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How can kidney grass save you from hemorrhoids? Knotweed will stop bleeding and give strength

Hemorrhoids can be treated not only with traditional drugs. There are medications that effectively relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

We suggest considering such a natural medicine as renal herb, from which infusions, decoctions, rectal suppositories, ointments, compresses and other antihemorrhoids are prepared.

Kidney grass: how to recognize and where to find?

Knotweed belongs to the annual herbs of the genus Persicaria of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae).

The plant has a branched single stem up to 100 cm long. The leaves of the knotweed are lanceolate and smooth with red spots.

The grass blooms in spike-shaped inflorescences of pinkish, white or scarlet color. After the knotweed fades, fruits ripen in place of the flowers - dark, glossy oval nuts.

The knotweed is widespread in Europe and Asia. In Russia, this plant can be found on the banks of rivers and lakes, as it loves moisture, as well as in the field, vegetable garden, garden, where it is a weed. And few people know that this weed is an effective natural cure for hemorrhoids.

Medicinal composition of knotweed

Knotweed is incredibly rich in useful and medicinal substances, namely: organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, phlofabens, tannin, pectins, etc.

Let's look at each component of the knotweed in more detail:

  1. Organic acids present in the plant have antimicrobial properties, normalize the functioning of the digestive system and restore physiological pH in tissues.
  2. Flavonoids are represented in knotweed by avikuryarin, quercetrin, quercetin, etc. Flavonoids are the main natural antioxidants that protect the body from the negative effects of various factors. These substances also reduce inflammation.
  3. Flofabens are substances that give the dark color of knotweed fruits and have a tannic effect.
  4. Vitamins in knotweed include vitamin K and ascorbic acid. Vitamin K belongs to hemostatic agents. Ascorbic acid is another natural antioxidant, which, moreover, prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Medicinal properties of knotweed for hemorrhoids

Traditional or non-traditional treatment of hemorrhoids should be aimed at eliminating pain, inflammation and bleeding from hemorrhoids, healing cracks, combating constipation and preventing exacerbations.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, knotweed is widely used, as it has all the necessary properties that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms in patients and speed up recovery.

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Thanks to the presence of vitamins C and K, knotweed stops hemorrhoidal bleeding, strengthens the walls and normalizes the tone of venous vessels. At the beginning of hemorrhoidal disease, when there is still no bleeding, remedies based on knotweed will become an effective prevention of bleeding.

Phlabofens, tannin and other tanning components of knotweed cover cracks, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus with a protective film, thereby accelerating their healing. The formed film prevents pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating into the affected area.

In addition, tannins have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous and antipruritic effects.

Constipation is a pathogenetic factor of hemorrhoids, so normalization of intestinal function is an integral part of the treatment of this pathology. As mentioned earlier, knotweed contains essential oils that loosen stools.

The use of folk remedies based on knotweed will be an excellent addition to traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to use knotweed as monotherapy.

Before using any remedy with this miraculous plant, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of knotweed

Products prepared from kidney herb, like any other medicine, have contraindications for use.

It is absolutely contraindicated to use knotweed in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity to knotweed;
  • diarrhea.

There are also diseases for which renal herb products should be used with caution, for example, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal failure, etc.

When should you prepare knotweed?

The grass needs to be collected during its flowering period - July-September. To do this, cut off the upper part of the plant, leaving 20-25 cm of the stem above the soil.

The most suitable and correct method of harvesting grass is considered to be drying in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-45 °C. Drying the collection in a dark, ventilated room is also allowed.

If the grass is harvested correctly, the leaves should remain their natural color, but if done incorrectly, they will turn black.

Dry knotweed is stored in paper boxes for no longer than two years.

Knotweed for hemorrhoids: recipes for remedies

Infusion of knotweed

Steam 3 tbsp. l. chopped kidney herb 1 cup boiling water.

Leave to brew for 20-30 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Take 1 tablespoon of infusion orally three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

If you have a thermos, you can prepare the infusion in it.

To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. collecting knotweed and pour ½ liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take the prepared infusion 3 to 4 times a day in small portions.

By consuming an infusion of knotweed, you will normalize stools and prevent rectal bleeding.

Polygonum decoction

Pour 20 g of knotweed collection into ½ liter of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth through cheesecloth and cool to room temperature.

Use herbal decoction for lotions. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze swab with the broth and apply to the anus for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to apply lotions 2-3 times a day.

The decoction can also be used as a bath. Pour 3-4 liters of water at 40-42 °C into a basin and add to it the prepared warm decoction of Polygonum. Sit in the basin and take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, dry the anus and perineum with a soft towel. The effectiveness of this treatment will increase if, after the bath, the anus is lubricated with hemorrhoid ointment or a suppository is inserted into the rectum.

Lotions and baths stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, relieve inflammation and heal defects in the anal mucosa.

Also, if hemorrhoids do not bleed, you can make a poultice from the warm herb that was left over when preparing the decoction.

Place the warm herb on gauze and apply it to the anus until it cools completely.

No less effective for hemorrhoids are microenemas with a decoction of knotweed. 50 ml of a decoction at room temperature is injected with a syringe into the rectal canal once a day at night for 3-5 days. Longer treatment with enemas is not recommended, since the microflora of the rectum is washed away.

Kidney herb ointments

Grind the dried knotweed herb in a coffee grinder to form a powder. Thoroughly mix 30 g of the resulting powder with 30 g of Vaseline. Apply the prepared ointment to the anus twice a day.

Prepare a decoction of knotweed according to the recipes described below. Add 1 tbsp to ½ cup of broth. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter. Stir the mixture until smooth. Lubricate hemorrhoids with the prepared ointment after each bowel movement.

Ointment from the kidney herb is used for itching of the anus, anal bleeding fissures and tears.

Rectal suppositories from knotweed

Prepare a decoction of kidney herb and pour it into plastic tablets for medicine ampoules. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Insert one suppository into the rectal canal at night.

The appearance of pain in the anal area and bleeding during bowel movements indicate the presence of a disease such as hemorrhoids. When the disease occurs, the choroid plexuses of the rectal veins are damaged. A person suffering from hemorrhoids experiences unpleasant sensations and discomfort; in case of constipation, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth, the disease worsens. To ease your well-being and cure the disease, traditional medicine comes to the rescue.

Many medicinal herbs have long been used in folk methods of treating hemorrhoids. The plant Knotweed is recognized as effective in the fight against hemorrhoids. Decoctions are made from it, tinctures are made, baths and compresses are used. So, let's talk about the treatment of hemorrhoids with renal knotweed.

Almost everyone is familiar with the knotweed. This is an annual plant from the buckwheat family. Its leaves are linear in shape, tapering towards the base. The fruits of the plant are triangular nuts, which are covered with a membranous perianth. The plant reproduces by seeds. This plant grows in abundance in gardens, orchards and fields. Not every contemporary knows about the healing properties of this weed. knotweed can in a very short time. The harvesting of medicinal herbs is carried out during the entire flowering period - from May to November. When properly dried, the grass does not change color or darken.

Kidney grass, as the knotweed is also called, likes to grow near bodies of water in moist soil. In the forest you can also find white and pink inflorescences of the plant. The herb is used as a medicine during its flowering period.

The plant contains the following substances:

  • Flavonoids. They have antioxidant properties, prevent disturbances in the normalization of the cell cycle, and can slow down inflammation.
  • Organic acids. They ensure the death of harmful bacteria, normalize the acid-base balance in the body, and promote good functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Flofabens. They have a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, ensuring its activity.
  • Essential oils. Promote normal blood clotting.
  • Vitamin K. Prevents bleeding. Actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Vitamin C. One of the strong antioxidants that suppresses tumor growth

Medicinal properties of knotweed

In ancient times, our ancestors called the plant “hemorrhoids herb”, because it was the treatment of hemorrhoids with kidneyweed that showed proper results. The plant has the following healing properties:

  • Hemostatic effect.

Kidney grass is great. Vitamins K and C contained in the plant stop bleeding and prevent its further occurrence. Blood viscosity increases.

  • Drying and astringent effect.

Certain tannins perfectly heal ulcers and wounds that form on the rectal mucosa, and also prevent bleeding. The antioxidants contained in kidney grass slow down the process of tissue destruction.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

Flavonoids, tannins and vitamins of the plant eliminate burning, itching, and swelling in the anal-rectal area.

  • Laxative effect.
  • Essential oils of knotweed provide a mild laxative effect, eliminating delayed bowel movements. It is constipation that often provokes the development of hemorrhoids.

Medicinal use of knotweed

Kidney grass is harvested for industry in Ukraine and Belarus. It is collected during flowering by cutting off the top part of the plant. The herb must be dried quickly so that the plant does not lose its medicinal properties. The raw materials are dried in the open air or in a special drying apparatus at 40 degrees C. If not dried correctly, the grass turns black. The grass can be stored for at least two years.

Before being used in medical practice, the drug Knotweed was clinically studied, and its effect on animals was also tested. The herb has been used in folk medicine since ancient times, but before it is officially approved for use in medicine, the plant undergoes clinical trials. Doctors especially note the hemostatic effect of knotweed. The beneficial medicinal effects of renal herb on the cardiovascular system, the diuretic effect of the plant and the anti-inflammatory effect have also been proven.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with knotweed

Polygonum renalum effectively helps in the treatment even. Sometimes kidney herb copes with those forms of the disease when conventional medications are not able to cope with the disease. In practice, there are many examples where a person had difficulty moving due to exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and he was helped by baths using knotweed.

When treating with traditional methods, the herb must be brewed in large quantities and only fresh. The infusion should not be too hot so as not to scorch the skin. Baths with infusion can be done every evening, at night, or with short breaks in the course. After the bath you need to go to bed. There are cases when, after the procedures, hemorrhoids disappeared completely, and exacerbation never occurred again.

Folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids based on knotweed

For those people who have never collected medicinal herbs before, in order to use kidney grass in treatment, they need to purchase it ready for use. Before starting treatment, it is important to take into account all contraindications and consult with your doctor. This plant is recognized as poisonous to farm animals, so care should be taken when using knotweed and the correct dosage.

Prepare an infusion of the plant for the treatment of hemorrhoids as follows:

An infusion of kidney herb significantly reduces the risk of bleeding and stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which can effectively eliminate constipation in case of illness.

You can buy a tincture of kidney herb at a pharmacy. Take it on an empty stomach before meals, 40 drops for a long course.

Local treatment with baths and lotions for bleeding and inflammation of hemorrhoids

When the course of the disease is accompanied by bleeding, they resort to decoctions of kidney herbs in baths and as lotions.

Lotions recipe:

Sitz bath recipe for hemorrhoids:

  1. To take a bath, the infusion of knotweed must be poured into water.
  2. The duration of the bath is no more than fifteen minutes.
  3. After the procedure, dry the anal area with a clean towel.
  4. Lubricate the anal passage and the area around it with hemorrhoid ointment.
  5. The decoction can be used for hygiene procedures after using the toilet.

In the absence of bleeding from the intestines, poultices of kidney grass are used. Poultices improve blood circulation and increase blood flow, helping to treat the disease. Recipe for warm poultices for hemorrhoids:

  1. For poultices, warm herb is used, which remains after straining the decoction and infusion.
  2. Apply warm grass.
  3. Leave the herb to cool completely.

Poultices perfectly eliminate pain, inflammation, and itching in the anal-rectal area.

Enemas with a decoction of kidney herb effectively and gently cleanse the intestines and have a healing effect. You should not get carried away with enemas often, otherwise you can disrupt the intestinal microflora.

Various ointments with a decoction of renal herbs are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. They effectively relieve inflammation, reduce hemorrhoids, relieve pain and soften the skin in the affected areas.

Ointment recipes:

  1. Grind the dried herb into powder. Mix with neutral cream. You can use Baby cream. Use the resulting product to regularly lubricate anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
  2. A decoction of knotweed is mixed with equal parts of butter and honey. Grind the mixture and use the ointment as directed for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  3. Mix the crushed herb powder with vegetable oil and beeswax in equal parts. The resulting ointment can be used for external and internal hemorrhoids.

Recipes for rectal suppositories:

  1. Pour the decoction of the knotweed into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Use before bedtime, carefully inserting the rectal suppository into the rectum.
  2. Mix dry kidney grass powder with beeswax and honey. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Form the mixture into rectal suppositories and place them in the refrigerator. Use before bed, inserting into the anus.
  3. Candles can be prepared using lard and kidney herbs. The lard must be simmered over low heat, then strain and three tablespoons of the kidney herb decoction. Add Vaseline and starch. Place the resulting mass in cone-shaped molds in the form of a rectal suppository and place in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, remove the suppository from the refrigerator, remove the wrapper and carefully insert the rectal suppository into the rectum.
Contraindications for the use of kidney herb in the treatment of hemorrhoids

The use of kidney herb in the treatment of diseases such as hemorrhoids has its contraindications. The herb is quite poisonous, so it has some contraindications for use. Treatment with knotweed is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • pregnancy;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bladder diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • stomach upsets;
  • allergies.

Folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids may involve the use of a variety of plants, among which may be orchak, orchak, or gooseberry.

Kidney herb is rightfully considered one of the most effective plants for this purpose, since with its help you can quickly relieve an acute inflammatory process, get rid of pain and discomfort that often accompanies a person during hemorrhoids. According to statistics, today more than 45% of women and 35% of men suffer from hemorrhoids. That is why it is necessary to consider in as much detail as possible the medicinal raw materials and antihemorrhoidal plants that can cure such a disease.

Biological characteristics

Kidney grass is a plant that belongs to the annual buckwheat family. Externally, it is a plant with a straight (less often branched) stem, which can reach a height of 40-50 cm. The leaves of this grass are long. Dark spots are visible on their surface. When ripe, the plant blooms pink or white.

It, in turn, is collected into dense oblong bundles. As for the fruits of such a herbal medicine, they are convex nuts that are black in color and ovoid in shape. This herb is most common in Russia. It can also be found in Asia, the Caucasus and some regions of Siberia.

Due to the fact that such a plant often “takes root” in gardens and vegetable gardens, it is often perceived as an ordinary useless weed, and therefore is not used for medicinal purposes. Today you can buy kidney grass in almost any pharmacy. The price will depend on the specific place of sale, as well as the manufacturer.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of kidney grass are clearly expressed.

They are as follows:

  1. Hemostatic effect. Thanks to him, this plant copes well with bleeding during hemorrhoids. Moreover, the vitamins that the herb contains increase blood viscosity and prevent its repeated release from the wound.
  2. The plant has a stable effect due to the content of essential oils. As a result, people suffering from hemorrhoids can get rid of constipation, which is often accompanied by severe pain and leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is due to the content of vitamins and flavonoids in the plant. Moreover, with its help it is also possible to get rid of itching, swelling and burning in the inflamed anal area, if this herb is used to treat hemorrhoids.
  4. Vasoconstriction, as well as a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  5. Improving intestinal motility.

Moreover, tannins in the plant help heal wounds, restore mucous membranes, and also prevent further destruction of soft tissue structures.

Preparation and storage

It is necessary to collect kidney grass to use it for medicinal purposes during the flowering period of the plant, namely in the summer-autumn season. It is recommended to dry the grass not just in the sun, but in a dark place that is well ventilated. After this, the dried grass needs to be crushed. To do this, it will be enough to rub it with your hands.

The plant should be stored in a paper envelope or bag. It is not difficult to check whether the plant was prepared correctly - if dried successfully, the grass will not darken, but will retain its natural shade.

If it is not possible to prepare the plant yourself, you can simply purchase it at a pharmacy, where it is sold ready for use. It should be noted that kidney herb (in the form of a decoction, cream or ointment) has important contraindications, so it is important to consult a doctor before using it for medicinal purposes.

Polygonum herb: use for hemorrhoids and popular recipes

Folk remedies with kidney herb have long been used by healers to treat hemorrhoids. Thanks to this component, it is possible to quickly relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate bleeding, as well as intestinal irritation.

The best recipes from kidney herb for the treatment of hemorrhoids are:

As an additional treatment, knotweed herb can be used for periodontal disease and abscesses. This product in the form of a decoction is excellent for rinsing the mouth.

To treat headaches, the plant can be applied to the back of the head, directly in its raw form. To disinfect and heal wounds, they should be washed with the juice of this plant.


A decoction of kidney herb is most effective for treating hemorrhoidal bleeding. To prepare it, you need to take 4 tablespoons of raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Next, the finished mixture should be boiled for an hour in a water bath. The finished broth must be filtered and cooled. You can use the product for lotions or taking medicinal baths for hemorrhoids. Moreover, it is also allowed to wash yourself with the broth after visiting the toilet during periods of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.


Treatment with knotweed herb is strictly contraindicated in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to such a plant, which in turn causes an allergy in him. Due to the fact that the herb Knotweed can tone the uterus, it is strictly prohibited to treat it during pregnancy.

This remedy can be used during lactation only after permission from a doctor, and then only as a last resort. Kidney herb should be used with caution in case of disorders of the urinary system and kidney diseases.

If at the same time a person experiences a period of exacerbation of pathologies of the urinary system, then it is impossible to use products based on kidney herbs. Additional contraindications to the use of such a plant are hypertension, heart disease, increased blood clotting (detected by microscopy) and nephritis.

Many summer residents have repeatedly noticed thickets of knotweed in their gardens and carefully tried to eradicate the grass, not realizing its benefits. Meanwhile, the mountaineer has been known since the time of Hippocrates for its medicinal properties. In common parlance it is called hemorrhoid grass. For treatment, only leaves, flowers and fruits of the plant are used.

Botanical characteristics

It is an annual weed belonging to the buckwheat family. It has a reddish erect or branched stem with small nodules. The leaves are slightly pointed, wedge-shaped at the very base. The flowers come in white and pink shades. Under unfavorable conditions, burgundy spots appear on the leaves.

The fruits of the grass are oval-shaped and black in color. The flowering period begins in June and lasts until the end of October. The Knotweed plant, a photo of which can be seen in the article, prefers moist soil and often grows in beds with potatoes. You can also spot entire colonies of this unpretentious grass along the banks of ponds, lakes, near irrigation ditches, in roadside ravines and on the outskirts of swampy areas.

This weed is found in almost every region of Russia, with the possible exception of the northern region. For medicinal purposes, it begins to be harvested at the end of summer. Only the tops of the plant are cut off. Then they are dried well in the open air or in the attic and the raw materials are put into dry bags. Dried herbs can be stored for about two years.

Herb knotweed: medicinal properties and composition

The plant deservedly enjoys great popularity among traditional healers. Even traditional medicine has recognized its medicinal composition and high benefits. Inconspicuous in appearance, the weed is enriched with essential oils, acetic, malic and gallic acids. The leaves and flowers contain tannins and pectin, as well as beneficial flavonoids, wax and a whole group of microelements.

It contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens the body's defenses, and potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart. The roots are rich in an organic compound - anthraquinone. The substance exhibits a diuretic effect.

Use in medicine

In the process of clinical and laboratory studies, it was found that the plant Knotweed has a tonic effect, improves intestinal motility, enhances the functional activity of the heart muscle, and increases blood viscosity and clotting. Often, preparations based on the weed we are considering are prescribed after childbirth to quickly restore the tone of the uterus.

In alternative medicine, decoctions and infusions are prepared from the herb, which help relieve pain and have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Preparations based on knotweed have found wide use in the treatment of varicose veins, urolithiasis, sexually transmitted diseases and colds. Doctors recommend using it for vitamin deficiency, diarrhea, scurvy and periodontal disease.

Compresses and lotions are made from fresh leaves, which are applied to the back for radiculitis. Herbal mustard plasters relieve migraines and gout. Infusion from the plant treats inflammation of the larynx. Juice and ointments promote rapid healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin damage.

Healers claim that the weed exhibits an antitumor effect and is used in the complex treatment of malignant tumors. Proper use eliminates chronic constipation, dysentery and reduces hemorrhoids.


There is information about the poisonous properties of knotweed. The herb, if taken in the wrong dosage, can cause harm to the body. Excessive consumption can cause intestinal inflammation and lower blood pressure.

It is prohibited to use it in acute forms of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). It is extremely undesirable for people suffering from thrombophlebitis to be treated with herbal raw materials. Consumption of the plant in large doses can cause an allergic reaction and even intoxication.

How to use?

According to herbalists, knotweed will help ease the clinical picture of hemorrhoids. No wonder the weed was so popular among our ancestors.

Decoction: for ten grams of dry raw materials you need to take half a liter of water. Place the ingredients on the stove and heat for 15 minutes. Then cover with a terry towel and let the solution sit for several hours. When it cools down, filter through a strainer. Take half a glass orally 20 minutes before meals (three times a day).

If you don’t want to bother with the infusion, then a ready-made extract can be purchased at any pharmacy. Take 40 drops three times a day (before meals). The alcohol tincture also has a laxative effect. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease, but on average ranges from seven days to a month. For better results, it is recommended to take baths. For these purposes, preparations based on knotweed are used.

Compresses for hemorrhoids

It is necessary to pour the knotweed (50 g) with water (500 ml) and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. The prepared and strained broth should be moistened generously with gauze and applied to the sore spot. Combine with baths. Such procedures are good for relieving pain and itching.


For hemorrhoids, the following recipe is also used: pour 50 g of herb with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink a large spoon daily 15 minutes before meals, course - ten days. You can also gargle with this decoction and make compresses for migraines, lichen, ulcers and wounds.

The presented recipes were used back in the Middle Ages and saved people from the listed ailments. Even today, many people use knotweed for hemorrhoids. Reviews about it from people can be heard mostly positive. According to those who have personally experienced its therapeutic effectiveness, the plant actually resolves hemorrhoids in a short time, stops bleeding and scars cracks. After a course of treatment, the “bumps” decrease in volume, pain and severe itching disappear.

Knotweed has been used in alternative medicine since ancient times. It was used in their medical practice by the ancient healers Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Galen. The plant is popularly called flea grass and kidney grass. In Rus', hemorrhoids were treated with the help of knotweed remedies. In modern medicine, infusions of the plant are recommended to be used to stop uterine bleeding. In addition, the drugs have a laxative, disinfectant, and astringent effect.

The plant is valued by cosmetologists and dermatologists. Decoctions and infusions are prescribed for the treatment of infectious and allergic pathologies, rosacea and other skin lesions. The above-ground part of flea grass is used in the production of alcoholic beverages. The grass and roots of knotweed are used to dye fabrics yellowish.

In addition to all of the above, knotweed is an excellent honey plant. In addition, previously it was considered decorative; it was used to decorate personal plots and gardens. However, kidney grass is considered poisonous to livestock, especially its seeds.

Characteristics of flea grass

Knotweed is a herbaceous annual belonging to the genus Knotweed and the Buckwheat family. The entire genus has more than 250 species, which are distributed throughout the globe. Flea grass is equipped with straight, bare, branched, reddish stems somewhat rising at the bottom, alternate lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, long-pointed green leaves with dark spots, and small, pinkish or whitish flowers collected in spike-shaped dense tassels.

The plant begins to bloom in early July. The fruit of the knotweed is a dark brown or black shiny nut. Flea grass is widespread almost throughout the globe. Wet places, banks of reservoirs, ditches, meadows, roadside ditches are places where the plant grows.

Collection and preparation

Traditional healers recommend harvesting the herb of the plant for medicinal purposes. The most suitable period for collecting raw materials is considered to be the phase of intense flowering. It is necessary to cut only the upper part of the plant without the lower leaves. Next, the collected grass is spread in a thin layer and dried on paper, outside, in the shade. But it will be better if you use a dryer. This will significantly speed up the drying process. But in this case, try not to exceed the recommended temperature – 40 degrees. If you dry the grass outside, it will take a long time. In addition, with prolonged drying, the grass begins to turn black, which greatly affects the quality of the raw material.

After drying, the grass is poured into paper bags and stored in a dry place. Storage duration is two years. Properly prepared raw materials have a bitter taste and no aroma at all.

What substances is the herb rich in?

The plant has been popular for many centuries. Its healing properties are still known today. Polygonum renalum is valued by cosmetologists; it is a component of various masks and creams. The herb is widely used in informal medicine. It is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, tinctures and other dosage forms. The plant is used to treat various pathologies. And all this thanks to the rich composition of the plant. It contains a considerable amount of:

  • flavonoids;
  • routine;
  • quercetin;
  • hyperine;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • phlobaphenes;
  • pectin compounds;
  • organic acids: acetic, gallic, butyric, oxalic, malic;
  • sitosterol;
  • wax;
  • sugars;
  • mucous substances;
  • vitamin K;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • anthraquinone compounds.

Medicines from the plant have hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diuretic, restorative, tonic, analgesic, antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.

Medicines from knotweed help:

  • increasing blood viscosity and coagulability;
  • increased contractions of the uterus and intestines;
  • elimination of bleeding;
  • eliminating spasms;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • strengthening gums;
  • therapy for radiculitis, gout, migraine, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, psoriasis, lichen, abscesses, central nervous system pathologies.

Folk recipes

Highlander in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Brew twenty grams of dried crushed herb of the plant with boiled water - 200 ml. Leave the composition to brew. It is recommended to drink 30 ml of filtered drink three times a day.

The use of healing baths

Take 30 grams of dry, finely chopped raw materials and pour into a spacious container. Fill the raw material with hot water - two liters. After the composition has infused, pour it into a bathtub filled with hot water. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

Infusion for the treatment of periodontal disease

Steam a spoonful of dried finely chopped plant herbs in three hundred milliliters of boiling water. The composition should be infused for three hours. Filter and drink fifty milliliters of the drug several times a day.

Flea grass in wound treatment

Apply fresh crushed herb to the affected area for half an hour. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

The infusion will help in the treatment of peptic ulcers

Mix knotweed grass in equal quantities with motherwort, celandine, nettle, St. John's wort, flaxseed, oak bark, chamomile flowers, mistletoe shoots, and snakeweed. Steam two spoons of the mixture in four hundred milliliters of just boiled water. After three hours, strain the mixture and take half a glass of the drink twice a day. The duration of the course is sixty days.

Collection for the treatment of chronic duodenitis

Take 10 grams of knotweed and combine with capsicum, heather, marshmallow rhizome, mullein, tansy, yarrow, coltsfoot - the same amount. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with boiled water - 300 ml. Let the product brew. Drink one hundred milliliters of the strained drink at least twice a day.

Ointment for the treatment of skin pathologies

Grind a mixture of herbs to a powdery consistency: knotweed, cinquefoil, cornflower, calendula, chamomile, elecampane, strawberry, mantle, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, primrose, pine buds, dandelion. Combine twenty grams of powder with 100 grams of melted pork fat. Simmer the mixture over low heat for half an hour. Cool the product and place it in the refrigerator. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the prepared preparation twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.