bulldozer is prohibited.
3. Ledum marsh. Shoots are allowed to be collected during the fruit ripening period (mid-July - mid-September). The current year's shoots must be cut with knives or pruners. Harvesting woody two- and three-year-old shoots is not allowed. It is prohibited to pull out plants with roots or cut them at the root.
4. Amur velvet. Collection of Amur velvet leaves is allowed in July - August; it must be done manually, tearing off leaves with petioles, using a ladder or stepladder. It is necessary to leave at least half of the total number of leaves on each tree. It is prohibited to break off branches.
5. Birch birch. Birch buds and leaves are allowed to be harvested from flat-leaved birch and other types of white-barked birch. Collection of buds is allowed in winter and spring before the start of blossoming (January - mid-April). Blooming is determined by the divergence of scales at the tip of the bud. Harvesting of buds must be carried out in forest areas intended for logging or designated for harvesting brooms, cutting off branches and tying them into bundles (brooms). In this form, the branches are laid out on a tarpaulin and dried; after drying, the buds are threshed. It is allowed to collect buds manually from the side branches of growing trees and from undergrowth, as well as small shoots in volumes of up to 40 percent of the existing buds and shoots. From growing trees that have not been cut down, bud collection is permitted no more than after 4 years. An annual collection is allowed for teenagers. Harvesting buds from felled trees - without restrictions. Collection of birch leaves is allowed in spring and early summer (May - June). It is necessary to collect young, rough leaves by hand or cut off no more than 40 percent of small branches.
6. Daurian hawthorn, Maksimovich hawthorn and overcut hawthorn. The collection and preparation of flowers and fruits is allowed. Flowers must be collected at the beginning of flowering, when about half of the flowers have bloomed (late May - early June). The time frame for collecting flowers is limited - from 3 to 5 days. It is necessary to carefully tear off or cut off with scissors the scutes with a peduncle length of up to 3.5 centimeters, leaving at least 20 percent of the inflorescences on one plant. Cutting or breaking off branches is not allowed. Fruits must be collected during the period of full ripening (August - September), picking or cutting them with scissors. It is required to leave up to 30 percent of the fruits on one plant for seed regeneration and for bird feed.
7. Common lingonberry. The collection of lingonberry leaves must be carried out in the spring before flowering begins (April - May) or in the fall when the fruits are fully ripened (late August - September). Leaves must be collected by hand or using special scoop combs. It is allowed to cut or carefully break off stems with leaves at a height of at least 5 centimeters from the ground. It is prohibited to pull out plants with rhizomes.
8. Amur valerian, Korean valerian and alternate leaf valerian. Harvesting rhizomes with roots must be carried out in the fall after fruiting (September - early October). Dig up plants with shovels, diggers or pitchforks. At least 10 percent of the plants on the site must be left untouched. During haymaking, leave the plants mowing them. It is recommended to sow the seeds.
9. Three-leaf watch. Collection of leaves must be carried out after flowering at the beginning of fruiting (July - August). Leaves with a petiole length of up to 3 centimeters must be torn off by hand or cut off. Young and apical leaves should not be collected. It is forbidden to pull out the plant with its rhizome. It is necessary to leave renewal strips 15-20 centimeters wide for each meter of collection strip.
10. Pepper knotweed. The collection of grass must be carried out during the flowering period of the plants before the period of reddening of the stems (August - September). Flowering stems with leaves should be cut at a height of about 10 centimeters from the ground. It is necessary to leave at least one specimen per square meter of thicket. It is allowed to mow the grass, leaving regeneration strips 15-20 centimeters wide for each meter of collection strip.
11. Bird's knotweed. The collection of grass should be carried out during flowering (June-September). The stems must be cut at a height of 10-15 centimeters from the soil or the plants must be uprooted. If the grass grows continuously, you can mow it 2-3 times during the summer. For seed regeneration, it is necessary to leave 25 percent of well-developed plants at the rate of 3-4 specimens per square meter or strips of 20-30 centimeters per meter of strip when swathing.
12. Viburnum Sargent. Fruits must be collected after they ripen (August-October) before frost sets in. When using fresh or frozen raw materials, it is allowed to collect fruits after frost. Individual fruits or fruit clusters must be picked or cut off. Breaking or cutting branches is not allowed. It is necessary to leave 10 percent of the fruits on one plant for seed renewal and as food resources for wild animals.
13. Stinging nettle and angustifolia nettle. Leaf collection should be carried out in May - July. The stems are cut off, and in clean and dense thickets they are mowed. After drying, the leaves are torn off.
14. Burnet. The collection of rhizomes and roots must be carried out during the budding and early flowering phases. It is necessary to dig up plants with shovels or special diggers with groove-shaped rounded blades. To restore the thickets, it is necessary to leave 1-2 well-developed plants per 10 square meters.
15. Lily of the valley Keiske. Leaves must be collected before and at the beginning of flowering. Collection of leaves is allowed only by cutting them at a height of 3-5 centimeters from the soil. It is prohibited to pick or pull out plants. It is necessary to leave every second plant untouched and alternate collection strips 15-20 centimeters wide with the same renewal strips.
16. Lespedeza bicolor. Harvesting of shoots must be carried out during the flowering phase. Cut shoots up to 30 centimeters long. Breaking off bushes is not allowed. On the territory of honey-bearing lands, near apiaries, it is necessary to leave 50 percent of the plants on the site untouched.
17. Chinese lemongrass. The collection of fruits with seeds must be carried out during the period of full ripening before the onset of frost (September-October). It is allowed to collect the fruits by carefully picking or trimming the schisandra clusters. It is forbidden to damage lemongrass vines and trees that serve as support. It is necessary to leave at least 20 percent of the fruits on the plant for seed regeneration.
18. Amur linden and Manchurian linden. The collection of inflorescences with bracts must be carried out during the flowering phase, when most of the flowers have bloomed (late June-July). Linden blossoms can be collected manually using ladders or stepladders. It is allowed to cut small branches 20-30 centimeters long with abundant flowers. In this way, it is allowed to harvest no more than 40 percent of the shoots from one plant, mainly from the lower branches. Collecting inflorescences with partially faded flowers, damaged by rust and pests is not allowed. It is prohibited to break or trim branches or harvest linden blossoms within a radius of less than one kilometer from apiaries.
19. Dandelion officinalis. The roots must be harvested in the spring at the beginning of the plant's regrowth (April - early May) or in the fall (September-October). Underground organs can be dug out with shovels, diggers, or mowed with a plow to a depth of 15-25 centimeters. It is required to leave 20 percent of the plants on the site for restoration.
20. Hairy alder. Harvesting of infructescences (cones) is permitted after the seeds have ripened and spilled out of them (from October to March). Cones must be collected by hand or cut off the ends of thin branches with pruning shears. With the latter method, no more than 40 percent of small branches can be cut from one plant. Collecting fallen fruit is not allowed. Harvesting alder fruit from trees set aside for felling or directly from felled trees is carried out without restrictions.
21. Shepherd's purse. Harvesting of grass is allowed from the beginning of flowering until the fruits turn yellow (from the beginning of spring, throughout almost the entire summer). It is allowed to hold several training camps over the summer. The optimal dates are the end of May - June. Flowering stems with leaves must be cut off. It is allowed to tear the stems out of the ground with roots. It is necessary to leave 2-3 developed plants per square meter for renewal. It is prohibited to collect plants with cracked fruits and plants affected by fungus (with a white coating).
22. Common tansy and northern tansy. Collection of inflorescences can be carried out at the beginning of flowering (from mid-July to mid-August), in time - in the afternoon, cutting off corymbose inflorescences 8-10 centimeters long. It is necessary to leave at least 10 percent of flowering individuals in the growing area for seed regeneration.
23. Large plantain. It is allowed to harvest leaves during the flowering phase of plants (May-August) until the leaves turn yellow or red. On hayfields it is allowed to collect raw materials in August - September. Leaves can be plucked or cut with knives or sickles. In areas of continuous growth, mowing of the grass stand is permitted, followed by the removal of leaves from the mowed mass. Collection of raw materials must be carried out after rain and drying of moisture. It is not allowed to collect leaves that are contaminated or affected by diseases and pests. For regeneration purposes, it is necessary to leave at least one plant per square meter or regeneration strips 15-20 centimeters wide per meter of collection strip.
24. Chamomile without tongue (fragrant, green). Collection of flowers (baskets) is allowed at the beginning of flowering (from July to September). The optimal collection period is July. The baskets must be torn off or cut off at the base with a peduncle up to one centimeter. For renewal, it is necessary to leave 20 percent of developed plants in the growing area, 2-3 specimens per square meter or strips 10-15 centimeters wide per meter of collection strip.
25. Amur rowan and Siberian rowan. Fruit harvesting is allowed during the period of full ripening (September-October) before frost. It is allowed to pluck or cut off the shields with fruits, leaving 30 percent for seed renewal and as food resources for wild animals. Cutting or breaking off branches is not allowed.
26. Scots pine. The collection of buds, which are shortened apical shoots, can be carried out in winter or early spring (February-March) before intensive growth begins (greening of the bud apex). Collection must be done manually, twisting the “crowns” or by lightly pressing the buds from top to bottom. Harvesting using secateurs or knives is allowed, while the “crowns” must be cut without a stem or with a stem no more than 3 millimeters. To harvest buds, it is necessary to allocate areas of pine planting intended for thinning or sanitary felling. It is allowed to collect “crowns” from the lower branches of growing trees or any branches, preserving the central bud of the shoot. Harvesting buds from felled trees is carried out without restrictions.
27. Marsh dry grass. The collection of grass, which is the above-ground parts of the plant with roots, can be carried out in the early flowering phase (June-August). Uprooting of plants is allowed. It is necessary to leave 2-4 developed plants per square meter for renewal.
28. Common bearberry. Leaf collection is allowed in the spring before and at the beginning of flowering (late April - early July) and in the fall from the beginning of fruit ripening until snow (late August - late October). When collecting, it is allowed to chop off or trim with a knife shoots of bearberry at a height of 5-6 centimeters from the ground. It is allowed to cut off no more than 60 percent of the shoots on the growing area, while its central part with a diameter of at least 0.5 meters must remain untouched.
29. Common yarrow and Asian yarrow. Grass collection is allowed at the beginning of flowering (June - August). It is necessary to collect the flowering tops of stems with a diameter of no more than 3 millimeters in the morning after the dew has dried. To regenerate, it is necessary to leave 10 percent of intact plants or flowering side shoots in the growing area. It is forbidden to pull out plants.
30. Horsetail. Grass collection (green, vegetative shoots) is allowed in July-August. It is allowed to pluck or cut stems at a height of 5 centimeters from the soil, and if plants are densely planted, mowing is allowed, while leaving 10 percent of the plants in the growing area untouched. It is forbidden to pull out plants.
31. Tripartite sequence. Grass harvesting is allowed before flowering begins in the budding phase (June). It is necessary to collect leafy tops and side shoots with a stem thickness of no more than 8 millimeters. Harvest by hand, cut with knives or sickles. It is forbidden to pull out plants. To regenerate, you need to leave 1-2 plants per square meter. Mowing is allowed, leaving 1.5 meters of untouched strip between meter-long swaths.
32. Common bird cherry and Asian bird cherry. Harvesting of fruits is allowed during the period of full ripeness of the fruits (late July - early September). It is necessary to collect the fruits in the morning after the dew has dried and at the end of the day before the dew appears; they should be collected manually, separating them from the tassels. It is necessary to leave 30 percent of the fruits on one plant for seed regeneration and as food resources for wild animals. When picking fruits, plucking or cutting off the clusters is allowed.
33. Axillary blueberry and common blueberry. It is allowed to collect fruits and shoots. Fruit harvesting is allowed during the ripeness phase (late July-August). The best time to collect is the morning after the dew has dried and the end of the day. Fruits must be collected by hand or with comb scoops, leaving 10 percent of the fruits on one plant for renewal and as food resources for wild animals. Shoots can be collected from the time the leaves appear until the end of fruiting (June-August). It is necessary to cut off the tops of the shoots to 15 centimeters or carefully break them off. It is prohibited to pull out plants. Repeated collection of berries in the same area is allowed annually.
34. Asian celandine. Grass collection is allowed during flowering (May-September). The stems must be plucked or cut. When plants are densely planted, mowing the upper parts is allowed. It is necessary to leave 20 percent of developed plants in the growing area.
35. Daurian rose hips and needle hips. Fruits (hypanthia) can be collected when they acquire an orange-red color (August-September). Harvesting fruits after frost is not allowed. Fruits must be collected by hand wearing leather or canvas gloves. Collection using special scoop-combs is allowed. It is necessary to leave 30 percent of the fruits on one plant for renewal and as food resources for wild animals.
36. Eleutherococcus senticosus. Harvesting of roots and rhizomes is allowed in the fall (September-October) and spring (April-May). The roots must be dug out with picks, crowbars and other devices in the direction from the center to the periphery. It is necessary to leave at least 20 percent of underground organs from each plant in the soil and 4 to 5 mature developed bushes for every 100 square meters of thicket. It is prohibited to use a bulldozer for digging.
Note: collecting all types of herbaceous medicinal plants in growing areas with a density of less than one specimen per 10 square meters is prohibited.


The acquisition of property (fixed assets, goods, other intangibles) from an individual who is not an entrepreneur is formalized by a purchase and sale agreement. If the contract does not say that the property was transferred to the buyer upon conclusion of the contract, then an additional document must be drawn up confirming the acceptance and transfer of the property (for example, an acceptance certificate). Instead of a contract and an acceptance certificate, you can draw up one document - a procurement act.
Personal income tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund do not need to be charged when paying an individual money for property purchased from him (Part 3, Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ, Clause 1, Article 20.1 of Law No. 125-FZ, Letters from the Ministry of Finance dated 04/11/2012 N 03-04-05/3-484, Federal Tax Service dated 01/08/2012 N ED-4-3/12769@).
There is also no need to submit a 2-NDFL certificate about these incomes to the Federal Tax Service.
In tax and accounting, both under the OSN and the simplified tax system, the value of property acquired from an individual is formed and taken into account as expenses in the usual manner, depending on the type of property (MPZ or OS).
Please note: in tax accounting, the useful life of an asset cannot be reduced by the period of its operation by an individual who is not an entrepreneur (Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated March 29, 2013 N 03-03-06/1/10056, dated December 14, 2012 N 03-03-06/ 1/658).
VAT. Phys. persons, not registered as an individual entrepreneur, they are not VAT payers and cannot present you with tax and issue an invoice (clause 1 of article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
When selling goods purchased from individuals, VAT is charged as usual.
There are two exceptions, namely the sale of goods purchased from individuals:
- agricultural products and products of their processing, which are included in the List, approved. The Government of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
- cars that were originally purchased for resale (clause 5.1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
When selling these goods, you charge VAT according to the formula:

The accounting entries will be as follows.