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How to understand whether a cat is giving birth or not. How to understand that a cat is pregnant and will give birth soon. Preparing for the upcoming birth

Many experienced breeders and owners, when providing obstetric care to a pet, do not always know how to understand that a cat has given birth to all kittens . Determining the end of childbirth is very important for preserving reproductive health, and sometimes the life of a beloved animal.

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Length of labor in a cat

Labor in domestic animals is an individual process. The duration of labor in a cat is influenced by a variety of factors:

  • age and physiological condition;
  • number of lambings;
  • breed affiliation;
  • conditions of detention and feeding during pregnancy;
  • hormonal status of the body;
  • individual characteristics;
  • others.

The average duration of labor is from 12 to 36 hours. This time includes the preparatory period (contractions and pushing), which can last from several hours to a day, and the birth itself.

The birth of kittens occurs one after the other. Most often, from the moment of the birth of one kitten to the birth of the next, it takes from half an hour to several hours. However, this break often lasts up to several days.

Cats have a physiological feature due to which labor can stop after the birth of one or several kittens, and after some time (sometimes up to 36 hours) resume again. That's why how to find out that a cat has given birth to all kittens, relevant both for inexperienced owners and for breeders who are constantly involved in breeding issues. Even an ultrasound examination of a pregnant female does not always reliably determine the number of fetuses. Experienced breeders in such a situation pay attention to signs of the end of the birth process.

Signs of unfinished labor

Identifying characteristic signs indicating that one or more fetuses remain in the womb is important for preventing postpartum complications. An unborn kitten poses a threat to the health and life of the mother. Left in the uterus or birth canal, the fetus quickly begins to decompose, exposing the mother's body to severe intoxication. Often, an unborn fetus mummifies (dries out) in the womb, causing problems with the animal's reproductive ability. Therefore, it is important for a loving and caring owner of a furry pet to know how to determine that a cat has given birth to all kittens, but there was no baby left in the womb.

If you suspect an unfinished birth, you should take a particularly close look at the animal’s behavior. There are quite characteristic signs that labor has not stopped completely:

  • after the birth of the last kitten, the animal does not change its position, does not show activity, lies in the same way as at the birth of previous cubs;
  • the cat reluctantly and inactively cares for newborns, shows no interest in feeding, and does not lick the babies;
  • attempts are periodically observed, the cat may continue to push;
  • lack of appetite and thirst;
  • when palpating the abdomen several hours after the birth of the last kitten, tension, hardness, muscle tone are felt, the abdomen is not soft and not relaxed;
  • after one day from the birth of the last calf, the animal’s body temperature is above 39 0 C;
  • after two days from the moment the last kitten appears, bloody discharge of an unpleasant odor is observed from the vagina.

The presence of the above signs allows us to suspect that the cat’s labor has not yet completed. In this case, it is better to invite an experienced veterinary obstetrician to examine the animal and consult. Ultrasound diagnostics can also be performed for a more accurate diagnosis. This measure is not unnecessary, because what if the cat did not give birth to all the kittens, there is a serious danger to her health and life.

Helping an animal during an unfinished birth

It is necessary to take decisive measures in case of an incomplete birth process when there are compelling reasons that there is a fetus in the womb, and more than a day has passed since the birth of the last kitten. What to do if the cat did not give birth to all kittens? In this case, the animal needs immediate help.

To expel the unborn fetus, labor is stimulated with oxytocin. As a rule, the dose of the drug is 0.3 ml per animal. However, before using the drug, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary, who will clarify the dosage in each specific case and prescribe the frequency of administration of the drug. It is important to know that oxytocin often causes allergic reactions and is contraindicated in case of transverse position of the fetus or discrepancy between the sizes of the cat’s and kitten’s pelvis.

Oxytocin not only helps to end labor, but also promotes faster cleansing of the uterus from postpartum discharge (lochia). After stimulation with the drug and expulsion of the fetus, it is advisable to carry out diagnostics (do an ultrasound of the uterus) to make sure that all kittens have been born. A veterinary specialist will help you most accurately determine that childbirth is complete.

When providing assistance to a furry pet during childbirth, the owner must be attentive and know the peculiarities of the physiology of cats. This will help determine signs of the end of the process and understand that the cat did not give birth to all the kittens. It is important to provide the necessary assistance to the animal in a timely manner, since unfinished childbirth is dangerous for the reproductive health and life of the cat.

If a cat is pregnant, how she behaves is quite clear, but if not, then you should search on this site and get a detailed explanation in another article of this project. As for childbirth in cats, how to understand that it has begun and what pet owners should do at home in such a situation can be found in this article.

It will not be superfluous to learn about what are the precursors and signs of cat labor, on what day is the norm for cats to give birth for the first time, and how many days before birth does milk appear in cats.

How can you know that a cat is soon ready to give birth for the first time?

You should know that a cat can begin to give birth 60-65 days after mating. So, take care in advance to prepare a place for her to give birth, and then a house for the mother with the kittens. You should definitely introduce her to this house; it could be a box without a top with rags placed there. When the time comes, the cat begins to look for a quieter and warmer shelter; it can climb into a wardrobe, or even onto your bed under the blanket.

She may follow you and purr, as if asking for help. If your pussy is purebred, then you definitely need to prepare a cat first aid kit, and if it is noble, then you may not even be involved in the birth process. And you will find an addition to the family after everything that has happened. If this does not happen, prepare:

- Disposable diapers;
— Paper roll towels (for treating kittens);
— Sharp scissors (for cutting the umbilical cord);

— Alcohol for disinfection;
- In case of labor fever - calcium gluconate in ampoules and syringes of 2 and 5 cubes;
— A small pear (for pumping out mucus from the kitten’s mouth);
— Phone number of the veterinarian, in case of assistance.

How to determine if a cat is giving birth

In cats, signs of giving birth in the near future are immediately visible to experienced breeders. For example, the expectant mother begins to behave restlessly, looking for a secluded place in the closet, under the radiator, in some box with things. This behavior should tell you that labor is coming soon, and you should try not to disturb her. Although you need to be on alert in order to help her at the right time.

In addition, a pregnant cat may follow you around and rub against you. She will lick herself very often, colostrum will appear and her breasts will enlarge, the temperature will be 37°C and her appetite may disappear. Discharge may also appear, which indicates that labor is imminent; she will not be very mobile a couple of days before the birth (she will constantly lie down). The birth plug must definitely come off (it’s a white-pink clot - like a teaspoon of sour cream). Her stomach may move, which means she's having contractions.

How to understand that a Scottish or British cat is about to give birth

Basically, all cats, regardless of breed, begin to give birth the same way; if the cat is young and does not know what she needs to do, then you should do it for her. Namely:

- After the kitten comes out, free it from the film in which it was located;
— Place the kitten near its mother’s face so that she can lick it;
— After the kitten comes the children's place;

- If she has not bitten off the umbilical cord, then cut it at a distance of 3-5 cm from the kitten’s belly;
- Give the child's seat to the cat to be eaten;

— If the kitten is not licked enough, wipe it with a paper towel;
- If the kitten is not breathing, place it in the palm of your hand with its head on your fingers and shake it a couple of times so that fluid comes out of the lungs;
— When the kitten begins to breathe, place it next to its mother’s nipple.

How to determine that a cat has already given birth to all kittens

The woman in labor should have a soft belly without any lumps, and the placenta should definitely come out (which the cat eats, there is no need to disturb her to do this). She should lie quietly and then go to her kittens to feed them.

How to know that a cat is giving birth to her last kitten

You won’t be able to find out that the last kitten is not a professional. Even if you feel the belly after the last kitten is born, you may confuse the uterus with another kitten. The main thing in this case is not to disturb the cat and, if something happens, call a veterinarian.

If there is a pregnant cat in the house, then a caring breeder is looking forward to adding to the family. But how do you understand that the process of labor in an animal is already very close? Indeed, practice is definitely needed in this matter.

To the question of how to understand that a cat will give birth soon, there is a detailed answer that every breeder knows. You just need to study the characteristic signs of labor that are inherent in these pets.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that the period of gestation of kittens in a healthy cat lasts approximately 65 days, after which the long-awaited period of the so-called “replenishment of the family” begins. That is why every breeder should at least know approximately when his cat plans to give birth.

As a rule, the first harbingers of labor begin for some women in labor a couple of days, and for others - a couple of hours before the most crucial moment.

However, it is important to understand here that even a cat’s body has its own individual characteristics, so a week before the long-awaited date, the breeder must strengthen control and monitoring of his beloved pet. This is the only way to be there at the right moment.

A week before giving birth, a cat radically changes its mood and behavior. If the breeder has decided that she will give birth in a veterinary clinic, then it’s time to inform the future obstetrician about such drastic changes. It is possible that the expectant mother will have to be hospitalized.

In cats, like in women, there are pronounced signs of labor, which are visible to the naked eye to a person who has lived with this animal for several days.

So, the expectant mother begins to intensively look for a place for the upcoming birth, choosing dark wardrobes, boxes with things or warm corners under the radiator. Such cat fuss should definitely alert you, but you shouldn’t prevent a cat from giving birth either.

In addition, noticeable changes are also observed in the behavior of the “pregnant woman”, who either, unexpectedly for everyone, seeks solitude, or, on the contrary, does not leave her beloved owner and constantly fawns on him. There are also noticeable signs of anxiety, and the expectant mother licks herself all the time.

However, there are also physiological signs that eloquently indicate when a cat is about to give birth. First of all, this is the appearance of colostrum, as well as a visual enlargement of the mammary glands. In addition, the animal’s body temperature can drop to 37 degrees, and there is no appetite at all before giving birth.

Characteristic discharge also predicts the early onset of labor, so it is best not to leave the animal alone for the next 24 hours. No, of course, it is not at all necessary to hold him by the paw, but to be present in order to be safe from pathological childbirth, which could end in the death of the long-awaited offspring or the woman in labor herself.

After the kittens are born, the young mother will independently transfer them to a box, which is specifically reserved for the friendly feline family. The breeder's task is to provide the cat with complete and balanced nutrition so that she can feed her babies.

Many inexperienced breeders simply do not know how cats behave before giving birth. In this case, it won’t hurt to read additional literature in order to be useful to your beloved pet at the right time. But what should a breeder do during such a period? Of course, the first step is to protect the animal as much as possible from children, screams, noise and drafts. To do this, choose a large, capacious box, cover it with a soft cloth and place it in a separate room under the battery. Place a tray and food nearby so that the pregnant cat does not leave the space allotted for her. During this period, it is best to keep children away from the animal, giving it the opportunity to have a good rest before the upcoming birth. If labor has begun, then do not try to send the “mother in labor” into the box described above against her will, since she will choose the place where the kittens will soon be born. It is better not to take part in this process.

In conclusion, we can add that home births of cats have already become a tradition. However, it is quite possible to seek qualified help from a professional veterinarian, who will maximally protect the life and health of both the woman in labor and her offspring.

The duration of labor in a cat can be about twenty-four hours, sometimes more. The greater the number of kittens, the more difficult the process. Both in terms of duration and possible pathology.

Features of labor depend on the age of the cat.

The duration and characteristics of labor depend on the following factors:

  • age of the pet;
  • physiological general condition;
  • belonging to a certain breed;
  • diet during pregnancy;
  • maintenance and care during pregnancy;
  • hormonal background;
  • individual structural features.

How kittens are born

Kittens are born one by one.

Usually the interval between newborns is from fifteen minutes to two hours, but there are exceptions in which the process is delayed.

Kittens are born at intervals of 15 minutes to 2 hours.

Females of the cat family have a physiological feature in which labor ceases for an indefinite period after the birth of several babies. Sometimes the duration of the “lull” is thirty-six hours . Then the process starts again.

Signs of the end of labor

Not all and not always cat owners know what signs indicate the end of activity.

After forty minutes, the mother's belly becomes soft.

  • The first symptom is active care of the offspring. The animal diligently licks the kittens, purrs, and feeds.
  • The pet breathes evenly, the pulse and heartbeat are stably rhythmic and do not go beyond physiological parameters.
  • After a short time, the cat shows interest in food and drink. The pet can get up from the nest and leaves its brood for a while.
  • After forty minutes, the mother’s abdomen becomes soft; palpation does not reveal any lumps.
  • However, the uterus may remain in good shape for some time, which can be mistaken for a kitten.
  • In this case, you should not squeeze the cat’s stomach too much; you should place both hands on the sides of the animal and carefully move along the ribs.
  • It is recommended to check after the forty-minute period has expired.
  • An additional sign is the cat’s calm behavior, but due to the fact that some mothers behave calmly even during childbirth, this sign is not a 100% guarantee.

Can a cat not give birth to all kittens at once?

The answer is yes!

Bloody discharge after childbirth may indicate the presence of an unborn fetus.

If there are suspicions that there is a fetus left in the womb of the woman in labor, you should carefully observe the behavior of the animal .

  • In such cases, the pet does not change the previous position, lies in the same place, and does not show interest in the babies or is very reluctant to care for them.
  • Appetite and thirst are absent.
  • Periodic pushing may occur.
  • On palpation of the abdominal cavity - abdominal tension, muscle tone.
  • Increase in body temperature throughout the day.
  • Continuous bloody discharge from the vulva with a strong foul odor.

Help in this situation

Help lies in immediate call veterinarian for further examination of the woman in labor, urgent delivery to the clinic.

Help is to immediately call a veterinarian.

If the fetus is in the birth canal

If there is a fetus in the birth canal, decomposition occurs over time, which subsequently leads to development of infection and severe intoxication of the body. As a result of this pathology, the risk of loss of reproductive ability increases, in some cases serious complications and death occur.

This measure also helps to cleanse the uterus as quickly as possible. However, it should be remembered that Using this drug may cause and must be used with great caution.

Video about a kitten getting stuck during a cat's birth

Domestic cats are no exception. You can understand that a cat is giving birth if you carefully observe your pet.

The normal physiological process of gestating kittens lasts on average from 65 to 68 days. At the end of the term, birth begins, and the owner must navigate when the important day comes in order to prepare in advance for receiving kittens. About a week or 4-6 days before the expected date, it is necessary to prepare a place for the location of the woman in labor and her further stay there with the offspring.

Harbingers of imminent birth

As with the process of carrying kittens, the timing of labor and birth can vary depending on the cat's breed, weight, age and health. So, in some cats, the precursors begin several days before the birth day, and in others, several hours before the birth of the first kitten.

The main signs that a cat is about to give birth are:

  • search for lambing;
  • the animal tries to find a secluded, secluded place;
  • constantly fawn on its owner;
  • thoroughly licks the abdomen and perineum area;
  • the mammary glands increase in volume (primordial milk often appears);
  • decrease in body parameters to 37 degrees, with the norm being 38-39.2;
  • exit ;
  • discharge of water

Signs that occur a week before giving birth

In ordinary animals, physically healthy and at normal stages of pregnancy, symptoms of incipient labor appear a week before the process itself. The signs should not go unnoticed by the owner and it’s time to prepare for lambing.

The onset of early labor is marked by the presence of the following signs:

  • searching for dark, quiet places in the living space;
  • dragging rags to a specific nesting site;
  • the cat stays in one place for a long time.

Behavior 2-3 days before birth

The appearance of characteristic signs of impending labor in a cat within a few days cannot be missed. The owner should prepare the cat's belly by shaving the hair around the nipples and genitals. This will greatly simplify the process of the kittens coming into the world and further feeding.

Note! If the cat's breed is Sphynx, then such prenatal preparation is not necessary due to the lack of fur.

Read also: How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat: signs and manifestations

Signs that labor will occur in the next 2-3 days:

  • The cat is very restless - the animal tries to cuddle up to its owner more. She constantly tries to roll over from one position to another, since kittens preparing to leave the birth canal cause significant discomfort to the pet.
  • Changes in behavior, increased nervousness, and in some cases undisguised aggression. Not all domestic cats can show their displeasure, but a pet can still start biting and scratching its owner for no reason.
  • Constant prolonged and plaintive meowing is most pronounced after eating, when a full stomach begins to put pressure on the enlarged uterus, and causes significant discomfort to the animal.
  • Decreased appetite - in this case, the cat tries to approach the bowl as often as possible, consuming food in small portions.
  • Trampling down the bedding in a pre-prepared birth box.

Note! If such signs appear, it is not recommended to leave the cat alone for a long time, since childbirth can occur at any time.

Signs that your cat is about to give birth in a few days

At the beginning of this period, the cat begins to constantly follow its owner because it is looking for support. The pet can fit in its box several times a day, remaining in one position. Taking a closer look at the cat's belly, you can notice strong movements of small kittens in the uterus, as they change their compact position over more than one day.

The cat intensively begins to lick the genital area in preparation for childbirth. Quite often, the pet licks the area near the tail so intensely that it practically licks off the entire fur. This means that the cat will give birth in a few days.

It is important to remember that when the above-described signs appear, you need to be on alert, having prepared all the necessary tools in advance. It is imperative to have the veterinarian’s phone number on hand so that you can easily dial it if complications arise during childbirth. In some cases, a caesarean section may be required.

Signs your cat will give birth today

First of all, the general behavior of the woman in labor changes dramatically. When a cat is about to give birth, she will begin to lie down more and spend time in the prepared birthing box. The pet can leave its nest to drink water or milk. During this period, the cat categorically refuses to eat and it is not recommended to try to feed it.

Read also: Is it possible to sterilize a cat during heat: consequences and risks

The main sign that a cat is giving birth today is a swollen and hyperemic loop under the tail. A yellowish discharge with small streaks of blood and mucus may appear. Before the onset of childbirth, the mammary glands and nipples turn red, and with light pressure, colostrum begins to be intensively released.

By carefully observing the woman in labor, you can notice the release of the mucous plug. This is a sign that the cat has begun to give birth. The cat begins to behave strangely at first glance - meowing protractedly and invitingly, sometimes trying to leave its natal place. It is necessary to gently stroke the pet to hold it in its place. Cats understand human speech very well, so you can try to calm the cat down with quiet conversations.

Harbingers of childbirth among sphinxes

Donskayas are exemplary and caring mothers for their little kittens. The gestation period lasts from 58 to 72 weeks. In most cases, cats of this breed produce from 3 to 5 kittens per lamb.

The first signs of the onset of labor in sphinxes appear 2 days before the upcoming event. Two days before the onset of labor, the body temperature in the rectal canal drops to 36.7 degrees. The cat begins to actively groom and wash the genital area.

A few hours before giving birth, the cat begins to arch its back and show pronounced anxiety. Otherwise, the signs of beginning labor are similar to other cat breeds, and the birth process itself takes about 12 hours before the last kitten emerges.

Note! If your pet's contractions last longer than 3-4 hours without pushing, you should contact a veterinarian for help.

Signs of childbirth in British and Scottish breeds

In most cases, there is no difference between the births of other cats and purebred representatives. Cat breeds are more attached to their owner, so before the onset of labor, the pet begins to follow on the heels of its owner, trying to find support, fearing to be left alone.

It is very important to prepare for the birth of a cat in advance, and it is best if the pet gives birth for the first time, so that it is under the supervision of a veterinarian or a professional breeder. As a rule, the kittens of this cat breed are large and complications may arise during the birth process. Due to the breed characteristics of British and Scottish cats, they can suffer a pelvic fracture during childbirth, and bleeding may also develop.

Preparing for the upcoming birth

By the time contractions are about to begin, it is important that the owner does not leave home for a long time. British and Scottish cats at birth do not differ from other representatives of domestic cats. As a rule, they do not experience problems or complications during the birth process.

Note! In purebred cats, during selection, the maternal instinct is significantly reduced, in contrast to outbred furry pets. It is important for owners of purebred cats, especially during the first birth, to provide the necessary assistance.

The important components are:

  • Availability of a convenient delivery box– in such a specially equipped place the animal will feel safe. It is not recommended to prepare the box with the top closed. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that during labor, the cat can rest its paws against the walls of the box for greater comfort.
  • Disposable clean diapers– it is advisable to purchase diapers in advance from a specialized place, cover the birth place with them and change them as needed. Paper towels are perfect for drying newborn kittens, and scissors are useful when cutting the umbilical cord of newborns if the cat will not do this on her own. Before use, it is necessary to treat the scissors with boiling water or alcohol.
  • Calcium gluconate and syringes– will be needed if the cat develops eclampsia during childbirth or immediately after, which can be fatal. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the medicine in advance.
  • Disinfectants– for treating hands and instruments used during obstetrics
  • Small douche bulb– may be needed to suction fluid from the nasal passages of newborn kittens.
  • Warmer– for warming kittens laid separately during subsequent contractions.
  • Vitamin preparations– Gamavit or similar ones are necessary for the speedy restoration of the vital forces of the body of the cat who has given birth. They are used in most cases for early birth and a large number of offspring. In addition, homeopathic medicines help stimulate labor.
  • Drug Travmatin– a homeopathic medicine, widely used in veterinary medicine to relieve pain during childbirth, regulates the strength of pushing and contractions, and is also an excellent tool for relieving postpartum complications in a cat.